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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1022 KB, 4096x2304, 1656468801976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14697538 No.14697538 [Reply] [Original]

American exceptionalism edition

Previous: >>14693476

>> No.14697541

Fuck urf

>> No.14697556


>> No.14697563


>> No.14697569
File: 82 KB, 992x558, Baikonur-1-abc-er-181208_hpMain_16x9_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Baikanour so ugly?

Looks like a place from fallout

>> No.14697578

Brutalist architecture, not even once

>> No.14697584

Was this a scam? https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/solid-nitrogen-fuel-could/

>> No.14697586
File: 190 KB, 1024x768, launch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was gonna say it looks like a Call of Duty map, when I remembered there actually WAS a map based on Baikonur.

>> No.14697595
File: 357 KB, 1080x1422, 1658723111465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there a new musk scandal each week?

>> No.14697598

Because when a concerted campaign to destroy a reputation is underway, you don't stop fabricating evidence until you've buried your target with it.

>> No.14697602

It sure is (((funny))) how the process intensifies the closer he gets to actually putting a man on Mars. I suspect there are (((certain religious traditions))) that object to humanity living and working on the moon or other planets.

>> No.14697607

The Twitter buy

>> No.14697610

I wish Musk dropped to his knees and begged /sfg/ for forgiveness after making us wait this fucking long for the Starship launch.

>> No.14697613

Looks neato, like a space port out of Star Wars, Cowboy Bebob or Trigun.

>> No.14697614

because Business Insider and Musk being a target for lefties

>> No.14697619

It has character, unironically. Rockets take off from here in any condition. I love the brutalist philosophy

>> No.14697620

They knew about it back in the 60s

Metallic hydrogen is also a possibility if they could get it to work, but I expect tank weight would defeat the benefits of either of them

>> No.14697624
File: 398 KB, 1300x1104, 8CAEEEE9-AEB5-4D1C-B6CA-5F9BCB97AB29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does musk have so much sex?

>> No.14697629

afriggan genes

>> No.14697632

looks aesthetic tho

>> No.14697633
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 16383CF6-0658-47AE-9AB5-D0B4AA63ACBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is Elon autistic and get tons of pussy but I’m autistic and get none

>> No.14697634

holla holla get dolla

>> No.14697635

Elon is handsome

>> No.14697639


>> No.14697641


>> No.14697645
File: 771 KB, 2000x1500, 1652228087422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>elon to fuck jeff's gf
>jeff gets furious
>builds a real spacex competitor as revenge

>> No.14697648

>>elon to fuck jeff's gf
finally some real good taste in women

>> No.14697650

>be Jeff Bezos
>dreams of building the road to space
>builds the road to space thanks to Blue Origin
>Elon still blowing up old tech rockets
How based can one guy be?

>> No.14697651

Already found that, but I wonder how they find their own sources.

>> No.14697688


>> No.14697690

so, Elon denied the entire affair and said he was at a party with Sergey last night
what is the media's endgame?

>> No.14697698

What started the "carrying rocket" meme

Is this another thing I can blame on spaceplanes?

>> No.14697704

Elon's destruction
the tribe has marked him for death so their slaves will see it through

>> No.14697708
File: 26 KB, 640x480, thunderchad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon totally did it and you keep choking on his cock. Just so you know, that's extremely embarrassing

>> No.14697709

He doesn't, animefag, he is just like you.

>Haven’t even had sex in ages (sigh)

>> No.14697711

SFG - Elon musk tabloid general. you all deserve permabans

>> No.14697722


Okay let’s talk about Tory Bruno then lol

>> No.14697799

It really is sort of a nightmare that there is dick all to talk about over the weekend except for some sporadic news that people pay attention to for all five minutes. We don't even talk about SpaceX launches anymore except for a handful of posts.

Fucking retards down in Boca need to unfuck themselves and get to launching. I need my dopamine hit.

>> No.14697808

the chinese station is so fucking tiny

>> No.14697822

why can we just have a global, coordinated space exploration effort? Why does every country and company have this compulsion to be the special first big history boys instead of FUCKING GETTING IT DONE for the sake of human progress?

>> No.14697825

It's only slightly below average, besides it's how you use it that counts

>> No.14697833

He has like six inches of height on your manlet ass

>> No.14697840

Because global coordinated efforts blow total ass, if you've ever been involved in one

>> No.14697841

>why can we just have a global, coordinated space exploration effort?
You're right. Extra levels of bureaucracy on top of already bloated bureaucracy will surely open up the cosmos

>> No.14697850

Ironically people like you hold back "progress" more than anyone else

>> No.14697856

This is why 40k is one of the only settings to get it right. You want to control the stars? You need a sky daddy with tens of billions indoctrinated to his goals.

>> No.14697874

fair and based

>> No.14697885

Reprisal for trying to acquire twitter.

>> No.14697899


>> No.14697931

It would look better around summer on a sunny day.

>> No.14697932
File: 685 KB, 938x900, Wentian_Module.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some images indicate the Chinese Wentian module has an EVA hatch: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiangong_space_station#Structure - does anyone have clearer diagrams or photos that show this?

>> No.14697939
File: 1.43 MB, 2925x2862, 1653560151723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are thousands of alien civilizations in this pic
we'll never meet any of them

>> No.14697944

they're probably jerks anyway

>> No.14697956
File: 54 KB, 614x500, 1655129197750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FAA needs to do that first
>oh something might be bad, you have to stop NOW
>we guess it's okay after all but you still have to say you're sorry

>> No.14697969
File: 35 KB, 400x600, tiresome-taikonaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's all so tiresome.

>> No.14697974

I bet they have trannies too.

>> No.14698007

Rent free

>> No.14698009

So you can just sue people and win if they publish an entirely fabricated story about you right?

>> No.14698011
File: 105 KB, 500x613, 1640430072555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can see where the Webb Telescope took a direct hit from a micrometeorite on one of its mirrors
>micrometeorite hits weren't even on the bingo may may

>> No.14698015

>Haven’t even had sex in ages (sigh)
he's gonna have some celebrity wench show up at his house tonight for that tweet

>> No.14698023
File: 32 KB, 334x354, 1640301475475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /sfg/ could you recommend me a comfy non-fiction book about space?

>> No.14698030

Why don't you point out where this damage is on one of the pretty images?

>> No.14698051
File: 33 KB, 335x499, 688D04EF-E39B-4DBD-8A04-023C83C321FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14698057

Your fundamental assumption is that combining the world's nation's existing talent pools would multiply the amount of space happenings several times over.
In reality, most space-related engineering talent has already either migrated to the USA, or was generated in the USA via SpaceX.
Forcing SpaceX to work with ISRO, the chinese, ESA, and so forth, would only bog down SpaceX. Even giving SpaceX infinite money would hardly increase their rate of development, since right now they are mostly throttled by regulatory bodies, not absolute physical ability to build and launch prototypes.
If you want more, and better, space technology development, the solution is not to all hold hands and sing, and it's not to scoop more GDP percentage out to direct towards launching more rockets, it's to reduce regulatory hurdles and startup costs so that people who are already interested in doing these things will be more likely to take the risk and try to do those things.
Also, at the moment the market kinda sucks for any new players to try to jump into because every niche has a well established and competitive player already. Things will ramp up and get a lot more exciting a lot faster once Starship is operational and we are doing human things on the Moon regularly.

>> No.14698076

>why don’t we just help our enemies
Gee I dunno

>> No.14698079

/pol/ will hate me for it but I unironically support a one world government.

>> No.14698080

Do you not realize the culture war thats happening? Musk entered the culture war and now the leftist media wants you to hate him as an individual

All the "scoops" are manufactured to generate this propaganda

>> No.14698082

>we'll never meet any of them

No way to know that for sure anon

>> No.14698085

Not with that pussy attitude

>> No.14698086


>> No.14698088

Yes but on mars
Fuck off sol is full

>> No.14698090

Because Elon is an attention whore faggot

He’s not the “victim” of media targeting, he bring it on himself

>> No.14698092

It was revealed to me in a dream

>> No.14698094
File: 32 KB, 334x354, 1650229342215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14698105

I want to get away
I wanna fly to spaaaaace

>> No.14698108
File: 360 KB, 960x936, 1658749661237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14698110


>> No.14698115

I mean Depp did it against Amber Heard and her ACLU lawyers.
But some would say that was just because she’s crazy and melted down in front of the jury.
Jessie Ventura did it against Chris Kyle.
But Kyle got shot in the middle of the trial by a ptsd vet who he was with on the range.
They all had expensive lawyers but I’m sure musk could afford some as well.

To win, you have to prove malicious intent.
Which usually is hard, but might easier to prove in this world of cameras, messages, and internet toxicity.
It could be a turning point where people realize that defamation/libel is easier to prove with modern technology now.

