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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 431 KB, 1490x894, Screen Shot 2022-07-23 at 7.26.46 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14693914 No.14693914 [Reply] [Original]

There is a less than 20% chance that you are not vaccinated. Those who smugly say "not getting it" are in the minority.

>> No.14693936

>in the minority
Sweet, does this mean my systemic oppression victimhood just leveled up?

>> No.14693945

most people are retarded what is your point?

>> No.14693977
File: 84 KB, 453x439, 1555381240318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less than 20%

>> No.14694000

am i a protected minority class yet? btw, most of those unvaccinated are blacks.. so you may want to reconsider whatever it is you're trying to imply. racism isn't allowed here.

>> No.14694016

>There is a less than 20% chance that you are not vaccinated.
>Those who smugly say "not getting it" are in the minority.
This is why we need to get rid of democracy. The ignorant masses should not have a say in things that they don't understand.

>> No.14694030

this is a 0.032% chance that all of you have not received the shot. stop pretending to not have the vaccine to be "cool" on 4chan

>> No.14694031

>Those who smugly say "not getting it" are in the minority.
Is that supposed to be an insult? I'm also in the minority by not being overweight.

>> No.14694034

The type of people to browse 4chan sci are the type to be suspicious of suspicious vaccines

>> No.14694036

>in the minority by not being overweight
Sweet, does this mean my systemic oppression victimhood just leveled up twice in the same thread?

>> No.14694051

>government tells people to either starve or get the vaccine
>they get the vaccine

>> No.14694185

better question is what % of the population are up to date on their boosters (one in past 6 months)

not vaxxed by the way

>> No.14694229

is anyone in this thread vaxed lol

>> No.14694239

I need to find a doctor who can give the vaccine in such a way that it has zero chance of side effects. Does anyone have advice on how to find such a place in the only country on earth that matters?

>> No.14694240

>better question is what % of the population are up to date on their boosters (one in past 6 months)
The majority of people I know are vaccinated. Most opted not to get the booster, and I only know of one person who went for the second booster. The U.S. government has even complained about poor booster uptake.

>> No.14694243

>I need to find a doctor who can give the vaccine in such a way that it has zero chance of side effects.
Even a saline injection can lead to adverse effects.

>> No.14694265

Read between the lines Science liker.

>> No.14694270

i didnt get it.
and im not getting it
its ok though cuz im quite used to being in the minority amongst the group think clowns running this show into the ground

>> No.14694436


I scored in the top 1 percentile on my ACT/SAT. I like being in the minority.

>> No.14694463

I'm unvaccinated in canada

>> No.14694469

I got it but I pretend to be unvaxxed on the internet.

>> No.14695337


>> No.14695642

I lost my job to my company mandating it, hope things are better on your end fellow leaf.

>> No.14695645

>this is the intellectual level of vaxxies

>> No.14695648

I'm unvaxxed in a fellow anglo country. Never give in to them bros.

>> No.14695757

>only 1 or 2 doses
Fuck these antivax chuds

>> No.14695768

I'm not memeing I haven't gotten a shot. My friends got the virus and are fine. What's the point of it? And what's the truth? Is it actually a dogshit vax with less than 60% effectiveness like they say?

>> No.14695770
File: 207 KB, 1080x1123, excessdeathsbeforeafter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it actually a dogshit vax with less than 60% effectiveness like they say?

It's actually killing more people than Covid did.

This graph really upsets the vaxxers. They cannot cope with it at all.

>> No.14695791

Fuuuuckkkkkk. That's upsetting. My family have all gotten the vaxx, but are fine. It's only a problem if they contract the virus, right?

>> No.14695794

They can't cope with anything. It is just a giant shill farm pumping out their counterpoints.

>> No.14695806

they have brain damage from metal poisoning

nobody died from c*vid because pathogenic viruses are not real

>> No.14695858

Antivaxxers are just babies who are scared of needles. Anything else they say is just rationalization.

>> No.14695861

>vax shill doesn't understand bayes theoreom

>> No.14695865

the age groups that showed the largest decrease in excess deaths from year 1 to year 2 in your graph are also the age groups with over 90% vaccination rates. it amazes me that you have enough brain cells to type english - let alone operate a computer or wipe your own ass

riddle me this, dipshit: why would an increase in vaccination cause an increase in excess death among the young (who were largely unvaccinated and presumably the healthiest), but not in the elderly who overwhelmingly got all their shots?

i swear this board is literally just all retards now

>> No.14696033
File: 128 KB, 1670x983, CovidIFR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My family have all gotten the vaxx, but are fine. It's only a problem if they contract the virus, right?

