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File: 248 KB, 1454x1338, 6533381A-EA70-4CA3-8116-209AC8A14E49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14722503 No.14722503 [Reply] [Original]

New James Webb dropped, cartwheel galaxy

>> No.14722507


>> No.14722509 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 801x1011, soyence fan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14722518 [DELETED] 

That's right goy, keep eating up the colorful photoshop pictures while I jab some more vaccines into your asscheek

>> No.14722523 [DELETED] 

Obviously falsified image. Shitbrains will believe it's true, nonetheless.

>> No.14722530 [DELETED] 

there is literally nothing fake or wrong with this image.

>> No.14722535

what game is that?

>> No.14722540

Your passive role in history is not completely useless, in fact, considered aggregately, your mindless conformism to acknowledged authority is what led to many revolutions that define where we are today. Sorry but science is fake as fuck, kiddo.

>> No.14722541

Cool image. No idea why it pisses some people off so much.

>> No.14722547

oh its soooo purty.
humanity advances 0.0%
more pointless fluff for the pop-sci soibois

>> No.14722563

Retard. These colors aren't real

>> No.14722565

ahhhh im gonna...im gonna goooo get vaxxed and boosted. i love science so fucking much

>> No.14722577 [DELETED] 
File: 149 KB, 1080x608, IFLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14722580 [DELETED] 

can anyone explain the scientific meaning and value of OP picrel or are you all just screeching over it because
>OMG the colors!!!

>> No.14722594

>false color bad
ah, the ultimate brainlet cope. I cannot help you.

>> No.14722596

>meaning and value
20 billion dollars

>> No.14722600

no shit Sherlock, the colors are for your brain to see heat visually

>> No.14722653 [DELETED] 
File: 306 KB, 2048x2048, 1659333518782557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the colors are for your brain to see heat visually

>> No.14722695

And you'll cry about the declining trust is science while posting how deception by the scientific community is ok as long as it "inspires the youth".

>> No.14722699 [DELETED] 

Crazy that his nose grows so much in that short period of time. I wonder what could be behind that growth.

>> No.14722704 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 608x402, funny fuhrer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14722716

space is fake

>> No.14722758

queue all of the retards who think they are funny for parroting the "overly agressive space is fake" meme
You guys are the exact same as reddit chain comments

>> No.14722826

seeing in IR was a mistake

>> No.14722831

Can a Webb telescope finally turn around and snap high quality , non-photoshopped picture of the supposed "Earth ball"?
We are all waiting (I've ran out of popcorn several times).

>> No.14722869

lol rad

>> No.14722936

>deception by the scientific community
Deception implies that they did something without telling us or while lying to us. They did neither.

>> No.14722938
File: 154 KB, 630x630, 7aefdcca4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI can generate millions of these.

>> No.14723032
File: 1.88 MB, 1112x1176, webby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is the MIRI image straight from the Webb source, untouched, at the highest res.

are they fucking serious? this is pathetic.
its about time they admit its a failure

>> No.14723060

wow, they used every photoshop trick they knew to spiff up the publicity version of that image. desperate

>> No.14723065

That's stunning. It's amazing to see how clumpy the star formation is in the ring. I wonder what the big bright object in the ring is.

>> No.14723075
File: 154 KB, 1041x798, hubble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems same thing by Hubble. Webb seems incredible more detailed.

>> No.14723078
File: 2.02 MB, 1680x905, the world is flat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, I put in it an AI enhancer. Better than NASA photoshop artists

>> No.14723098

Why is everyone such a debbie downer
It’s great to see these images
What would they do with the money? Buy some shitty things on earth and make our lives worse
I’d trade a few of these mega billionaires for more science equipment any day

>> No.14723105

Pictures are literally not what they actually look like

>> No.14723124
File: 724 KB, 1454x1338, rectangle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow it's fucking flat

>> No.14723128
File: 1017 KB, 3840x2400, 3840x2400_space-open-space-planets-art-colorful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg guys James Webb Telescope just took the first image of an exomoon's surface it's definitely the most powerful telescope that our beloved Nasa has ever created we should give them more funds while at it, I fucking love science

>> No.14723129

>colored image from MIRI

>> No.14723134

>we should give them more funds while at it
Off with you, filthy antisemite. Those funds belong to Israel.

>> No.14723139

i remember having the photoshop plugin for making these like 20 years ago

>> No.14723208

yes and it's very obvious that this isn't a picture of space. I though modern AI would do better.
Nice colors and cloud-like texture but there's no spiral-like shape at all.