>> No.14698121

Media has protection

Thats why they get away with all sorts of fake news. Tabloids have existed since forever.

>> No.14698128

I'm more surprised that reputable news journos are doing the whole tabloid attack against Musk. Going the whole rumors/personal attack story against him.

In some sense, the clicks are nice and in other I would think character assassination maybe worth it to destroy the person over reputation hit they might incur.

>> No.14698154

>reputable news journos

>> No.14698156
File: 52 KB, 324x500, 51TLZAlJYqL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>We discovered the mixture would like to combust with any organic material, be it pencils, paper, or the unfortunate rocket scientist

This shit slaps

>> No.14698167
File: 52 KB, 768x236, rubble pile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So uh, how exactly are we going to mine asteroids when they are so loosely bound that poking them causes a huge plume of debris to fly out everywhere? Can we put them inside a large bag somehow? There's no way we can just pull material off of them rawdog style, imagine that crap interacting with sensitive instruments and ROSAs and stuff.

>> No.14698168

Safe Is Not An Option

>> No.14698172

I havent searched the web about it, but it was the WSJ doing the publishing isn't it?

WSJ is supposed to be mainly a neutral source of news, but that seems to have fallen out. Guess it has become a tabloid news now

>> No.14698176

How to get to Earth from Mars: Solving the hard part first

How To Industrialize Mars: A Strategy For Self-Sufficiency

>> No.14698184
File: 3.52 MB, 1x1, ignition.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not just posting the PDF
hello newfriend

>> No.14698197

why do they have to be our enemies?

>> No.14698198

a world government would be the worst thing to ever happen for interstellar colonization. they'd know that they couldn't control any extrasolar settlements and heavily restrict any attempts to leave, if not outright ban them.

>> No.14698199
File: 52 KB, 717x756, david egge asteroid mining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they are so loosely bound
not all are https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fast_rotators_(minor_planets)

>> No.14698208

Their values are fundamentally misaligned to our own.

>> No.14698209
File: 810 KB, 2672x3280, 1650333418564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>UAE selects Sultan Al Neyadi as the Emirati astronaut who will be part of NASA/SpaceX Crew-6 mission, slated for launch next spring.
>This will be the UAE's second ISS mission and Arab world's first long-duration space mission.
>He will spend 6 months on the ISS.

>> No.14698210

values that will inevitably be twisted into parodies of themselves as old generations die and new ones are born, like a giant game of telephone.

>> No.14698211

It's going to be highly restrictive if we only have the ability to excavate resources from asteroids spinning fast enough that they can only be monolithic objects, though.

>> No.14698213

>poking them causes a huge plume of debris to fly out everywhere?
This is not really an issue.
>Can we put them inside a large bag somehow?
That's a great option if you plan on consuming the entirety of the asteroid.
>There's no way we can just pull material off of them rawdog style, imagine that crap interacting with sensitive instruments and ROSAs and stuff.
Sure there's many ways.
>muh sensitive space hardware
is a jewish meme.
Cover up your telescopes and you'll be fine, ROSAs are decidedly not sensitive.

>> No.14698245

Asteroid mining rigs are gonna be made of steel welded on EVA to the accuracy of a welders square.
No proonting, no room sized cnc making alumimeme isomeme.
Cover up what can't be shielded or put it on the non-mining side. It really is that easy.
There will be no room for JPL faggotry where we're going.

>> No.14698252

>That's a great option if you plan on consuming the entirety of the asteroid.
This should always be the goal, resources is resources and everything has a use. You're in microgravity anyway so there's no reason to be worrying about mass so much.

>> No.14698256

One day you'll be right but due to the nature of Earth launch the first vehicles to begin mining asteroids are going to have been built with a fair degree of mass autism, this is inevitable. It's the asteroid colony civilization itself which will invent the super-robust spacecraft needed to shrug off constant dust and pebble showers.

>> No.14698268

4chan is back

>> No.14698270

Starship or something very much like it combined with containerization and orbital cargo transfer stations will be the key if asteroid mining involves downmass to planetary surfaces, which it must at first - orbital refineries are juuuust a bit harder than reusable launch vehicles.

>> No.14698274
File: 235 KB, 1183x912, we_gon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We gon make it bros, just a few more explosions

>> No.14698310 [DELETED] 
File: 183 KB, 960x540, Multi-dome_base_being_constructed_article.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will helium 3 mining on the moon be viable?

Will Starship be able to be a Helium 3 tanker?

>> No.14698319 [DELETED] 

Wait we can upload PDFs now?

>> No.14698320 [DELETED] 


>> No.14698325 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 913x403, larry niven smoke ring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When will helium 3 mining on the moon be viable?
never, its a meme for tards

>> No.14698329 [DELETED] 

for a loooong time. there was a thread months back when the pdf thing first became public knowledge that was just filled with pdfs.

>> No.14698334 [DELETED] 

based inattentive anon

>> No.14698349 [DELETED] 
File: 528 KB, 473x825, 000094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its bullshit, just another hitpiece
this time they just start to focus on musk himself and not tesla

>> No.14698351 [DELETED] 


>> No.14698357 [DELETED] 

Cant wait to be poor on mars and not pay my oxygen bill

>> No.14698363 [DELETED] 

you wouldn't be selected in the first place

>> No.14698364 [DELETED] 

Competition creates faster progress just look at the space race.

>> No.14698365 [DELETED] 

This will finally bring him down

>> No.14698371 [DELETED] 
File: 373 KB, 847x673, 1650787460915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if fusion wasn't a complete meme and 3He was free, D–3He plants would still be at a disadvantage compared to simpler and more energy dense fusion plants which should be cheaper to build, but getting enough of it just to power the US would require processing billions of tonnes of regolith each year.

>> No.14698374 [DELETED] 

The FAA and Biden is the main reason for the broken downcomer back in late 2021. It's amazing how people keep defending them till the end, the corruption is brazen

>> No.14698375 [DELETED] 

>if asteroid mining involves downmass to planetary surfaces
not happening. this is earther cope

>> No.14698389 [DELETED] 

Nigga why are u making this about me im tryna maake a point

>> No.14698396 [DELETED] 

When will lavatubes on the moon be colonoscopied and buttmined

>> No.14698400 [DELETED] 

There are only 3 other alien worlds in this pic

None of them are intelligent and two of them are right next to each other bc of panspermia

>> No.14698406 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 750x397, D4832B05-1517-4E45-939B-2D09F6807320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14698411 [DELETED] 

isnt shit like that supposed to be slander...aka illegal as fuck

>> No.14698413 [DELETED] 

Please show me the orbital metals refinery you're going to use instead of downmassing some roggs.

>> No.14698418 [DELETED] 

all that proves is sergey's a cuck

>> No.14698419 [DELETED] 

Slander is not illegal "as fuck" in the united states

>> No.14698430 [DELETED] 

>libel is illegal 23 states, but not including new york where the wjs based

>> No.14698431 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 442x558, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14698443 [DELETED] 

Not in the US, you need to prove that the person knew it was false and printed it anyways.
In the UK, if you print anything false at all you can get fucked hard. Personally I prefer the US method, otherwise every single anti-vaxxer and conspiracy tard would be getting ass-raped for facebook posts.

>> No.14698448 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 200x300, SiconolfiMichaelBRONZEmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wonder what I would find in the early life section if this guy had a wikipedia article

>> No.14698457 [DELETED] 

The irony of this post. How is life now that you can't catch or spread COVID?

>> No.14698462 [DELETED] 

There are a lot looser standards for "public figures". That lets them say almost anything about Orange Man Bad, for instance. "Does Orange Man Bad really eat puppies with Putin? Tune in tonight to find out!"
Even then the (((news media))) sometimes forgets and has to settle for big bucks to someone whose only "fame" was the badly reported news incident that got shilled for weeks.
"Allegedly" is such an important word when reporting the news.

>> No.14698463 [DELETED] 

Pretty great. Hung out with my GF the whole time she had covid (she barely noticed, we went rock climbing for 3 hours the day she tested positive) and never caught it. Only a brainlet thinks vaccines mean you never catch the disease.

>> No.14698465 [DELETED] 

What are the resource limits for fusion reactors?
Ultimately the energy source of the future will be SBSP and/or fusion reactors, just wondering what the downsides to fusion reactors are. Afaik they use a decent amount of rare earth metals for the magnets/capacitors ect and they use up some space and a lot of water for cooling.

I think there will be a brief boom of ground solar in the next couple decades as the panels get very cheap, but then they will fairly quickly run out of places to put them.
People won't want solar panels everywhere.

