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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 50 KB, 500x500, 51gm9mY5uzL._SL500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14704100 No.14704100 [Reply] [Original]

Why is pedophilia not considered a sexual orientation but homosexuality is? It's considered a psychiatric disorder, but homosexuality used to be seen that way too. So what is the cut off point for an actual sexual orientation and a psychological sexual disorder?
>its brings distress to the person feeling it
Ok but isn't that only because it's shunned by society? If pedophiles were able to live freely, wouldn't they be much better? Cuz homosexuality used to be the same, society shunned it and it brought distress to individuals experiencing it. Now you can fuck other men if you want to be just fine. Is the cut off point for what is a sexual orientation arbitrary then? Does this prove that psychology is bullshit? Is psychology influenced by politics? Why is psychology considered scientific then?

>> No.14704114

Because supporters of sexual degeneracy are incapable of forming coherent thoughts.

>> No.14704150
File: 3.50 MB, 1x1, Johns Hopkins hire trans professor Allyn Walker who defended pedophiles as 'minor attracted persons' Daily Mail Online.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is pedophilia not considered a sexual orientation but homosexuality is?
Very good question. The reality of the situation is that there's been a lot of stigmatization and demonization of these people, largely by ignorant and bigoted elements of society, but also because many of the existing norms and standards are outdated and rooted in obsolete moral, political, and religious belief systems.

The reality is that there's nothing wrong with these people, and we shouldn't be thinking of them as "pedophiles". They're not "pedophiles", but rather minor attracted persons (MAPS). As scientists and experts begin to study these topics, our views are going to change on these issues, but that doesn't mean there wont be a lot of ignorant people stuck in the past who try to hold us back. There was actually a great news story about this recently. Really powerful and inspiring stuff. A bunch of right wing bigots got this professor fired for her work defending MAPS and arguing that they shouldn't be stigmatized. After her backwards shithole conservative university that nobody had ever heard of caved into the demand of the far-right mob and fired her, there was thankfully a huge outpouring of support from the journalistic and academic community in favor of free speech and academic freedom, and in the aftermath, the prestigious Johns Hopkins hired her to work at the Moore Center for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse. See this news segment on the story. https://youtu.be/LK0q5uSh-1s

>> No.14704165

Children are not emotionally or physically ready to have sex. There is a reason why there's such a stigma...

>> No.14704384

because the ability to have reliably have children is tied with age. so before the children come of age it is useless and only used for hedonistic practices. women the age is 16 before they can birth children safely. men is around 15. the age of majority is diffrent for different countries but should

>> No.14704412

>minor attracted persons (MAPS).
Is it just me or the term minor attracted person feels kind of weird and dehumanizing? They should be called Persons of Minor Attraction (PMAs) to put the person first.

>> No.14704433

OP kill yourself. Pedophilia is a mental disorder because only ill people would believe the things they (you) believe

>> No.14704451

>muh consent
What about incest between a man and his father or menopausal mother?
Both can consent.

>> No.14704456

Turns out this "professor" is a trannie and previously collaborated with a group that wants to normalise pedophilia.

Let me tell you something, I will literally behead pedophiles and subhuman trannies like you.

>> No.14704771

>people of colour = coloured people

>> No.14704835

of course that's because they're adults. and you can consent to killing yourself but you're probably mentally ill if you try to do it

>> No.14704842
File: 91 KB, 960x468, all homos are pedos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all homosexuals are pedos

>> No.14704846

I hope you kill yourself or are violently murdered.

>> No.14704914

>there is nothing wrong with pedophiles
Kill yourself, pedo. You're the literal worst stain on society that doesn't even warrant the designation of "human".

>> No.14704921

If pedos are so bad, why do you vote for them, why do you let them control every relevant institution of your society, and why will you cover up for them and actively defend them in your next post? You're a pedo. Your reply will prove this.

>> No.14704927

I don't do any of that shit, unlike you. Pedo. Kill yourself.

>> No.14704933

You're a normie and all normies are tacit pedo enablers, empirically speaking.

