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14715692 No.14715692 [Reply] [Original]

Ozone hole is more fake science

>> No.14715719

your mom's a ozone hole

>> No.14715801
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Soientists are especially salty and hateful nowadays. Uneducated "/pol/tards" are taking over now that most soientists are dying off after taking too much soience juice.

>> No.14715888


>> No.14715889

I miss the days when conspiracy theories had soul

>> No.14715890

dogshit thread

>> No.14715893
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Soi boys soientists crying, bawling their eyes while hurling lame insults at the common folk who dares defy their idolatry.

>> No.14716084

Please change title to '/pol/ containment thread' next time and then kys

>> No.14716113

>instant death
went to
>2 weeks
went to
>a few months
wen to
>a few years < - we are here
will go to
>a few decades
and so on which will eventually be true because the end of those decades will be at around the end of normal life expectancy

face it, the crying and the seethind and the "i told you so" at the slightest hint will never end because the retards are relenthless

>> No.14716115

>please please don't talk about our scientific scams
scientific community is getting exposed for the faggots they are

>> No.14716129

why does the apple fall from the tree an hit the earth but the moon doesn't?

>> No.14716420
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>> No.14716458

Which tree did the moon fall off of?

>> No.14716464

the tree of life

>> No.14716468
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The tree they go to when getting moons to make pic related.

>> No.14716501

>people who push their bodies to the max on the daily
also, nice source for that graph

>> No.14716510
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Science turned into a religion. It's the new christianity.
But!.. We already have christianity so why should I bother with another belief system?

>> No.14716652

Look up the Montreal Protocol and it's impacts

>> No.14716698

If I was op Id not let that slide, thats just me tho

>> No.14716727

i was baited into actually looking up the patents
r12 patent expired in the mid 50s, about two decades before the ozone hole was discovered

the rest can be safely dismissed as bullshit after that

>> No.14716741

I did not find anything about r12 patents. If they did expire in the '50s, it should be noted somewhere. Even if some of the patents expired in the '50s, you would have to assert that all patents on r12 expired, yet their dates of expiration likely vary from nation to nation and even from industrial branch to branch. But I'm not an expert, i'm just asking for proof. In defense, OP didn't provide proof either but this business tactic, as described by him, is so common in some industries that it might be true.

>> No.14716772

>/pol/ said it, it is true

When is Doland's reinstatement again?

>> No.14716777

not a science fanatic but this is a post from pol bro

>> No.14716778

All r12 related compounds, of which r12 was the most widely used one were invented at the latest in 1935. That puts the expiration date of the patent in the mid 50s.
You can find some blogs researching more about these patents, they have to rely on old printed records because they aren't in modern patent databases. But still, even without that information it's just a matter of adding 20 years to the latest possible date that it was invented

>> No.14716781

He probably just read some snopes one-liner and called it a deboonk. It does seem like the patent expired in the 50s, though:

>> No.14716820

>But still, even without that information it's just a matter of adding 20 years to the latest possible date that it was invented
Even if that is true for the substance, it would not stop industries from patenting a slightly altered version of it, not rarely just under a different name. This happens regularly with pharmaceutical substances whose patents are about to expire. Regardless, OP's story is likely an unlucky combination of truth and bullshit. It makes sense except it doesn't actually add up.

>> No.14716827

You don't understand r12
If they patented a slightly modified version people could buy the generic one to use in their ACs and cars

>> No.14716849

Fuck you OP shitting up our comfy board.

>> No.14716851

>If they patented a slightly modified version people could buy the generic one to use in their ACs and cars
There's a number of reasons as to why people couldn't buy or were discouraged from buying the generic one. For example, syndicalism, lobbying, selling a modified form of r12 as r12, now with some extra gas, or really just by patenting r12 again. It really isn't like patent offices are immune to all kinds of political shenangians.

But then, I'll admit that this is all just guessing. I know that neither the Soviet Union/Russia nor China recognize US patents so OP would have to explain why these both countries also stopped selling/producing r12.

>> No.14716904

>instant death
>went to
>2 weeks
When? In your head?

That strawman won't cut it pincushion, the prediction was always 2023 around may

>> No.14716998

>2 more weeks to flatten the curve.
>That strawman won't cut it pincushion, the prediction was always 2023 around may
Whatever you say, conspiracy theorist.

