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14723198 No.14723198 [Reply] [Original]

What would be the long and short term effects on STEM education if race based university admissions were determined to be illegal?

>> No.14723205

>proportion of niggers and spics in universities reduced anywhere from 50 to 99% depending on proximity to nigger cattle ghettos

>> No.14723274

It would be only Asians and Whites then.

>> No.14723454
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>> No.14723472

STEM will continue to filter dumb poor people, who go on to get niche humanities degrees where they can copy what Professor Goldberg says for an A+ instead of thinking.

>> No.14723502

The ACLU really has turned into a big pile of crap.

>> No.14723530

White people would stop applying as other races. That's about it.

>> No.14723542

i remember when a negro tried doing this in highschool, dancing on the chairs for some reason. out of instinct i shouted at him, asking what was he doing. the negro immediately stepped down. to not hurt his ego i of course said he was better than this, all ended well.

>> No.14723543

Glow niggers will need to actually be smart so they can get their georgetown degree and pretend to be the spic prime minister of some shithole.

>> No.14723571

>consume twitter screenshot
>get excited for next twitter screenshot

>> No.14723729

Dirtier than you can imagine. AA laws only exist to punish white Gentile males and force race mixing on communities that don't want it. They exist for no other reason. White Gentile males will still be discriminated against in some way and Asians probably will be increasingly too, because they shamed the darkies with their brain powers. Until you remove the anti white people and culture at the heart of Central Banking and the modern West, you won't end discrimination against white people.

>> No.14725816 [DELETED] 


>> No.14725826

Isn't this a non issue given that a lot of people of Indian descent have been making it big in tech for almost 20 years?

>> No.14726031

That's the point: They're complaining that there precious blackies are still underrepresented while Asians are overrepresented. TGo them, asians dont count as a minority because they can make it by merit.

>> No.14727576

There's no legitimate reason for universities to consider race when they can just consider family income.

>> No.14727584

There's no legitimate reason to limit admission in the first place. Let people try and if they fail, they fail.

>> No.14727598

If you don't gatekeep "knowledge", your institution loses prestige.

>> No.14727602

ETH Zürich still has quite the prestige.

>> No.14727603

Yale would become 100% Jewish instead of just 99 lol

>> No.14727606

America becomes a Chinese colony.

>> No.14727610

>ETH doesn't gatekeep
lol. try getting into ETH with a degree from some slav university and then speak.

>> No.14727622

Well, I was only speaking for Swiss nationals. Why should the Swiss federal institute of technology admit everyone from around the world?

>> No.14727690
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>"We filed an amicus brief today urging the supreme court to protect universities ability to consider race in college admissions"

How the fuck are they championing this. Fuck what the USA is turning into.

These are often jobs acquired via H1B visas so they already studied overseas and came to work in the USA.

>> No.14727705

Gay, mentallyretarded, transexual, disabled, poor, illiterate niggers won't get special treatment anymore.

>> No.14727872

The ACLU has been dead for at least a decade. They now champion the "right" to censor speech that isn't in ideological compliance with leftist values.

>> No.14728098


>> No.14728123
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>thinking whites would qualify

>> No.14728859

nigger, just check their official press releases. Apple or Red Hat for example.

>> No.14728861

Not just ACLU. Dozens of companies including Apple and Red Hat.

>> No.14728866

So much circle jerking on this thread, I can smell the rancid cum from here. So much for the "anti-reddit" board.

>> No.14728876
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*Jews. Even if racial quotas magically disappeared, nepotism would still be extremely prevalent.

>> No.14728942

Well the list below are the glow nigger companies that are going against democracy to enforce affirmative action:

Adobe Inc.
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
Airbnb, Inc.
Alaska Airlines Inc.
American Airlines, Inc.
American Express Company
American International Group, Inc.
Amgen Inc.
Apple Inc.
Ariel Investments, LLC
Bain & Company*
Bayer US LLC
Biogen Inc.*
Bristol Myers Squibb
Chamber of Progress
Cigna Corporation
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Corning Incorporated
Cruise LLC
Dell Technologies Inc.*
Eaton Corporation
Engine Advocacy*
Etsy, Inc.*
General Dynamics Corporation
General Electric Company
General Motors Company
GlaxoSmithKline LLC
Google LLC
HP Inc.
IKEA Retail US
Illinois Tool Works Inc.*
Intel Corporation*
Jazz Pharmaceuticals PLC
JetBlue Airways*
Johnson & Johnson
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.
Leidos Holdings, Inc.
Levi Strauss & Co.
Logitech Inc.
Lyft, Inc.
Match Group, LLC
Mattel, Inc.
Merck & Co, Inc.
Meta Platforms, Inc.
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Paramount Global
PayPal Inc.
Pinterest, Inc.
Procter & Gamble Company
RealNetworks, Inc.
Red Hat, Inc.*
Ripple Labs Inc.
Salesforce, Inc.*
Silicon Valley Leadership Group*
Starbucks Corporation
Steelcase Inc.*
The Hershey Company
The Kraft Heinz Company
The Prudential Insurance Company of
Twilio Inc.
Uber Technologies, Inc.
United Airlines, Inc.
Verily Life Sciences LLC
ViiV Healthcare Company
VMware, Inc.*
Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc.*
Zazzle Inc.*

