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File: 276 KB, 2000x1125, surgeons-16x9-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14723009 No.14723009 [Reply] [Original]

Okay if masks don't work, why do surgeons keep using them?

>> No.14723029
File: 970 KB, 1056x656, lookers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because everyone else has been preprogrammed by hollywood to expect it. rational people would want to see some legitimately meaningful evidence of education, skill and ability from a doctor, but hollywood has managed to convince almost everyone that cosplay is a suitable substitute for meaningful evidence of education, skill and ability

>> No.14723034

the seething roastie nursoids would all go on strike without masks. they like not having to wear makeup. they're all afraid of the coof. doctors need nurses like managers need employees. wearing masks if the compromise to keep hospitals going.
source: my wife is a nurse.

>> No.14723038

Real answer ? they do work.

Just not the way Poltards think they're supposed to.

>> No.14723044

my favorite part is that the same retards who are religious pro mask now were religiously anti mask back when the cdc was first lying about how masks don't work and don't buy masks. it's almost like they don't care about anything but sucking the tv's dick and letting everyone know how good they are at it

>> No.14723050

i bet you got mad at people for wearing masks back in spring 2020, which is literally the only time it might have been systemically useful

>> No.14723053

>bet you got mad at people for wearing masks back in spring 2020,
I didn't, I work in the medical field, I understand the usefulness of masks. Though I was mad that some 'experts' told the general population to not wear them for some time.

>> No.14723059

I never understood that. They wanted people to stop buying up masks in stores because hospitals were running low on stock. Isn't that an issue with the supplier? Shouldn't hospitals get precedence in supply over some corner store? The whole push was confusing.

>> No.14723063

Your wife and you sound like retards.

>> No.14723067

yeah it sucks, the fact that policy makers intentionally ran their bullshit through 'experts' is why so many people don't even believe stuff that isn't bullshit anymore

>> No.14723073

I'm pretty sure they were just blatantly lying to the public out of a fear that the government would need to confiscate the private supply.

>> No.14723120

my wife and i both independently have more education than you, and independently earn more than you. cope more, retard.

>> No.14723130

nursing education and most med schools are not comparable to a quantitative degree

>> No.14723218

Tradition and inertia. Look up the Orr paper on masks in the surgical theatre.

>> No.14723261

If someone has a habit of spitting while speaking, the mask prevents 99% of the snot and crap flying to the air.

>> No.14723280

Maybe the surgeon doesn't wear the mask to protect the patient, but to protect himself from the resultant guilt that he is a man playing God with unproven and at best correlative medical procedures.

>> No.14723290

not for viruses

>> No.14723324

>which is literally the only time it might have been systemically useful
Two kinds of mask: The ones that protect the wearer (KN95, FFP2) were not useful. There were hardly any cases outside, but they accumulated in hospitals, where the staff didn't have sufficient PPE.
The kind of masks that don't protect the wearer (fabric, surgical masks etc) might have been useful, but not more than at any other point. However, there simply weren't enough in the beginning.

>> No.14723338

So you can't recognise the butcher who fucked up your knee,
and go after to shoot (him/her/those/therese) into face.

>> No.14723347

No one has ever explained why these magical one way masks that "protect others from you" couldn't simply be worn in reverse on the "others". The closest anyone has come is by claiming infections can occur through the eyes but that, along with surface spread, turned out to not be a factor.

>> No.14723352

Surgical masks are not designed to stop viruses. They're designed to stop fluids from the mouth and nose from dripping into the patient.

>> No.14723385

masks only retain fine droplets, not bacteria let alone viruses. the filtering capacity of such masks for droplets is no longer present after 45min. changing masks too infrequently or wearing masks for too long often leads to pneumonia

>> No.14723388

because aerosol =/= Respiratory droplets

>> No.14723394

>masks only retain fine droplets, not bacteria let alone viruses
How, do you think, bacteria and viruses leave your mouth?

>> No.14723400

Serious question, Are you doing this retard thing on purpose?

>> No.14723408

>No one has ever explained
That's not true. Maybe you haven't managed to understand in 2.5 years.
Droplets become smaller in the air, as water evaporates. When you exhale, a good share of droplets hit the wall directly in front of you and get stuck. When I exhale, and my droplets remain in the air to form aerosol that easily manage to sneak through the gaps of your surgical mask.

>> No.14723412

ever sneezed in glaring sunlight? the mask retains these droplets. if you cough, the mask is not a barrier. FFP2/FFP3 masks are made for fine dusts, not pathogens. the mouth is not the only vector for pathogens either. smear infections, for example, are another vector

>> No.14723418

Masks can be effective if used correctly; i.e. washing your hands before putting on the mask, washing right after you take it off, washing/replacing the mask often, not touching the outside of the mask while using, etc. Surgeons usually follow those steps. The general public, not so much. Also, surgeons are using the masks in areas that have been cleaned a lot better than most public spaces.

>> No.14723429

You wear a closed breathing system when dealing with patients with respiratory viruses.
You don't go to work and operate on people if you have a respiratory virus.
Because the surgical mask, or really any simple mask, doesn't do shit for the droplet sizes that actually transmit respiratory viruses.

