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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14718284 No.14718284 [Reply] [Original]

>There are adults who believe this is possible

>> No.14718288

literally everything is possible

>> No.14718295
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>There are jews who make their livings by trying to convince "adults" who still watch cartoons, read comic books and play video games that OP pic is possible

>> No.14718297

>Heaven's glory hole

>> No.14718311

Isn't that just gravitational lensing?

>> No.14718329
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this is a cool book filled with actual physics and math, youre just retarded who cant comprehend it. ngmi

>> No.14718331
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>> No.14718470
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if you can imagine it ye

>> No.14718649

people actually think a dot blew up and created 9000 trillion galaxies infinity plus one light years across but think a god not existing is too far fetched lmao

>> No.14718655

Is that a problem?

>> No.14718660
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author's visit to epstein island

>> No.14718662

Yes, crack addicts + light bending created insane delusional theories

>> No.14718667

Why are they insane and delusional?

>> No.14718687


The problem is that we know the earth is a ball and the universe exists. This directly contradicts the Bible

If there is a god, he is not like in our religions

>> No.14718690
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>> No.14718694

God in the Bible is clearly a Great Old One looking to establish a worshipper base and competing with other Great Old Ones like Chemosh.

>> No.14718745


>flat earthers are so retarded that they fucking fell for a map from a literal fiction book from the 1900s

Fucking lmao

>> No.14718755


The meme actually made sense before it was flipped. You can observe the universe. Not so much with quirky reddit hidden ice wall civilizations lmao. You faggots think space is too crazy for your le brainerinos, but le civilizations that are literally mentioned in a self proclaimed fiction story book with literally NO proof of existing are totally fine. The thing is, you faggots are too dense to realize you look retarded when posting le epic schizo ramblings about space being cgi, and THEN also ramblings about hidden le aliens behind the ice wall. Literally grasping at anything. Flat earthers get fooled by con men. In other news, the sky is blue

>> No.14718762
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>he observes jpgs from NASA.gov
>he thinks he is observing the universe

>> No.14718774

And most of them are way more intelligent and way more educated than you.
Maybe it's not possible, maybe it's purely mathematical but does that make it so obviously dumb ?

You're like those guys who laughed at the Wright Brothers when they said they were going to make something heavier than air fly in the sky.

>> No.14718785
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That never happen to the Wright brothers. What happened in their case was that they were fairly secretive until after they'd successfully flown and then the national and international press spent the next 5 year mocking them as "crazy country bumpkins who were claiming they invented a flying machine", regardless the photo evidence and eyewitnesses.
It was only after they traveled to Europe in 1908 to entertain various celebrities with flying demonstrations that people started to admit that the airplane had been invented

>> No.14718789


I'm sorry your dad did not love you enough to go observe the planets with a telescope with you

>here's photos of space bro. You can confirm a few of these with an amateur telescope, or literally your naked eye. Such as the crab nebula, andromeda galaxy and the galilean moons

Every single time. Being ridiculously skeptical about everything doesn't make you intelligent or a freethinker. It's like arguing with somebody that believes North Korea doesn't exist

>> No.14718793

OP Thinks he's smart, now that is funny.

>> No.14718794

why not? If higher dimensional spaces can exist then we can just walk into it and across it into another 3D space.

>> No.14718805

Yes but it doesn't change the fact that the idea of a heavier-than-air flying machine was considered obviously ridiculous by many. And if you were some common folk from that time it's not hard to imagine why you'd find the idea of a plane completely delirious.
Same thing with some of today's 'scifi' ideas.
There are things that we know are impossible regarding the laws of physics like inventing an FTL 'normal' engine. But OP's pic isn't one of them.

>> No.14718830

The very same adults who believe that angular momentum is conserved even though everything they have seen falsifies it if measured beyond “it spins faster”.

>> No.14718836
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>Such as the crab nebula, andromeda galaxy and the galilean moons
nothing you described is depicted in the picrel that you're complaining about other than m31. M31 does not look like what picrel shows through a telescope because its a 10º wide image. to get a 10º field of view in a telescope with an exit pupil near 7mm you'd need to use fairly small optics and the image surface brightness wouldn't be all that good, you'd just see a dim blur near the nucleus and some of the point sources. of the other three images, none can be seen with a ground based telescope and two of them have never been witnessed by a human eye. you're going to feel like a real clown when you find out someday that you've been arguing in favor of astro-piltdown man, but its not really your fault, nasa is a satantic, luciferian organization and you are unfortunately their victim.