>> No.14704937

>Why is pedophilia not considered a sexual orientation but homosexuality is?
Because society did a blunder when it comes to gays.

>> No.14704949

t. footfag

>> No.14704955

They can consent yet it's still morally reprehensible so it's clearly not just consent that makes pedophillia a bad thing.

>> No.14704956

>Literal tranny (they/them) pedophile is awarded a postdoc at Johns Hopkins to prevent sexual abuse
Clown world. Things are going to get worse. A lot worse.

>> No.14704962

>It's the people who aren't pedophiles who permit pedophiles to exist, that's why I, a pedophile, am working so hard to defend pedophiles from these normal people
Kill yourself. You will never be normal. You will always be an outcast, and you will get your reckoning.

>> No.14704988

>t. pedo enabler

>> No.14705380

Because "psychiatric disorder" is pretty much defined as mental states which lead to behaviours that cause harm to one self or others. It's not even a scientific category, it's primarily societal. From that, homosexuality is acceptable because it's between consenting adults, but pedophila is not because it harms children.

>> No.14705432

By "pedos" you mean like real pedos or 30yo dudes banging 16yo chicks for a car ride?

>> No.14705457

That's what they say, a psychiatrist can say we are mentally ill if you look crazy, they can't even tell when I'm lying. Everything that causes harm is illegal, also infamous moves financially for example are illegal so everyone is happy.

>> No.14705499

The cutoff point is whether or not there's a cultural movement behind it. Fags are not normal, they have an incurable condition (like any other mental illness) that brings them distress, they alleviate it once the entire society bends around them to make room for them. Trannies are the same, allegedly their brain is fucked and only feel better when their delusion is congruent with reality, which implies social reform.

It's inevitable that pedos in the future will be following the trend. Some rich bastard will find it profitable to whore his daughter so he'll push politicians to allow some sort of certified cp of which he'll own the monopoly, it just takes to push the message to create the market.

>> No.14705507

Not the psychiatrist's job to judge whether you're lying or not, they're not forensics medics or criminologists, they are doctors like the one you go to ask pills when you feel a sore throat.

>> No.14705545

Do you zoomers pretend to be dumb or are dumb? Choose your pick.

>> No.14706812
File: 249 KB, 1074x666, CSDHC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the criteria for being recognized as "sexual orientation" is social acceptance. There are no real reasons to not include pedophilia as a sexual orientation, if you accept homosexuality as one.
Research shows that adults with a mental age of 8 are entirely capable of informed consent (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1300/J151v01n03_02#.UkxzORDl4ZU).).
The only reason children can't give consent, is because the government treats their consent as invalid.
There is not one single shred of evidence which links psychological trauma and involvement in a sexual relationship with an adult as a minor.

>> No.14706823

>The only reason children can't give consent, is because the government treats their consent as invalid.
Correct. Why should that change?

>> No.14706826

Why should governments restrict children's bodily autonomy and invalidate their consent just to appease people who hate pedophiles?

>> No.14706829

>Why should governments restrict children's bodily autonomy and invalidate their consent
Because that's what the parents want. Problem, pedo?

>> No.14706841
File: 189 KB, 524x488, Mapgymnastics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people invent an alternate reality and come up with all sorts of falsehoods to rationalize their hatred of pedophiles and children, but at least you admit you just want children to be enslaved by parents and the state.

>> No.14706844

You can trick kids into consenting to basically anything.

>> No.14706851

>arguing with a pedo instead of telling him he needs to be killed
This is why pedos have power. You act as if their degeneracy is some intellectual thing to discuss, and not some social disease that needs to be exterminated

>> No.14706852

>you just want children to be enslaved by parents and the state
No, I just want my children not to be used by vile scum like you. So do most people. Considering this fact, why does the law need to change?

>> No.14706855

>You can trick kids into consenting to basically anything.
This is completely moot. I don't want my children to be used by pedo trash. There is no scientific or rational discussion to be had about this, and the people who think that pedos need to be proven wrong should be hanged along with the child molesters.

