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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 55 KB, 1100x619, 160927210830-tk-ah0927-super-tease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14718014 No.14718014 [Reply] [Original]

entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2028

>> No.14718017

You can't reverse nature

>> No.14718020

Good. There's too many slopes, pajeets, coons, kikes, beaners and wops in the world

>> No.14718019

survival of the fittest bro

>> No.14718024

i too have seen the perpetual mirage of water, always just a few miles away on the shiny asphalt

>> No.14718025

So what?

>> No.14718103

None of those tiny islands are real countries.

>> No.14718116


Im buying future beach front property in West Virginia.

>> No.14718134

Ten years ago you told me it would be 5 years. I'm not falling for this again

>> No.14718139
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Wow the date is updated again

>> No.14718143

For those who seriously believe in man-made and therefore preventable climate change, what are you actually doing to prepare given that Asia will never lower CO2, and if they did manufacturing would just fuckoff to Africa and they'd pump it out--and overall global warming based on the ICCP narrative is unavoidable even if you managed to get all of the west, some 10% of the planet, on green cars.

>> No.14718142

coasties all goona die, booo hoooo

>> No.14718145

Don't worry, it's not like you make any difference anyway ;)

>> No.14718147
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good I hate those stupid dutch windmills

>> No.14718163

Many people have bought into the lie that windmills are used to grind grain. But the truth is that the Dutch reproduce by releasing spores into the air and the windmills are giant fans to spread them farther and infect more countries.
t. knower

>> No.14718207
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>> No.14718209


>> No.14718387

I wish it were that easy

>> No.14718408

The world is overpopulated by a surplus of approx. 5 billion people anyway.

The natural carrying capacity of the planet can only sustainably support 2 billion people.

>> No.14718454

>need to kill 6 billion people
I hear you, brother. The big question is, how do we make sure those 6 billion are all goyim, and how we ensure that the Tribe comes out on top

>> No.14718484

Source: my ass. As ice-caps melt it will be like 20b due to more landmass and more arable land

>> No.14718515
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That was supposed to happen like 4 years ago

>> No.14718543
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> muh ice caps

>> No.14718600

How's the weather where you're at, anon? How many record summers do we need to have before you start to think there might be something to it?

>> No.14718607
File: 39 KB, 430x568, 10663718127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's the weather
Fine, a little cloudy, breeze is blowing
> record summer
Pic rel is your record summer lunatic

Still waiting for record summers to melt the Ice caps and flood Islands btw,

>> No.14718608


>> No.14718619

Pretty sure this picture is a lie. At least the ones about Spain and Germany are, so I don't trust anything with this claim anymore.

>> No.14718664


>> No.14718669

People have been saying this dumb shit for decades now.

>> No.14718671

I love how warm it is. Fuck the cold

>> No.14718673

Ice caps were going to melt by 2013 according to Al Gore

>> No.14718681

I’m sure they’re slowly receding or something but I don’t care since I’m not a penguin.

>> No.14719045

i want to believe

>> No.14719149


>> No.14719171
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>doomsday cult moves the goalposts again when the world didn't end the last 50 times they predicted it

>> No.14719208

>the prediction was off by a decade, so we just said fuck it and destroyed the world

>> No.14719210

Your doomsday cult predictions are always "two more decades".

>> No.14719220



>> No.14719225

sure bud

>> No.14719231


>> No.14719238

Don't care. Keep dehumanizing yourself and making yourself hated by most of the population. See where it gets you.

>> No.14719246

not my problem

>> No.14719265

Burying your head in the sand is a terrible way of dealing with your anxiety.

>> No.14719266

Have you taken your medications today? Unlike you, I don't suffer from any anxiety over an obvious scam because I don't believe anything your handlers say.

>> No.14719269

What.. what do you want to tell us?
>Most of the emissions are caused by fires, many deliberately set to clear land for beef and onions production. But even without fires, hotter temperatures and droughts mean the south-eastern Amazon has become a source of CO2, rather than a sink.
1. Meat is really bad for the environment and climate in every way imaginable
2. Global warming is self-amplifying

>> No.14719274
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>beef and onions production
I will not eat ze bogs.

>> No.14719278
File: 169 KB, 1436x1328, D646EB6B-8296-461F-9DD8-F11D6925E53B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unlike you, I don't suffer from any anxiety
It's normal to have a certain degree of anxiety given the calamity of global warming. What separates us is how we deal with it. Some pretend to ignore it completely, you for example. Others want to regain a feeling of control and take cold showers, or cycle to work. Me? I just observe calmly. I reduce my emissions when I reasonably can, vote for political parties that don't accelerate global warming and I shake my head when I see people break down like you. If you care so little, why are you in this thread? If everything is fake and it's a cult, why don't you hide the thread and live on? No, you have to reply and tell us it's a death cult to reassure yourself, to keep up that delusion. Look at how aggressive you are, and compare it to John Mandlbaur. If his angular momentum delusion is challenged, he insults people. Your delusion is "this is fine"

>> No.14719286

I read two sentences from your post before realizing you're actually psychotic. Stopped reading. It's terrifying what MSM consumption does to a 105 IQ normie.

