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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1469079 No.1469079 [Reply] [Original]

Here's some OC for you from my lab today.

>> No.1469086
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>> No.1469092

Maggot-invested rats? Or is that how their insides look?

>> No.1469093

you are a horrible person.

>> No.1469094
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>> No.1469097


>> No.1469104

faggot go kill yourself

>> No.1469115

that's gross.
is that what science does? inhumane. and we teach science to our kids!
i mean, what the heck, what kind of depraved society are we turning into? this is what happens when we turn our back on our Christian morals.

>> No.1469122

My cat brings me meatier OC every day

>> No.1469123

you're stupid

op is a faggot

>> No.1469126

This. Man, you need to do better at creating OC.

>> No.1469129


>> No.1469132

Is that a sharpie? Up the rats pooper. Then up your pooper. Then microwave. Then post to /b/

>> No.1469136

but your cat doesn't bring you specialized transgenic mice.

There's a reason they aren't "meaty" but I can't tall you what exactly they are transgenic for, sorry.

>> No.1469138

How dare you call one of god's creatures "YOUR" OC.
.....unless.....is that you God?

>> No.1469140


>> No.1469144

lol, thumbnail looked like a picture of three tiny shoes

I wondered what kind of mutant /sci/ had now produced

>> No.1469150

that's exactly what i was thinking

>> No.1469152

that's how they look inside

>> No.1469155

what was the purpose of the dissection? or, what is this a study/experiment of?

>> No.1469169

to study their iron levels, they are absent of a specific gene.

The study has two aims. One is looking at innate immunity and the other is looking at cancer cell metabolism

>> No.1469175

I hate to tell you, but this is how scientific research is done.

>> No.1469176



>> No.1469183

results promising thus far?

>> No.1469184

>Herp derp

>> No.1469189

by your logic, if we want to study the effects of co2 in the atmosphere, we have to cut up a bunch of mice?

stfu, only biology does that.
and they're mostly faggots.

>> No.1469192

put that orange sharpie in your pooper

>> No.1469194

hurr durr?

>> No.1469202

stfu faggot
Of course only biology does it, biology is the only science studying living organisms

>> No.1469206

my god people... are you entirely unaware of how medical/biological science progresses? it sucks, it's brutal, but you reap the benefits of it pretty much everyday. if you don't like it, don't go to the doctor, stop paying attention to threads/things like this, and stop ingesting pretty much any pharmaceutical. otherwise, stfu and appreciate what these things give you.

>> No.1469208

no, but if you want to study the effects of a gene on tumors you need a model organism. You can only do so much with cell culture, you have to eventually prove your results in whole organisms

also you have shitty logic.

>> No.1469213
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here's a survey of what scientists think of experimenting on animals.

>> No.1469219

stupid question...

howcome there's no blood? <_<

>> No.1469225

Hey idiot, botany just called, he tole me to tell you to go fuck yourself.

>> No.1469227

So I guess taking over the world is canceled for the night?

>> No.1469234

Hey fucktard, why don't you take antibiotics tested on parsley plants next time you get an E.coli infection eating your fathers asshole

>> No.1469236

i've never decided to use any kind of medicine/pills in my life.
went to a doctor like twice in my life, both times for check-ups so i can be approved for physical sports

I never said I oppose it, it's valuable, though only a faggot would actually do it and study it, or worse yet, post it on 4chan

biology is a soft science

>> No.1469237

Yes, the PI just had a paper about the gene he discovered in Cell (which is a pretty big deal btw).

He thinks that the oncogenes may be down-regulating the gene he discovered in some way making it easier for cancer cells to metabolize energy. I'm going to be doing a ChIP next week once I get the antibodies. But that's really all I can say

>> No.1469242

how do you euthanize the rats?
Are you removing a certain organ? It looks like you might have taken a liver from one.

I'm so glad I dont have to do this for my college classes any more. Shit sucked. :X

>> No.1469243

AWWWW, they're sleeping, how CUTE!

>> No.1469247

Posting in an epic troll thread.

>> No.1469249
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you don't like it?

well, motherfucker, i have 30 pictures of a cat i dissected.

commencing dump

>> No.1469251

>i've never decided to use any kind of medicine/pills in my life.

So you've never taken a tums/advil/tylenol


>> No.1469253


and also, citation is needed.

how many scientists were used in this? what major were they? i'm assuming mostly biologists.

I know plenty of scientists, none of them agree with their children getting vaccinated, and even if they did, they would still allow parents to have a choice.

>> No.1469255

That last question is a bit "meh" to me.

