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14714345 No.14714345 [Reply] [Original]

Why is science dying? Why are contemporary scientist such failures when compared to previous generations? Will future generation be able to correct the failed patterns of behavior that the current crop of boomer & gen x "experts" continue to follow? How?
Does the boomer & gen x failure leave a hole as large as the christian dark ages? Is the shorter timespan compensated for by the larger population numbers?

>> No.14714347


>> No.14714356

i believe that the age of innovation is fast ending. the 20th century saw approximately the maximum potential that science could be applied in a meaningful way to our civilization, and going forwards future innovation will be purely up to engineers. we may learn more about the universe through science, but it will not have radical changes on the way we live as it did throughout the past century (i think this pursuit is still valid, but that's another issue).

thus the trend you see isn't necessarily the fault of the scientists, but the compound effect of diminishing returns in new discovery.

>> No.14714393
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>click bait pic in OP
>leave source out
>this thing here is bad
>now explain it to me /sci/ence

Every time I see this modus operandai I assume it's a bad actor making a bad faith thread.
Bad actors and useful idiots abound ITT.

>> No.14714671
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>Every time I see this modus operandai I assume it's a bad actor making a bad faith thread.
that's because it is

>> No.14714712

In any case, the question about thesource is relevent. What is "research productivity"? Research productivity and Number of researchers are so well correlated (almost y = 1-x) that it is strange. Even if this is not the case, knowing what is "research productivity" seems to be relevant for the discussion.

>> No.14714736
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Because research output is exponential and they're still measuring in a linear way or something.

>> No.14714764

We still have a long way to go, do not lose hope, motivation is low right now.

>> No.14714791


>> No.14714794
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>> No.14714843

All our advances are in fields that you can't physically see. We are still advancing exponentially.
Everyone just realized that going to the moon is pointless before we cure cancer and shit

>> No.14714891

>science and technology is progressing bro, trust me
>no, i do not have any way to demonstrate what i'm saying it true
the iphone is the greatest invention of this century so far. by this time in the 20th century science had already invented flight, antibiotics, nuclear energy and all sorts of other significant and legitimately worthwhile things.

>> No.14716828

in 1920, The New York Times editorial staff, in response to Goddard's ideas about space flight, published the following:
>[A]fter the rocket quits our air and really starts on its longer journey, its flight would be neither accelerated nor maintained by the explosion of the charges it then might have left. To claim that it would be is to deny a fundamental law of dynamics, and only Dr. Einstein and his chosen dozen, so few and fit, are licensed to do that. ... Of course, [Goddard] only seems to lack the knowledge ladled out daily in high schools.

They published it with no author attributed because the author did not want to be held responsible for the cringe and because the author was jewish, so the suggestion that only jews can do science would seem less genuine if the author was known.
Two decades later it turned out that only Germany had any sort of significant missile program, the lead Goddard had given to his country was squandered by the jealously of jewish scientists and their jewish media fanbois. Thousands of Americans died in B-24s an B-17s because of it. If the jews hadn't been so jealous of Goddard, Hitler would've been wiped out far, far earlier. The jews don't care since jews never risk their own lives in military combat, they always sent the goyims to do it for them.

>> No.14717722

What a fucking scam.

>Keep giving us funding. You just can't see our results!

Shit's getting old.

>> No.14717757

get used to it, the rest of your life will be spent being victimized by this same scam over and over again.

>> No.14717787

Jokes on you. My karma is through the roof.

>> No.14717790

The peak of innovation was in 1870

>> No.14717895

Even less so and certainly nothing close to their modern evolutions.
>nuclear energy
If you're a time traveler from 2053 then maybe you know something I don't

>> No.14718013

Most of the innovation nowadays is in industry instead of academia

>> No.14719717

its always been like that, academics wouldn't be still stuck in school if they were competent enough to move on to a legitimately productive job in their field.

>> No.14719784

>>Why is science dying? Why are contemporary scientist such failures
>nepotism (kids, friends and relatives of scientists get to be scientists instead of the real ones)
>fake science (concentration on women and minorities who copy and talk well but can't do innovations instead of finding geniuses).
>best fake science money can buy instead of real science (pharma that doesn't heal, fake green tech, fake weather data claiming to be "global warming"etc)
>> boomer & gen x failure
Gen X are just barely getting into money and power. Right about now. Boomer women are running US Congress - Pelosi, Clinton and gang. Boomer women are running US educational system and pretty much all Universities. MIT is now so woke and leftist, they are looking for green and CO2 (while we are on a carbon life form planet and trees are the best CO2 collectors) .
> the age of innovation is fast ending.
Not really. We did not even scratch the surface of energy tech etc.
I don't see each of us having tiny boxes in our homes that power everything, do you?
>Most of the innovation is always in industry instead of academia
Not really. Academia has been destroyed by wokeness, cancel culture and a group of people without any credentials who fired or sued everybody who had any chance of catching them being frauds.
Currently, it's impossible to deal with woke cancel culture in Academia, therefore innovation moved to industry , military and alphabet agencies.

>> No.14719930

>military and alphabet agencies.
Government work is a leisure class pursuit, they don't innovate, create or anything like that and never have. Academia is also a leisure class occupation.

>> No.14719951

t. guy who thinks you will never need more than 8 GB of RAM
>a pointless piece of shit that enables normies to use things they already had, but while mobile, is somehow progress
the iphone isn't even an invention you ignoramous. it's a collection of things other people had discovered, invented, and built. it's a fucking prebuilt lego set two retards in california snapped together and sold on to even dumber retards. It's sad, and that's all it can ever be. Cell phones are a meme that have only limited human potential by ruining attention spans and subjecting retards to the advertisements and propaganda of the media industry.
i'm a time traveller from 1980, turns out you retards forgot how to build nuclear power plants. Pathetic. Enjoy sucking the cock of Big Coal and Big Oil for the rest of your days, because you don't have many days left. You could have handled all of base load with nuclear, but nope, you're burning coal. You could have reduced coal usage to 0, worldwide, and reduced natural gas by ~80%, but instead you've increased both of those. Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. It's a shame you're allowed to exist, really. Just shameful.

