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File: 39 KB, 562x269, oh zone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14691224 No.14691224 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't we talk about the Ozone anymore?

>> No.14691234
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the hole in the ozone layer
The way those kids were indoctrinated with bullshit is so pitiful. Why is wrong science stil being taught? There isn't a layer, there are regions with a higher probability of ozone being detected. This "layer" is full of holes and doesn't even exist half of the day on the other side of the planet since ozone requires UVC to interact with oxygen to be formed.

More bad science children are taught include the mantle of the planet being a giant spherical section of orange lava

Rutherford–Bohr model being taught as the latest model (thankfully I had my chemistry teacher rant about how this model is wrong and chemistry undergrads are actually told to forget everything they learned in high school, that there is actually a cloud of sorts with possible atoms)

>> No.14691242

Because we stopped filling the atmosphere with shit that kills the ozone fucking inbred retard.
It's one of the very few times global environmental policy was actually followed and actually worked, you could have just looked it up instead of posting a screenshot of a tweet.

>> No.14691247

Who the fuck is "we"? The brain dead moron's club? Every engineer knows the CFCs are still a problem no where near the problem it was before the Montreal Accords. I fucking hate grifters like you.

>> No.14691344
File: 502 KB, 976x850, 2753FDB6-87AF-48E6-A70E-5F8BB5856CDF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was in second grade they made us perform a song and dance called “Killing the ozone” where we would sing and hide under umbrellas and hazmat suits. This was in 2007, and I particularly remember my science teacher telling me we would need hazmat suits to walk outside in 2020 because we would have no protection from the sun’s ionizing radiation.

>> No.14691356
File: 42 KB, 645x773, 9082347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

migatards are so fucking retarded that i almost want to stop pointing out statistical/methodological problems in scientific literature because it fuels the hordes of 70 IQs who think that the earth is flat and dihydrogen monoxide is fake

>> No.14691372

that psyop already ran its course. Need the new and improved next imminent disaster to keep the fear porn going

>> No.14691376

dihydrogen monoxide kills untold number of people every year

>> No.14691388

>Hurr durr w-we just fixed it!!!
The "ozone hole" was a part of a natural cycle and climate cucks are grifting cultists. There's nothing wrong with CFCs

>> No.14691411

We were able to actually close up a lot of the area in the holes in our ozone. Now it's trapping all the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. The conservatives don't believe in science so we're just waiting on a big monster in the sky to clear that issue up, now.

>> No.14691445

>be Dupont
>patent on Freon is about to expire
>develop HCFCs in secret
>send a delegate to the Montreal Protocol and shill them HCFCs as a replacement for CFCs
>the world is forced to buy your new chemical as a replacement for your old chemical

>> No.14691446

>(thankfully I had my chemistry teacher rant about how this model is wrong and chemistry undergrads are actually told to forget everything they learned in high school, that there is actually a cloud of sorts with possible atoms)
your teacher must have been fresh out of school himself lol, there are plenty of reasons to teach older more intuitive theories before the cutting edge weird theories. i mean, should your first kinematics class incorporate lorentz transformations? lmao

>> No.14691447

I don't care what some pseudointellectual transphobe who doesn't even have a college degree has to say.

>> No.14691448
File: 141 KB, 792x611, Min_ozone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently, climate scientists don't know what a random walk is

>> No.14691458

We fixed it. We saved the world. We threw out the old fridges and got different fridges.

Republicans are still seething about it.

>> No.14691495

Republicans fixed it you retard.

>> No.14691531

Back when republicans had an ε of common decency.

>> No.14692000

You're chemistry teacher is a retard

>> No.14692005

Why don't we talk about smallpox anymore? For years it was "you have to get vaccinated" and now? Silence! Like they never forced millions of kids to suffer from the side effects of the vaccination.