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File: 76 KB, 1024x804, 0h6661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14705872 No.14705872 [Reply] [Original]

can the scientific field of developmental psychology answer this?

>> No.14706137
File: 41 KB, 569x593, 1656302156832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, children are not sufficiently developed to understand implications of their actions and plan ahead
they also lack crucial information for handling displays of sexuality
exposing them to sexuality primes them for pathologies

child abuse by lgbtqia and leftists is rampant, however there are no clinical studies where kids are exposed to sexual stimuli and long term effects of that are measured
reasons are practical: this would take an exorbitant amount of time, money and would also harm the children
this study would never pass infront of an ethics Committes

>> No.14706191


>> No.14706219

Richard Spencer turned out to be such a faggot cuck

>> No.14706230


>> No.14706232
File: 1.79 MB, 1668x2048, PedophileCreature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone actually articulate why drag queen faggots and trannies want unquestioned direct access to children?

>> No.14706241

Can someone actually articulate the "harm" a child experiences when taught to pray at school?

>> No.14706261

Sure, but its simply common sense rather than any necessary academic 'expertise".
Its about normalizing aberrant behavior. Do they go in just looking like normal woman ( if they could pass ) and just read a book? No. Its about being a drag queen, being an obvious transsexual. The message they are sending to children is this:
"Look, its perfectly okay for me as a biological male to assume the gender role of a woman, your guardians and parents are completely fine with it, there is no reason for you to avoid close social contact with me!"

Now implied among all this is the following message to the boys: "Its perfectly okay for you boys to grow up and have sex with me because its all perfectly normal and everyone approves. You will have anal sex with a man pretending to be a woman and therefore become infected with the parasites that altered my brain chemistry and turned me into the parasite controlled zombie that I am today!"

Likewise the message to the girls is similar "If you have children then you must endorse your male children having sex with other males because it perfectly fine, normal and healthy!"

That's really all there is to it. Don't look for more complicated answers when the simple explanation is the correct one.

>> No.14706263

it normalizes haraam and degenerate behavior. Not just for children but for everyone.

>> No.14706267

Being gay or trans doesnt mean they were harmed. You are twisting the meaning of "harm" to make something out of nothing

>> No.14706272

Sir, this is a science board. We are not interested in what your imaginary friend thinks

>> No.14706285
File: 32 KB, 537x480, Gay_pedophile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a Gay initiation ritual, where children are exposed to these perverse creatures, to affirm Gay pedophile sex.


>> No.14706295

>that trans person exists
>they state they are trans and read to children
>this means they want to have sex with me

If thats your way of thinking, it says more about you than them

>> No.14706296

Yeah I know you only care about what Jews sitting in the high castle have to dictate. Taking your children to gay initiation rituals is the latest piece of science.

>> No.14706303
File: 1.06 MB, 1705x2048, ChildAbuse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do these trannies want to read to children so bad? Is that part of their sexuality too?

>> No.14706316

>Being gay or trans doesnt mean they were harmed
you are retarded
you didnt read
and you clearly didnt understand

kill yourself pedophile apologist

>> No.14706317

Yeah the jews sure love the gays, with how their book says they should be put to death.

A majority of them dont. If they were there would be a trans reader in every classroom with a waiting list. A normal person might say the ones who read to them do it so the children dont grow up to be afraid of them like you are. They also could have been invited. Its not like they are just showing up as reading circle starts like "i got this one, teacher."

>> No.14706325

I did read. The only thing you could have meant is that "if they are exposed to gay they will be gay." If you are interested in the same sex after being exposed to someone whos gay, you were gay all along.

>> No.14706328

Sure and if you cough after being exposed to someone with a respiratory infections, you were sick all along.

>> No.14706333

being "trans" = you should be put down on site or locked up for life with jesuses, napoleons and other delusional lunatics

>> No.14706335

You should look up the rates of sexual abuse during childhood in the LGBT community. It’s staggering. Upwards of 40% and those are just the ones who admit that it happened to them.