>> No.14720143

close your eyes and visualize a modern 'scientist'
thats why

>> No.14720162

the steady creep of bureaucracy, the steady creep of warm bodies into research positions they have no business being in, and the gradual shrinkage of new problems that are simple to describe, measure and correlate

>> No.14720184

>>military and alphabet agencies.
>Government work is a leisure class pursuit, they don't innovate, create or anything like that and never have.
Do you own a phone?
Do you use wifi or any other types of wireless signal?
Do you notice phones went from a briefcase size to a tiny handheld device, working 100 times better at the same time?
That minimization of surveillance/military tech was started and funded by the military.
Secure communications - you think they wanted you to be secure or the military and alphabet agencies' communications? They all financed and built it, and it took decades to get into consumer products.

>> No.14720380

People got iron poisoned and lead deficient.
>It seems it basically robs you of the capacity for abstract thought. You can no longer look at an issue, pick what is important, summarize and simplify it towards the essential. This is what allows normal people understand the world, using their own mind, and think about things independently. In the lead deficient, this mechanism gets broken, so everything seems overwhelmingly complex. The worst thing about it that the deficient are oblivious to this defect. Their broken abstract thinking means that they can't comprehend how things could be simplified the way others simplify them, so they see them as uninteligent people who can only understand things too simply, and themselves as the smart guys, who understand how complex things really are. Naturally, this causes a lot of trouble in my attempts to fix the issue, as the deficient can't be explained that they are retarded, and the remaining normal people are gatekeeped from any position where their decisions could matter, because the deficient see them as retarded.

>> No.14720459

Not enough engineers, architects and inventors let in. Too much diversity and asskissing, nepotism as well. It became the club for underachieving white liberals to feel special in. It stopped being about innovating and more about publication dick-waiving and acquiring indentured servants (grad students) to do unreproducible work so they can get one more grant. The best scientific inventions and discoveries came from peoples homes and basements in the name of god.

>> No.14720463

The answer is because science is getting pretty fucking hard to do. You have to have a phd and a decade of experience just for a HOPE to do or discover anything useful. It's also become more math intensive.

>> No.14720470

none of you people have done anything since the nuke was invented FUCKING DISCOVER SOMETHING

>> No.14720477 [DELETED] 

You are mistaken, none of the PhDs with decades of experience have discovered anything useful yet this century. They are all unproductive failures.

>> No.14720559
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>lead deficient.

I would just cite telecommunications. Lead deficiency is a problem because it turns people into homosexuals rather than murderers, but I wouldn't really attribute high lead levels to anything beyond masculinity, impulsivity, and violent crime.

While these traits were a godsend among scientists back in the 1900s where you could crank out some serious chemical weapons or other powerful innovations just by fucking around with the most basic technology, at this point, you need to dig much deeper to find things of value. This is why scientists just started making shit up like quantum physics, just pure imaginary shit with no viable product.

The extensive genetic culling of the 20th century ensured that the scientists were all born genetically castrated, because your owners news that peasants with big balls were a threat. Without big balls, especially with all of the landmines of angry peasants, there's no real way to advance science and please the peasants at the same time, and since the scientists are smart enough to know that upsetting the peasants is a death sentence, they just sit around pretending to do work and accomplishing nothing.

They don't expect to accomplish anything. They're afraid that if they accomplish something meaningful, the social backlash would be so severe they would be lynched. Just look at the DNA Nigger who got his prize stripped for saying intelligence is genetic. This is just common sense. Hell, I'm sure once you get trans-bird people walking around, then some scientist says "Having a cloaca is genetic", that dude is getting the rope in town square like Saddam Hussein.

There's no money in progress. People hate progress because progress hates people. Progress shatters delusions, the truth hurts, and the peasants hate that shit. The government is built upon deluding the peasants, and they pay scientists to cook up some propaganda called "science". It's all just bullshit to pander to the people who pay money.

>> No.14720579
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>the graph just shows murder rate vs large social paradigm shifts
>"IQ differential" is a facetious description for the murder rate

As one of the few people doing legitimate science today, it's not actually difficult. It just has to do with making arguments about "socially, ethically, or legally prohibited topics". It's easy to advance in that direction because there are so few people willing to do that.

Scientists are incredibly limited because they're only wiling to do things that #1 somebody will pay for, and #2 will not cause the peasants to kill them. This limits them from doing the vast majority of science, since this all requires reducing human beings to livestock or at least stripping them of their human rights in pursuit of scientific advancement.

You can't have cyborgs or other shit like that without killing a lot of peasants in the process. A lot of people will die when you try to fuse some machine into their brain and the shit just kills them. That should be OK, but the peasants will cry.

The only reason the peasants get upset about this shit is because they know about it. The only reason they know about it is because of telecommunications and the press. These things have been the downfall of science, because there's now a constant threat of literal farm animals with both physical and metaphorical firearms pointed at your skull. It's not a hospitable working environment, and since intelligent people are naturally risk-averse, no scientist is willing to actually put their neck out there to take risks in the name of progress, since, in the world of the tyrannical telecommunicating peasant, this is a death sentence for all but the most absurd bullshitters willing to tolerate peasant delusions like transgenderism, black equality, and wanton healthcare. None of these are empirically sound arguments, but it is the peasant's whims, not empiricism, that decides what is "fact".

>> No.14720585 [DELETED] 

I remember reading "The Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy" and being amused by Douglas Adams' rant about the digital watch craze. Digital watches were a tiny step forward in consumer tech, but when they became available people went apeshit over them, Adams' complaint seemd mainly to be that digital watched weren't as much of a big deal as they were made out to be and that previous eras had produced more significant inventions.
The book was published half a century ago, between then and now we got TCP/IP, hypertext and a bunch of incremental improvement to digital and communications hardware, but not much in the way of novel, bombshell discoveries like nukes, airplanes, antibiotics

>> No.14720598
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That article explains how to properly rear human children, but despite its empirical validity, there are neither states nor scientists willing to defend these truths, simply because all of them are whipped like slave niggers by the militant peasants, and they are bound to the tenets of "new science" where it is the whims of the peasants, not empiricism, that decide what is "fact".