>> No.14698475 [DELETED] 

Cute revisionism, I'm glad you found love in the arms of another man equally as delusional.

>> No.14698478 [DELETED] 


>> No.14698510 [DELETED] 

laws are tools to be used on goyim, they don't apply to the tribe themselves

>> No.14698537 [DELETED] 
File: 1.88 MB, 4032x3024, 3246523462346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's p-p-probably trans!
Stay jelly anon, you'll never have a GF to take on vacation to KSC.

>> No.14698539 [DELETED] 

you're telling me that's a girl

>> No.14698540 [DELETED] 

No, that's me retard, she's taking my pic. I'm not going to post my GF on 4chan.

>> No.14698541 [DELETED] 

Your girlfriend looks very masculine.

>> No.14698543 [DELETED] 
File: 1.96 MB, 267x151, 1629702098370.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good on your for finding love anon, glad you found someone who shares your interests. Hope you two are happy.

>> No.14698567 [DELETED] 

Throwing shit until something sticks so they can unleash cancel culture on him.

>> No.14698588 [DELETED] 

>I-I-I t-totally have a girlfriend who is really female!!!!! I'll show you with this censored image of me that shows absolutely nothing!
Lmao what a pussy faggot.

>> No.14698595 [DELETED] 

Except to story is 100% true and you're a fuckin dope if you can't see that. Brin is a certified cuck. There was no "romance" because he paid Elon to fuck his wife

>> No.14698599 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 461x400, 1486884524839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using a fake picture to pretend to be better than anyone else
>after going full soifaggot
>didn't even tweak the filename to make it believable

>> No.14698613 [DELETED] 

Nice conspiracy theory

>> No.14698622 [DELETED] 
File: 218 KB, 1200x1532, A06853AA-5551-4F1D-BE51-F1F8FCF6376F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does /sfg/ have a gf? Yes, I’m wearing a ULA hat.

>> No.14698635 [DELETED] 
File: 2.58 MB, 3024x4032, 05107162352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no some n33ts on 4chan don't believe me! Whatever will I do!

>> No.14698641 [DELETED] 

I’m not >>14698635 or >>14698537 btw. Homie has issues

>> No.14698645 [DELETED] 


>> No.14698651 [DELETED] 

>why can we just have a global, coordinated space exploration effort?
Because they weaponized the upper atmosphere of the planet right from the beginning and have all agreed to lie and say that they're cooperating while they throw more ElectroMagnetic Warfare devices into Earth-orbit.

Every other reason given by Anons is false; why do you think they made such a big deal about Sputnik back in the day?

>> No.14698655 [DELETED] 

You have a different shirt in each pic

>> No.14698662 [DELETED] 

And he's holding the same hoodie. Can you two stop bickering?

>> No.14698667 [DELETED] 


>> No.14698673 [DELETED] 

Nah it's the same, just worse quality in the first. I'd post more, but I don't want to spam. Always fun dabbing on basement dwellers tho.

>> No.14698677 [DELETED] 

Orbital refineries are easy. Step one, build a rotating ring spacecraft. Step two, mount molten oxide electrolysis cells and material conveyor belts to the inside of the ring. Step three, install high temperature radiators and solar panels to the outside of the ring. Operate the MOE cells, you are now refining rocks into highly pure metals and oxygen.

>> No.14698680 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 737x865, A946846F-3DAA-4D3B-A737-6764DFAE78AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UR-700 is cool, but seeing as the much simpler proton was exploding left and right, I highly doubt it would have worked.
The USSR should’ve just picked either the N1 or the UR-700 back in 1963 when the US said they’d go to the moon. The N1 started work in 1965 and flew first in 1969. They could’ve had it flying two years earlier if they actually gave a shit.

>> No.14698681 [DELETED] 

About ten minutes of labor pays for your monthly oxygen bill, because so many processes on Mars produce oxygen as a waste product that it's about as close to free as you can get.

>> No.14698684 [DELETED] 

Centrifuge containing pots of molten rock with electrodes stuck in em, good enough for the queen good enough for me simple as

>> No.14698685 [DELETED] 

>Still no image of your alleged girlfriend.
Kek, not helping your case. You're so desperate for approval that women probably flee from you, with the exception of your mother which was kind enough to take those images as you posed with your favorite autist hoodie. Just because you make most people feel like shooting you doesn't mean wearing hunting season gear will dissuade them
>get made fun of
>rage quit or get banned for cam whoring outside of /soc/
wow I totally owned those guys ahaha. they probably are neets instead of a low ranking sales employee like i am

>> No.14698688 [DELETED] 

didnt realize those engines were so fucking huge lol

>> No.14698691 [DELETED] 

>I think there will be a brief boom of ground solar in the next couple decades
We have been in the midst of an exponentially increasing growth rate for solar installation for the past 12 years, anon.
>people won't want solar panels everywhere
The people never get what they want. Solar is being built all over the place as we speak.

>> No.14698692 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 601x508, wojack_mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely S E E T H I N G

>> No.14698698 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 400x225, 1615150242854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god dammit we're stuck here, aren't we?

>> No.14698708 [DELETED] 

basement dweller detected

>> No.14698713 [DELETED] 

>I highly doubt (the UR-700) would have worked
lmao you think so?? It was a frankenrocket of the highest degree, it obviously would have never worked.
That being said, the real timeline-shifting decision would have been for the designers of N1 to insist on using a cylindrical first stage that had the same diameter as the second stage, thus allowing it to be transported by rail, thus allowing for ground test firing of the stage, thus preventing the embarrassing launch failures which ultimately canned the design.

>> No.14698714 [DELETED] 

don't know about "we", but "you" are never going to space

>> No.14698717 [DELETED] 

Almost unbelievable that's only the second most ironic post you've made today.

>> No.14698718 [DELETED] 


>> No.14698726 [DELETED] 

Sorry it's failed normalfag shows off his pretend girlfriend hour. If you want maybe I can photoshop in a rocketgirl so it will be definitively on topic

>> No.14698728 [DELETED] 
File: 857 KB, 720x1280, BFR & MMR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14698732 [DELETED] 


>> No.14698740 [DELETED] 

Is anyone monitoring changes in SpaceX job postings?

>> No.14698744 [DELETED] 
File: 2.13 MB, 1x1, New Case For Mars.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The New Case For Mars by Dr. Robert Zubrin

>> No.14698747 [DELETED] 

Tbh even worse we’re the NK-15 engines, which had pyrotechnic valves and could only be fired once. The NK-33’s were able to be static fires, but they never flew. The N1F would’ve debuted them in 1974, but that vehicle was scrapped after doing WDRs and spin up tests because Glushko wanted to cancel Korolev’s baby

>> No.14698750 [DELETED] 
File: 1.31 MB, 880x729, zubrin grenade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad Dr. Zubrin has moved away from his insistence on mini starships for something more practical in the long term. Worth a read for anyone on /sfg/.

>> No.14698753 [DELETED] 

If this isn't furry porn I'm gonna be pissed.

>> No.14698758 [DELETED] 

You sound like a pretentious mokamron

>> No.14698761 [DELETED] 

>The N1 started work in 1965 and flew first in 1969
Well, not for very long.

>> No.14698765 [DELETED] 

I fell for this while at work. Well done, anon.

>> No.14698766 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 1316x442, Screen Shot 2022-07-25 at 3.42.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this true?

Will Terran R manufacturing be easy that they could launch in 2024? Seeing they have already built some Terran R parts

>> No.14698777 [DELETED] 

Everything said in that tweet is true.
Your timeline might not be.

>> No.14698790 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 342x453, shake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your whore's tits and we'll call it a deal. Preemptive pleasure doing business with you

>> No.14698794 [DELETED] 


>> No.14698807 [DELETED] 
File: 2.56 MB, 2400x1500, wide1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. /sfg/ - Spaceflight General. Every fucking time.

>> No.14698822 [DELETED] 

I miss the autistic well mannered discussions on /sfg/ before falcon heavy&starman brought in the newfags, back when threads lasted days.

>> No.14698848 [DELETED] 

>/sfg/ is /fit/
I would have never guessed. I need to start hitting the gym more often.

>> No.14698852 [DELETED] 

no, He3 is too dispersed in regolith to make extraction practically viable
it's probably easier to work out problems with fusing hydrogen than to work out He3 mining operation
it's also probably easier to ditch nuclear power for solar - either regular solar parks or better - beamed from orbital arrays

Moon is where we'll get gravity tax-free products for orbital construction
>bulk aluminium, titanium and magnesium alloys
>glass and ceramics
>LOx propellant
>silicon semiconductors and solar cells

I work in semiconductor industry, growing monocrystals and I'm having wet dreams about how big and perfect boules we could pull out in low gravity and absolute vacuum

>> No.14698857 [DELETED] 

Maybe 1/3 threads have some substantial discussion about spaceflight

>> No.14698862 [DELETED] 

>thus allowing it to be transported by rail
It's physically impossible to move something the size of the N1 stages around by rail in the USSR. The largest rocket segment that could be moved around by rail in the Soviet Union were 4.2x25m, which is why the proton has a single huge oxidizer tank on the first stage with separate fuel tank modules for each first stage engine that got bolted on once the parts arrived at Baikonur. If you're going with rail transport you'd have to use a cluster of 4m modules like the UR-700 instead of the N1.