>> No.14723434

>mask retains sneeze but not cough
>FFP2/FFP3 masks are made for fine dusts, not pathogens.
The particulate matter doesn't care if it's a pathogen or dust
>the mouth is not the only vector for pathogens either. smear infections, for example, are another vector
No one said the opposite. Do you remember all the hand sanitizer that was used in the beginning? We now know that mouth and nose are by far the main vector for Covid, both via droplets and aerosols. A surgical mask retains the droplets of the wearer and a good portion of aerosols (which are just fine or dried out droplets)

>> No.14723440

>You don't go to work and operate on people if you have a respiratory virus.
You have a shit ton of nasty bacteria in your mouth. You don't want to spray saliva into an open torso when speaking. Not spraying saliva on people at work or in public transport is a way to reduce infections.

>> No.14723442
File: 151 KB, 988x725, 1655750156409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please answer his question>>14723400

are you retarded on purpose? sars-cov-2 does not exist, its the flu

>> No.14723444

Sure but what do those have to do with a respiratory virus?

>> No.14723446

>are you retarded on purpose? sars-cov-2 does not exist, its the flu
Are you seriously asking me if I'm retarded just to follow up with the most retarded sentence in this thread?

>> No.14723448
File: 445 KB, 1440x1730, 1656873166734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retard confirmed

>> No.14723449

Both are transmitted via droplets from your mouth. Not exclusively, but you stop a portion of the droplets.

>> No.14723456

The genomes of influenza and SARS 2 aren't similar at all. What did you smoke to believe auch a stupid thing?

>> No.14723459

Virtually none of the sub-micron ones that actually transmit respiratory viruses.

>> No.14723467
File: 1.06 MB, 2332x1784, 1656871835217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please tell me how it is possible that through all these measures one pathogen has been eradicated (influenza) and another pathogen (fake and gay) is completely unaffected

>> No.14723469

So droplets of 10μm size can't transmit respiratory viruses? Is that what you're trying to say?

>> No.14723484
File: 342 KB, 392x1647, BBD0BB59-B981-4D91-888F-690B8CF46D5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are clearly trying to derail this thread. In case you're not, picrel will be the last interaction with you.

>> No.14723491
File: 265 KB, 1242x1578, 1657976030100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is not an answer to my question. please explain to me how this is possible.

>> No.14723492

That the sub-micron particles are the most responsible for transmission of disease, and that filtering larger particles is broadly ineffectual. But the shill studies only focus on the total mass of particles 10um and below, of which the large particles comprise the overwhelming majority. Meanwhile actual trials of mask wearers vs non-mask wearers fail to produce significant results in preventing contraction.

>> No.14723546

to prevent them from eating the patient

>> No.14723554

>That the sub-micron particles are the most responsible for transmission of disease
Aerosols consist mainly of dried droplets. If you stop the droplets before they dry, it reduces the amount of aerosol in the air.

>> No.14723557

Your normal breathing and coughing releases a far greater number of sub-micron droplets than larger droplets into the air. These droplets are largely responsible for virus transmission. But the large droplets comprise a much greater total mass. That mass percentage is what the shill studies measure.

>> No.14723576
File: 102 KB, 1024x1024, 1657836895883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't understand what you are trying to tell me? are you referring to herd immunity? this has been defined away since 2020, natural immunity is ignored nowadays. after all, natural immunity is free and superior to any vaccination.
either way, your argument doesn't work. the R0 values are almost identical, as is the disease pattern. if the HIT value for influenza is so low, why does it reappear every year with the exception of 2020 to early 2022? if the HIT value for fake and gay is 70-80%, why does everyone need to be vaccinated, even the recovered? i'm starting to think you're just a shill who's been put in his place and doesn't know what to do anymore

>> No.14723586

>These droplets are largely responsible for virus transmission.
Got a source on that? If I remember biology class correctly, you don't exhale most of the tiniest droplets, but they shrink due to evaporation and then become aerosols.

>> No.14723612
File: 86 KB, 770x422, viral copies and particle size.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The particle size distribution was in the submicron range and stable during tidal breathing. Increasing tidal volumes dominantly influenced particle number emission while flow rates had only little effect. Reproducibility within subjects was high, but there was a large variation of particle emission between subjects. The ratio of functional residual capacity to total lung capacity was found to correlate with exhaled particle numbers. This indicates that particle generation is caused by reopening of terminal airways and is dependent on functional residual capacity.

>The results demonstrated that the majority of particles are <1 μm in size and that the fraction of larger particle contributes most to the total mass.

And pic related for viral copies and particle size of aerosol.

>> No.14723778

Number of particles doesn't mean that it's the leading cause of infection. Also, your picture looks like the blue category contains as much virus, or more in most patients. So droplets are important and blocking them cuts the number of shedded virus roughly in half. Maybe your image helps >>14723347 understand why they work when the wearer has them. What's blue is stopped by the mask, what's green not so much. If you don't wear a mask, your blue droplets become green through evaporation. Not wearing the mask doubles the amount of virus you shed.

>> No.14723921

>because everyone else has been preprogrammed by hollywood to expect it. rational people would want to see some legitimately meaningful evidence of education, skill and ability from a doctor, but hollywood has managed to convince almost everyone that cosplay is a suitable substitute for meaningful evidence of education, skill and ability
It's just "for the feelz"

>> No.14723932

For bacteria. Not viruses. /thread

>> No.14723944

because they are exposed to open wounds and surgical cuts making it extremely easy to transmit all sorts of infections nigger