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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1468753 No.1468753 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Stupid things people have said to you, Pt. 2

>If you start eating more meat your canines get sharper, so you could sort of be a vampire.

>We can't come from monkeys, we have thumbs.

>Thunder goes down-to-up, and then grounds out on clouds.

>a laser beam can only be bounced 3 times: that's the rule of light-energy.

>> No.1468760
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>> No.1468788

"Most Flies are in the same family. It Just depends what the fly eats if it becomes a horsefly, or a housefly, or another fly."

>> No.1468795

niggers are people

>> No.1468808

AOL owns all the internet, and runs it from china. They make up small companies so they dont get sue

>> No.1468809

>a laser beam can only be bounced 3 times: that's the rule of light-energy.

sounds like a game of calvinball

>> No.1468818

mass has matter

>> No.1468833

"energy cannot be created or destroyed"

i mean, look at a fucking light bulb LOL

>> No.1468840

>If you start eating more meat your canines get sharper, so you could sort of be a vampire.


>> No.1468843

"When you light a match, for a split second the match becomes hotter than the surface of the sun"

>> No.1468850

oh u

>> No.1468858

"I wouldn't believe in god if it wasn't for the fact that I get goosebumps all over every time I go to church"
>are you sure your church isn't just cold?
"well yeah, but I kind of like to believe its jesus doing that"

>> No.1468862

"If you get acids on you, you have to know the correct antidote."

>> No.1468870

>There are planes that go so fast, they break gravity. I know, my mom works at NASA, I got to be in one before

Herpderp. Doesn't know how freefalling works.

>> No.1468875

>You would drown in magma before you burnt to death.

god... idiots

>> No.1468877

That's actually pretty clever.

>> No.1468879

>>"We can't breathe in space because there's no gravity!"

>> No.1468885

>light has mass
No it doesn't
>yes it does, EVERYTHING HAS MASS!!!111ONE

>> No.1468886

"Aligators breathe through their skin like gills. Thats why they don't need to open their mouths"

>> No.1468887

The soul has mass. Look it up.

>> No.1468891

Apples have mass. Look it up.

>> No.1468895

>light has mass
wow i didn't even know it was catholic


>> No.1468896


>> No.1468912

Unoriginal, but decent anyway

>> No.1468919

>blood cells only live for a second. but they can travel from your toe to your brain and back ten times in that second

i shit you not, my friend told me this when we were kids. apparently his dad told this to him.

>> No.1468920

>Thunder goes down-to-up, and then grounds out on clouds.

it does in australia

>> No.1468945


>> No.1468955

A gallon of water can produce more energy than a gallon of gasoline.

>> No.1468959


How come it gets sucked into a black hole then faggot?

>> No.1468968

What ACTUALLY flows is electrons. And they flow from earth to the clouds.
"Conventional" current flows down. Of course, conventional current is an abstraction. So yeah.

>> No.1468971

faggot knows more about gravity than you do, apparently.

>> No.1468972

how about ITT: stupid things your teachers have told you

>> No.1468975

>>1468959 Because Classical Gravity is WRONG.

>> No.1468991

the enemy gate is down,etc

>> No.1468997


I'll admit, I lol'd

>> No.1469011



the earth's magnetic field is reversed in the southern hemisphere, so the current flows the other way

>> No.1469026

By that logic lightning should be coming out of the earth at the north pole and going into the earth at the south pole.

>> No.1469029


>implying current flow changes directions.

>> No.1469060
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>> No.1469072

"...and look, a neat shortcut, the LCM of two numbers is half of their product as long as one of the numbers is even."
High School Algebra Teacher

"You are free to form groups as you please. The total expected workload will not change. Personally, I'd break off into pairs of three."
High School Honors Economics Teacher

>> No.1469080
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"No animal has ever evolved" (Agones of Susa/Total Science/OilisMastery)

>> No.1469235


this entire page is pretty stupid

>> No.1469250

"Don't drink water its bad for you. You should drink Smart water it has electrolytes."

I heard this from a posse of bimbos as I was walking into the local mall. I literally stopped walking when she said the first statement. My mind couldn't comprehend the stupidity. WATER BAD FOR YOU?!

>> No.1469325

>Where are the fossils of creatures between "evolution"?

between evolution...

>> No.1469335

>How could an animal survived without an eye for the “millions of years” it took to “evolve” the eye?

>> No.1469343
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>> No.1469357

Bees technically cant fly.

>> No.1469364



>> No.1469371

Do you really not understand that?

>> No.1469444

I don't think YOU understand

>> No.1469461
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>electric charge periodically reverses direction
>electric charge periodically reverses
>electric charge

>> No.1469493

>electric charge periodically reverses direction
>electric charge periodically reverses direction
>electric charge periodically reverses direction
>electric charge periodically reverses direction
>electric charge periodically reverses direction

>> No.1469506

>We can't come from monkeys

this is correct we didn't come from monkeys. We and monkeys came from the same ancestors. His explanation sucked though

>> No.1469564

We can breathe in space they just don't want us to escape.