>> No.14718872


>le IQ chad wojak meme I am not like THOSE schizos. I am the smart one xD


>none can be seen with a ground based telescope

Again. Sorry your father did not love you enough, but Jupiter is visible in decent detail along with its moons. As for the other photo, we now have technology that allows us to zoom in in even greater detail into the cosmos, or your "firmament". Do you believe atoms are a satanic lie? Or microbes?

>nothing you described is in picrel

>you're going to feel like a real clown when you find out someday that you've been arguing in favor of astro-piltdown man

Yeah bro. 2 more weeks and the evidence of flat earth will come out that will demolish those ebil NASA satanist. Except that won't happen, and you'll die without achieving a thing. Saying "OHHH THE TRUTH WILL COME OUT EVENTUALLY LMAO" is not an argument and makes you look retarded

I sincerely hope that neither you or the FE con men that tricked you into believing into le hidden civilizations and other mental illness will never procreate. And if you do, I look forward to the day when your kids will start hating you for being such a faggot. I at the very least admire your creativity. Believing we are led by a secret deep state lizard totalitarian government that loves satan takes alot of brain power to think up. I wish you used it for something else because you are clearly very bored with your life. You are the same as a tranny. Denier of reality. You did not find some hidden plot, you fat faggot. You just like feeling special. That's all there is to it. It's an ego thing. You'll go to crazy lengths to "prove" the earth is flat by lying about math, history, literal observations you can make with your own eyes, and so on. Maybe your father should have used the belt atleast a few times on you. I'm sorry he has to bear responsibility for such a failure

Now go watch more flat earth documentaries. Con men need their money.

>> No.14718922

The laws of physics don’t exist, dumbass.

>> No.14718933

It may be possible but not something anyone can control. Not even with le giant negative mass. To make a wormhole one has to change the topology of spacetime, punch a hole on it, which is waay more than the usual contraction/expansion/curving

>> No.14718941

The federal government spent and absolute fortune during the 1890s trying to invent the airplane, it was the moon shot of it's time, but they failed. I doubt it was all that laughable an idea at the time if the federal government was spending large amounts of resources on it.
The laughable part happened when two uneducated country bumpkins showed out and pulled off what the government experts could not, they did it for under $100 too. That was embarrassing for the government, which is why the Wrights' invention was covered up as long as possible.

>> No.14718950

Is a single point in your post a fact?

>> No.14718966

Bro, please, stop wasting your time. You are arguing with a flat earther. They are not interested in evidence, facts or truth. They are homosexual pedophiles. They lure the stupid and the gullible with their flat earth nonsense. For grooming and sexual abuse. They know the stupid and the gullible are easy to manipulate and control. They only engage with you because they know the noise will attract their victims. They have no interest in rational discussion, they are only interested in sodomy.

>> No.14720093
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>> No.14720751

when you can't imagine non euclidean coordinates

>> No.14720781

According to general relativity it is. Wormholes must be stabilized with negative mass in order to be traversable, but negative mass probably doesn't exist. Well actually, wormholes could hypothetically be stabilized by the expansion of space but that means a trip through the wormhole would be longer than if you just went in a straight line.
In theory quantum effects might mean that tiny wormholes are stable; if so, you could use them to send messages, but not travel.
A theory of quantum gravity might allow traversible wormholes without negative mass, but I wouldn't count on it.

>> No.14721925

Read a math book

>> No.14722366

Based and accuse the rightoid of pedophilia before he inevitably accuses you pilled

>> No.14722393

This actually makes a lot of sense.

>> No.14722428
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They're not. Ignore anyone who says that it's possible to derive relativistic equations from classical Doppler shift. Trust the science.

>> No.14722438

Good morning, Nathan. How have you holding up ? Have you met /sci/s new friend "12000rpm disproves physics" guy?

>> No.14722457

>How have you holding up?
I'm good, thanks.

