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14710660 No.14710660 [Reply] [Original]

>No med found

>> No.14710673
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Why shouldn't I choose dermatology? Seems comfy, hard to match so it's gotta be nice. Actual curable diseases. Easy to go into private practice.
What are the downsides besides being called a pseudo doctor by internal fags?

>> No.14711016

can you catch raybees from sucking off an infected animal? or by fucking it without protection or birth control?

>> No.14711076

no it's perfectly safe

>> No.14711094

This. When me and my boyfriend go yiffing together in the woods, we often find that the forest animals are very eager to join in. Of course, these are wild animal so not always the healthiest, but we've always been find. Just avoid causing any open wounds on you or the animal, but as long as your in safe space and everyone is having fun and everything is consensual you should be fine.

>> No.14711096 [DELETED] 

schizo thread in 3, 2, 1

>> No.14711482


>> No.14711585

imagine how much easier it would have been for them to find that if she wasn't obese

>> No.14711587

please schizos, don't shit up our thread
i like talking to my /med/ bros

>> No.14711595

>I want to become a skin dentist

>> No.14711964
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>anon comes in with testicular torsion
>give him a lethal dose of morphine

>> No.14711993

Based as always, doctor Shipman.
However this time we need your special touch with two >>14711016 more >>14711094 patients.

>> No.14712124
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Derm or Opthalmology (for a brit anon hoping to find work abroad)?

>> No.14712174
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Does the medical community think that gays should be quarantined to stop the spread of monkeypox?

>> No.14712626
File: 134 KB, 628x641, hoitsuapustaja.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best type of ICU to work in as an RN? I plan on attending CRNA school in the future.
>inb4 Begone nursroid

>> No.14712630

A grizzly bear will tend to them eventually

>> No.14712639 [DELETED] 
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reminder that it's one guy who's ban-evading

>> No.14712684

I think I wanna be a PA guys.

>> No.14712695

i really like talking to old patientoids

>> No.14712855

Man, gays really have no limits in terms of fucked up shit.

>> No.14712859

AAAAHHHHH!!!!!! I. WANT. TO. DIE!!!!!!!!!


>> No.14712873

this thing better fucking die again. we were glad to be rid of you then and you need to be gone again now

the boards may be shit but you are still the shittiest of people

>> No.14712876

>aww im sorry, im financially obligated not to help you
>have you seen someone else for that thing i cant help you with?
>help me with something thats completely laid out for me in a path that others have followed blindly regardless of setback or detriment and allow me to waste more time in the pursuit of something that is archaic in its framework

>> No.14712878

fuck off to your new playground then

look for it in the archives but dont waste a single thread on this /med/faggotry ever again

>> No.14713155

>do i wanna be a skin dentist or an eye dentist

>> No.14713359

What's wrong with being a dentist?

>> No.14713411

>operating an ovarian cyst instead of just making women supplement with low doses of lugol's iodine
doctors are utter morons and so are the nurses

>> No.14713439

>Do I want to be appendix dentist (general surgery)
>Do I want to be a diabetes dentist (internal medicine)
Get over it. Any sufficiently specialized field will feel like dentistry.

>> No.14713451

>Actual curable diseases.
Tell that to my fucking dandruff

>> No.14713459
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Psychfags, what can be done against persistent DPDR, and are there risks/comorbidities?

>> No.14713472

COVID19 is all the proof you should need to know that doctors will think whatever the politicians tell them to think. Imagine going through medical school and residency only to end up believing what rich trust fund kids who have never had a real job in their lives tell you is the medical truth.

>> No.14713542

Wtf just be a doc instead. You're literally doing all the prereqs anyways. Unless you have time restraints due to being a woman, med school will be much more rewarding.

And if your GPA is shit tier, the mcat can always make you competitive

>> No.14714512

Neuro or cardiac ICU, if anything because those guys are kept on the respirator longer, so you'll get more experience when you go to CRNA school. You'll also see stuff like ECMO and external ventricular devices. Your general med ICU usually just has septic patients and geriatric patients. You only occasionally get good cases. Trauma ICU is also very interesting, but you have to be in the right hospital/region. My trauma ICU is mostly holding overflow from the general med ICU 'cause we barely have trauma cases here.

>> No.14714831

you will never be a doctor

>> No.14714904

do dentists/dermafags/eyefags make DNR decisions
thats just one of many examples why your post is incorrect

>> No.14714923

it's monotonous like derma and ophta

am I wrong?

>> No.14715013

Yeah I'm thinking of going to my sicu since we do hearts and LVAD implants here. But I feel pulled towards ticu since we have a decently reputed trauma 1 within walking distance of where I live.

>> No.14715099

1 - 2 slaps to the face PRN... and bans from JewTube/Leddit communities that encourage people to exaggerate and then pathologise normal thought processes.

>> No.14715305

SICU is where it’s at. Getting a fresh cabg out of surgery and recovering them will help train and master your skills

>> No.14715848

t. has never had dpdr

>> No.14715855
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You criminals should be rounded up and shot in the future.

>> No.14715871
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Don't go to hospital
Don't call ambulance
Don't take medicine

>> No.14715956

I'm currently helping to do a prospective study on pre-operative accupuncture to reduce anxiety and post-op pain. So far it's reduced pain and anxiety in all patients and pretty dramatically. What is the mechanism of this?

>> No.14716476
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>> No.14716521

I mean, you have point, but... Hmm... You do have a point.

>> No.14716615
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>be anesthesiologist

>> No.14716649

Try those herbal antiparasitics like those /pol/ schizos. Oddly enough it also improves immune health as whatever parasites die also don't shit out the pathogenic bacteria that cause inflammatory responses.

>> No.14716723
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How effective in long term are:
>anti convulsants
>high dose naltrexone
>long acting stimulants like ritalin and adderall
in dealing with constant hunger + food obssesion either due to binge eating disorder, undiagnosed adhd, non existant impulse control or/and drug induced damage in hypothalamus?

>> No.14716742

Or my acne.

>> No.14716749

Can you go to an internist and ask him to check if mark on skin is skin cancer?
Another question do any of you have experience with people coming in blood problems with long covid?

>> No.14716888
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How comfy is it?

>> No.14717901

literally none of these are accurate except obgyn

>> No.14718220

I know 2 neurologists just like that. They both legit end all of patient cases and histories with "fascinating, isn't it?"
It's so damned annoying. They're both old guys in their 70s that drop by on the IM unit just to talk about their cases.

>> No.14718226

My grandad was exactly the same

>> No.14718236

So they were right, she did need to lose weight.

>> No.14718272

Was he a neurologist?

>> No.14718452
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>finally get to med school
>no signs of 4channers anywhere

>> No.14718575

Did you know that all people who end up in hospital die?

>> No.14718590

my first day in medical school i was surprised by all the normies there. just incredibly high functioning people who are successful in so many elements in their lives.
then you've got me, the autist who has no control over anything except my ability to get good grades.

>> No.14719329


>> No.14719395
File: 25 KB, 443x376, Even in your filenames, F O E ! [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ffv988z.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently, you'd be surprised how many of us are actually able to hide the fact that we browse here

>> No.14719624

no but you will get other diseases that will out you as a degenerate you are

>> No.14719628

is the data science anon still browsing? i have few questions

>> No.14719906

>Actual curable diseases
>Eczema and psoriasis are the main conditions and uncurable

>> No.14720278

>What are the downsides besides being called a pseudo doctor by internal fags?
It’s extremely hard to match.
You won’t be as “”””morally fulfilled””””
You won’t know what to do with all your free time and vacation days.
You are selecting easy mode.

In all seriousness, if I had to be a doctor I’d want to be a dermatologist.