I think that, in order to go to public school, all children must be vaccinated, but if the child is homeschooled or goes to a private school, they shouldn't be forced to be vaccinated, unless the private school requires it.

Because homeschooled kids don't have many friends, and won't be able to spread the disease very much, in that case, personal liberty trumps science.

>> No.1469257
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>> No.1469259



>> No.1469262
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>> No.1469271

I have, but when I was like 6 with a fever and my parents just made me take them, not like I knew anything.

i'm only 18 and I've been sick only a few times. and when i am sick, i recover relatively quickly without the use of medicine.

>> No.1469273

>I know plenty of scientists, none of them agree with their children getting vaccinated

Then they certainly aren't scientists. Also, the plural of anecdote is not data. I'm calling bullshit. No one with a PhD (unless it's a PhD in, idk, sociology or theology or something) would sanely think that vaccines aren't a good thing for children.

>> No.1469275

>how do you euthanize the rats
We have CO2 chambers and just put them in there and crank it up. No one actually likes killing the mice though.

>> No.1469276
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source here


the survey is of chemists, biologists, geologists and physicists.

>> No.1469284

goddamn you tease

at least tell us what parts of internal anatomy you're interested in or this is really going to degenerate into some kinda PETA circle jerk

>> No.1469287

You do know Christian Science isn't really science?

>> No.1469288

>none of them agree with their children getting vaccinated

I will bet you 1 million dollars that each one of those people either:
1.) Don't have children
2.) Their children have had the polio vaccine

>> No.1469291
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>> No.1469292

>none of them agree with their children getting vaccinated

>> No.1469296


Doesn't CO2 trigger panic? Why not use an inert gas like nitrogen?

>> No.1469297


I was vaccinated (as far as I know) twice, both when I was like 5.

Never going to get vaccinated again, never will need to.

People getting sick and shit crying for vaccines, while I'm here perfectly fine and avoiding shots.

Shit's so cash.

>> No.1469300
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>> No.1469301

Well we're interested Fe. These mice were I believe deficient in a gene related to siderophores in bacteria

>> No.1469306
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>> No.1469310

Actually, it's mostly the Christian faggots that get instantly scared and go for the vaccine.

I'm not saying vaccines aren't unnecessary, I'm just saying I don't need them and never will. Or so I think.

>> No.1469311


>> No.1469312
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>> No.1469315
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>> No.1469317


Blood magnets.

>> No.1469318

because biologists drain it and then drink it.

>> No.1469320
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>> No.1469321

>People getting sick and shit crying for vaccines

Rephrase this so that it is actually a cogent sentence, please.

>> No.1469323

I agree with the standard vaccines against polio in such, but beyond that is unnecessary, such as the swine flu that went around last year.

>> No.1469324


*Troll Fist*

>> No.1469327
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>> No.1469328

>People getting sick and shit; crying for vaccines


>> No.1469331
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last of the musculature pics

>> No.1469334

Hey fucktard, you're either trolling or retarded. You cannot get an E-coli infection.

Also, plants gave us more medicines than animals ever did, we really need animals for testing before we inject ourselves with random crap.

>> No.1469337

Well, yeah, I'm not getting vaccinated either, but my kids are, from age 5 until age 15, are going to get specific vaccines, like for Polio, and Chicken Pox, and a few others.

And just because you're lucky and don't get infected often doesn't mean you should risk your child's life by not getting them certain vaccines when they're young.

>> No.1469338
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>> No.1469339

Oh I see. I had no idea what it meant.

Yes, people in a lot of parts of the world are alive thanks to vaccination. Polio was supposed to be eradicated years ago, and it would have been save for the idiocy of several nations.

>> No.1469340

Well mice are small and they don't have much blood to begin with, and the person who cut them open is very good at it. And it may have been taken by needle for analysis. I watched her do it.

This wasn't my experiment, it was one of the post docs. The last experiment I did with the mice was isolating bone marrow from them.

>> No.1469342
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agreed. fucking whooping cough is making its way back where i live.

stupid fucking parents

>> No.1469345

>we really need animals for testing before we inject ourselves with random crap

The joke ---->

Your head.

>> No.1469346
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>> No.1469350

Chicken pox vaccine?
Fuck that shit.

I just got chicken pox when I was 10, went through the shit, got my perma immunity, and I'm fine. Didn't need to inject some chemicals into my bloodstream which may potentially not react the way they are supposed to.

Unless your child has some kind of HIV or that he can die from chicken pox, it's unnecessary.

>> No.1469351
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>> No.1469352

OP here, you need to calm down just a little bit.

