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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14716094 No.14716094 [Reply] [Original]

Is Alzheimer's research and the peer review process in general a big sham?

>> No.14716133

umm you don't seem to understand how the science process works sweaty
science changes and that's normal
it's called progress

>> No.14716145

Is Charlie using /sci/ as grounds for material now? Never would have pegged him as a STEM major, and what the fuck is a degree in human sciences?
But yeah, funding sources can create a big problem when it comes to shitting up legitimate scientific research.

>> No.14716157
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/sci/ is a cado board

>> No.14716900
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>> No.14716916

This isn't going to change anything. People are too accustomed to the idea of broken behavior as an equivalent to a broken brain, even if it is the result of natural senility. One in two 80+ are already diagnosed with Alzheimers if they're in some care facility. They're not giving up on that cashcow.

>> No.14716920
File: 88 KB, 1024x443, peerreview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peer review became a big deal around the same time NASA "forgot" how to go to the moon.

>> No.14717606

I keep hearing this but never are any examples posted of particular cases

>> No.14717622

Keep the retarded posts on the retard containment board please.

>> No.14717639

Science is a shitty system we treat as religion so it is never improved upon

Even though criticism is a key tenant of the definition of science, there is none allowed to the fact it is obsolete

>> No.14717644


Alzheimer's researchers used doctored blots. Just look up western blot fraud it's all over the place

>> No.14717652

So in all of these cases they believe they’re doing actual research or are they just skewing the results to move things along? Does it even matter considering how widespread it is in “research”?

>> No.14717663

So nobody ever tries to replicate these findings? There was this German physicist that was caught because he claimed he could make some type of transistor and nobody else could replicate it.

>> No.14717817

you just demolished everything in your post even if it was correct opinion it just doesn't count anymore, good job faggot

>> No.14717855

It's almost as if there's more money to be made in medications for conditions than cures.

>> No.14717867

Grants are easier to get for exploring new ground than they are for verifying already explored ground. Given the magnitude of waste and possibly loss of quality of life that could have been improved if research went another way, this should open wallets some for more verification but I'm not too hopeful. Everyone wants to make headlines for discovering something new.

>> No.14717933

Someone should make an index of research classified by how verified it is.
How come others do research based on a lie and it has no cascading effects in inconsistencies?

>> No.14717948

The amount of resources dedicated to Alzheimer's research with little to show for it would seem to indicate that the inconsistencies had a cascading effect of making everything down the line fail.

>> No.14717990

Jan Hendrik Schon?

>> No.14718000

All timers. Why did he get so upset when people made fun of his pronunciation of Alzheimers? He’s just an entertainer dancing on the screen. Did he really expect his fans to take him seriously when all he does is play video games while mentioning dicks ass and pussy?

>> No.14718453

These people have an inflated sense of self importance. Anyone who streams does. It's no different than Quora or Hollywood celebrities.

>> No.14718493

Why r*dditors come to 4chan if they don't like the culture? I'll never get it.

>> No.14718506

It has been for a long time.
There is good evidence that the brains of Alzhaimers' patients lack copper, AND there is evidence from old bones that people used to consume more copper.

>> No.14718638

I'm already posting here.

>> No.14718683

Why is everyone so regarded about this issue, it was a particular oligomer nobody gives a fuck about, this doesn’t say anything about the amyloid hypothesis

>> No.14718697

> peer review process in general a big sham
Sort of. Many experiments are not reproducible and generally not many autists give a fuck about reproducing them. That's why there is estimation that about half of scientific papers are BS.
Part of the problem, also, is the perpetual Hirsch index and citation jerking off, so professors need to shit out papers constantly if they want to stay employed because there is none other metric to use to measure their quality, unfortunately.

>But yeah, funding sources can create a big problem when it comes to shitting up legitimate scientific research.
The problem is two-fold. The other half of the medal is that you won't get funding unless you dish out that "feel-good" bait narrative. The "We have a theory that Alzheimer is caused by X in some % of cases" doesn't sell as much as "We are one step away from curing Alzheimer, AiDS and OP's desire to suck fat cocks".
That's also the reason why pop-sci "I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE" bullshit is so popular among normies. It sells.

> are they just skewing the results to move things along?
It's one of the things they do. Manipulating statistics is another one that comes to mind.

>So nobody ever tries to replicate these findings?
Good luck getting funding on that, not to mention whether you can replicate it in the first place.

>Why did he get so upset when people made fun of his pronunciation of Alzheimers?
Ignoring the message to get smug about either the tone or pronunciation and repeating that same shit over and over again so that other onions-guzzlers give you updoots, is a reddit behavior and every normal person will get upset by it.

>> No.14718706

the space jews got angry, we clearly went into the illegal lands

>> No.14718711

This is actually fundamental problem of modern science, it wasn't like this 100 years ago even, and that's when we thrived in progress in research

>> No.14718748

Also there is a massive bias against simple aswers.
Yes, some things are complex, but the simplest explanation is usually true and shouldn't be dismissed unless shown false.

>> No.14718768

>Yes, some things are complex, but the simplest explanation is usually true and shouldn't be dismissed unless shown false.
That's how you get to the "god wants it because he just wants" - tier argumentation.

>> No.14718851

No that's how you get science.
Elaborate explanations because god's ways are incomprehensible and because you can't contradict what the scripture says is how you get religion.