>> No.14720281

I've seen incredible results on psoriasis with Ixekizumab. There's also a ton of infections of the skin and tumors you can operate on, both easy to treat

>> No.14720284

Matching shouldn't be a problem.
Only thing is, that I want to be able to help my loved ones. Internal medicine is a lot more useful in that regard

>> No.14720285

You must be really self conscious. I'd hate to be around you

>> No.14720287
File: 62 KB, 728x851, E36B4189-84FF-4E27-90C7-AB485E15AA68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let’s say I want to teach myself the basics of medicine (for funsies).

Which books do I read and in what order?

>> No.14720420

You have never taught yourself anything if you're asking this question.

>> No.14720440 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 800x534, F30B0051-3A90-4F30-9EC5-7DCFCFB9EE26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Je parle française, mais pas si bien.

>> No.14720455
File: 68 KB, 800x534, 77475C08-0DF0-4C98-B9C2-8A7755455655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Je peux lire le français, mais pas trop bien.

>> No.14720476

Biology + Biochemistry + Anatomy > Physiology + Immunology > Pathology + Pharmacology

As for the books choose the ones that you prefer, the basic concepts have not changed for years

>> No.14720703

My clinical skills textbook is teaching me how to ask for pronouns during the physical exam, I think that's pretty new

>> No.14721156
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there's only one thing you need to know, king

>> No.14721159

Honestly anatomy and pathology is probably sufficient.
Then some common IM presentations, like heart failure, and their management.
There's really no need to go too far down the physiology rabbithole, most doctors forget that shit as soon as they finish their exams. It's nice to know but not necessarily in the daily practice of medicine.

I don't need to know how an ECG works, I just need to know what lines represent what heart pathology.

>> No.14721169
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>nutrition related question

Has anybody got any links or recent book recommendations to things that cover discoveries in epigenetic signalling in relation to food?
Even if it's stuff behind a paywall, I can stomach that if it's good enough.
Bonus question: Anybody recommend any good genomics testing companies that aren't 23&me? Bonus if in Australia.

>> No.14721217

>muh loved ones
Go fuck yourself. You will lose your family. You will watch them die regardless and you wont do fucking shit. All fucking internal medicine is worthless once their bodies start breaking down. Death is incurable and most of the victories of medicine can be attributed to pulling someone from going down the slope. Once the body is harmed it can only be cured by itself. That said, once your parents get the disease that will kill them, they will die within a week, you will witness the point of no return manifest overnight and without warning. You will understand how they died, you wont do fucking shit.

>matching wouldnt be a problem
You speak of this shit as if it were some fucking summer camp. Are you even in med school yet?

>> No.14721225

What's wrong? some janny deleted medicine threads?

>> No.14721235

It's called reassurance. Would work the fucking same with a massage, or just talking to a psychologist before the procedure.

>> No.14721239

You need SSRIs.

>> No.14721246

Obgyn, anesthesio and orthopedics are accurate. The rest are bullshit.

>> No.14721249

Who wants to work in a hospital they’re miserable places and I’ve been in them often
I’m glad people do but I think a lot of you also need to look after your mental and physical health
I suggest exercise and sunlight
Too many zombie looking staff
You could easily impersonate homeless junkies with a change of clothes and a few less showers

Look after yourselves so you can help your patients better
It’s hard for me to respect a fatso or out of shape complete wimp doctor
I think you guys get sucked into drugs and alcohol too and you shouldn’t do that

There’s a lot of stress just dealing with the people and if you’re not a people person the job just isn’t for you

I mean you’re on 4chan and I’m cat shit crazy in your thread
Wtf niggers do better

>> No.14721263

Anatomy and physiology is literally all of medicine. Netter and Guyton respectively. Finally pick a manual for the specialty you want to read. Nelson for pediatrics, Harrison for IM, Williams for Gynobs.

>> No.14721269

>I suggest exercise and sunlight
We suggest that as well. There's no time for it or we'll get fired.

>> No.14721692
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what are your HONEST thoughts about pic related /med/?

>> No.14721723

holy shit fuck doctors

>> No.14721724

That isn’t right there should be a gym for the docs that has sunlight no basement gym bullshit
Maybe an outdoor area and indoor area
It should be part of the plans building a hospital

>> No.14721728

>Sawicki’s wife, Iris Sawicki, “my husband was diagnosed with Stage 4 Gastric Cancer Signet Ring Adenocarcinoma, which had spread beyond the gastric wall into his peritoneal cavity.”
Sounds like coincidence. The other two could have died from a car accidents for all we know. It's disingenuous to put "fourth shot mandate" in the same title as this, it implies they're just dropping dead from SADS which is not the case.

>> No.14721751

I say go for it. I just stumbled into this thread on accident but honestly dermatologist is the only doctor I ever used. Treated my balding really well. treated my dandruff. Watches my moles because family history of skin cancer.

And I don't respect most of the douchey other kinds of doctors I've met. So that is my two cents.

>> No.14721753

>“An obituary posted online said Dr. Segall, 49, passed away on July 17, after a “ridiculously unfair and hard-fought year-long battle with advanced lung cancer,” Global News reported.
Strike that, it wasn't a car accident. The two guys had end stage cancers which they could have been living with for years, way before Covid was even a thing. Remember cancers kill people when it's grown large enough to be noticeable, before that they can be around for a decade in some cases. It's EXTREMELY easy to take a 1 in a million occurrence and sensationalize it to death, statistically speaking theres a million doctors in the US, this is bound to happen at least once, probably many times over no shot needed.

>> No.14721870

There's no single "basics of medicine". Pick your use case. Be more specific or you won't learn anything.

>> No.14721941

writing a book and just want to know if the following is possible
if you drain your own blood then write on your skin with it would it have adverse effects? if not is there any point it would assuming it was stored at room temp?

>> No.14722015

you've been writing this book for long pajeet

>> No.14722022

i don't know if anecdotal evidence is worth anything but someone i knew discovred she had end stage lymphoma after month of first dose of vaccine and died two weeks after the diagnosis. we've all heard about the concept of 'trigger' when it comes to viruses haven't we?

>> No.14722040

>it should
And they should pay us more than $1000 per day outside the US, and they should give us a 8 hour workshift instead of indefinite workshifts until everything is done, and they should compensate the night shifts and weekend shifts as well, and the weekend shifts shouldnt be 26+ hours either

>> No.14722052

Nigger, all of us end up reading the same fucking shit, don't be a liar and don't glorify this drone work we do. Guy wants to know his medicine let him read, it's not like he could put it to use when most practicioners can't do it themselves either.

>> No.14722060

If you're writing a book, why don't you go ask /lit/? Why do you guys always come with all the garbage brainlet questions? Go look this shit up yourself.

>> No.14722103



>> No.14723135

I have mild keratoconus, I basically only become aware of the multiplopia when I look at the moon in the dark sky and mostly with the right eye, the left one is barely affected. So, can I use contact lenses? One ophthalmologist told me that it's bad for my corneas, but the current one that has been checking the progress of the condition for some years has told me that it's totally OK to use them occasionally (I only need them when I wear a helmet).

Any opinions/advice?

>> No.14723212

If you do, look at topical application of opioids for ischemic skin diseases, I read an article that was quite interesting on using fentanyl topically with good results.

>> No.14723694

is saturated fat good for you?

>> No.14723719
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Anesthesiologist here AMA

In urban Northeast, am a chief resident this year, at a fairly prestigious place, staying on for a job here next year due to high salaary and good hours/comfy department ppl, not doing fellowship. Happy with my decision and path thus far

>> No.14723728

quiet night shift in coronaric icu someone wanna know anything bout my job

>> No.14723737

chemistry + biochemistry + anatomy + physiology + microbiology. these should be the standard in school if only to better understand what you are and how you function.

>> No.14723740

>matching shouldn't be a problem

Oh sweet summer child; spoken like a true premed fag who doesn't have a clue. Premed was like literal summer camp compared to med school which in turn was like day care with naps and snacks compared to residency

No specialty is really helpful for helping loved ones because the problems they are are so unpredictable. You will help a lot of people no matter which specialty you do

>> No.14723877

Does anyone like Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis for Disease? I feel like it helps me a lot. That being said, you need the undergrad prerequisites to fully get it most likely.