>> No.14698914 [DELETED] 

Helium 3 fusion looks retarded once you understand that due to physics, fusing deuterium with deuterium is orders of magnitude easier than fusing helium 3 with anything. Yes, D-D fusion makes neutrons. That's also simply not a problem. The economics of using a fusion reactor and dealing with neutrons is FAR superior to the economics of mining and processing a gorillion tons of lunar regolith for every ton of fusion fuel. Also, let's not forget that we would need thousands of tons of fusion fuel to power the whole planet no matter what fuel we use, so at minimum we would need to be mining and processing tens of trillions of tons of material on the Moon then launching thousands of tons of helium 3 back to Earth, and that's assuming the whole Moon industry is both 100% efficient at capturing helium 3 and also is powered by solar or something that doesn't involve fusing helium 3.
It's the dumbest idea for making a lunar economy work. It is unironically less feasible than a 100% tourism-based lunar economy.

>> No.14698918 [DELETED] 

The N1 second stage was transportable by rail. Even if they needed to make the first stage such that it could be separated into two tank sections and a thrust plate section for transport, it would have been better than the real life solution of "disassemble the stage completely and rebuild it at the launch site".

>> No.14698920 [DELETED] 

Do you think Scott Manley's daughter will be space crazy enough to be after Musk's seed or maybe that Vintage Space girl?

>> No.14698921 [DELETED] 

Isn't Scott's daughter almost an adult now? Time really does fly, I would like to stop the ride please

>> No.14698935 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14698939 [DELETED] 

the fuck happened in this thread? it's a trainwreck

>> No.14698941 [DELETED] 
File: 2.69 MB, 576x324, mr bones wild ride.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14698952 [DELETED] 

T.S. Kelso literally wrote that. If he needs money, it's probably because it's not possible to keep up with demand right now.

>> No.14698954 [DELETED] 

4chan went down for a few hours and the first people to get back here were tards

>> No.14698957 [DELETED] 

It’s gone off the rails, also Musk has a trans son

>> No.14698961 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 500x356, 1638417077467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fuck happened in this thread?

>> No.14698975 [DELETED] 

You can get He3 from tritium which is already made as a byproduct from fission reactors or from the water shielding around a fusion reactor to absorb the neutrons

>> No.14698976 [DELETED] 
File: 921 KB, 1980x2985, N1_D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The N1 second stage was transportable by rail.
Are you sure? My next question would be "from where?" because it sure ain't from Moscow. I'm seeing a lot of diameters and almost none of them are are smaller than 4m.

>> No.14698979 [DELETED] 

SLS-chan has gap moe

>> No.14698992 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 500x700, 8267182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man it's been years seen I've watched any of her videos
The wall stops for no woman

>> No.14698996 [DELETED] 

Tritium is the best (easiest) fusion fuel though, so really by letting it decay you'd only be making a shittier fusion economy. Sure, your conversion efficiency MAY be a bit better if we can figure out direct energy conversion of fast protons generated by helium 3 fusion, but it won't ever be enough to offset the efficiency losses due to much stronger plasma energy leakage mechanisms at those much higher temperatures necessary for helium3 fusion.

A D-T reactor can breed enough tritium from lithium to sustain itself over time.
A D-D reactor needs higher temperatures but can run forever on just deuterium, and if you breed some tritium from deuterium surrounding the reactor you both recapture a lot of that lost neutron energy and you aren't burning up valuable lithium anymore, while also boosting the reactivity of your reactor. A triple win.
A D-He3 reactor still makes some neutrons (because D-D side reactions are much easier than D-He3 reactions) but it's not enough to breed enough tritium to let that tritium decay to sustain the reactor's He3 burn rate. It wouldn't be enough even if you were using a lithium blanket to make your tritium. Breeding He3 is only something you'd do if you had an application that absolutely required He3, like an interstellar probe that needed to use aneutronic He3-He3 fusion at barely breakeven power levels but the highest available Isp fusion propulsion. That engine would be shit as a power reactor, barely keeping itself self sustaining using the same tech that would give you very good D-D fusion engines and outright D-T torch drives, but for piddling away at 250,000 Isp for one hundred years at TWR close to an electric ion engine, it'd be fine.

>> No.14698999 [DELETED] 

They transported every other stage of N1 in a single, assembled piece from the factory. Only the first stage was so wide it needed to be disassembled and reassembled.

>> No.14699004 [DELETED] 

>Man it's been years seen I've watched any of her videos
A girl can only talk about the same couple decades of spaceflight for so long before every interesting topic has been thoroughly explored.
As for hitting the wall yet or not, I don't know what she looks like now but based on that picture I'd like to thoroughly explore her interesting topics, if you know what I mean.

>> No.14699030

>The wall stops for no woman
nah, you're just a pedophile

>> No.14699038 [DELETED] 

>musks "son" gets mentioned
>instantly deleted
Hmm, maybe janny is the same kind of "man"

>> No.14699040
File: 2.79 MB, 2324x940, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of the wall...

>> No.14699041

it's Krystal

>> No.14699042

Not that anon, but I live in a tower. That way I'm closer to space.

>> No.14699051

Left is too young (looks like a child, eww)
Right is too old
What is the middle?

>> No.14699054
File: 342 KB, 1280x1513, only a beginning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you trying to make me depressed?

>> No.14699057
File: 1.48 MB, 2045x2556, Fisher-Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14699060

not thrilled about this series of posts desu

>> No.14699064

>Anna L Fisher

>> No.14699068

>tfw women 5 years younger than me are starting to look 10 years older than me

>> No.14699069

Actually looks perfect, shame a person's age can't be locked in, would want a wife that permanently looks like that

>> No.14699073

but then you would get old and ugly and she would stay the same.

>> No.14699079

>you're a pedo if you like women in their early 20s

>> No.14699080

>implying I wouldn't take biological immortality alongside my biologically immortal wife
Shame on you anon

>> No.14699083


>> No.14699092

Hear me out. What if the N1 used a cluster of five common cores or something more similar to Soyuz but big. I heard the N1’s other two stages were all “well tested” which led to the engineers being confident it would work well after Stage 1 sep

>> No.14699097 [DELETED] 

those types are the only ones that apply to be jannies

>> No.14699098

who is this?

>> No.14699100
File: 820 KB, 1054x1294, Screen Shot 2022-07-25 at 11.43.43 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why dont they want starlink?

>> No.14699103

The modem has no ethernet port

>> No.14699104

You’d be better off just clustering a zenit 3SLBs or something similar like Yenisei but not shitty

>> No.14699105

Did the FAA sent stupid rays that made them forget about combustible gasses at the base of the rocket?

>> No.14699108

Post cock

>> No.14699109

When will China and Russia start launching their internet megaconstellations and what will they launch them on?

>> No.14699111 [DELETED] 

Politics, what else. And chinks want to build their own shit.

>> No.14699113

>The modem has no ethernet port
You buy their adapter and use ethernet like normal. You guys make it sound like you just can't have ethernet.

>> No.14699115

>Isn't Scott's daughter almost an adult now?
Almost, which is hot.

>> No.14699117

Vintage space youtube channel

>> No.14699121

Can't have the people getting access to unrestriced net

>> No.14699124

>all this equipment
>this close to the launch site
Imagine the fireball

>> No.14699126

She is pretty. Wall anon is just being mean.

>> No.14699129

Authoritarian shithole
Muslim shithole
Muslim shithole
Russian puppet-state shithole
Marxist shithole
Communist shithole
>North Korea
Authoritarian shithole
Muslim shithole
Communist shithole

It's literally just a list of the worst countries on the planet.

>> No.14699130

I'm not sure how much faith I'd be willing to place in the confidence of soviet engineers, but they'd at least be less complexly disaster prone as the first stage.

Clustering up seven 4 meter cores would get you a block 12 meters across that you could comfortably fit the second stage on top of it. The real question is which engines you could use in it. You could (barely) fit 2 NK-15/33s into the tail of each module, but 14 of those only gives you half the thrust of the N1 first stage. Seven RD-270s can match the Block A's thrust but then you need to actually get a 6 MN full flow stage combustion hypergolic engine to play nice.

