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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14730386 No.14730386 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14730387


>> No.14730393

Cope & seethe
Yeah, poor Saint Genis lost so much space. I'm sure they'd have a metro if it weren't for CERN.

>> No.14730402

>Cope & seethe
no you
You're historically, objectively and ontologically wrong.

>> No.14730431


This brave laborer volunteered his body mass to become the center of an artificially created black hole.

>> No.14730435
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>> No.14730445
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LHC cost less than half of an aircraft carrier and is more useful.

>> No.14730448
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Why don't you physicist fags just save up and build a giant one circling the whole damn planet.
You are building these consecutively larger and larger accelerator while ditching the older ones like used toys.
Except these "toys" cost billions.

>> No.14730454
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>while ditching the older ones like used toys.
Nice bait. But for those who don't know: no. They are still using accelerators from the 1950s.

>> No.14730456

>You're historically, objectively and ontologically wrong.
Yeah, that's why they'll make an even bigger one.
You will always be on the wrong side of history if you're anti-science.

>> No.14730459

I am not "anti-science" you ad hom dog. I'm anti misalocation of money, time, energy, intellect and liberty. You're a priest, not a scientist.

>> No.14730462

>anti misalocation of money, time, energy, intellect and liberty
How would you allocate money, time, energy, intellect and liberty more efficiently?

>> No.14730468
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>> No.14730472

How much does CERN cost per year in terms of droned Afghan weddings? I'm sure the US spend more on murdering civilians around the world than Europe spends on fundamental research.

>> No.14730474

Not even close to my point braindead poltard

>> No.14730480
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>Not even close to my point braindead poltard

>> No.14730485
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are these "antiprotons" in the collider with us right now?

>> No.14730489

... so, to CERN directly?

>> No.14730490

what fundamental findings from the LHC have objectively benefitted any of the people that paid for it?

>> No.14730495

No, [math]Sp\bar{p}S[/math] operates without antiprotons these days (called SPS). Antiprotons are not accelerated, but decelerated in the AD

>> No.14730497

What fundamental findings from the Gerald Ford aircraft carrier have objectively benefitted any of the people that paid for it?

>> No.14730498
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If this one doesn't rip open a portal to some other dimension I'm gonna need a full refund.

>> No.14730541

Nuclear energy R&D helps hundreds of millions of people you midwit. Theyre constantly studying the Gerald Ford's performance throughout its lifetime, which allow improvements for the next generation. Nuclear energy would be 50 years behind if US navy didn't employ reactors.

>> No.14730559

They could have built that reactor on land for a tiny fraction of the cost.

>> No.14730562

explain how a detector is wasting your intellect and liberty

>> No.14730591

Freedom of movement in Meyrin.

>> No.14730595

the existence of housing must be an incredible waste of your freedom of movement, then

>> No.14730613

Sabine is not going to have sex with you, sorry.

>> No.14730784

Who gives a fuck if they cost billions? Its not your money, you are some dumb macaco that never paid taxes. People that matter want particle accelerators to be built, thats why they get built.

>> No.14730878

>They could have built that reactor on land
It was built on land, it's called a drydock.
>for a tiny fraction of the cost
ROFL no. It's like 25% of the total ship cost
Having a constant cooling source right under it and not needing concrete jumbo-jet proof safety barriers also make it cheaper.

>> No.14730882

Humans do things because they can. Stop looking for 'reasons'. We study things because they are there. We explore because it's there. We live because. We learn because. We try and fail and trust and progress and power through just because. Stop trying to get to the root of it, the root is circular and it begins with you

>> No.14730924
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>> No.14730931

>he doesnt know its just a front

>> No.14730932

>imagine being such an ignorant fag
YWNBAW, an hero

>> No.14730941

go on then

>> No.14730949

>nuclear energy
solar and wind are the future. get used to it chudie

>> No.14730956

here we see the nuclear shill's persecution complex on full display

>> No.14731034

>ROFL no. It's like 25% of the total ship cost
So, instead of costing two LHCs, it would have cost half an LHC. You could have 1.5 LHCs on top of your nuclear research if you'd do proper nuclear research without all this military LARPing.