This article, again, explains how to rapidly resolve the problem of diminishing labor stocks due to impotence among the peasants. Will any party accept these empirical truths? No. They would rather watch their own civilization collapse due to impotence induced labor shortages than do anything to upset the peasants.

Allegorically, rhe peasants have held science hostage, and in the blind ignorance of the peasants, they will both starve to death rather than allow the scientist to grow food. The peasants will not allow the scientist to grow food since he needs to grind up some peasants into bloodmeal to feed the crops. Since this is "ethically prohibited" by the peasants, now the peasants and the scientists all die due to the unwillingness of the peasants to accept the necessary collateral damage that is required to make legitimate scientific progress.

The only progress that is made by science is done by people who do it independent of compensation and recognition. All of the money and all of the recongition is controlled by the same group of people, and their sole intent is to content and delude the peasants, not to actually make scientific progress.

We have the bomb. Science is no longer a matter of life and death. The peasants, however, remain a matter of life and death, as is seen with the recent riots. The people will burn down the nation over the most childish reasons possible, out of some delusion of mistreatment.

>> No.14720615
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>We have the bomb. Science is no longer a matter of life and death. The peasants, however, remain a matter of life and death, as is seen with the recent riots. The people will burn down the nation over the most childish reasons possible, out of some delusion of mistreatment.

In reality, the empirical truth is far, far, far more abusive to these peasants than the policeman was to George Floyd. Empirical truth reduces all humans to livestock below the status even of a Negro slave. There is no humanism, no ethics, no rights, and no other farcical fantastical bullshit that some homosexual philosopher imagined 500 years ago in some pipe dream.

The peasants have walled off 80% of room, and we've scoured the 20% they allow us into like crackheads looking for some tiny crumb of "advancement" just to get something to eat. There's nothing to be gained in this "safe space", but until the state grows some balls and breaks its wild peasants, they will continue to rein as cowards, as a king ruled by his wife, children, and dogs.

This argument outlines a realistic future for humans in space, but there are no humans that would defend this logically sound and empirical argument over "magic space marine Han Solo" type space flight we have right now were we send people into space just for propaganda purposes, just to give the peasants something to clap about.

People don't want science because science doesn't coddle their fantasies. They want star wars, they don't want to be a biological weapon used by robots to catalyze entropy, they don't want to be a "discount dirt and water robot" used in the rare situation where it would be less economically taxing to have human slaves do a job than a robot, especially as metal becomes more scarce and robots more capable and valuable due to millennia of the establishment of heavy robot infrastructure.

Peasants don't even want to learn or read. They just want to get high. They want pleasure. Work isn't fun, and science is work.

>> No.14720628

>Why is science dying?
Walk into any university library. Its full of hundreds of years of knowledge from all over the world. Now look how many people are actually interested in that knowledge, and then look at the dates on the books. Many of them are over 50 years old. Now with billions literate, all people care about what somebody posted on social media.
We are in an information explosion too, but most of it is pointless and redundant information. There is more information than ever before, but its hardly worth the energy used to store it.

>> No.14720635

I wonder why goyim are so susceptible to be influenced by badly written mediocre hit pieces if only that single paragraph was needed to kill Goddard's dreams.

>> No.14721284

This is what I feared is going to happen once I use a tripcode.
Back to anonymous, sry the anon you asked for it, it just isn't possible.

>> No.14721410

wtf is a researcher and wtf are those axis huh OP you dumb fuck

>> No.14721946

all the low hanging fruits have been picked. We have reached the point where there will still be progress but nothing truly revolutionary will come out for a long time, and then another big bang wave of innovation will come

This experiment is a good analogy
Inititally, they mutate and change quickly but the growth decelerates and there was stable meta for long time until a big breakthrough at generation 31000

>> No.14721958

How do you know the past 500 years wasnt the big breakthrough and that we're not back to the previous crawl?

>> No.14721980

You might find this strange. But this is how it is. Everyone wants to be learned as fast as they can, so they don't have time to waste with learning. Vagueness is everywhere. Nietzsche's advice is forgotten. That it is better to know nothing, than hlaf-knowing many things.

The other thing is that many scientists focus on what is popular. Such as neural networks in the recent past. Rather than going deep into one subject, they refocus on something that is more likely to get accepted by the science journals.

>> No.14722308

>between then and now we got TCP/IP, hypertext and a bunch of incremental improvement to digital and communications hardware,
Not really by much. TCP/IP was finished (except for IPv6) in 1980, and hypertex must have been similar.

>> No.14722334 [DELETED] 

>You have to have a phd and a decade of experience just for a HOPE to do or discover anything useful.
No this is the problem. The universities demand an insurmountable collection of math in the first semester as "a filter" which lets in those who absolytely don't want tomake science' while people with good abstraction skills that you wan't to get in will simply not bother.

>> No.14722344

>You have to have a phd and a decade of experience just for a HOPE to do or discover anything useful.
No this is the problem. The universities demand an insurmountable collection of math in the first semester or something similat as "a filter" which lets in those who you absolutely don't want to do science, (as they will only produce more convoluted descriptions of whatis already known) while people with good abstraction skills that you wan't to get (as they would simplify existing knowledge and discover new things, think of feynman's diagrams, for example) in will simply not bother.

>> No.14723217

Incredibly retarded post, like beyond stupid. Of all the people who have contributed significantly to science/math in the past 300 years, I can count on my left hand how many didn't attend college or study with the equivalent intellectual elite for the time. If you can't understand at least calculus, then I'm sorry I dont want you within 100 feet of a math/science department. Retards and mathlets dont understand that you learn calculus and other higher math not to use it, but because it makes you a more competent thinker.

The day unis get rid of math requirements is the day unis die. At this point however we've probably reached the limit of the current humam gene pool in ability. In order to birth the person who will solve the riemann hypothesis we'll need new mutations to produce an individual of intelligence not currently possible.

