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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 274 KB, 1503x1145, MV5BN2M1MzQ0MmItODNjNi00YWIzLTkzYzQtMGQ4ODAxYmVmZmZmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjU4NTIxNzI@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14707865 No.14707865 [Reply] [Original]

If you don't think the world is overpopulated you are crazy.

>> No.14708117

yes got proof?

>> No.14708126

Okay. Call me back when your handlers are ready to officially announce the culling of Africa, India and the Middle East.

>> No.14708132

>reeeeeee the world is too crowded
>i know because i've been alone in mom's basement for decades
mom's basement isn't crowded, population is still 1 lonesome, friendless (you)

>> No.14708137

Ok, GPT.

>> No.14708138

I have 3 kids and will hopefully have about 5 more, spread my schizophrenia genes as much as I can. You can pull your genes out of the genepool all you want. Your kids would have been losers like you anyways, so good riddance.

>> No.14708178
File: 101 KB, 526x824, wealth-inequality-usa-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overpopulation is propaganda the super rich love.

It redirects the blame of the problem they created to other people, AND if people manage to act on it and try to depopulate, it'll permanently remove their biggest threat.

>> No.14708186

>they created
What problem did they create?

>> No.14708189
File: 44 KB, 635x665, 1640637438688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly don't know who to side with. On the one hand, most of you are worthless vermit that need to go without question. It is vastly preferable if most of you locusts die off. On the other hand, I'm not going to side with the malevolent pedo cult spreading Malthusian propaganda. They and their ilk need to be slowly tortured to death in public. What a conundrum.

>> No.14708196

NTA but for starters, third world shitholes didn't start exploding in population until your owners and programmers decided it was time to colonize them and introuce to them the wonders of """civilization""", for the purpose of occupying their lands and monopolizing their natural resources, of course.

>> No.14708230

Fritz Haber discovering how to mass produce NH3 for fertilizers for shithole countries was a grave mistake.

>> No.14708256

Don't pretend you like 10 billion people

>> No.14708261

Just leave your city for a week, most land is empty

>> No.14708265

>until your owners and programmers decided it was time to colonize them and introuce to them the wonders of """civilization""", for the purpose of occupying their lands and monopolizing their natural resources, of course.
It was only a problem once they became independent.

>> No.14708268

Yeah in Indonesia, Nigeria, china, india

>> No.14708272

He may not "like" 10 billion people but the world certainly has enough resources for 10 billion people. Most of them are simply monopolized by the pedo cult that owns you and programs your mind.

>> No.14708282

Yes there are too many niggers and indians

No there are not enough whites


>> No.14708288

Chi a population = 1-2+ Billion
India population = 1-2+ Billion
Current world population = 8 Billion
China and India potentially make up over 50% of the entire world population
These 2 nations are causing the problem
All other nations are not

>> No.14708292

So you guys agree then.

>> No.14708294

That the Malthusian hysteria is valid? No. That I would like you to die off? Yes.

>> No.14708302

you can shove everyone shoulder to shoulder together in the state of Rhode island. you can give everone on earth 5en square km and still have land left over.

>> No.14708317

Are you really so dense that you can think a human's biological footprint is the same as the immediate surface area that he is standing on?

>> No.14708321

>political buzzwords instead of observing the world and making your own judgements
You try so hard not to fall into one kind of propaganda that you run to another. I feel bad for people like you. So fucking easy to fool even though you think you are so smart.

>> No.14708324

>you run to another.
Like what, mouth breather?

>> No.14708327
File: 173 KB, 1170x1246, 1657128792274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell that to my 50 houses and the chaps in communes.

>> No.14708333

Whatever "rightwing" cause you think you are a part of.

>> No.14708337

So you've got nothing? You're just screeching at strawmemes in your head?

>> No.14708339

Lol, it's the opposite. The super rich need massive populations.

>> No.14708345

More buzzwords. Lay off the youtube debates, it'll be good for you.

>> No.14708351

what does that mean?

>> No.14708352

Too many people

>> No.14708355
File: 37 KB, 621x414, 324234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we know what propaganda you're deepthroating, but what's my propaganda? Are the "rightwingers" in the room with us? Do you feel threatened by those far-right extremists?

>> No.14708366

You're the one that seems to think wanting a lower population is inherently leftist because a few retarded billionaires have talked about it.

>> No.14708381

How the fuck are there too many people? Stores are stocked enough and I don't see people teeming in the countryside.

