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14718710 No.14718710 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone want to work for the world's most important and prestigious academic science journal?

>> No.14718716

Prestigious =/= mainstream

>> No.14718719

> being an academic in 2022
I would rather be a homeless drug addict in california

>> No.14719006

>Senior Editor
>40k a year

>> No.14719048
File: 50 KB, 750x739, 1547129113537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this perhaps a H1B scam?
You know, where they advertise a ludicrous position for abysmal pay and/or work conditions, then (obviously) nobody takes it so they can turn around and go "ohh gee nobody took it, guess we have to import somebody and pay them fuck all instead because we can't find anybody here".
Because tech does this all the time.

Then again maybe the people who run it are total cunts, both could be true.

>> No.14719198 [DELETED] 

>muh immigrants are destroying our country

Go back to pol, you fucking racist incel loser.

>> No.14719207
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>post you're replying to was almost an hour ago
>makes reference to a common tactic used to underpay skilled labor
>"gO bAcK tO pOl!1!!"

stop seeing your favorite boogeymen in the walls and touch grass you obnoxious skitzo

>> No.14719221

>In New York

Big oof my boys. Stay away from academia.

>> No.14719235

This is a point I sometimes forget to think about. I'm inclined to believe this is true, I mean, $40,000 in New York is literally nothing. After taxes you take home like 5$ per year, net. No one who knows the COL in New York would ever even apply to this job. However, I can see thousands of jaded PhDs in the balkans earning annual salaries of 4$ seeing this as a real opportunity to escape their shithole country.

Well, I guess it makes sense. All of these journals are literal pieces of shit. I would not be surprised if this was their business model. Overcharge and underpay.

>> No.14719237


>> No.14719249
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You can always get some extra spending money by accepting garbage chinese papers.

>> No.14719251

This is unironically the reason they keep their editors poor and hungry. Makes them easier to buy and perpetuate this known and confirmed scammer system of """soience"""".

>> No.14719270

Yeah, H1B ripoffs like this are absolutely a thing and they more or less prey on the hopes and dreams of people in poorer nations to put them in a position where they can pay them way less (because they're grateful to be there at all) and mistreat them and they're less likely to fight back (for fear of being booted out for making trouble, but also because they're foreigners and know less about their rights).

All it does is make the owners richer and annihilate anybody aspiring to be middle class, the fact that this happens in "skilled fields" has caught a lot of people by total surprise because they just can't see that sort of thing happening to their sector.

The fact that people like that other poster see it and automatically assume racism where it doesn't exist (it's technically closer to class exploitation) says how bamboozled some people are by it. Though I guess anybody on the other side of the argument would fire back with that internal memo of Amazons talking about how racial differences among workers breaks up union cohesion or whatever it was (so class *and* race exploitation), I'm not looking it up and derailing the thread, just adding to your point.

>> No.14719289

Possibly, but also because academia is so fucking brutal it tends to select from people from wealthy families who can go from age 18-40 without making real income.

This isn't even that bad. I have heard of colleges posting for people to teach classes, sometimes large ones with 60+ students paying out the ass to attend, for free.

When I was at Duke they were paying adjuncts the equivalent of $18/hour. Literally getting the big name on your resume is supposed to be the reward and those who can't afford to move around the country working for free for half a decade are supposed to go into a ditch and die or something.

Pay for PhD students, who often teach classes full of kids paying $60,000 a year, is like $18-22,000 a year in 2022. LOL.

I considered going back to school after my masters and realized it would be a legit $100,000 pay cut and probably make me less employable. I'll stick to being a hobbiest thanks.

>> No.14719297

Lots of people want to work on research because it is fun. Demand is only so high.

That's pretty bad though. With the post-2020 wage surge I think fast food workers in NYC legit make more than this. I've seen signs for $20 an hour, which is $44,000 a year.

This person's rent for a broken down studio will be over half their pre-tax income.

>> No.14719305
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What a joke, there is a wider and nastier conversation to have on *actual* wealth disparity in academia, but for all the thousands of people it produces who see it everywhere they'll never look at their own universities and apply any kind of reformist thought there.

18 bucks an hour for work like that is a pisstake.
It's the equivalent of the bullshit graphics artists go through with "you'll get paid in exposure!!" and it's always said by cunts who could easily afford to pay and don't because....uh....."well you see anon, this is a prestigious institution and you know how many people would love to have the opportunity you have?".

Being a brain surgeon is pretty fucking awesome too, but you can bet your ass they're getting paid.

>> No.14719309

And you have to work in NEW YORK CITY

>> No.14719405

Yeah, my cousin does graphic design and it's fucking brutal. He went to a good school and lived in a good market and still got strung along on unpaid or barely paid internships for years. Then he was an "independent contractor," who worked for one company in one Manhattan office with unpaid overtime for years, but didn't get health insurance.