>> No.14723223

The funny this also that Feynman had to learn calculus in school, as did pretty much every scientist/mathematician of renown in the past 50 years. So your example is nil.

>> No.14723243

So, wheres the cancer cure?

>> No.14723286

>Of all the people who have contributed significantly to science/math in the past 300 years, I can count on my left hand how many didn't attend college or study with the equivalent intellectual elite for the time.

your list would include the most significant scientific figures of the era, the elite studiers on not on you list have their "contributions" in the form of prizes won - awarded by their fellow elites, titles awarded from the same class and a lot of support for their reputations from the publishing industry. what you won' find amongst their contributions would be anything of tangle value like inventing airplanes or antibiotics or discovering new and legitimately visible planets.

>> No.14723297

>value like inventing airplanes or antibiotics or discovering new and legitimately visible planets.
All of that is done by scientists in institutions who carry phds. University scientists do the basic research which then filters down to industry where phd scientists do more specialized research. Even engineers have to have a degree and be certified to design a plane.

It's impossible to escape university. You are absolutely incorrect, the people who designed your plane had to take calculus, as did the people who discovered your aspirin.

>> No.14723311

Have you considered that contemporary implementations of capitalism do not optimize for scientific progress?
For instance, the age old discussion of topics like free or near free energy, what incentive is there to invent this in a capitalist system, beyond altruism or glory? Wouldn't you profit more just sticking to a recurring business model than a permanent solution?
The same goes for people working in software, why work on an important mathematical proof or optimization that pushes the field forward when you can do this once, but you can design many thousands of disposable APIs that will likely be gone in 5-10 years? Consider for a moment the type of people who become rich, are they at the forefront of technological progress? No, as someone else in the thread said they merely push technology together and in many cases it results in a worse society by most metrics (mobile phones).
Maybe contemporary capitalism optimizes for ultimately disposable and meaningless widgets that are just combinations of previous advancements by superior peoples, superior societies, and we will never reach those glories again, or maybe not.

>> No.14723344

For the real answer, read this paper.

Short answer: We have transitioned from the age of intellect to the age of decadence.

>> No.14723351
File: 353 KB, 1x1, glubb.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, got forgot to attach the pdf.

>> No.14723383

Flemming was a doctor doing research at a hospital

>> No.14724652 [DELETED] 

good pdf

>> No.14724859

>. Of all the people who have contributed significantly to science/math in the past 300 years, I can count on my left hand how many didn't attend college or study with the equivalent intellectual elite for the time.
Newcomen, Trevithick, Ford, Wright brothers, Diesel, and we are at six, so unless you have six fingers on your left hand, you are wrong.

>> No.14725766

Not Diesel. Otto.

>> No.14725790

physics students are mostly morons who don't know much besides QFT. For those drones, if there is something incomplete from a theory, then it means there is a new particle somewhere. Those idiots have made up hundreds of particles so far and they are still looking for more. That's the entirety of their intellectual framework. LOL.

And btw, the job is shit. hep is really just computing feynman diagrams to some retarded orders in terms of h_bar. It's just computer stuff and 0% physics.
Since the LHC is the biggest DUD in the history of physics, those morons fear they got exposed. So what did they do? they said they wanted 100 billions this time to build a bigger LHC, and to achieve what? discovering new particles LOL.
It is just putting ones head in the sand at this point

even on a global scope, theoretical physics is pretty much dead. Zero innovation since the discovery of the CMB.
All the atheists crave for a new scientific revival with biology, AI, and biohacking but it wil be an even bigger dud. And even worse, they are even less a science, because the side effects are even more complicated to predict in general, and with respect to the particularities of such and such genetic population.
And people will scream about ethical stuff since testing on living will be even more mandatory sooner or later

>> No.14725828

because it's not about science anymore, science was given widespread respect so now it's about politics instead

wait a few decades longer until it loses all respect again, then maybe it can be about actual science again

>> No.14725848

I don't mean the math is "hard". It mean it's a mind numbing slogs of memorizing math solving techniques and going through absurdly wordy explanations of otherwise simple concepts, which
1. Do not foster understanding
2. Will be considered superfluous by anyone who actually has the brains to belong in R&D.

It doesn't produce better thinkers. It produces monkeys who can solve known problems with the tricks they were taught to solve them with. Face them with anything novel, and they get stuck.

>> No.14725882

>the LHC is the biggest DUD in the history of physics
>what is the higgs lol

>> No.14725916 [DELETED] 

apprenticeship with a bookbinder was his only education

>> No.14725950

You are describing cartels which are not stable under caputalism because they require every member to leave profits on the table. The inventor of free energy puts all other power companies out of business and becomes a monopolist in the industry, this the incentive.

>> No.14728023

There is a lot of rot that result sin the replication crisis and the train wreck shown in retractionwatch.com on a daily basis.

>> No.14728027

>We are still advancing exponentially.
That is a big one. Cite?

>> No.14728473

Cartels can easily be forced using patents.
Do you think that nobody can make a better x86 CPU?
Intel just can say no.
Do you think that x86 is good?
It really isn't, which is why your phone can be nearly as as good as your computer, with a fraction of the power.

>> No.14728515

>Believe Science(tm)
>(Human) Climate change is real, all inexplicable weather is caused by it
>Vaccines (therapeutic injections) are safe and effective, any negative side effect is covid or climate change
>sorry, we cant let you do science unless you believe everything we say is true and never question it

>> No.14728985

It is rather bizarre that people want to essentially close
x86 which is 50 years old
ARM which is 40 years old
MIPS/RISC-V which is 30 years old

It is as if the field has not advanced the last 50 years. And no, microcode will only help so much, this is only patching up b0rken ISA designs and excessive orthodoxy. the time is now to design CISC-X.

>> No.14728990

Only bureaucratic institutions have the resources to conduct groundbreaking research

>> No.14728999

>what incentive is there to invent [nearly free energy] in a capitalist system, beyond altruism or glory?
Bob has a factory. His factory requires lots of electricity. He has to pay for that electricity, reducing his profits... unless, of course, he could obtain a source of nearly free energy.

