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14712380 No.14712380 [Reply] [Original]

what do you think about the fact that generally speaking, Edward Witten is by far the most respected physicist in the world?

>> No.14712389

I think he's more of a mathematician doing physics than a physicist.

>> No.14712401

Its interesting how many times he switched majors as an undergrad.

>> No.14712404

How many?

>> No.14712407

Alexander Polyakov is as good but doesn't get as much hype

>> No.14712415

I think 4 or 5 times

>> No.14712416

sounds like insubstantial jewish propaganda

>> No.14712423

just check his h-index
objectively the most cited scholar of physics in modern times

>> No.14712437

progress in physics over the past half century has com to a standstill because of that type of jewish nepotism. bragging about useless publications is the same as admitting to nothing useful or legitimately noteworthy to brag about. the people contributing to the replication crisis by publishing useless bullshit for vanity reasons shouldn't be in the sciences at all.

>> No.14712450

>because of that type of jewish nepotism.
sounds like hardcore /pol/ cope to me. Witten won a Fields medal so he clearly is smart. that is proof enough but if you actually cared about physics you would find he’s made significant contributions in many areas. the fact that you immediately jumped to “da jooz” is utterly ignorant and pathetic

>> No.14712452

Unironically shut the fuck up you mind-broken idiot. Theoretical physics is extremely rigorous and none of your "muh replication crisis" non-sense applies as it actually can be founded in logic and induction is possible.

>> No.14712457

the replication crisis is something in health and medicine. You have no understanding how physics works, much less theoretical physics

>> No.14712459

Why do I feel like every single person who "hates" modern physics has not even a single clue about it?

>> No.14712464 [DELETED] 

Physics does suffer from practical problems. I doubt Ed Witten is one of them.

>> No.14712468

>useless publications
post one

>> No.14712470

And yet a lot of progress in physics is thanks to such "mathematicians doing physics". Maybe realize that the days of experimental physics are slowly over?

>> No.14712472

Even the people who "love" it have no clue about it. It takes many years of deliberate study to get to the point where you have some sense of what most papers in hep-th on arxiv are about

>> No.14712473

>a jew win a prize
>so is legit

>> No.14712474

Haha what experiments can they do that doesn't cost billions?

>> No.14712475

Math is a part of physics https://www.math.fsu.edu/~wxm/Arnold.htm

>> No.14712478

>There cant be a replication crisis if you don't do any experiments.
wow theoretical physics are really smart right?

>> No.14712479

see >>14712475

>> No.14712481

Fuck off Mandlbaur. Just because no one has spun a ball at 12000rpm under ideal circumstances doesn't mean it's nonsense.

>> No.14712487 [DELETED] 

Lol physicist rants about math

>> No.14712488

>The Jacobi identity is an experimental fact

>> No.14712494

>cranky old man

>> No.14712496

mad tranny?

>> No.14712504

why are people of your generation so obsessed with trannies? It wasn't even a thing 20 years ago

>> No.14712506

>t. too retarded for anything besides absolute empiricism

>> No.14712528

It's ridiculous because you have a large number of people, like engineers, who've spent years studying what they think is basically "all of physics" and they believe to understand physics yet probably couldn't understand one sentence from a modern theoretical physics paper. I don't know of a single other science as gatekeeping and I don't think laymen will ever again "understand" physics.

>> No.14712538

It's not deliberately gatekeeping. You can't talk about physics without using jargon. There is not a simple translation into words laymen understand because laymen don't have concepts of the things being discussed (they could have them if they also learned, but that takes time)

>> No.14712574

The physics experts all understood the Bogdanov PhD papers perfectly well

>> No.14712580

>It's not deliberately gatekeeping. You can't talk about physics without using glossolalia and schizophasia.
why not? are physicists too low IQ to communicate coherently and succinctly?

>> No.14712581

the Bogdanoff affair wound up being exposed and ultimately didn't harm physics.

>> No.14712583

Tbqh I always felt like having to explain specialized stuff to laymen is a fairly arrogant demand. I don't see the point in encouraging people to stay lazy and not learn.

>> No.14712590

There's no point in trying to explain it to people who won't be able to use that knowledge for anything noteworthy/wind up forgetting it all within a few weeks anyhow.
Every second that is spent "learning" something that will not stick is wasted. Learning IS repetition. Every book you read you don't internalize via repetition is wasted time, simple as that.

>> No.14712594

Terrible post

>> No.14712608
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genuinely what do you gain from ban-evading and shitting up all of /sci/ with these retarded conspiracy theories? Does doing the same thing over and over again not get boring at some point?

>> No.14712800

umm sweaty actually h-index has been canceled

>> No.14712802

cool...what are the physical implications of his work...how has it improved anyone's life?

>> No.14712839

>physical implications of his work...how has it improved anyone's life
How are those even remotely equivalent?