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14701760 No.14701760 [Reply] [Original]

is there a way to create a soil moisture sensor that is relatively impervious to the corrosive effects of the environment? some of these senors only last 8 months

>> No.14701780

Plastic dip the circuit side

>> No.14701781

Make it from plastic and find a way to pump up the amplitude of the reader by 999quintillion x or more

>> No.14701786

i stick my tongue in the dirt

>> No.14701792

Yes, as there are industrial grade sensors that last for years

>> No.14701799

My first suggestion is stop being an incel trying to manage plants like it's a video game.
My other suggestion is stop expecting the cheapest chinese electronics to be made of corrosive resistant materials.

>> No.14701806

You sound like a faggot
Imagine being such a petty piece of shit that you care about someone enjoying automation as a hobby (if he's not doing it as a business)
Are you a boomer? Or just a cunt?

>> No.14701807

pretty much this, use your finger and intuition. It's pretty onions boy to need a senor lol. What you're growing does not need hyper specificity lol

>> No.14701814


>> No.14701817

I step on flowers. I force trees into dwarfism. I shit in the woods. Your pathetic plants are nothing to me, hippies. They are my slaves.

>> No.14701818

Mechanical, Soulless machines cannot mix with Nature, so no, it's like trying to replace flesh with metal, it simply doesn't work

>> No.14701825

finger works fine until you have a layer of rocks or something else to retain moisture in the soil

>> No.14701844

enjoying automation as a hobby =/= an incel trying to manage plants like it's a video game.

>I shit in the woods.
t. plants.

>> No.14701860

just water more nigga

>> No.14701863

doesn't work on all plants. some get root rot. you see... the initial question i asked does have warrant

>> No.14701867

I can tell you play a lot of video games. Automation is important if you are actually trying to feed people instead of being a lazy dependent moocher.

>> No.14701869

You are only alive because of plants...you know that right?

>> No.14701873

Or thousands of plants.

>> No.14701874

Go shit in a lake, hippie.

>> No.14701877
File: 3.16 MB, 2582x1871, Cutchogue_-_Oregon_Road_-_Plant_Nursery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who are "actually trying to feed people" don't grow shit indoors with sensors.

plant nurseries have 100x the plants you will ever have and don't follow "HACK YOUR PLANT" guides on youtube.

>> No.14701879

without rocks it evaporates faster retard.

>> No.14701883

ok please say that next time you go to the shop and buy your kilo of potatoes for 70p

>> No.14701895

How difficult is it to grow plants indoors? I have been wanting to get into gardening/farming, but don't have a garden. I don't intend or think I can go self-sustaining (obviously), I kind of just want to experiment, but don't want to be too wasteful.

>> No.14701919

What are your expectations?. You literally just need to put a sliced tomato or whatever in a bucket of damp soil next to a window/lamp

>> No.14702020

You're fucking retarded if you believe those places don't have automation in place.

>> No.14702037

>My first suggestion is stop being an incel trying to manage plants like it's a video game.
Why don't you shut your mouth urbanoid scum? Be glad you still have food to eat

>> No.14702056
File: 299 KB, 380x379, jews did this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scientists don't care about their negative impacts on the environment or on others' lives, they only care about getting money for themselves

>> No.14702069

Sometimes there's sprinklers and lights that run on a timer. Sometimes not.
If you wanna get real fancy you can have a secondary timer that activates when it's really hot. That's about it.
Go to a nursery yourself and ask the staff if you don't believe me incel. They're usually happy to talk a bit.

>the guy who wants to stay indoors and play with computers calls me "urbanoid"

>> No.14702072

Based science hater. 170+ IQ is to realize that science is not making life better.

>> No.14702076
File: 356 KB, 1194x800, kowloon-walled-city.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the guy who wants to stay indoors and play with computers calls me "urbanoid"
urbanoid is a mentality.

i respect much more a basement dweller living in pic who managed to create an entire ecosystem inside his house than a green faggot who uses AC and complaings about bugs biting him

>> No.14702081

you really need to work on your reading comprehension. Then you don't have to be triggered by things nobody said.