>> No.14729020

Next thing you know, Bob files a patent, enters the energy business and charges people for energy. Are you actually that retarded?

>> No.14729027

But he invented it. Now you're just moving the goalposts.

>> No.14729028

can't physically see = don't physically exist
all the (((progress))) in fields that can't physically see are scams

>> No.14729045

>But he invented it.
"It" being what, you actual moron?

>> No.14729065

The theoretical nearly-free energy source that he patented and is making massive profits off of for the next 20 years. Can't you fucking read?

>> No.14729068

>Bob files a patent, enters the energy business and charges people for energy.
That sure sounds like an incentive to invent a source of nearly free energy to me.

>> No.14729086

It's not "free" anymore when they charge you money for it, is it, you actual mouth breathers? Just what in the fuck is going on with this board?

>> No.14729095

Yes it is you tool. You're just getting cucked by the patent system, which is irrelevant to the underlying technology. Fortunately patents expire.

>> No.14729120

What is your point? Are you saying thats bad?

>> No.14729132

If it's "free energy" why do I have to pay for it?

>What is your point? Are you saying thats bad?
I guess that depends on your perspective. For a bootlicking cattlebrain slave it may be a good thing. For everyone else it's a bad thing.

>> No.14729143

>If it's "free energy" why do I have to pay for it?
Because the patent jew forbids you from making one yourself.

>> No.14729148

>paying less for electricity is a bad thing
Post nose.

>> No.14729156

Why should I pay anything for it?

>> No.14729160

Because Bob invented/discovered it and should be rewarded for his genius that nobody else in history was able to do?

>> No.14729169

Because, for better or for worse, society has decided that a single act of "intellectual labor" ought to be a source of perpetual shekels.

>> No.14729170

>Bob invented/discovered it and should be rewarded for his genius
Okay, but why does this involve allowing Bob and his estate to monopolize a free natural resource and leech off of the rest of society forever?

>> No.14729177

"Society" hasn't decided anything, cattlebrain, as clearly evidenced by the fact that no one asked you or anyone you know for an opinion on it.

>> No.14729204

>no one will implement my communist fantasies, therefore democracy is fake!!!1!
If you actually stepped out of your mother's basement for 5 minutes and talked to real people, you would find that most people insist that patents are a necessary evil.

>> No.14729222

Patents aren't supposed to be forever. Plus, eventually someone else will discover free energy and so the 2 will have a race to the bottom price-wise (unless they form a monopoly in which case more drastic options are possible).
Patents and copyrights are not LE BAD by themselves. Whats bad is people abusing them.

>> No.14729256

>most people insist that patents are a necessary evil.
How does that refute what I just said, you actual retard?

>> No.14729263

I don't even know why you autists are so caught up with the patent thing. It won't become free once the patent expires unless you can build a home-made power plant.

>> No.14729272

>If it's "free energy" why do I have to pay for it?
Simply because YOU didn't invent it first. See, it is all so simple.

>> No.14729274

So you concede there's no incentive to make energy free in (((capitalist))) society even if there's a way to exploit a non-depletable source.

>> No.14729308

Because society has indeed decided that patents are necessary, contrary to your claim.
Jesus christ you are stupid.

>> No.14729326

>society has indeed decided
"Society" hasn't decided anything, psychotic cattlebrain, but that's kinda besides the point since your posts aren't even congruent anymore. It looks like I broke your programming.

>> No.14729345

It is hard to tell if this is insufficient human intelligence or almost sufficiently intelligent bot at work. The triple bracket around capitalist rather than society really hammers it home.

>> No.14729347

Communists dont have intelligence, otherwise they wouldn't say such dumb shit.

>> No.14729354

>t. nonhuman drone
Lick your master's boot.

>> No.14729363


>> No.14729372
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>"Society" hasn't decided anything

>> No.14729419

Because universities became capitalistic and prefer quantity over quality and science itself is heavily underfunded. Each grant, people lie and never deliver while burning through millions.

>> No.14729432
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>> No.14729468

>became capitalistic
Is that why they cost a fortune to teach you about black geniuses, powerful womxn, and evil whitey?

>> No.14729479

Obviously. Are you some kind of a retard? Who do you think is responsible for that?

>> No.14729491

Self-portraits belong in >>>/soc/.

>> No.14729504

The same people who have always been responsible for the deterioration of society.

>> No.14729539

The fucking Goths and Mongols and Ottomans? I should have figured.

>> No.14729733

Because all the major problems in life have been solved and now its just people looking for a way to get paid for finding solutions to problems that were already solved.

>> No.14729901

Now compare the productivity to two factors

1. Diversity hires
2. Wokeness

>> No.14730195

We have vehicles that can breach mach 20 in atmosphere now and the US is testing an air breathing hypersonic SCRAMjet missile literally as we speak
Your picture is pure bullshit

>> No.14730215

Science is advancing faster than it ever has before, just not in any field brainlets are capable of understanding

>> No.14730256

>We are still advancing exponentially.

Take a look at videogame technology between 1995 and 2000, then look at the last 5 years in comparison to now.

>> No.14730260
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>riemann hypothesis

Brainlet here, what can science do with this knowledge were the hypothesis ever solved?

>> No.14730274

>16 bit doots and deets
>40 polygonal meshes with solid textures and 5 actors on screen
>5 trillion triangles with thousands of objects and psychics meshes with 4k textures and live ray tracing with AI
Uh yea, you're just dumb.

>> No.14730289

>5 trillion triangles with thousands of objects and psychics meshes with 4k textures and live ray tracing with AI

Oh and which games are these?

>> No.14730300

>He doesn't know about Unreal Engine 5

>> No.14730309

So we should be expecting as big of a tech difference between UE5 games and current games within the next 5 years as there was between the original Doom and Half Life?
Because relying on theoreticals with UE5's capability is absolute cope since there's no big releases coming that will fully utilize it.

>> No.14730317

Physics has a deep connection with the RH. Has to do with everything from string theory to statistical physics.

>> No.14730329

Fascinating, so could it go towards proving if string theory is real or not, or do we have to wait for whatever stupidly powerful/large apparatus we have to make to be sensitive enough to detect strings? Bit off topic I know but you seem like you might know.