Hard to say man. There are numerous reasons to believe the effects won't become apparent until later.

>> No.14696047
File: 81 KB, 1662x846, AddressYourLies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>It's the shill who's favorite word is retard

You know, your limited vocabulary is a sign of your limited intellect? Your hostility is also a sign of stunted emotional development.

> the young (who were largely unvaccinated and presumably the healthiest)

This is you being dishonest. The 25-44 age bracket had >81% receiving at least one dose.


>i swear this board is literally just all retards now

Mostly you. Can you address the fact you just got literally everything wrong?

Every other anon, learn from this guy. These people are simply incapable of being honest. He won't address the fact that he just made up bullshit to try to deceive you. He's just going to repeat the word 'retard' over and over again, thinking that he's impressive for being dumber than a parrot.

>> No.14696051

There is less than a 20% chance that you browse 4chan. Those who smugly say "based" don't know that you're in the minority.

>> No.14696058

>This is you being dishonest. The 25-44 age bracket had >81% receiving at least one dose.

Guess which group is higher though. The effect you're trying to measure (excess deaths) is literally anticorrelative with the independent variable you're blaming it on (vaccination rate)

>> No.14696068

they're also the type to be NEETs who don't need to get the vaxx

>> No.14696142

Make a card. The templates are out there.

>> No.14696152
File: 83 KB, 2270x839, Excessdeaths2544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why didn't you address the fact you blatantly lied?

>The effect you're trying to measure (excess deaths) is literally anticorrelative with the independent variable you're blaming it on (vaccination rate)

This was actually addressed in the original image, but as I said, you cannot cope with it.

Answer: Covid hit the 85+ group the hardest, and therefore created a 'pull forward' in mortality.

Now I answered you. Answer me. Why did you blatantly lie about the fact that 25-44 year olds were getting vaccinated en masse at the threat of losing their careers?

Address the underlying concern that excess mortality was substantially higher AFTER the deployment of the vaccines than at anytime before.

Answer why college students were coerced into taking an emergency use gene therapy for a disease that had approximately a 0% chance to kill them.

But you won't. You never do. You always dance around and try to shift the conversation away from the fact that you are a despicable waste of human life.

>> No.14696254

there is less than 20% chance that someone is 100% not vaccinated.
fuckin bayesian GET OUT OF MY BOARD

>> No.14696311

>This was actually addressed in the original image, but as I said, you cannot cope with it.

>retards: "X causes Y"
>"well then why is it that people with the most X have the least amount of Y?"
>retards: "uhhhh I guess cause 'pull forward'?"

the aggregate population data doesn't support your argument and neither do the controlled studies that established safety to begin with. the absolute state of /sci/ in 2022

>> No.14696368

wrong on all counts, moron

>> No.14696397


Why do you think anyone would be foolish enough to trust someone that blatantly lies and refuses to address it?

You never post any data or anything supporting your fallacious arguments. You are entirely without merit.

>> No.14696410


Hey anon, you've proven I can see the future.

I predicted you would not address any of my questions and just keep repeating the word 'retard'.

You've just proven to the audience that one of us has such a keen understanding of things that they can tell their opponent what their response will be, and the opponent is so trapped by his own habits that they prove him to be clairvoyant.

>> No.14696567

Is USA Facts still updating their information? According to the CDC's Covid Tracker, 89.9% of adults in the US have had at least one of the injections.
t. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#vaccinations_vacc-people-additional-dose-totalpop

>> No.14696625

>this is a 0.032% chance that all of you have not received the shot.
There is a 100% chance you failed statistics.

>> No.14696680

You know even though the other anons are ragging on you for being such a blatant moron, what they don't realize is that people like you are going to be the reason they are guaranteed to never take a shot. For how could they not take it when statistically to you they already have it?

>> No.14696910

Retard logic. Even if only 10% of young people got the vaxx in Y2 this is still 110% more than Y1. Given the fact that excess death increases by 40% between the year where nobody is vaxxed and the year where even >50% of young adult population is there seems to be a correlation between a population with 0% and lower excess deaths. Like, even granted that young people are more likely to be unvaccinated how does this explain away the increased excess deaths with vaccine rollout given that it was lower when nobody had yet gotten it?