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14711669 No.14711669 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not sure if this guy is just a narcissistic cluster B or actual gatekeeper / disinfo. His videos are long and substanceless, like get to the point. Any time anyone brings up anything, he talks shit about it if it isn't something he's personally experienced in. For example Hermeticism, he basically says it's not worth bothering with. Rudolf Steiner, life is too short to read any of that. Anything written in Hebrew? Nothing worthwhile was ever written in that language, Blah blah blah, he puts forth some narrative about his identity and truth-seeking.

Shill / gatekeeper? Idiot? Narcissist? All 3 (or more)? For whatever reason he came to mind earlier today and it rapidly clicked in my mind that net it all out he's basically intolerable. I don't think his activities are a net positive.

>> No.14711747

He's lonely and youtube shitposting gets him engagement.

>> No.14711752

He constantly complains about how broke he is because he only has a few thousand in the bank, meanwhile he has 3 properties and multiple vehicles, tons of camera gear. People still joina nd give him tons of donations, fawn over him. People like him really piss me off.

>> No.14711757

>Ken Wheeler
That's Jed Varner.

>> No.14711760

What's with his tattoos?

>> No.14711762

He's mocking my tattoo.

>> No.14711763

>Anything written in Hebrew? Nothing worthwhile was ever written in that language
Meanwhile in reality, everything good, everything that has any value, is in the Torah.

Some people are simply ignorant, let them be, let your lives be compared so you'll see those that make Torah their guide are right.

>> No.14711764

He refuses to discuss them. Claims he doesn't trust heavily tattooed people. He's clearly hiding and distancing himself from his past.

>> No.14711772

He plagurized from Bill Gaede's Rope Hypothesis book. Took a lot of his talking points, word for word, from Gaede as well.

>> No.14711781
File: 440 KB, 1366x1260, droolers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he can be a bit egotistical and annoying but he does know his shit.

The thing about being smart and being right and being surrounded by morons who wont stfu and have no idea what they are talking about is, it gets old, it gets real old arguing with morons an over time you will grow to be dismissive because you have too as a defense mechanism from toxic imbeciles. If you dont you would spend all your time arguing with morons over shit they are too stupid to ever understand.

It doesn't take intelligent people very long to figure this out and tell the morons to just fuck off and go be stupid somewhere else you arent gonna do it on my time.

>> No.14711793

>I'm not sure if this guy is just a narcissistic cluster B or actual gatekeeper / disinfo.
He cares less than you do.

>Anything written in Hebrew? Nothing worthwhile was ever written in that language,
And he's wrong how? It's a secularized metaphysics that literally believes they can argue dualism rhetoric against their own deity they made up. It's patently absurd and shouldn't be taken seriously by anyone, which is also the reason why the Jews don't teach it to everyone.

>Shill / gatekeeper? Idiot? Narcissist? All 3 (or more)?
One thing is for certain. You're here talking about him, and that's all that really matters doesn't it? Does he talk about you?

>I don't think his activities are a net positive.
"I read every comment"
"Tell me to jump off a cliff"

>He refuses to discuss them.
>Claims he doesn't trust heavily tattooed people. He's clearly hiding and distancing himself from his past.

It's a coping mechanism he developed after his wife died. Of course you should know that given that you know the guy so well.

Are you quoting Bill Gaede himself or do you have examples? For someone who's a blackmailed letter agency shill, Bill sure likes to whine a lot.

>> No.14711826
File: 75 KB, 236x189, tat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's it all mean?

>> No.14711830

That's true. I was stupid enough to try to find the means to seed, grow, and otherwise force information into normie's minds, trying to alter their behavior and diminish if not nullify their more detrimental behaviors. I recognized they were dragging me down with them and that this place had raped and maimed me down to my very core, the more direct and goal oriented participation in the material world is eventually psychologically required. It's far more nuanced than your image has captured, I consider it a form of false enlightenment. Yes, anyone can realize there are macro cycles of history which may be mechanically impossible to thwart, but you still have to live through it.

>He cares less than you do.
Obviously not so. Everything he does is about maintaining control, keeping the spotlight on himself, and getting attention. You've inverted reality here. His manner of "caring" is directed toward infantile needs. You're simply not able to see it.

