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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14690604 No.14690604 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to STEM Career General!
previously >>14667621

This thread exists to ask questions regarding careers associated to STEM.
> Discussion on academia based career progression
> Discussion on penetrating industry from academia
> Or anything in relation to STEM employment or development within STEM academia!

Resources for protecting yourself from academic marxists:
>https://www.thefire.org/ (US)
>https://www.jccf.ca/ (Canada)

Information resource:
>*The Chad author is seeking additional input to diversify the content into containing all STEM fields. Said author regularly views these /scg/ threads.

No anons have answered your question? Perhaps try posting it here: >https://academia.stackexchange.com/

An archive of all the previous editions of /scg/:

NOTE: Any useful resources relayed in this thread will be included in future /scg/ threads.

>> No.14690608

Math bachelor here. I'm heavily hesitating between Quantitative Finance and AI/Machine Learning. Both use math I love (probabilities and statistics). What do?

>> No.14690682

Flip a coin.

>> No.14690856

I feel sorry for people in the UK:
>Postgraduates chosen for their “excellent potential” to become future leaders in environmental science and sustainable business should consider selling Avon products, pet-sitting and joining clinical trials to cope with the cost of living crisis.

>The advice – issued on Wednesday by the prestigious Aries Doctoral Training Partnership funded by the Natural Environment Research Council at the University of East Anglia – provoked outrage among researchers who described the letter as “appalling”, “ridiculous” and “unbelievable”.

>> No.14690874
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Also: pic. related.

>> No.14690908

tell me how

>> No.14690919

How - what?

>> No.14690933

If you can’t make it as an engineer in todays US job market you are the shittiest of shitters and deserve everything you get.

>> No.14691028

Just finished my first week of my first engineering job after graduation
10/10, the 4 years of struggle were worth it

>> No.14691047

this tbqh

>> No.14691127

Congrats. What industry? Also if you dont mind me asking, what has you job specifically entailed you doing from day to day so far? (eg CAD, coding, excel)?

>> No.14691156

Advanced radars in the defense industry.
The day-to-day is primarily looking at electromagnetic radiation patterns to evaluate the performance of both the design and the production process, the latter of which gets altered on a case by case basis for each individual radar

>> No.14691364

Anons, how does someone study undergrad in one major but do masters on another major?
For example, how can an EE do masters on CS or CE? DOn't they need to know the basics that are taught in undergrad?

>> No.14691393

> Anons, how does someone study undergrad in one major but do masters on another major?
That’s retarded, especially if you’re getting a CS masters
> DOn't they need to know the basics that are taught in undergrad?
They do know the basics, every engineer and CS major in the US took the same 5 math classes, two physics, chemistry, and programming basics, so they have the same fundamentals.
Everything else is 3000 and 4000 level stuff, and the important things can be made up for in one semester of grad school

>> No.14691606

just quit my first engineering job today

the struggle was definitely not worth it

>> No.14691655

what happened

>> No.14691659

I need to go to grad school to get into the career path I want but I'm permanently locked out of grad school due to 2.8 GPA. Might have to rope.

>> No.14691689

unless that "career" path is professor or being on the design team for FAGMAN products or secret defense projects, then no you dont need grad school

>> No.14691690

semiconductor industry is where i want to go. everyone is telling me i need an MS at the least

>> No.14691708

>everyone is telling me i need an MS at the least
that's just wrong
bachelors, 3+ years of experience, and a secret clearance will put you on par with some random guy fresh out of school with just an MS if you're applying to a mid level semiconductor job

>> No.14691731

what's that image from, OP? anything to do with rushkoff?

>> No.14691739

Kinda sounds like you're lazy and want to have a solid excuse to stop trying kek.

>> No.14691751

How should I answer diversity and inclusion questions? Is it best to just say prefer not to answer?

>> No.14691755

be truthful and accept this is the reality you live in.

>> No.14691760

nvm it's from lain and is a direct reference to rushkoff.

>> No.14691774

say you're a fag (you probably wouldnt be lying)

>> No.14691823

what in the whole hell is stem

>> No.14691827

*wanted to live in

>> No.14691830
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an obsolete and problematic term
STEAM is the preferred term

>> No.14691842

Bros if I want to do get my dream job in the military what kind of job would I need to get experience? Where should I start?

I've graduated with a bare minimum internship unrelated. This is for a mechanical engineering after doing for 10 years.

Am I fucked bros?

>> No.14691862

what is FAANG job you guys keep saying

>> No.14691866


>> No.14692101

Can I become a virologist with a degree in chemical engineering?

>> No.14692104

>dream job
Please be joking

>> No.14692108

Whats wrong with that? Working for a military company looks at cutting edge tech

>> No.14692111

Oh I thought you said actually joining the military. Nevermind.

>> No.14692165

Very good, anon. Here's a (You)

>> No.14692249

by telling lies on the internet

>> No.14692252

>how does someone study undergrad in one major but do masters on another major?
Here's how, and pay attention because it's pretty fucking complicated
>1. finish your undergraduate degree, hopefully with decent grades
>2. apply for a master's program in a different area and study there, hopefully with decent grades

t. ME BEng + CS MSc, My country doesn't do majors/minors

>> No.14692255

CS is so popular nowadays that I'm pretty sure all master's programs offer catch-up classes for non-CS undergrads. Mine certainly did.

>> No.14692452

I know I probably sound retarded but how exactly do you catch up in Masters? Masters lasts 2 years. How do you learn all the undergrad basics plus everything taught in Masters in 2 years?

>> No.14693222

>They do know the basics, every engineer and CS major in the US took the same 5 math classes, two physics, chemistry, and programming basics, so they have the same fundamentals.
>Everything else is 3000 and 4000 level stuff, and the important things can be made up for in one semester of grad school

>> No.14693457

Would it be retarded to go from a CS bachelor to a Quantum Eng. Masters?
It's a very restrictive masters and my GPA was high enough to be accepted, but I feel like this is a terrible idea but at the same time, quantum engineering proficiency is very rare and needed whereas CS seem to be abundant, everyone does CS nowadays so maybe being a quantum engineer could help me stand out.

>> No.14693473

What are you going to learn there? Cant you do a double major? CS is very comfy, stop falling for the /sci/ memes on CS grads, if you're good you can work in both hardware and software and there's more to it than just software engineering (unless you skipped all math/physics/hardware classes in which case you'll forever be a code monkey but I assume it id not your case since quantum requires most of these)

>> No.14693490

It's basically a mix of EE, physics and IT.
I'll pretty much follow 70% of the classes of the CS department like computer/processor architecture, and take quantum physics, semiconductors and photonics classes.

>> No.14693507

Any anons working in field of optical design? I am curious what experience others have with this field.

>> No.14693592

Can confirm, am a fresh out of grad school student that turned down a mid-level semiconductor test engineer offer

>> No.14693600

What’s working in the avionics field like? Do I still get to build the machine that calls the pilot a retard for crashing?

>> No.14693645

Sponges and grifters are everywhere.

>> No.14693659

Do they not get stipends??

>> No.14693833

When I started, the standard UKRI stipend was £14k per year. Rent in Cambridge, for example, is easily £600/month for a room in a shared house and of course more if you want even a studio. London is even worse. You end up with £600/month to live off of, which is doable but there isn't really much left over. With current times the stipends are probably a bit higher but rent keeps going up and food and energy prices have shot up by a huge factor over the last few years.

>> No.14693948

Is there a way to make up in mech engineering if I ended up doing my degree for 10 years?

>> No.14693998

>stall stall stalll
>pull up... pull up... pull up
>retard retard retard

>> No.14694059

Anyone here work in a chip fab? 12 hour compressed shifts? How is it?

>> No.14694864

what does this even mean

>> No.14695049

Too diffferent unless you upgrade with a more relevant PhD.
Or if you have deep connections to Chiese leadership, in which you will get a virologist position with the WHO.

>> No.14695060

Do you mean in the military or for the military? In the letter case there are national labs, miiltary labs and private contractors.
Just keep in mind that the era of military leading tech ended around 1980, though high tech reputation still remains.

>> No.14695075

>How do you learn all the undergrad basics plus everything taught in Masters in 2 years?
By already knowing the basic math. It's much easier to learn the formalisms of a new field when you're already comfortable with undergrad level math. Plus I already knew how to program so a lot of the CS theory things made intuitive sense at that point. I actually topped my class right from the get-go, even in harder theoretical CS and math subjets.
I'm not in the US but it does kinda apply. Plus a lot of the CS-specific undergrad classes seem to be kinda brainlet tier.

