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14697208 No.14697208 [Reply] [Original]

Remember me?

>> No.14697230

I feel like I might be out of the loop on this one chief.

>> No.14697232

She drilled a hole in the ISS because she was going crazy due to relationship issues.
Everybody tried to cover it up because
>muh female empowerment

>> No.14697236
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Something like this

>> No.14697265

Never trust a Gusano.

>> No.14697270


doesn't NASA have a protocol for getting somebody down from the ISS fast in case of injury or mental freakout ?

>> No.14697272

Maybe with a man. But if they did they with a woman it would imply that women can not handle space operations which is a taboo subject. Women are supposed to be stronger and better than men.

>> No.14697274

definitely, which is why the story as greentexted above is about as likely as anything else that came from a red board.

she probably had some issues that were quietly covered for publicity and thus blown out of proportion by nutjobs

>> No.14697278

>t. totally not a roastoid

>> No.14697285

How does an astronaut get flight ready without discovering those issues? The selection process is brutal.

>> No.14697294

astronaut training is very intense and pretty reliable, but it would be hubris to assume it works flawlessly every time. i expect the issues were in fact much more minor than OP makes them out to be, but i cba to look into this case so take me with a grain of salt.

>> No.14697295

>Hyphenated name
Yep, she's guilty

>> No.14697301

>blown out of proportion by the Russian media

>> No.14697361
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Occams razor

Which is more simple explanation?
A astronaut has a mental break down and sabotages her own toilet, then drills holes in her ship?
Drunk Russian assembling module on Earth drills 1 extra hole, and tries to cover it up with epoxy, which dries out months later and causes issues, and Russia is so embarrassed they try to make an even more embarrassing lie to shift the blame.

Also >>14697236 doesn't explain the epoxy they found. The hole was sealed till the epoxy failed. If she made the hole herself, and epoxied it herself to cover it up, then why didn't she just reapply more epoxy when they were trying to find the air leak? The Russian's narrative has more holes than their ISS module.

>> No.14697379

The toilet was sabotaged with a tool. Someone did the sabotaging.

>> No.14697425

>The selection process is brutal.
For white men, yeah.

>> No.14697428


>> No.14697432

>Which is more simple explanation?
It depends how much of an incel you are.

>> No.14697451
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why is there nothing on google about this? Her record looks clean.

>> No.14697462

could be possible the russians epoxied it after they found the hole too while up there to temporarily fix it

>> No.14697463

Because OP is a fag

>> No.14697466

>why is there nothing on google about this?
Do you really have to ask?

>> No.14697467

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.14697477
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>> No.14697482

you, the shitposter?
unfortunately yes.
fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.14697492
File: 2.47 MB, 3200x4000, Lisa_M._Nowak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember me?

>> No.14697496
File: 65 KB, 696x488, Dos-Sapos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Polygraph xswhtp

>> No.14697507

>on google
Gee I wonder why jewgle would censor or remove such info. Hmm...

>> No.14697509

This entire site is /pol/
You will never claim blue boards as an outpost for your reddit colony.
You will become weary of the /pol/posting and eventually give up and leave.

>> No.14697530

wasn't it confirmed that nowak and the pilot were fucking on the ISS? imagine the smell

>> No.14697550

Russian incompetence is just far likelier.

>> No.14697559

>Russian incompetence
>Female incompetence
It's a tight race.

>> No.14697561

Far likelier than unhinged women?

>> No.14697568

russians are unhinged so they identify as women

>> No.14697660
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the russian space program is a joke and has been falling apart post soviet collapse. last year one of their "new" space station modules caused the ISS to lose attitude control when they couldn't stop its thrusters from firing.


it's not a stretch of the imagination for the russians to send up shitty space equipment, because that's what they've been doing.

>> No.14697674
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>Not immediately realizing that ESL textwall came from a vatnik desperately coping over russia not being 100% perfect all the time
I applaud you for never going to the shithole that is /k/ but the one useful skill that can be learned from there is how to spot russian nationalists online

>> No.14697692

i suppose the fairly recent soyuz launch failure was her fault too? nothing to do with russian space manufacturing becoming notably shoddier over the last few years

>> No.14697718

Nothing weird about refusing to do a polygraph exam but they also refused to show their tools to the ruskies which is a bit suspicious.

>> No.14697745

what a load of bullshit

>> No.14697748

dumbest fucking write-up i have ever read

>> No.14697752
File: 327 KB, 696x602, 1551729066410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>russia is... le bad
>nooooo you can't just invaderino "sovereign countries" some masonic homosexual said it's le bad

>> No.14697770

dumbaf shitposter

>> No.14697783

You didn't read the whole thing? It ends with NASA's decision to abandon the ISS, a decision you'll recall didn't happen and wouldn't have been theirs to make.

>> No.14697852

right, countries are only sovereign if they're russia-aligned

>> No.14697934

I have no idea what he's trying to communicate in the 5th post
>and girls finally 'finding the bolt' panic stick gunb on it, and just completely soak themselfs and everything with 70 year soaking up radiation , super horrificrotten egg smelling fluids.
what the fuck does this mean

>> No.14698196

>it's not a stretch of the imagination for the russians to send up shitty space equipment, because that's what they've been doing.
It's also not a stretch of the imagination for the USA to send up a woman with seriously mental health issues, as that is what we have been doing. See >>14697492

>> No.14698200

I hope he sees this and give you a crumb of his cock

>> No.14698215

I know Americans don't always have the best grasp of their own language, but come on now

>> No.14698273

Both are equally likely, that's why this story is funny

>> No.14698748

Don't they have cameras on that thing?

