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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14703989 No.14703989 [Reply] [Original]

top threads on /sci/ right now and all of them are /pol/-tier bait. No one discussing these "topics" is even somewhat knowledgeable, let alone has read a book on these topics. So what is the reason for that? Why doesn't anyone here research the topics that interest them anymore?

>> No.14704283

the sad state of this board, ruined by just a few highly committed individuals. The pattern is always the same
> boasting about IQ
> denying math fundamentals like infinity or infinite sets
> 12000 rpm spam
> Landau/Lifshitz spam
> occasional /pol/ influx
> stuck on basics of quantum physics
I was disappointed too back then, but then came to realize that I was expecting a discussion of meaningful science and math on 4chan. I was the fool for expecting such a thing, 4chan is just not the right place. Especially with containment boards living just next doors. Some few individuals try to keep the discussions going for real and sometimes you get to spin a good thread together, but the majority of anons here are just plain idiots either pretending to be smart or larping as mentally ill. You unironically have better chance on reddit or any other platform if you want to discuss math or any non-political topic, anyone disagreeing should just open the catalogue of /sci/ and judge for themselves.

>> No.14704290

>t. metaposter
why do you feel entitled to "good" content when you do nothing to prove high quality content yourself? where did you get the sense of entitlement?

>> No.14704296

Jannes are lazy and forgot one of the most fundamental unwritten rules of this site:
>Keep /pol/ in /pol/

>> No.14704303

>No one discussing these "topics" is even somewhat knowledgeable, let alone has read a book on these topics.
That's not true. I took several lectures on environmental physics in my undergrad studies and grad school and I occasionally discuss global heating with midwits in these threads.

>> No.14704306

you people are the one who give attention to these whores, effort threads never get more than 20-30 replies at a time but a soijak thread will literally be sitting at the top of the catalog

>> No.14704518

It’s mostly a bunch of high schoolers or undergrads who sit through one lecture then think they’re experts. That or /pol/tards looking for evidence to feed their confirmation bias. It’s a tedious board.

>> No.14704530

How many threads will you make today trannie?

>> No.14705420
File: 125 KB, 1024x1003, plebbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to plebbit where you belong, soi boy soientist.
Math and soience is made up garbage, no matter what your arrogance may have led you to believe.
How naive and ignorant can a man be to not believe that the current science will be false in a few years? Science is utter thrash and will never be anything but thrash.

>> No.14705455

That's all of the world wide web. Only 1% of the population has a PhD and only a fraction of this small percentage has an active internet presence. Your odds of finding a good science posts are slim.

>> No.14705466

You're expecting too much from the average 4chan-user and also believe, for some reason, that those who have PhDs and/or professionally studied topics are in any meaningful way intelligent enough to produce new knowledge. A conjecture that you have to prove first.

From time to time, random threads do pop up where more advanced stuff is discussed. One was about algebraic graph theory. The problem? OP, who has apparently actually studied the material, would go on to insult everyone who did not profess the same degree of knowledge about this particular subject. The thread quickly died.

>> No.14705471

post the threads you want to see or GTFO faggot

>> No.14705483

Can you knock it off with the constant "/pol/ is here!" threads? They're ten orders of magnitude more annoying that anything /pol/ is alleged to post here. Are you paid by some organization to shit post this crap here multiple times a day?
You want good /sci/ content? Then MOTHERFUCKING POST SOME instead of trying to get us to go brigade another board.

>> No.14705504

Better than being a snail eater, frog.

>> No.14705661


>> No.14705678

how much do my farts contribute to global warm-i mean global cool--i mean climate change :)

>> No.14705681
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I am studying French

>> No.14705684

this board has had moderation that is hostile to science since moot left

>> No.14705695
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Not an argument soientist.

>> No.14705703

>the current science will be false in a few years
Newtonian physics has been around for centuries and still works well for most things
trust the science, not the scientists
you just haven't learned to filter out what is bullshit and what isn't, so you angrily dismiss it all, like a petulant child throwing a temper tantrum

>> No.14705705
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False. Your cult of Lucifer is crashing down.