>> No.14706856

because children can't consent, and there's an adult-child power dynamic that can be heavily abused, whereas two faggots can consent and there's not a power dynamic.

>> No.14706858
File: 20 KB, 320x324, glowie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replies on this thread

>> No.14706859
File: 180 KB, 597x606, Powerimbalance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you can't, you aren't going to trick a child of any age into engaging in something they don't enjoy, without their vocal objection. Read the study here >>14706812 Children beyond mid-prepubescence are entirely capable of "informed" consent, and the entire concept of informed consent is retarded to begin with.
Besides that, parents force and coerce children into doing things against their will all the time (including restricting their sexual freedoms), so your argument against adult-child sex is philosophically invalid.
Why do you think sex is some special case in which consent is disregarded?
>No, I just want my children not to be used by vile scum like you.
How does a mutual loving sexual relationship between an adult and a child equate to being "used by vile scum"?

>> No.14706861

>a mutual loving sexual relationship between an adult and a child
You can call it whatever you want, but normal people don't want their children to have sex with pedo trash like you, so why does the law need to change?

>> No.14706863

>people who think that pedos need to be proven wrong should be hanged along with the child molesters.

>> No.14706873
File: 303 KB, 736x559, FISGVfvXIAQZPum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normal people want their infant children to have their genitalia mutilated by doctors
>normal people want to physically abuse their children out of frustration and call it "discipline" post hoc rationalization
>normal people want to abandon their children in daycares
>normal people want to force their children to be raised by cat ladies in public schools
>normal people find it perfectly acceptable to exclusively feed their children junk food to the point of obesity
>normal people find it perfectly acceptable to guilt and shame their children for expressing their sexuality in a way which is totally natural and harmless
Seems normal people don't really care much for the best interests of children.

>> No.14706878

>normal people don't really care much for the best interests of children.
Okay, but they clearly don't want their children to be fucked by pedos, so why does the law need to change? Notice how you will churn out hundreds of deflection posts but you will never be able to address this question.

>> No.14706902
File: 304 KB, 1000x1020, CSA_Is_Similar(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read >>14706826
Age of consent laws should change because they are unjustified to begin with, they restrict the rights of children, they lead to unneeded involvement in legal proceedings, they provide impetus for forcing children into attending psychiatrist and therapist sessions where they are subjected to actual abuse, and they lead to the incarceration and persecution of pedosexual men.

By the way, pedophiles rarely penetrate children, and they regard non-penetrative sex as ideal, so they don't exactly want to "fuck" children.

>inb4 fuck what children say they should be enslaved by their parents and pedos are le bad

>> No.14706906

>Age of consent laws should change because they are unjustified to begin with
The vast majority of people don't want you to have sex with their children. How is a law that upholds the sensibilities and standards of the vast majority of the public "unjustified"?

>> No.14706911

low IQ wigger detected

>> No.14706914

Why are you chimping out? What should laws reflect, if not the values of the public?

>> No.14706922

You need to be hanged with the child molester you're engaging with. You're just as bad as he is since you give a soundboard for him to air his bullshit. Kill yourself.

>> No.14706923
File: 376 KB, 600x369, 06jonze-6000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The values of the public can change within 10 years, as was the case with acceptance for gay marraige.
Love wins :-)

>> No.14706925

>behaviours that cause harm to one self or others.
Which is what homosexuality does.

>> No.14706927

>The values of the public can change within 10 years
Okay, but right now the laws are clearly consistent with the values of the public, so why should they change?

>> No.14706928

Why not go move to Russia if you want to live in a shithole, reactionary, Christian theocracy that is still stuck in the fucking 19th century??

>> No.14706929

>you're engaging with
You sure are a drooling, subhuman, mouth-breathing mongoloid if that's what you make out of it.

>> No.14706932

What should laws reflect, if not the values of the public? Notice how you are forced to deflect.

>> No.14706934

Amazing that you have more hatred for me than you do for the pedophile. Think about that.