>> No.14731220

>How would you allocate money, time, energy, intellect and liberty more efficiently?
Not him but I would focus on energy production research

>> No.14731332

particle accelerators are a form of energy production research

>> No.14731373

You can't have a civilization without investing in scientific research. Without research money you wont have scientists. Then there's no one to teach engineers, then your electric grid fails and your bridges collapse and you get conquered by Yemen.

>> No.14731396
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> All that money spent
> only one in 86 billion chances it will generate a black hole and destroy this horrible horrible place.

>> No.14731397

there should be a huge government-funded research monopoly many times larger than bell labs in its heyday. going further, there should be a healthy stipend offered to anyone of above-average IQ. universities should be nationalised (without compensation) and free of charge, and the subjects offered thinned out.

>> No.14731403

why stop there? we need to transform the moon into one giant particle accelerator

>> No.14731417
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Guess what the N in CERN stands for.
But also, how much cheaper do you want energy to become?

>> No.14731424

You're almost describing the European Union/ERC.

>> No.14731429
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All fun and games until...

>> No.14731439

ERC has only twice the budget of peak bell labs, inflation adjusted

>> No.14732276

Keeping you alive is a bigger waste

>> No.14732278


>> No.14732286

Does N stand for NI?

>> No.14732296


>> No.14732364
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>> No.14732439

you're a decade out of date magacel

>> No.14732454

Saint Genis wouldn't have a viable Pizza restaurant if it wasn't for CERN.

>> No.14732458

>poor Saint Genis
You mean Apollonium
Quite weird they decided to one a portal right where an apollo temple existed in ancient times

>> No.14732463

>one a portal

>> No.14732467


>> No.14732469

sabine is a used-up (academic) cum dump

>> No.14732473

>the greatest piece of literature ever crafted, given by God Himself to humanity, inspired other literature, arts, architecture, culture, law, agriculture and basically created science (first scientists were scholastics, empiricism was first described by Jesus Christ with the fruits and tree method or the testimony of miracles method) as well as the greatest intellects in history (euler, leibniz, pascal, maxwell, etc.)

>> No.14732476

are they at least accelerating petroleum particles? perhaps coal?

>> No.14732481

*hebrew lies

>euler, leibniz, pascal, maxwell
i heckin love science!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.14732482

>euler, leibniz, pascal, maxwell
>i heckin love science!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.14732488

scientism fanboi

>> No.14732499

threads like these remind me that /pol/ has a lower IQ than most women

>> No.14732514
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>>the greatest piece of literature ever crafted, given by God Himself to humanity

>> No.14732658

>You could have 1.5 LHCs
And what fundamental findings from these 1.5 LHCs would have objectively benefited any people that paid for it? We're still waiting on this answer you people keep dodging.

>> No.14732792


CERN has a near monoply on quark generation and antimatter generation. How do you propose to create these without CERN.

>> No.14733021


Notice how he doesn't answer this because he has no idea what a "quark" even is or why you need a very big particle accelerator to obtain them. And really, CERN is very small compared to the much greater accelerator that's actually required.

>> No.14733034


>are they at least accelerating petroleum particles? perhaps coal?

Are you retarded? They fuse them together ie fusion. The idea of studying such high energy collisions is to better understand the particles involved with fusion, to make commercial nuclear fusion usable. The same processes in ITER are also seen in CERN, and both worked with comparable American experiments (the TMX, the NIF, amongst others) to create a subatomic model that allows use to modify peculiar phenomena with the electroweak and electrostrong forces. In particular, entanglement phenomena. The rudimentary concept behind quantum computing, quantum radar, and nuclear fusion (which, through entanglement, is easier to achieve).

Sometimes I really wonder if any of you bothered to actually read what CERN is or what a particle is or why electricity matters and why studying electricity is important.

>> No.14733038

More worth than giving it to homeless junkies and brown hordes or Ukraine.

>> No.14733051


Ukraine would actually be useful given how they've contributed to science, and they've inherited the good parts of the USSR's academic legacy. Hence why Russia is bombing them, because the industrial laboratories Ukraine operates are immensely important to Russian arms development.

>> No.14733057

Does it even today? I never lived there, I've only stayed at the Meyrin site.