>> No.14705717
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Not an argument

>> No.14705733
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How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

>> No.14705737

Dear God it's the same guy, please take an IQ test I'm unironically begging you

>> No.14705743
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What's wrong, rabbi? Scared of the truth?

>> No.14705752
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>can only see false dichotomies
I don't like any of those groups either
you need to develop a more nuanced view of things anon

>> No.14705754
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You are just an useful idiot, a shabbos goyim, traitor to your christian country, just like so many brainwashed soientists, jabbed, clamped, hooked on drugs(aka meds).

>> No.14705762

> denying math fundamentals like infinity or infinite sets
> 12000 rpm spam
> Landau/Lifshitz spam
> stuck on basics of quantum physics
Can you link to the deboonking of these?

>> No.14705774

>christian country
sorry europoor, I'm in the good old USofA
our founding fathers, Washington, Jefferson, and Frankllin, weren't christcucks, they were deists

>> No.14705779
File: 19 KB, 800x450, poltard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why doesn't anyone here research the topics that interest them anymore?
Only incels, poltards, neonazis, conspiracy theorists, and schizophrenics "do their own research". I see you mention pol in your OP, and rightly so, but you yourself belong on pol if you think science is about "doing your own research". Leave the research to the experts. This is not a board for "doing our own research", and thats a good thing, because if it was, then we would have more schizos and poltards than we do already. This is a board for discussing the latest in science news, science YouTubers and podcasters, and the latest events in space, computers, engineering, astronomy, etc.
This is none some shitty board for morons to post and share their latest conspiracy theories about ivermectin or lockdowns or vaccines, or 9/11, or whatever the schizo research topic of the week happens to be.

>> No.14705782


>> No.14705785
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Aka Luciferians.

>> No.14705800

not arguments

>> No.14705810
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Not an argument rabbi, your science is nothing but kabbalistic garbage, scientists are professional liars who sell themselves to the highest bidder, something that comes from the mind of a man can never explain the laws of the universe.
You are full of pride, arrogance, ego, like most soientists.
Science is defined by scientists, and scientists are garbage so science is garbage as well.

>> No.14705927

I don't understand why you people complain about pol.
This entire site is pol
In fact, the only reason you are even on here right now is because of pol's outreach.
Don't pretend like it isn't true - you only heard about this site because of pol. Now you're here bitching that it isn't reddit.

>> No.14705929

this board is full of poltards. they post here to feel better about themselves. "look at me, i am on sci, i am not some dumb polak".

>> No.14705936

>only a fraction of this small percentage has an active internet presence
they may have an active presence but just not in places where their help is needed. i'd word this as "very few smart, educated people are willing to share their knowledge and educate others for free". so it is mostly the peak duning kruger shitters who pollute "scientific" boards.

>> No.14706078

yes, only mainstream propaganda from approved sources is allowed to be posted here. Any freelance propaganda and even just challenges to the mainstream narrative at all must be stomped out because we all know it was /pol/ that politicized everything not the cancerous aids that has that is academia, the media and corporations. stfu lemming

>> No.14706096

Then maybe it's time for you to leave /science/, tranny

>> No.14706101
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>> No.14706148 [DELETED] 
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I still browse 4chan

but I stopped posting a long time ago.

you know what you should be doing if you are smart and its not this.

>> No.14706158

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself

>> No.14706175 [DELETED] 

I'll talk to you. What concerns you friend?

>> No.14706379
File: 183 KB, 483x470, 1658989616656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There he is, there he goes again. The meta poster. With an unwarranted attitude of entitlement he opens /sci/ in his browser. Today - he decided - it is /sci/'s obligation to entertain him. But what's this?? People on /sci/ are talking about topics he doesn't like!!! This is morally wrong! This is not supposed to happen at all! The meta poster is raging furiously. You guys are supposed to make content he enjoys. Seethingly he types his meta thread. That'll show 'em. This thread will improve the quality of /sci/ forever. No more uninteresting threads for him. Today a new era of highest quality entertainment perfectly selected to match OP' taste will begin on /sci/. Even in 100 years we will look back to this meta thread and thank OP for his heroic work of changing the course of this board to the better.