>> No.14728972

>admit everyone from around the world
Not everyone but the Swiss recruit good students from all over the world, the french too. If you are a gifted genius in a shithole the swiss will save you

>> No.14728988

>that are going against democracy
I forgot it's not democracy unless right-wing retards get everything they want. Kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.14729010
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>I forgot it's not democracy unless right-wing retards get everything they want.
How does someone become like this?

>> No.14729046
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better STEM graduates. less retards in society in important positions of influence
>short term
a lot of seething commies who are mad they can't hate white people.

>> No.14729048

this is what happens when ideology > reality

i keep telling people, science is no longer in the purist of truth. rather, science is now in the purist of proving an ideology true. facts do in fact don't care about your feelings. but feelings don't care about your facts. and people care more about feelings than facts. and ideologies are more based on feelings, rather than facts.

>> No.14729051

they are not going against muh democracy. they are going against western culture.

>> No.14729052

T. leftypol who is mad he's not getting his way because democracy is only getting the way lefties want it.

>> No.14729077

>I forgot it's not democracy unless right-wing retards get everything they want.
>I forgot it's not democracy unless left-wing retards get everything they want.
>I forgot that a democracy is supposed to be about different points of view
Maybe people need to have a bad case of totalitarianism to remember why their ancestors wanted democracy at all.

>> No.14729080

Maybe you're so fucking brainwashed you think democracy is real, but I don't see what that has to do with my post.

>> No.14729089

Accenture -> Glow op outsourcing
Adobe -> Glow company
Cisco -> Glow company
Apple -> Faggot Glow company
Jewgle -> use Yandex
Intcel -> Jew company
Hershey -> fake chocolate
Kraft heinz -> fake ketchup
Uber/Lyft -> faggot company
Merck -> globohomo CCP
Bayer/Biogen/BristolSquibb/GlaxoSmithKline -> glows
Jewbook/Paypal -> Jews
IKEA -> swede faggots

>> No.14729117

i don't think he was attacking you. i think he was just going off what you said. left thinks anything that isn't left wing is a threat to their democracy. right thinks anything not right wing is a threat to their democracy. both forgetting democracy isn't about their ideology. its a form of authoritarian compromise. no one is post to get their way all the time.
>Maybe people need to have a bad case of totalitarianism to remember why their ancestors wanted democracy at all.
the thing is, democracy is a totalitarian form of governance. the majority oppresses the minority by vote. its a solution to a problem where society can't come to a unified agreement on because you have sizable factions that can cause a fuss about it, and people come to a vote to answer the question once and for all by having the majority vote win.

problem arises when the majority vote isn't a big vote. meaning, majority vote is 51% or 57%. that still leaves 49-43% of society disagreeing. that will still cause tension. you really need vote margins in the 60-70%+ zone to really have something settled by society. but that rarely happens. you look at presidential elections in the US for like the last thirty years, presidents have only won in the 50% range or won below 50% because of a third party vote. like what happened in the 90s. you cannot say society is united by a 52% win margin. that's 48% of the rest of society that disagrees. society is still heavily divided.

but you now have a large chunk of society oppressed by a very small majority.

>> No.14729126

>left thinks anything that isn't left wing is a threat to their democracy. right thinks anything not right wing is a threat to their democracy.
No, they don't.

> democracy is a totalitarian form of governance.
No, it isn't.

>the majority oppresses the minority by vote.
No, they don't.

Why are you wrong about everything all the time?

>> No.14729139

Where are you from? China? Australia? Canada?

