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14724769 No.14724769 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, what is the healthiest sleeping position?

>> No.14724771

Standing up, in a sleep bag

>> No.14724790 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14724795

there must be someone here who believe it

>> No.14724796

Vetruvian Man

>> No.14724800

I literally fucked up my heart sleeping in weird positions.
I even permanently slightly moved it's position.
It's a lot louder now when I try to go to sleep, and I get tired more quickly.

It's fucked, I had one attack when I landed in hospital(no clots or anything like that), this is basically how it got detected that my heart is not in standard position.

>> No.14724816

I heard ages ago sleeping on your left side is bad for some reason

I also heard sleeping on your back leads to back problems for some reason (soft mattresses?)

And sleeping on your front is an apnea event waiting to happen depending on your weight

So right side it is by elimination

>> No.14724821

I dunno man, people have been sleeping for a very long time.
Why didn't anyone notice this for the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of human existence until now?

>> No.14724825

i used to be so tired i would fall asleep in strange positions and wake up in agony from a limb being completely numb. like when your leg is asleep but on overdrive
being human is weird

>> No.14724897

but they did. Peple in premodern societies sleep on their side consistently

>> No.14724932

Oh yeah it's totally the sleeping positions and not the sugar addiction, caffeine addiction, smoking, alcohol, and general stress

totally the sleeping position
oh and videogames and porn. Those too for sure

>> No.14724941

on back = choke on vomit, and bad for spine.
on left = heart is lower down, so it has a harder time pumping against gravity. so theoretically more likely to have heart attack/failure in your sleep

>> No.14724947

>there must be someone here who believe it
Did you know that sitting in front of your computer for hours increases your risk of blood clots and heart problems ?
If you can believe that, why wouldn't bad sleeping positions have a similar effect ?

>> No.14724954

>Did you know that sitting in front of your computer for hours increases your risk of blood clots and heart problems
so give me an example of one action that does not cause this

>> No.14724966

Sleeping on your right side also helps reduce the possibility of nocturnal acid reflux. Not sure why the right side is better than the left side, something about the esophagus.
Sleeping on your back has a beauty benefit in that you don't squash your face, meaning less wrinkles over time.

>> No.14724971

>so give me an example of one action that does not cause this
Taking a short walk. Drinking a glass of water. Replying to your post.
But yeah, a lot of things increase the risks of cardiovascular problems but a lot of things help prevent them.

>> No.14725000

the problem when you see headlines in that manner, you make people think((on purpose)) that this specific action is dangerous more than others, so they can preach about whatever or offer you a product to "fix this problem".
your existence is a danger to your existence, those "scientific" studies are more than ridicules

>> No.14725032

True but thinking about standing up and making a few steps every half an hour when you have to sit for hours is one thing, changing your sleeping position is another. I don't think a lot of people would pay attention to those kinds of headlines or they'd forget about it the day after.

The real purpose of doing that kind of news at the moment is obvious when you look at the comments on those articles.

>> No.14725050

The unvaccinated position.

>> No.14725052

>Taking a short walk. Drinking a glass of water.
Do you recommend doing those while you sleep t reduce your risk of blood clots?

>> No.14725587

>Do you recommend doing those while you sleep t reduce your risk of blood clots?
Yes but only if you sleep standing up.

That said, I don't know if anyone read OP's article but here's what is said:
> Sleeping sitting up in a recliner is what increases the risk of blood clots.
> Sleeping on the back can cause sleep apnoea which is bad for the heart.
> No real proof that left-side or right-side sleeping has any negative effect for the heart.

So, I mean, nothing really newsworthy.

>> No.14725716

sleepwalking reduce the risk of blood clots.

>> No.14725753
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>> No.14726188

Because for hundreds of thousands of years of human existence, we didn't sleep on mattresses. There was a thread on /out/ a few months ago about some researcher who worked with various primitive tribes who still sleep on the forest floor, with at most a woven mat for a mattress. He postulated that various health problems of the modern world, including most lower back pain, is because we don't sleep in the forest floor anymore. The action of our breathing causing a rise and fall, pushing against the forest floor, is supposed to have some kind of therapeutic re-aligning effect. There were various photos of the various postures used and the benefits each posture was supposed to have.