>> No.14723959

I suggest you to go with your problems to the professional you've hired instead of bringing shit up here.

>> No.14723963

How do you feel about CRNA's?

>> No.14723967

Patho books focus too much in histology and lately they are focusing way too much on molecular biology. Let's be honest here, those fields are full of shit, only guy to whom histology is useful is the pathologist you ask whether or not the shit is cancer or not. Biochemistry is useless to everyone.

If not for academic requirements, i would suggest to skim over robbin's patho. It really is useful as it focuses on the most common diseases for each organ, but as any book it starts to dwell to much on the topics ive mentioned.

>> No.14724007

I've already done that...

>> No.14724369

It's excellent for understanding the foundations of medicine, such as: cellular injury, inflammation, wound healing, cancer, infection, immunopathology, vascular disease, genetic disease, etc. If you look at the top 10 major causes of morbidity and mortality in the world, a deep understanding of each of those topics is required to understand the risk factors, causes, pathogenesis and treatment for all major diseases.

From everything as mundane as controlling HTN/DM, to the principles of fracture reduction, or organ support in overwhelming septic shock, understanding it (at a deep level) requires strong familiarity with the fundamental aspects of pathology.

The second half of the book that is concerned with organ-specific pathology is also good, but you will get the highest yield aspects of Robbins by the first 12 chapters.
The general pathology portion of Robbins has enough histology so as to be instructive for building fundamental concepts. The organ-specific pathology can have portions with histopathology heavy content that is less important (e.g. Orphan Annie nuclei etc.) but sometimes microscopic/macroscopic appearances of disease can inform clinico-radiologic appearances (e.g. IBD subtypes on colonoscopy, or the features of a thyroid lump suggestive of different types of disease).

>> No.14724391

Most of them are fine, still pretty good quality control overall. Infinitely better and more standardized training than NPs as far as midlevels go. Their lobby group and a certain minority of them are delusional thinking they are equivalent in terms of clinical knowledge to physicians which is extremely dangerous; have seen one totally preventable death in residency due to CRNA being overconfident, and they have been in practice for 15 years, but just over confident and thought they didn't need the MD in the room. Any CRNA that stays humble and works in the team dynamic is a great colleague, any that get all cocky and think they are totally interchangeable with physicians are a dangerous liability. They simply do not know what they don't know.

All the CRNAs I work with personally are great except like two. In terms of jobs there really isn't competition between them despite the concern being overload on SDN and reddit etc. Anesthesia job market is absolutely insane right now

>> No.14724558

I'm not from the US niggers. Dermatology is hardest to match into here too but I've published two papers at the institute of dermatology already and the head of the department said he would gladly offer me a place

>> No.14724600

>residents miserable and overworked
>attendings underpaid
>filled with absolutely useless paperwork
What is the point of this piece of shit profession I got myself into? At least Americans can look forward to making 300k/year after residency, here in Germany it's around 100k euro max.
Any Germbros know how to actually make it in medicine in Germany?

>> No.14724621

>chief resident
imagine falling for this cuck shit and doing an extra resident year for chump change instead of earning your 400k/year that you deserve.

>> No.14724633


And then they started eating it.

>> No.14724865

>it's reduced pain and anxiety in all patients and pretty dramatically
What about the controls?

>> No.14724924

I'd say that's good reasoning and may be true in certain cases. Consider that the vaccine is made to illicit a strong immune reaction from the body, though, so theoretically a strong immune response should promote immune infiltration of cancer or tumors already in the body. The one exception may actually be lymphoma. If you stimulate the immune system while carrying a cancer of white blood cells, that might cause it to become more aggressive. Perhaps we should do research on this and consider vaccine exceptions for lymphoma patients.

>> No.14725022
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why is /med/ a bonch of retarded rapists

>> No.14725252


>> No.14725368

>10min long intercourse
>no one in the room cared
the solution is replacing him with a hypnosis schizo?

>> No.14725550

what the fuck is going on here?

>> No.14725556

You are an absolute retard if you don't take a position when you're given the opportunity handed in a platter to you. The fuck are you expecting about medicine? This field is trash, Nothing but drone work, long hours and shifts when everybody else in the world is having vacation. You get handed a job where you dont do any of that shit and still doubt.

>> No.14725560

>germbro complaining about medicine
>shithole i live in pays $10k a year
Holy shit man. What should i say?

>> No.14726006 [DELETED] 

he's making sure sure is sedated

>> No.14726009

he's making sure she is sedated

>> No.14727169

Idiot. Pelvic cysts, uterine cysts and fibroids can drastically hormones, sleep, and mobility. Try having a 50lb cyst in your scrotum and see how much exercise you do. If you’re in med, you must be one of those island grads.

>> No.14727181

He isnt wrong though.

>> No.14727282

A married couple I'm friends with both got cancer shortly after they got vaxed. Weird shit is happening all over right now.

>> No.14727318

>writing a book
>drain one's blood
>writing on human skin

Are you writing the Necronomicon

>> No.14727346

3rd world medicine is vastly different from 1st world medicine. You probably see 1/3rd of patients a day and have 1/10th the legal risk.
Even then, there is no point in comparing 1st world salaries with shithole salaries. No surprise someone in Pakistan makes less.

>> No.14727371
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>almost 3 days and no answer

Well shit.

>> No.14727424

I will not take stupid SSRIs, SNRIs or antipsychotics. Fuck them. I want something to kill constant hunger, not make it worse

>> No.14727479

If long acting stimulants aren't greatly suppressing your appetite then that is very strange.
Describe your hunger in more detail, all the time? only when stressed? are you morbidly obese? what

>> No.14727539

What long acting stimulants? The only things I used/did that I had access to and helped me were caffeine (in copious doses, but it's inconsistent), nicotine gum (first time around, past that it just made me sick) and abstinence (fasting for 40h+, unsustainable and I get really weak at certain point).
>describe your hunger
My hunger is constant, it appears in form of weakness, impulsive racing feeling, abdominal pain, trouble in concentration, headaches and near constant obssesion with food. Gets worse with eating and exercise, improves with absolute abstinence until certain point where I'm too weak to do anything, but lay in bed (3 day of fasting). It's irrelevant of how I feel at any given moment. If I ever give in, I always fail to stop eating. No particular cravings, just constant need for food.
>are you morbidly obese?
No, but I will be if I don't get medicated. That or I'll rupture my esophagus due to semi frequent vomiting (I overeat to point that I feel sick and when I regain control, I don't seem to hold it down anymore)
The only feasible cause for it that I found, was discontinuation of cyproterone acetate (progestin and antiandrogen) since it binds to one of opioid receptors. During it's usage I had near zero apetite while month after discountinuation after tapeting it down, I had onset of this ravenous and never desisting hunger

>> No.14727579

It sounds like you need to see a psychiatrist because this all sounds brain chemistry related.
Also, what were you taking cyproterone acetate for? Because looking at it's uses it's pretty hardcore.

>> No.14727596

I used it to nuke test, because I decided to go on hrt to keep hair (fin did nothing) and maybe be prettier as guy. I had the mirror opposite of side effects tho and was unironically helpful unlike estrogen, nonetheless I discounted it due to extremely high prolactin, but hunger is so debilitating that I went back on it and occasionally it does help (feels like placebo tho), it improved mood/energy (I still deal with near constant fatigue despite that)

>> No.14727615

Yeah you need an endocrinologist bigtime, I doubt you've gotten a hormone panel done but these things being way out of order causes all kinds of weird problems. Finnasteride can take up to 6 months to work and you need to keep taking it as it inhibits DHT's interaction with hair follicles.
See a doctor. An endocrinologist, and be absolutely honest with them. You keep fumbling in the dark like you are now you will turn yourself into a trainwreck.

>> No.14727641

Nobody gives a damn about highly theoretical shit like that in medicine. When a medical application is discovered, then people will care.