>Have you met /sci/s new friend "12000rpm disproves physics" guy?
I have not, but apparently he rides a motorcycle so he sounds cool.

>> No.14723150

I've ready plenty (not OP). Not a one explains how the "fold" in spacetime would come into being, nor how it would remain a stable thing over macroscopic space for any reasonable amount of time.

Just because we can mathematically envision something doesn't make it real.

>> No.14723154

>Wormholes must be stabilized with negative mass
Stabilized? There is no mechanism to create them.

>> No.14723157

Also no mechanism to destroy a wormhole if it were to exist

>> No.14723162

>I've ready plenty (not OP). Not a one explains how the "fold" in spacetime would come into being,
Its not a fold its a tear

>> No.14723176

Based optimist

>> No.14723203

Higher dimensions don't imply you can take shortcuts through space.

>> No.14723252
File: 21 KB, 234x310, soyence monthly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acknowledging or presuming the existence of the nondisprovables like higher dimensions means that anything is possible. You've given up on reason and on the scientific method if you're going to start spout off on the rules of high dimensions which cannot be shown to exist or to not exist.

>> No.14723278

Lol. Did you even read my reply?

>> No.14723370

For sure, when you move in a different dimension you are still in the conventional 3 dimensions.
>Acknowledging or presuming the existence of the nondisprovables like higher dimensions means that anything is possible.
The extra dimensions can allegedly be proven to exist with experiments. Proposing extra dimensions does not violate the scientific method, its just making a hypothesis. Violating the scientific method would be asserting that said dimensions exist without evidence, rather than making a hypothesis

>> No.14723405

In flat space, moving through additional dimensions increases the distance traveled. Additional dimensions by themselves don't really help.

>> No.14723406

>stabilized with negative mass
hooking a phone up to a microwave won't get you a 180+ iq jap girl like you've seen in your pepsico psyop cartoon you dirty hooligan

>> No.14723432

>In flat space, moving through additional dimensions increases the distance traveled. Additional dimensions by themselves don't really help.
Help? Do you think dimensions exist to help you?

>> No.14723439

Someone post that unaired NDT podcast segment where he tries to use the old folded paper and pencil analogy, and then one of the guests who happened to bhysics savvy preased him on the specifics of the mathematics and he fumbled his way through it

>> No.14723445

The pencil causes a tear not a stretch, tears are not allowed in general relativity. Such things have no theoretical basis and are pure sci-fi

>> No.14723447

>you ask them "okay but how do you fold space like that?"
>they just stare blankly

>> No.14723455

OP = uneducated retard

>> No.14723462

Its not a fold

>> No.14723487

The drawing is showing a fold. The explanation also mentions a fold. Clearly something is folded, and it's not your brain.

>> No.14723506

>The drawing is showing a fold
Not it isnt. Its showing a tear. You cant fold flat spacetime into some sort of donut

>> No.14723521

Singularities lie outside of the purview of GR because it's incomplete you dungus

>> No.14723525
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>Singularities lie outside of the purview of GR because it's incomplete you dungus
Wormholes are not singularities you fucking imbecile

>> No.14723536

Possibility is to be considered positive until proven negative
Actuality is to be considered negative until proven positive

>> No.14723539

You're braindead and autistic.

>> No.14723590

I was expecting you would run out of arguments as you predictably did.
Fact is there are no folds in a wormhole, nor is it a singularity. You got your IFLS! cliches all mixed up

>> No.14723753

No, the picture is very clearly showing spacetime folded over itself so that two distant parts become closer and then punched through by a wormhole. But where does that folding come from? Nobody ever had any idea, it was just a "hurr, what if anon, just imagine..." thing.

>> No.14723795

>then punched
This isnt a fold

>> No.14723827

Yes, I know. I'm not talking about that. I'm asking about the fold, you retard.

>> No.14723918

Who gives a fuck about some fold? You cant make a wormhole just by folding space. No variation of space folding with le negative mass is going to create a wormhole. The fact that theres some space folding is incidental, all spacetime has some curvature already.
The defining characteristic of the wormhole is "the hole", the punch, the tear in spacetime, not some folding that has nothing to do with anything.