I remember one in particular was sleeping on your belly but with your hips angled in such a way that your dick doesn't droop on the ground, which is supposed to keep insects out, and that the resulting posture leaves both ears exposed to listen for danger in the night.

>> No.14726248

Just so you guys know, being able to do at least 40 press-ups in 1 minute cuts your heart disease risk by 96%, better than any known drug

I really, really wanted to see a study like this for covid, let's see how many press-ups are enough to justify not buying any vaccines

>> No.14726329


>> No.14726598

inverted, from a shibari harness

>> No.14726608

What do you mean until now? Wait a second, are you one of those antivaxxers?
Here's an article from 2018 on sleep positions and heart attacks:

Heart attacks while sleeping used to be known as "died peacefully in his sleep". Do you think that didn't happen until the covid vaccine?

>> No.14726684

on left side

>> No.14726705
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>Here's an article from 2018 on sleep positions and heart attacks:
uh... fake news! gaslighting!

>> No.14726726

Left side not letting your right leg overhang in front of your left leg

>> No.14726744


>> No.14726748

sleeping on the side with no pillow, with the leg on top extending over the leg on the bottom, so that your genitals are on top of the leg on the bottom but behind the leg on the top, with your neck slightly flexed inward, with the weight of your head resting on the space above the ear, with your legs also slightly flexed inward at the hip, knees at 60 degrees flexion, with the arm on top straight along your body, and the elbow of the arm on bottom lying outwards at 45 degrees from the torso and fully flexed so that the hand of the arm on the bottom resting on top of the side of the neck that is on top.

or just on your back with no pillow with the arms resting straight along the side with the palms facing downwards, but i haven't managed to fall asleep in this position yet. theoretically this one is better for your neck because modern posture and always looking down causes the muscles in the front of the neck to be tight and the muscles in the back of the neck to be weak, so that when you lie on your back with no pillow, the front neck muscles are stretched out and the back ones are strengthened because it makes your neck straight rather than flexed forward like it always is during the day

>> No.14726758

it's actually because sleeping on a hard surface engages your muscles so that they don't totally relax when you sleep like they do on a mattress. the body is adapted for this since when applying only a small amount of strength it doesn't have to keep contracting the same muscle fibers but can keep rotating contracting different ones. since on a hard surface your muscles keep moving, the muscles are continually vascularized. when all your muscles are doing nothing for 8 hours they get tight and weak. people who sleep on a hard surface always report that they wake up with more energy, this is because their muscles have already been moving and haven't been in stasis for 8 hours. "Running water never goes stale."

>> No.14726768

your back and neck muscles, that is.

>> No.14727407
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Like this. Decompresses your joints and spine while sending a healthy amount of blood to your head which boosts brain function, warding off depression and giving you happy dreams. Our ancestors in the tropics would sleep hanging on a tree by their feet to stay safe from predators. Use an inversion table

>> No.14727513

You are designed to sleep at 45 Deg angle, on a buttock and a spatula.
This won't save you from vac clots obviously though.

>> No.14727525

I keep pinning my arm while I'm sleeping and wake up in pain and slight palsy, what's my risk of permanently damaging some nerves?

>> No.14727562

>Sleeping on your right side also helps reduce the possibility of nocturnal acid reflux.
it's the left side

>> No.14727601


>> No.14727611

With a 9yo wife cuddling with you, inshallah.

>> No.14727632
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Stop spreading vaccine misinformation. Climate change and sleeping potions have always caused blood clots and heart attacks in young healthy adults.

>> No.14727638

Yes. Yes, they have. See >>14726608

>> No.14727645

>one article with no scientific repeatability disproves thousands of years of humans sleeping

>> No.14727652

>no scientific repeatability
That's not about repeatability, it's proof that this was a thing before the vaccine.

>> No.14727654

I stand up and use a sleep rope to support my head

>> No.14727655

>proof is when some guy said it a few years ago
>scientific method? whats that?

>> No.14727964

on your side

it's well demonstrated that sleeping on your back is associated with acute heart problems, probably because the vagus nerve is a stupid annoying fag

seek meds

>> No.14727968

When some guy said it a few years ago, it is indeed proof that some guy said it a few years ago, that is correct.