>> No.14730335

The problem is midwits like you judge games based on what they see on a screen instead of knowing how games actually work.

>> No.14730348
File: 7 KB, 300x168, 1465493150604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh huh, the fact is you can't name a single fucking game that's even in development that meets these specifications and even if you could, the rate of development has dropped off a cliff because development is hard capped by console release cycles.
That you're stupid enough to mention AI improvements earlier is what tipped me off to you having no fucking clue whatsoever. People still rave about the AI of F.E.A.R which was actually impressive scripting because truly groundbreaking AI isn't being developed.

Here I'll try and help you out. VR gaming, though that's still has some strides to make before it gets really going but it's not going to be maximizing Unreal Engine 5 anytime soon considering the rendering constraints of VR headsets.
Stop reading tech articles or whatever and larping as if you've got a clue.

>> No.14730369

>These old games were just better!
>Theres no way technology is gets better!
>If I pretend hard enough, maybe he won't realize I'm stupid!
You are the perfect example of a retard who doesn't know they are retarded. Theres literally nothing I can say that would ever convince you that you're wrong, so there is no point in doing so. You choose to be ignorant on purpose, not my problem you are an idiot.

>> No.14730378

You haven't demonstrated your point and are just hoping an engine you don't even understand is a cureall to your problem when it's demonstrated clearly that it isn't and that you don't understand development at all.
This is just pedestrian poptech bullshit.

>> No.14730414

Not my problem to solve your self imposed ignorance. Don't care.

>> No.14730422

An argument presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

>> No.14730426

>you said an opinion
>I said a different opinion
Yawn, midwits are tiresome. Stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.14730503

>It is as if the field has not advanced the last 50 years.
Essentially nothing has. Things that existed in the 70s have become widespread, and anywhere from more refined and faster, to actually declining, but very little genuinely new stuff.
> the time is now to design CISC-X.
The only time for CISC was when programming was done in assembly and memory wasn't much slower than the CPU. The first software compiler made CISC obsolete.
Bob files a patent, and gets his invemtion confiscated under some "born secret" bullshit much more likely.
Basically everyone agrees that patents are just evil, incluting engineers themselves. The only ones who support them are pattent lawyers and crazy people like the guy who wasted his life suing car makers over a delay circuit.

>> No.14730693

Intel is reversing out of that strategy.

>> No.14730737
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Phd Scholarship/Stipend having phd students work a full time phd + part time job at the gas station lowering productivity.

Also projects are getting more complicated, less ground breaking things to discover, and if it's ground breaking the study would need to be funded for 5+yrs, greater than the average phd.

No point being a post doc when you're fighting for a longer term contract than 1 year. That fighting energy should be spent researching.

>> No.14731294
File: 2.50 MB, 5100x3996, 1599971688553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is from 1984. Just a few years later, the same game was launched with solid multi coloured polygons. The next 25 years were much slower.
1900s - 1960s was Wright brothers' first powered flight to sustained Mach 3 and also moon landings
1960s - 2020s we got F-35, currently grounded at exactly zero Mach.

Examples after examples show stagnation has hit hard.

>> No.14731323

>>It is as if the field has not advanced the last 50 years.
>Essentially nothing has.
I know stagnation bites hard these days but some tiny steps have been made. Orthodoxy is strangling new thoughts.
>Things that existed in the 70s have become widespread, and anywhere from more refined and faster, to actually declining, but very little genuinely new stuff.
I started programming in the 70s as a kid, and it was like being in the Cambrian explosion with lots of weird stuff like RCA 1802.
>> the time is now to design CISC-X.
>The only time for CISC was when programming was done in assembly and memory wasn't much slower than the CPU. The first software compiler made CISC obsolete.
With CISC you can load from memory while autoadvancing the pointer. In RISC all of that are separate steps that fill up the multi level caches with verbose stuff. Also RISC relies on fancy footwork behind the scenes like macro OPS fusion, to repair the brain damaged ISA design, when even 68K did it better.
Compiler writers have promised a lot for decades without delivering. They killed Itanium when they failed to fill the slots properly, also GCC was only able to fill a single slot.

>> No.14733283 [DELETED] 

ARM and X86 executables are identical in size.
RISC alliws much more to be done withing the registry.
The assembly fir modern CPUs is not really assembly. It's being interpreted into the real RISC machine code inside the CPU.

>> No.14733288

ARM and X86 executables are identical in size.
RISC allows much more to be done within the registers.
The assembly for modern CPUs is not really assembly. It's being interpreted into the real RISC machine code inside the CPU.

>> No.14733721

>ARM and X86 executables are identical in size.
Just no.
>RISC allows much more to be done within the registers.
What happened to the Reduced concept? Also, in RISC practically everything has to be done within registers.
>The assembly for modern CPUs is not really assembly.
What does this even mean?
>It's being interpreted into the real RISC machine code inside the CPU.
Amusingly, H and P originally wanted no microcode in RISC, and now they shill RISC-V that need macro OPS fusion to competitive.

>> No.14735967
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>> No.14735977
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watch what happens when people realize that mars colonization is not possible

watch it die even harder when that happens

>> No.14735986

>he thinks we can't go to the moon anymore

>> No.14735992

AGI and genetic engineering will fix this problem so i'm not really worried anymore. transhumanism is going to be amazing.

>> No.14735994

No one cares how they fucking work you nerd, the results are all that matter

>> No.14736301

ongoing dysgenics that has plagued especially europeans since the industrial revolution.

leftism and safetyism that has taken over institutions which discourages individual thought and risk taking.

btw even if you ignore research on the effectiveness of peer review and how it's basically a worthless scam, i wonder how worshipers of peer review explain the drastic decrease in scientific innovation in modern times compared to the 1800s/early 1900s. do they never wonder why people without these groupthink mechanisms were far more innovative? i guess it's that people don't even realize there's been a decrease in innovation.

>> No.14736505

Things are getting more complicated. Some random chemist can't create a wonder drug anymore. Similar for most things. Some random guy can't make a F35 but in the 1914 you could make a military aircraft.