>> No.14706339

Sexual urges arent caused by infectious agents, though. A very unconvincing comparison. Also still assumes being gay is harmful, which is false.

>> No.14706341

Sexuality, and specially sexual deviations are not for the mind of the young, in any earthly animal that has ever existed, why the fuck theyre trying to show what a trans person is/means to a kid 5-8yo is beyond me when that kid shouldnt even worry about kissing another kid till he is 13ish yo. I repeat: sexuality and specially sexual deviations are not for the young, if you think otherwise youre a fucking degenerate with some (conscious or subconscious) idea/plan you want to achieve, like lowering the barrier to pedophilism, and that ofc deserves fucking death. Trying to induce sexuality to the children is a despicable, deplorable, degenerate, evil act, and its consequences for the children (abnormal psyche growth) are enuff to warrant capital death to any1 trying to impose such ideas.

>> No.14706342

>If they were there would be a trans reader in every classroom with a waiting list
Are you really this gaslit? Trans people make up less than 1% of the population.

>> No.14706344

We can't really make a study in which we gonna mentally harass little kids, however we have existing cases of children with traumas and they all have similar stories about being exposed to graphical sexuality, violence and/or being sexually harassed. Then you do 2+2

>> No.14706345

Ask all the gay men in their 40s who have to wear diapers, or any of the people with STDs that transmit at an exponentially higher rate than the heterosexual population. AIDS and monkey pox comes to mind.

>> No.14706349

>Timmy I just don't want you to be afraid of people like me
>Now put down those pants Timmy, you be my good boy

>> No.14706352

Then why do people with worms, parasites, and other infections agents show heightened promiscuous?

>> No.14706353

Jews love gay sex for the goyim. Just read about history of LGBT agitation in US, it's all Jews, even now all the major promoters And donors towards transgender cause are mostly Jews, Child rape and abuse is pretty rampant among Jews as far as I know.

Yeah I am sure the children who got raped and videotaped naked by hairy drag queens are no longer afraid of them, some of them got scarred for life, others got initiated into sterility. That's how this works. Faggotry spreads via abuse. Exposure to extreme visual stimuli is abuse, exposing children to pornography and illicit nudity is one the ways used by pedophiles to subvert children.

>> No.14706354

1% is 1 in a hundred. That is a lot of people when you have populations in the millions.

>the other delusional lunatics
Like yourself?

Correlation does not mean causation. Statistics are easily manipulated to fool the weak minded

>> No.14706356

Its form of propaganda, kind of shock therapy, pedophiles use porn to stimulate And shock kids before raping them, this is exactly why porn is bad, children as young as 6-7 year of age come into contact with pornography via internet, and get addicted to it.

The purpose of porn is of course to sterilise them, they become basement dwelling incel coomers because of porn, and are unable to form actual relationships later on.

>> No.14706357

One of the things you learn as a salesman is that if you're selling something, someone's buying it. It doesn't matter how stupid your product is. If your selling, someone's buying.
When subjecting people, and children who are far more impressionable, to degeneracy, some of them are going to get the idea that it's good, and they never would have gotten such a stupid idea if the salesman had never come around.

>> No.14706360

The statistic of 1% transgenders is actually fake, and is cooked by some lunatic gender theorist who counted conditions that aren't actually considered intersex clinically.

> correlation does not

>> No.14706363

Ok now what percentage of those trans people consider themselves “Drag Queens”. Yes I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that every gay person you will ever talk to was molested or fucked by an queer adult before turning 18.

>> No.14706364

(Citation needed)
Straw man
There are other factors than just being gay though. Without the risk of pregnancy, it takes an inhibition out of the picture. It also makes condoms less necessary. Now the diapers part might make it harmful, but it doesnt mean they had to be told they were gay or whatever it is you think gay people are doing.
Libido is a strange thing. Men are more likely to take risky choices when aroused. Perhaps there is a mechanism where the body makes an attempt to spread its seed when threatened. Doesnt make gay contagious.

>> No.14706365

> (citation needed)
Use internet, show me the peer reviewed study that trannies should have unquestioned direct access to children while you are at it.