>And he's wrong how? It's a secularized metaphysics
Yes, that's Ken's term for religion. Not a bad notion, but ultimately myopic. You've basically become Orwellian, what you're operating on is "ignorance is strength". You also have an external locus of control, you feel you need to fight an environment that's trying to do things to you. I on the other hand just assume I'm in control, within reason. If you trace out and deconstruct these other frameworks, abstract to the most general case, you'll find there all kinds of underlying connections you can apply elsewhere. You take elements from one area and recombine them elsewhere.

>"I read every comment"
That's another problem I'll get to later.

>It's a coping mechanism he developed after his wife died.
People don't tattoo over their entire body to cope with one trauma. It draws from more basic underlying tendencies. I also don't know where you're getting your timeline.

>> No.14711838

>It draws from more basic underlying tendencies
What are they? I've always found people who tattoo themselves a mystery.

>> No.14711839

>Does he talk about you?
Ken doesn't see anyone but himself. Everyone else is just a means of getting what he wants, no different than an infant crying for mommy's breast.

After he did his big song of dance about project pandora and its subproject bizarre, he went on and on about "blah blah not conspiracy, look it up, look it up, blah blah". I've done research in thatb area for 10 years, you can't just "look it up". I personally put together the most complete compilation of ARPA's PANDORA that I know to exist, it's not readily available with a few seconds of google searching. I linked it in the comments. Did he heart it, pin it, respond to it, anything? No, of course not. Just told everyone to "look it up", look up something thathas been hidden. Complete infantile bad faith simply because he wants to be THE ONE, and have all the attention. It really is that simple. All this shit he does, they're just surrogates. He barely cares about the topic and apparently wants a bunch of people just clicking through to go and find materials he ought to know are not readily available, duplicating all the work for no conceivable benefit. It's absurd, and his song and dance is a front. He is a mockery of my own image.

>Are you quoting Bill Gaede himself or do you have examples? For someone who's a blackmailed letter agency shill, Bill sure likes to whine a lot.
Check Bill's videos. he did a whole series on it. I checked the books and when they were written, his case is accurate. Ken also finally admitted on livestream that he bought Gaede's book, but wouldn't address it further.

>> No.14711850

>but you still have to live through it.
Yes, it makes you wonder what is the point? Is intelligence a gift or a curse? What point did it serve you to have to live with this life with this knowledge? With a cassandara complex? Often times it is quite maddening if you take it too seriously. I will say this, it does make you develop a perverse sense of humor and realize God has a quite a perverse sense of humor as well. The shit poster supreme one could say.

>> No.14711854

And what's the point of focusing your intelligence on things you're intelligent enough to realize you have no power over?

>> No.14711856

I actually just wrote something about my suspicions on this, fairly extensive, a while back on youtube of all places. I'll try to summarize. Basically there are a few potential branches that can be at work.
-Attempt to dominate the body and mind, take ownership, and hide from oneself and one;s past. They're covering up their flesh as though they can make themselves anew and cover up who they are and where they came from, their bloodline, their family ties, their history, and so on.
-Attempt to stablize. Like a talisman, a relationship, any sort of external object one keeps around and draws from to stablize their inner world. No different than hanging art in your house, wearing a certain shirt, whatever. The body is offered up as a sacrifice, in return for a modulatory influence that is immutable and cannot be taken away. Things in the mind are malleable and fleeting, so they put it on the body.
-Attempt to hide. This is a form of suicide as well, a recurring theme. trying to be someone else, somewhere else. The tattoos are a means of altering other's behavior and perceptions. This is a form of autoplastic aggression. They initially turn their aggression ontot hemselves, in order to project their aggression outwards. Like people who lose family members or believe in a cause, they wear it on the outside as some sort of proof of their love and rememberance, they brandish it, like you're all damn well going to see what I want you to see, and I'll force into your mind what I want in there whether you like it or not.
-Self mutilation as self protection and aggression. You see this mostly in women. They'll put tattoos in sensual spots, like behind the ear, the inner thigh, around the nipples. For example a woman tattooing thorns on her breasts. It's like an animal protecting itself by signalling "look at me, I'm like a poison frog, you want to touch but be careful every rose has its thorns teehee, be afraid of me." Stupid needy shit like that.