>> No.14702087

>guy grows some tomatoes
>omg you created an entire ecosystem in your house
this is the most urbanoid comment ever lmao

>> No.14702098

>guy grows some tomatoes
who said anything about only tomatoes?

>> No.14702111

>not OP
>not even controlled by arduinos.
Probably the dumbest post itt so far.

>> No.14702180

reducing plants to some sort of art installation is peak urbanoid. Just change your phone background and save the money zoomer.

>> No.14702206

If you live in a concrete structure, own a computer and have an internet connection, you are an urbanoid of the lowest rank. Case closed. :^)

>> No.14702220
File: 254 KB, 1079x1360, cringg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14702222

you are the hippy here. I bet you only shit in the wood because sewage treatment plants are one of the leading sources of methane gas, while in the woods your shit will bind CO2 as humus.
It is optimal to dispose as much of our organic waste as possible in nature.

>> No.14702362

Start with microgreens, herbs, or cut-and-come-again crops like watercress, scallions, lettuce, ect.

>> No.14702369

Try painting the copper with conductive paint to protect it. Typically the issue with those is corrosion of the electrodes

>> No.14702678

no not really. you should just gold plate the plates. soil moisture sensors work by measuring resistance.

>> No.14703097

it makes more sense to know how much water to add in well controlled soil than to measure "moisture"

>> No.14703137

I want to autistically tabulate minute-by-minute moisture levels in a csv file so I can look at the pretty graphs

>> No.14703509

Yes. Gold plated electrodes are corosion resistant.
Alternative 2 is to measure the weight, just compensate for added mass as the plant grows.

>> No.14703792

ctrl+f "capaci" yields nothing, so I'm gonna say it: Capacitive sensors.
Also, do they last 8 months if you constantly use them or if you apply voltage once every 10 minutes? It corrodes much faster if your code is stupid.

>> No.14703793

>scientists are to blame that subhumans throw their plastic masks in the environment instead of the trash.

>> No.14703998

Just get a pot with a properly sized saucer (most shops sell too little saucers nowadays) and waterinto the saucer.

>> No.14704034

Dip sensor for a minute
Read sensor
Take out sensor (via gear motor control)
Brush it with air compressor
Wait few hours
Goto :Start

The trick is to not keep the instrument dipped inside all the time, but still getting relatively accurate hourly information.

>> No.14704570

>spending 120€ to make your shitty 9€ ebay sensor last longer
>will create a sensor sized hole in the soil so it can't read anymore
double retard.

>> No.14704580

OP didn't say he only wants to spend X.

OP only wants things to last longer

>> No.14704609

Then he can buy 10x more expensive military grade sensors and still save money, space and effort compared to your retarded idea

>> No.14704733

There's no "save money" question.

That's your own poorfag thinking.

>> No.14704746

"impervious" no. But you can use higher quality sensors made out of stainless steel.

>> No.14704791

Then he can buy military grade sensors and still save space and effort compared to your retarded idea

>> No.14704854

>military grade sensors
For soil moisture measurements in a flower pot?? I had no idea Pentagon was planning wars inside flower pots.

>> No.14704870

why don't you use an analog system using two pieces of rebar.

>> No.14704875

used for landmines to arm when in soil.

>> No.14704926

All it does is measure resistance between electrodes. They're called soil sensors on ebay because that's what most people buying them on ebay use them for

>> No.14705881

OP's pic probably is capacitive. Two metal strips on a board can work too: Esp32 and similar have capacitive touch peripherals so you don't need the $5 sensor PCB that converts capacitance into voltage.

>> No.14706001

I assume sensor works bu measuring soil electrical conductivity/resistance?
Then just make electrodes out of stainless steel or carbon
It can't be that hard