>> No.14727737

Do we get some other benefits from sunlight other than vit D? I heard someone mention something but now I forgot...

>> No.14727759

Yes, melatonin is present in a lot more cells than we thought and isn't just for sleeping so sunlight helps with cell energy in that regard. Beyond that I don't know because I forgot the rest too.

MedCram.com talks about it on his youtube channel.

>> No.14727769

Damn if only we had a research general or, hell, even a science board

>> No.14727774

Yes, it has a protective effect against myopia development

>> No.14727943

>hell, even a science board
This is /med/, not generic /sci/. Make your own thread.

>> No.14727946

Also the warmth from the sun keeps us from dying.

>> No.14727963

And well, the sun is what allows us to live, indirectly, since we are powered by the energy harvested from the sun by autotrophs

>> No.14728126
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Any legit advice on supporting a med school GF? She's a first year and her classes started this week, we're living together.

>> No.14728133

Are you in med school too?

>> No.14728165

No, I'm working an office job

>> No.14728180

I'm sorry but I just find it hard to imagine your relationship surviving, you're separated for so much time you're going to just drift apart.

>> No.14728840

Any recommendation for virology?

>> No.14728890

I've got Collagen 6 myopathy (Bethlem).

I'm trying to research and understand how my disease works mechanistically - how does a mutation in a specific type of collagen effect the strength of my muscles?

Also, as far as potential future treatments go, am I just shit out of luck until a specific gene therapy comes out? I've read this paper that seems prospectively interesting but I'm not scientifically literate enough to know if this is a meme or not.

doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2014.00244

>> No.14728899

I did go to doc (psych). Never fucking again. I'd rather self med and pay more for meds itself even if it may lead to stupid death

>> No.14728955

Regional vs General anesthesia for hip fraxture?hip replacement. If you gimme ur hottest takes I'll give you mine.

>> No.14729234

>Patient asks a question
>Gently answer her in a matter she can understand
>Ask again tomorrow
>Explain again
>Ask again later
>Get frustrated and refuse to answer
>Get a complaint filed

I hate patients. Hope they all die.

>> No.14729253

>diagnoses: early onset Alzheimer’s

>> No.14729594

She will cheat on you 100% this is no question. Even if she won't cheat on you during med school, she will cheat on your with a coresident once in Residency. Just break up now and don't waste your time, you aren't compatible

>> No.14729609

you played yourself
they'll keep asking until they hear what they want to, so you have to tell them something different until they stop asking

>> No.14729930

Thats right, I find it incredible how gullable the average member of the public was.

>> No.14730032

Being Chief isn't an extra year in anesthesia bruh, we just do it during pgy4 year and get a pay bump for doing it. Only Internal Medicine cucks have to stay an extra year to be chief. MGH anesthesia program makes you stat an extra six months if you're chief but they're the only ones that do that in anesthesia

>> No.14730034

takes your meds schizo

>> No.14730035

if it's not a trauma, i generally do regional for hips, spinal for a hip, tiny propofol drip, 1g of txa, some ancef, a little decadron and then chill on my phone until orthobros done

>> No.14730106
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how do I know whether the heart, lungs or esophagus is responsible for chest pain/tightening on the upper left side of the ribcage?

>> No.14730125

By making an appointment with a medical professional

>> No.14730253

> for all we know
or you could google:
> did three doctors die in the same week at a hospital?
N-... well yes
> did the original article say it was covid related?
no, didn't even imply
> did it say it was vax related?
oh maybe
Here's the BULLSHIT goalpost fact check, buried under PARAGRAPHS of bullshit:
> Segall’s obituary said he had cancer when he died
> A CTV News article (here) reported that although McKenzie’s was "ill" before he died (many people are)
> Reuters did not find any information on the cause of death for Sawicki.
That's their "DEBUNK"
> one had cancer
> one was ill
> dunno about other
CHECKMATE! Wasn't vax...
nowhere did they say they were unvaxxed or didn't get 4th booster...
and NONE of you checked.
so... fuck it, you deserve everything

>> No.14730358

Halp me Anons, what do you give to a five days old baby with symptoms of meningitis?

>> No.14730385

>she's a first year
Tell her it's only going to get worse. It's going to get worse than she can even imagine.

Hit her for being a bitch and having a hard time in what amounts to glorified human biology high school classes.

>> No.14730395
File: 1.19 MB, 1200x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>patient complains because I refused to do a blood test despite clear evidence of pre-eclampsia, causing her to go into pre-term labour at 24 weeks, and I fabricated clinical notes claiming my boss told me to discharge her when he didn't

>> No.14730405

Has anyone become racist through medicine? In the Emergency Department, all I see are niggers and spics with a plethora of health issues that they refuse to fix.

>> No.14730537

And yeah what they say about antidepressants is true, they are horrible. I went with safe option (wellbutrin) after refusing docs fav ssri which she tried to push on me hard (prozac) and gave a hissy fit about it. And it still made me sleepy, tired, numb and made my hunger and concentration worse, but I can't even properly get upset about it rn

>> No.14730573

I can't find shit about it, every search is crowded with assholes asking about chemical tanning agents

>> No.14730618

Had a similar experience with prozac. On top of it also killed my boners and made me more depressed.
Can't sad I am better since I am still miserable, but at least I don't feel like a victim of everything. Now that I quit antidepressants instead of feeling guilt/misery I rage.
I call them orthoniggers. Doe I kinda do the same for hip shit. What is your local anesthetic of choice for spinal on elderly? I do Ropivacaine 100mcg*adjusted weight.

>> No.14730624

Because literally every single problem that dermatology deals with is solved by fasting (specifically avoiding sugar), and yet your "science" will teach you to fill people up with pills

>> No.14730634

How does fasting magically deals with derma problems? I can see why sugar (tho it didn't help me)
I still made right choice by dodging ssris, because I feel like it would be at least twice as bad. Either way I'm quitting it and going back to cypro (even if it eventually will lead to liver failure or meningoma in the end) since it actually works for me and will diy topiramate or naltroxone if I can afford it in high amounts

>> No.14730665

here's a question i can't find easily by googling:
does a higher heart rate reduce the half life of every drug?

>> No.14730690

Derma problems are all due to inflammation from a shitty high-carb diet.
Fasting removes inflammation.

>> No.14730692

You haven't become "racist", you're just using your head

>> No.14730703

to be fair to him the patient was a munchausen malingering retarded, she found out what happens when you fuck around

>> No.14730708

If the drug is renally excreted then no, except if its accompanied with a rise in cardiac output and except for rare stuff like thyrotoxicosis, peripheral av shunt and so on.

If primarily metabolised by the liver my guess is that cardiac output and hence heart rate has no effect except in extremis

>> No.14730741
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Not him but for the sake of example, the CYP3A4-
enzyme is involved in metabolizing a lot of drugs, is there a means to increase the activity of an enzyme?
There are drugs that inhibit them so are there conditions that accelerate it? Perhaps if a patient was fasted and didn't have anything else in their system?

I've had a sleeping medication giving me a "hangover" in the morning for a few hours, but the next lowest dosage doesn't do shit and not taking it is worse. Going for a walk helps and the way my broscience thought process goes I'm moving the blood around faster so shits getting out of my system faster.
Pic related, it's me.

>> No.14730840

they died in a three way erotic asphyxiation accident

>> No.14731012

why doesn't this goy's immune system attack it?

>> No.14731028



>> No.14731624

Applying to med school late at 23. Should I do:
>GP (more money, shorter training time, more free time, easier to find places to work)
>Neurosurgery (won't earn for a while, longer training time, less free time, hard to find consulting/attending post, was the speciality I intended on going into, seems more interesting than family med).

>> No.14731827

Oh boy, wait till she gets to her surgery rotation.

>> No.14731842

Ampicillin Vancomycin. Or maybe Ampicillin Cefotaxime.

>> No.14732001
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Where my radbros at? Any cute and funny imaging findings found recently?