>> No.14695083

It is a huge risk but you are young and can afford risks. I also took a risk when I did my PhD, and it crashed totally but I still recovered.

>> No.14695135

The degree said it takes 4 years to complete but I decided to take 10 years to do it. Is there anyway to catch up on experience and get a graduate job? I've seen so many people with experience that are still dumb and feel like I could do better

>> No.14695187

You don’t need experience for your first job, you just need a degree.
And no, they won’t care that you’re older

>> No.14695199

Graduate jobs not that hard to get?

Because when I apply they all filter me?

>> No.14695325

Any idea what to put in a cover letter for a generalist position at a finance place?
Or any cover letter for that matter?

>> No.14695376
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Sup boiz, need some advice about moving out of the Pharma industry. Studied biology in university (big mistake), but tried to salvage it as best as I could. Over the last 4 years I moved from making 37.5k to 80k, currently within a big pharma company. My current title is "Quality Engineer", which really means I just design studies and manage projects related to process/facility/equipment compliance. Usually a role occupied by engineers, but I picked up appropriate exp in my other jobs.

Anyways, working in pharma sucks balls other than the pay. Also, if I ever want to switch jobs, I will have to start commuting ~1 hour each way to the Greater Toronto Area, which is just a few steps away from hell. My question is: what could I learn on my own that would allow me to make a positive move into another industry? Lots of places near my home deal with plastics manufacturing, metallurgy, car manufacturing, home building manufacturing...so that seems most accessible. Just take a course in CAD? Any input appreciated.

As an asside Pharma attracts some of the most bugman-type people, at least on the engineering/quality side.

>> No.14695390

Probably varies with places and I'm not super experienced but here's some of my thoughts on this:

The cover letter is a way to argue why you and the job in question are a good fit. You don't need to list out all of your experience, that's what the CV is for. But you can highlight specific examples from your CV (or things you for some reason couldn't properly incorporate into your CV) which are especially relevant for the job. Specifically look for the key characteristics/criteria that are mentioned in the job listing and give concrete evidence of experience you have which means you fulfill those criteria. Don't put generic "it's always been my dream to be x" type of garbage, because that isn't worth anything and anyone can write that.

It would also be good to argue not only why you're the man for this job, but also why this job is the one for you. This is limited not only to the position, but also to the company in question. You might want to look up their company values (the HR roasties will have written them somewhere) and bullshit as well as you can about how those line up with your values, with specific examples if possible. For the position, ideally it would be one which plays to your strengths but allows for some personal growth and movement to keep you there for some years at least; again, give specific examples of why anyone would believe that this is actually the case.

>> No.14695437

You can move up in Pharma by attending their weekly ritual child sacrifice. It isn't that bad and you only puke up the blood for like 3 months before you acquire a taste for it. Just don't be the guy that shows up without a sacrifice. They say cats and dogs are fine for the first time, but what they mean is cats and dogs with lots of sentimental value to you or someone important to you.
If you are a bit squeamish and ritual offerings are not quite your speed, just show up fashionably late for the blood orgy. They will notice your initial absence, but they will notice your effort even if it is just for the fun part. Remember to let them record you doing some lewd, make it very obvious. Nobody wants a team member that can't trust. When the time comes and you begin climbing the ranks, you will understand how this blackmail really is what forges the bonds beyond the superficial motions of blood sacrifice.

>> No.14695582

is analog design engineering dead?
please don't come to me with cringe pajeet arguments

>> No.14695731

Bros is it worth applying for any graduate jobs without experience?

Do they ever accept anyone without? I finished my mech engineering degree and have no idea where to start

>> No.14695823

The entire “real world” is analog anon. ADCs and DACs are always in high demand and every single device with a battery needs an LDO.

>> No.14695952
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Unironically this is another thing I hate about working in pharma. Sure some of the medicines are good, but half are absolute dogshit created by sociopaths. Thankfully I work at a place that just makes normal saline, d5w, and other widely used non-demonic substances. But the ethos is not at all about producing good product and helping people, its all about just getting dolla bills.

>> No.14695975

>work at stripe
>running up for a promotion that will increase my comp by a whopping 100k

wish me luck bros
the sooner i make more money, the sooner i can retire, and the sooner i can take a paycut to do academia

>> No.14696712

It's terrible. Starting salaries in industry are easily at least twice as high (not to mention the added benefits, experience, career progression, contacts, etc.) They are planning to increase it this year to account for inflation though! Iirc about $30 per month against double digit inflation

>> No.14696725

I have 0 research experience and a 2.8 undergrad GPA.
Do I have any hope of getting into grad school or even a certificate program or is it over?

>> No.14696740

I was listening to a podcast earlier and someone mentioned STEAM subjects.

The A represents Arts apparently.

Who the fuck slipped that in there?

>> No.14696742

It's just more WOKE nonsense.

>> No.14696763

I got into a decent grad school with a 2.4 GPA in mathematics. You just have to try harder and accept you will likely have to pay to do a masters first.

>> No.14696823

I'll break it down as concisely as possible:
>the government and corporations give grants to schools for STEM departments
>this is because they want to fund the programs that will feed them scientists and engineers and doctors in the future
>they send out a check that says " $1M for the STEM programs <3 xoxo "
>no one funds the fingerpainting and pottery departments because they're useless
>make up a term called STEAM
>tell the government and corporations to make their checks out to the "STEAM programs" instead of STEM
>now the fingerpainting and pottery departments gets a slice of the check originally meant for giving the rocket scientists new lab equipment

>> No.14696838


Imagine losing out on a engineering scholarship to someone who's going to study Drama then drop out and marry a rich husband and never work

>> No.14696840

As an external applicant, it will be difficult to stand out with your background. But if a PI really wants to hire you, they can do that even with those stats. Try to get a short research project in a lab (might be awkward if you're out of uni but oh well), and if you make a good impression it's very possible they'll give you a grad school place.

>> No.14696844

I'm already out of uni and working, but it's in a specialization I'm not really interested in.
I wanted to do an online MS or even a graduate certificate program, but they all seem to have a 3.0 cutoff.
I'm not looking for prestige I'm just trying to get to where I want to go.

>> No.14696969

>Try to get a short research project in a lab (might be awkward if you're out of uni but oh well)
is this a thing you can do?

>> No.14696999

If you're in university, being a summer student at a research group or doing a short research project during term time is very normal.

If you're not in university any more, as mentioned it becomes a lot more awkward. I do know of a guy who did something of the kind, but I think he knew someone who knew the PI. As ever, if you have contacts to leverage it will be easier. But to be honest being a summer student after being in the workforce for a while will get you some looks and not in the good way. I didn't really know anon's circumstances at the time of writing. If it's something you really want to do you might as well ask, I guess.

Separately, grad school (which in my part of the world usually means PhD programs) usually has a GPA cutoff set by the department/university which tends to not be very high. If you don't meet that then even if the PI likes you it might not be possible to shoe you into the position. However, generally most applicants will have a GPA that is higher than the cutoff, and getting research experience can help you get in despite not measuring up to the GPA of other applicants. It may not help you if you don't meet the cutoff.

>> No.14697082


>> No.14697190

Stand out in what sense? Do you actually want to do quantum computing stuff? There's no point in studying something so hyper specialized if you have no interest in pursuing it as a career.
No one in say software engineering is interested in whether or not you have experience in quantum. It won't make you stand out, if anything it will make you look like you don't know what you're doing and are just pursuing random degrees for the title.
>quantum engineering proficiency is very rare
Debatable. In my opinion there are far too many people doing "quantum software" when most of that work is absolutely useless right now. But hey they tricked someone into paying them to do it, so what do I know.
>and needed
The only places that need people with quantum experience are those with quantum research divisions. The knowledge is completely irrelevant outside of that.

On the other hand, skilled software engineers definitely have a place in terms of being integrated into quantum research groups, particularly at the industry level. Again the number of companies which actually work on quantum is very small, but those that do need competent SEs to actually make their "quantum software" a deliverable product. The bulk of their workforce is currently research PhDs with very little interest in developing their code beyond what's needed to publish papers. I imagine this is what your Masters program is designed for, but again it's just an incredibly niche job.