>> No.14708384
File: 10 KB, 277x182, 214123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're the one that seems to think wanting a lower population is inherently leftist
I never mentioned leftists, rightwingers or anything related ITT. So we know what propaganda you're deepthroating, but what's my propaganda? Are the "rightwingers" in the room with us? Do you feel threatened by those far-right extremists?

>> No.14708391

It wasn't even funny the first time.

>> No.14708396
File: 59 KB, 640x726, 1657215930469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a fellow Jewish citizen reveling in the second pearl harbor.

>> No.14708401

Why do you keep sperging off about left-right politics and right-wing boogeymen, and why can't you explain what "propaganda" I'm regurgtitating?

>> No.14708418

No, we're not even close.

>> No.14708422

Kek'd and saved, fellow right-winger.

>> No.14708425

The world isn't overpopulated - the third-world is overpopulated. Europe and North America are at or below replacement fertility.

>> No.14708427

>some regions are WAY overpopulated so others aren't overpopulated at all
Logic fail

>> No.14708428

So, what's your solution?

>> No.14708430

On your part.

>> No.14708431

If we were looking at the problem from the outside, watching some other animal species do what we are doing, there is only one outcome available. An animal that can eat anything and isn't kept in check will eventually eat everything, and then there is nothing to eat and the population collapses. That's what's going to happen, we're going to eat all the other animals that we can and drive a huge global extinction event that will show in the fossil records for all time. Our only out is creating a digital substrate to migrate to, leaving the planet for bugs and shit.

>> No.14708437

I do hope your owners give you the option to """upload your mind""" and kill yourself soon.

>> No.14708440

>Logic fail
But it is a localized problem.

>> No.14708444

Umm, no, sweaty. It means the world is overpopulated as a whole, and that means you should take responsibility and stop reproducing. >:(

>> No.14708445

>I absolutely love the hustle and bustle of the big city!!
>we need 300 million people or more in Canada :DD

>> No.14708448

Similar to how underpopulated deer are in Europe but how overpopulated they are in America?

>> No.14708450

Why do you pretend to be anything other than an urban bugman?

>> No.14708454

This again? Malthus has been debunked ad nauseum. Just do a little research anon, and get yourself out of the Malthusian death cult.

>> No.14708458

You're the one advocating for that kind of world.

>> No.14708461

>Doesn't understand how vast global surface area is

Pick up a book, anon. Stop watching television.

>> No.14708463

>You're the one advocating for that kind of world.
The only advocate for your owners to offer you the """mind upload""" option ASAP, but it should include mandatory euthanasia.

>> No.14708464 [DELETED] 

Instead of 1 & 0, you get +1 & +0.

>> No.14708466

Any evidence for your claims? No, of course not.

>> No.14708467

Those quotes are stupid, and they mark out your posts so that others have an easier time filtering out whatever dumb shit you're saying. You might as well be a tripfag. If you do decide to be a tripfag, might I suggest the name "smelly tampon disposal box?" I'd say it's a nice fit.

>> No.14708472

>Those quotes are stupid
Cry about it. So are you going to take your mind uploading + euthanasia package deal? You wouldn't want to miss out on virtual heaven, would you? I can guarantee you that your consciousness will be magically transferred into an inanimate object. :^)

>> No.14708473

>acts like I'm the schizo
>keeps referring to "owners"
You really need to get off the internet from time to time

>> No.14708478

So are you going to take your mind uploading + euthanasia package deal? You wouldn't want to miss out on virtual heaven, would you? I can guarantee you that your consciousness will be magically transferred into an inanimate object. :^)

>> No.14708479

It happened to 1840s Ireland desu. The country was too crowded so no wonder 35% of them died.

>> No.14708484

Pointless shitposter.

>> No.14708489
File: 392 KB, 640x478, d3523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It happened to 1840s Ireland desu. The country was too crowded so no wonder 35% of them died.
Slava Ukraini, friend. :^)

>> No.14708491

So you're rejecting virtual heaven? But why?

>> No.14708495

Your mind is small and has no large ideas in it. You're wearing blinders anon, look a few hundred years in the future. Imagine a technology that allows you to replace biological cells with mechanical ones, each neuron in your brain being replaced with a synthetic one that works the same but never breaks down. I'll never be immortal, and neither will you, but someday someone will. Does this make you angry? Will you turn away from the truth, burying your head in the sand because it feels good to be mad? If so I feel sorry for you.

>> No.14708497


>> No.14708500

Does imagining things make them real in your padded cell?