>> No.14723382
File: 231 KB, 643x537, 1535560786016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess from where the AI got it's samples from to generate that image, anon.

>> No.14723514

sorry but schizos won this time, these images are peak love soience

>> No.14723755

Wow another JWST thread where idiots don't understand that this is data, not just a pretty picture.

>> No.14723765
File: 36 KB, 723x682, 4babe1c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every pretty image is data made from ones and zeros

>> No.14723771

>it's very obvious that this isn't a picture of space
you've never seen space

>> No.14723791 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 320x240, big-bang-vscreation-31-320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like something out to the Arp catalog

>> No.14723793 [DELETED] 

polniggers are obnoxious as fuck. just because trannies aren't rooted in good science doesn't mean space is fake

>> No.14723812 [DELETED] 

>the colors are for your brain to see heat visually
Then it should be colorized according to a graduated temperature scale corresponding to a set color scheme like pic related, also called a thermogram.

>> No.14723817
File: 22 KB, 459x612, thermal-image-of-womans-hand-in-obscene-finger-gesture-picture-id664661419[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the colors are for your brain to see heat visually
Then it should be colorized according to a graduated temperature scale corresponding to a set color scheme like pic related, also called a thermogram.

>> No.14723942

That’s quite literally what they do

>> No.14724757

yeah but it's hilarious how space and round earth believers defend science

>> No.14724773

There is no simple mapping of the flux images into temperature. It is much more real left in terms of observed flux.

>> No.14724787
File: 679 KB, 771x723, 1548413359988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More money goes into maintaining the air conditioners in US government buildings than goes into space. NASA is a fucking joke now and if a gazillion dollars went into it they'd find a way to spend it on useless woke bullshit. Why did the USSR have to collapse, space race was awesome.

>> No.14724792


>> No.14724856

so is that the equivalent to the milky way or what i'm a brainlet

>> No.14724861

The milky way is the name for our galaxy, this this is a picture of another galaxy far away. So kind of yes.

>> No.14724872 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 1024x576, 1659506894690111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14724876
File: 153 KB, 729x638, 1505180460134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess i'm wondering about the scale, how much bigger/smaller is that spiral compared to the milky way? i'm not a space guy but when these pictures came out it made everything feel more "real" similar to the feeling of colorized black and white photos

>> No.14724886

That's a good question, it'd be totally possible to work it out but without a scale shown we can't tell. It'll be somewhere. This isn't the only version of that picture.

>> No.14724894

Oh my goodness you actually have an infant brain and think everyone else has an infant brain. You think we only like images of galaxies because of the sparkly lights and bright colors because that's the level on which you enjoy everything. Exquisite and literal mental retardation, your mind appears as it did decades in the past.

>> No.14725060

No shit sherlock, they took the pictures in the Infrared band, of course they don't look like that irl

>> No.14726383

This is crazy, there is a spiral galaxy, then a bunch of space, then a ring of stars? Or is that a ring of galaxies, because they look so much bigger and brighter than what's at the center.

Any way it's as if it's the same mechanism as central Saturn and surrounding material ring.

>> No.14726387

Why is that big tan swirl on left in this and op image but not this

>> No.14726413

It's crazy theres a bunch of space around the central spiral and then a near perfect ring of stars. That is so interesting in relation to how gravity works, because at that extreme distance of central mass, the surrounding 4d geometry of the gravity field is being acted on in such a way by that central Spinning spiral, that the ring is locked in place,

It's constant outward momentum is constantly restrained from getting it's way by the sturdy material flowing of the gravity medium field

>> No.14726414

>they took the pictures in the Infrared band, of course they don't look like that irl
Yeah, I literally don't understand what these poltards want and why that's not a good enough explanation for them.
IR is more interesting for scientific purposes, should they have build that telescope only as a pretty wallpapers maker with no real usefulness ? Would they complain less about the waste of money then ?

>> No.14726415

meant for >>14725060

>> No.14726420

>It's constant outward momentum is constantly restrained from getting it's way by the sturdy material flowing of the gravity medium field
Interesting that presciely there at that location the ring is prevented from budgeing anymore outward.

If the ring of stars would have came into existence, closer, in one case, even closer in another case, closer closer closer. And in other cases, further further, much further, would that same star amount ring of stars have a consistent stable orbit at many other distances from the center?

