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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 52 KB, 542x358, stem_iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14733494 No.14733494 [Reply] [Original]

Does this mean doing math can increase IQ?

>> No.14733503

Finance is not higher than bio/chem

>> No.14733523

it's a fucking troll post look @ bottom right
>source: rectum et al

>> No.14733559

no it means higher iq people go into math.

I wonder where engineers would fall. Somewhere between physics and finance

>> No.14734741

probably lower than chemistry tbqh

>> No.14734745

135 Electrical engineer here
Lick my booty hole

>> No.14734747

>my ass

Also, dimwits are filtered out.

>> No.14734756
File: 63 KB, 1264x471, biofags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one asked biofag

>> No.14735245

successful people in biology: 130+
successful people in chemistry: 130+
successful people in finance? : 130+
successful people in physics: 130+
successful people in math: 130+
successful people in string theory? : 130+
shitposter on /sci/ who chooses his major based on how smart it will make him look: 85 and likely a dropout

>> No.14735252

String theorists should be < 75. The only reason they shouldn't be lower than that is because they've somehow successfully scammed everyone into funding them.

>> No.14735260

That's not what it means at all, but it also happens to be true, and you desperately need it so let's just go with yes

>> No.14735265

String theory is NOT that far

>> No.14735267

>Does this mean doing math can increase IQ?
Yes. That is the correct conclusion to draw from this curve.

>> No.14735303

pure math higher than theo physics is kid delusion. only maybe number theory with algebraic geometry can compete

>> No.14735319
File: 318 KB, 599x927, the absolute field of biology.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>successful people in biology: 130+

>> No.14735332

Statistically, she has a higher IQ than you.

>> No.14735342

>projection the post

>> No.14735352

Struggling with math and pushing through anyway is one thing. Being a scientist and needing a calculator to get 20% of 100 is straight up embarrassing, and probably not even true. Just empty virtue signaling.

>> No.14735360

You know I'm right. /sci/'s elitism is low-iq and cowardly.

>> No.14735368
File: 429 KB, 1531x862, 1570995337061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Statistically, she has a higher IQ than you.

>> No.14735382

>75 IQ
Somehow I doubt this
>String theory
>180 IQ
Ok now I know it's bullshit.

>> No.14735384

Anon this board has been /cvg/ cancer ever since 2020. The teens aren't gonna listen to you.

>> No.14735394

I'm decent at calculus etc and often turn to a calculator for ridiculously simple expressions "just to be sure", because I have very little trust in my mental arithmetic. I usually feel embarrassed a split second later when I realise what I just did.

>> No.14735403

are you a women? bc thats women behavior

>> No.14735410
File: 486 KB, 489x340, 3503250cf1e8b765be286ef8dd6f2b10.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women on 4chan
>on nu-/sci/ of all places

>> No.14735415

I get it. I have a PhD in theoretical physics and just used a calculator to do 4 plus 2, so I understand the struggle.

>> No.14735510

That graph is posted here very frequently, with average IQ on one axis and male/female ratio on the other. IIRC, engineering is in the 120s.

>> No.14735514
File: 133 KB, 599x520, majors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14736524


>Does this mean doing math can increase IQ?

Probably not:

>As essayist and trader Nassim Taleb resolved to do something about the stubborn extra pounds he’d been carrying, he contemplated taking up various sports. However, joggers seemed scrawny and unhappy, and bodybuilders looked broad and stupid, and cyclists? Oh, so bottom-heavy! Swimmers, though, appealed to him with their well-built, streamlined bodies. He decided to sing up at his local swimming pool and to train hard twice a week.

>A short while later, he realized that he had succumbed to an illusion. Professional swimmers don’t have perfect bodies because they train extensively. Rather, they are good swimmers because of their physiques. How their bodies are designed is a factor for selection and not the result of their activities. Similarly, female models advertise cosmetics and, thus, many female consumers believe that these products make you beautiful. But it is not the cosmetics that make these women model-like. Quite simply, the models are born attractive, and only for this reason are they candidates for cosmetics advertising. As with the swimmers’ bodies, beauty is a factor for selection and not the result.

>> No.14736534

Wtffff, thanks for the PSA. The image looked totally legit, I was about to share it in multiple whatsapp groups.

>> No.14736541
File: 103 KB, 793x1156, bpohb9m0eps71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Physics higher than Pure Math
Mathbros...I don't feel so good...

>> No.14736551

Unironically this. You will notice that many recent innovations in bio come from people with chemistry backgrounds, by the way. And the field of genetics was propelled by people with strong mathematical theory.

>> No.14736570

>133 iq

>> No.14736599

Because the IQ curve is defined as such. It doesnt literally mean that theres an equal number of smart and dumb people in balancing numbers. Whole populations are dumb because they were all exposed to lead or untested drugs as kids or has too many 41 degree fevers.
The IQ score tests your percentile on the test. Average, top 1%, bottom 1%, bottom 10%, top 10%, and so on. Its symmetrical.

>> No.14736789

Anyone going into stem at this point is below average, they are all there to invent new genders.

>> No.14736850

>can't do maths

This is why biomechanics is shit

>> No.14736866

This meme is the opposite of reality

>> No.14736975

Wait until you find out about senior data scientists who can't understand for loops.

>> No.14737023

The upper bound has to be that of Physics and Maths, since 20 percent of the graduates in these two fields end up in finance.

Exceptional co author names are not unknown:

>> No.14737476


cancelled out by the retard fratbros who goes to become investment bankers.

>> No.14737551

Yeah, I got a kick out of that.

>> No.14737583

it's very simple, string theorists are the most insecure so they made a meme image

>> No.14737977

I study finance retard

>> No.14738416
File: 27 KB, 750x755, The absolute state of science %22fans%22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does this mean doing math can increase IQ?

>> No.14738461
File: 1.50 MB, 1x1, scientist.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14739253

What on god's green Earth is included under "biology"? Is child pedagogy considered part of biology? Well I guess that's technically correct.

>> No.14739343

107 IQ EE here. You lick my bootyhole anon.