The real benefit of a common core architecture is being able to build Angara 1.2 and Angara 5 on the same assembly line, so what else would a N1 cluster core be used for? You might be able to use an RD-270 core to replace the first stage on the Proton, but the same engineers that were confident in the N1's upper stage reliability were also thinking about deleting the first stage, calling the remainder the N-11, and then using THAT to replace the Proton, so there might not be an obvious other job for a N1 cluster module.

Still, it couldn't do worse than what they actually tried.

>> No.14699134

>hasn't posted in 6 months
It's over even her channel is walled

>> No.14699136

In that case it would have worked, highly likely.
We will never get big N1 soyuz ;~;

>> No.14699138

N1 had a diameter of 17 meters so you should be able to comfortably do a much bigger engine cluster on each core barring transport issues

>> No.14699141

>Just pay extra money and wait for shipping to have this basic feature that should have existed by default
It's a pretty fucking stupid choice anon.

>> No.14699153
File: 39 KB, 775x525, herra rofessori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skim through 5 boxes of newspapers
>find 6 space articles
man spaceflight in the 90's-00's was in a rut. Though I did find some other interesting things.
>Florida man stabs alligator that bit his dog
>Harry Potter's flying Ford Anglia was stolen
>13 Romanians stole a whole ass bridge
All this in the span of 2 months, the 00's were a lawless wasteland

>> No.14699154

It'd be 17m at the base of the last flare. It was just over 10 at the bottom of the second stage, and I'm assuming that if we're clustering things they're going to be more cylindrical than conical. Otherwise we're going to end up with some seriously weird looking modules.

>> No.14699162

>13 Romanians stole a whole ass bridge
This doesn't seem possible, yet if anybody could it'd have to be Romanians.

>> No.14699165
File: 1.20 MB, 1649x975, space station 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spessmen, why hasn't NASA done anything major in the past 50 years? I Know the space race was just a side show to the arms race but there's gotta be more than that. is it welfare state stealing money? corruption? some thing I've never heard of?

>> No.14699168
File: 214 KB, 345x336, 1604442543916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>13 Romanians stole a whole ass bridge

>> No.14699169


>> No.14699174 [DELETED] 

unironically, modern china is the very model of fascism, they just never took off the red paint

>> No.14699175

peak comfy, those times were

>> No.14699182
File: 2.99 MB, 800x1026, Corruption.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because NASA is a government institution, they're wholly dependent on congress critters being pleased with them to get any budget at all
the price of that pleasure is forcing NASA to embezzle as much money as possible for those congress critters
They're not allowed to make functioning projects, they instead have to funnel money to as many jews in as many congressional districts as humanly possible, to please their masters enough that they stop beating them

>> No.14699183
File: 1.08 MB, 915x751, 1633268799622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anything major
I hate the /sfg/ stance of "I will not accept any accomplishments as long as they aren't boots on a rocky planetoid"

>> No.14699188 [DELETED] 

No, China is legitimately communist, Xi is just a fucking autist. Short form explanation is that the communists know that there's a big ??? in the transition from a capitalist mode of production to abolishing the state and living in some kind of communist worker run utopia. China explicitly has what are essentially capitalist DMZs where capitalists can work for profit, but the party HATES them. That's the big problem with Jack Ma, he's hugely popular and antithetical to the ideals of the party. They can't outright destroy him though, because they're the ones who gave him authority to do business, and China needs their business. The entirety of China's policy only makes sense through the lense of communism though, just in a really backwards especially retarded way.

You could read more about this if you want to, but I wouldn't recommend it, it's all really really really dumb. Also, Xi has memorized the entirety of Faust.

>> No.14699192


If all you know about NASA is what makes the news then what are you doing in /sfg/

>> No.14699194
File: 64 KB, 1200x675, https _cdn.cnn.com_cnnnext_dam_assets_200128114911-01-space-shuttle-challenger-restricted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've done plenty of science probe stuff.
Their launch vehicle side was killed by shuttle though.

>> No.14699197
File: 207 KB, 337x372, 1633721359510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some assembly required

>> No.14699199

Unfortunately, esoteric data on roggs just isn't very compelling, regardless of how interesting those roggs may be

>> No.14699200

if it doesn't facilitate or assist the human colonization and industrialization of space, its worthless
No, your faggy little pictures don't mean shit

>> No.14699201 [DELETED] 

China is communist/socialist, it just happens that real communism/socialism
Is not what you imagined. Same for Venezuela and North Korea.

I’m not a libertarian or into austrian economics but Six Lessons on Socialism by Mises has good insight on this.

>> No.14699207
File: 1.05 MB, 2415x3000, 1633696262996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>industrialization only counts if HUMAN HANDS manually do it
Humans cannot even touch your precious computer chips without donning several layers of protection to not ruin the entire thing with a stray breath.

>> No.14699208

>NASA intends to grant an exclusive, co- exclusive, or partially exclusive patent license in the United States to practice the inventions described and claimed in: Cold Installation of Elastomeric Valve Seat, U.S. Patent Number 10,197,165, Two-Part Fill Valve for Space-Limited Applications, U.S. Patent Application Serial Number 17/300,707, and Solenoid-Controlled, Liquid Cryogenic- Hydraulically Actuated Isolation Valve Assembly, U.S. Patent Number 10,746,132, to Flight Works, Inc., having its principal place of business in Irvine, CA.

Tanker progress I think

>> No.14699214

show me prototype space mining equipment, refining equipment, farm scale hydro/aeroponics, shit that would permit a permanent civilian presence on another world
You wont be able to find any because all they've been doing for decades is vanity projects with the small scraps of money they're permitted to keep after getting fleeced by jews

>> No.14699215
File: 1.11 MB, 2048x1491, P1210204.crop_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artemis II core stage delivery is set for March 2023

>> No.14699216
File: 43 KB, 800x600, bocachina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will all scrubscribe to ChinkLink :)

>> No.14699217
File: 1.17 MB, 2088x3052, Villi 2000-luku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To show that I'm not lying
>Alligator bit dog, owner stabs back
>thieves stole an entire bridge
>prosecutor attends with court with shots

>seven thieves stole a 13 meter long metal bridge in its entirety near Mostar in Bosnia-Hertzegovina.
>the bridge was in a remote mountainous area. It was built during the Austria-Hungarian empire about 150 years ago. The thieves dislodged the bridge, chopped it to pieces in a nearby shop, and sold the bridge in pieces.
>The police caught wind of the seven romanis' actions and caught the men.

What amazes me the most is that they took the whole 13-meter steel bridge, and carried it to the shop before cutting it into pieces. How.

>> No.14699220 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14699222

whats the status on booster 7

>> No.14699224

two weeks
trust the plan

>> No.14699229

Two more days until we find out what the Mars Sample Return mission is actually going to be

Splitting it into two landers is a dumb move even if they claim it reduces technical risk

>> No.14699230

jannies deleted my reply

>> No.14699231
File: 2.64 MB, 5568x3712, astronaut_serena_harvest_iss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've done plenty with hydroponics, just ISS is to small for a farm scale one.


>> No.14699235

>Why does highly censorious regimes not want satellite internet outside their control?
How about you ask Roskomnadzor why?

>> No.14699237
File: 246 KB, 1200x1676, B6696753-A960-4E19-B628-3DEFC92F4A8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another possibility. Hear me out. The N1F upgrade was slated for 1974 and it used NK-33 engines which COULD be tested before flight.
What if the USSR skipped the “block I” N1 and instead used a pair of smaller, say 50-60 ton to LEO rockets to launch their initial one man lunar landings until the N1F became operational in 1974? Thoughts?
I did some math and a five core vehicle with 30 RD-107’s could’ve lifted 60 tons to LEO. A pair of these rockets would be able to fly the L3 lunar complex with ease, and they use smaller cores, and most of all, they use proven engines which could be tested on the ground.
It’s not a permanent solution, but one that could do a few one man LK landings until the bigger L3M lander came to

>> No.14699241

weird larp

>> No.14699243

>I did some math
It's not that easy in rocketry
Also, your picture is gay. Stop posting your gay-ass pictures in this thread. Nobody cares at all.

>> No.14699244

Also I’m >>14698622
We’re all gonna find a gf. Wagmi

>> No.14699247

>and instead used a pair of smaller, say 50-60 ton to LEO rockets to launch their initial one man lunar landings
So basically using the N1 as originally designed before they pumped up the engine count and crunched every system to make it capable of doing a single launch lunar orbit rendezvous profile

>> No.14699254
File: 2.39 MB, 3490x3490, 1639203120881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>joe landed his rocket before starship took off
are we in the cursed timeline?

