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14730681 No.14730681 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14730719

Before this gets flooded with dumb bad faith troll flamer posters
id like to give them all homework

Refute these things with your own research or die in a forest fire and stop bothering us adhd folk with the same old stupid shit. Im on phone so i dont have patience to google all this research but its should be easy to find

The fruit fly tube and light experiment. Certain genes were selected for, and yes flies with those genes cant navigate well at all, this tube maze with flashing, distracting lights.

The mri brain imagery. Before it was called adhd it was known that small injuries to the prefrontal cortex region could induce some symptoms. Adhd folk have a part of the brain - thinner than regular and thats whats causing the problem

And the best one - the fact that adhd folk react to stimulants, as if they were sedatives. No euphoria, no increased heart rate. If some idior atacks you for being a fraud, challenge him to take the same amount of amphetamine with you and then compare blood pressure and reactions.

>> No.14730728

>is adhd real?

>> No.14730774 [DELETED] 
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>us adhd folk

>> No.14730804
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>adhd folk react to stimulants, as if they were sedatives
Yerkes-Dodson law. ADHDers have understimulated brains. They seek out stimulation whether in video games, aggressive dangerous driving, skydiving, or trolling others. Neurotypicals have functioning brains so taking medication makes their brains overstimulated which is bad for performance. ADHD is real. I've had it my whole life when I climbed out of my crib and fell on my head because I couldn't stay still like a normal baby. Or when I squeezed 8 bottles of shampoo and lotion out the window because I was bored when neurotypical kids did their homework. My parents were not happy with that.

>> No.14732790

add = absent dad disease

>> No.14732807

Some of the symptoms are likely caused by neurological differences; but until we develop methods to empirically identify and measure those differences, the diagnosis is a complete meme

>> No.14733065

>is bad parenting real?
>is children's brains getting destroyed by tiktok real?
>is anti-intellectual western culture real?
This is what ADHD actually means. So yes, it's real.

>> No.14733078

not really, just go outside, get some sun and exercise

>> No.14733141

Is it real? Yes.
Is it treatable without medication? Absolutely.

ADHD at its core is a behavioral disorder, so it needs to be treated as such. You need to train your brain to essentially become less hyperactive. This is most simply done with mindfulness or activities that include mindfulness as a component. Is it easy? No. But it's doable. It takes time, and a lot of people just aren't willing to accept that it will take that work, so they take the pill route. It's easier, but the damage is awful.

>> No.14733174

>ADHD at its core is a behavioral disorder
Wrong. It's a develop>mental disorder.

>> No.14733176

>is adhd real?