>> No.14708502
File: 343 KB, 1644x3840, Screenshot_20220728-231019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gonna balance itself out soon. Even sub Saharan Africa is rapidly defining in fertility. By 2050 it's gonna be at replacement level and then keep going down from there.

>> No.14708503

>few hundred years in the future
Nigga do you think George Washington envisioned the modern day state of America back in the 1770s?

>> No.14708504
File: 38 KB, 662x712, 52234234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, wait... You were serious?

>> No.14708505

>suggest the world is overpopulated
>poltards immediately react viscerally instead of having a discussion
You guys are worse than what you think you're fighting. Try to think for yourselves jesus fucking christ

>> No.14708506

you are a loser and your little faggot kids will be losers as well.

>> No.14708509
File: 555 KB, 820x913, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14708510

I unironically have no idea what political stance you are trying to get me to defend, or any idea what your second post implied. I genuinely have no clue.

>> No.14708512

Circle the most overpopulated areas on the world map and make a twitter post about it to own the poltards. :^)

>> No.14708515

What was the Great Famine in Ireland caused by?

>> No.14708516

Of course I know what they are. Why do you assume I don't?

>> No.14708517
File: 86 KB, 700x491, 1 C7Wfz69BXUymJW5rCkN5Kw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not that world is overpopulated, but it's that the technology, industrial output and the enabling legislative environment required to make the world more hospitable for modern world population and it's continued growth, are highly underutilized.

>> No.14708519


Not really.

>> No.14708520
File: 55 KB, 640x880, 3252343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't assume anything. Go show your friends on Twitter and Faceberg where the problem lies to own the poltards. :^)

>> No.14708523
File: 1.09 MB, 744x598, 90 billion people.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could fit 90 billion people in this circle. Give everyone a 35 square meter apartment

>> No.14708524
File: 210 KB, 941x1080, 3235243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty based, I'll give you that.

>> No.14708527

You are really fucking boring.

>> No.14708528

Overpopulation, putting all of their eggs in one basket, and England also being a dick and not giving food relief. Ireland had like 2.5x the population growth as England and Wales did from 1800 to the 1840s. Most of their calories came from just the potato, basically they put all their eggs in one basket. That being said, England could have done more.

>> No.14708533

So you mean to tell me you don't feel comfortable talking about overpopulation in real, practical terms? :^(

>> No.14708535

>Wildfire breaks out in California

>> No.14708537

OK, now run the numbers on cremating six million bodies

>> No.14708538

Of course I do. So can you stop the shitposting and trolling?

>> No.14708540

Oh. You're a mouth-breathing, imbecilic cretin. I thought you were joking, but I guess the striking irony of your analogy was unintentional. I didn't realize things were this bad in NPC world.

>> No.14708547

>Of course I do
Why? If you're so worried about it, shouldn't you raise public awareness of the issue?

>> No.14708550

>living in the fucking desert
Like half of this planet is completely uninhabitable. That's part of the problem.

>> No.14708552

Great argument.

>> No.14708559

They think it's a problem unless it's Asia or Africa. And if you say otherwise or point this out your a racist. Basically I agree with what you've been saying even though you for some reason assumed I didn't.

>> No.14708562

Great! Now show where those 90,000,000,000 people are going to get their water, their food, and the various minerals and elements we need for developed 21st lifestyle.

>> No.14708563
File: 300 KB, 1800x1377, california_agenda_30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wildfire breaks out in California
>turns out it was started by a global warming activist and its not a natural fire at all
there hasn't been a major western wildfire ascribable to legitimate natural causes in over 20 years

>> No.14708564
File: 17 KB, 326x293, 34234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you think I need to argue with you?

>> No.14708566

You won the argument.

>> No.14708569

not him but you're a retard

>> No.14708570

The massive fire is caused by people suppressing natural smaller fires. Too many people live around there.

>> No.14708571

I never intended to argue with you. I just thought you made a funny, but you just made a smelly.

>> No.14708575


>> No.14708578

Not him, but a retard is a person who posts like you.

>> No.14708583

Pretty sure you are him

>> No.14708595

So what is your solution to stopping these worldwide forest fires? How much of the Amazon have these California wildfires destroyed? How much of the Congo have they consumed? Are we in danger of not having any oxygen left to breathe!?

>> No.14708597

No, I'm actually the guy he's not... if that makes any sense. Anyway, drink your koolaid.