Another friend of mine went into that work and an heroed, although he was always sort of bipolar, where as another aquaintance had the stars line up right and makes huge bank and apparently lives in a mansion now.

Thing is, their skills were all about even, although the guy making bank now has the budget to do cool shit.

Also had a friend who was incredibly smart, later went to Yale for grad school, who tried to do work in Hollywood and got fucked on the infinite internship tredmill.

Academia has a pay and prestige structure similar to fucking street gangs. All risk at the bottom, all pay at the top.

But it isn't that bad for a lot of social sciences and humanities. Outside of people publishing successful books or those doing consulting, actual pay for the professor role doesn't vary that much. Yeah, adjuncts are living in poverty, but full tenure folks are only a bit into six figures, if that in some places.

The place pay really explodes is applied science and medicine, but that's because universities can get a cut of the patents and make absolute bank.

Still, it's bad for overall human advancement that theoretical science or even the metaphysics that helps scientists get out of unchallenged assumption traps ends up being a field where a few people get paid well and everyone else suffers and burns out.

It also drives the publishing bias problem and falsifications.

I considered that route but I got a job instead. Make more then I would with tenure at many places, work remote so I can travel as long as my kids are young and out of school, and I still teach community college (for more pay than adjusts lol)

>> No.14719409

>This isn't even that bad
*AS bad
It's pretty fucking bad, anon

>> No.14719416

Well, especially the poor folks doing philosophy of science. Philosophy PhDs at the absolute best programs in the world have like a 50/50 shot of getting a chance to teach years after they graduate.

I have to assume the science folks do a bit better than the pure navel gazers or historians, but still. And the best you get is publishing a book only read by people in the field you cover, and so at best you get cited a few times as an inspiration for helping them do the real world in developing the theory past a logical block or getting past a spurious assumption no one noticed until a ontology logic chopper took an axe to it.

Outside of philosophy of mind, they don't even have the chance for hit books either. No one is reading philosophy of physics, philosophy of math, philosophy of biology, or philosophy of information outside some very niche people. You might make a major contribution like the Chinese Room, but you ain't making bank for it.

>> No.14719449

the fuck is up with the reddit spacing today?

>> No.14719747

It's not like $70-110k is huge pay, especially in a lot of these high cost areas.

Humanities departments don't turn profits. They could given how high tuition is, and pay more, but overhead is very high. Schools have become mini states. They have their own health systems, their own police, their various admin posts and bloat.

Higher Ed is in for a bit of a crash. They need to tell students: you're adults, you need cops call the actual cops. You start shit you'll get arrested by actual cops. You need healthcare, call a fucking doctors office. You want to play sports and go to the gym, join a gym and find a meet up. We shouldn't be running parallel city government. City government is fucking expensive but they have property tax levies to pay for that shit, colleges just have tuition.

But even though they could pay decent wages then, they might not because supply >>>> demand.

>> No.14719752

Retard thinks the return key didn't exist before Reddit.

Retard thinks examples of Reddit spacing can't be found all over the 90s internet because on the web space is not at a premium as on paper, but readability on CRTs is shit, so convention became to double space rather than hit return once and indent.

Do you know what a fucking paragraph is? Do you just copy whatever the crowd says mindlessly without thinking about how fucking dumb it sounds?

>> No.14719756
File: 166 KB, 500x500, CD1D8E81-3E36-4BB2-A575-9438C15BD578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if retarded commie, or retarded capitalist

>> No.14719785

Last time I used Uber, the driver had an arts degree from Brown. Said he makes more driving for Uber than he could in his field. I didn't ask how much debt he went into to get that Ivy League degree but tuition is $63k per year and if he was from a wealthy family, he probably wouldn't be driving an Uber. Felt weird having him drive me to my $130k job that I got with a degree from an SEC school. Maybe he was really passionate about his chosen field and was so in love with the idea of having an Ivy League degree that he never considered what would happen after graduation. Really weird paths people take.

>> No.14719803

You don't need an extra line break here between paragraphs like you do on plebbit. The only reason to use an extra line break is if you're writing really long, dense paragraphs, which you aren't. Paragraphs that are only a couple of sentences long and mostly fluff don't benefit from extra whitespace between them. It just make it look even fluffier.

>> No.14719805

yeah yeah, nice reddit spacing faggot go back

>> No.14719896

They hoping to get some desperate rich kid to work for them, mommy & daddy will send precious baby his living expenses while he works on building a pretty list of credentials and other brags. That way they don't have to worry about hiring working class applicants, cause people who can't get an extra $50k or so a year out of mommy and daddy won't bother applying.