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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14733792 No.14733792 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, would is the left-wing grooming in American and English schools beneficial or detrimental to society or it's inhabitants, please share any metrics you have on this topic.
Subtopic:Is the backlash against groomers worse for society and it's inhabitants than the grooming itself?

>> No.14733825

This is a hypothetical question of course.
Since those schools generally operate only within right-wing brainwashing.

>> No.14733829

/pol/fags and leftist brainlets are the most annoying posters on this board
None of you are intelligent and this board is not a battleground to argue over your shitty politics.

>> No.14733831

Please no bait posters No.14733829 No.14733825. This is not the thread for that. If you continue, I will have to get moderation involved.

>> No.14733834

>that hairline

>> No.14733836


>> No.14733843

>Trannies are already right wing
Damn, what are we doing now? Are we voting on nuking Israel?

>> No.14733854

>would is the left-wing grooming in American and English schools beneficial or detrimental to society or it's inhabitants, please share any metrics you have on this topic.
Judging by your education, I’d say we have nowhere to go but up.

>> No.14733956

I had a teacher like this in the fourth grade, she was really really fat

>> No.14734020

The left wing grooming in American schools is largely counteracted by the fact that school is gay

>> No.14734027

none of those are real

>> No.14734033

Actual cope, do you dilate perchance?

>> No.14734036

The old degenerates and decays and making way for the new. You are watching the final stage of "progressivism" disappearing up its own asshole. It's necessary and should be acceerated.

>> No.14734037

Left wing grooming in schools isn’t a thing. The only political indoctrination that occurs is right wing, and right wingers view schools becoming less political as left wing indoctrination because their worldview relies on early brainwashing.

>> No.14734042

>Left wing grooming in schools isn’t a thing. The only political indoctrination that occurs is right wing
Then how do you explain the popularity of the psychotic opinion you've just regurgitated here?

>> No.14734044

>t. Victim of left wing grooming

>> No.14734046

In europe, Islam will demographically end the wokohomo brainwash (all the dykes and fags cant have children) and toss them all from the rooftops, but it will take still 20 to 40 years.

>> No.14734078

Right wingers want to go back to a time when creationism and conservative propaganda were taught in schools. Nowadays schools are becoming less political and focusing on teaching kids about reality, which angers right wingers because learning about science and history is harmful to the conservative worldview.

>> No.14734104

>Right wingers want to go back to a time when creationism and conservative propaganda were taught in schools.
Yep, and now I can finally see why.

>Nowadays schools are becoming less political and focusing on teaching kids about reality
That's your profound indoctrination rearing its ugly head again.

>> No.14734108

Buddy I get that you're trolling and going for the low effort Pol chuds but public schools are objectively shitty, it's not a left vs right thing, even left wingers who unironically believe critical race theory and drag queen story hour are history aren't delusional enough to think schools are doing a good job teaching science

>> No.14734111

Buddy, how about you crawl back to /pol/ with your bullshit right wing apologia?

>> No.14734120

'Science' today is a left-ideologically infested shitshow and you prove it.

>> No.14734125

>the /pol/chud openly rejects science
You lost this debate.

>> No.14734133

>Right wingers want to go back to a time when creationism and conservative propaganda were taught in schools
For some reason evolution mythology and leftism is fine?

>> No.14734146

True, I reject the ideological travesty masquerading as 'science' today, especially in the humanities but it has already crept in hard science like 'math is white' leftist nonsense.

>> No.14734166
File: 472 KB, 1170x935, 7D018845-5343-470F-B725-BD514F5F2C9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>evolution mythology

>> No.14734168
File: 381 KB, 2544x4000, 2342532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buddy I get that you're trolling

>> No.14734178

It is called "observation". Something which brainwashed right-wingers like you are not capable of.

>> No.14734190

Wait you were actually serious?

>> No.14734195

According to every single one of your replies I was. I'm not even the original guy. I just think it's funny how autists like you call out someone on "trolling" and then engage him with 100% seriousness no matter the quality of the replies.

>> No.14734199

>It is called "observation"
Oh, is that what your cult calls its dogma?

>> No.14734218

That was my first post in this thread gigabrain

>> No.14734241

Your desperation and anger is palpable. :^)

>> No.14734270

Back to the topic at hand, no there isn't good data available on the social impact of predators brainwashing our children. Attempting to discuss this topic is enough to get you deplatformed, let alone attempting to conduct/publish research on it.

>> No.14734286

>science is bad when it disagrees with my preconceived notions
Evolution has evidence, retard. There is zero evidence for creationism. You’re on a science board for fuck’s sake you should know how theories work.
>Yep, and now I can finally see why.
Because young people are starting to see through your bullshit and disagree with it.
>That's your profound indoctrination rearing its ugly head again.
Conservatism and creationism are literally reliant on indoctrination. They go against basic reality so teaching any science above a 2nd grade level is harmful to it, which is why the right is trying to attack education.

>> No.14734289

>young people are starting to see through your bullshit
You're talking to imaginary characters in your head again. Have you taken your meds today?

>Conservatism and creationism are literally reliant on indoctrination
A psychotic and incongruent response.

>> No.14734293

This is not /pol/ gtfo retards
Evolution is real, science is correct and trannies will never be real women (this is the actual scientific position)
Delete this thread

>> No.14734294

>trannies will never be real women (this is the actual scientific position)
This is exactly the kind of toxic indoctrination right-wing schools are responsible for. Thanks for proving my point, chud.

>> No.14734310

>trannies will never be real women (this is the actual scientific position)
No, the official science position is that every mentally ill psychopath is a woman if he claims to feel that way.

>> No.14734320

It is not. A small set of psychologists is not the scientific consensus.

>> No.14734339

You will eat the lady penis. You will be happy.

>> No.14734382

I will eat any penis, whether female, male or undetermined. So what?

>> No.14734388

So you're a flaming homosexual.

>> No.14734402

If I identified as a male, then yes, presumably.
If I identify as a female, I will then be a flaming heterosexual, according to your logic, right?

>> No.14734408
File: 50 KB, 600x894, 3524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you identify as a female, I'm afraid we can't continue this discussion until you prove that you look better than pic related and expose yourself on camera for me.

>> No.14734413

If I looked like that, I would not eat any penises, since my teeth would get in the way.

>> No.14734414

>would is
nigga learn English

>> No.14734427

You know the drill. Sharpie in the pooper.

>> No.14734446

Here some science for you trannies.

>> No.14734471

I try and make the photo shoot. Except you can see my penis hanging down.

>> No.14734482


>> No.14734497
File: 45 KB, 756x710, a8cf9e5a-5bf5-415d-a7c4-5d68db1e413a_756x710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>left-wing grooming
The right-wing conservatives projecting their degeneracy onto others as usual.