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14695121 No.14695121 [Reply] [Original]

If you were capable of suggesting directly to the president one experimental scientific concept or program to fund, and it were entirely confidential, what would it be?

>> No.14695184

With infinite money/guaranteed success? Nuclear fusion.

>> No.14695188


>> No.14695191
File: 461 KB, 2000x2400, 1638604307652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tentacle monsters for breeding human girls wombs until their bellies get nice and big and swollen with little alien tentacles
AOC must participate as first broodmother, on camera

>> No.14695197

Humanoid androids. Solves many of the country's problems in an instant, from no longer needing immigration to the country getting an effective police force to incels getting waifu sexbots.

I am honestly surprised this is not actually made a national priority already.

>> No.14695244

What good does suggesting do? They aren't doing it because they don't want to do it, not because they don't know about it.

I'd make them restart project orion.

>> No.14695313

I dont know. I have an idea for fusion but weapons bore me.

>> No.14695336

He would refuse you. And refuse to tell you why.

>> No.14695626

I have a neckbeard, and I mumble, and I basically just signal low social status at all times, so if I suggested any particular cause, I would probably end up hurting that cause.

"Never have anything to do with an unlucky place, or an unlucky man. I have seen many clever men, very clever men, who had not shoes to their feet. I never act with them. Their advice sounds very well, but they cannot get on themselves; and if they cannot do good to themselves, how can they do good for me?" -some Rothschild

>> No.14696728
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>one experimental scientific concept or program to fund


>> No.14696957

>Never have anything to do with an unlucky place, or an unlucky man
>"The time to buy is when theres blood on the streets"-Some Rothschild

>> No.14697029

AI girlfriends

>> No.14697042

Wouldn't matter, he doesn't have power or interest to gib money

>> No.14697061
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This. Problem is that it's political sucide now when people are even scared of nuclear reactors. I guess Freeman Dyson was right.

>> No.14697067

Call a mandatory meeting with congress and wear a suicide vest.

>> No.14697315
File: 90 KB, 799x574, 90a1d45b7dc698059f2091f6dd7ff83110e31f85_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the FUCK is the AGI President BIDEN?!?
This technology would completely revolutionize humanity and you sit back funding transgender basket weavers while the UNIVERSAL DOMINION awaits us? How DARE you prevent humanity from achieving greatness.


>> No.14697776


>> No.14698410

DMT in space

>> No.14698440

Genetic rejuvenation for every citizen. But then I know that government always fuck everything up, so let free market work it out instead, so the state will become obsolete and not glorified (that corona chan disaster exposed those incompetent bastards well)

>> No.14698444

>They aren't doing it because they don't want to do it, not because they don't know about it.
You think way too highly about those crooks. They don't know two shits about science.

>> No.14698464

defund critical race theory nonsense so that actual science (all real science branches) can get more funding + not be scared of contradicting moral axioms of the left

>> No.14698477

That would be antisemitic. You wouldn't want them to disappoint their greatest ally, would you?

>> No.14698490
File: 1.20 MB, 498x498, agreeing pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enormous large scale surveys of race vs. penis length and girth

Enormous large scale surveys of penis size vs. female enjoyment

Make all data open source and one and for all.

Nothing personnel whitebois and dicklets

>> No.14698506

boring answer;
rework how public schools are funded, administered and make them high priority.
>more likely to expel behaviors rather than waste time and resources, kid is now labeled for life and must pay out of pocket for private schools
>funding through property taxes works in some places but def not in the majority, change how it's funded so lower income schools can afford actual quality
>stop this bullshit about electing school boards, this is fucking retarded in every conceivable way
>design better school buildings
>lower the requirements for ed techs, give each teacher with 20+ kids one
>lower the student to teacher ratio, literally no one likes dealing with more than 15 kids at a time, especially not students
but they wont. Kids aren't a voting block lol

>> No.14698512

>electing school boards, this is fucking retarded
I don't understand, are you saying it would be better if school boards were appointed by random bureaucrats who don't have kids in the school? Or that school boards serve no purpose and should be streamlined into something else?

>> No.14698527

latter mainly, but also we get literal nobodies with neither kids in school nor any actual experience teaching who get elected and just fuck around. There is no point to it, we need career leadership from retired teachers, not the whims of randoms.

>> No.14698552

>career leadership from retired teachers
Retired public school teachers have absurdly lavish pensions and benefits negotiated by their unions. I see the upside to having experience on the board but the fact that they're captive also makes it impossible for them to apply that experience without a reactionary structural bias.

>> No.14698581

To THE president, true and the only one ?
Exterminate dumbfuckistan. All the anglo-sax, actually.
Can even go broader, Mexico and Canada are already contaminated,
and no one will miss Belgium, Sweden, France nor Poland.

>> No.14699024

Just wait a bit. The inevitable outcome to all of our problems will be replacing humans with androids. It is already occuring on a small scale but will advance tremendously as technological improvements are made

>> No.14699135

I like your image, what is that? what's it from?

>> No.14699143

There are 2 things standing in the way of this becoming a reality:
1) soft actuator technology is not there yet. Ideally the actuators used would have fast response time, large force density, and respond to a low voltage electrical signals rather than something like heat. Right now you have to pick two of the three.
2) AI is too limited in scope for real-world human interaction. This is still an extremely young field and it will take time to develop.

>> No.14699144


The question as posed is currently meaningless, the concept would have to be told to his staff.

>> No.14699234

A manhattan project to upload human minds without the AI people stealing your algorithms to create neuromorphic AGI
Also globally ban AI gain of function research
This is by far the greatest threat to our species in the next 30 years.

>> No.14699239

This is how we die
By retards too lazy to understand the hard alignment problem

>> No.14699379

how to rid the world of nibbers, jews and trannies

>> No.14699994

>destroy more white countries
good golem

>> No.14700036

Massively test all kinds of peptides using different administration routes on the prison population.