>> No.14718865

>simplest explanation is usually true
No it isn't lol

>> No.14718881

Have we really dropped so low that people seriously argue against parsimony?

>> No.14718942

>Elaborate explanations because god's ways are incomprehensible and because you can't contradict what the scripture says is how you get religion.
In physics you get elaborate explanations because quantum mechanics is incomprehensible and because you can't contradict what relativity textbooks say.
And if "hard science" is like that, imagine "softer sciences" like medical research must be like.

>> No.14718977

>In physics you get elaborate explanations because quantum mechanics is incomprehensible and because you can't contradict what relativity textbooks say.
I see you got my point, but for some reason you think it's good.
Interesting. Why do you think it's good for people to dig themselves into more and more confusion like that, instead of coming up with sometting sensible that could explain what is observed?

>> No.14719005

Different person. I think that's obviously bad and contrary to the ideal of science.
I'm highlighting the fact that the problem is much more radicated and widespread, to the point that even the fields that are supposed to be most objective fail the ideal in the most spectacular ways, so one can only imagine what else is going on in "less objective and softer" fields.
"Science" has been dead for a while, and it has taken some time for the body to rot and for people to notice the smell of the carcass.

>> No.14719410

WOAH! watch it with the anti-semitism there bud

>> No.14719460

>Ignoring the message to get smug about either the tone or pronunciation and repeating that same shit over and over again so that other onions-guzzlers give you updoots, is a reddit behavior and every normal person will get upset by it.
That is his audience though. I don't understand why people in entertainment think they're anything more than background noise on the toilet. He culminated an audience of Redditors who watch him playing vidya while making pee pee and poo poo jokes. Then he expects people to take him seriously when most of his comments are botted to shit or are OMG Jesus is speaking to me!

>> No.14719512

>Alzheimer's research
not in particular. This is overblown.
>peer review process in general
kind of yes. Mostly issues in publishing

>> No.14719524

ok so what DOES cause alzheimers then????

>> No.14719527

Copper deficiency.

>> No.14719536

ok thank god
*adds copper supplement to diet of nothing but sòybean oil and HFCS*

>> No.14719539

He really thinks what he says matters. I imagine most of us wish to believe this.

>> No.14719549

>He really thinks what he says matters
So does anyone who chooses to open their mouth rather than keep it shut

>> No.14719575
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Wait until he hears about all the falsified and misleading information in studies regarding the transgender phenomenon and the bullshit pushed by AAP and APA, especially in regards to the push to get child to transition even though credible studies have come out proving most child desist with feelings of gender dysphoria in later years of adolescence. Oh wait he won't cover that because they'll make him seem politically incorrect and he'll lose his reddit audience he has to tiptoe around everytime he makes any video covering a controversial topic.
There are way bigger scandals in the field of science, particularly with the increasing amount of researchers trying to get famous quick by pushing studies that adhere to feel good or politically correct bullshit. Science and research has become a joke everyone is trying to cash in on.
I'm not some conservative either, I'm a pretty staunch lefty commie who thinks the whole renewed focus on transgenders is a big pharma scam.

>> No.14719594

When I speak to a room of degenerates I don't expect a Nobel prize.

>> No.14719611

>I don't expect a Nobel Prize
He's just covering a story and sharing it on youtube. I don't think a guy who goes by moist critical and has a channel penguinz0 thinks he all that important, probably just found the story interesting and wanted to raise awareness. Which good on him because we're talking about it

>> No.14719642

He was upset his audience of Redditors who just quote memes didn't really give a shit about what he had to say. He apparently did think he was important enough to be taken seriously when he's just the Poop Pee guy. I see it no different than celebrities thinking they have the abilty to bring change to shit they only know surface level. His audience doesn't come to him for news. It's just momentary entertainment. I knew about the Alzheimers story beforehand. I just think it's funny ecelebs think people actually give a shit about what they have to say.

>> No.14720748

typically when somebody actually bothers to replicate well-known results and fails, they don't dare publish it

>> No.14720831

>That's also the reason why pop-sci "I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE" bullshit is so popular among normies. It sells.
Kinda. In a lot of people there's a deeply ingrained need for religion, or a need to indulge in some kind of religious impulse. Christianity has fallen out of favor of late, mostly because of subversion by weirdo communist types over the 2nd half of the 20th century, so people went looking for a new cult to given their lives a sense of meaning and structure to. Unfortunately, the new church they found as freakshows like Bill Nye and Neil Degrasse Tyson as its bishops and is in thrall of thoroughly corrupt corporatist interests.

>> No.14721213


>> No.14721272

true! I'm a female scientist and it's so annoying how these men just don't get it. in my field of sociology, things have changed even since I graduated with my PhD.

>> No.14721279

>White man: goes to the moon
>jew: and i took that personally >:(

>> No.14721337

>science changes and that's normal
Really, not like that.

>> No.14721890

because science is plagued by the same problem of needing to conform and not rock the boat too much especially with negative results that don't directly progress the field
people are going to be more critical of the replication methodology because a lot of money and prestige were already invested in the established result, it could be a source of professional embarrassment and a career set back if it's not received well

>> No.14722122

>especially with negative results that don't directly progress the field
Negative result are what typically leads to major breakthroughs.

>> No.14722125

>especially with negative results that don't directly progress the field
Negative results are what typically leads to major breakthroughs.