>> No.14736546

The current trend in academia is inter-disciplines, that's because we structure our knowledge dividing the scientific fields, and now you have scientist with lack of knowledge on epistemology for example, in contrast with the minds of the past. So, the solution is try to reunite all the scientific areas, or at least organized the collective work in a better way to have spaces for all the disciplines.

Also, it's not that now the objects of study are more complex, it's because or methods, maths, technics etc., are becoming useless

>> No.14736904

>Just no.
Very artificial, and they had to look hard for a subset that was sufficiently smaller.
>What does this even mean?
It means the CPU doesn't actually run the x86 code, but interprets it into the actual machine code for I think some itanium like CPU inside.
>now they shill RISC-V that need macro OPS fusion to competitive.

>> No.14737083

I am curious why there is a strong decline after 1990.

>> No.14737130

This. It's hard to innovate

>> No.14737159
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Lol video games coming out today basically look like the games they were releasing on 360 and PS3 ca. 2005-2007 when I was in middle school.
Compare a pixelated N64 game from the late 90s with a 1080p HD Xbox 360 game from the mid 2000s and the difference is astonishing. Compare a 360 game like CoD4 from the mid 2000s with the latest version of the same game 15 years later, and you will find very few differences. If 3D graphics were progressing at the same rate as in the late 90s and early 00s, then we would have photorealistic videogames by now.

Anyway, all of that is meaningless, because videogames graphics are largely irrelevant to science and only have relevance for mindless loq IQ normie conSOOOMers. All I need to do is look at actual math and science research. Math is doing better than physics or chemistry, for example, but the only new areas of math that are highly active are the Langlands Program, and Complex Systems/Chaos/Complex Networks, and even that is kind of loosing steam at this point. It was super trendy in the 70-90s and helped pave the way for stuff like data science, but even progress in those fields is slowing. The most active areas of science today really seem to be biotech, cognitive science, and systems biology. Physics, chemistry, math, etc. are largely stagnant, and are becoming increasingly insular and isolated from one another, and more so for institutional and bureaucratic reasons, and not because this is more scientifically productive or something like that.

>> No.14737165
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Video game graphics haven't developed as much because graphics aren't that important to what makes games good. It's more about gameplay design. Elden ring was the best game to recently come out and it had great graphics I guess but less in terms of how sharp and realistic they were and more about how they presented the player with them. We haven't had many more advances in game design either though. Gaming has stagnated because the next frontier is AR or VR.

>> No.14737222
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>Gaming has stagnated because the next frontier is AR or VR.

"Progress" is not a zero-sum process. Even if you're claim is correct and we are on the verge of some VR/AR revolution, that does not in any way imply that this would result in a slow down in progress in conventional 3D graphics. I.e. being on the verge of a big leap in technological progress in one domain is not preceded by a decline in progress in some other domain.

Furthermore, what makes a game "good" is irrelevant. You might think that graphics are less important, and that "music" and "replay" value and "plot development" are more important or more "sophisticated", and you may be right but that's not how the industry sees it. First of all, video game developers and movies studios generally care more about stuff like special effects and marketing, rather than about "music" or "plot development". Big explosions and titties sell games and movies, not music and plot development. Even if you're one of the "sophisticated" gamers (which in itself is a questionable label), the vast majority of games and movie goers are not "sophisticated". Furthermore, if anything music and plot development in games and movies has declined significantly in recent decades. Movies and videos games today are filled with simplsitic pop music rubbish, and they're mostly consumed by low IQ normies. Even the most sophisticated game are thematically simplistic in comparison to actual literature, so the idea that they're not developing the graphics because they're too busy creating ground breaking story lines and exploring deep literary themes, coupled with highly original and sophisticated sound tracks written to the highest standards of musicianship is absolutely laughable. The musical, literary, and thematic elements, of both video games and movies have been in decline for a long time, and were never remarkable to begin with.

>> No.14737267
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>graduate with pathetic GPA
>get snapped up by government contractor because of extracurriculars
>"lol, no contract for you yet. go do internal research :^)"
>eventually PI leading own projects, filing patents, and submitting papers
>"wow, this is hard. I better try graduate school"
>YOU SHOULD TRY A ME OR NONDEGREE CLASSES (but you'll need a strong GPA to get in! ;))
I-Industry is the best, r-r-right?

>> No.14737273
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Physicists are the worst. They won't even acknowledge that relativity was falsified during development of the GPS system.
Every single one of them should be made unemployed and have their credentials revoked.

>> No.14737279


>> No.14737434
File: 18 KB, 512x468, 103978904-The_meme_formerly_known_as_Kuk_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> modus operandai

>> No.14737532

>Lol video games coming out today basically look like the games they were releasing on 360 and PS3 ca. 2005-2007 when I was in middle school.
Absurd. UE5 games match animated movies of the time. You misremember.

>> No.14737572
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>Absurd. UE5 games match animated movies of the time. You misremember.
Diminishing marginal returns is real

>> No.14737657

The final game doesn't even show the amount of effort that used to go into making the games look reasonable with the primitive lighting models. Many games were grayis/uniform shaded at the time, as anything colorful looked stupid and out of place because of the lack of indirect lighting. etc.

>> No.14738174
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>Why are contemporary scientist such failures when compared to previous generations? Will future generation be able to correct the failed patterns of behavior that the current crop of boomer & gen x "experts" continue to follow?

I don't know, anon. The midwits are running the asylum and their focus is on what feels good to them. They rely on narrative pushed through a greater institutional and government apparatus to protect them and their positions. If this pseudo-bureaucracy is self sustaining then just hoping for all the old scientists stuck in their wrong ways to die off won't work.

>> No.14738216
File: 2.41 MB, 998x1308, noprogress3d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Multi-million dollar movie that required specific hardware and massive computer banks to process a single, static frame
>Make a photo realistic city with pedestrians and cars rendered live at over 120 FPS on your $1000 home computer
>no progress

>> No.14738334

>Have a few brilliant researchers
>Stuff gets done
>Flood the field with diversity hires
>Nothing gets done
Also science has become yet another politicized thing, and most soientists would rather virtue signal and spend all day on social media attention whoring.