>> No.14733153


>> No.14733274
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All the sacrifices cant have been in vain.

>> No.14733296

>autist can't detect a joke

>> No.14733698


>> No.14733707
File: 302 KB, 1200x659, Lockheed_Martin_Longbow_Hellfire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's it feel to be on the losing team?

>> No.14733801

>And what fundamental findings from these 1.5 LHCs would have objectively benefited any people that paid for it?
Tax money is not yours to decide what is done with it or to benefit from it. Once you pay isnt yours to say anything.
That being said, society as a whole benefits from projects like the LHC. How? Because without it you cant have physicists. Without a big science budget you wont have physicists working, then your society will implode because there wont be anyone left to know the physics relevant to engineering and your bridges will collapse.
Physicist want to do research, they only teach masses of engineering students because they are forced to. Take research from them and universities will cease to exist

>> No.14733807

>Physicist want to do research, they only teach masses of engineering students because they are forced to.
That's creepily accurate.

>> No.14733969

also, if a nation doesn't have an army of scientists and engineers it's going fall behind militarily in various respects, leaving it vulnerable to conquest by technologically superior nations. these big expensive "pointless" projects are incubators.

>> No.14734117

>quarks objectively benefit people
Your desperation is adorable. Try again.
Go back, you don't belong here
>Tax money is not yours to decide what is done with it or to benefit from it. Once you pay isnt yours to say anything.
Maybe this is how it works in whatever communist shithole you come from but in the real world taxpayers have decent influence in how their taxes are utilized.
>society as a whole benefits from projects like the LHC. How? Because without it you cant have physicists
Today I learned physics did not exist before LHC. Your cope is off the charts.
>Without a big science budget you wont have physicists working, then your society will implode because there wont be anyone left to know the physics relevant to engineering and your bridges will collapse.
You are desperately moving the goalpost. The discussion was the LHC, ie a cash sinkhole project that benefits nobody. There are unending other sectors of practical use that physicists can find employment. Like, oh, Chip manufacturing? We're about to start WWIII over taiwan because physicists have been fucking around on useless meme projects for 30 years instead of advancing the most practical/important technology of the past century, and Taiwan has pulled ahead and created a monopoly that China wants to control.
>Physicist want to do research, they only teach masses of engineering students because they are forced to.
And these types who only teach because they are forced represent the worst dregs of ivory tower stagnating academia. Tenure at this point is a mistake.
>Take research from them and universities will cease to exist
There's profitable, useful research and there's useless cash sinkholes like LHC that befits nobody, which is why all of you keep dodging this question or make up metaphysical tangents about the nature of science itself. You have made no point.

>> No.14734128
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>> No.14734138 [DELETED] 
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>collider isn't waste because.... because I fucking love science

>> No.14734157

>Go back, you don't belong here
i've been here since 2005, whereas you're an election tourist. the bus back /r/thedonald is leaving soon. all aboard.

>> No.14734160


>that physicists can find employment
Yeah now that they have experience at LHC.

>Chip manufacturing?
Sounds like a soya thing to me...

>> No.14734165

>but in the real world taxpayers have decent influence in how their taxes are utilized.
In the real world people support the LHC and big science budgets. If you disagree then how do you explain science budgets existing? They either have popular support or they dont and therefore popular support doesnt matter.
>Today I learned physics did not exist before LHC. Your cope is off the charts.
The LHC is not not the point but science budgets. The LHC is just part of the overall spending in science. And the LHC is just a continuation of that, not physics as a whole
>You are desperately moving the goalpost. The discussion was the LHC, ie a cash sinkhole project that benefits nobody.
It benefits physicist and everyone depends on physicists
>And these types who only teach because they are forced represent the worst dregs of ivory tower stagnating academia.
These are all the best physicists. At best they want to teach talented physics prodigies, not masses of random engineering student>>14734117
>There's profitable, useful research and there's useless cash sinkholes like LHC that befits nobody,
Physicists dont care about money and profit. They want their salaries but they need 1000X more money for their research, beyond their personal spending money for food and housing. Without them you wont have any profit in anything, your crops would likely rot without physicists