>> No.14706367

>Doesnt make gay contagious.
How else do you think it spreads if not by kids getting molested, why were so many gay men victims of gay men in their youth?

>> No.14706371

Im coping by understanding statistics dont exist in a vaccuum.

Ive worked with 5 transgender people over the last year. None of them wanted anything to do with children, schools, or spreading transness. They didnt really want to talk about it, they just wanted to do their job and go home. You know, like how people act

>> No.14706372

>1% is 1 in a hundred.
How does that lead to waiting lists?
How many hundreds of kids do you think are lining up at a time to listen to drag queens?

>> No.14706375
File: 66 KB, 498x679, Evilsubhumans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 5
Yeah in statistics that's considered a small dataset.

> Federal prosecutors claim Alden M. Bunag sent illicit pictures and video to another teacher on the mainland and admitted to sex with a 13-year-old male student.

>> No.14706385

In this thread alone there are 4 examples of pedophile trannie/faggots and i am sure if you actually tried looking up you will find more, so your muh 5 good trannies argument is bs, Also I don't think trannie pedophiles go around telling everyone what they actually do, so you never know.

>> No.14706387

No one is claiming that.
Statistics dont exist by themselves. Gay kids might be more vulnerable to pedos or something. Frankly, your claim is disputed pretty heavily anyway, and i dont know if it is true or not
1 is a smaller sample
How many classes do you think have books read to them? Maybe up to 6th grade, but we were expected to read to ourselves after 3rd grade.
And how many straight pedos are there? Do they make little girls into lesbians somehow, or does getting molested by a man make girls less likely to be gay?

>> No.14706397

>Statistics dont exist by themselves.

>How many classes do you think have books read to them?
Drag story hours usually happen at public libraries, not just in classrooms.

>does getting molested by a man make girls less likely to be gay?
It gives them daddy issues and a constant need for older male approval.

>> No.14706409

Most pedos are actually homosexuals who prey on young boys, and even if a straight pedo rapes a girl, that doesn't make her gay obviously, but the abuse causes lifelong trauma, this is some low IQ unrelated whataboutism btw, you can read about longterm affects of pedophile abuse on children in quite detail just by searching on internet.

>> No.14706421

Behaviour is 100% genetic.
Don't argue with demons, just kill them.

>> No.14706425
File: 221 KB, 961x944, 1629474609260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>groom them into the gender ideology movement, leading to mental illness, sterilization, and general degeneracy
>disturbing number of the "drag queen story hour" people turn out to be pedos

If you couldn't tell Spencer was a glowie from day one I don't know what to tell you. No one in the world could be that consistently counterproductive and remain in prominence for that long unless he was being propped up.

>> No.14706428

>thrashes around in denial
The hard truth hurts you sick fucks.

>> No.14706434

Genetic expression is at least 50% epigenetic and can change at any time.

>> No.14706441

Hmm, I don't actually know if exposing children to fags harms them. Does exposing them to violence harm them, in the right context? I'm not sure, but the answer is the same.

>> No.14706445

>like youraelf
I'm not a man who thinks he's a woman, you sick degenerate scum

>> No.14706447

Epigenetics are 100% genetic.

>> No.14706454

No epigenetic are a response to external behaviors and environmental effects, not exclusively internal genetics.

>> No.14706459

Epigenetics are 100% genetic.
Pilpul works on maznipulating the goylem, it doesn't actually change Reality, retarded demon.

>> No.14706467

No, epigenetics is just as much environmental and behaviorally modified as it is determined by your genes.
Why would they say epigenetics instead of genetics if it is 100% the exact same thing?

>> No.14706515

Homosexuality develops out of homosexual abuse as a child. Read a bunch of early life articles of gay people, insdvertedly youll find the child diddler somewhere even if the gay man considers it to be a good thing later in his life.
Homosexuality is just a symptom of beeing abused as a child.