>> No.14697277

How is it looking for electronics engineers?

>> No.14697341

In the US: meme career that will always live in the shadow of electrical engineers
Outside the US: it's alright since it's basically EE

>> No.14697430
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College physics instructor here: I'm curious about everyone's take on lab reports.

Our department requires students to do formal lab reports for every weekly lab activity. Frankly I think it's fucking stupid. It's an enormous amount of work for the students to complete every week on top of homework, quizzes, etc. for our class plus whatever they're working on in their other classes. It's also an enormous amount of work for the TA and myself because doing a good job of grading means reading ~50,000+ words a week, and doing a half-assed job of grading means the students are doing all that work for nothing.

We're required by university guidelines to make them do some kind of formal report, so just giving them a worksheet to fill out isn't an option. I've been racking my brain trying to think if there's some kind of abbreviated format that would still meet our guidelines, but wouldn't be such a slog for the students and might be more in line with what they might realistically encounter in future jobs (since the majority of undergraduates who take the class don't end up in research).

What kind of lab assessment did you have for your undergraduate science classes?
Do you think formal lab reports are effective/worth keeping?
If not, what kind of format could you see being used as an alternative?

>> No.14697440

Bros what job can a mech engineer at 30 that just graduated get? How the fuck do you get in defence companies?

I've been ghosted in every graduate job, should I just go overseas? Where would be the best?

>> No.14697445


>> No.14697455

>They don't ask for your age
They asked me how long I was studying which was massive. What strategy do you guys use when asked or hide it?

>> No.14697464

is architecture a good career to pursue im gearing up for college once i turn 19

>> No.14697469

I can't just drop everything and go work at some shitty undergrad lab for free. I'm not rich and my parents can't pay for me to live like a bohemian.
I have a full time job. I need an online master's program.

>> No.14697473

>You just have to try harder and accept you will likely have to pay to do a masters first.
That's the least of my concerns. I never expected funding. Being accepted into the program is the issue.

>> No.14697489

Rule #1 - Never pay for grad school
Rule #2 - NEVER pay for grad school

>> No.14697511

Is it worth paying for a recruit agency for job?

>> No.14697515

So always try to get a scholarship for masters?

>> No.14697553

Ideally you shouldn't pay for school at all (try to get scholarships for undergrad), but at a bare minimum you shouldn't apply to or accept any MS/PhD program that isn't going to (a) give you a full tuition waiver and (b) offer some kind of stipend for TA/RA work.

Tuition plus student fees plus insurance at an R1 or R2 school is going to run about $10K a semester, nearer $17-19K if you're a non-resident. A masters is going to take 2-3 years to complete, a PhD another can be as much as 6-8. That's up to ~$150K in the hole for a terminal degree.

>> No.14697565

Charing out of state tuition at the graduate level is a scam. What percentage of graduate students at any given university are non-residents? Virtually all of them?

>> No.14697570

charging tuition at the graduate level at all is a scam - especially when you consider that even the schools that give you a waiver actually just charge it anyways and take the difference out of your stipend as a pre-tax deduction, allowing them to inflate their wage reports to the IRS and their tuition revenue to their donators

it's all scam, but it's a scam you shouldn't pay out of pocket for

>> No.14697640

Is math honours worth doing?

>> No.14697739


>> No.14697765

That makes a lot of sense.

Personally I don't want to do software engineering my entire life.
It's probably going to be my first job, I'll either do pure software or stuff like data scientist / ML engineer just to stack up money for the future and also have a good time while I'm young (I doubt research peeps are very fun to be around and most are probably way older than me, I'll be 22 when I graduate and I already struggle to make friends so I can't imagine this situation in research...).

My end goal is to work in hardware, my school is very elistist and enforced hardware education during my CS degree which I first hated then absolutely loved, did my undergrad research with a famous professor in the field and performed very well, ever since that experience I fell in love with hardware and the potential future of the field, which is why quantum interests me.

I guess I'll go for the quantum engineering minor and stay in CompSci for my major while doing as much hardware projects / labs as I can, and I'll try to perform well enough to be accepted in a PhD in quantum engineering, this would make for a smoother transition.

Anyway end of blog post, thanks for being real with me anon.

>> No.14697878
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I have a degree already but I want to do another one part-time.
Should I do pure math or electronics? Which one is going to be more helpful?

>> No.14697897


>> No.14697917

nothing I just discovered i have no passion for the actual application part of engineering, also i worked as a CFD monke and burned out on meshing in shitty software, setting up cases in shitty software, and writing reports

>> No.14697920

oh jesus please don’t do architecture anon, there are absolutely no fucking jobs

>> No.14697930

how do you use inflation in CFD? And how long did it take u to go fucking insane?

>> No.14697970

How old is too old to get into academia in Bongland? I want to go straight into my PhD now and could, but I also don't want to (and don't think it will be actually doable) to live on a miserly stipend during what will certainly be an even bigger, harder and more uncut recession than 2008.

>> No.14697972

Gender studies + sociology minor

>> No.14697995

top fucking kek my dude
I'll grab a quick screenshot and upload it to r/4chan, updoots guaranteed

>> No.14698008

Ask a silly question get a silly answer my d00d

>> No.14698022

it took me about 1.5 years to start really losing my shit bad and start fantasizing about getting in a car crash on the way to work

inflation layers depend on what you’re trying to find and what turbulence model you’re using, if you don’t care about any near wall phenomenon or you’re using k-epsilon or something you can get away without using them, if you need to resolve the BL or thermal BL then you should put the first grid point at y+ ~1 and then have like at least 15 layers in the BL with a growth rate no more than 1.2 ish

the theory of cfd is fascinating and i still enjoy that sort of thing, the application felt like my soul was doing a facialabuse shoot

>> No.14698053

I'm trying right now to get a job in anything and fear the CFD/FEA repetition will make me go fucking insane. What plans have you got in ur eng career next?

>> No.14698218

nothing silly about my question tho

>> No.14698254

I MAY be told to post this on fit but fit is pozzed with bad manners and rudeness:
>what happens if I do 1000 reps per excercise and 3-5 excercises per muscles,medically speaking?
using due and proper 9 kilos dumbells.

>> No.14698369

some endurance adaptations

you won't get bigger or stronger with that kind of loading, just lift normally

>> No.14698434

Probably mess up your joints in the long term.

>> No.14698592

How hard is it to get an entry level programming/software job if you have a physics BS? My job fucking sucks and I need something else

>> No.14698993 [DELETED] 

>physics BS with no job
what is your current job and can I get one?

>> No.14699003 [DELETED] 

it's funny because literally what ISN'T steam? they might as just say the whole workforce in general.

>> No.14699046

law, business and golf course management

>> No.14699177

>lie on resume
>make up perfect qualifications specifically designed to match a job
>hear back from them literally the next day wanting to schedule an interview
So....this proves that they do actually look at the applications...

>> No.14699431

I'm 22 and working as a code monkey right now, finishing my bachelors in a somewhat shitty degree that is a blend of management and computer science. I have been absolutely forced into this route because there was no one who guided me in accordance to my preferences and I lacked the experience to have proper foresight. I enjoy programming, but everyday life is constant depression, studying this shit, especially the finance modules, is killing me from the inside because it is so uninteresting, just like my job. Yes software development is ok and I earn money to sustain myself and get to "enjoy" life, but guess what, adult life isn't so great as you think it is when you were a child. How can I escape from this torment, how can I land a job and actually develop or research something interesting. Interesting for me is technology that is revolutionary like genetic engineering, artificial intelligence or nano technology. Is this even a wise wish? Will it be the same boring ass shit show? I am so tired of coping with artificial motivation to continue this modern slavery. And if I am being completely honest, based on the topics I have developed an interest for during the last couple years, it seems like I will either become insane or snap in the future.

>> No.14700146

You're fairly young, you could conceivably get involved in the fields you mentioned if you wanted to. Probably you would have to do a masters and take a computing approach to each field. However getting a career in research is difficult and not very rewarding. The interesting questions are usually in academia, where this is especially true and you'll be living in poverty on temporary contracts until the age of 30. Industry has better options career-wise, but will be more limited in terms of methods used and questions asked (so even if you get a PhD in some part of nanotech that might not be directly applicable to whatever industry is doing).