>> No.14698825


It was built before surveillance of every individual everywhere you go 24/7 became 'normalized' in society.

>> No.14698958

Pretty sure this whole thing was Russian propaganda and that the Russians tried to sabotage the iss

>> No.14699025

Yes, Dimon. Hope you get HIMARS'd.

>> No.14699811

>Also >>14697236 doesn't explain the epoxy they found.
They didn't find epoxy. They FIXED it with epoxy.

>> No.14699865

russia moment

>> No.14701111

Where is anon getting all this information? I don't see any links

>> No.14702560


No wonder the Russians are building their own station and quitting the ISS in 2024. Fucking nuts they tried to cover this up.

>> No.14702586

The Russians will not be building their own station. They're fucked for another generation. Maybe the Chinese will let the Russians "have" a Russian-themed module on their station but no Slav posted up there will ever make an executive decision.

>> No.14702608

Russian quality control just got fucked in the early 2010's when the absolute last vanguard of the Soviet era retired/died and there were nobody to replace them

>> No.14702655
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>Option 1: women ruined space
>Option 2: space is fake

>> No.14702940

Not in this case, sweetheart. Russia has a proven space track record. There is not a proven space track record for psychotic females.

>> No.14703000

No sources and horribly written. More than just the occasional typo in there. Shame because I like stories such as this.

>> No.14703404


>> No.14703411

because it's fake like everything else on this godforsaken site

>> No.14703762

>Option 3: Russians lie

>> No.14706073

>muh russia

>> No.14707677
File: 102 KB, 959x528, 2018-09-04_02-14-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drunk Russian assembling module on Earth drills 1 extra hole
They do not use power drills during the assembly of the orbital module. Especially not from the inside, with the internal liner removed, then put back in place.

>> No.14708323

>t. incompetent Russian aerospace engineer

>> No.14709345

This is from about 2 years ago, various parts were legit.

>> No.14709371

>a woman does something crazy
>drunk russian fucks up and then the entire russian government conspires to cover up a drilling mistake
You think you understand Occam's Razor... but you don't.

>> No.14709379

>Auñón-Chancellor's research is concerned with the medical implications of space radiation exposure, including computer modelling of the radiation environment of a crewed orbiting spacecraft.
That pic is onto something

>> No.14709392

>They didn't find epoxy.
see https://www.upi.com/Science_News/2018/09/03/Hole-responsible-for-space-station-leak-caused-by-drill-not-meteorite-Russia-says/2331536013870/

>According to Russian media reports, the hole was accidentally drilled in the Russian Soyuz spacecraft while it was still on the ground.
>An unnamed source told RIA Novosti the person responsible for drilling the hole filled it with glue instead of reporting the mistake.
>"The glue dried and was squeezed out, opening the hole," the source told the media outlet.

This is reporting out of Russia BTW. Of course Kremlin has squashed it, and created a new narrative.

Also, to put a button on this story.
>"It seems to be done by a faltering hand," Dmitry Rogozin, CEO of Russia's state space corporation Roscosmos, told the Russian news agency TASS. "It is a technological error by a specialist. It was done by a human hand -- there are traces of a drill sliding along the surface."
faltering hand = drunk Russian

>> No.14709546

see >>14707677
No epoxy.
Drilled intentionally, by somebody who clumsily skated the drill bit across the painted part before finding purchase and committing to the hole.

>> No.14709654

The patriot has arrived lads!
USA is perfect!

>> No.14709661

>le nauka has deorbited ISS
>no proof
>le roastie drilled hole into ISS
>no proof

space is fake lads

>> No.14709684

Why do you think any serious engineer would be "drunk". Even in Russia. Fucking ridiculous. And all the other workers and QC etc didn't care about the blatant drill skidmarks below the hole? Didn't notice the abnormality in the otherwise pristine wall?

Faltering hand = trying to drill a hole in zero G or with little experience using power tools.

She looks crazy. She genuinely looks like a bunny boiler.

>> No.14709702

I hope this psychotic bitch finds that the early ride home was worth the charges they're going to bring against her.

>> No.14709712

russian propaganda

>> No.14709767
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>Why do you think any serious engineer would be "drunk"
I don't think he was necessarily drunk
I think he was incompetent or assumed incompetence
>Yuri, the hole is missing, what do?
>blyat, those morons forgot to drill last hole, use hand drill Vadim

> And all the other workers and QC etc didn't care about the blatant drill skidmarks below the hole? Didn't notice the abnormality in the otherwise pristine wall?
they said: not my job, it's just chipped paint, it's nothing - good to go
if you ever been around Russians, you would understand what phrase "nichego" exactly means

>> No.14709783

When you kiss Putin's ass, do you aim at the cheeks or go for the hole?

>> No.14709786

easy on the homoerotic fantasies masonic tranny

>> No.14709819

you started with them

>> No.14711336
File: 1.00 MB, 320x240, 299347D1-9C6F-4ADF-9E38-E86A12402432.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone knows it was a russian