>> No.14708598 [DELETED] 

If the entire population of earth was in that circle, and the circle was one big city, the city would have population density of 0.000392 [math]\text{ppl}/km^{2}[/math] which would be even less than the population density of Russia.

And OP claims there is overpopulation in the world

>> No.14708607


>> No.14708615

Retards don't think about resources. Just land area.

>> No.14708620
File: 167 KB, 860x774, 352423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Great! Now show where those 90,000,000,000 people are going to get their water, their food, and the various minerals and elements we need for developed 21st lifestyle.
You're a 19th century Englishman. Show where 8 billion people are going to get their water, their food, and the various minerals and elements we need for developed 19th century lifestyle. I know that guy is trolling you, but it still seems like Malthusian morons just never learn.

>> No.14708626

Technological advancement is decelerating, bugman.

>> No.14708627

>read the second
part ten square km per person on earth with room to spare.

>> No.14708629


>> No.14708635

LOL. You're simply not sentient.

>> No.14708640

Woops I made a mistake in calculations. So, if the entire population of earth was crammed into a circle of [math]10^{6}[/math] meter radius, and the circle was one big city, the city would have population density of 2546.479 [math]\text{ppl}/km^{2}[/math] which would be equivalent to that of Istanbul. So theoretically the population could even be doubled if we just crammed 8 billion people into a huge city like that.

>> No.14708641

You think endless growth is possible let alone a good thing?

>> No.14708643

I guess I can't get it through your thick skull, but if you seriously think the human population on Earth could be 90,000,000,000 without suffering a massive, catastrophic decline in the standard of living, then you can't be saved.

>> No.14708644
File: 7 KB, 194x259, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everybody just has one kid, use contraceptive after that
>After that everybody has 2
>This applies to poor people and minorities too
Why is this a bad thing?

>> No.14708648

Nope, you're simply not sentient.

>> No.14708652


>> No.14708653

Why do you think, genuinely, that 90,000,000,000 people could call this planet their home and still live the lavish lifestyle of the average Westerner?

>> No.14708654

the rational solution to overpopulation is genocide. if you think the world is overpopulated how are you going to pick which people die and which live?

>> No.14708657

See >>14708620

>the lavish lifestyle of the average Westerner?
Anyone who utters a phrase like this needs to be slowly beaten to death.

>> No.14708658


>> No.14708661

Utopia retards

>> No.14708663
File: 211 KB, 1024x814, 1657311330194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IQ 110+
>or at least 8/10 attractiveness (attractive people are often smart too so there will be a big overlap)
Everybody else is sterilized.

>> No.14708666

Stewpid kapitolist pig-dogs and zher dekadent vays

>> No.14708665

So you openly admit to being subhuman? How many times will you fall for the same scam based around the same trivial fallacy?

>> No.14708668

>there hasn't been a major western wildfire ascribable to legitimate natural causes in over 20 years
global warming is a natural cause. humans are not removed from nature.

>> No.14708669

The fucks a utopia?

>> No.14708671

This answer is the only one possible, but I still feel like you're kicking the can down the road, and optimization can only go so far. There is only so much copper, iron, gold, silver, alumunium, coal, fresh water, arable land that the Earth has.

>> No.14708673

seems like that will disproportionately effect Africa and India, are you sure you aren't a racist?

>> No.14708674

You dumb, subhuman nigger... The answer is that nobody knows how many people the future can support. They didn't know all back when this Malthusian scam was invented, and they didn't know every step of the way until now, but there's always a mouth-breathing bugeater like you just begging, begging your handlers to get neutered. You should be killed to reduce overpopulation.

>> No.14708675

What fallacy is that?
>but look how much surface area the earth has :DDD we'll use science!!!!

>> No.14708677

When you get down to the atoms and quanta, its a matter of maintaining an equilibrium.

>> No.14708678

Damn this nigga MAD.

>> No.14708682

He really didn't like some lefty that stepped one his nuts then left him for a tranny or something. Kek

>> No.14708683

See >>14708674 and then hang yourself.

>> No.14708692
File: 252 KB, 960x1201, 792e2bd4-0001-0004-0000-000000522732_w960_r0.7993338884263114_fpx50_fpy52.71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>but look how much surface area the earth has :DDD we'll use science!!!!
Unironically could happen in the future but until then let's stop with the retard breeding programs

>> No.14708694

What don't you understand about TOO MANY FUCKING PEOPLE? It's not that hard dummy

>> No.14708696

What don't you understand about being the same mouth-breathing mongoloid asking to get neutered back in the 19th century?