>> No.14738337

This reads like a bot post. Consider suicide.

>> No.14738359
File: 794 KB, 2556x2560, 2-watson-crick-dna-model-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not allowed to study anything with human genetics or race
This is why we don't already have designer babies. If people could choose what their baby looked like, youd suddenly see a lot more Caucasian blue/green eyed babies.

>> No.14738412

Sometimes I feel that an issue is due to how inefficient we are at dealing with the huge amount of information that is being produced. Imagine how many papers and thesis are written every year on your field. There's so much being produced that sorting everything out is difficult, and reading every single one is impossible. And things get even worse when we consider there are questions that may require knowledge from multiple fields. Sure there are ways around it, but are they efficient?

>> No.14738822

That matrix thing doesn't really show it well, many upcoming games look much better.
Also the comparison with toy story issort of unfair, as even off line renderers couldn't render lighting reasonably well, I think until Shrek. It's handmade by placing special shadowless light sources.

>> No.14738848

How is it unfair? Toy Story was on the cutting edge of 3D rendering and animation when it came out. Now in the present you can play games with way better graphics than a multi-million dollar production. Better lighting, textures, models, speed, not even including all the object processing, memory management, and AI in the background you can't see. Thats called progress.

>> No.14739029

I mean unfair for the games, as no computer could actually render that, in any practical time, if at all. It required hand tuning. Only the direct light and shadows were actually done by the computer.

Lighting actually calculated by the computer came much later. Even some games did it early on, at the cost of enormous time to compile the lebel and the lighting being completely static. (such as the original Max Payne), but Doom3 with its clearly inferior, but fully dynamic lighting meant an end of it.

>> No.14739055

>bot post.
>Consider suicide.
How is that possible? Its a bot!

>> No.14739083

This is a profoundly based pic, btw. It unites artistic endeavor and the comedy of the absurd -- not in humorous content, but in situation -- with a wider point how a lot can be regarded. For example, this can put a mirror in front of humans how they treat their fellow sentient animals. Or it can raise questions about how an alien would regard humans. It's even perfectly functional as a short introductory text to a hypothetical "pure politician" -- i.e. some entity that is divorced from its human nature, but serves as simply a politician and administrator of humans. This is interesting because it raises the question "what is the (pure) essence of a politician/administrator/human roles in general?" and stunningly, being human doesn't INHERENTLY feature.
Of course it can also be understood as schooling text for prospective human administrators of fellow humans if they are especially callous, due to essence or situation (e.g. a concentration camp guardian might find this genuinely useful).

>> No.14739098

sort of yes, the mass corwd controle that is now possible is the biggest invention. We will need to controle the people before we can start to automate production, is no one has work to sink their time in, a revolt is imminent.
So the cattle has to be under controle, then the cattle has to be healthy and then we can think about relocating the cattle once its manure has soiled its living environment.

>> No.14739116

Yes, this is a symptom of lead deficiency as described above. It makes people lose abstract thought, and produce tons of garbage with little value, instead of extracting the essential, so you got a 50 page report and a dozen papers instead of a couple of paragraphs and two images, or even a few short sentences.

>> No.14739195 [DELETED] 

we are still making great strides in genetics, b ut the government is hostile to progress because they spend all their time promoting niggers

>> No.14739320

If you can't see the fields, how do (you) know they're there anon?

>> No.14739324

Not me faggot. Don't lump me in with you faggot soientists, I'll bring innovation to you and show you results anon.

>> No.14739384
File: 10 KB, 300x218, build.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are still making great strides in genetics
a lot of people us "we" in the context as a way of claiming personal credit for others' efforts and successes. what have you personally accomplished? nothing? if so, use "they" instead of "we"

>> No.14739577

>This is why we don't already have designer babies.
Except from China where CCP has declared superhumans a priority and they have none of the inhibitions we have in the West.
>If people could choose what their baby looked like, youd suddenly see a lot more Caucasian blue/green eyed babies.
You can see that already in South America where women wanting sperm donors look through directories with pictures of the men, and strongly prefer European looking men, more so Nordic looking men.

>> No.14739840

>muh neo nazis included for no reason
yes, the inclusion of politics certainly makes any theory seem more valid

>> No.14739989

I would say the core of the issue is the structure of the modern research group. The bulk of the work is done by PhD's who have publication requirements to graduate, and PI's just want to enlarge their h-index pp's. So what papers you do get usually wind up being bloated, low-impact trash on some niche topic that will fade into nothingness as soon as the guy working on it gets his degree.

>> No.14741212


>> No.14741579

i'm published faggot

>> No.14741592

gov money and jobs
cowardice corruption
state science institute
I mean that veritasium brainlet
what a fucking braindead chimp he is

>> No.14741611

>have none of the inhibitions we have in the West.

Then how come my boy He Jiankui got imprisoned for 3 years?

>> No.14741644

yeah but it's not new, that's the point. the yield gets better but nothing new gets created

>> No.14741647

do you have any evidence of this argument?

>> No.14741653

>literally dozens of new algorithms that perform better than ones from a decade ago to allow real time rendering better than a movie production
>nothing new
just stop

>> No.14741654

okay, nothing new tho

>> No.14741657

you say it yourself, they are performing better, but that's not something new

>> No.14741661

>new algorithms are not new
>new techniques are not new
>new hardware is not new
You need a new brain

>> No.14741800

3D rendering is an area that got massively more advanced. New software makes the majority of the difference. It isn't just that the hardware got faster, but the algorithms did as well. New ways of calculating things were invented that make previously unthinkable off line available in real time. Unreal 5 is BEYOND what was seen as the holy grail of rendering in the 90s.

>> No.14741983

>got imprisoned
We don't know that, we only know that they SAID so. Some articles about the story show pictures of him together with a CPP member, so all indications are his project was with the full funding and understanding of the CCP. In fact, in a totalitarian regime as CN you do not have any room for private initiative in science.

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