>> No.14706523

>gay kids might be more vulnerable
No such thing. Kids dont have sexual orientations.
And lmao even if lets say they are genetically predisposed to be gay, in what way would that make them more vulnerable? Prior to puberty how would there be a difference?
I think youre implying „gay“ kids „seek out“ adult men. In which case i think you might just be a pedo

>> No.14706614

>Why would they say epigenetics instead of genetics if it is 100% the exact same thing?
More grants.

>> No.14706621

Grants are based on experiments, not using certain words.

>> No.14706622
File: 381 KB, 2544x4000, 2342532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've already forfeited you children's wellbeing when you've made it the norm that you have to plead and beg and reason and prove to these people that your children shouldn't be exposed to child-moslesting creeps. You think you're going to out-argue them if only you come up with a compelling enough heckin' argumentinooo? You think society runs on muh heckin' scientinooos and rationarinooos? You forfeit. They automatically win any """debate""" because rationality doesn't exist.

>> No.14706696

Strategic thinker detected.

>> No.14706700

So I already won this argument before you even replied?
Good for me and thanks for proving how much you suck.

>> No.14706709

>So I already won this argument before you even replied?
You didn't win anything, cattlebrain, and there was never any real argument.

>> No.14706718

That sounds like an attempt at being rational, I just won again since you clearly forfeited and automatically lose.

>> No.14706719

>bro, smoking is bad for you
>New statistics come out
>told you bro

>bro, grooming children is bad
>New statistics come out
>told you bro

You can just use your brain/common sense and decide when stuff is harmful, you don't have to wait for almighty R to tell you.

>> No.14706721

>I just won again
You don't even figure into it as an individual. You're part of a brainwashed mass and your opinions are purely circumstantial.

>> No.14706722

Cool story, bro, but you just automatically lost again by trying to give reasons and I just won three in a row, I am on fire.

>> No.14706723

We've entered the age of swift decline now. The previous 70 years was a slow decline, but now it's going to hit rock bottom very soon. Good thing is you only need 1 generation to fix society, degenerates will be purged, homeless will be purged, women will be put back in the home. You can only poke the beast so many times.

>> No.14706725

Homeless people have been around since before Plato's time, what makes you think it can be fixed in one generation?

>> No.14706726

I'm not even really talking to you, drone. Feel free to keep posting vacuous shart and giving me an excuse to elaborate on why you are not a party in any conversation.

>> No.14706731

I am getting pretty tired of all this winning, do you really want to lose more?

>> No.14706736

You will never be human. :^)

>> No.14706741

Woe is me I will not be filled with shit while losing all the arguments like you.

>> No.14706742

>it thinks i'm having arguments with it
See >>14706736

>> No.14706745
File: 167 KB, 819x1227, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bong here. Men in drag were considered standard children's entertainment when I was a lad.
Oddly enough, it did not make me think about anal sex. I think my reaction was more along the lines of
>haha, look at the funny man in a dress

>> No.14706746
File: 144 KB, 988x1059, 235243423236236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Men in drag were considered standard children's entertainment when I was a lad.
Sounds like a concession to me.

>> No.14706749

Pretty sure that's supposed to be a Joker but keep the gaslighting on smug retard.

>> No.14706750

Whatever you need to tell yourself to cope and seethe at your constant losing.

>> No.14706753

Can anyone articulate the "benefit"?

>> No.14706760

See >>14706736

>> No.14706761
File: 140 KB, 720x1080, Photo-credit-NickRaponi-Jeffrey-Longmore-as-Widow-Twankey-Preston-Panto-2017-e1513620159344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pretty sure that's supposed to be a Joker
It's a Dame. It's a pantomime tradition. They put these plays on for kids every Christmas and, by tradition, one character is always a guy in a dress. Often it's supposed to be the mother or guardian of the main character.

>> No.14706762
File: 47 KB, 646x475, Pride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, your children get initiated into the cult of gay sex, it's basically a light shock therapy.