>> No.14699262

That doesnt look like new glenn

>> No.14699264

Joe bezos, no relation to Elon Bezos

>> No.14699266

Simply delete the landing pad.
Delightfully counterintuitive.

>> No.14699269

>The amount of attention on me has gone supernova, which super sucks. Unfortunately, even trivial articles about me generate a lot of clicks :(

>Will try my best to buy more blowjobs with horses

>> No.14699271

Joe's rocket also can't make it to orbit, and he took 7 years to make an oversized toy from scratch. Pretty nice and good experience, but still....

>> No.14699274
File: 59 KB, 361x236, 1638820158973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waaahhh all these tactics that I did to generate attention caused people to pay attention to me!!!!!
Is Muskrat unironically a retard?

>> No.14699276

:( poor elon

>> No.14699279

Yeah he has autism.

>> No.14699295

He should have fought and gone nuclear. Trying to give in to liberal narrative fud propaganda campaign wont solve this. They want him dead. Socially, individually, and physically.

>> No.14699310

>Fly starship
>land on white house where Biden sleeps
Problem solved.

>> No.14699312

Him not wasting his time with online slap fights is the best thing that could happen

>> No.14699316

Liberals wants him to dead social media. This is their intimidation tactics.

Giving into bullies never worked. NEVER. You need to fight back and punch back. If that doesnt solve it, final solutions must be considered if the fight doesnt stop. Not fighting back simply means they'll continue to tramping on your graveyard.

>> No.14699317

They are still making Terran R-specific printers and production lines in their new facility. Can't imagine the first flight hardware will come out of the current printers. Also gotta build and test the new engine and modify LC-16.

>> No.14699334

>not 3d printing your launch site

>> No.14699335

do you think they will some of this shit?
seems perfect

>> No.14699357

The original N1 design was pretty much the same as the one flown, but it used “only” 24 engines in the first stage, which eliminated the complex plumbing needed for the inner cluster of six, and it also disregarded the supercooling of the propellants. It could still do 75 tons to LEO.
Funny enough, the upgraded N1F variant was designed to fly in pairs for the L3M Soviet lunar base planned for the mid 70’s. So the USSR thought it was a decent enough plan, although the L3M was huge

>> No.14699358

It's both sad and funny to think that a 100 bucks of sparkers could have prevented the boom under B7

>> No.14699368

Here's a stupid question that didn't deserve its own thread, so I'll just ask it here.

How do we know that other galaxies contain billions or trillions of stars?

>> No.14699372

Space history has a bunch of moments like that
>Challenger flying on a warmer day would’ve saved it
>If SN9 lit three engines on landing it might’ve made it

>> No.14699378

we don't
astronoomers pull it out of there ass
same with red shift and dark matter
all of astronomy is going to have this happen to it soon

>> No.14699381

>there ass

Entire post discarded.

>> No.14699383

astronomy bad

>> No.14699389

i am australian so they are interchangeable

>> No.14699393


Second post discarded.

>> No.14699405

>i am australian
Rooting for Gilmour, let's see if they can achieve orbit with Eris this year. Also, a shame your government doesn't give a shit about space.. well, same as every other government on this planet.

>> No.14699410

just another smallsat launcher, better than nothing but they don't do much for me
we should be trying to get a tech transfer deal done with the yanks so we can just lease a few starships
fuck even a single starship would be enough for anything we want

>> No.14699415

>It could still do 75 tons to LEO.
Weird. I've always read that the N1 was designed to carry around 50 tons originally. Just misinformation that got passed around because no one bothered to fact check it?

>> No.14699423

>/sfg/ is /fit/
So having some veins show on your arms is /fit/ now? Dude looks like he weighs 170 tops

>> No.14699424
File: 191 KB, 483x1476, IMG_8922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're going with rail transport you'd have to use a cluster of 4m modules like the UR-700 instead of the N1.

Or Soyuz-5 like the upcoming Yenisei.

>> No.14699429

Social media isn't real life. Its a waste of fucking time. The fact you think leaving social media = death just means you are waayyy to fucking online. Go outside my dude.

>> No.14699438

That's exactly why they're doing it that way.

Or why they would be doing it that way if they had any budget or the ability to design and build new launch vehicles.

>> No.14699441

There will be no social media on Mars, leave the greatest cancer behind on Earth.

>> No.14699442

>joe landed his rocket before starship took off
>Pretty nice and good experience, but still....

The retard uses arduino for electronics. That's middle-school tier bullshit. He literally can't do real engineering.

>> No.14699443

Think of it as another domain to spread information. He who controls the domain, control the narrative.

>> No.14699458

No the 50 ton to LEO thing is true. The earliest design shown on astronautix is the 75 ton variant though.

>The heavy rocket would be developed in two phases:
>N-I, with a 40 to 50 metric ton payload, to be developed as quickly as possible in 1960 to 1963
>N-II, with a 60 to 80 metric ton payload, using nuclear second and upper stages, to be developed in 1964 to 1965

^ From Korolev. So the N-I was 50 tons to LEO, and the N-II was 80.

> N-I: (Korolev) - to be developed in 1960 - 1962. 40 to 50 metric tons payload to low earth orbit and 10 to 20 metric tons to Mars. Draft project to be completed by second quarter 1961.
>N-II - (Korolev) - to be completed in 1963 - 1967. 60 to 80 metric ton payload to low earth orbit and 20 to 40 metric tons to Mars. Draft project to be completed in 1962.

We don’t have any idea what the pre-1962 N-I design looked like. The N-I 1962 design with the 24 engines is the earliest RECORDED one. But it’s technically not

>> No.14699460
File: 382 KB, 1125x1475, F6B35105-31AC-4499-9E53-C6D3ECAAA9CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starship launch pad tanks arrived at 39A

>> No.14699462

There's more to the internet then social media. Also the hit pieces are closer to trolling then bullying, where the proper response is to ignore and give them less ammo. Elon is making the right decision.

>> No.14699472

Pretty close actually, 175ish. My lifts have really fallen off since I started climbing most of my gym time, having a lot of bulk isn't as helpful as you'd think. I still have a decent physique though, and as you said I'm blessed with amazing veins.

>> No.14699485

Could be for Blorigin, but SpaceX does seem more likely.

>> No.14699492

arduino kicks ass these days
you can get to orbit on a rasberry pi

>> No.14699502

No launch this week.

>> No.14699503

Not only can you get to orbit on a raspberry pi, you can stay there since there are plenty of pi-powered cubesats

>> No.14699506

space isn't actually hard

>> No.14699507

Accepted into the space force today. Hopefully I’ll get to see/do some cool shit.

>> No.14699510

You're going to be staring at an orbit plot waiting for your daily uplinks like everyone else

Unless Space Force has mysteriously funded a passenger-carrying X-37C

>> No.14699514

>same with red shift
We can literally observe red shift
>dark matter
This is pure astronomer cope though.

>> No.14699517

Sounds based

>> No.14699521

>We can literally observe red shift

>> No.14699530
File: 1.07 MB, 985x1005, 1634511115258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, light sources that are farther away are shifted to longer wavelengths. You can literally just see it, but the NIRcam And MIRI data is available as well.

>> No.14699534


>> No.14699539

You know the /Sci/ catalog is gonna have a field day with this lol
>schizo says schizo stuff

>> No.14699540

>inb4 some things are just redder

>> No.14699542

And the average degree to which every single observable object in the universe is redder also happens to correspondly exactly with their distance because of complete coincidence.

>> No.14699544

weirder things have happened

>> No.14699546

Like the moon being just the right distance to eclipse the sun sometimes? That's kinda weird.

>> No.14699560

>Johnson reportedly explained to authorities "he was told by the president" to warn "the government there was US aliens fighting with Chinese dragons."
I don't see how any of this is schizo stuff

>> No.14699568

The Chinese have their own crew dragon now. It’s over

>> No.14699574

Nah, that’s a space system ops responsibility

>> No.14699591

It's roughly the same distance required for a total eclipse and it's a fleeting occurrence as the Moon gradually gets further from the Earth. A hundred million years from now there will only be a partial or annular eclipse.

>> No.14699597
File: 81 KB, 600x600, 1656007127303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will there be a 2024 total eclipse /sfg/ meet-up? I'll beat the brakes off of the imaginary girlfriend fag if he doesn't die from a vaccine induced stroke before then.

>> No.14699602

Sorry bro...

>> No.14699604

>/sfg/ meet-up?
How are the alpha centauri anons gonna make it??

>> No.14699605

Probably going to be in Texas for this one

>> No.14699620

I live right in the middle of the path, sweet

>> No.14699632
File: 498 KB, 1862x1536, s3dmg2Z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I will probably go over to New Brunswick for it. Maybe go camping in woods and take a small dose of psychedelics. Guess I'll miss out on the cum brownies.