>> No.14706423

Post 2016 /pol/tards discovered the board and come here because they hate science and think it's part of the left.

>> No.14706427

Science has nothing to do with politics, stop looking at political articles about science, retard.

>> No.14706433
File: 19 KB, 251x251, Hmmmmm...jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain political science then.

>> No.14706436
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Of course scientists and overeducated people are part of the left, they hate God, they think think Lucifer is the "good guy" that was right to give Adam and Eve the fruit of knowledge.
This world would be better off without scientists and intellectuals(as well as their financers, the jews).

>> No.14706438

You contribute nothing to this board, you're worthless trash.

>> No.14706439

You'll also never be an engineer or scientist.

>> No.14706455 [DELETED] 
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Oy vey

>> No.14706460

you forgot
>replication crisis
which are bullshit too. this board is the lowest quality board i lurk.

>> No.14706468
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Go do some real work, lab monkey drunk with soi.

>> No.14706475

replication crisis is real. i was trying to say that those topics are worthless, no new ideas emerge there, it's always the same

>> No.14706483
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As long as you admit science is garbage disconnected from reality, you are good.

>> No.14706486

Zero, but they are a major factor for your involuntary celibacy.

>> No.14706674


>> No.14706715

>Landau/Lifshitz Spam

Why would anyone consider this spam? It is established physics.

>> No.14706759

Engels wasn't Jewish
Not jews. In fact, Orthodox Jews don't even allow women to pray where they pray.
Not a general thing and where it is, it's former Christians. Also it's a good thing when it happens
>behind a one world government
Doesn't exist
>divide and conquer
Romans, not Jews. The Jews were the ones getting conquered
>race baiter, slave trader
Slave traders were the Africans catching and selling them as well as the French and British buying them. Not related to Judaism
Too broad topic, so not Jews
>dual citizen
What's that even supposed to mean? You get kids dual citizenship when you marry someone from elsewhere, doesn't sound very Jewish to me
>daughter has low self esteem
That's on you
>fed, wallstreet
>open borders
They built a wall
They run around with guns in Israel
>unregulated nuclear international terrorist
You mean the USA? Russia?

tl;dr: take your meds.

>> No.14706789
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What's wrong, Moshe? Scared of the truth?

>> No.14706848

People like op aren't scientists.

>> No.14706947 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14706955

There's nothing wrong with consciousness discussion. It's a very deep and intellectual topic.

>> No.14706967

>There's nothing wrong with consciousness discussion
Consciousness is not science-related.

>> No.14706977

Philosophy is a science.

>> No.14706979


>> No.14706981

is not even well defined. nothing to discuss. is a midwit topic worthless to think about, interesting exclusively for big brains wannabes

>> No.14706984

Wow, you're really trying to steal the titlte of the re-writer of history that you just gave the Jews.
Thanks for underlining the number 40 three times. I think it is really necessary for /pol/tards who don't get the message despite the antisemitic caricatures. Would not have been necessary here.
>It occurs 1.4 times more frequently in males than females
So ... are you making the same meme about men now?
In case you didn't know: 1.4 times more is the same as 40% more.

>> No.14706990

A property of the brain (consciousness) is pretty much related to neuroscience if nothing else.

Worthless talentless non genius college kiddie trash

>> No.14706994

Most accurate post on /sci/ right now

>> No.14707001

>A property of the brain (consciousness)
This is a non-scientific claim.

>> No.14707016
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>> No.14707026

>Doctor Anon, this patient lost his consciousness! Quick, we need your help.
>Not my problem. I'm a scientist, not a philosopher.

>> No.14707033

Completely irrelevant conflation of terms. You're only demonstrating why this is a non-scientific discussion, so keep it up.

>> No.14707041

How is it a conflation of terms?

>> No.14707047

When someone says "X has lost consciousness" they're not asserting that the brain is the source of consciousness, you dumb bot. They're saying X needs medical attention. Kill yourself.