>> No.14732004

>be me
>cursed with genetic hypertension
>everytime i measure BP i get intense anxiety which makes me score into levels that I need to go to the ER by doctor standards
>dont check BP anymore because it just terrorizes me
>on losartan 100mg and amldopine daily
>have even taking to doing high intensity cardio every single day for the past 5 months bc im afraid of strokes even tho im 26
is the exercise alone an effective way to decrease BP? and i mean effective not some bullshit single digit number drop like 6 mmHG which is fucking laughable like google suggests thanks alot science

>> No.14732251

Chronic dehydration is your solution

>> No.14732264

Sounds like you need propranolol dudem

>> No.14732711

these are the typical med fag replies. Bunch of faggots unhelpful no wonder the entire world hates you cucks

>> No.14732747

Depends on the orthobro. Usually I do like 4ml of 1.5% mepivacaine for my spinals when doing hips or knees. Use Bupivacaine when doing spinals for OB mostly because they don't stock mepi as much over there. I wish we used Ropivacaine more, we generally only ever use it when hanging a local anesthetic for peripheral nerve catheters (which we don't do a ton of); I actually did an erector spinae nerve catheter today and hung some Ropivacaine 2% for it, but I rarely get to do those

>> No.14732759

Tell her as bad things are now, it is the easiest time of her life and only get worse, MUCH worse.

Honestly though I dated all during med school a girl i med before med school and ended up getting married. Things my wife did for me were basically be successful herself in cybersecurity and not have her identity tied to mine and be needy. She made friends with all my med school bros who are now life long friends. She has no inferiority complex, which i feel like is a huge turnoff. She was understanding when it was time for me to grind and took care of things like food and cleaning.

It will be very tough, but definitely doable

>> No.14732768

No HR has absolutely nothing to do with half life regardless if they are metabolized by liver, kidneys in esterases in the blood etc.

getting your blood going has nothing to do with metabolizing the drug. your CYP3a4 is altered by innumerable off label supplements and FDAS approved drugs. Are you taking things like St Johns Wort or any other prescriptions etc. Going for a walk makes you feel good because exercise and simply moving around makes you feel better period

you are lightyears away from ever being able to decide something like this and a gross overs implications. Are you in the US. The difference between the life of a GP or a neurosurgeon are as far apart they may as well be entirely separate careers. Spend time in the OR and follow some neurosurgeons to see how you like emergent cranies in the middle of the night. But these are about as far apart as possible in terms fo the work being done and lifestyle and salaries

exercising absolutely helps with BP and more importantly the fucking up of your arteries that HTN causes, take the meds you're being prescribed as well and you will live for a long time

>> No.14732850
File: 64 KB, 860x804, 107-1078186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw someone in this student groupme with something like pic rel for a profile picture so I'm feeling optimistic

>> No.14732855

Just what the fuck do you expect from some random fuck on the internet asking something out of the blue? You think we can work with a half excuse for a chief complaint? That nigger is hypertensive at 26, he has anxiety at best and should go to the fucking psych to get prescribed propranolol or he's got pheochromocytoma at worst and needs to go to the fucking endocrinologist to get a read on all his fucking hormones. Just what kind of help do you expect from asking bullshit in these threads? I aint working for free either so go fuck yourself.

>> No.14733193

Antagonism: α2, α2A, α2B, α2C, β3

Antagonism: H4

Agonism: asyt T

Agonism: α3, α5, β4, δ, ε, α2β2, α3β2 ,α4β4 ,α2β4 ,α6β4 ,α6β2, α6β3β4α5, α3β4
Antagonsim: α6, α7, α4β2, α2β2, α3β2, α4β4, α2β4, α6β4, α6β2, α6β3β4α5

Agonism: NMDA, channel (eg, MK-801)
Antagonism: NR2A

Agonism: mGluR1, mGluR1a
Antagonism: mGluR4, mGluR7, mGluR8

Agonism: GluR5, GluR6
Antagonism: mGluR4, mGluR7, mGluR8

Agonism: α5, α6, β1, α-ρ1, γ1, γ2, δ, ε, θ
Antagonism: α1, α2, α3, α6, β1, β2, β3, α-ρ1, α-ρ2, α-ρ3, γ1, ε, θ, π

Agonism: NOR ORL1, NOP
Antagonism: DOR δ1, DOR δ2, NOR, NOR ORL1, ZOR

Antagonism: TAAR1

Agonism: A2A
Antagonsim: A3


Agonism: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9


Antagonism: 2

Antagonsim: ERα, GPER

Agonism: ERRα, ERRβ
Antagonism: ERRγ

Antagonism&Agonism: Gq-mER, Erx, ER-X

Antagonism: AR

Agonism: PR-C
Antagonism&Agonism: mPRγ, mPRδ, mPRα, mPRβ, mPRϵ, AdipoR1, AdipoR2

Antagonism: CB1, CB2, NAGly, GPR119

Agonism: Y1, Y2, Y4, Y5
Antagonism: Y4

Antagonism: PPAR-γ

Agonism: MC3R, MC5R
Antagonism: MC2R

Antagonism: GRP39

Agonism: HDAC1, HDAC2, HDAC3, HDAC8, HDAC9
Antagonism: HDAC1, HDAC8, HDAC9

Antagonism and Agonism: COX-1
Agonism: COX-2

Agonism: NTS1, NTS2

Agonism&Antagonism: AT3
Antagonism: AT2, AT4

>> No.14733195

Agonism: Nav1.2, Nav1.3, Nav1.4, Nav1.5, Nav1.8, Nav1.9

Agonism: Kv7.1, Kv7.2
Antagonism: K2P2.1

Agonism: GRK6

Agonism: RAR-alpha 1, 2, 3

Antagonism: NCOR2

Agonism: TACR2, TACR3

Antagonism: GPR35

>> No.14733379

It does, your body will attempt to dissolve a foreign body or material that it encounters, if it can't it forms a fibrous capsule around it, essentailly sealing it off from the rest of your body, which is what happend with this guys cattle-chip

>> No.14733394


Try ketakonazole shampoo on your scalp once a week for a few weeks, and then stop using shampoo or conditioner at all but make sure to wash your hair with water frequently. Worked for me. Completely cured of my serbhorric dermatiti and it only comes back if I start using shampoo again (don't use ketakonazole all the time, only if you have a flare-up to kill it off but aftetwards you can't use shampoo or conditioner at all otherwise your scalp will go back to a state that fosters it to grow since they throw off the natural balance of your skin. And no your hair won't stink once you adjust to it and just shower normally with water)

>> No.14733396

If you're serious, get Herolds Internal Medicine and read up on anything you don't understand. There's no point in studying anatomy beyond knowing where the major organs, and blood vessels are if you're not going to perform procedures, and you can get lost in biochem, physiology or pathology. If you just want to get an understanding of the disease and conditions that medicine deals with, Herold's will give you an extensive overview

>> No.14733397

>She has no inferiority complex, which i feel like is a huge turnoff.

>> No.14734004

is there anything more cucked than having a medschool gf?

>> No.14734051
File: 49 KB, 563x582, C4C1rWY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having a porn gf

>> No.14734761
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will (chronic)sleep deprivation make suicidal thoughts(which will soon materialize into actions)go shoo shoo away? Im sure and convinced a single night staying up all night,eases depression a lot...are there diminishing returns as hours pile up?
can I reach a state of mania by sleeping 1,2 hours a night,or 4 hours every-other night?

>> No.14734792

Is salt (which salt? there are many types to buy) and candle wax a good way to disinfect and seal wounds/bruises?
Someone who does karate told me he'd put his hands in salt after punching trees a lt

>> No.14734817







>> No.14734834
File: 16 KB, 451x421, 186B3F12-0D8D-4B90-9BB2-7B087721BB2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>break your neck
>all muscles below it stop working
>EXCEPT the heart and diaphragm
explain this, atheists

>> No.14735243

God hates its creation and enjoys its suffering.

