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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14718483 No.14718483 [Reply] [Original]

Here's a thought experiment I'd like to run with you people.

Let's assume you get sent to the year 1000 A.D. You end up there with absolutely nothing but the clothes on your back. You will have a one day notice in the modern era before you are transported.

You are tasked with contributing a piece of information (from memory) that will benefit mankind the most (not yourself).

What would you bring to the people of the year 1000 A.D?

>> No.14718490

Hindu Numerals and basic algebra

if you are putting me where white people are

>> No.14718583

How to Penicilin

>> No.14718610

How to maximize gerrymandering.

>> No.14718614

Nothing. I’ll live there in a comfy farm for the rest of my life.

>> No.14718637

depends on the area. Europe was in the middle of the Viking raiding period. so blast furnaces for cheap metal. Africa was seeing the fall of the Ghana empire. it would be the sloop single masted ocean sailing ship with oars. the middle east was seeing the end of the mu'tazila belief with the ibn hanbal iquisition. I would warn about the fires that would burn the librarys because of the inqisition. India was in the middle of war so proper irigation. China was spilt into the three kingdoms so anatomy and physiology because they had an adversion to exprimenting on corpses. Japan I would give the caravels they were amazing traders/pirates at this period. probably could have made it to the Americas in caravels following the Aleutian islands as they were expanding north during this time. other areas of the world didnt really have enough population to do much else.

>> No.14718642

>the clothes on my back
>clothes that are made of nuclear warheads
>clothes made of silent poisons and all manner of paralyzing agents
Nice. Rome falls.

>> No.14718645

they don't need your help, messiah complex faggot, history proves they invented everything all on their own. your soiboi power fantasies are cringe asf

>> No.14718657

That's when they came to Europe, so that would be useless or too late, unless you're refering to that

>> No.14718678

I try to reproduce Faraday's experiments to them.

>> No.14718709

>You are tasked with contributing a piece of information (from memory) that will benefit mankind the most (not yourself).
I would try to get the gunsmithing going on.

>> No.14718822

Why allow man to progress at a slow rate, when you can speed that up a couple hundred years with advanced processes.

How about center pivot irrigation and help speed up industrial agriculture.

>> No.14718946

The periodic table along with some basic information about atoms and chemical reactions.
Let those alchemist fuck around with true chemical knowledge and maybe kick off the industrial revolution a few centuries earlier.

>> No.14718957

Sure just hand over some tribe a bunch of nukes while you are at it faggot

>> No.14718979

i give my tribe nukes and we subjugate your tribe (and all others) then go to space

>> No.14719025

Unless you can find a way to stop the you know whos then there’s nothing really worth bringing back and frankly you’ll just accelerate degeneracy. Best not to contaminate the past with our moral pollution

>> No.14719028

>sup 1000 year ago ancestor bros, i came from the future to make nukes
>this is gonna be epic
>ok first we gotta find some uranium ore
>then we gotta pile it in a cave
>in 5000 years the center of the pile will be radioactive enough to make nukes

>> No.14719337

I would tell them to buy Bitcoin.

>> No.14719357
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>What would you bring to the people of the year 1000 A.D?
I will tell them the truth: """"science""" and """technology""" have destroyed every human value and turned humanity into mindless, soulless pieces of cattle. I will convince them that letting spergs live and pursue their autistic interests brings about picrel and convince them to kill every autist.

>> No.14719387

I will tell them about the Jews.

>> No.14719388

automatic rifles

>> No.14719397

>kill every autist

"with these characters deaths, the thread of prophecy is severed"

>> No.14719412

I will tell them what happens if they only banish Jews and not physically remove them.

>> No.14719603

Plans for a basic threshing machine

That's something like a quarter of all farm labour right there. Free that up and you'll potentially start seeing some interesting things happen, plus it'd result in productivity improvements and increased food output.

I'm not doing this to make the world a better (or worse) place. I'm just doing it out of curiousity.

>> No.14719608
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>messiah complex
Its not a complex, I AM the messiah, just not the one for you, maggot.

>> No.14719612

Since this is /sci/ I'd say germ theory and the knowledge of disinfection by 70% ethanol. But realistically I'd rather bring them the knowledge of what happens if we stop burning heretics.

>> No.14719626

>germ theory
while we're at it I'd throw in how to fight scurvy with fruits but to not make the juices touch copper. Apparently figuring this out gave the British a huge boost to their naval power.

>> No.14719638
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>I'd rather bring them the knowledge of what happens if we stop burning heretics


>> No.14719694
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It seems I get to choose the place otherwise it doesn't make much sense expecting me to survive or talk to anybody. Also it seems I have to study the language a bit(somehow) so that I don't get killed instantly. See how dumb /sci/ is? You haven't even thought of that, degenerates. I will think about it(since I have day don't I, genius?) and post the answer. But here is a hint, I'd come to hunt me some nobles.

>> No.14719738

I go to my parents' attic and dig out my old schoolbooks, then sew them together to make a tunic
1. Good protection against arrows and weapons with slash dmg
2. I can disassemble my shirt and remember all the most basic science shit. Let them figure out the rest.

>> No.14719748

I would fuck a pure white Aryan woman, the likes of which no longer exist today. Yes I would be a time rapefugee. 8ajdk

>> No.14720200

The cause of scurvy was widely known, but the doctors who decided rations refused to believe such folk medicine.
>not make the juices touch copper.
This is actually not a problem. The body can turn the resulting molecule back into vitamin C.