>> No.14727970

as an online discussion about a negative topic grows longer, the probability of someone blaming it on vaccination approaches 1

>> No.14727991

But fortunately the dindu nuffin boys are always on their watch.

>> No.14727992

If it goes on to infinity, the probability of anything in particular showing up approaches 1.

>> No.14727996

america landed on the moon deal w/ it

>> No.14728002

Constant reminders that it was "America" (not - well - humanity) is all you need to know about the stunt.

>> No.14728008

it was a combination of good ol boys, nazi rocket scientists and jewish MIT grads
makes you proud

>> No.14728049

In a womb is the healthiest. Everything else causes some mild forms of pressure ulcer.

>> No.14728066

On the other hand, we know that NASA are fucking scammers - humanity is not to blame.

>> No.14728071

no they aren't

>> No.14728437

I'm actually saying videogames and porn are harmless, but you can't read so you couldn't see it

>> No.14729059
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I was taught to do the opposite (I was taught that laying on a left side you interfere with heart's movements. My guess is you interfere with some organ's work no matter how you sleep. Even if you sleep in a standing position, you squeeze the cells on your feet, so you will have to peal off dead cells off your soles more often or in larger quantities)

>> No.14729069

>a healthy amount of blood to your head
his red face doesn't look healthy. I knew a guy who used these things. He died. even though it was around 60, I didn't like the feeling of that thing.and I think you're trolling. There's no way you will fall asleep in suh position or ever wake up if you do.

>> No.14729412
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That article is just propaganda by Big Pharma and the Government who is owned by them, to try to cover their clot shot "vaccines" killing and maiming millions of more people than the virus has.

>> No.14729422

How do you explain >>14726608

>> No.14729433
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Medical "science" is compromised. Don't listen to the government or media about health and health science related issues. In fact, ignore them about everything. They cannot even get the weather correct anymore.

>> No.14729441
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>How do you explain >>14726608
The clot shots were in the works starting in 2014 under Fauci/Gates/Obama. Wuhan started in 2015 to research the shots and create the Covid-19 virus by working with genetic splicing of HIV and corona viruses.

The 2018 article is pre-gaming, as we call it in the industry, getting ahead of it and the propaganda out there before kickoff.

The 2020 "plandemic" was in the works well before 2020.

>> No.14729448

>on left = heart is lower down, so it has a harder time pumping against gravity.
yeah, no. it works no harder being on top or bottom.
the same amount of blood has to work against the same amount of gravity over the same distance in both cases. the source of the pumping action has no impact on this.

>> No.14729452

And the lackeys of fauci wrote this post on the evil typewriter?

>> No.14729457

static pressure inside the heart should be just a tad higher though

>> No.14729459
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Don't forget Event 201 that was right before the virus was released on the world.

>> No.14729506

>>on left = heart is lower down, so it has a harder time pumping against gravity.
>yeah, no. it works no harder being on top or bottom.
>the same amount of blood has to work against the same amount of gravity over the same distance in both cases.
cannot believe nitwits actually believe this stuff, much less argue over it. kek

Sleeping position has NO influence over heart health, unless it is extreme like sleeping upside down like Batman.

>> No.14729619

pussy lip exposed

>> No.14729700


for starters, sleeping on your back is the most likely position to cause sleep apnea

if i lie on my back i get palpitations/ectopic beats like crazy. and no i haven't received any fucking covid vaccines.

>> No.14729723

>if i lie on my back i get palpitations/ectopic beats like crazy
I don't think that's normal.

>> No.14729735

seems like it is common to get palpitations lying on your back, from talking to friends and family

>> No.14729742

This claims it's common from lying on your side. I've never experienced palpitations from lying down except for when I had Lyme Disease.


>> No.14729744

dw i've spoken to a cardiologist about this and he said it's normal

>> No.14729753

Together with a spouse or other partner, since loneliness is bad for your health.