>> No.14699635

btw this was fake and it probably wasn't real cum

>> No.14699637

>He's still mad
Slow night in the basement huh?

>> No.14699641

1v1 me in KSP RO/RSS and see what happens, kiddo

>> No.14699644
File: 657 KB, 828x1060, BC489B11-6631-416C-A887-C4E0CDADB85A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this at the work Christmas party

>> No.14699646

1959 moon landing let's gooooo

>> No.14699655

The path of my orbital heat laser

>> No.14699658 [DELETED] 
File: 1.60 MB, 1000x1000, 21stCenturyNorthAmericanEclipses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14699659

Lunar flyby mission but with WWI tech only

>> No.14699662

You're wiping out Austin AND Dallas?

>> No.14699663
File: 111 KB, 1942x1465, SEatlas2021.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have included the europoors

>> No.14699664
File: 249 KB, 1371x1292, 73971AF0-01D7-4991-BE5E-1978BC1FA512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who needs a flight computer to steer a rocket anyways?

>> No.14699683

Phobos you piece of shit, why couldn't you be bigger so that we get a real total eclipse on Mars.

>> No.14699693
File: 1.47 MB, 420x420, d351491a_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its ogre

>> No.14699699


>> No.14699703
File: 66 KB, 1280x602, moon_orbital_tilt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't into orbital mechanics. Is it really possible to get eclipses all the way at the poles?

>> No.14699707

sure? they'll just happen lower in the sky

>> No.14699746


>> No.14699753

Combination of lower budgets and corruption in the senate.

>> No.14699767

Do they need any flamboyant extravagant pompous futuristic space uniforms (for show, and presentation, not duty)?

>> No.14699773

>Do they need any flamboyant extravagant pompous futuristic space uniforms (for show, and presentation, not duty)?
$10,000 for the designs please. I really worked hard on them and need money

>> No.14699774

You are a faggot, lusting after other anons cocks.

>> No.14699776

lol they blocked /sci/ on hawthorne wifi
(froyo is chocolate and mint)

>> No.14699779

Elon saw us making fun of his swimsuit photos, sorry

>> No.14699787

stop shitposting and get back to stacking rings

>> No.14699796
File: 101 KB, 828x821, I've Joined Blue Origin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Browsing 4channel on the company network
Anon, I...

>> No.14699810

What about the rest of 4chan?

>> No.14699817
File: 330 KB, 828x604, 9DB0A398-0276-461E-9AE8-A241A2B55D5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’re almost finished with them

Sneed it or keep it?

>> No.14699822
File: 16 KB, 400x183, TXHUNhenge02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FWIW the annular eclipse six months earlier has a track that intersects the totality track.

>> No.14699880

>passes through Monroe county, NY
any Penfield anons reporting in?
t. Tiger, mech engy

>> No.14699912
File: 60 KB, 1920x1080, HD_scale_earth_vs_moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair question since it's a bit counterintuitive that the Moon could block the Sun in polar regions despite it's inclination never varying more than about 5 degree with respect to the elliptic but it's important to note that Earth has an axial tilt of 23.5 degrees and it's very far from the sun, which is enough for their relative angles to cause a polar eclipse. At least that's what makes sense to me.

>> No.14699927

>passing over the UP
Neat, I'll be looking up

>> No.14699940

honestly not bad aside from the pants being weirdly shaped

>> No.14699976

If only it were a few hundred miles SE it would pass over Boca Chica and we could have a launch during a total eclipse.

>> No.14699980
File: 12 KB, 1200x600, moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14699983

>Chinese dragons
Oh my God. Did this guy watch or perhaps even make the Project Golden Dragon video?

>> No.14699996

Why eclipses always happen above North America?

>> No.14700008

what else is blocked out of curiosity

>> No.14700013

It's a large continent from the polar ice cap all the way down to the tropics.

>> No.14700016

Eurasia is bigger.

>> No.14700019

and also gets a bunch of eclipses

>> No.14700020

injun witches stole the eclipses from the russian and mongolian witches so they could hog them for all the magic rituals

>> No.14700025
File: 114 KB, 1024x768, 1657485848423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hypothesis of the liquid structure of the terrestrial nucleus is deeply flawed, for a reason which science has never been able to confute: Because this liquid mass would be subject, like the ocean, to the lunar attraction, and therefore twice every day there would be internal tides, which, upheaving the terrestrial crust, would cause periodical earthquakes!

Yet it is evident that the surface of the globe has been subject to the action of fire, and it is quite reasonable that you might suppose that the external crust cooled down first, whilst the heat took refuge down to the center.

This is quite a mistake. The earth has been heated by combustion on its surface, that is all. Its surface was composed of a great number of metals, such as potassium and sodium, which have the peculiar property of igniting at the mere contact with air and water; these metals kindled when the atmospheric vapors fell in rain upon the soil; and by and by, when the waters penetrated into the fissures of the crust of the earth, they broke out into fresh combustion with explosions and eruptions. Such was the cause of the numerous volcanoes at the origin of the earth.

>> No.14700055
File: 1.08 MB, 3600x2000, worldmap_saroscycle_149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're distributed pretty evenly, as part of the 18 year long Saros cycle.

>> No.14700063
File: 73 KB, 440x212, Screenshot 2022-07-26 102240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When does this one happen?

>> No.14700071

Somewhere within 1,262 years. The period is at the bottom of (>>14700055).

>> No.14700094

are those the only ones that ever happen or are there any "off cycle" eclipses

>> No.14700180

The liquid outer core was not assumed, it was the result of seismology measurements. Any alternative model of the Earth would have to quantitatively match that data, otherwise it's just noise.

Secondly claiming volcanoes come from surface combustion is retarded and cannot work. If you have heat coming from the outside then the highest temperature will be at the surface. That is basic thermodynamics, if heat is flowing down then the temperature gradient is positive with the highest temperature at the outside. We don't have temperature to liquify rock on the surface, so it's wrong.

Perhaps consider basic physics first next time.

>> No.14700182 [DELETED] 
File: 1.62 MB, 3000x2118, PSX_20220202_125822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based horsefucker :)

>> No.14700190

wtf based

>> No.14700206

>eutelsat and oneweb have agreed to merge companies
oh shit it actually happened

>> No.14700213

wikipedia is out of date but eutelsat has dozens of commsats in geo. i guess they'll transition their existing customers from the slow geosats to the oneweb sats?

>> No.14700219

>The retard uses arduino for electronics. That's middle-school tier bullshit.
Invalid opinion detected.
His flight software is low quality shite and that has nothing to do with running on arduino.

>> No.14700234

his flight software is good enough
he is the first person in history to land a solid rocket

>> No.14700243

it is good enough yeah. i'll watch his video when it comes out

>> No.14700283

Could HTP and ethanol make a good non-coking, non-cryogenic fuel combo for a low budget re-usable liquid engine?

HTP is obviously very dangerous, but HTP kerosene works and LOX ethanol works so why wouldn't HTP ethanol?

>> No.14700299

brainlet here
can't you just run HTP as a monoprop?

>> No.14700327
File: 101 KB, 640x582, Tether Phobos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no bully Phobos, its a useful moon

>> No.14700347
File: 854 KB, 744x757, 1658510827301945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a dumbass, this is the fuel mix for the German rocket planes, so yes it is suitable for a reusable rocket engine.

about half the ISP.

>> No.14700423

Have a house in one of the best spots to see it. /Sfg/ meet?

>> No.14700434

/K/fest fun AF.

>> No.14700439

You're the guy who opened the Krystal PDF at work, aren't you?

>> No.14700451
File: 32 KB, 685x682, 1629628696725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oldest galaxy discovered. it existed just 280 million years after the bigbang.

>> No.14700485
File: 360 KB, 1982x1411, 20220726_053547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when we finally get wmds in space, it will be a bright future

>> No.14700595


Its official now. Russia wants out of ISS cooperation, after 2024.

>> No.14700604

literally who

>> No.14700609

Just crash the damn money sink

>> No.14700630

It's only a candidate at the moment, the redshift hasn't been confirmed spectroscopically. Secondly it isn't even the most distant candidate published today. There is another team claiming z=16, and another batshit team claiming 20.

>> No.14700650

nasa just got fucked hard

>> No.14700658

Congress needs to mandate NASA to work with SpaceX to get ISS boosters done. Cygnus is toast since Russia destroyed the Yuzmash factory where Cygnus gets their engines from. So they only have 1-2 additional missions worth of engine.

>> No.14700660

They probably want money. Either that or they will change their minds in a year or so.

>> No.14700671

Banking on Russia to change their mind about the life of ISS isn't a good strategy. We need backup plans for ISS, yesterday. ISS booster missions need to be be contracted out to another company like SpaceX.