>> No.14708700
File: 12 KB, 320x210, IQ-320x210.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The plan is to only neuter retards that being people like (you)

>> No.14708702

How are you going to go about sterilising more than 70% of the global population?
What do you think is going to happen when they realise that most of the people like them are going to get neutered? theyre going to fucking kill you because you are trying to genocide them

>> No.14708705

I don't understand because it's irrelevant gibberish. We haven't even started discussing solutions because you can't get past your irrational reaction to the fact that overpopulation might be a problem.

>> No.14708708
File: 219 KB, 483x470, 2344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nuh uh!! my handlers will not neuter me, they will neuter these other random people of similar social status because they shat all over me!

>> No.14708713

Look, just don't worry about it. "Overpopulation" is going to be the least of your problems soon because you are on the cull list even according to your own owners and programmers, so if your farmers don't dispose of you, I will.

>> No.14708714

You could pay people to not have kids for starters. Also see >>14708692

>> No.14708716

>He thinks /sci/ is serious
It's trolling, but I wish retarded people wielded enough self-restraint to not fuck like rabbits and ruin everything.


>> No.14708730

>People on this board SERIOUSLY think the Earth could hold 90,000,000,000 people and all their needs, wants, and material items, not to mention where they get their water from, or the food that they eat, or the copper in their house for their electrical wiring, or the aluminum made for their cars etc.

>> No.14708733
File: 74 KB, 1000x563, idiocracy+IQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Upper middle class
>Implying they need to be sterilized

>> No.14708737

paying people in the developed world to not have children is significantly less beneficial to your cause than going out into the undeveloped world and doing the same thing, and the moment you do that you will be shut down or murdered so good luck

>> No.14708744

you got trolled by one guy and then bludgeoned by another

>> No.14708755

>your farmers
Who are these people, in your mind.
Just curious.

>> No.14708759

>Who are these people, in your mind.
Look up who owns you, cattlebrain.

>> No.14708761

>Look up who owns you, cattlebrain.
That's not an answer, retard.

>> No.14708767

It's an answer to anyone who intelligent enough for google and some basic reading comprehension.

>> No.14708770

No one isn't, schizo dumbass.

Rich people
The gubmit
The supreme court or military industrial complex or something gay

>> No.14708772

I guess you're literally subhuman. Okay.

>> No.14708779
File: 52 KB, 612x612, 7545d43c-7f4f-4e87-a162-9dfd6ad0d898_1.720aa64adff1af70f302694613fb6819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to assume you suffer from terminal "political brain"
There is no official cure, but if you get of the internet but the symptoms can be managed by getting off the internet.

>> No.14708785

Not babysitting Africa and sealing them would be enough for the world population to start dropping.
Really it's not overpopulation i'm afraid of as much as the average person getting dumber. The average person is already dumb enough now imagine 5 billion Africans...

>> No.14708786

Sorry about your profound mental illness.

>> No.14708791


>> No.14708850

why did you type the same thing 4 times

>> No.14708869

Not him but there are 3 main power groups today fighting for hegemony. Sometimes their goals match so their form temporary alliances. Sometimes they're at odds so they engage in conflict.
>globalists (globohomo)
>eurasians (Russia and China)
>Muslim brotherhood

The only other groups of power, which are too disorganized to be called one, are the the christians (catholics and protestants) and the orthodox jews.

The only major powerhouses today opposing all the above three are the american conservatism (the people, their patriotism, etc.) and Israel (despite pol's disinformation, Israel indeed is an ally against the three powers https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2018/7/17/an-unlikely-union-israel-and-the-european-far-right )

>> No.14709041

clearly not because they are the sole advocates of depopulation and the reason you even believe all this shit

>> No.14709054

Id like to repopulate with Heather

>> No.14709075

Yeah im also waiting for this. Ill aim lower, when will the WEF just announce the target population levels? Lets get this over with

>> No.14709088

The super rich dont want money, they want to do things with the money. They want to use trillions of dollars to control and shape the world, on a hedonistic level no one cares about money after the first 100 million dollars.
Large populations are a threat to control and to the earth itself that the rich want to enjoy. They can rule over 300 million people and still have the same comforts but with more control

>> No.14709125

>on a hedonistic level no one cares about money after the first 100 million dollars
not actually true, materialistic people are never satisfied with the amount of money they have, they always want more, they're always worried about the economy (even a raise in milk prices disturbs them)

>> No.14709163

>problem is a mix of rigged jewed monopolized economy that cannot sustain humanity, associated with hardcore reforms to human culture by the jews that having kids and a family is no longer a desired goal...
This issue is more a political one than a scientific one

>> No.14709194

my moms basement may be lonesome but ur mums bedroom surely tips the scale towards overpopulation :^(

>> No.14709196

3 bn max
It was enough to create all of world history and to get us to the moon.