>> No.14706765

This sums up so much else. Anytime you find anyone arguing against irrationality it just sums up how the battle was already lost. Simply because there shouldn't be any argument in the first place. The monsters rode in and thrived, protected by the tolerance that decent rational people fought and died for. The mistake of the rational people was thinking that everyone else would be rational. Their mistake was not exterminating the monsters. Now the monsters will bring down everything that was achieved, ironic since it will also result in their own extermination, but not before they do irreparable damage to civilization.

>> No.14706768

>The mistake of the rational people was thinking that everyone else would be rational.
Setting yourself up like that in the name of a delusional ideal sure sounds rational to me. :|

>> No.14706769

You are the one with the malfunctioning memory, I already responded to that post when I won earlier.

>> No.14706771

You think if you respond to me a dozen more times, you will look less asshurt over the truth of my first post? Your own niggerlike behavior proves me right every time anew. Keep it up. :^)

>> No.14706773

Yes, children will see mentally ill sexual perverts as being normal. This makes it easier for them to be anally penetrated and filled up with the mind controlling parasites that turns otherwise normal healthy people into sick degenerate freaks.

>> No.14706778

As I already said you exactly know the difference between that and the actual drag queen story hour, but keep on doing the gaslighting act. In next few posts you are gonna claim that kids who played opposite sex characters in school play were actually trans.

>> No.14706779

I am embracing your first post though since it means I automatically win and you lose, you are the one seething about your repeated losses since you can't take the L given you are too accustomed to taking the D instead, fag.

>> No.14706780

I don't care if they are extremely religious and make us all amish. I don't care if they are athiest materialists marching the dialectic forward through the great struggles of land reform. I don't care if it is a banker facade to destabilize the nation. I will vote for any party with the agenda to silence and kill you.

>> No.14706783

You sure are stupid. I don't disagree with you about fags. I'm just pointing out the absurdity of calling losers who set themselves up for failure in the name of rationality "rational".

>> No.14706788

This lmao, I am in support of Genocide - The ultimate problem solver.

>> No.14706792

>Gays, feminists and other sick liberal degenerates destroy white western nations
>Countries get flooded by ultra conservative third world immigrants.
>Drives white conservatives to extinction
>Country become Muslim majority, enacts shariah law
>Throws you sick fucks off the top of buildings
The country is forever lost but justice is done.

>> No.14706799

>i am mentally ill
Just like your troon worshipping counterparts. /pol/drones should be killed along with their left-wing equivalents.

>> No.14706805

>haha, look at the funny man in a dress
Isn't that a hate crime now in the UK?

>> No.14706807

Given that our countries are already irretrievably lost the knowledge that this will be the fate of the traitors is satisfying. It would be funny to see them screech about tolerance and equality while they are being dragged up the steps to the top. I wonder if they will be squealing about the correct use of their pronouns as they hurtle towards the concrete below, lol.

>> No.14706809

>faced with the harsh truth he thrashes about impotently

>> No.14706815

What harsh truth? You're sperging off like a funny-automated bot for no reason whatsoever. /pol/drones are just another flavor of NPC.

>> No.14706874

Drag Queens aren't trannies, though. They're just men in dresses.

>> No.14706875

>t. pedo enabler

>> No.14706882

>Gay kids
>Straight pedos
You're revealing that you're a child molester. Children don't have sexualities. There are no gay children just like there are no straight children. Pedophiles, being attracted to children, are therefore never straight. Kys. Only a degenerate child molesting piece of shit faggot could be so delusional to talk about kids as if they have a sexuality, or that pedophiles are somehow "straight". Fucking disgusting. I want to watch you writhe in the electric chair.

>> No.14706948
File: 1.08 MB, 1131x960, 1481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same with the vast majority of nationalists, conspiracy theorists, libertarians and many other "far-right" groups that woke leftists like yourself would never be willing to defend or give the benefit of the doubt. Most people who support closed borders or free speech are not far-right neonazi terrorists. In fact, supporting free speech used to be considered a mainstream position until like 10 years ago. Nevertheless, woke leftists still want to see people getting censored, fired, and in an ideal world arrested, if they spread "disinformation" such as "pro-Russian" anti-war propaganda, or so-called "anti-vaxx"/anti-mask/anti-lockdown material.