>> No.14723945

The folding isn't incidental, it's one of the two components those visual examples of wormholes always have in them. A folded space and a tear that takes advantage of it. In a visualization like this you need the fold for the wormhole to actually be a shortcut. If you don't have it, then visually speaking, the wormhole is a longer detour instead, a longer way around.

>> No.14723980

>folding isn't incidental
>visual examples of wormholes always have in them.
t. brainlet
Spacetime is curved regardless of the wormholes. In order for the wormhole to exist, spacetime need to be curved. So they don't "fold" space, it's already "folded". It's one of the solutions of the Einstein equations.

>> No.14723983

It's not curved like that, it's curved inwards at every massive object. Explain how half of a region of the universe folds over another half so two very distant places line up for the wormhole visualization to make sense as a shortcut.

>> No.14723986

Although it's not possible in our universe. The image is showing a warp in spacetime. Whether you want to interpret it as a fold or a tear, is entirely up to you

>> No.14723992

No, the fold is not the tear. The tear connects two regions. The fold puts those two regions close to each other. Two different things.

>> No.14724068

Every region of spacetime is connected from a higher dimensional frame of reference. You're overcomplicating a simple concept, as midwits tend to do.

Einstein had the right idea, so does >>14723980.

>> No.14724086

The issue isn't whether it's connected or not, the issue is whether the connection is shorter. How do you explain that idea?

>> No.14724204
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We're waiting!

>> No.14724324
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the book was written by kip thorne, not steven hawking you illiterate fag, it says it right on the cover in huge letters. are you retarded?

>> No.14724448

Neigh, if you imagine it and its physically possible then its possible. Everything in-between is just an engineering problem.

>> No.14724492

Um, isn't there math showing it's theoretically possible?

>> No.14724647

then whats the point of imagination, it would be possible even without imagination

>> No.14724846

>14723992 #
>Every region of spacetime is connected from a higher dimensional frame of reference.
Yeah its called traveling in space? Like idiot, get on a rocket and get going? That's your connection.
As for wormholes they cannot be created or closed. If they exist they exist, but you can't make one even as a theoretical process on paper. Theres no physical mechanism for making a tear in spacetime, for punching through spacetime. It isn't at all folding.
The defining property of wormholes is the hole in spacetime. Without it nothing is actually closer no matter how much folding you do.

>> No.14724851

>Neigh, if you imagine it and its physically possible
Tearing spacetime isn't possible according to general relativity.

>> No.14725299

He meant that if there's an extra dimension then every point in space is also connected through it. But that has nothing to do with the thing we were discussing. And he calls others midwits.

>> No.14725424

It's just a more complicated donut.

>> No.14725448

>he thinks the 'Hermit Kingdom' is literally a real place

>> No.14725490

>Neigh, if you imagine it and its physically possible then its possible. Everything in-between is just an engineering problem.
This is not necessarily true, or I should say that it's not quite that simple. An idea can seem to be implied by fundamental principles but then when you get down to it you realize that it doesn't actually exist as an emergent property of any system or whatever.

>> No.14726375

Space is never in more than n-dimensions relative to the Lorentzian curvature of the factorial distribution along any curved surface dumbass

>> No.14726999

It's not

>> No.14727012

there is a book about it? ngl, the idea seems pretty cool for an adventure series

>> No.14727104


>> No.14728288

what a retard . kip thorn is at the top right

>> No.14728354
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>> No.14728385

simulationists are degenerate

>> No.14728389

if the wormhole is asymmetrical it actually may be able to expand upon the introduction of positive energy mass

>> No.14728533

Show me a square circle

>> No.14728534

>I heckin love the Matrix(tm)!

>> No.14728649
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>> No.14728827
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>> No.14728835

It's about what's probable.

>> No.14728856

It's about what's right.

>> No.14728925


>Flat earthers are a grooming cult

no shit

>> No.14729668
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>>>There are jews who make their livings by trying to convince "adults" who still watch cartoons, read comic books and play video games that OP pic is possible

Lmao he doesn't know about math

>> No.14729678
File: 783 KB, 480x600, 1629256389754.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if its physically possible
Is tearing spacetime physically possible? No. Then it doesn't apply per what I just said.