>> No.14729155

you are a giant retard if you don't understand the basic premise of democracy. minority vote doesn't win. majority vote wins. therefor, a minority is being overruled, oppressed, by a majority. that is in its very nature, its core, of authoritarian because entity with the most power wins and exerts that power over those below them. a king is a majority because he has the power of a majority. he wouldn't be king if he didn't have the power of a majority. so even though the king in of itself is a minority (one man) he has the power of a majority and can exert that power of those below him (the minorities who do not have the power equal or greater than the king).

the same thing applies to democracy because democracy is just a collectivist form of authoritarian ideology. large groups of people unite together to form a single entity (a final vote) that exerts power. the losing side is now oppressed by the vote (by the winning group) as they have to live by what the majority ruled in favor of.

>> No.14729178

gay people in California were oppressed by the majority in 2008 by democratic vote in favor of banning gay marriage in the state of California. majority of California citizens voted to define marriage as between one man and one women. the only reason why gay people today have the ability to marry is because we are not just a democracy. we are a constitutional republic. we have representation. the minority was able to use representation as form of check and balance over the democratic vote and had the supreme court overrule the vote of the majority to allow gay marriage not just in the state of California, but nationally.

democracy at its core is an authoritarian ideology because democracy itself, is just mob rule. majority ruling over the minority.

>> No.14729184

>minority vote doesn't win. majority vote wins. therefor, a minority is being overruled, oppressed, by a majority.
Embarrassingly wrong on every level of analysis.

>> No.14729186

>blah blah blah long explanation
US democracy is a shorthand retard.
The system was sorta designed to hedge against pockets of retards that gets manipulated by VPN Shanghai agents like you from taking over the country.

>> No.14729190

and remember, majority of US states had democratically voted to ban gay marriage. majority voted to oppress those in favor of gay marriage.

it was the republic side that overruled those democratic elections.

>> No.14729198

at this stage i'm would have a better time arguing with a brick wall because at least the brick wall wouldn't reply back such retardation. its disturbing knowing these are the type of people who get to vote.

>> No.14729206

>a group of 40 people
>they come to a vote
>30 people vote in favor of banning apples to prevent people from eating apples
>10 people vote in favor of not banning apples
>30 > 10
>there for, 30 vote wins
>no one can eat apples
>10 people who wanted to eat apples, are now oppressed by the 30 because even though they wanted to eat apples, they can't, as the majority of the group voted to ban apples.
>the small minority in favor of eating apples are now oppressed by the majority who do not want to eat apples.

>> No.14729209

You arent even from this country Zhang so your opinion literally doesnt matter. The US isnt an absolute democracy.

>> No.14729260

>>10 people who wanted to eat apples, are now oppressed

>> No.14729275

>short term
Academic standards improve substantially, Asians replace all other students besides legacies and athletes, efficiency of educational institutions and quality of learning greatly improve

>long term
Original research stagnates and drops off even further due to lack of innovation, social perception of science on the left turns negative as it's seen as a racist waste of money that could be handed out to Blacks or refugees, society becomes ever more divided with social inequality more deeply entrenched

>> No.14729290
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You basically described my life. Amazing, i even feel bad.

>> No.14729302

This is what happens when you hire disloyal people because meritocracy.

>> No.14729337

There would be 0 black and Mexican people in stem and the dropout rate would decrease

>> No.14730479

you aren't wrong

>> No.14730639

Nice way to elucidate it, I’ve long been trying to put my finger on why more based countries tend to be more corrupt. I have come out for a while telling people I don’t care about corrupt governments if it will keep things less gay, but I didn’t have a good way to understand the connection until your post.

>> No.14730653

Anon probably isn't particularly right wing, since right-wingers are not pro-democracy. And leftists say any time the proletariat votes against what they want that it's "false consciousness." And affirmative action is definitely a case where there's quite a lot of "false consciousness" out there. Cope harder.

>> No.14730691

The problem is which things are considered merits. Disloyalty should be considered a de-merit.

>> No.14730714
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"Nigger" and "Nigger cattle" are completely unrelated concepts.

>> No.14730718
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They will never understand.

>> No.14730721
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>> No.14731383

>It is difficult to get a person to understand something when their gibs depends upon their not understanding it.

>> No.14731534

I don't see how this thing stands up in any court, since you can just say "what is the definition of race" and by their own admission it doesn't exist or it's a social construct (untill it becomes useful for it not to be). if we are taking the most rigorous definitions of genetic distance, and sequenced everybody, then it opens the can of worms whereby we can start to point out the actual differences between geographically/historically separate populations. because if there aren't any, what does genetics even mean?

>an actually good post