>> No.14734219
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>> No.14734260
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>> No.14734292

>but in the real world taxpayers have decent influence in how their taxes are utilized.
Then the real world taxpayers obviously want LHC.
>There are unending other sectors of practical use that physicists can find employment. Like, oh, Chip manufacturing? We're
>>Hello, young person with aspirations to study the fundamental properties of our world, why don't you produce computer chips instead, because.. uhm... graphics cards! Shitcoin miners! Capitalism!
>We're about to start WWIII over taiwan because physicists have been fucking around on useless meme projects for 30 years instead of advancing the most practical/important technology of the past century, and Taiwan has pulled ahead and created a monopoly that China wants to control.
Are you blaming European particle physicists for the aggressive tactics of China? I mean, it's quite clear, but that is such a weird take.
>There's profitable, useful research and there's useless cash sinkholes like LHC that befits nobody
Only research things we can consoom, I can't consoom particles

Honestly, kys. Don't just leave the board, commit suicide. Literally. End your life. Tell your parents it's not their fault.

>> No.14734298

>creates construction, maintenance, custodian and operating jobs
>pushes the envelope of engineering and particle physics

>> No.14734317

>creates construction, maintenance, custodian and operating jobs
This is not a benefit to society. Please refrain from helping, fren

>> No.14734319

>jobs are not a benefit to society
>cutting-edge civil engineering projects are not a benefit to society
>cutting edge tunnel boring is not a benefit to society
>Switzerland, home to CERN has the world's longest railway tunnel, probably by pure coincidence

The absolute state of antiprogressive "conservatives"

>> No.14734321
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>> No.14734333

>jobs are not a benefit to society
Yes. Jobs are not a benefit. What is the benefit is what the job does, not jobs because jwbs

>> No.14734350

Let's take two scenarios:
1. Thousands of workers design and build an accelerator complex, apprentices and students are trained on site, workers hone their skills and masters advance their field, be it boring, computing, power distribution, superconducting etc. Even if the project is completely useless, you have new techniques, professionals improving their skills as well as newly trained professionals.

2. You don't build it, no one gets trained, now new technologies are developed and while the workers sit on their asses and live off welfare they slowly forget what they learnt and their skills deteriorate due to the lack of practice.

Unemployment is never good.

>> No.14734352

Interesting argument. See >>14734321

>> No.14734363

Go back
>Yeah now that they have experience at LHC.
Experience in a field that has no practical use for humanity? Great. Is underwater basket weaving also good experience?
>Then the real world taxpayers obviously want LHC.
Your false premise laden non sequitur is hilarious. Most don't have a clue about LHC. There is likely 1000x more support for the ISS but ooops it's being defunded and scrapped.
The more people come to realize what the LHC is the closer we'll get to the inevitably it will be scrapped.
>Are you blaming European particle physicists for the aggressive tactics of China? I mean, it's quite clear, but that is such a weird take
Wow your comprehension is pathetic. I'm blaming the LHC cash sinkhole for contributing to a massive, humanity-threatening scarcity situation that could have been alleviated if people used their talents elsewhere instead of focusing on something that no one in this thread can explain how it benefits anybody except for hilarious lies that it "keeps physicist happy" or whatever bullshit.
>Only research things we can consoom, I can't consoom particles
How much extra money do you spend on your sick vidya game graphics card thanks to the worldwide chip shortage mr weeb neetbro?
>Honestly, kys. Don't just leave the board, commit suicide. Literally. End your life. Tell your parents it's not their fault.
You are such an adorable little ignorant troon, glad I made you so angry I guess?

>> No.14734368

You really don't see the benefit in professional training? I have heard that just anybody can call himself an electrician and fiddle with cables in the USA, but you can't really think that it's good to not train workers.

>> No.14734374

>You really don't see the benefit in professional training?
Of course I do. Graph goes up means world more gooder, friend. So are you a regular neolib or are you part of their "progressive" front?

>> No.14734381

>You really don't see the benefit in professional training?
Leave this thread idiot and never come back. Wrong topic and board, get lost commie basterd

>> No.14734383

>There is likely 1000x more support for the ISS but ooops it's being defunded and scrapped.
So you agree taxpayers dont get a say on what tax money is used for? Glad we agree on this.