The fact that the vast majority of people who are against NATO expansion, or that the vast majority of people who are against vaxx mandates are non-violent doesn't matter to the woke leftist. If you're against NATO or US support in Syria or Ukraine or anywhere else in the world, then the woke mob wants you to be censored, whether you're violent or not. If you're against vaxx-mandates, then the woke mobs wants you censored on social media whether you're violent or not.

>> No.14706950

>the vast majority of people who are against NATO expansion, or that the vast majority of people who are against vaxx mandates are non-violent
Enjoy getting trampled on. At least you were being reasonable when you decided to forfeit everything. :^)

>> No.14706957

Dude get on with times lmao, almost all drag queens nowadays are gender fluid they/them trannies, some are fags.

>> No.14706959
File: 134 KB, 920x379, Innocence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Children don't have sexualities
This is a flat out lie. Children have sexualities, they become aroused, and experience orgasms, and seek out sexual experiences.
>There are no gay children just like there are no straight children.
I have personal experience of being a homosexual as a child.

>> No.14706963

People don't want vile pedo scum like you anywhere near their children, so why should the laws change? :^)

>> No.14706969

>why should the laws change?
So it's legal to kill them on sight.

>> No.14706970

In my culture we behead pedophiles.

>> No.14706971

Pretty based. Only problem is that your culture is absolutely infested with pedos, Muhammad.

>> No.14706975

Not a Muslim but I am from West Asia.

>> No.14706978

It's so interesting how it went from "We simply exist, we just want to be left alone and treated with dignity" to "We want unfiltered access to your children to satisfy our corruption fetish and if you resist we will have the state separate you from them."
Who could have seen this coming. Literally no one could have predicted this. We are all blindsided and flabbergasted. Shocked and appalled. Totally unexpected turn of events.

>> No.14706983

Wrong. It's normal, it's healthy, it's always been that way, and that's what we all wanted to begin with, chud.

>> No.14706985

Drag queens aren't generally trans though. They play a character of the opposite gender which is intentionally a caricature of that gender. They literally have more in common with circus clowns than trans people, and I am not saying that as an insult to any of those three groups of people.

>> No.14706989

Most of modern drag queens are trannies.

>> No.14706999


>> No.14707004

scientifically speaking, sexual degenerates reproduce by fucking kids

>> No.14707017

What a retarded post.
Children are absolutely not sexual in the way you are implying. Not even close.
Obviously, human beings are sexual creatures, and children are human beings, and at some point children become adults. There isn't a solid bold line where they are non-sexual one day and then sexual the next.
But that doesn't make children "sexual" in the way adults are. Your screencap is extremely jewish in that it apparently sees fit to equivocate children with adults, or pretend like children are just small adults.
A minority of children play exploratory games with each other that are quasi sexual, they have curiosity about their bodies, just like they have curiosity about everything. Light fondling, stuff like "playing doctor" as it used to be called. They don't even know what they are doing. That in no way translates to the sort of conscious sexuality, seeking out "sexual experiences" (they wouldn't even understand what that phrase means), and certainly not orgasms. Furthermore, precocious sexuality in children is often correlated with abuse.

>> No.14707018

Seriously dude I hope you DIE the worst possible death you can. Let me tell you something, with each passing day more and more people have nothing to loose, and as it has happened throughout history, someday people will just decide to massacre you fags.

>> No.14707020

Search on internet, you might want to contact one of those drag queen story hour groups, one of the former president of those got arrested for being a pedo sometime ago

>> No.14707030

Your children will eat the bugs, be trans and receive hormone blockers at school. If you try to resist this, child welfare services will take them away and you will lose 6,000,000 social credit points.

>> No.14707031

Being a convicted child molester doesn't make you trans though. Saying that you're trans makes you trans. I have no doubt that a lot of trans people start out in drag, but I sincerely doubt that the majority of drag queens are trans.

>> No.14707037

The impetus that drives men to be drag queens is the same impetus that drives men to be "trans."