>> No.14706938

I unironically have more hatred for you, you mentally diseased mongoloid.

>> No.14706942

>I get less angry at pedophiles than I do at the people who express hatred for pedophiles
Your seething tells me you're a faggot in denial, and a pedophile in the making. I retract my former statement. You don't need to be hanged for engaging with a child molester. You need to be hanged for being a pedophile just like him.

>> No.14706944

Diseased subhuman.

>> No.14706964
File: 28 KB, 474x355, republican_ideology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're wasting you're time arguing with a paranoid delusional right wing schizo. There is no point in trying to discuss these things rationally with someone who quite literally believes in a international satanic pedophile conspiracy of democratic politicians who are supposedly sacrificing children to satan in order to bring about their global communist agenda.
These people are completely delusional. Anyone who disagrees with them is literally a satan worshipping pedophile who rapes and murders children. They can't argue with you rationally, so they have to create an absurd strawman conspiracy theory and attack that instead.

>> No.14706965

I don't know why you're addressing me like I'm your buddy. I would have you and your entire family executed extrajudicially. You are lower than a pedo in my book. You are the same thing as a /pol/drone, and you are operated by the same people.

>> No.14707000

>Why is pedophilia not considered a sexual orientation but homosexuality is?
I'll tell you what pedophile, do a practical experiment. Go outside with a camera and recording equipment and ask 100 members of the public (mothers and fathers) with their children and ask them this same question. Live stream it too. Go ahead. Post your results and conclusions on deathaddict.com. Because that's where you'll fucking end up.

>> No.14707008

He'd get the same reaction that you will get if you go try spreading your degenerate troonery in a Muslim country. You sure are fucking retarded.

>> No.14707013

Low quality bait, pedophile.

>> No.14707015

>and you are operated by the same people.
Who the deep state? The New World Order? the globalists? The Satan worshiping pedophile cabal?

Take your fucking meds, schizo.

>> No.14707025

People were posting this exact kind of shit on usenet in the early 90s. Tell me the slippery slope doesn't exist. When your idea of a good time is orgies and drugs, I don't trust you to think rationally.

>> No.14707029

High effort bait PagMan

>> No.14707035

Trick them into consenting to eat their veggies, if they don't like something they will let you know.

>> No.14707038
File: 25 KB, 269x215, 325234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who the deep state? The New World Order? the globalists? The Satan worshiping pedophile cabal?
This spergout expresses nothing except for your lack of sentience.

>> No.14707039

I thought it was clear enough that I don't support child-molesting homos and troons.

>> No.14707044

Literally the only reason is because of consensus that children can't consent.
The liberal agenda will bestow children with the ability to consent as part of their ongoing program to break-up the nuclear family, and at that point, pedophilia will be considered just another sexual orientation by the "experts."

>> No.14707046

>if not the values of the public
The values of tax paying landowners, and when it did, there was none of this AOC nonsense.

>> No.14707059

From my experience, older millennials will cringe at pedophilia, and anything older than that will feel white rage. But younger millennials and gen z are already apathetic with regard to pedophiles, thus within 50 years (barring a reactionary or neo-reactionary takeover) pedophilia will be legal on a federal level and people will be saying, about damn time.
"Progress" is funny.

>> No.14707067

>The values of tax paying landowners
"""Landowners""" should be tortured publicly, in the most brutal ways possible, along with their families before being hanged.

>> No.14707069

You are of no value to society commie, now line up against the wall.

>> No.14707073

"Commies" don't exist, and neither do "land owners", parasite.

>> No.14707080

Now, as I said, AGAINST THE WALL.

>> No.14707085

If you "own" land, how come I can kill you and take it?

>> No.14707086

you can see it playing out in real time.
it's funny how slippery slope is a "logical fallacy" in regards to progressivism but slippery slope is a dangerous reality when talking about fascism, lol.

>> No.14707095

>But younger millennials and gen z are already apathetic with regard to pedophiles
You're severely undermedicated. Millenials and zoomers will cancel you for looking at a 17 years and 364 day old child, you monster.