>> No.14734390

>non sequitur
>the real world taxpayers have decent influence in how their taxes are utilized.
(Common knowledge):
>tax money is utilised for LHC
Well, tell me what sequitur from these two facts.

>I'm blaming the LHC cash sinkhole for contributing to a massive, humanity-threatening scarcity situation
Do you. Do you really believe, that scientists who are driven by fundamental research would build chips for your new smartphone if we take away their accelerators?
>focusing on something that no one in this thread can explain how it benefits anybody
No one claims it directly benefits anybody. It's fundamental research. Do you know what this means, ESL faggot? Why must things directly bring benefits? Why is the best benefit you come up with fucking computer chips for your smart toaster and Xbox?

>> No.14734410

>In the real world people support the LHC and big science budgets. Maximum cope. Conflating an entire "science budget" with the fractions that offer no practical benefit is midwit tier.
>They either have popular support or they dont
Either or fallacy.
>The LHC is not not the point
Then why are you in this thread??
>The LHC is just part of the overall spending in science.
A part that has no practical benefit
>It benefits physicist and everyone depends on physicists
Not if their work produces no practical use
>These are all the best physicists
BWAHAHA!!! No, they are terrible. The only kind of person who would say this is the kind who would get on his knees and suck them off for a chance to be a min wage lab tech for them. How absolutely pathetic of you to say this.
>At best they want to teach talented physics prodigies
You kinda do that by choosing to teach, not being forced to teach.
>Physicists dont care about money and profit
They care about personal fame, which is worse.
>Without them you wont have any profit in anything, your crops would likely rot without physicists
I have not benefited in any way from a theoretical particle physicist in my entire life.
You, like so many in this thread, have been repeating the falsehood that all science cash sinkholes are valid and real and thus all physicists are equally valid no matter how much of our money they waste.
Sorry to wake you up to reality

>> No.14734428

>A part that has no practical benefit
Fuck off neolib, no one wants you here. Go build some botnet lightbulbs
>No, they are terrible.
How many people do you know who quit working in the private industry to join academia and vice versa? Do you think it's easier to upgrade or to downgrade. Hint: you don't get into CERN if you're a corporate wageslave. But you can always leave CERN and basically work wherever you want. I can't imagine a single employer who sees a CV and goes "hmm, it says here you've worked at CERN for the past 10 years. I'm sorry, but we are looking for someone with a better background"

>> No.14734437

>the bible inspired agriculture
are you actually retarded

>> No.14734447

you couldn't pretend to understand most of euler's or maxwell's equations if you wanted to, retard

>> No.14734451

I hope when you have an accident you won't take an X-ray scan that uses pixel chips similar to the ones in particle detectors. I hope you won't take an MRI scan, which is basically a calorimeter. I hope you won't undergo proton or ion therapy when you have cancer. You need particle accelerators for that which we most certainly would not have without institutes such as CERN or Fermilab.

>> No.14734457 [DELETED] 

On the contrary. Quoting Genesis 1:11
"Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on
the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." And it was so."

>> No.14734473


>> No.14734474

>So you agree taxpayers dont get a say on what tax money is used for? Glad we agree on this.
Wow your comprehension is even more pathetic than I thought. 1000x more support than practically no support is how much support?

>Well, tell me what sequitur from these two facts.
LOL there can't be a non sequitur among facts, do you even know what a non sequitur is? The only non sequitur is your false conclusion that LHC is being funded because people support it. It's being funded because people are too ignorant to grasp what it is. Something simpler to grasp, like the ISS, is being scraped. Do you see the common theme here? People have decent influence over what gets funded, but they have to understand it's being funded first. They hear "nuclear physics" and think oh it must be an energy plant or something. They don't grasp that the money is going to useless partical physics pet projects that will never, ever benefit them.
>that scientists who are driven by fundamental research would build chips for your new smartphone if we take away their accelerators?
Of course. Do you even know why Taiwain is the industry leader in chip manufacturing? Because a bunch of Chinese autistic physicists left commie China to Taiwan and put in the most research in the 1980s. Everybody was rejecting the novel lithographic research at the time that would evolve into semi conductor manufacturing because nobody was focusing on potential future profits. But Taiwain was and the government heavily invested into it and it paid off big time.
>Why must things directly bring benefits?
Because I'm fucking paying for them...
>Why is the best benefit you come up with fucking computer chips for your smart toaster and Xbox?
literally all physicists in the world rely on these chips for their research. You could not have asked a dumber question given the context of this thread.