>> No.14729690
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It might be reductive, but that doesn't mean its not true, not by a long-shot. Our universe is built on reductive principals; they provide sturdy foundations for reality and for explaining reality.

>> No.14729715
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A dot didn't blow up you water head. A, in terms of cosmological natural selection, higher universe quantum fluctuations over n time in an otherwise static universe created great fields of matter some of which gathered into singularities then collapsed into black holes. As matter and energy reverse supernova, out of the other end of that black hole - as discovered by 2020 nobel prize in physics winner Roger Penrose- burst forth from a white hole the indestructible energy quanta of our universe.

>> No.14730057

Maybe in the short term but in the long term you're in a wormhole you'd arrive before your relativity could catch up to you.

>> No.14730082

>protein folding and new chemical Ai work
>making 2d into 3d
>extrapolating for making 3d into 4d
>applied correlation with warp and wormhole physics
>zero energy and free energy addition to only need a pulse generator amplified rather than a Jupiter mass energy source

>> No.14730085

Onwards with the great works!

I'm having a spabathical

>> No.14730086

Is that known as polchinski duplication?

>> No.14730095

She looks Lyran

>> No.14730104

I intuite they do, and whether so andor whether not I intuite further that they can more likely be made

>> No.14731622

Correct, so in conclusion tearing spacetime is not possible. Glad we agreed

>> No.14731671

why did you make a horse noise

>> No.14731917

literally not, faggot
> u don't know how a wavefunction works
fuck off faggot

>> No.14731923

nice troll post

>> No.14732266

why is there a drawing of a dick on the god sphere ?

>> No.14732273

oh you man of colorized challenged nature ( nigger )

>> No.14732274

where the portal fluid comes from

>> No.14732614

Praise the monads, monad

>> No.14733340

It is extremely obviously possible

>> No.14733833

i feel bad for men who have never made an earnest attempt to understand maths and physics. do they not value truth and knowledge? they are just content with delusions and what they 'feel' must be correct? too poor of will to persevere through that which they don't understand, in order to shine light upon what was previously unknown? too vein to admit to what they don't know? all of the above?

>> No.14734240

it's like seeing shapes in clouds, it says more about the viewer than the view

you just like dicks i guess

>> No.14735276

Define a square
Define a circle

>> No.14735280

Looks like a coffee mug.

>> No.14735288
File: 53 KB, 602x339, main-qimg-13b6e288a5707140b4b0c700e46eeae7-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally Hunter x Hunter

>> No.14735299

Hey! If something is too hard for your smooth brain to understand it doesnt mean it isnt possible or at least theorizable with actual maths and scary equations!

>> No.14735304

this true tho

>> No.14737321

bullshit , God is giving you the finger but you don't want to accept the truth

>> No.14737793


>> No.14737831


You're making no fucking sense. Anon is right, idiots believe we came from a infinitely dense ball of matter that exploded, and the hot and cold spots made what we have today.

>> No.14738041

So, a cylinder?

>> No.14738071

>divides by zero

>> No.14738835

mammary glands

>> No.14738935

>math is... LE TRUE
>he has never heard of numerology
abstract numerology is still numerology

>> No.14738983

Lmao gottem

>> No.14739117

math is only true because we assume a handful of axioms to be true, but the amount of generativity that comes out of these assumptions and subsequent logical arguments made upon them rivals that of language itself, while managing to describe all kinds of physical phenomena in precise detail.
logic, proof, analysis, and calculus all hold up to international scrutiny. numerology is no better than a self-proclaimed 'oracle' who huffs fumes from cracks in the earth's surface.

>> No.14739161

axioms can be anything you like, garbage in, garbage out
you could express the ideas of numerology rigorously, and it wouldn't be any more meaningful, but it would waste a lot of paper
modern numerology has evolved, it just has become less obviously wrong

>> No.14739183

you're genuinely retarded if you cannot tell the glaring difference between the entire discipline of mathematics and numerology

>> No.14739189

are you implying that you can't prove useless facts in mathematics?

>> No.14739194

sure you can, just like you have demonstrated that it's easy to utter nonsense using the english language

>> No.14739266

probably desu.

>> No.14739299

hope you can sort out your anger issues bro

>> No.14739999

>gets obliterated
>u mad bro