>> No.14707102

Nope, Second Amendment. Try, and you'll get holes in your chest faster than immediately after a communist revolution.
fascism=progressivism, progressivism has slippery slope built into the name.
Will cancel (you). Will allow tanyshqua and marupindi to do what they wish to your children.

>> No.14707103

You're agreeing with him you dumb fuck. Millennials will cancel you. GenX would publicly beat the shit out of you until you died (and justifiably so).

>> No.14707108

And also that's a very small per portion of actual millennials, who hivemind know what they are doing, the rest (at least bugmen citydwellers) are apathetic.

>> No.14707111

>GenX would publicly beat the shit out of you until you died
And zoomers will have government thugs throw you in prison, where you will get your rectum destroyed on the day daily by Bubba, for banging proper prime pussy.

>> No.14707115

A self-declared dysgenic, bootlicking subhuman like you will never pick up arms. You've already stated as muchu, numerous times, openly, in this very thread. All dysgenic cattle like you can do is sperg off against imaginary characters.

>> No.14707118

This is an anonymous image board anon, this thread has 28 posters, take your meds.

>> No.14707119

Under SJW ethical standard, a white 30 year old man cannot fuck a 17 year old girl, because they're exploiting their position of power in the relationship, but a trans 12 year old MtF is allowed to have sex with a 30 year old gay hispanic man, because that's just part of exploring their sexuality, and gay and trans kids are heckin' valid and they have the right to embrace and express their identity regardless of what the pedophobic neonazi chuds have to say.

>> No.14707123

You've already declared yourself to be a dysgenic, bootlicking subhuman licking your Jewish feudal lord's asshole. You will be removed along with your handlers, and so will the rest of your family. You have never fired a gun in your life.

>> No.14707126

Stop projecting your fetishes onto people on the internet, fag.

>> No.14707145

Stop spewing neo-fuedal shart through that loose spinchter of yours that you call a mouth. Commies don't exist but your owners do.

>> No.14707152

Let me guess. ADHD? You take Vyvanse? Burnout? Can't hold a job? Alcoholic?

>> No.14707176

You're lashing out at imaginary characters again just like your masters programmed you to. You will never have sentience. You will never human human rights. It will always be morally acceptable to strip you of everything you think you own.

>> No.14707182

Porn addiction. Final answer.

>> No.14707184

American corpokike conservatism sure is a delusional mental illness.

>> No.14707189
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>He can't stop winning.

>> No.14707241

>/Sci/ keeps falling for the most obvious bait
Come on guys, it isn't that goddamn hard.
Just filter out the jargon and look at what he's actually saying. You'll quickly notice that anon brought your attention to a pretty weird series of events.

>> No.14707243
File: 216 KB, 627x766, uhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rope for all

>> No.14707256

Anon messed up them pronouns know. Dr. Allyn goes by they/them.

>> No.14707259

why do americans confuse pedophilia with fucking an underage (and not pre-pubescent) person?

>> No.14707270

Because pretty much everywhere in America, the AOC is 18

>> No.14707281

ok? I was taught pedophiles were people attracted to pre pubescent children.
I literally can't understand why americans would call someone fucking a 15yo a pedophile

>> No.14707285

Both are clearly a psychological disorder with the latter stemming from abuse by the former.

>> No.14707286

So what? No pedophile would fuck a 17-year-old.

>> No.14707290

Homosexuality is a psychiatric disorder, we just have an ovett culture of compassion and freedom rather than good, logic, just etc. There is no difference between it and pedophilia. It's at best a genetic aberration, at worst a developmental and cognitive psychiatric disorder.

>> No.14707303

Theres no point arguing with them. They are obviously vile and everyone can see it.
By their own admission of beeing pedos i know i have nothing to gain by tellin them why they are wrong.
Likewise a judge will not tell a cannibal why its wrong to murder and eat people.
The judge will send him to jail.

>> No.14707313

>They are obviously vile and everyone can see it.
do you believei in God?