>> No.14719303

>samefag shitposter at it again

>> No.14719304

Tonnes of CO2 Emitted

Global Warming to Date

>> No.14719307

>t. obsessed lolcow
Keep stroking my ego and losing your mind.

>> No.14719308

Global warming is a known and confirmed hoax. Ask any legitimate climate researcher. :^)

>> No.14719320

The killer is when they break news like "hottest summer since 1976" or "severest drought since 1968"
Seriously? So they are admitting there were extreme weather events nearly half a century ago? So why wasn't there a big fuss about climate change then? They are saying there were weather abnormalities way back then and then it was all fine for nearly 50 years. Why should we expect this time around to be any different?

And the fucking sea level changes. Our grandparents tell us nothing has changed. They have been living with dire predication of flooding and inundations for 70+ years and it just has not happened. So why should we believe this shit now?

>> No.14719340

Look, this shit is real, but most of what you see reported is fear mongering and hysterics. Media is the bane of science, so are politicians and celebrities who screech about the sky falling. Also to blame is the general public who seemingly want to told that shit is happening right now or tomorrow. Well it doesn't. It takes many decades and some of the predictions are flat out wrong while other shit that wasn't predicted actually turns out to be a greater problem than anyone expected. No one was talking about the fucking perma frost melting and releasing shitloads of greenhouse gases until quite recently. Instead people were jabbering about shit that doesn't really matter by comparison, like greenhouse gases emissions from agriculture.
Say anything about stuff happening in a century and people bury their heads in the sand. Give them anything more complicated than a headline or a soundbite and they dont want to know. They want it black and white and today, a hot take endorsed by some famous actor or popular politician, not some pdf document that takes pages to outline the evidence and the relative probabilities of scenarios.
Shit is happening and its mostly irreversible. The good news is its likely not catastrophic. People will migrate, new land will become arable while other land becomes inhospitable. Population will decline, some resource wars will happen, lots of species will go extinct, yeah its a big shame. But its likely not the end of the world.
Sure, standards of living will drop, and most of us will probably end up living in a modern feudal society, but honestly that trend has already been happening for the past few decades anyway. It happens so gradually that people just adapt and get used to the new norm. Anyway, it will not actually be us living with the fallout. We will all be dead by then. Its the generations that follow later that will have to deal with it, and for them it will be normal.

>> No.14719343

You are an absolute fucking retard if you think the world will be “destroyed” by it getting slightly warmer and the climate returning to how it usually is rather than being abnormally cold like it is in the modern period.

>> No.14719344

It's really funny to watch mindless urban technocattle like you ramble and act superior while in reality your degenerate values and way of life are responsible for everything bad in this world, and you deserve to die in excruciating pain and terror for defending the industrial system destroying this planet. Global warming isn't real but all the other obvious destruction your handlers are causing is, niggercattle.

>> No.14719346

>it’s slightly warmer than it used to be, omg I’m anxious
You should be shot desu

>> No.14719347

>da planet is being destroyed
Looks fine to me.

>> No.14719348

Fear mongering sells.
Take that guy Peter Zeihan. His talks are based on facts but he extrapolates and exaggerates to make a living out of selling doom and gloom.
Fuck I would too if it meant I can live a better and wealthier life. Fuck being impartial. Being impartial doesn't make money. Take money from the dummies who want to believe everything is going to shit soon so you can afford the good life.

>> No.14719358

>Looks fine to me.
I know it looks fine to you, which is exactly why the only rational way to deal with you is physical removal from this planet. You are not human. You are a cockroach in vaguely human form so the subhuman sewage looks like home to you.

>> No.14719360

Rational level headed people consider the evidence and the facts in a balanced manner. Extremist hysterics such as yourself are as much of a threat as the worse excesses of corrupt politicians and capitalists. Because you devalue truth. You cry wolf. You discredit any sane approach to tackling climate change with your Nazi-like attitudes and trite ramblings. I suspect many of you are deliberate corporate plants, inserted into movements to make them look batshit insane.

>> No.14719363

Sorry about your profound mental illness. Only one way to deal with irrational cattle like you. If your owners don't finish you, I will.

>> No.14719368

Believe me, the feeling is mutual. Should your fantasies prevail then hopefully there will be an opportunity for our differences to be settled with a final solution. It would give me very much pleasure.

>> No.14719369

Lol okay
You are mentally ill, you know that right?
Normal people don’t look outside and think “da world is being destroyed”.