>> No.14711858

to find the codes of course.

>> No.14711861

Lastly. I come up with all these crazy ideas, but a lot of people it may be far more empty and infantile. They may just get tattoos as a matter of conformity. Trying to create the sense of identity and permanence they lack within, trying to go througha rite of passage, doing what their friends do, doing what the media says is cool, etc.

>> No.14711863
File: 114 KB, 500x654, mugi angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>video starts with noting
>fatty saunters up whistling
>clears fat throat (unprofessional as fuck)
>starts in about politics
>talks about buying atvs
I wish I could kick your fucking head in. I can't believe I let you waste my time with this friend simulator bullshit. Don't ever again waste my time with something that isn't purely informative. I fucking weep for you retarded faggots who call this informative or entertaining. How the fuck do you not swallow your tongue, let alone pay bills or maintain a human life? You are a waste. Less than nothing. Every day you draw breath is a net deficit for mankind.

>> No.14711871

Well summarized.

>> No.14711879
File: 1.15 MB, 1256x673, rab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

find any yet?

>> No.14711882

Also for the hell of it. I happened across his magnetic field seed and water experiments, and took the bait. 2x speed through his other videos and went to some of his livestreams, it was mostly waffling and attention seeking. People like him really piss me off. I think the only reason I tolerated it at all is because my mother acted the same way, mixing the relevant stuff with a bunch of bullshit, listing endlessly about what she did that day or had to do. So I was conditioned from birth to try to extract signal from all the noise. That's probably what pisses me off the most.

>> No.14711883

Would you say tattoos are pretty much always a red flag with people?

>> No.14711905

Yes, universally. At the very least you should factor it into your predictions for their behavior.

Like I said, the way my mind works I try to explain these behaviors by coming up with all this Hermetic stuff (as above, so below, as within so without), inserting influences into the inner world via the body, stability, control, dissociative machinery and the body as an external memory storage device... etc. Fact is, most people are actually very simple, and very empty. The underlying basis of their behavior may be, and probably is, what I've described. But none of that is even remotely in their conscious frame, nor will they allow the realization. So I can't use myself as a model for how they'll respond to things, and it can be unwise to assume they're at all like you. People who need to put shit all over their body have something wrong with them.

>> No.14711913

kek I know this video.
>find any yet?
I have

>> No.14711922
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>this level of autism

>> No.14711930
File: 116 KB, 1024x576, CaGCF1rUcAAwasp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obviously not so.
So go talk to him and find out. I meant "cares less about being a narcissist/dis info shill"

>Everything he does is about maintaining control
>runs a youtube channel

>His manner of "caring" is directed toward infantile needs. You're simply not able to see it.
He really really doesn't give a shit about the rest of the "stupid humans". He will gladly tell you himself. In fact I bet half the reason you're here is because he said something that made you butthurt.

>Yes, that's Ken's term for religion.
Yeah no, that's what religion is. If that's what he calls it then he's also right.

>Not a bad notion, but ultimately myopic
You are coping so hard right now and it's showing. Go away with your drama

>People don't tattoo over their entire body to cope with one trauma
People do far more retarded shit over things that aren't even an issue, if you really want to get down to brass tacks

>I also don't know where you're getting your timeline.
Oh that's just what he said in one of his videos. I am literally quoting his own explanation. What I don't get is why you're judging him and his videos when you don't even have the whole picture.

>Ken doesn't see anyone but himself.
>He is a mockery of my own image.

>Check Bill's videos
I did. He filmed himself taking money from an alleged letter agency man. Why the fuck would I take anything else he has to say seriously? Oh you mean about "ropes" and whatnot? That literally doesn't explain shit.

>Ken also finally admitted on livestream that he bought Gaede's book, but wouldn't address it further.
He complimented his work too. Then years passed and he learned more. Bill Gaede went on to do fuck all except continue to run away from the government he stole secrets from. Where is his formula? Where is his work? Where is Bill hiding now? Who knows? Who cares?

>> No.14711941
File: 180 KB, 255x404, 1617927831297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate Ken because I hate my mother
>This guy probably hates his mother too

Good lord. Sounds more like it's a personal problem there bud.

>Would you say tattoos are pretty much always a red flag with people?