>> No.14707050

No it's not you dumbfuck. Your consciousness is not special, it's completely biological like the rest of you. Stupid superstitious retard.

>> No.14707052

Did you ever experience anesthesia? It's not just your body going to sleep. Your mind equally goes to sleep. So yes, you're literally "losing" your consciousness.

>> No.14707053

>it's not
Then you should have a testable hypothesis for it. You don't. It's not science. You're just mentally ill and botlike.

>> No.14707057

Kys retard. You are the shtistain that's managed to kill this board

>> No.14707058

>Did you ever experience anesthesia?
Yes and my point still stands completely undisputed. Losing consciousness in a medical context has no bearing on the question of how consciousness comes to be, you actual retard.

>> No.14707061

Still not seeing any testable hypothesis in your post. lol

>> No.14707088

It clearly shows that consciousness requires a functioning brain.

>> No.14707105

>It clearly shows that consciousness requires a functioning brain.
At most, it shows that consciousness requires a functioning brain to express itself through a particular body, in the form of an individual. This doesn't say anything about where it comes from and the medics treating your cancerous brain tumor don't care about it.

>> No.14707402

other way around

>> No.14707413

Spamming /sci/ with how much of a brainlet Landau supposedly is due to getting filtered by his elliptic style is the very definition of shitposting. Here's one of the fag's threads >>/sci/thread/S14571673

>> No.14707455

I don't mind shit threads, you can just ignore them. What I mind is autists shitting up threads that would otherwise have serious (but slow) discussion. I think IDs would help somewhat desu although I can see how they are against the spirit of /sci/.

>> No.14707464
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I've spent years trying to communicate with the mongrels. Few of them speak anything beyond 128-character niggertongue as seen on twitter. Few of them can read, and even fewer are willing to do so.

Even attempting to be "intelligent" is incredibly exhausting to the point of feeling futile. You just feel like you're wasting your time trying to communicate with people, and you eventually just give up.

The only people who bother to write things are generally inocherent assholes trying to spew some screed, and even when I believe to be holding myself to a higher standard The only guy who isn't writing in 128-character chatroom style phoneposts is the schizo bastard who thinks screaming into the pillow of 4chan will somehow stop him from being assfucked by his owners.

Lots of bad faith people. Lots of anger. Lots of negativity. All of this is what the youth have been conditioned to behave like for the past 10+ years. There's little civility any more, since the state realized after Occupy Wall Street that there was much more stability when the peasants attacked each other rather than the establishment.

I write empirical arguments as well as gay smut. The empirical articles max out at 20 views, while gay smut gets 1,000+. There's no audience for the intelligent people, because everyone who is intelligent understands there's nothing to be gained by being intelligent. The only gains are in pandering to the people with money and power, and if you refuse to do that, the second you threaten the desired ends of the powers that be, you find yourself on the receiving end of those powers.

People are also stupid as shit. Pic related. Think about the IQ distribution. Ever since poor people and colored people were given the internet via the smartphone, the internet has been collapsing. This massive influx of low quality people has ruined every corner of the internet, and 4chan just attracts a special breed of loser that is ostracized by society.

>> No.14707473
File: 1.44 MB, 2400x3000, MobocracyArticle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an argument about how the low quality people establish a mobocracy, and those who are weak-willed and seek social approval will then emulate the behavior of the subhumans who shout the loudest because the weak-willed are so sensitive to criticism and desire approval from other people.

>> No.14707487

it always was shit

>> No.14707501

>Of this population, only 36% can read at the 6th to 8th grade level, 34% more can only read and write at a 4th to 5th grade level. Despite this illiteracy, these people comprise the democratic majority of 70% of the Population, with a further 18% of American society reading at or below 3d grade level.
Don't these grades start at 5 or 6? Are they seriously this dumb?

>> No.14707515

Which is funny because Landau is the brain of the two. If they started bashing Lifshitz, I'd at least partly get it. One of my profs used to say that Landau/Lifshitz doesn't contain a single word of Landau and not a single idea of Lifshitz.