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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14715573 No.14715573 [Reply] [Original]

Mathematics cannot be Truth. Mathematics is a construct that has no basis in nature.
Any counter-example you come up with will be reliant on some other construct.

>> No.14715588

That's exactly why it's true.

>> No.14715606

>Mathematics is a construct that has no basis in nature.

What? Math is entirely based on nature. We constructed names for things which exist in nature but we did not construct the laws, we observed them and converted them into our useful mathematical language where they can be exploited to gain further knowledge.

>> No.14715611
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>mfw mathematics exists outside and independent of the universe

>> No.14715612

>Mathematics is a part of physics. Physics is an experimental science, a part of natural science. Mathematics is the part of physics where experiments are cheap.
>The Jacobi identity (which forces the heights of a triangle to cross at one point) is an experimental fact in the same way as that the Earth is round (that is, homeomorphic to a ball). But it can be discovered with less expense.

>> No.14715631
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>> No.14715637
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>> No.14715639

>Mathematics is a construct that has no basis in nature.
Absolutely, and that's exactly what maths is supposed to be, logic in its purest form.
>What? Math is entirely based on nature
No, no it's not.
>>Mathematics is a part of physi
Don't even fucking dare.

>> No.14715653
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> logic in its purest form.
purity spiraling & splitting
you seek to bask in the reflected glory of your imaginary superlatives

>> No.14715666

The fundamental mathematical concept of Equality has no basis in nature beyond tautology.
You will not find two equal objects in nature. These objects, by the fact that there are two of them, must occupy different points in space. As they do not share coordinates, they cannot be equal.

>> No.14715668

>purity spiraling
You don't even know what this phrase means, anon.

>> No.14715822

Nature is math. Any identity requires a syntax which verifies it as a language, and language is an algebraic structure. Any real identity or entity is fundamentally mathematical.

>> No.14715843
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>> No.14715852
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In scientism, truth and value are quite literally in numbers. "Many people believe X." "The consensus is X." "My colleagues agree." "There are a number of books on the subject." "I have received no complaints." "There is much support." Truth is by popular vote. The more Nature does it, the more right it is. It is the authority of DNA - the authority of the tradition of Nature itself. And whereas in ordinary religion the logical fallacy of choice is the appeal to the authority of some holy book, in scientism it is the appeal to the authority of the number (argumentum ad numerum). For the adherents of scientism, numbers represent the only real value, and these become the very substance of their life.

>People become numbers. The numbers become their horizon - their all. They are just copies.
- Kierkegaard

If you explain to these numerous fellows that they are constantly, in every waking moment, appealing to the fallacy of the number, you are wasting your breath, because they don't know anything except the number. They cannot hear you, because existence requires contrast. And for this same reason such people don't exist as individuals. They have no self, and no soul, since the soul is precisely the self, and is the genius in man.

Samuel Butler accurately describes this soulless culture - the culture of the number - in his novel Erewhon, when he visits the hallowed "Colleges of Unreason".

>> No.14715863

Thanks for the unrelated essay.

>> No.14715866
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Sure thing luciferian maths and number worshipper.

>> No.14715892

you're right th theta they're cursed, the number obsession necessarily leads them to a life of terminal dissatisfaction with their present condition. numbers are infinite, so no matter how much you have, you can always consider the possibility of having more.

>> No.14716218

This kills the Redditor

>> No.14716230
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Math is the Logos, the universal reason, which is Christ who creates the world through symbol.

Symbol is essential. You access all reality through symbol. Indeed, in the Godhead we see all elements of the semiotic triangle.

The Father is the object, the ground of being. Christ is the Logos, the symbol. The Spirit is the interpretant.

>> No.14716232
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>Pythagoras was a Mason
>Flat Earth

>> No.14716234

You're a faggot.
Almost everything in math is defined from things in nature, we don't just sit around and come up with ideas out of thin air.
We come up with tools that we think will be usefull based on how they interact with reality, then we formalise it with logic.

>> No.14716237

define truth in logic
define truth in maths
define truth in physics
define truth in biology

protip youcant

>> No.14716247
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Next you will be saying that Lucifer was the good guy, that Adam and Eve were right to eat that fruit of knowledge, science/maths worshipper.

>> No.14716251
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Yes yes yes! Now all you must do is accept math theorems can be true without there existing a proof.

>> No.14716262

yes we have made up words for abstract useful concepts and names to reflect reality as we percieve. thats what language is. congrats for catching up to the rest of us

if there are 2 apples in my bag there is still 2 apples in my bag even if the concept of "2" and "apple" and "my" and "bag" hasn't been created by someone yet.

>> No.14716333

>big number scary
The Earth goes around the Sun once every 365 days. Go around a hill in 365 days and see how you're feeling the insane motions.

>> No.14716338

Hello mawkvlt.

>> No.14716342

>that's exactly what maths is supposed to be
you realize that this is a very recent trend, right?

>> No.14716398


Mathematics is based on embodiment. Embodiment is based on you, genius. Look at your left hand and count up to 5. Then, look at your right hand. Count the rest up to 10.

Your left hand grounds 5-and-below, your right hand grounds 5-and-up. You perceive closer objects reachable with your left hand, farther objects with your right hand. You perceive everything on a numerical basis and also based on the laws of physics. The grounding for your bodily concepts lays in terms of forward-back, left-right, up-down, etc.
Language is based on mathematics, just as physics. Arguments are true or false, we use formats of axioms or premises leading to conclusions

>> No.14716404
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>Mathematics cannot be Truth. Mathematics is a construct that has no basis in nature.
Humans have quantitative comprehension. Mathematics reflects human quantitative comprehension. Humans have a basis in nature. Therefore Mathematics has a basis in nature.

>> No.14716418

>the Earth is round (that is, homeomorphic to a ball)
lmao a disc-shaped flat earth is also homeomorphic to a ball