Sounds like something Ken would say.

>> No.14711976

Either you're Ken (save it), or you're a fellow cluster B who over-identifies with him. Your entire "response" (to even call it that is being very generous) is a tangled mass of deflection and characterization. I will try to help make it very simple for you (and the audience), here's your game. You're going to repeatedly make various claims and accusations, you ill selectively ignore and refuse to respond to the substance of the conversation, and you will try to gain control of the narrative by instead shifting the conversation towards the character of those involved. It will be a lot of implicit "I am" and "you are", which serves as bait to put me on the defensive, and you'll continue to act like you're responding while layering on mockery and more and more of this framing. It can be very effective and people tend to fall for it, but ultimately it's a gradeschool level simple and very tired old game. You've already begun this process by putting words in my mouth and then just responding "lol" or "rofl". This is subtle mockery.

In sumamry, the whole game is to avoid addressing the substance, and instead focus on the characters. It's "winning" through narrative building. It's not worth my time. If this childish and bad faith behavior is not your intention, there you have it. Consider and learn from what I've told you.

>In fact I bet half the reason you're here is because he said something that made you butthurt.
Nothing makes me "butthurt", I don't have a functioning ego, I'm not reliant on the external world or a belief system to maintain a sense of self, I don't care. There is no "me" to prop up and defend. I mainly have practical, functional fixations.

>You are coping
>You are drama
Sure. When it's someone else stating the truth, it's cope and drama. When it's you, you're just like Spock or something. Needy, cluster B childish mind games. So obvious to everyone but you, you look like a total fool. (this is what you sound like).

>> No.14711980

It's nice of them to mark their issues so visibly. If only all red flags were so apparent.

>> No.14711995

post the codes!

>> No.14711996

>People do far more retarded shit over things that aren't even an issue, if you really want to get down to brass tacks
This is basically saying nothing, if you really want to get down to brass tacks. Deflecting.

>Oh that's just what he said in one of his videos. I am literally quoting his own explanation. What I don't get is why you're judging him and his videos when you don't even have the whole picture.
Fine enough. I figured you were referencing something he said in a video. Bearing in mind of course, just because he claims something as a motivation, doesn't mean it's true.

>I did. He filmed himself taking money from an alleged letter agency man. Why the fuck would I take anything else he has to say seriously? Oh you mean about "ropes" and whatnot? That literally doesn't explain shit.
More deflection and words in my mouth. I never stated nor implied anything about my position on his Rope Hypothesis, nor is its validity relevant to the point. His espionage behavior (which he doesn't try to hide at all) is right on wikipedia. Do they still control him, is he an agent? Don't know. The case he made against Ken and the evidence he put forward is verifiable, has nothing to do with Gaede himself.

>He complimented his work too.
Yes, Ken is a cluster B, that's his pattern. It's the idealization, devaluation, discard cycle. He did the same thing with Dollard, Murakami, etc. Fractal Woman he just ignored and didn't bother with because he sees her as small time and useless to him. He doesn't look up to her, she can't do anything for him, therefore he'll overtly distance, talk shit, and ignore. Even though he could simple acknowledge her existence and just move on without taking any position. This is what narcissists and borderlines do. I don't like those terms, but the idealization devaluation, approach avoidance, repeition compulsion model describes his behavior very well. Anyone who doesn't give him attention and validation, he devalues.

>> No.14712001

>>I hate Ken because I hate my mother
That's not what I said.

Agreed, that's one way to look at it. However if you view it through the lens of induction and sacrifice, so one cannot go back, then it's a major social problem. No different from joining a cult.

>> No.14712004

I guess it depends what they're being inducted into. If it takes the form of cementing social bonds ("hey let's all get the same tats after that sweet trip to asia"), then it's comparatively harmless.
Someone who covers their body in tats is a different beast.

>> No.14712008
File: 94 KB, 680x989, bf9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Either you're Ken
Lot's of people on this board would really love to believe I'm him. I used to post a convenient avatar to remind them I'm not him, but then a Janny banned me for that so I can neither confirm not deny these claims. I'd also love to be a namefag, but then mundane retards would simply disregard what I say simply because I was forced to use a name for their own benefit.
How ironic that I can only use apophatic rhetoric now to imply I'm not ken because otherwise I would be persecuted.