>> No.14720457
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Printing press and few conspiracy theories.

>> No.14720464

>You haven't even thought of that, degenerates.
Actually I thought just yesterday that in the ancient times I would be killed immediately and I wouldn't even know why (because I talk like a fag and my shit's all retarded) but that was not what the op asked to answer.

>> No.14720468

>and turned humanity into mindless, soulless pieces of cattle.
Do you think people were less of a cattle in the past? Are you some soulless mindless non-human? Or sure, you're a different one. Why don't you luddites live in the woods without electricity you hypocrites?

>> No.14720557

the haber process. Rapid population growth would force industrialization/society as we know it now to develop and most discoveries would be made in the next 100 years.

>> No.14721414

>go to southern france
>invent modern gunpowder from shit
>also invent modern lathes, steam power dynamos, and electroplating
>build an impossibly accurate, unbreakable supergun (also known as a single-action revolver) and an impossibly accurate, unbreakable artillery (the howitzer)
>take over the entire planet with france, specifically the ruhr
>make all the germans speak french and invent electrically-assisted chemistry aka the haber-bosch process
>build railroads
>invent radio and communicate with god directly

robert II is then crowned the pope, by 1200 europe is just france by 1500 everyone on earth knows french, by 1700 there is no human culture outside of french culture and by 1800 we land on alpha centarui

it worked for alex volta it'll work for me

>> No.14721457

I'd teach them about gender science. Nothing will benefit humanity more than a tolerant society.

>> No.14721558

I will memorize the time and location of the thousand most fatal natural disasters in Italy, one per year, so we can chart the drift caused by an early adoption of gender science.

>> No.14721579
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Moldboard plow, microscope, and telescope. The lens technology already existed. Having a microscope should make germ theory much more believable.

>> No.14721625

>You are tasked with contributing a piece of information (from memory) that will benefit mankind the most (not yourself).
Scientific racism

>> No.14721636
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>Unless you can find a way to stop the you know
The nephilim worshipping crypto-pagan controllers?

>> No.14721638

>Also it seems I have to study the language a bit(somehow) so that I don't get killed instantly. See how dumb /sci/ is? You haven't even thought of that, degenerates.
Not an issue for ancient hebrew knowers, or even koine greek since you would be able to talk to the actual scholars

>> No.14721800

>You are tasked with contributing a piece of information (from memory) that will benefit mankind the most (not yourself).
Genetics, I would make sure the lesser subspecies are genocided; black, and brown people first, and whenever the new continents are discovered, they should be cleansed of lesser beings as if they were toxic. 1000 years latter you would still have retards crying about how mean our ancestors were, but the species would be saved regardless.

>> No.14722114

Doesn't it mainly remove the need for rotating nitrogen fixing / nitrogen non-fixing crops?
How about the metallurgy? Do you even know how early steam engines worked? (not like those that you may know, they were based around creating vacuum, as there wasno way to make anything that would last the pressure.

>> No.14722314

I can't speak a 1000 AD dialect, even in my native language. And even if I could, I don;t have the people skills to get to impress someone important enough. People will think I'm a weirdo at best and a witch at worst

>> No.14722323

>Do you think people were less of a cattle in the past?
Depends on how far you go.

>Why don't you luddites live in the woods without electricity you hypocrites?
Because your farmers think they own the woods. Notice how every nonhuman reacts in a manner perfectly identical to yours. Why do you think that is?

>> No.14723149

something to do with sociology or mass manipulation desu
something that will make the normie an individual who thinks for himself ie not an npc who'll have faith (on anything, schizo even better)
the perfect mindset
if we give retards from past the knowledge of future they most likely arent mature enough to not fuck themselves, sure in short term they will witness astronomical growth but without the right mindset they are bound to make subhuman tier mistakes and destroy everything
I'd say if they didnt have cope culture they'd evolve at an unprecedented rate

>> No.14724798

everything you said is inaccurate

>> No.14724848

How is it inaccurate?

>> No.14724854

Unironically this

>> No.14724862

>Do you think people were less of a cattle in the past
Yes. People were more independent which is what not being cattle is about. They had no bosses and followed no government. Most didn't know who "the king" was at any given time, they farmed and traded as free people.

>> No.14724867

>Why don't you luddites live in the woods
Its actually illegal in most countries. Back then there were no park rangers evicting you from the forest or arresting you for making a bonfire or logging trees or hunting. It is simply impossible to live like our ancestors

>> No.14724931

There absolutely were.

>> No.14724934

You already did that

>> No.14724935

>banks and jews have destroyed every human value

>> No.14724950

How were people with no bosses and no real government cattle?

>> No.14724958

No there werent. Maybe there was some idea of park ranger or of government in general but it wasnt something real. Government used to be really small and poor and unable to do much. Without electronic communications and a cash economy (based on gold or on hundreds of local script money) there was nearly zero presence of government in the daily life of our ancestors. You could go a lifetime without seeing a government agent

>> No.14725279


>> No.14725362

That's complete nonsense.
In fact it's completely retarded in the way you made it up. You just made up an alternate history with a modern style government without modern technology, which is absolutely retarded.
Hunting was for the nobility and they did live in the area. You did know your lord and met him regularly. Indeed you might not meet the king, or other high nobility, but they were not really relevant for you.