>> No.14735309

They're muscles which have no reason to be under conscious control, so why would they stop when they don't receive signals from the brain?
Heart and diaphragm are not the only ones. Vasoconstrictor muscles will carry on as normal, as will those causing peristalsis in the gut.

>> No.14735330
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>residency atm
>current nordic cuntry = okay salary after graduation, but 50-60% taxes
>insane house prices

do anons have any experiences with western specialists going to a persian gulf state local public/private hospital?

>> No.14735770
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not an atheist

>> No.14735799
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Chronic sleep deprivation is one of the absolute worst things that can ever happen to the human body with no upside. It's not like exercise where there is damage and then it supercompensates. It's just bad, bad, bad..
Are you in Europe? Go to Amsterdam, book an ayahuasca clinic and trip on that if you want to try something extremely far out. Or go to the Netherlands and take a hero dose of mushrooms and see how you feel. Or try fasting, or exercise, get a job, read a book, join a gym, fucking *anything* but sleep deprivation.

Here, this is a bunch of workout routines to get you started.

>> No.14735810

People who do karate are fucking retards. Martial arts in general will take a toll in your tendons, which you may want to keep around at age 70+.

A wound needs to be sterile to close. Clean it well and put neomycin on it.

>> No.14735814

diaphragm is corded from brainstem. Heart is completely independent.

>> No.14735828
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Bros. I fucking hate medicine. The fuck do I do now? I'm way too deep. Doing pediatrics right now.

>> No.14735964

>can you catch raybees from sucking off an infected animal? or by fucking it without protection or birth control?
-chorizo worshipers, 2022

>> No.14736311

not going to do a google scholar search for you, but don't pay for stuff behind a paywall. use scihubgm

>> No.14736889

so for over a decade now i've been getting new moles, and as the years have gone on the rate at which they appear has gone up. i went to a doctor when it first started happening and they sait it was normal, but it's getting out of hand and i cannot stand it anymore.

>> No.14736896
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It's been days, thanks bro.
Haven't found what I'm after just yet but this will be a good resource going forward.

>> No.14736965

scihub*, what you're looking for is going to be tough to find, environmental effects leading to epigenetic changes are hard to study because you want to observe changes over a long period of time. also, it is hard to do proper controls for stuff like that

>> No.14737167






>> No.14737459

It only gets worse.

>> No.14737483

>Propanolol for arachnophobia
Do all beta blockers have this effect or is there something unique about propanolol?

>> No.14737553 [DELETED] 

Wait a minute... how do paralyzed people digest food? I thought muscles were needed to push food through the digestive system.

>> No.14737597

>tfw being investigated by the university for making racist comments
>tfw comment was that indigenous people have higher risk of suicide
>tfw it's a complaint from a colleague that despises me because he's a narcissist and I don't play his games
Every day I am amazed by how petty and shallow medical "professionals" continue to show themselves to be.

>> No.14737603

Re: liver
I think it depends on if the drug is a high extraction ratio or low extraction ratio. Basically, imagine if the enzyme that metabolizes the drug does so instantaneously and that there is a lot of this particular enzyme. What would be the limiting factor? Flow.

Conversely, if it's a low extraction ratio enzyme, then the enzyme's low metabolic activity is the limiting factor and flow doesn't really affect it.

Ergo, I believe that flow affects liver clearance in some situations, but I'm too lazy to go back and look at my pk notes to really check.

>> No.14737622

If anything, it's proof of the most incredible opportunity ever: mass scale social engineering.

>> No.14738081







>> No.14738373

so apparently chloroform doesn't immediately make you unconscious. Is there any chemical that does?

>> No.14738394
File: 2.18 MB, 1600x1104, Psciatry 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is psychiatry an exact science?

>> No.14738506

I mean to say if she had an inferiority complex it would be a turnoff; sorry poor wording

>> No.14738509

C3-5 innervate the diaphragm (aka very high up in the neck would have to be rekt to stop diaphragm from working), heart intrinsically works, but sympathetic fiber are like T1-5, so your heart will have a hard time speeding up if you lose innervation below the neck, though you're not gonna be running or exerting yourself if you're paralyze so it won't matter anyways since you heart won't ever need to dramatically speed up at that point.

Cool failsafe design to be sure, so the checkmate anthesis bit actually still probably holds

>> No.14738513

it does within a few seconds, any inhales volatile anesthetic (sevoflurane, isoflurane, desflurane etc.) will do the trick as well and any intravenous anesthetic (propofol (the king), benzos in high enough doses, opiates in high enough doses, etomidate, ketamine in high enough doses etc) Lots of shit can knock you out in under 3 seconds. I'm an anesthesiologist and literally do it every day to people

>> No.14738612

I'm an IM intern on ER rotation. Why are ER doctors so indifferent to everyone who isn't actively decompensating? I've sent a lot of people with treatable stuff home in pain because attendings don't want to start low risk medications. I get pushback even giving low risk stuff like sucralfate to people with obvious GERD/PUD or laxatives for people with obvious constipation and pain. Maybe I'm missing something, but my month here convinced me never ever to take advice from an ER doc and never ever to go to urgent care or an ED unless I'm about to die

>> No.14738652

Time is of essence and you really cant follow up people at the ER, send them to outpatient consultation.

>> No.14738684

Why not kill him secretly?

>> No.14738686
File: 103 KB, 231x413, Uncle_Ruckus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have revitiligo

>> No.14738732

Bros. Tell me how can you stand working in this field at all. I feel fucking worthless. I feel overworked and burned out. I have no willpower to read those hugeass texts filled to the brim with useless molecular biology anymore. It's hard enough to find straightforward treatment guidelines. Making Anki cards is a chore, reading texts and summarizing them is a chore. Reviewing is a chore. I'm sick of it all.

I find it specially demoralizing to see how people in shitty office jobs look happier, I'm actually amazed the feats marketing people pull off. People working on videogames, passion projects and other shit. People with skills. Meanwhile the only skill i have is playing guess who with poor people.

What's the point of this? What difference am I making? I am not even making good money. What makes you keep going?

>> No.14738769

Emergency medicine is not a real specialty. 40 years ago ERs were staffed by surgeons and hospitalists in charge of admissions. Ideally, everyone below triage category 2 would see a family physician who can be in charge of appropriate referral and direct admission to a hospital if needed.

There's a reason why EM is going to be the first to go and the first to be replaced by brainlet PAs and NPs (probably with a hospitalist overseeing their monkeying around with algorithms which will become increasingly sophisticated).

>> No.14738782

How are you "reading hugeass texts filled to the brim with useless molecular biology" and getting paid? At what level of training are you?

>> No.14738784
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>anon files vexacious complaint against me
>give him a lethal dose of morphine

>> No.14738808

1st year pediatrics resident in shithole country. Pay is $800/month. Work hours are unofficially 5am-3pm, with 24 hour shifts every 5 days, can't go home until morning work is all finished and I must stay till afternoon if there's a lecture. Weekend shifts may extend to 30 hours. Since the program is new no one prepares lectures for us, we must make the presentation ourselves and the specialist moderates it.

>> No.14738823

Why is my scalp itchy? I don’t have lice btw

>> No.14738856

I seriously have no idea why people ever believed doctors.
All doctors have tried to scam me according to every other type of doctor(but i did find a pretty good dentist by the end of it). If that isn't a red flag about the entire field idk what is.

>> No.14738875

Sounds pretty awful. I don't know what your shithole country is but here in the states the light at the end of the tunnel is in 3 years you're a pedi attending and can work hospital or community medicine and either get paid a fuckload more or work off the backs of other miserable residents (or both). Don't you have to look forward to?

t. IM-pediatrics resident working 70-80 hour weeks most of the year

>> No.14738894

Dunno. What other pediatricians here do is take some hours in one hospital, some hours in another and hunt for night shifts, the life of a nomad. The thing is hospitals are assholes and only hire you in sets of 4 hours.