>> No.14709698 [DELETED] 


It would be if it weren't people like you being in the way.

>> No.14709705


It would be, but its difficult with pessimist cunts like you being in the way, and people thinking it it's cool to be a one.

>> No.14709784

There are just too many non-whites and since they are most useless its naturally to be concerned about them consuming resources since the world has a finite amount.

>> No.14709795
File: 76 KB, 600x809, 458fb4d5676c0e75459c382df4663592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14709799

> no u
COPE lmao

>> No.14709804
File: 94 KB, 1125x961, BuckleUP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the overpopulation on the planet is due to the turd world.

>> No.14710545

Believe what shit? If you were king of the earth with a population of ten thousand people, your life and your ability to do things, travel, taste, fuck, build, etc., would be far more limited than the life of an average US welfare recipient is today.

>> No.14710552

>you can give everone on earth 5en square km and still have land left over.
>8 billion people
>170 million square kilometers

>> No.14710698

Why would it be a good thing?

>> No.14711264
File: 48 KB, 596x576, ebola-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, anon... i know that with the rise of other seasonal waifus i am somehow out of the spotlight... but you truly understand that they're nothing compared to me... and you want only the best for me... i love it so much... i know that something like what you imagined won't be possible too soon... but still, it's so wonderful... SO wonderful... like in my most daring wet dreams... thank you anon... Ah!.. AAAAH!!

>> No.14711960

Yeah I'll believe that when you release a virus that kills only niggers

>> No.14711977

>where those 90,000,000,000 people are going to get their water, their food, and the various minerals and elements we need for developed 21st lifestyle
Underground, the ocean, etc

>> No.14713789

the US (((elite))) planned depopulation in their national security memos for the explicit reason that aging out and reducing a population makes them less likely to rebel

>> No.14714140
File: 115 KB, 1460x1220, Africa_Population_Growth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes there are too many niggers and indians
>No there are not enough whites

Black Africans will go from about 8% of world population to about 40% in less than 80 years.

>> No.14714169

you are a very angry little SJW bot aren't you?

>> No.14714175

>when will the WEF just announce the target population levels?
they have
it's 95% eliminated
you f*gs are way behind /pol/ as usual we knew this in 2012... because bill gates announced it himself on a ted talk

>> No.14715566

It's overpopulated with outsiders, people who aren't of my tribe, who do not share my blood, who are by design my enemies.That is the only real issue.

>> No.14715837

>Your mind is small and has no large ideas in it. You're wearing blinders anon, look a few hundred years in the future.
And then there are people like me who have evaluated what you blabber about a million years of their life, and are still blackpilled.

For starters:
- not known if you will just become a p-zombie as a Moravec cyborg. Perhaps carbon/bio neurons needed for qualia
- a digital subtrate -- even more questionable. Now there are a million other factors as well. What if e.g. geometry matters whether you are conscious?
- would you exchange 1000 years of digital paradise for 10 years of digital hell? Better hope never in your billion year life, you'll encounter adversarial actors.
- you are not immortal. Entropy.
- all collapses into the same outcome: being able to die without regrets. Can achieve that either in a digital upload -- or real life.

>> No.14715846
File: 75 KB, 795x431, Jacques Attali.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think the world is overpopulated get your boosters.

>> No.14717003 [DELETED] 


>> No.14717019

Overpopulated with old people, underpopulated with young people. Developed countries are soon going to be fucked with too many old people because their birthrates are so low

>> No.14717035

The truth is that a fuck ton of the world just doesnt need humans anymore. Yeah, sure you have the fast food restaurants with tons of shit job openings, but everything is automated to death now.

Wouldn't be surprised if in the next 10 years due to the worker shortage we see the rise of robotic cashiers, cooks, etc. Its inevitable really.

>> No.14717097

Modern birth rates in the west are the product of the past 100 years. That is to say economic processes over the past 100 years have rewarded having fewer children. It doesnt look like that's going to reverse any time soon, and in fact it's going to get worse.

>> No.14718626
File: 18 KB, 713x430, images - 2022-08-01T030833.745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't. How can tiny countries like Japan have almost the same population as Russia and still not that bad?