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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14733423 No.14733423 [Reply] [Original]

This kills the /sci/ fag

>> No.14733427
File: 685 KB, 824x1024, hegel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The final redpill is that contrary to popular belief mathematics is not just applied logic. Indeed mathematics is the way more general discipline, and logic and even philosophy can be formalized and studied via mathematics (which may seem a bit paradox at first since the classical foundation of mathematics is logical). Lawvere said once
>It is my belief that in the next decade and in the next century the technical advances forged by category theorists will be of value to dialectical philosophy, lending precise form with disputable mathematical models to ancient philosophical distinctions such as general vs. particular, objective vs. subjective, being vs. becoming, space vs. quantity, equality vs. difference, quantitative vs. qualitative etc. In turn the explicit attention by mathematicians to such philosophical questions is necessary to achieve the goal of making mathematics (and hence other sciences) more widely learnable and useable. Of course this will require that philosophers learn mathematics and that mathematicians learn philosophy.

My personal advice would be to learn the necessary math in the following order
>basic math (up to highschool tier)
>basic set theory
>linear algebra
>real analysis
>differential geometry
>algebraic geometry
>algebraic topology
>category theory
>homotopy theory
>higher category theory
>homotopy type theory
Should take about 2-6 years depending on how much you devote to study and how smart you are. Now, you are finally ready to read Hegel

>> No.14733446

where would computer science go in that graph?

>> No.14733448

Hegel was the dumbest nigger on the continent I can't believe people take him seriously, actually I can, but they are clearly bad faith commies/fascists

>> No.14733451

Should bring back calling science natural philosophy

>> No.14733480

throw a rock ten feet to your left

>> No.14733488

Actually philosophy is a practical field of knowledge.

>> No.14733496
File: 28 KB, 220x331, 1659710595571761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Imagine wasting your life learning high school tier fields like physics and biilogy or advanced addition.
Are non-engineers even sentient? We look at your type of people and want to skin your faces and crisp them up like bacon thene at them for being such a drag on humanity. You ate not an extension of the great scientists and marhematicians of the past you are just playing grade 18 high school extension pack.
Engineering is the only truth as the world collapses and the great wars begin.

>> No.14735723

But philosophers don't even believe philosophy exists.

>> No.14735751

Computer science is a subset of math.

>> No.14735759

Psychology isn't even applied biology. It's sociology applied to academic studies. Most of its guesswork.

>> No.14735827

you big thinkers are nothing without the tradesmen who build your fancy pants drawings and moving pictures! Nothing!!!

>> No.14735847

The final "redpill" is the realization that literature is not philosophy's bitch but the other way around. Thus, both math, literature and poetry are the purer fields of thought and Hegel is a fucking pseud.

>> No.14735853
File: 62 KB, 728x851, 62A5D11E-47C2-4279-9965-CA08949969F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not just selling your soul to become a code monkey making 300k tc working 10 hours a week (remote)

>> No.14735864
File: 122 KB, 1210x655, deleuze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something like deleuze or hegel is not pure. it's just nonsense.

>> No.14736416

Other way around.

>> No.14736463

what meaningful discovery has philosophers given us? the two dont even seem comparable

>> No.14736581

philosophers discovered science

>> No.14736852

>female philosophers
Whoever made this edit clearly knows nothing about philosophy.

>> No.14736991

the greeks literally stole all their ideas from the oracle of delphi
go back and stay there >>>/r9k/

>> No.14737003

This is actually true. Plato seethed and coped about it but he ended up doing the bidding of yet another poet (Aristophanes).

>> No.14737048

Ancient Greece was barely conscious. The writings of Plato and Aristotle are on the level of the ramblings of an infant today. Though the word "philosophy" was coined by them, actual philosophy, i.e. deep and meaningfully insightful intellectual thought, didn't start before Descartes.

>> No.14737058

t. philosophylet. If you actually study the ancients and the moderns in depth, you end up realizing that most modern philosophers have nothing on the ancients.

>> No.14737068

Ancient philosophy is just mysticism plus confusion over ambiguity of words in their own language. They never reach the clarity and rigor of modern philosophical giants like Chris Langan who solved huge parts of metaphysics.

>> No.14737081

Since both inclusions hold, they are equal.

>> No.14737082

>Greek philosophers got their ideas from a literal prostitute on drugs
Well, that would explain why Aristotle sounds profoundly retarded.

>> No.14737101

The absolute state of your mental illness. Are you the psychotic who rambles about bicameral brain fantasies?

>> No.14737283

Non-analytical philosophy is far on the left side.

>> No.14737299

Cartesians ought to be lobotomized

>> No.14737361

Plato and Aristotle are very clear. You just got filtered.
He's just an overwrought Berkeley. Been there, done that, had problems, it's over. Doesn't even compare to great modern philosophers like Charles Sanders Peirce.

>> No.14737383

Shut up and make my coffee philosocuck.

>> No.14737627

Intentionally. Based French philosophers dab on pseuds by getting them to believe in nonsensical shit that rots society from the intelligentsia out

>> No.14737635

what a childish argument

>> No.14737819

What a childish response

>> No.14738958

Computer Science is just applied Maths

>> No.14738966

How can philospohy fags have the time to post on 4chan where they're too busy sucking off the homo engineers

>> No.14738992

Modern mathematics is just an arbitrary explosion of logic based on setting the origin number as its own opposite self negating value, of course it can be used to describe anything, any system that is based on contradictions can be used to describe anything in any way.