>> No.14707315

The only thing to gain here for me is to realize that, the more i listen to these pedos claiming to be just like the gays, the more i realize how dubious the moral claims of gay rights are to begin with.

>> No.14707324
File: 150 KB, 800x750, 1649798919312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you believei in God?

>> No.14707332

>how dubious the moral claims of gay rights are to begin with.
Correct. People tried to warn society but it didn't work.

>> No.14707345

I believe that your neck belongs in a noose you kidfucker.
You can try to argue any way you want. You repulse people. You repulse people because any sane person can see you are evil.
A more civilized society would be rid of you, hopefully your very antics will start the slow process of preparing society for the needed legislature of euthanasia for child molesters.

>> No.14707348

great, that explains your schizophrenia regarding thinking that people are either damned from birth or not and can't be "saved"

>> No.14707356

>why modern social science is driven from ideas instead of the actual reality?

people dont like questions that engage their cult

>> No.14707359

>Homosexuality is a psychiatric disorder
What's the clinical significance? Their entire suffering is induced by assholes like you. By the same logic you could say that blue eyes are a disorder if we bullied people with blue eyes.

>> No.14707365

If I'm schizophrenic, how come you're the one churning out psychotic and incongruent posts?

>> No.14707369

It's called projection. Just like climate change deniers accuse scientists of faking data for monetary profits like it weren't literally the thing oil corporations did and do.

>> No.14707371

Why are pedophiles inherently "vile"? Because you think "evil" people can't repent?

>> No.14707377

>but what about muh climate change deniers
Nice of you to keep broadcasting your mental illness so openly.

>> No.14707380

>Why are pedophiles inherently "vile"?
Why is anything inherently vile? Are you human? Do you have any human sensibilities?

>> No.14707389

you seem unable to answer this simple question: can pedophiles repent or is being a pedophile a permanent condition that makes you evil since birth?

>> No.14707393

Kys pedo. Nobody fucking cares about your definitions, kid fucker.

>> No.14707394

Can pedos stop wanting to fuck children without some kind of prolonged government program of intensive brainwashing?

>> No.14707415

why does it matter? if they can repent it doesn't matter by which means.
if to fix a broken leg a 12h surgical operation was required would you say someone with a broken leg is permanently crippled just because it can't be fixed with a bandage?

>> No.14707425

>why does it matter?
Because your Clockwork-Orange-tier insanity doesn't refute the fact that there's something innately wrong with the people who have to undergo it.

>> No.14707435

So you mean to tell me that you believe that people who have something "wrong" are evil?

>> No.14707437

I hope all the pedo fucks itt get caught by one of those retarded fucking predator catching youtube channels so your lives get ruined

>> No.14707439

You're the one who keeps sperging off about "evil", "repenting" etc. Just goes back to my point that you're the one being manifestly psychotic ITT.

>> No.14707444

I asked you if you were a christian and you said yes. You keep proving with every post that you have a retarded biblical view of what is and isn't evil.

>> No.14707446

>I asked you if you were a christian
You actually didn't. I feel like I'm talking to an actual mental patient. But even if I were a Christian, you're the only one ITT spering off about "evil", "repenting" etc.

>> No.14707451

if you approach the question scientifically then it's a mental disorder that we must research and find a cure for.
if you approeach the question religiously like a retard then you think there people are inherently vile and should be killed on sight and go to hell

>> No.14707454

You're missing one important part of letting pedophiles live freely, think harder faggot

>> No.14707460

>if you approach the question scientifically
What exactly do you think "the question" is?

>if you approeach the question religiously like a retard then you think there people are inherently vile
Most mentally sound people will readily tell you that pedos are inherently vile regardless of religiosity. You're openly psychotic at this point. I don't actually believe in any god. I just knew you will shit and piss all over yourself like this, and I wanted to illustrate it.

>> No.14707523

>you aren't going to trick a child of any age into engaging in something they don't enjoy
yes you can, it's easy
>be a catholic priest
>"Sorry kiddo, but you'll have to take it up the ass for me if you don't want to be damned to eternal torment."