>> No.14707043

The guy was self identifying transgender and drag queen

>> No.14707048

I doubt there's a single such impetus, but there's probably overlap yeah.
The claim was that "most" drag queens are trans. A single trans drag doesn't show that. Fifty trans drag queens doesn't show that.

>> No.14707055

Most people that do drag nowadays are trans, this can be confirmed by contacting almost any drag queen story hour group as I already said.

>> No.14707092

On what basis do you grant them authority on the matter? There's not even any reason to believe that most drag queens are affiliated with a drag queen story hour group.

>> No.14707106

As already said earlier it's mostly trannies that are doing drag stuff. You have finally gone a full circle and now claiming that akshually the real drag queens aren't doing drag at all. That thing about men dressing as women in some old plays etc is a relic of past.

>> No.14707158

>As already said
Saying a thing doesn't make it true, and you have offered no evidence for your claim.
>You have finally gone a full circle and now claiming
No, you just lack basic reading comprehension. Saying that most drag queens may not participate in story time doesn't imply that most drag queens don't participate in any drag performances at all.
>That thing about men dressing as women in some old plays etc is a relic of past.
Nobody's talking about Shakespeare. Most drag queens are cis gay men.

>> No.14707185

Can someone express the "harm" a child experiences when a pedofile baby sits and doesn't molest them?

>> No.14707291

>it normalizes haraam
Trannies aren't haram is shitslam

>> No.14707297
File: 24 KB, 720x387, 1563805386512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can someone actually articulate the "harm" a child experiences when i buttfuck them

>> No.14707304

>Sexual urges arent caused by infectious agents, though
Or are they? (parasites)

>> No.14707322

>Jews love gay sex for the goyim
Stop lying Mohammed, faggotry is equivalent to zoophilia in Judaism

>Just read about history of LGBT agitation in US, it's all Jews
Secular jews, all of them were at odds with their religious family (if they even had one). Same for feminists, some were even mentally deranged. Even so, a lot of them were not and are not jews

>And donors towards transgender cause are mostly Jews
If there was a Sanhedrin now these people would be dead

>Child rape and abuse is pretty rampant among Jews as far as I know
Leftists, pedophiles and similar scum infiltrated all major religions afaik

>> No.14707325

Can someone articulate the harm a child experienced when exposed to a pedophile

>> No.14707386

Enough with the antisemitism, there's nothing wrong with sodomising little children, ritually sacrificing them, and drinking their blood and eating their flesh.

Grow up, bigot.

>> No.14707411

They know that they need to get to them before they develop any modicum of critical thinking skills. Exposing children to sex or sexual topics before puberty is the only way to ensure that the majority of them have no objection to perversion.

>> No.14707478

Why can’t they just get a pre-school teacher or an author or some shit to read to children at the library?

Why does it have to be a drag queen?

>> No.14707597

Replace "harm" with "gain" and there you go. There's none, so there's no reason to subject children to degenerecy, regardless of harm level. Inocence is something to be treasured, and subjecting pre-teens to that type of stuff is filthy, let them enjoy it while they can - they will be exposed to degeneracy eventually and for the rest of their lives, there's no hurry. If you want to be a degenerate with others, at least pick someone who can consent on their own, and that weren't drove to you by their retarded and clearly virtuous parents.

>> No.14707600

>Who could have seen this coming. Literally no one could have predicted this. We are all blindsided and flabbergasted. Shocked and appalled. Totally unexpected turn of events.
I think the article in the pic is using the word "SHOCKER" sarcastically, anon.

>> No.14707831

Reported for antisemitism.

>> No.14707956

>, ritually sacrificing them, and drinking their blood and eating their flesh.

>> No.14708020

>b-b-but muh soience!
>muh laws of soience muffugguh!!
>muh equations, muh false equalities

>> No.14708083

>there's nothing wrong with sodomising little children, ritually sacrificing them, and drinking their blood and eating their flesh.
That's paganism buddy, the non-official religion of science(tm) and globohomo

>> No.14708092

And there's nothing wrong with that.
Judaism is a good thing for the world, and Moloch will be made whole again.