>> No.14719372

> the feeling is mutual.
You have neither thoughts nor feelings. You're a fully automated corporate regurgitator, as you will show again in your next post.

>> No.14719375

There is nothing to tackle. Oooo it’s slightly warmer. Good. Means it’ll be less cold in the winter. Turn on the AC if it’s too hot for you

>> No.14719376
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>Normal people don’t look outside and think “da world is being destroyed”.
Normalcattle isn't fully human.

>> No.14719378

I’m not seeing any alien tripods outside killing everyone still. Where is your evidence of this world destroying occuring?

>> No.14719381
File: 42 KB, 680x940, t23252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m not seeing any alien tripods outside
These things aren't human and should not be regarded as such morally.

>> No.14719382

>look I depicted you as a wojak haha!
Please link a video showing evidence of the world being destroyed. All I see outside is Mexicans mowing the lawn and some trees.

>> No.14719384

Keep doubling down and dehumanizing yourself.

>> No.14719386

Still not an argument; still no evidence; only rhetoric. Show proof of the world being destroyed or go away.

>> No.14719389

There is no need to argue with you. You need to be targeted by other means. You demonstrate it every time you post, so go ahead and do it again.

>> No.14719391


>> No.14719392

Go breathe in some more brain-damaging toxins, subhuman urban bugman.

>> No.14719396

>discussing global warming on /sci/
>after 2016 elections

>> No.14719632

>hated by most of the population
Most of the population should hate the main emitters of CO2.

>> No.14719671

awww the retard thinks everything will progress at a linear pace

>> No.14719676

I don't care what your handlers think most of the population should hate. As it stands, most of the population hates you, and the best part is that your AGW schizophrenia is kind of a package deal with the rest of your deranged political agenda, which increases the growth rate of hatred against AGW schizos significantly.

>> No.14719689

>As it stands, most of the population hates you
Wrong. The population in my country elected parties with agendas to reduce CO2 emissions. If you're American, so did your population by the way.

>> No.14719696

>The population in my country elected this corpo puppet instead of that one
Not relevant. No one cares.

>> No.14719701

Heres the thing.
We're all a bunch of dumb primates with access to technology which is beyond our levels of control, and we're all gonna die because of it.

>> No.14719703

It really wasn't any better before that.

>> No.14719827

>democracy is a farce
The first step of becoming a Qtard.

Why is it not relevant? If you have the choice between "lets mine coal yolo" and "the planet is dying let's build solar and wind", and the population decides for the latter, you can't tell me that they secretly support the former.

>> No.14719846

Are you disputing the fact that democracy is a farce? If so, you are clearly not human and you've just removed yourself from the conversation.

>> No.14719850

I am disputing the claim that "the population" has an opinion that goes 180° against what the population votes for.

>> No.14719873

Do you concede that democracy is a farce?

>> No.14720022

I never said everything would progress at a linear pace. What?

>> No.14720027

Misanthropes like you should be killed unironically.

>> No.14720035

>admit that I obliterated you, foe
Kys, sperg

>> No.14720037

Do you concede that democracy is a farce? Why are you chimping out? I was just trying to have a conversation.

>> No.14720056

Why don't you figure it out then, smart guy?

>> No.14720101

>So they are admitting there were extreme weather events nearly half a century ago?
Why would the be "admitting" something which is already common knowledge?

>So why wasn't there a big fuss about climate change then?
There was. We've known since the 1890s that the greenhouse effect exists, since the 1930s that it's causing global warming, and since the 50s that it's a significant problem.

>They are saying there were weather abnormalities
There are always weather abnormalities. Do you understand the difference between a data point and a trend?

>Our grandparents tell us nothing has changed.
Your grandparents are wrong. What a moron.

>They have been living with dire predication of flooding and inundations for 70+ years

>> No.14720110

>global warming
Data is fraudulent. They were caught many times. To a point that they had to rebrand "global warming" into a "climate change'.

>New Surface Stations Report Released – It’s ‘worse than we thought’

>> No.14720117

Even if it heated up by a few degrees it would still be very disasterous in some areas, it butterflys, it’s not like you in your American suburb waking up and seeing it is above 100 degrees ohhh lawdy.

Eat crayons

>> No.14720134

>Data is fraudulent. They were caught many times.

>To a point that they had to rebrand "global warming" into a "climate change'.
Who is they? Both phrases are used every day in the scientific literature.

>>New Surface Stations Report Released – It’s ‘worse than we thought’
This is just a rehash of claims that were already refuted: https://skepticalscience.com/surface-temperature-measurements.htm

>> No.14720141


>> No.14720147

>This is just a rehash of claims that were already refuted
Aren't all updated climate models literally just a rehashing of claims that were already refuted by nature?

>> No.14720241
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