>> No.14700679

no doubt axiom is calling an all hands meeting right about now

>> No.14700690

I don't understand how some powerpoint presentations will help in this situation at all, anon.

>> No.14700703

Descend, bold traveler, into the crater of the jokul of Sneffels, which the shadow of Scartaris touches before the kalends of July, and you will attain the center of the earth; which I have done.

>> No.14700715

I'd really like to see a comparison between preserving the ISS and building a new station. In theory we're going to have a moon base at some point, and it seems like a travesty that there's no artificial partial gravity station. The ISS was never going to last forever, but now that they're opening it up more to commercial use, and people are seeing that doing science and manufacturing space is now feasible because of plummeting launch costs, it would really suck if it just fizzled out of existence.

>> No.14700731

Spending billions to rescue NASA's main financial burden is also a bad idea. In all of the Augustine scenarios one of the main limiting factors for doing new things was when the ISS would be retired.

>> No.14700754

If there's no boost missions for ISS after 2024, it means ISS is no longer habitable. Which is great for budget savers. But it also means there's no other alternative. Congress will never greenlight Starship space station. They hate Starship as it is. They can hate SpaceX for all they want, but Dragon vessel is an interm solution to keeping ISS up and running. While they continue to fund other commercial space stations, which wont be seeing the light until 2028-2030s

>> No.14700764

In summary,

Prestige/jobs program with SpaceX
No prestige/no jobs program without SpaceX

>> No.14700765

Bye, Felicia!

>> No.14700772

Why ?

>> No.14700773
File: 46 KB, 424x649, shuttle deathtrap wm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, the pointless money pit ISS is in peril whatever will we do without it!?

>> No.14700779

Why is Russia so dumb ? Is because of muh degenerate west ?
What happened?

>> No.14700796
File: 86 KB, 744x469, space_kettle_tax_cemetery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmm I wonder who can save the day now...

>> No.14700801

Axiom station starts launching in 2024. Does this mean it is also kill?

>> No.14700803

They can fuck off. We own Zarya anyway.

>> No.14700832

I was the resident orbiter shill who disparaged ksp. I would like to apologise

>> No.14700834
File: 105 KB, 576x1023, 1645204034622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first stage claimed to reach orbit
>boosters aren't counted as the first stage
why is this allowed? It's not a real SSTO, it's a sham.

>> No.14700836
File: 3.08 MB, 498x275, 1654336498733.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay anon, I hope you're enjoying KSP.

>> No.14700838 [DELETED] 

Everyone said when orbiter goes opensource, it will dramatically improve because of community contribution.
3 months ago, a senior community member posted two threads about the futute of openorbiter. The threads where filled with dozens of sensible feature requests and a solid roadmap.
What happened next? Nothing. Zero progress.

>> No.14700843 [DELETED] 

Then the orbiter forum admins forked orbiter to develop a community distribution. Then silence. I doubt they even know c++.
There's probably one or two in the whole community who actually know what do to but they haven't posted in a while.

>> No.14700870

Zero progress since it went open source. The leadership sucks too.

>> No.14700878

How big will the Lunar Gateway Station be and couldn't we expand it to be a microgravity research station instead of ISS?

>> No.14700883

If ISS could be kept in orbit by non-Russia boosters, would ISS still be viable? Is Russia going to just let everyone keep using their modules?

>> No.14700885
File: 163 KB, 580x680, 1627595144661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, maybe? But then it's like, why the fuck is it orbiting the moon, that's a pain in the ass.

>> No.14700901

Hello? Who do you think owns the media companies?

>> No.14700905

what is the point of lunar gateway again?
And what is the point of ISS again? retire ISS. use that money to fund the commercial stations. ISS is too old.
Funfact : <10% of astronaut-hours are actually for science. Rest is just maintenance.

>> No.14700908

Reaching LEO has gotten too cheap. We need a space station that's further away and more expensive to get to. And by we, I mean government contractors.

>> No.14700909

>averages ~3 kids per year
>doesn’t have sex
Where can one learn such powers?

>> No.14700910

>like a travesty that there's no artificial partial gravity station
not only that, in the commercial stations selection statement, companies who proposed artificial gravity were intentionally scored less "because its too risky"

>> No.14700913
File: 171 KB, 1244x533, astronaut corvettes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How big will the Lunar Gateway Station be
Salyut sized
>expand it to be a microgravity research station
fuck that, we need Martian/Lunar gravity mammalian reproduction study spin stations

>> No.14700917

>we need centralized global planning
I have no ill will toward you at all, but you deserve to be tortured to death in a Soviet prison

>> No.14700919

Absolutely. And why are they still doing plant experiments on the ISS?
Why no 0-g human reproduction experiments?

>> No.14700921

do you know whats more inefficient than a government? A group of governments.

>> No.14700922

If we were going to build something that big outside of LEO I'd really actually like a Mars / Earth partial gravity tug. I know it's stupidly fucking expensive, but so is the ISS. Sending people on a months long Martian journey with little else to do but twiddle their thumbs in zero-g and look out the window seems fairly harsh. It'd be nice if they were busy for most of the trip to Mars, doing experiments in partial and zero-g.

>> No.14700925

Good bait

>> No.14700926

I think it's more likely to be related to problems in maintaining their booster production rate. The sanctions we slapped on them back in 2014 cut them off from importing 80% of the space-rated electronics they were using for domestic satellite manufacturing, and the ones we’ve got them under now are so bad their primary tank factory had to shut down because they couldn't import the parts they needed. Their rocket production lines can't be any better off.

If they can only produce a limited number of Basedez boosters then military satellite launches are going to take priority over ISS flights. This is also probably why they appropriated back the rockets they sold to OneWeb and stopped selling Baseduzs to Arianespace, since those would have a lower priority than national prestige cosmonaut launches.

>> No.14700927

you are making a simple thing complex. If you want to do 0g experiments just use the commercial stations.

>> No.14700928

I WILL have sex with them all (no gay aliens, tho)

>> No.14700929

determining the aroma of roses grown in zero-g as opposed to earths gravity is one of the most pressing scientific issues of our time and I for one am glad to have a $150 billion dollar facility to answer these questions

>> No.14700935

>not a homeowner
>multiple divorces
>fucks whoever he wants whenever he wants
There is hope after all

>> No.14700950

>Why no 0-g human reproduction experiments?
thats crazy reckless given we have no animal reproduction data. no review board would agree, no sane woman would volunteer

>> No.14700951

There’s a good book about the (future) history of Marschads returning to Earth in power, gassing all animeavatarfags, incinerating the bodies and taking a piss on the steaming ashes, but I haven’t finished it yet.

>> No.14700959

>I think the US federal government does a great job, but it’s just not powerful, inefficient or corrupt enough
I hope your feeding tube falls out and you starve to death

>> No.14700966

Jesus fucking Christ, how badly does NASA want to blow up astronauts?

>> No.14700976

Doesn’t strike me as an early lifer

>> No.14700984
File: 822 KB, 1407x1156, 52207982366_25f669b398_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mars hole

>> No.14700987

Guard your anus

>> No.14700999


>> No.14701003

>Russia unintentionally gives domestic rocket engine builders all the incentives they need to sink money into new system R&D

Rocketdyne's still looking for a buyer IIRC

>> No.14701010


>> No.14701013

That’s inference not direct observation. Literally.

>> No.14701021 [DELETED] 

>Russia hands domestic engine manufacturers all the incentive they need to fund cleansheet R&D

Rocketdyne's still looking for a buyer...

>> No.14701024

With all the money Russia spent on the ISS they could've gone to the Moon.

>> No.14701028

I am once again asking for a Starship Space Station as a replacement for the ISS

>> No.14701029
File: 608 KB, 1170x1541, 1628961959890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think it's more likely to be related to problems in maintaining their booster production rate.
Maybe they could get Jeff Who to help them.

>> No.14701058

We already have less than sane female astronauts, so that avenue is covered. China probably will be the first to have a space induced pregnancy since they're more willing to approve such things.

>> No.14701062

>"everybody has to do what I want them to, EVERYBODY!"


>> No.14701063

lunar shrimp and chicken farms when?

>> No.14701068

100% possible. But what launch vehicle would they use?

>> No.14701070

A spacegun

>> No.14701073

NASA doesn't want SpaceX to dominate the industry alone.

>> No.14701075


>> No.14701076

Some kind of black powder SRBs

>> No.14701097

Was Skylab the longest continuous low-pressure environment a human has ever been in?
Were there any pressure related health effects that were noticed?
How low could you go for something like a casneed handjob inflatable and still allow humans to be healthy for years on end?

>> No.14701396

Aliens do not exist.