No matter what you do though, the day-to-day is always going to be about the minute details which are going to sound a whole lot less interesting than the big-picture stuff used to gather funding.

>> No.14700178

>How can I escape from this torment
This is why it is crucial to have time for a hobby. You work to live, and live for your private life interests, be it hobbies, family life or anything else sufficiently removed from work.

>> No.14700253

What’s expected salary from entry data analyst position w bachelors degree?

>> No.14700282

dont do it

>> No.14700361

>Interesting for me is technology that is revolutionary like genetic engineering, artificial intelligence or nano technology. Is this even a wise wish?
well for that you'd have to do a shit ton of maths and physics class and perform well and get a degree in either pure compsci, math, physics, EE or microengineering.

>> No.14700893

Is CS bachelor easier to obtain than engineering?

>> No.14700939

Yes, CS is easier than all engineering disciplines except maybe industrial and civil

>> No.14700985

depends on the school
many CS bachelor are actually just software engineering in disguise and are worthless (i.e. you probably won't get into FAGMAN with it unless you're naturally talented and hardworking)

>> No.14701087

Is it true that EE opens more doors than CE?

>> No.14701129

As others have said, depends on the school. The reality is that a 'proper' CS degree will be heavy on the mathematical theory. Stuff like information theory can get a lot deeper than any complex analysis course some engineers may take. Not to mention that in CS the fuckers actually learn shit like asymptotic analysis which is some REALLY specific mathematics that can also get insanely complex.

However, due to CS earning 'meme' status as now every company needs an army of coders, all universities will offer a CS path. All of these universities, however, do not have the money or the prestige to attract actual research computer scientists who would be the people able to actually teach you all of the math mentioned above. So the curriculum at most universities is dumbed down to essentially a coding bootcamp but stretched to 4 years so you can spend some time partying (an actual coding bootcamp will teach you the same things in like 3 months).

But if you do go to an ivy, those universities are loaded with cash and therefore their entire CS faculty will be distinguished researchers that will literally teach you big-O notation by stretching your asshole so much you truly learn what 'big-O' stands for.

>> No.14701225


>> No.14701920

>first engineering job
>have to do math, not spreadsheets like I was promised for 4 years

>> No.14701989

Any CS grads here can share what your daily job tasks and on what stack you're working with?

>> No.14702907

Thoughts on staffing agencies?
I've heard of them existing for garbage tier wageslave jobs as a way of filtering out the meth addicts, but I'd never heard of them for educated professional jobs until now. What's the advantage?

>> No.14702910

Graduated a year ago with a BS in Electrical Eng. Now working on getting my MS in Electrical Engineering online at Purdue (specifically VLSI/Chip) Currently stock in a government engineering and project management job. I'll be 'free' by 2025 and will obtained my MS as well, looking to apply for Nvidia/AMD/STM/TI and many some other similar companies, any recommendations on what I can do to practice my skills etc while I get closer to my freedom date in '25?

>> No.14702912

>Now working on getting my MS in Electrical Engineering online at Purdue (specifically VLSI/Chip)
I was looking at the same exact program today. Is it hard to get in?

>> No.14702924

I'm a white guy with a basic bitch background nothing fancy about me, pulled a 3.4/4.0 in my undergrad for EE. But I feel like my current job saved me as I'm doing actual EE and Project Management. They said like <30% acceptance rate, what's your current setup?

>> No.14702934

Nevermind, I'm not getting in, lol.

>> No.14703327

I don't care about research but CS seems way easier than mechanical engineering. Does it have th same salary? higher? if so, then I will def pick CS.

>> No.14703381

At my place, people that come in through the Actalent staffing agency aren’t even real employees for 6 months and therefore don’t have access to classified programs, and I think they get paid less

>> No.14703457

I'm talking to a staffing agency right now to get into a target company, the guy said it's a year contract and they have an over 90% conversion rate to permanent hire.
It makes sense. Why would they waste a year training someone and then cut them loose.

>> No.14703485

is it possible to do a phd while working
i know some people do masters like this, especially online, but what about phd

>> No.14703672

Does the target company require a secret clearance?

>> No.14703722


>> No.14703732

Then it’s not that bad of an idea to use the staffing agency.
But why don’t you apply directly?
In my company the external hires are basically like interns during their trial months.

>> No.14703750

It's a big company and apparently it's a lot more difficult to get hired directly. Your application just goes to some forsaken inbox somewhere. The staffing agency guys have direct access to the hiring managers and your resume will definitely be seen if they send it. Plus they help you with the resume because they know what the company wants to see since they send them people all the time.
The entire set-up does seem strange to me. There must be some money in it for the staffing agency and I don't really understand why the company would pay them for this kind of service when it seems unnecessary.

>> No.14703956

>any recommendations on what I can do to practice my skills
Start a Github account and make a novel processor (and not just yet another RISC-V variant). Try some radical features, experiment wildly, try going against the established practices and see where it takes you. And have fun.

>> No.14703964

>is it possible to do a phd while working
Sure. The FAQ has a bit about it. Obviously it depends on where you are.

>> No.14704362

>do first undergrad internship
>research and have to use some software package
>have hard time getting intended result with said package
>pretty sure I'm overlooking something
>email people who maintain the package for help
>they tell me to open a public issue on github
I'm not retarded and my eagerness to learn is what counts, r-right?

>> No.14704439

What does this mean. How old are you and what is your profession

>> No.14704455

ok boomer

>> No.14704476

Nobody is a genius that knows literally everything, anon. People are great at some things and shitty at others. The fact that you're willing to rectify your lack of knowledge or success, however, speaks volumes to your competency.

>> No.14704806

Think I'm finally going to get an engineering job but it's going to be in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. Think I'd rather kill myself. Should I take it? Why is the United States so fucking ugly? There's like 5 cities max that don't make me think of following Ted K's path. I don't care what kind of fascism or monarchy or brainwashing program my country has as long as the cities are beautiful

>> No.14704817
File: 54 KB, 400x436, 1635087852806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to enroll in compsci program
>need to get calc 1 credit for admission
>taking calc course
>first time doing math in 6 years
>can't make heads or tails of it even after 3 weeks
should I just give up now?

>> No.14704819

id seriously rather be homeless in princes street gardens in edinburgh than make 150k/year in the middle of a burgerpunk wasteland

>> No.14704827

just keep at it. if you're having trouble with delta-epsilon proofs just pretend they don't exist, they're the least intuitive thing i have ever come across in mathematics. i will say that calc 1 shouldn't be that difficult because the actual doing of derivatives and integrals is piss easy, but it takes some work "understanding" the fundamental theorem of calculus. keep at it

>> No.14704838

>Why is the United States so fucking ugly?
The US is consistently ranked as the most beautiful nation on earth even by people that hate it, your buttfuck nowhere scenery does not undo the beauty of Montana, Alaska, Hawaii, the Appalachians, the Mojave, or any of the other countless places that are scenery kino

>> No.14704841

it's the most basic shit I'm struggling with
even basic functions I was struggling with and kinda get them now but I started on parabolas and I'm fucking lost
the course I'm watching just has him pulling numbers out and I have no idea how they even got involved

>> No.14704850

I didn’t do any advanced math in high school unlike a lot of college students, I came back to college 6 years after high school and had to do basic bitch pre-calculus first before starting. It turned out well since I understood the fundamentals pretty solidly after that.

>> No.14704862

>your buttfuck nowhere scenery does not undo the beauty of Montana, Alaska, Hawaii, the Appalachians, the Mojave, or any of the other countless places that are scenery kino
Yes it does. Those places are fucking hideous, go on Google maps and zoom in on any one of those places you are 99% going to find a burgerpunk wasteland nightmare you are delusional. Literally every place I've been outside the States is more beautiful than anything I've seen, including the airports, particularly in Inchon and Reykjavík. I'd rather be homeless in an international airport than live in Montana


>> No.14704867

oops forgot to type my reply in this post >>14704862 which basic shit? can you give examples? Calc 1 really does not have that much to it in terms of fundamentals you need to understand. There's just a lot of obscure rules and derivations to memorize for tests

>> No.14704879
File: 2.55 MB, 1874x950, montana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here i zoomed in on a random place in Montana. so beautiful bro.
>flannel plains, blacktop graphs and skylines of canted rust
>untilled fields simmer shrilly in the a.m. heat
That's a little David Foster Wallace for you. His words are more beautiful than the hideous places he's describing. can't wait to move there and start making my pipe bombs to mail to people.