Hey I was in that thread. It was pretty funny when all the environmentalists were getting BTFO'd after explaining to them how their replacement gases for ammonia/r12 are WORSE then them for the environment. Also because they have to be charged to a higher pressure will have more of a chance to leak, any environmental reason is automatically negated from the sheer amount of A/C units that now just automatically piss their gas off when they corrode past a certain point.
Then some retard came in to keep crying about how harmful it was for the ozone and eneded up proving himself wrong when the weight of refrigerant was told to him and he admitted that osmosis would have diluded it (and therefore would have ever prevented and form of "hole" in the ozone)

Stay safe and have fun nerds. Remember, when they come to fix your subsidized refrigerant pissing machines, keep in mind that HVAC technicians happen to be the most racist people on the planet too. So don't mention your gay virus or a democrat politician, they will charge you more to listen to bullshit because they know you weenies can't stand the heat.

>about two decades before the ozone hole was discovered
I can safely dismiss the rest of your bullshit, because no such hole ever existed. Tell me another entertaining conspiracy theory now you fucking quack.

>it would not stop industries from patenting a slightly altered version of it, not rarely just under a different name.
>why these both countries also stopped producing r12.
New gases require more operating pressure, the same reason why it pisses away and you have to recharge your unit with more atmosphere destroying compound. It's the operating pressure of whatever unit is ALLOWED to be sold to you.

>> No.14717009

>Whatever you say, conspiracy theorist.
Suck my oily balls microclotted nigger

>> No.14717013
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>conspiracy theorist

>> No.14717046
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confirmed bots,can't into reading comprehension, or brain broken vax cattle.

>> No.14717053
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>vax cattle
Projection: the post.

>> No.14717068
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No reading comprehension then , gotcha. At least it's not a bot.

>> No.14717077
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Sure thing leftist soi boy

>> No.14717102
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>Lets uses snopes when it's convenient

Lets not enable expurgating sources and hold double standards how about? You don't need to do this to point out the retardation of a vaxfag. Protip: They don't care even if snopes confirms it to them, they never cared about snopes in the first place. They care that you care because they only care about feelings, not facts. Tthey always hated you and wanted to dictate over you. It's about them being enabled to hate you for a reason other people can get behind so they can achieve their goals.

>> No.14717124

As someone who actually writes patents for a living that's not at all how patents work.

Prior to 2000 you could endlessly write changes to your patent to get them increased another 20 years. So if what you claim is true, and it probably is, all DuPont would need to do to keep their patent another 20 years is make a slight change to the process and get it patented another 20 years. There is no reason at all to abandon their patent in 1979. This practice ended with changes to patent law in about 2000 to prevent companies from holding patents forever. So your post itself disproves your own post.

>> No.14717154

I used r12 to kill rats.

>> No.14717160

>There is no reason at all to abandon their patent in 1979


Lets spend the money to refile a patent and use a product we're no longer allowed to use.

>> No.14717168

>we're no longer allowed to use.
*no longer allowed to produce.

My bad. The devils in the detals.

>> No.14717349

2 more weeks plague rat

>> No.14717364

>shill attempting to derail the thread
everything in OP confirmed true

>> No.14717712

It gets worse.
I read an article that was written about this exact issue, written back in the 90s when there was actual journalism in the world and someone realize the conflict of interest in DuPont being able to profit from this global endevor to outlaw existing CFCs (follow the money, as they say).
You know what else relies on freon BESIDES air conditioning? Refrigeration. Food preservation. Medicine transportation. Blood supplies.
When DuPout lobbied to end the use of freon, it wasn't just in the first-world countries that could afford the replacements: it was global. That meant that all the infrastructure in the third-world began to fall apart and since freon was banned, there was no replacement.
So food would spoil, and people would starve or get sick from eating it. Medicines couldn't be transported to remote locations because the old refrigerated trucks were also unable to get repairs or freon refills. Blood supplies would be wiped out if the cooling system failed and there was no upgraded version available.
I wish I could remember, but the excess deaths from poor sanitation and lack of available refrigeration in the third-world (which also happen to be some of the hottest countries on the planet) was staggering, I want to say in the tens of thousands at the time the article was written in the 90s so by today? Perhaps even millions.
I support capitalism, but for companies like that, I also support the idea of a corporate death penalty.