I don't want to be this sort of skilled wageslave. I wish i had business skills or knew how to code to either scam other students with a course, offer medical records services or some shit. I'm worried i'd have to waste even more time getting those skills from zero. Maybe surviving the shitshow would be for the best, but God how I hate it so much.

>> No.14739138
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b-but wikipedia said you'd need five minutes to knock someone out with chloroform...

>> No.14739198


>> No.14739205

thats is absoutely retarded workout for masturbators
day SPLITS? really?is that for 7 year old girls?

>> No.14739248

Don't listen to the retard telling you to take shrooms. Going on a mania trip is not going to fix your depression but, as the term already implies, make you manic. Take anti-depressants with good profiles, i.e. NSI-189 (stimulates hippocampal growth all while being anti-depressive), Agomelatin (better sleep quality (not sedative-like shit where your REM phase is fucked up) all while being anti-depressant & anti-ADHD through dopamine, serotonine, and noradrenalin upregulation), maybe even something like cerebrolysin that upregulates many growth hormones. pe-22-28 intranasally is another really great one, same thing goes for aaz-a-154, bnc-210, TAK-653, J147, GLYX-13, MIF-1, trans-ISRIB (A17 is just stronger), PGL-36, CERC-501, nor-BNI, intranasal deferoxamine, C60oo, coluracetam, cortexin, HGH, Pinealon, Epitalon, Phenibut (only use it sparingly), Buprenorphine, Vorinostat, Picamilon, Baclofen.

>> No.14739285
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She was fucking gigantic before and after having the cyst.

>> No.14739287

sounds like a shitty book

>> No.14739298

I get being desperate and taking poorly-researched pseudoscience meds to enjoy your placebo effect, but man, you are obsessed.

>> No.14739767

fucking lmao

>> No.14739772

you're pretty retarded

>> No.14740477

maybe if you leave it out and it's not sterile, could get some irritation or an infection if there's any bacteria growing in it. That's like with any biohazard waste

>> No.14740492

you need to be understanding of her time. She will be too tired to speak do you or too stressed. Don't take it personally. You guys will definitely grow more distant, but just try to understand it's the situation, not you, and give her space.

>> No.14741353

Premed here. Feel like I need to pretend to have different political opinions just to get people to not instantly reject me in interviews and shit.
Also ORM so fuck me

>> No.14741378

any recommendations to counteract depression?

I cannot find the cause, nor can two therapists.

The only way I can seem to maintain a happy lifestyle is a insane routine of working out 3x daily and eating only fish and rice.

It's incredibly difficult to maintain and I frequently fail, returning to a depressive state for months.

>> No.14741448

Any pathologists here? Fellow slide monkeys?

>> No.14741471
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>Pick up prednisone
>Pharmacist mentions to take it in the morning
>"Yeah, insomnia's one of its side effects, so it makes sense."
>Pharmacist asks if I'm studying medicine
>Question feels so out of left field that I wonder if I even heard him right (he also phrased it like "you in medicine?" or "you studying med?" so it wasn't immediately clear)
>Pharmacist says he asked because I knew about that side effect
>"No, the doctor mentioned it."

I can't tell whose fault it is that that exchange was so awkward. Do doctors usually not tell patients about the side effects of the drugs they prescribe? Or is that knowledge really so esoteric? Do I just LOOK like a med student or something? I'm an extremely short, bald man who was wearing glasses and a mask at the time. I don't think I look like much of anything.

I'm not a med student, to be clear. I just stumbled across this thread and remembered this moment from a few days ago.

>> No.14741563

how high of an mcat?

>> No.14741871

see >>14739248
Supplement some anti-depressant, that will accelerate it.

>> No.14741901

>Feel like I need to pretend to have different political opinions just to get people to not instantly reject me in interviews and shit.
Talking about diversity and shit is so fucking gay.

>> No.14742113

Docs always seem to avoid telling sides hence why I was pushed SSRI for BED and fatigue
Still the same

>> No.14742149

>I'm an extremely short, bald man who was wearing glasses and a mask at the time.
internal med phenotype

take meds depressed fatty

>> No.14742179

I'm not depressed. I'm addicted and yes, I take wellbutrin. It makes everything worse

>> No.14742240
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>star taking venlafaxine
>no more anxiety or depression
wtf i thought ssri's and snri's were poison????

>> No.14742319

im shitting up your thread always and exposing this board to hip new ways man

>> No.14742326

>I take medication that makes me feel worse
>I take medication
why are amerisharts like this?

>> No.14742514

fucking hate dentistry so much. I wish I took medicine instead boys

>> No.14742527

I have a constitutional right to take my meds no matter how I feel.

>> No.14743945

so how to handle an elderly with dementia ?

my grandma don't even my dad name and my dad kept trying to force her to remember it
it's just hurt to watch

>> No.14744031

that's why doctors should be wearing WHITE COATS and professional CLINICAL CLOTHING not this pyjama shit

>> No.14745327

>any recommendations to counteract depression?
Get a job.
Get a girlfriend.
Eat healthy.
Stop playing videogames.

>> No.14745334

>Any pathologists here?
wtf do you even do?
>are you medical?
is a pretty common question in this field of work. if I have a patient who starts talking to me in medical language, they're probably a nurse or a pharmacist or another doctor and I'm probably gonna talk to that patient differently than I would to someone else because they probably have a greater understanding of anatomy and pathophysiology than the average person.

>> No.14746191

There's no easy formular, her brain is atrophying, just see if you can connect to her in some way, be it music, images or talking about things she does remember. You can't make her remember, though sometimes she might. Either way there's a variety of ways your grandmas disease can progress, some dementia patients essentially revert to a childlike state and just stop giving a fuck, some become angry, some become catatonic, you'll have to wait and see, just be patient and try to find a way to interact with her that still works.

>> No.14746219

beta blockers are also used for treating anxiety, they just counteract the physiological panic response

>> No.14746949

some days i just feel kind of delirious. like mentally hazy. not firing on all cylinders.
i don't really know what exactly it is but something is clearly not correct. is there a good heuristic to eliminate common causes of malaise?
usually, i assume it's insufficient sleep, or food, or water. so if i slept enough, i'll make myself eat a meal, and drink a glass of water. but that's all i do and i don't really know what "thing" i may be neglecting that is making me feel unwell.

>> No.14747002

how do i get into path residency?

>> No.14747152

do medicine as well and do omfs

>> No.14747278
File: 1.56 MB, 4032x3024, 6519DB64-4796-48A6-81EF-24FD02FAD1E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this cancer you guys are drs wtf is this

>> No.14747523

I am currently studying biomedical engineering, interested in studying the brain by taking images of it in order to figure out the cause of consciousness.

If I want to learn more about the brain/neurology what should I read? Can I jump straight into it or do I need to study anatomy/pathology before?

>> No.14747615

At the absolute minimum, you should know your anatomy and neuroembryology (otherwise how else would you understand the phylogenetic/triune model of the brain). To do this you can watch some youtube videos on embryology to get up to speed and then go through Netter's Atlas of Neuroscience for the anatomy. I don't know how much biology you would have learnt but you need to understand enough to understand neurotransmission, action potentials, metabolism, etc. (as they form the basis for measuring the brain) and thus if needed you should read some of Guyton and Hall's Textbook of Medical Physiology.

>> No.14747617

If you've lost your appetite that is a good sign that you might be sick

>> No.14747652

You keep at it until you are a consultant, then you drop down to 0.25 FTE, and enjoy your 100k/year for 1-2 days/week

>> No.14747820

Doctors of 4channel™. Can you tell me what are the lifestyle non-genetic non-malignant causes of the vicious disease known as hyperspermia?

>> No.14747880
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How long does /med/ think Pax has left?