>> No.14704911
File: 184 KB, 1125x642, EBA2B30A-DEAA-48E3-B4E8-A4369B6743A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, I too am a disingenuous retard like you and zoomed in on a random part of Inchon, it’s ugly as fuck therefore your opinion is invalidated

>> No.14704924

like off today for example it was slope stuff
I know the equation for point-slope is (y-y1)=m(x-x1) and I can solve for m with Δy/Δx but once I get there I have no fucking clue how to actually solve it
I know there's plugging the sets in (the example I was doing was (3,2) (-1,4)) but I can't actually figure out how that works

>> No.14704931
File: 3.28 MB, 3560x2653, america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not being disingenuous. That's literally the first place I looked at in Montana. But that's beside the point. You're not getting a job in the most beautiful part of Montana, and if you were: good luck having any kind of social life in the bumfuck of bumfuck nowhere. Pic related is what 95% of America really looks like. Flat and sparse and desolate and all the women are fucking fat and retarded and your only hope to find a girlfriend is on Tinder and she lives 150 miles away

>> No.14704948

>women aren't attracted to me
you seem frustrated and upset, i wonder why women are so quick to reject you

>> No.14704968

I think you have some very minor intuitive misunderstanding and if you figured it out it would be very easy. If you could show me a problem and explain your thought process a little more I could help you figure it out.

I mean, you have a function (a thingy which has inputs and outputs) which can be represented by a line on a (input vs output) graph. Every point along the line represents a specific input (x-value) which has some output (y-value). The derivative of this function gives you another function (a line on a graph) where the y-values now correspond to slopes on your original graph. Whereas before you could plug in 3 and get 6 which would tell you a point on your line (3,6), now after taking the derivative of the function you plug in 3 and get, say, 2, which tells you that at x = 2 you have a slope of 2.

You probably know all of this already, because it's obvious, but so is the rest of Calc 1. So I'm trying to figure out where you're having problems

>> No.14704973

I am not saying women aren't attracted to me, I don't even have to message women on tinder they message me first. But now you're just strawmanning because you can't admit your country is a hideous burgerpunk wasteland nightmare. Open your eyes

>> No.14705001

Actually retarded

>> No.14705010

my notes are scatterbrained as all hell so I can't really give a good example right now
I'm gonna be doing one of the practice assignments soon so I'll come back when I hit a wall there

>> No.14705019

sounds good

classic case of the cope and seethe

>> No.14705077

>showed up to work today
>wrote LITERALLY one line of matlab code
>completed my assigned task today using just one specific matlab feature
>chilled on my phone for the other 8 hours
>tfw got paid hundreds of dollars to type like 20 characters
Electrical engineer chads we winnin frfr ong no cap

>> No.14705155

need me a matlab job like this. what do you do?

>> No.14705206

My job is usually only like 10% matlab, usually I’m doing simulations in HFSS or LTspice, but when it’s a matlab-type of day it means it’s gonna be an easy day.

If you want a matlab-heavy job that allows you to shitpost on 4chan all day then go for something like “Modeling Engineer” or “Simulation Engineer” either in a defense corporation or for the government’s research labs.

Something along these lines:

>> No.14705259

so I went through the functions lesson I was struggling with and I actually kinda get it now cuz I was just missing the most extremely basic math (carrying over numbers) so it kinda clicked after that
parabolas I'm still baffled on so I'll probably be seeking help itt tomorrow when I try to run through that again

>> No.14705287

Thanks anon. It still is pretty stressful asking researchers since they might be busy (though they've been replying to me really fast with short responses and it takes me a pretty long time to read up on what they send me)

>> No.14705288

ahhh nice i have an interview for exactly that coming up. wish me luck

sounds good. just remember it's all very easy conceptually as long as you understand the absolute basics of integrals and derivatives. you don't need to understand the proofs even (you might have to memorize them for an exam though), just the higher level "what does this new function represent after i take the integral or derivative of a given function?" The answer is area or slope. Once you truly understand this, then you understand the fundamental theorem, and you pass Calc 1

>> No.14705539
File: 101 KB, 941x960, neet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats up guys I'm a physics undergrad getting straight A's but I feel like my career is going nowhere. all my engineering friends are getting on-the-job experience as part of their degree and making bank. I've missed the opportunity to go on exchange and the only internships I can find are bullshit IT placements. do I need a masters and/or phd to make it? is it all over for me?

>> No.14705655
File: 457 KB, 643x627, sheit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>doing EE
>goes to all Calc 1 classes but spent the whole classes thinking about playing world of warcraft
>I could be studying after classes but end up playin' wow instead
>two days before semester ends I have three exams to do
>if I fail it's over
>barely knows the theoric part
>spends 28 straight hours studying Calc 1
>gets approved
I'll never do it again

>> No.14705675
File: 71 KB, 994x662, 1644191382691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is computational chemistry as comfy as it seems?
I'm taking a course in it this fall. I might beg the professor for some research experience.

>> No.14705939

Bros is doing an internship for something unrelated to my dream job (CAD gigachad) bad? I cannot find jobs anywhere that does not have useless skills like consulting

>> No.14706097

>do I need a masters and/or phd to make it?
That’s like the FIRST thing they tell you about a Physics, Chemistry, or any other pure science degree: you need a master’s at minimum and hopefully a PhD
There’s nothing a B.S. in Physics can do for the field of physics that you can’t replace with a google search.

>> No.14707107

You are on a good start to an excellent degree and a splendid career, my friend. You just need a master's or PhD as my colleague >>14706097 points out. Look up the FAQ for lots of relevant stuff for physicists.
The career is a littler slow to pick up but yes, I too did IT work. I also did manual labour before I had sufficient background to do anything relevant. Life is long and this lets you sample an interesting cross section of life. I am happy with my career choices.

>> No.14707203

What /stem/ think about IT?

>> No.14707216 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 720x410, 1652391712344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hej lads so my dummy questions are inbound
my nigga prof burger put a hole in the parabola and didn't explain it, but my high school should-have-dropped-out ass doesn't understand why
what do holes in parabolas mean

>> No.14707287

Probably more suited for >>>/sqt/ rather than /scg/

>> No.14707292


>> No.14707357

Not science or math

>> No.14707503
File: 98 KB, 1024x1013, Goat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US is now in a recession:
Most likely a lot of companies will hesitate in employing more people. Standard practice for bad managers is to start firing valuable empoloyees.
This is the time to look for work outside the US. WAGMI.

>> No.14707613

If you're not opposed, there's more funding on the ECE side of grad school, and any ECE program will accept physics majors.

>> No.14708076
File: 383 KB, 1500x1499, 9C706659-BCBD-4015-827F-34455C8AA33D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn’t matter to us Big Defense chads that are recession-proof

>> No.14708093
File: 33 KB, 479x208, died-for-israel-444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

israel thanks you for your contribution to their national security and hopes that you continue to happily "earn" valuable zogbuxx from uncle sam's money printer while all of your nation's legitimately valuable assets are used exclusively for the benefits of foreigners.

>> No.14708151

I don’t care bruh, I just like engineering, I like weapons, and I like a fat paycheck

>> No.14708170

>i'm greedy, i have no morals and i love being ZOG's slave
le rationalization cope

>> No.14708227

Where to go for Aerospace in europe?

>> No.14708298
File: 45 KB, 379x366, rIjOYsU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I do a dev job part time? Embedded systems major. Working a regular 9-5 doesn't interest me that much yet.

>> No.14708319

>”NOOOO you HAVE TO care!!”
I don’t
Sorry but I don’t

>> No.14708336

>Aerospace in Europe

>> No.14708343

You can be a contractor, say that you need to double the time and work for half the time. I did it for a long time, it is pretty simple with remote work nowadays. So long as you have steady progress, it should be pretty OK.

>> No.14708439

>say that you need to double the time and work for half the time
Can you elaborate on this?

>> No.14708452
File: 526 KB, 2552x2043, SledDrivers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having been in defence myself, it seems they are far from recession proof, just that the financial effects are delayed by about 5 years. And it was indeed in a slump plus 5 years that I lost my job in such a company. And it might take 5 years to realise F-35 is a dog and that pic. related was peak performance.

And what other kind of crew would pull this off? https://youtu.be/Lg73GKm7GgI

>> No.14708723

What company and field?