>> No.1469353


>> No.1469356

Enjoy your hepatitis.

>> No.1469358
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dumbass, chickenpox comes back as shingles in adults


>> No.1469359

I would think that you're more likely to die from chicken pox than from a chicken pox vaccine.

You're afraid of the vaccine not reacting the way you want? I'd be more afraid of chicken pox taking me out (well, or my children out).

>> No.1469360

Anotherfag here, I'll have to tell you that my sister said the same thing when the epidemic spread here.

She caught it and also passed it onto her husband. She was just bedridden for a few weeks, but her husband had to spend the same amount of time in ICU.

She has reconsidered her stance on vaccines.

>> No.1469361

Fuck you OP,

Not because you're cutting open mice, but because you're taking pictures of it and spreading it across the internet.

I hope your lab losses any license it has to use animals for research, since you've just broken about 10 ethics rules with these photos.

>> No.1469363
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>> No.1469366

I am totally calm right now, I'm just enjoying my counter-trolling spree a bit too much.

>> No.1469368

Britfag here: we don't vaccinate for chicken pox (I didn't even know there was a vaccine). Instead we force our young to catch the infection during their youths by playing with other infected children.

>> No.1469370
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>> No.1469374

Your husband was weak. Now he is strong.

Oh shit. Oh well.

>> No.1469375
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enjoy shingles and medieval medicine

>> No.1469376


It always bugs me to see pics without context.

>> No.1469381
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>> No.1469382

You realize that you can find pictures like this in tons of scientific papers every month right? Skeletal preps, pictures of embryonic mice. Maybe you shouldn't come on 4chan if you're easily offended.

>> No.1469383

>already immunized
>implying you require to be infected with the same disease twice


>> No.1469386
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>> No.1469388

my husband?

You are confusing me with an engineer, my good sir. Please re-read my earlier post.

>> No.1469396

>You are confusing me with an engineer


>> No.1469397

I now see my mistake.

Your sister's husband was weak.
Now he is strong.

>> No.1469400
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implying herpes viruses don't lay dormant

>> No.1469405

>Implying antibodies get bored and go on holiday

>> No.1469406


>> No.1469409
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>> No.1469410

Not possible to get an E. coli infection?
Are you a fucking retard or a fucking ignoramus?

Probably both.

>> No.1469411

is anyone even looking/following the pictures?

they're gay
go fuck an engineer you biologist.

>> No.1469412

That's exactly my point. These pictures are not meant for a scientific journal, they're meant to entertain some anonymous twats. That is against the ethics code required to have a license to perform animal studie s(in the UK, at least.)

I'm jst telling him to respect the ethics laws his lab has in place for a reason - so the real idiots who oppose animal testing don't have any fodder to try and shut it down.

>> No.1469415
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anthropomorphizing antibodies

>> No.1469417
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If you get Chicken Pox the old-fashioned way, without a vaccine, then you're likely to get Shingles later in life, unless you get the Shingles vaccine, which does exist.

If you get vaccinated for Chicken Pox, though, as far as I can tell, you cannot get Shingles later in life, even if you don't get the Shingles vaccine.

Either way, I encourage people to get the Shingles vaccine at the very least. It isn't pretty.

>> No.1469424
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>> No.1469430
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>> No.1469431

>not anthropomorphizing antibodies

>> No.1469433

you're saying there's more than a 50% chance of me getting shingles?


also, can any biology fag tell me the difference between vaccinated and natural immunization for chicken pox, and why one could lead to shingles and not the other?

>> No.1469437
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>> No.1469442

Thank you, a person who doesn't just >imply

Okay now how the fuck does that make any sense?

>> No.1469447

Excuse me, I meant to say you're MORE likely to get shingles later in life.

my apologies.

>> No.1469448

>my face when people still think actions can be wrong

>> No.1469451
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passive vs active immunity, google them

>> No.1469453


>> No.1469456
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>> No.1469460
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>> No.1469463
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>> No.1469469
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>> No.1469471
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>> No.1469480
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>> No.1469486

itt: op

>> No.1469488
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>> No.1469492
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>> No.1469498
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>> No.1469501
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>> No.1469504

So infection by the chicken pox virus gives a lower level of immunity to it than by an engineered vaccine?

>> No.1469507
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>> No.1469516

The cat pictures aren't me. Frankly I grew tired of them a while ago and am only checking the thread infrequently

>> No.1469514 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1469525
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dump complete

>> No.1469925

Actual science? In MY /sci/?

>> No.1470448


Fancy some Hg. What was your Iq btw?