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14714696 No.14714696 [Reply] [Original]

I bought some plus lens glasses that I'm going to use when using my phone so shorten my eyeballs. Will it work?

>> No.14714788

no. myopia is a physical problem of the dimensions of your eyeball, nothing you can do will cure it

>> No.14714816

physically pushing it shorter then?

>> No.14714823
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Myopia comes from focus muscles in the eye being tightened way too long over time by looking at screens or books up close.
When the muscles are tightened they put pressure on the side of the eye, over time your eye gets longer because it's literally being squeezed for way too long by the muscles.
You can cure myopia if you manage to reverse this whole effect for long time, maybe even sleep contacts that put pressure in front of the eye might speed it up

>> No.14714862


A big contributing factor to myopia is a lack of sunlight. It's been a while since I last looked at the relevant studies, but something that correlates extremely strongly to the amount of myopia in a population is the population's level of education. After trying various methods to isolate what the contributing factor is, it ended up being sunlight. Spending so much time indoors with artificial lighting, using sunglasses every time we go outside, and so on isn't the lifestyle chosen by evolution. I'm not saying we need to return to the wild or anything, but it's an unfortunate side effect of modern living.

>> No.14715043

This paper says plus lens can be preventative and that our modern educated environments are -1.4 which is why we should all be wearing +1.4 to prevent myopia when doing close work. But we're doing that all the time.

>> No.14715045

>People are fat because they don't see sunlight and not that they're not fucking going outside at all to walk
Nah, that's again statistics science making shit up. Sunlight actually means you're outside and you're not focusing up-close at all whatsoever. Your eyes are completely relaxed focusing even on kilometers of distance at times.
The sunlight larp is so fucking stupid it's the perfect example of data scientist trying to create reasoning

>> No.14715911
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Then how come that people doing endmyopia can reverse their vision error?

There is probably two mechanism at play here. Yes, if you are in sunlight, you will also be able to see at long distances. But also, the sunlight is so bright, that there is enough light for you to actually be able to focus at long distances.

>> No.14715979
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>I'm not saying we need to return to the wild or anything
I am