>Your entire "response" (to even call it that is being very generous) is a tangled mass of deflection and characterization.
I'm only quoting him and what he's said.

>It will be a lot of implicit "I am" and "you are", which serves as bait to put me on the defensive, and you'll continue to act like you're responding while layering on mockery and more and more of this framing. It can be very effective and people tend to fall for it, but ultimately it's a gradeschool level simple and very tired old game. You've already begun this process by putting words in my mouth and then just responding "lol" or "rofl". This is subtle mockery.

That's quite a lot of words that ultimately say absolutely nothing about whether or not Ken is wrong. You sound insecure and reliant on preserving your pride on an anonymous imageboard that will forget about you tomorrow morning.

>This is subtle mockery.
I'm laughing at you. It's not subtle at all you idiot.

>> No.14712027

>Lot's of people on this board would really love to believe I'm him. I used to post
Don't care. I knew you would latch onto this and go on and on because you want attention, hence
>(save it)
And look, that's not supposed to be an insult. I have done similar, everyone likes to talk about themselves and feel seen, and like they exist, and they're someone, and so on. I've just explicitly stated in this particul;ar instance that I'm not interested in that discussion.

>I'm only quoting him and what he's said.
This is another cluster B thing. You come out swinging, strong, mockingm grandiose. You get pushback and realize well.... maybe this isn't something I want to deal with. So you shapeshift, backpedal, come across meek. Well no I didn't actually mean anything I said, it's not me here... I don't have anything to do with it, I'm just quoting Ken that's all....

Yep, more bullshit out of you. As expected.

>You sound insecure and reliant on preserving your pride on an anonymous imageboard that will forget about you tomorrow morning.
kek, you quote that section, and go on to do what was just pointed out. Projection and deflection, again. lol

>I'm laughing at you. It's not subtle at all you idiot.
No, it actually has a few layers to it. The ultimate course you're setting up here is subtle. Odds are you're not even aware of what you do or why.

And again, you've responded 100% talking about the character of those invovled. You're all "I am, me me me, this is who I am, this is who you are". No response to the substance at all, Complete hollow bullshit wasting everyone's time for attention. Learn from this.

>> No.14712035

>This is basically saying nothing,
Exactly. So why the fuck mention his tattoos? Who cares? Only you I guess, the person who hates Ken.

Oh no he has a tattoo. He must be in a gang, call the cops someone! Maybe it's because it's intimidating and scares off people like you in real life. Maybe that's also what he said in one of his videos.

>The case he made against Ken and the evidence he put forward is verifiable
Case against what? Where the fuck is his formula for a magnetic field? It doesn't exist. All he has is a fancy description and some animations that may allude to how it works but doesn't actually explain it. He has nothing to plagiarize.

>Fractal Woman he just ignored
all she did was redescribe his shit.

>He doesn't look up to her,
He doesn't "look up" to anyone. He doesn't do drama period. Emotions are out of the window with this guy and you should know that.

>Even though he could simple acknowledge her existence and just move on without taking any position.
Time wasting bullshit. Life is too short and he's right.

>This is what narcissists and borderlines do. I don't like those terms, but the idealization devaluation, approach avoidance, repeition compulsion model describes his behavior very well.

>Anyone who doesn't give him attention and validation, he devalues.
Protip: He bants about all his friends. He devalues himself, his friends, emotional drama. You know, the stuff that really isn't fucking important. It's a waste of time. Look at you for instance. Wasting your time burning your rage against someone who will never acknowledge you or have a need for your stupid opinion. And with someone else who isn't him no less. Why don't you go file a complaint to him? Like I said, he reads basically anything sent to him/comments.

>> No.14712050
File: 300 KB, 392x352, mortifyinglyhilarious.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I knew you would latch onto this
Who again? You'll have to remind them because I can't.

>I have done similar, everyone likes to talk about themselves and feel seen, and like they exist, and they're someone, and so on.
Well I don't. Fuck you and what you think of me. None of that shit matters in the end.

>Odds are you're not even aware of what you do or why.
Why did you just contradict all of your psychological reading bullshit with a statement like this? Am I the fucking Joker now?