>> No.1469576

ITT: People got trolled by RL trolls

>> No.1469581


Get out.

>> No.1469594

ITT: Faggots defend stupidity.

>> No.1469601

Yes we can. "See Superman 4: Quest for Peace" for proof.

>> No.1469604

"organic LITERALLY means the best" FUUUUUUUU
I was in middle school and we had these peeps come over to teach about solar power and organic farming and shit. I ended up arguing with them for like a minute. I know its kinda grammar nazi but seriously how are you gonna teach shit when you dont even know what the words mean?

>> No.1469608

>Imagine how funny it would be if you walked into a black hole with a really small event horizon by accident, you'd be there walking and then suddenly SHIT SO MUCH WEIGHT.

I said this a few months ago in a fit of retardation, was more making a joke though.
Unfortunately as I was surrounded by physfags I was then dragged into a discussion about how many different ways my joke was implausible.

>> No.1469636

>Thunder goes down-to-up, and then grounds out on clouds

that is true

>> No.1469654



>> No.1469668


So I guess you were just starting with your beers huh?
But at least it was a pleasant conversation.

I don't usually remember such occurrences but here's a few:
>You need 4 months to recover 500 ml of lost blood
>The president is the most important person in the country
>Democracy works!
>Weed kills your brain cells

>> No.1469672

>Samurai Swords can cut better than lasers.


>> No.1469679

Mine is similar to this.

Some dumb bimbo told me I should drink Smart Water because it has elecrolytes. When I told her that an electrolytic compound is usually a liquid or sludge that conducts electricity, she said "Yeah, but it makes you work faster"

I shit you not

>> No.1469680

>Democracy works!
>Weed kills your brain cells

Those are true.

>> No.1469683


>> No.1469685


>I've been smoking pot for 3 years and I can tell you it's not addictive.

>> No.1469687

are you "the man"

>> No.1469710

weed use has been linked to reduced brain development at an early age

>> No.1469713


Why so unfriendly?


Well, now I see I did make it unconvincing didn't I?
Democracy sure works, but what was meant by that line was that there is nothing that could be better than democracy.

I sure do enjoy democracy but I would personally prefer a meritocracy.

>> No.1469782

Huurrr beers, was in a physics class so no. But then again...

>> No.1469800

>Weed kills your brain cells

That is true

>> No.1469803


People with anti-weed facts are hilarious. I've heard it kills brain cells, sperm, and just about everything else. No actual supporting facts.

>> No.1469819


Sauce on the information?

>> No.1469821

People with pro-weed facts are hilarious. I've heard it improces brain function, cures cancer, and just about everything else. No actual supporting facts.

>> No.1469824

>Can't use google

>> No.1469825

>Implying all you need is google

>> No.1469829


i smoke weed btw

>> No.1469842

So THAT'S how I lost my fingers...

>> No.1469849

>Brain damaged weed addict doesn't know what search terms to use

>> No.1469852


>The 14 subjects from the drug treatment center all had a history of heavy cannabis use during adolescence. On average, they had smoked marijuana from age 13 till age 18 or 19, and reported smoking nearly 6 marijuana joints daily in the final year before they stopped using the drug.

Holy fuck, these are some heavy smokers. I smoke like 1 joint a week since I was 21...

>> No.1469855

>unimaginative non-weed-user unable to consider the possibility that he is greentexting a person who does not smoke any form of drug

>> No.1469856

yeah youre probably fine then

>> No.1469865

The main trouble with these studies is that the subject almost always smoke tobacco in addition, or even at the same time. Good data basically does not exist.

>> No.1469871
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>Weed addict gets butthurt and pretends he isn't addicted and butthurt

>> No.1469876

So the tobacco caused the brain damage?

>> No.1469879

>raging retard greentexting a person who is actually an alcoholic

>> No.1469883

Sure. Why not.

>> No.1469889

Some theorize that photons might have mass.

>> No.1469897


Seriously, I doubt it.

But hell, if they smoked even one joint a day not fucking 6 I could believe they would be brain damaged.

How desperate you have to be to smoke since you are 13? That's just not a good idea man, now way how you look at it.

>> No.1469898
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>> No.1469923


Well shit, if some kid starts smoking at 13 I bet weed is not the only one of his problems.

Even still, it is a drug, no wonder with heavy use it can be dangerous.

>> No.1469957

>Implying i mad
>implying u not mad

>> No.1469964
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>> No.1469965

If a kid is smoking weed or tobacco at a young age then he's almost certainly also drinking and has a shit diet to boot, not to mention failing at school.

>> No.1469972

>so mad

>> No.1469976

Weed is cheap than alcohol

>> No.1469981
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>> No.1469987

Can you two fuck off please? You're killing the thread.

Thank you.