>> No.14726422

anon.. 4chan is primarily a troll site
Dont let the darkness here influence you, because at the end of the day it might be just kids trolling
Every time on facebook - i find a small obvious 4chan group - its been made by kids and its full with kids and they just post the most disgusting vile trash to get banned and to destroy the group - but the new groups rise like mushrooms and theres always an army of profiles with no pictures and not much friends

>> No.14726898


>> No.14727033

fake color

>> No.14728550

James Webb. It's a fps. You play as James, a web developer who has to save the world.

>> No.14728563
File: 2.94 MB, 2162x3496, Rea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when will we inevitably find an alien dyson sphere around a star and get caught and found and contacted by a distant civilization until they arrive on Earth and capture humanity to be gangbanged into sex slaves for eternity as pets?

I hope James Webb Telescope will be our asset for this unavoidable fate

>> No.14728571

Soon, just wait a little more man, these falls still need to release trappist-1 data before the alien hotties can come to us

>> No.14728598

They are the Thrones mentioned in the Bible and other ancient texts.
Just like the Solar System's Planets, People used to consider celestial objects as forms of the Gods. Modern people are just too dumb to understand this.

>> No.14728604

Heaven is a fictional place while Space is not
Know the difference please

>> No.14728612

are you a bot or something? why would I care about both?

>> No.14728713

>dyson sphere
dyson spheres most probably don't exist because at that point you could just create trillions of small fusion reactors instead

>> No.14728725
File: 214 KB, 1664x1200, 1651746097961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$10 billion dollars

>> No.14728744
File: 1.58 MB, 3136x3920, Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This year hopefully, humanity doesn't know what it will bring upon itself with the accidents of the telescope

>> No.14728797
File: 2 KB, 125x105, 1658897624687803s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not just 4chan you inbred mongrel. its all over social media. from pic related, to twitter. so many people just hate advancing space and understand of our universe.
you have a lot of people that just rather go back to the stone age than fund space. from the environmental death cults that put planet before people, to commies that only care about playing xbox all day and wanting free houses, to religious people that think space is fake and gay and god will burn the earth to kill all the gays.

>> No.14728817

we might never see an alien race with our telescopes. you have to remember, when you look up at the night sky, you are seeing the universe in the past. the night sky is a time machine to the past. take >>14723032 for example. these galaxies are billions of light years away. so lets say 2 billion light years away. that means it takes light 2 billion years to reach us. you are seeing the galaxy as it was, 2 billion years ago. look at a solar system within our own galaxy, its light from a few hundred years at the closet, to millions of years ago at the farthest.

so unless there is an advance alien race that's a few hundred light years away from us, the chances of capturing an advance alien race is slim. if they do exist, their light is more than likely still a few thousand, to a few million, to a few billion years away from reaching us. we would have a higher chance finding them by flying around in a space ship rather than wait for their light to reach us.

you do not see the night sky in real time.

>> No.14728829

oh and space is really big. unless you are focusing on a small, niche spot, A LOT will go not noticed. so maybe we have seen light from an advance alien species that's 40,000 light years from us, as they were, 40,000 years ago, but we never noticed because of how big space is.

finding a needle in a hay stack is an understatement in comparison to how big space is.

>> No.14728838

At what power would you have to operate an antenna 2 billions lightyears from here for it to be able to be detected here on Earth? Would any alien species be able to detect us from 2 billion lightyears? Because I suspect we would pop us as noise at best on their radars, essentially making it impossible for them to detect us and vice versa.

>> No.14728858

> AI generated shit
> $10 billion dollars

What a ripoff.

>> No.14728867

Gosh I wish those gorgeous alien girls would abduct me tonight and keep me as a pet in their planet, permanently

>> No.14729083

>At what power would you have to operate an antenna 2 billions lightyears from here for it to be able to be detected here on Earth?
i can't imagine the amount of power. i can only imagine it would probably be easier to send out a fleet of drones to fly around from system to system, snapping sensor data in real time. along with any species advance enough to figure out ways to harvest star quantities of power would have probably also figured out new intelligence gathering capabilities. IE, moved on past traditional telescopes.
just pulling shit out of my arm chair ass, but maybe some way to send out laser beams at far distances to map a system. then use the data points to recreate a virtual image of what that system looks like. its actually something we have been developing. if you can figure out a way to travel faster than light, you can send out a fleet of drones to map huge sectors of space in real time.

if we are to get a bit conspiracy here, with the recent news of the whole UFO shit, if these are crafts that are not man made like the US government actually claimed, at least can't be proven man made, then i would figure these could actually be alien unnamed drones for intelligence gathering. mapping the stars in real time.