>> No.14734477

Physicists believe the LHC has benefit and they are the people that matter. You dont matter, so your opinion doesnt matter.
You keep saying "LHC bad" but basically you are wrong.
All of your opinions are just based on your persona feelings, not on objective truth. That would matter if you mattered, but you dont.

>> No.14734479

iron chariots

>> No.14734485

>Why don't you physicist fags just save up and build a giant one circling the whole damn planet.
That's a pretty nifty idea ngl, proposing it to CERN as soon as possible

>> No.14734486

>Big project has popular support: Gets defunded
Is this how taxpayers controlling public spending looks like?

>> No.14734487

people knew that seeds grew into plants for thousands of years before anyone could write it down

>> No.14734492

>Because a bunch of Chinese autistic physicists l
Why are you calling professional scientists autists? Get fucked faggot

>> No.14734495

Sure, the Pizza at R1 ;^)

>> No.14734500

>why stop there?
anon, Earth is bigger than the Moon

>> No.14734509

>Something simpler to grasp, like the ISS, is being scraped. Do you see the common theme here?
Yes, I see the common theme that you're pretending to be ignorant, yet you're actually just spreading lies.
The ISS is not being scrapped for lack of funding. It wasn't planned to operate last 2020, yet it's operation was extended to 2024. At least 80% of the Russian components have reached their end of life. Relying on outdated, unsafe hardware is not the same as lack of funding. Russia not replacing them is not the Europeans scrapping the ISS. Ending a mission four years later than planned is not the same as scrapping it.

The more you talk, the more you undermine any point you might even have had in the beginning. You're a sad clown. But one more thing:
>literally all physicists in the world rely on these chips for their research.
lolno. We produce out chips with a 150nm process in Germany. We don't give a shit about the latest 5nm Applel M5s crap.

>> No.14734515
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>> No.14734527
File: 3.92 MB, 498x245, 0306B28C-5230-451F-A15C-2AF6FB114A56.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> CERN is pic rel

They are no closer to to breaking into the 4th dimension than this baseball is to breaking your screen and into 3rd dimension.

>> No.14734529

I love how you conveniently ignore the applications of particle physics hardware that will likely benefit you at some point in your life >>14734451
Keep seething, ISS enthusiast.

>> No.14734613


>> No.14734648

>Experience in a field that has no practical use for humanity? Great. Is underwater basket weaving also good experience?
Make up your mind. Can these people work in semiconductors or can't they?

>Your false premise laden non sequitur is hilarious. Most don't have a clue about LHC.
You said taxpayers have a good degree of control over spending.

>I'm blaming the LHC cash sinkhole for contributing to a massive, humanity-threatening scarcity situation


>> No.14734650

To be honest, I'm surprised he's not a space-is-fake mong.

>> No.14734682
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Maybe he's both.

>> No.14734722
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You could have built a mansion for Aquanetta and her 14 children!

>> No.14734821
File: 660 KB, 997x728, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14734826
File: 500 KB, 1027x384, giga1642833099306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm the less shooped looking one?

>> No.14735079

Such a witty and original reply!

>> No.14735111

What exactly is a "waste of liberty"?

>> No.14735123

still accurate soientist

>> No.14735134

>Not him but I would focus on this thing that helps the people and makes it so corporations make less money
Yeah totally happening, champ

>> No.14735143

The Bible inspired the introduction of the information age.

Printing <- Because of the Bible, for mass distribution
Lead to the ability to print scientific texts

The internet exists, because some monk was tired of transcribing the Bible by hand.
Hello block printing = Hello world!


4chan exists because of the Bible

Religionfags to sciencefags
"You're welcome."