>> No.14712057

>Exactly. So why the fuck mention his tattoos? Who cares? Only you I guess, the person who hates Ken.
I don't hate Ken.

>Oh no he has a tattoo. He must be in a gang, call the cops someone! Maybe it's because it's intimidating and scares off people like you in real life. Maybe that's also what he said in one of his videos.
Nah. He himself has stated he doesn't trust heavily tattooed people. For good reason.

>Case against what? Where the fuck is his formula for a magnetic field? It doesn't exist. All he has is a fancy description and some animations that may allude to how it works but doesn't actually explain it. He has nothing to plagiarize.
Have you read his book? You're now trying to invalidate the content as though this changes the fact that Ken took statements from his book and copy pasted them into his own, and also seems to have taken his talking points and again, adopted them 1:1. This itself is not terrible, Gaede's framing and observations reflect the truth and the absolute so you can do little other than state some variation, and it need not be credited. But the way it's done by Ken, is part of a broader pattern.

>all she did was redescribe his shit.
Not really. Also, her and A|B science's assessment of the ferrocell pattern actually being scattered light. If you don't use a ring of discrete LEDs you don't get the pattern.

>He doesn't "look up" to anyone. He doesn't do drama period. Emotions are out of the window with this guy and you should know that.
This is unfortunately false, but it's probably what he believes. Just listen to waht he says about Dollard and Murakami, but won't give examples or back it up. He's not Spock, he's just some guy. Anything he's not into is shit (else he would know about it), anyone other than him is an asshole you shouldn't talk to.

>Protip: He bants about all his friends.
They're not his friends. He says Murakami is a boring robot and Dollard is the worst person you could possibly meet.

>> No.14712064
File: 24 KB, 270x360, 1594242840496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's not what I said.
>I think the only reason I tolerated it at all is because my mother acted the same way, mixing the relevant stuff with a bunch of bullshit, listing endlessly about what she did that day or had to do. So I was conditioned from birth to try to extract signal from all the noise. That's probably what pisses me off the most.

So you don't "hate your mother". You're pissed at ken because he reminds you of your mother. I apologize for the confusion

>> No.14712066

>Time wasting bullshit. Life is too short and he's right.
Yes, because avoiding any mention of her and talking shit is not time wasting drama. He's a coward running away, like he *probably* does all of his personal problem and anything that doesn't give him attention and supply.

>He devalues himself,
Narcissists are composed of a superiorty and inferiority complex. His self deprecation is just a disguise. Don't fall for such bullshit.

>> No.14712075

>Wasting your time burning your rage against someone who will never acknowledge you or have a need for your stupid opinion. And with someone else who isn't him no less. Why don't you go file a complaint to him? Like I said, he reads basically anything sent to him/comments.
My purpose was stated in the OP. I have no use for him.

>Well I don't. Fuck you and what you think of me. None of that shit matters in the end.
Yes, that's what you tell yourself to feel strong, above it all, and independent. None of it is exactly true. Although it is pointless, I've been you. So whatever, so it shall be.

>Why did you just contradict all of your psychological reading bullshit with a statement like this? Am I the fucking Joker now?
It's just the way that it works.

>> No.14712104

Okay, I have other things to do. I will state plainly, I see people like Ken as in the way. They pretend to do what I actually do. They purport to intend things which I actually intend, and they make a big spectacle and never follow through. I feel some measure of envy because I am not capable of the egotistical and fundamentally amoral behavior they turn to such great (and wasted) influence and success. And resentment and some degree of disgust, because they form such sinks and get in the way and waste their influence on attention seeking, grifting for money, and self aggrandizement. They're not actually organized around propagating the truth nor repairing the world, it's just a show. It is tiresome and obnoxious, I feel like the only adult in the room, and like an alien watching over another species.

But, that's mostly in the background. It cannot be helped. There are things I still have to do, and we'll see. Not a matter of blame, just fatigue and disappointment in people and all they like to play and claim to be.

>> No.14712117

>They're not his friends. He says Murakami is a boring robot and Dollard is the worst person you could possibly meet.
Those are not his friends correct. They also aren't the only people he knows.

>Have you read his book?
Which one of Bill Gaedes books and what is the example of plagiarize? This is what is meant by the "life is too short". I don't want to bother end up comparing two people that may ultimately be wrong. Also it's not like he's making money off a free book anyone can download.