>> No.14708782

A small company so I cannot name it or I would be doxxing myself. Let's just say I had a fair bit to do with the Cavalry.

>> No.14708965

How the fuck do I make it in defence jobs?

Why is it so hard?

I don't fucking want to do consulting in any other companies

>> No.14708987

yo where my statistical signal processing niggas at

>> No.14709005

What area and what companies are you applying to?

>> No.14709164

Art means actual art. Like production artists and graphic designers. There is a legitimate shortage of people who can actually draw or create an aesthetic product. The OG skill set for those disciplines is all but extinct because fags want to do “avante garde” performance art instead of buckling down to practice a craft.

>> No.14709224

Do employers care about programming experience as an electrical engineer?

>> No.14709245

Mech as an Aero eng for every defence company

>> No.14709261
File: 74 KB, 900x900, BF2D58B7-45C7-444E-A37F-4550CCA4574A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I just fuck off with my stem undergrad degree and become a code monkey? They get paid so much money and can even get remote jobs.

>> No.14709265

You can always get an engineering degree or something and learn to program on your own time.

>> No.14709383

I'm about to get my BS in industrial engineering. However, I have no formal experience or internships because of the coof. Is it in my interest to still search for internships or technician positions to build experience?

>> No.14709414

Similar position, is graduate jobs for mech impossible to get without any experience?

>> No.14709465
File: 1.69 MB, 2598x1228, piper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anons, how does someone study undergrad in one major but do masters on another major?

>be Piper Harron
>have nothing more than a BA in French
>be admitted to Princeton math PhD
>have Fields medalist advisor
>write baby tier thesis
that's one way....hahahaha

>> No.14709494

Which is worse, doing EE and realizing partway through you would rather do CS, or doing CS and realizing partway through you would rather do EE?

>> No.14709560

From the U.S., Done teaching High school mathematics and want to make 6 figures. I been learning how to code on my free time and I want to get into the Data Science field. Wat do?

Should I get a masters in statistics/computer science or should I do some bootcamp shit?

>> No.14709576

Why do people hate on Computer Science when it's good money and easier than a lot of engineering degrees?

>> No.14709598

Do you want to work more closely with time series data or imagery and language? That's the big distinction and does lend itself to many different techniques. Either way, you'll literally touch on the same shit because AI and machine learning are very amorphous terms. Machine learning techniques and AI are so general in their definitions that essentially any algorithm that involves optimization falls under them in some way.

Personally, I think you should read a text on Stochastic models and then a text on neural networks. See what you like more. If you lean towards Stochastics and Brownian motions, stick to the quant world, if you lean towards networks, neurons, and classification, go for 'AI'.

>> No.14709604

Get a masters. No joke, you'll be hired much more quickly. You can't actually churn out good statisticians/data scientists from boot camps, it's not like programming which is a very simple skill.

Corporations are starting to realize this pretty quickly and the field is basically becoming a minimum masters degree field. I would lean towards a masters in computational statistics or one of the data science programs out there.

The only boot camp or certifications they give a shit about is in like SQL or specific programming languages. These are also easy to claim as part of a Masters education.

>> No.14709606

Sorry, that’s what I meant. I have 1 more year left on my science degree (pretty much 1 semester + 1 class) but codemonkies get paid 2-5x the salary of my major, even compared to phd scientists

>> No.14709771

Why oh why do people tell children that being a scientist is a desirable career path

>> No.14709805

Because it’s gay

>> No.14710303

what are good career possibilities in applied math? im currently doing a MSc, is PhD required for any industry jobs?
most good jobs seem cs related, like >>14690608 im thinking of going into quant finance. are there any opportunities in cryptography?

>> No.14710695

There's a shit ton as long as you took the right classes and didn't meme yourself useless.

Quant finance is an option, you just have to make sure you have taken an appropriate amount of Stochastics, cryptography is out there, but jobs are scarce (although competition seems scarce as well), if you're good at stats you can always focus into that and data science although competition is really intense (but jobs are also plentiful), Operations Research is also an option if you really like simulations, optimization and algebraic programming (I would say it's very hot right now because logistics is a big deal atm).

Anything in PDEs or fluid dynamics is largely useless. PDEs are really interesting and I love them, but outside of some cases in the Quant world, you'll never encounter anyone wanting you to touch them (those jobs typically go to engineers of some flavor or someone with a PhD)

>> No.14710704

Also, PhDs are not required, but it's hard to start in the industry without them. The ideal candidate has ~3 years of experience and masters.

If you're worried about the experience, look at federal government work like in the DoD. There's a good number of mathematics jobs, but working for the feds sucks (you're severely underpaid, but the work is interesting typically). Do it to mine experience and that's it.

>> No.14710721

Nartional defence labs often have openings. You would of course need clearance. What nationality are you?

It wasn't too hard where I worked, they just needed someone who knew how to program.

It always pays to stand out from the crowd. Long shot: how about a small Github project with a drone of some form?

>> No.14710733

The FAQ is lacking in material about maths and applied maths. Got some inputs?

>> No.14710953

does being physically attractive improve your chances of getting a job in stem?

>> No.14711013

>physics BS
>put resume on dice since not much luck elsewhere
>auto-rec'ed results all seem to be experienced positions
>my understanding of "years experience" is probably inaccurate (e.g. i first used python 6 years ago so 6 year exp)
>whatever, I'll look more into it later
>2 days go by
>waking up at 10am because NEET
>still in bed, receive call from unknown number
>decide to answer it because why not
>it's a pajeet with heavy accent, telling me he saw my resume on dice
>he says UPS is looking for a Field Support Technician, and sends me an email about job
>it's not too far from where I live (at home)

It's obviously not a career position, but I have no job otherwise. Pay is about $26 per hour, "6 months duration". I am suspicious of being cold called though: how bad can it really be?

One thing has me worried, in the series of questions in the email:
>shift (3AM - 11:30AM), are you ok with this?

Been out of college for about 8 months now, so maybe beggars can't be choosers. Wat do?

>> No.14711086

I don't think so. I got jobs in STEM but women find me repulsive. Since there are few women here this is no problem and I avoid the problem with women puking over my shoes.
This is one of the main advantages of STEM being a meritocracy. Good looks are important in other firlds such as business and marketing, where even dudes use Botox.

>> No.14711150

>Have employment gap of several years
>Want job
>Nobody wants to hire because of gap

One lesson for people about to graduate is to get a job as soon as possible, otherwise it's going to get harder.

>> No.14711184

You can always fill the gap with a project on Github. There are numerous science related projects you could join.

>> No.14711202

For customer facing positions, yes.

>> No.14711226

Average Physics B.S. new grad:

>> No.14711241

>Average Physics B.S. new grad:
what did he mean by this

>> No.14711369

Please respond

>> No.14711473

I was in your exact position a few months ago, except that I am in a third world shithole and came from a uni that doesnt even appear on global rankings. I have been working in a Big4 consulting firm in their data department for around 6 months now, doing data analysis/science in consulting proyects. First of all:

1. Whats your current job?
2. Whats your programming experience?

I cant give you advice about software dev; I was never interested on that. I believe that we as physicists are a better fit for data analysis/science jobs, since we usually have a decent math/statistics background and it helps a lot if you, like me, did a few data analysis projects on physical systems or simulations, preferably in Python and/or C.

For a data analysis job, you need to know, in order of importance:

1. SQL.
2. Tableau/Power Bi.
3. Python AND R.

Learn that, do some certs, 2 or 3 projects to display on your github, and, most importantly, APPLY TO ALL RELATED JOBS EVEN IF YOU DONT HAVE THE EXPERIENCE NEEDED. I cant say this enough, people close their own doors with their insecurities. I had to send 100+ applications (literally) and attended around 10 interviews/technical exams before I got my job. Note that before this my only professional experience was in a call center (in english so it gave me some points tho).

Once you have everything I mentioned above, look up MIT CS CVs templates and make nice, short CV that sells you as the perfect fit. Good luck.

>> No.14711544

Both seem interesting.Do you have any two "example" papers or books to help make my choice?

>> No.14711681

thanks for the info. ill look into operations research, hadnt thought of that. i assume you're talking about job markets in america, are there any other countries with good opportunities in this field? mine is pretty shitty in that regard, so ill probably have to move, luckily the education is decent and basically free.

undergrad should mostly be the same for math and applied math. atleast in my university it would be possible to skip the actual math classes on analysis, linear algebra and etc for some easy data analysis memes, but the actually interesting ways to apply math do require decent grasp of the theory. definitely should also learn how to code, a requirement for much of applied math stuff.