>> No.14735152

the fuck
by >>14730595

>> No.14735164

Block printing is believed to have originated in China towards early 3rd century. Around the 4th century, records of its presence were found in Egypt and some Asian countries from where it spread to Europe and other places.

>> No.14735208

>physicists have been fucking around on useless meme projects for 30 years instead of advancing the most practical/important technology of the past century, and Taiwan has pulled ahead and created a monopoly that China wants to control

Taiwan is the lynchpin of the cutting edge chipfab industry by US design; they gave Taiwan this economically vital function within the 'rules based' order so that advanced nations would be de-facto obligated to protect her from a PLA assault. Now that they're not so confident they can successfully do that, TSMC's finally started building a superfab on US soil.

CCP always has and always will want Taiwan to consolidate political power over the Chinese people, and to shatter the 'first island chain' containment. The foundries are just icing on the cake.

>> No.14735213

Some people who will never ever ever have what it takes to be in science just don't understand the meaning of basic research.
Research means looking into something you DONT REALLY KNOW ABOUT. Could it be profitable? Maybe. Maybe you discover something usable or maybe you discover some very interesting things that are still interesting even if they don't generate "profit" which the cattle majority qualifies as things that help them get more food and masturbation devices, as if they didn't have enough.
But maybe none of that happens. Or it happens in some time, like centuries from now, still it's worth it. Ultimately it's still a good thing that money is taken by force from thousands of idiots who don't really qualify as human beings so that us people who have souls can advance the part of humanity that is truly different from animals. Spending 100 billion dollars on an experiment that has a 1% chance of generating any interesting result is much more justifiable than giving even one penny to the average consooomer. If why this is so is hard for you to grasp don't even bother, spend your life in the best hedonism you can muster as this is what's gonna happen either way as my side has the truly big guns and there's nothing you can do to change the outcome , but make no mistake, this is a basic objective undeniable truth which you cant not know if your mind is worth anything, it is the most basic of basics and you should be building me a monument merely for taking the bother to say this in a place where human cattle also lurks.

>> No.14735274

>Spend a gorillion dollars on magnetic donut.
>Get btfo by a fission micro reactors anyways.

>> No.14735519

yeah this would have happened inevitably with any 'sacred' or important book of any culture with the right resources

>> No.14735535


yes, graph goes up. Yes, the point of a particle accelerator is to create large EMF pulses. By doing this we are able to observe particles that require MeV level energy to exist. How do you propose to do this without a particle accelerator.

>> No.14735557

Particle physics is a dead end

>> No.14735571

They do not know that they will be able to observe those particles. It's jabs in the dark.

>> No.14735574

Explain the excitations of that numerical invention that is observed.
Boooo nuclei get less than 1% of their mass from Yukawa coupling.

>> No.14735578

>They do not know that they will be able to observe those particles.
It's called scientific caution. Only morons announce the result before "measuring" like "this vaccine will sterilise women" or "it will kill people, by September all vaccinated folks will be dead". If they said "we will observe this" you'd say "if you're du certain already we don't need to pay for it"

>> No.14735804

It's a big fuckoff thing that takes lots of energy. Presumably a warp drive or a portal would have these qualities. They keep at it just in case they find something interesting.

>> No.14735816

They're in my head

>> No.14735820

I can't imagine getting angry at something like the LHC

>> No.14735855

I genuinely wish anti-scienceprogressive retards would die off already. Literally, every country that decided not to fund research and science fell behind and collapsed due to technological inferiority.

>> No.14735856

Rent Free pal

>> No.14735886

It has given us tons of valuable data about particles, seethe.

>> No.14735913
File: 109 KB, 684x445, FCC[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need to go bigger

>> No.14737021

and you can't do anything to stop scientific research, amerimutt.
cry about it.

>> No.14737032

/pol/trarians have gone from supporting STEM-for-the-sake-of-it because they saw it as white exceptionalism, to hating it all because, uh, lockdown


>> No.14737047

>NT King James interpretations
>Given by G-D Himself to humanity

Pick one you dumb anglo

>> No.14737067

damned what are the odds of this

>> No.14737153

100% if it's CGI

>> No.14737513

full retard mode

>> No.14738472
File: 184 KB, 879x485, jwst-april2021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]