>If you don't use a ring of discrete LEDs you don't get the pattern
Wrong again idiot.
>Yes, because avoiding any mention of her and talking shit is not time wasting drama.

Literally everything she did was time wasting drama because all she did was re-describe/translate/mediate the shit Eric dollard and ken said along with a few other electrical engineers. Wowee you're a copy machine for morons too stupid to look up what "dielectric" means.

>His self deprecation is just a disguise
For what? His bald fat tattoed and annoying persona? What is he hiding?

>My purpose was stated in the OP. I have no use for him.
So don't mention the man who mentions things by claiming not to mention them.

>It's just the way that it works.
Okay Batman.

>> No.14712128
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>>This guy probably hates his mother too
More like I like myself so I use what little time there is to enjoy quality. You use it to watch fat assholes ramble. You can get that at any bar. You probably watch people play video games instead of playing them yourself. Learn to live you fucking feckless nothing.

>> No.14712155

>Those are not his friends correct. They also aren't the only people he knows.
Uh huh, go on,

It's a magnetic viewer, that's the expected result. What we're talking about is some of the floral patterns and more complex shapes. Fractal Woman and A|B Science got a very different result, finding these patterns disappeared under diffuse light. I would have to make one to verify it myself, same with you.

>Literally everything she did was time wasting drama
Because she's either a codependent or has cluster B egoist traits herself (eg "inverted narcissist"). Ken pissed her off and ignored her too many times, so she rapidly devalued him and tried to trash him and his work. A story as old as time. Still, doesn't mean all of her results are false.

>For what? His bald fat tattoed and annoying persona? What is he hiding?
Too broad to bother describing. Give it some thought. It's all about attention and shielding from vulnerability. Pre-emptive self deprecation, within reason, makes people more approachable and fosters attachment. Done it myself, like I said, it's not a contrived fully conscious process in people who have these patterns from childhood.

>Okay Batman.
This is just the same pattern, again. Cutesy, sarcastic, deflection. All to try to characterize and beat your "opponent" in the eyes of an audience, and avoid engaging with the substance. It really is an extremely childish waste of time.

>> No.14712170

>It really is an extremely childish waste of time.
Also, if you literally are a child, 16 - 24 or so, don't take this too much to heart. No great brutality is meant by it, even if it is true.

>> No.14712180

>Uh huh, go on,
You don't care though so why bother?

>It's a magnetic viewer, that's the expected result
There's no led's retard. The patterns still fucking there.

>I would have to make one to verify it myself, same with you.
Well it's fairly simple. You can even make one with your own blood because of the iron in it, which was also done by someone who won't be mentioned for your benefit.

>Because she's either a codependent or has cluster B egoist traits herself
Is everyone you whine about on the internet this "cluster b" category?

>Ken pissed her off and ignored her too many times,
Who fucking gives a shit? Other than you that is.

>so she rapidly devalued him and tried to trash him and his work.
Sounds like the story of everyone else who derided themselves trying to smear the reputation of a literal who who wasn't even wrong. It's dramatic irony at its best when you think about it, these people who end up destroying themselves over a bald fat guy.

>Give it some thought. It's all about attention and shielding from vulnerability
No that's what the tattoos are for, as he stated.

>Pre-emptive self deprecation, within reason, makes people more approachable and fosters attachment. Done it myself, like I said, it's not a contrived fully conscious process in people who have these patterns from childhood.
I think you're reading into it too deep. You may believe there's some kind of warped...reverse psychology that goes along with that but again...too big brained when trying to figure out the goals of people who actually pay for content on youtube.

>This is just the same pattern, again. Cutesy, sarcastic, deflection
No, you're literally just playing Batman with the psychology bullshit. You would rather do that then discuss the topics that these people are discussing? You know...the shit that actually matters like field theory?

>> No.14712210

holy shit ken or the narci identifying with him so much, just kys seriously

you'll never make it like this, guaranteed

>> No.14712807

He's primarily a linguist and can hypnotize retards with fancy words without actually saying anything.

>> No.14712813

Who's more schizo, this fatso or john?

>> No.14712904

which john?

>> No.14712917

The future nobel price laureate