>> No.14730002

i lie down on my bed facing up without a pillow, wrap a t shirt around my eyes (blocks out _all_ light, feels much better than an eye mask or whatever), and go to sleep. I might tilt my head to the left or right if I feel like it. I usually have my hand up against my head if i'm tilting slightly to one side (without the support, my head tilts too much which makes my neck uncomfortable)

>> No.14730031

This sounds like how I sleep when I have a migraine.

>> No.14730036

are you me? Lol. Migraines were literally why I started doing this.

>> No.14730214

maybe that's why sites are all shilling research telling you to lie on your left side
there's research that certain brain functions occur when you do this
your stomach is also lower than your esophagus so it makes sense
also i find it funny that we look to negroids in africuh to find out how we're supposed to sleep, and they sleep on their sides
something is very wrong with the world today

>> No.14730218

I sleep like this, and if I concentrate I can use my back muscles to stretch and pop my spine and relax it, feels good

>> No.14730246

on my side with my doggie buttplug deep inside me

>> No.14730248

Wow I thought I was the only one

>> No.14730254
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wow nya~ had no idea their were other cuties like me on this board

>> No.14730255
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>Why yes, I do sleep with a body pillow on my left side
>sometimes I switch to my right if I'm feeling adventurous

>> No.14730262

That's kinds pointless. If you want immediate migraine relief, purchase some spearmint oil and massage it into your temple. It'll speed up relief, to where I only suffer with them for about 30 min as opposed to hours.

>> No.14730268

Thanks for the red circles in the screenshot. Without them I would have never seen the relevant information.

>> No.14730271

If I want to accelerate it, I take painkillers. I used to take triptans, but you don't get them over the counter and I'm too lazy to see a doctor.

>> No.14732190


>> No.14732195

Under a sink

>> No.14732232
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>Wait a second, are you one of those antivaxxers?

>> No.14732380

If changing your position a little while sleeping crushes your heart that means you're a fat piece of shit who was going to die of heart failure in the next few weeks anyway

>> No.14732387

Vaxxbot cope or paid shill?

>> No.14732436

what's the implication of double parentheses? is it an anti-semitic triple parentheses with a typo or some kind of a homosexual signature ?

>> No.14732444

Arguing with vaxxdrones increases the risks of cardiovascular problems. Why don't we get a study on that?

>> No.14732513

Now that you mention it...a mattress was made just to be comfy and not as an adaptation.
Eating sugar is comfy

>> No.14732563

>If changing your position a little while sleeping crushes your heart that means you're a fat piece of shit who was going to die of heart failure in the next few weeks anyway

>> No.14732565

ADHD is a thing

>> No.14733596

I sleep on my stomach without a pillow, and will continue doing so no matter what science says.

>> No.14733610
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> provide a proof of antivax nonsense
> vaxxbot cope or paid shill ?

I like how revealing antivaxxer disinformation is now seen as being a shill. Like you have lost the very ability to differenciate between reality and propaganda.

Here's some more "shilling" for you.
https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586 -022 -00403 -0

>> No.14733618

On the back, on the floor, with your hands near the body, with your tongue on the roof of the mouth, a closed mouth, the molars in light contact, while practicing nasal and abdominal breathing. Use no pillow, or only a really thin one to cushion your occiput. Make sure your room is a little cold, well ventilated, dark, clean and silent.

>> No.14733621

You don't. And no one here sleeps the way he describes, you would get pressure ulcers after a couple of nights of sleeping without (instinctively) changing your position.
You sleep on your stomach, and on your back, and on both sides. Unless your bed/pillow/physical condition is bad enough that you are unable too lie in one of these positions. You have a problem in that case.

>> No.14733823

you're mentally ill

>> No.14733997

I think i might have the same problemo, can you elaborate?

>> No.14735255

Left is about pressure or weight on the stomach causing acid reflux or something. Sleeping on the back was bad for the heart if you have sleep apnea due to muscles in the nose falling or collapsing. Sleeping starfish is supposedly bad for the back. Sleeping on the side in general though can be rough on the shoulders.

>> No.14735259

In any case the heart disease risk usually is about circulation or oxygen problems leading to some sort of inflammation or scarring over time?

>> No.14735264

Disrupting deep sleep and whatever the fuck goes on there recovery wise.