>> No.14748367

doing it wrong

>> No.14748386

Looks to be part of a finger or possibly a toe

>> No.14748407

Nah youre playing it wrong. Kill one of his loved ones. If you kill him you become a suspect because you had clear motivation

>> No.14748449
File: 99 KB, 1x1, 2021_FACTS_Table_A-23.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

514+ will make you stand out and give you a decent chance even with a 3.0. Here are last year's numbers that relate GPA + MCAT to admission percentage

>> No.14749223

Who the fuck are the people applying with GPAs less than 3.0 and MCATs less than 486? Spending so much money and time on applications with those stats takes a cavalier attitude.

>> No.14749225

Where roughly do you draw the line between
>oh geez, this poor sod really does have a condition with a truckload of symptoms
>alright we get it, let's address this thing first:
>now this is clearly just a hypochondriac/Munchhausen patient, and those symptoms likely are mostly psychological

>> No.14749641


Barebones objectivity.
The symptoms not associated with what your work up suggests are usually supratentorial.
For the symptoms/outlier data that do not give a clear direction to what the next steps are / who you should send a consult to… like the unexplained pains / vague malaise type stuff that are longer than a 2-6 week duration - with negative diagnostics, in general, is where most people draw the line. Frequent ED visits for issues not related to their problem and dramatics suggest your patient is a bitch ass ho

>> No.14749813

I wish we had mcat here. The entry reqiurement is insane. you can have perfect grades in stem subjects and still be rejected for simply not getting good grades in literature or history or PE

>> No.14749838

any oncology faggots in here?
where do start for reading as far as landmark clinical trials go?
i'm getting my head bashed in during my radonc rotation for not knowing any of these trials

>> No.14749968

This patient's case has just thrown me into confusion about what got him. Anything (you) guys would have done differently? I'm a resident in ICU/Internal med.
>50s male
>past medical of controlled DM2, HTN
>admitted to the ED for cough with hemoptysis, SOBOE, SpO2 of 90%
>no fever at the time
>white blood count high, normal BNP, get sputum sample and blood cultures
>chest xray suspects bilateral lower lobe pneumonia
>treat with IV piptaz, RT
>26 hours later blood culture and sputum sample clean, covid negative
>seems to be on the mend
>on day 4, gets a fever of 104 F
>agonal breathing, SpO2 of 85%
>is intubated after no response to nebs
>repeat chest xray still shows that lower lobe pneumonia
>ABG has pH of 7.28, HCO3 is 20
>new blood cultures show gram + cocci
>treat with IV vanco
>rapidly deteriorates into multi-organ failure and dies only 32 hours after 1st dose of vanco
>family requests no autopsy
I don't think it would have been a good idea to have had him immediately treated with vanco, we got our first set of labs fairly quickly. I know sepsis is a tough one to deal with, but it feels shitty to have lost him so quickly. MD I'm working with says he really had no chance and I should stop thinking about it.

>> No.14750057

i don't know how it works in normal people but i've never really had much of a "desire" to eat. i don't feel much of a reward for eating food, and i don't feel much of a consequence for not eating. i eat multiple times a day because i decide that it's time to eat food, not because my body is compelling me to eat food, if that makes sense.
hunger pangs aren't a thing i get. the only negative consequence i experience is if i haven't eaten in a long time, like over an entire day, my hands feel a bit shaky and i feel anxious. talking with diabetics, that is what low blood sugar feels like. i don't have a history of diabetes, and my bloodwork is normal.
i think the way i operate is not particularly typical of most people. i don't have much in the way of "impulse" or "drive" to eat, or sleep, until i have seriously neglected those things. like, not eating for a whole day, or staying up for 24 hours or so.
i view them more as chores that i have to keep up with periodically and i decide at some point it's time to do them, if that makes sense.

>> No.14750074

Australia has fucked it and we need to do the full four years of medicine in addition to dentistry for omfs. There's essentially two spots in the country to do accelerated clinical years but all others are four year. That being said, I am totally in line with that suggestion and looking at going overseas to do it.

Dentistry ain't it

>> No.14750500
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I just fucked my 10th nursoid last night. AMA.

>> No.14750541

I'm a tourist here, so I'm not sure what most of that means, but I just wanted to commend you for trying your hardest to save that guys life. Theres not many people who could ever even dream of being in the position you're in, and even fewer who would be able to handle the responsibility of it all.

>> No.14750572
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>admitted for ED
you think his erection could have been so dysfunctional it killed him?

>> No.14750585

dude you're so fucking gay. please get conversion therapy

>> No.14750590

only 10? gotta lift your game, buddy. what are you, pathology?

>> No.14750607

Well I am a psych major

>> No.14750616

its only my first year in the hospital :(

>> No.14751123

How do you do it? I may be too autistic

>> No.14751365

>stand out
The average for Asians is now about 515 lol. For Whites it's like 513. Unless you're in a state with a public school that takes what it can get, 514+ is the MINIMUM as a white/asian, assuming of course that you have the full suite of
>high GPA
>clinical experience
>research experience
>hobbies/interests AKA not a studybot
>personable in interviews
Anything less and you go DO. Which, honestly, is fine too, but yeah MD fucking sucks nowadays and we're at like 3/4 MS1 having taken at least one gap year just to get all this shit in

>> No.14751403

>hobbies/interests AKA not a studybot
How does one balance all of those things and still have time to pursue hobbies?

>> No.14751828

Sounds like he got busted my a nosocomial infection, no? Tough luck, some just spiral into sepsis like that, even with sufficient monitoring a youngish guy like that can compensate for a while before he crashes hard. What could you've realistically done differently that would've improved the outcome?

>> No.14751914

Likely some HAI. Maybe consider chest CT during the onset of trouble on HD4. Rule out PE and TB if you haven’t done it already and consider VATS / washout if perhaps developing into pus… though would likely not help him.

>> No.14752091
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Covid vax was the greatest IQ test of our time
>Get exposed to covid
>Its okay go to school
>2 years ago, would go to jail
If you took it, you failed the test


>> No.14752241

>nursoid student
>next semester, doing OB clinicals
>be male aspie that constantly fucks up in social situations, making people feel awkward and creeped out.
>expected to work around hormonal moody women in intense pain, and inspect their genitals without fucking something up and getting my ass beat by the family.
>Then have to work with an extra patient in one of the most fragile conditions a human could ever be in, where simply dropping them could kill them and get me thrown in prison.
How the fuck am I going to survive this?

>> No.14752681

>some just spiral into sepsis like that
>… though would likely not help him.
I know he likely wouldn't have benefited or improved from us doing anything else earlier, but it just sucks. I just keep wondering if we should have consulted infectious disease given he was diabetic, if we should have done a pleural tap, CT chest when we first got that positive xray, shit like that. Interesting to note TB though since that wasn't considered, no one remembers that other resp infections exist other than covid. Like you guys say, maybe the poor sap got a HAI. Can't win them all.

>> No.14752784

I've been thinking about the triage system for a while. How do we rely on the nurse's opinion to know who to visit first? Nurses seem pretty retarded.

>> No.14753073

What is the alternative?

>> No.14753206

It’s a numbers game my man, don’t beat yourself up. We all get handed a punch card in the beginning of the day, with our numbers called out every once in a while to accept a poor outcome. You’re going to do a lot of good, investigating and questioning everything you’ve done or should’ve done means you’re in the right profession.
We all understand this dilemma though, ordering too many tests when the push from the top is to limit and save costs. Keep up the strong work

>> No.14753237



>> No.14753716

By taking extra years. Every year there are fewer and fewer people who go straight from undergrad to medical school. 2 gap years is the norm now for MD program admissions. Maybe 3 depending on the school. If you're a traditional applicant, you end up having to sacrifice somewhere. You simply can't have the perfect app ready by the end of junior year. For me, the weak point was a bare minimum amount of research and my GPA was subpar (3.5 range) but believe me, I had other facets of my app that made up for it. Still had a terrible time in most of undergrad honestly.

Remember. Out of all the people applying, the people who have made it far enough and think their app is good enough to justify spending thousands of dollars on app fees- only about a third of them get into a single school.

>> No.14754070

Don't be a pussy, you're the professional and you know what you're doing, don't let the bitches make you feel insecure