>> No.14711774

>How hard is it to get an entry level programming/software job if you have a physics BS?
It should not be too hard since the software industry is always looking for fresh meat. Rather than going for web design, you could play your strong cards and try the embedded route, "close to the metal" such as device drivers, instrumentation and working with real life stuff that benefits from insight in physics.
I studied Applied Physics and did some programming on radar systems including lots of assembly programming.

>My job fucking sucks and I need something else
Just keep in mind that the software industry is rather immature and is full of bad managers that grind through people at a ferocious rate. Six months crunch time gets tired soon, especially as the light at the end of the tunnel turned out to be the oncoming train.

>> No.14711777

Thanks, also got some input on job prospects?

>> No.14711997

Just got an offer from my prof to continue my undergrad RA to my masters. (Senior industrial engnieer with 1 semester left, currently job searching in USA, need OPT/sponsor) if I take this it will be a full ride + stipend as we just got a much bigger grant than expected. It is pretty much guaranteed I will get in MS program as the profs like me and no GRE required.
Would you take this deal? I honestly think it is cuz I am not quite ready to be a wageslave yet.

>> No.14712411

>I am not quite ready to be a wageslave yet.
No one is ever ready, but it’s just a leap you have to take.
Just remember that you’ll be getting paid thousands of dollars to do like 5 real hours of work each week and shitpost on 4chan the other 35
After doing this, I simply can’t imagine going back to school for a masters.

>> No.14712463

Sounds reasonable. I am nearing 30.I hope I have enough brain plasticity to learn all this shit again. Teaching High School students wasn't bad until the high school district forced me to dumb down the curriculum.

>> No.14713101
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>programming which is a very simple skill

>> No.14713217

How bad is it really for my salary if I never switch employers?
I have the opportunity to get a job at a company I could imagine spending my whole life at, because it happens to be close to my place of birth, has nice conditions and the work would be very interesting, I could start there right after graduation but I don't know if I shouldn't be hopping around at big corporations first in order to have a get a good position with better pay afterwards.

>> No.14713276

How can I become a freelancer as a mathematician? I have worked in programming jobs in the past, but it's not that fun. Also there appears to be an incredible amount of competition from e.g. India, I have no idea if it can even be profitable to do programming as a freelancer in a first world country.
I would like to do something that is more specific to my actual skills, but how would companies even find me? Is a decent blog with a note that you can be hired for projects enough after you gain some recognition?

>> No.14713770
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Is data science a meme degree? I'm in silicon valley and want to pursue both a bachelors and masters in data sci. I am ready to learn and already learning languages not strictly related to data sci (java, c++, py). Will the competition of cookie cutter Indian boys drown me out?

>> No.14714004

i've yet to see a single data scientist with a data science bachelor, sounds like a meme degree desu. what uni? in my opinion youd be far better off with a math or stats bachelor then ms in data science.

>> No.14714047

san jose state

>> No.14714077

Frequent job hoppers in software development make about 40% more than their peers of similar skill level. No idea about other STEM fields and keep in mind that when you reach that extra 40% level, there's a plateau that's difficult to move off of so at that point job hopping stops making sense.

>> No.14714228

no idea, which means definitely go for a more broad degree i.e maths/stats then ms masters. youll be more prepared and youll understand the fundamentals for data science much better.

>> No.14714350

>data analysis projects on physical systems or simulations
can you give an example of this? not sure if my old class projects would qualify.

>> No.14714372

have 2 days to decide whether to start degree in CS or mechE, and I have 0 clue

>> No.14714548

for example, one of my classes was called "computational physics" which was basically data analysis on meteorological systems to answer certain questions related to the climate pattern of the area, and also applying numetical methods to different type of oscillators to simulate its movement and find the equations parameters. i also did simulations of astrophysical systems, in fortran lmao but i didnt tell recruiters that. as long as the project has a litttle bit to do with data analysis or simulations, you can pitch it as the perfect fit that can be easily applied to finance/business bs

>> No.14714552

MechE with CS electives and do some programming bootcamp or something.

>> No.14714560

I'll say it again. Always, always, always, get the engineering undergrad. Period, full stop.

If you want to do math, CS, physics, whatever the fuck, then you are going to need to get a masters anyways. Take some choice electives and a summer class or two. If it turns out you are a turboshitter at academics, you can at least go turn a buck as an engineer and take care of yourself.

>> No.14714561

do mech e but pay attention in matlab class and learn to code

>> No.14714747
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Is anyone here a patent examiner? What am in in for a s anew examiner?

Just accepted a job in a biology art unit. I'm reading on plebbit that examiners seem to fall in to two camps 1) skate with a comfy WFH government job or 2) they're ripping their hair out trying to meet quotas.

Is this true? Any tips to fall more into group 1?

>> No.14714778

So far I haven't heard from any Examiners in here but there are at least two patent attorneys and I am one of them.
I am not in the US but we routinely file applications with the USPTO; and the process is pure torture. Trump may be out of the White House but it seems USPTO Examiners wear a certain red cap and put a lot of bizarre road blocks in the way of foreign applicants, issues we don't see if our clients have a US subsidiary they can file applications from. Occasionally also US applicants can receive bizarre Office Actions that can send them over the edge:

There used to be a web site called usptoexaminers.com which was hilarious. The relationship between Examiners and patent attorneys is unlike anything else, and why there is no sitcom about this I really don't know. I know there are newsletters about crazy stuff that happens.

>> No.14714792

Do you think that being an examiner would hamstring a later career as a patent attorney? I have a JD/ life science MS but couldn't land a job doing prosecution out of law school and resorted to USPTO figuring pit would be decent experience.

Skate jokes aside I'll do my best not to end up on one of those forums....

>> No.14714982


>> No.14715484

wouldn't a master's in CS make more sense? gives him more flexibility too, and those programs are already very well established

>> No.14715549
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>reviewing precalc before the semester
>nearly having a brain aneurysm doing middle school math
Maybe it's because I'm cramming and it's been a long time since I've done any real math but holy shit. Should I just give up on being an electrical engineer?

>> No.14715598

No, I had to teach myself precalc from start to finish during the summer before starting EE
>t. Retard EE grad that started college in his mid 20s and never took any math classes past algebra 2 in high school

>> No.14715777

Precalc isn't so bad. What kind of supplements are you using to review?

>> No.14715887

40%, that's insane. I would think that an employer would be happy if a good employee stays at the job instead of leaving after a year, but apparently the opposite is the case.

>> No.14715914
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What are some cool science megaprojects, like ITER? How is it working on such a project?

>> No.14716015

how bad is it to take a gap year between masters and phd?

>> No.14716392

I wish I had done that. Instead I went straight into a PhD that was the first one offered (same lab I did my masters) and didn't look/apply around. I ended up with some of the worst years of my life (so far). I didn't really even save any time because my PhD was so grossly mismanaged it ended up taking me a year or half a year longer to graduate than I had intended. Of course not having gaps in the CV looks better but not everything is about making yourself the ideal bugman.

I then repeated basically the same exact mistake going from PhD to postdoc. At least it's not the same lab this time.

>> No.14716853

>post doc
What us wrong with you people
Get a job

>> No.14716932

should i mention volunteering/helping in organization of some events in my CV somewhat related to the job, or is it a stretch?
to be exact, I'll be applying for AI research/scientist and i helped a bit with 2 AI conferences and a hackathon

>> No.14717047

Experience is experience.
Make it clear that those events definitely did contribute to your experience and qualification.

>> No.14717365

If I want an entry level CS/programming job, would a resume filled with video games cut it?
basically, making video games as income supplement, but I don't think it's something I can do full time
What should I work on to impress people who are willing to hire someone without a degree

>> No.14717504

My friend recently got a good job in ML after graduation because they were impressed with his video game personal projects that used raytracing.
Although I don’t think video games or raytracing have anything to do with ML, they liked the technology and programming involved

>> No.14717596

Thanks! gives me hope

>> No.14717599

>Do you think that being an examiner would hamstring a later career as a patent attorney?
Many transition from USPTO to private practice or work as in-house patent attorney. I am not sure about US statistics but here in Europe I guess about half come from national patent office (most of them straight out of university), the other half from industry, and perhaps 1 percent join the profession straight out of university. Start studying towards towards the US patent attorney exam as soon as you can, it will give you a good exit fallback position.