>> No.1469994

2 years ago, I was 16.

I smoked weed most days during the summer
Got drunk at least 2-3 times, hard, each summer
I was 5'11 and 135 lbs, my diet was fine.
That year in school, I had a 4.0 GPA.

>> No.1470000
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>> No.1470007

What does 4.0 GPA mean?

>> No.1470012

Straight A's in every class

(actually had a couple B's, but they were weighted courses, so it counted as an A)

>> No.1470017

Oh, thanks.

>> No.1470025

Technically light has relativistic mass by virtue of possessing energy. It also has momentum a la DeBroglie.

>> No.1470032


Thanks, I was also curious about that.

In my european system Straight A's(5's) would give you and average of 5.0.

And same here, last year I had a very plentiful harvest and smoked almost every day for one semester. Also straight A's. But I guess that what happens when you enjoy your field of study.

>> No.1470048

Lives in merikah where they raise low marks to make the schools look better.

>> No.1470076

You'd be surprised, most of it was borderline for me (90-92%) in the class, and I put in a decent amount of effort.

The science classes I managed to get above 100% every year, but that's just because I enjoy the subject.

Math classes are relatively difficult, and all of the other classes (history, English, foreign language) is the same as in Europe.

>> No.1470094

i don't think /sci/ counts anecdotal evidence as valid evidence.

>> No.1470109

That's both an anecdote AND a self-appraisal. I don't think this evidence is terribly valid.

>light has relativistic mass

>> No.1470112

>implying there's any other way of proving something to someone on a subject like this

>> No.1470125



>> No.1470126

What else do you want me to say?

I don't quite understand what you guys are implying - are you implying just because a kid experiments/enjoys drugs and alcohol while he is still young he will become/is a loser?

I know this isn't true.

>> No.1470134

The classes are extremely easy, AP gets a bit harder during junior and senior years.

Freshman and sophomore high school science is unbelievably easy, yet many kids are struggling with it. The classes have a lot of extra credit

>> No.1470136

Trollin' much?

>> No.1470143

It wasn't an intention greentext.

I was just wondering how you managed to get over 100%.

No schools I know of ever give out more than 100%.

>> No.1470150

>Electron microscopes are better than normal microscopes because electrons are smaller than light.

>> No.1470151

Each semester, about 6-7% of extra credit is allowed and added on. It's mostly a thing that the science teachers did at my school.

For example, during 9th grade, we had physics/chemistry. During the chemistry portion of the year, the teacher would just put a piece of paper on the desk with a tough balancing equation problem. If someone solves it, gives it to him in the morning, they get like an extra 3 points in the quarter.

And he did that like every day, and I would always take them. Most of them were really basic too

>> No.1470161

>>>Thunder goes down-to-up, and then grounds out on clouds.

Get out you stupid atheist. Lightning strikes up more time than down...

>> No.1470171

Ok, at this point... no one has posted that pic of Carl Sagan yet?

>> No.1470176

>are you implying just because a kid experiments/enjoys drugs and alcohol while he is still young he will become/is a loser?

No, I'm implying that kids who do this are more predisposed to become a loser because of their background. Obviously it isn't going to be true in all cases. Maybe it's less of a phenomenon in America but you see a lot of this shit in the UK.

>> No.1470189

In US all of the kids that smoke weed, that I know, actually ARE losers

But it's not because they smoke weed, they've always been dumb/not caring about school since elementary school.

>> No.1470191

Point in case: people often act as though those kids who spent ages playing computer games and not socialising with the other kids were going to grow up to become losers. And plenty often they are right. But a few of them instead grew up to be residents of /sci/, so clearly they did something right.

>> No.1470237

>OP is not a fag

>> No.1470354


this sounds legit to me. not phrased very well but its true. The wavelength of an electron in an electron microscope is smaller than that of visible light, so electron microscopes can acheive better resolution than optical microscopes before being diffraction limited.

tl:dr you are a faggot

>> No.1470397


>wavelength of an electron

because electrons are waves, right?

>> No.1470442

He's silly isn't he...

>> No.1470460

you niggers trollin?

>> No.1470461
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>> No.1470503

"You dont believe in God? Lawyers and Judges are smarter than you, and they believe in God."

-My Mom to me when I was 12.

>> No.1470517

In theory, it doesn't, but...

experiments have shown that at light speed, photons have a mass of between 3 and 7 x 10^ -27 eV.

>> No.1470575

[citation needed]
Actual mass or effective mass?

>> No.1470622


Footnotes 20 through 24

>> No.1470658

That reads to me like we have established possible maximums for the mass of the photon, not that we've proven it has mass.

Fascinating stuff nonetheless!

>> No.1470675


True, I sort of got that feeling too, but then again the photon was theorized as a massless particle. I'm always a fan of the mantra "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence." It's highly debatable.

>> No.1470720
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Thumbs up, anon. Particle physics is fun!