>I have a JD/ life science MS but couldn't land a job doing prosecution out of law school and resorted to USPTO figuring pit would be decent experience.
Did you have the USPTO patent attorney/agent exam?

>Skate jokes aside I'll do my best not to end up on one of those forums....
Don't be too sure about that. Patently-O, the main US patent blog, has quite the peanut gallery in the discussion threads, several pseudonymous regulars are Examiners both from USPTO and EPO, perhaps also elsewhere.

>> No.14717820

You're on the science board, in the science career general. I wanted a career doing science. Generally that requires a PhD.

>> No.14718820

ignore posts like these, people hating studying and thinking that being a java developer is a STEM career are a reoccurring theme

>> No.14719262

What the fuck is an "upgrade install and relocation engineer"

>> No.14719277

What's the highest paying entry level job I could get with a BSc in CS from a former poly in the UK?

>> No.14719279

1. Consider the set of infinite binary sequences.
2. Commit suicide.

>> No.14719301

i swear to god i got treated with more respect when i worked at fucking pizza hut than i do as a fucking EE.

>> No.14719327

In the UK? Probably like 45K
In the US, anywhere from 80-100K is extremely likely, but some FAGMAN jobs could pay 120K+

>> No.14719330

Well looks like I'm about to be fired before I even start, lol.

2 weeks ago I was told today would be my tentative start date, offer contingent upon my passing a background and drug test.
Took the test 2 weeks ago and never heard back.
Emailed them last Friday if we were still starting today, heard nothing.
This morning they respond and tell me to be there at 8:30.
I live 4 hours away, lol.
I told the HR bitch this and she gets nasty and tells me that I agreed to this and that she is going to management.
What the fuck?
Why is there so much pressure for me to start today? I told her I can be there tomorrow and she doesn't care.
She says "we really need you here today like you agreed" like I'm a fucking wagedrone. The offer letter doesn't even have an official start date.

>> No.14719353

> Emailed them last Friday if we were still starting today
This is where you fucked up

>> No.14719365

How is it my responsibility to check if they've received the results from the drug test or not?
We agreed on a tentative start date contingent on a drug test and background check.
They should have notified me when they received the results of those.
HR fucked up, not me.

>> No.14719385

You should have emailed them Thursday at the latest, ideally Wednesday. They don’t do shit on fridays and most likely don’t check emails.

>> No.14719390

similar boat, my company will pay for a MS in engineering at Penn State or MIT if I can get accepted, but they all require 3.0 GPA when I have a 2.7.

Not sure if they'll accept experience in lieu of a sufficient GPA. It's ironic, I worked 2 jobs to get myself through my engineering bachelor degree which is why I have the job I have now, but it meant that it made it harder to get the academics required for grad school.

>> No.14719404

>should have emailed thursday instead of friday
welp, guess i'll rope

>> No.14719406

>my company will pay for a MS in engineering at Penn State or MIT if I can get accepted,
that sounds like one of those "benefit that isn't actually a benefit because no one can actually use it" things

>> No.14719741


>> No.14719929

>she gets nasty and tells me that I agreed to this and that she is going to management
This raises more red flag than a matador on speed. I would star looking for jobs elsewhere, immediately.

>> No.14719957

>go be a codemonkey or CADmonkey bro
How about you fuck off

>> No.14719989

It just keeps getting worse.
After she said she was "going to management" I asked her for a phone number or email I could reach them out.
She just ignored me and then told me to be there at 8 AM tomorrow with the HR manager "to discuss."
I asked "to discuss what?" and she never replied.
I'm not about to drive 4 hours tomorrow morning just for them to tell me I'm fired or something. Fuck this.

>> No.14720139 [DELETED] 

I applied to job at a company without cover letter, now I am applying to a different posting at the same company and am writing cover letter.

Would it look good to mention the other posting I had already applied for in the letter? It was only a few days ago, so I haven't heard back from them or been rejected yet.

>> No.14720151

lmao nevermind. they are two completely different companies with similar names. please ignore.

>> No.14720175

>”you ONLY have two options in life: either become a permanent student or become a codemonkey”
Are you retarded or something

>> No.14720193

>doing masters or phd is being a permanent student
kill yourself

>> No.14720213

Only stupid people work

>> No.14720218
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would i miss much by learning programming by myself instead of getting CS degree? can't afford uni, and i don't want to work for minimum wage for rest of my life
any essential books for it?

>> No.14720226

why does every job i get suck

>> No.14720230

>doing masters or phd is being a permanent student

>> No.14720261

It depends. There are two splits in the data science/ML world. One that's focused more on statistics and proper model fitting and ones that is focused on efficient chaining and data pipelines.

It truly is a cross disciplinary field. You'll find job postings that are squarely aimed at those with a stronger Comp Sci background and job postings focused on those from a heavy statistics background. A lot of times these companies will be recruiting both flavors for similar but different titles. Ideally you want a strong background in formal statistics, computational statistics, and computer science, but that's pretty hard to find outside of the PhD level.

>> No.14720263

gee idk maybe cuz work sucks, just a hypothesis tho

>> No.14720273

why do you talk like a faggot

>> No.14720294

>can't handle studying for 5 years
you should be on /g/ not /sci/

>> No.14720310

is it bad to be a bachelors applying for an "associate preferred" position?

should I kms?

>> No.14720325

You shouldn't do that it looks odd to employers unless the first is a BA. One BSc. One Masters/Mres. Possibly more than one PhD. Having said that, my intuition tells me you're better off not bothering. There's much better ways to earn a living than wagecucking for employers who will only hire you if you've jumped through all of their stupid hoops.

>> No.14720387

>chose civil eng for office-field work balance
How fucked am I?

>> No.14720410

For me, it's going insane and pulling hairs on a seemingly algebraically impossible problem only to realize a day later that I wrote down the wrong exponent on one of the terms

>> No.14720491

Yes, Yes

>> No.14720661

Gonna graduate with an Industrial Engineering degree this december. Should I pursue masters in industrial engineering or engineering management? I just want something that will help me get a good paying job with less stress in the future

>> No.14721062

"Management" degrees are a meme. Leadership is a soft skill and the only way to prove to a company you have it is to demonstrate it.

>> No.14721152

>Pros: I'm an electrical engineer with decent programming experience, my EIT and a LEED AP accreditation

>Cons: I'm stuck in the world of MEP, making pennies

Any suggestions? Ive only just started my career.

>> No.14721319
File: 28 KB, 800x450, D62BC299-D72B-4E2D-B920-7F633C792671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw automatically get access to close to $1M worth of programs in the engineering software bundle at work
my resume is gonna be overpowered in like a year

>> No.14721373

I'm stuck between CS and pre-med and keep switching my major. I finally decided on med because of my interest in it. Last month I had to get surgery and when I told the surgeon my major, he looked at me like I was an idiot and told me how he makes 10% of what he did per surgery compared to the 90's.

Is it really that bad? Should i just switch back to CS?

>> No.14721470

>Should i just switch back to CS?

>> No.14721491

Meh, medicine is still a great field. Maybe you aren't STUPID rich, but you make enough to definitely buy very nice things and invest enough to make a lot anyways. Your work will be easier than if you were to slave away as a codeloid, but you'll get a quicker start if you do CS. Honestly just pick whichever one you like the most, but I'd say medicine since you'll have families begging to fork over their daughter to you.

>> No.14721640

Why would anyone expect office working shitters to do anything during weekends? Often they work only half a day on Fridays and then completely disregard any mail or message received during the weekend until the next monday. Unless he sent the mail first thing in the morning there were literally zero chances of it being checked (I assume he sent it after noon). Anon should have definitely sent his question on Wednesday at the latest.

>> No.14721681
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Just a reminder here ion page 10 that the FAQ needs more on maths, including career info.

>> No.14721921

Not my responsibility to constantly check it and see if they got drug test results yet. They dropped the ball.

>> No.14721930

Page 10, page 10.
Diver, dive, dive!!

>> No.14721940

Which agency did your background check?

>> No.14721965

do you just send your CV to different job offers through LinkedIn or is to better to write to a recruiter directly with some mini motivational speech?