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14689554 No.14689554 [Reply] [Original]

Younger brother (8) got diagnosed with ADHD and is currently taking Ritalin.
In your scientific opinion, will this medication be good for him long term?

>> No.14689555


>> No.14689565

Absolutely not.

>> No.14689567
File: 281 KB, 651x633, expectancyvsexpenditure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In your scientific opinion, will this medication be good for him long term?

Absolutely not. Proven to increase his risk of heroin addiction in the future.

>> No.14689613

Ritalin destroyed my brain.

I took it up my nose, though.

>> No.14689614

Would love to have some evidence (even if anecdotal) behind your position. Thanks
>Proven to increase his risk of heroin addiction in the future.
1. Source?
2. How does it compare to medicated vs Unmedicated ADHD people?

>> No.14689746

>ADHD people?

What proof do you have that this is even a real condition?

Did the doctors suggest any alternatives like meditation, removing sugar from his diet, etc? Or were drugs their first choice?

>> No.14689752

as someone suffering from adhd as an adult, I fucking wish I had taken it as a child. Taking ritalin this early (and if there are no side-effects) only really means you won't have to use stimulants as an adult as your PFC won't grow in a retarded fashion. If the diagnosis is accurate and you don't notice any side-effects within the next few months, I don't think there's anything long-term to fear. At least I am not aware of any negative long-term consequences as long as it's not abused. And with the ridiculous amount of times its prescribed in America, these long-term effects would be pretty obvious already. One thing about instant release ritaline like in your pic may be that, once it wears off (after 4-6 hours), whoever took it may be pretty depressed.

>> No.14689756

Imaging data of the prefrontal cortex. Removing sugar and other dietary choices do not affect much. They are by no means alternatives. CBT may be, to some extent.

>> No.14689789

Early exposure to MPH causes behavioral changes that last into adulthood.

Methylphenidate is effective for ADHD adolescents with no previous stimulant treatment.

Methylphenidate has no effect on extracellular serotonin.

Methylphenidate may have no effect on early adolescent growth.

Methylphenidate may cause hepatoblastomas in mice.
>It is possible that the apparent discrepancy is due to the use by Morrissey et al. (1988) of a trend test (Jonckheere) and the use by NTP of pair-wise comparisons to the control group.

Chronic exposure to methylphenidate during development may lead to decreased sensitivity to rewarding stimuli and increased sensitivity to aversive stimuli.

Methylphenidate treatment produces an increase in dopamine signaling through multiple actions.
However, Campbell-Meiklejohn et al. critique this paper by saying:
>The etiology of social deficits in disorders such as ADHD and reasons for therapeutic effectiveness of MPH to alleviate these deficits is not established by these findings in healthy adults.

>increase his risk of heroin addiction
False. Methylphenidate treatment for children with ADHD may reduce their risk for substance use disorders

>> No.14689953

>brain scans don't exist
Come on anon. I agree it's over diagnosed but to say it doesn't exist is silly.

>> No.14689991

It's too young. To judge whether it's worth it, It depends on his behavior and how he reacts to the meds. Is he an insufferable danger to himself or others? Is he definitely going to leave school an uneducated retard?

Ritalin will stunt his growth.

Keep him off the meds as much as possible. Actively help him with all the ADHD symptoms in lieu of the meds.

>> No.14690007

Methylphenidate has no effect on early adolescent growth.

>> No.14690008
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>Chronic exposure to methylphenidate during development may lead to decreased sensitivity to rewarding stimuli and increased sensitivity to aversive stimuli.

This is a hallmark of potential for addiction.

>> No.14690010

>Proven to increase his risk of heroin addiction in the future.
That's the opposite of true. Untreated ADHD is an extremely large risk factor for addiction. If it's treated, that risk is significantly reduced.

OP if you're not trolling, don't listen to some strangers online. ADHD is one of the disorders with the most disinformation around, if it's not number 1.

I recommend the book ADHD 2.0: New Science and Essential Strategies for Thriving with Distraction--from Childhood through Adulthood by Hallowell and Ratey. Everything you'll read here is basically worthless because of the huge amount of myths.

>> No.14690012

>Early exposure to MPH causes behavioral changes that last into adulthood.
>Methylphenidate has no effect on early adolescent growth.

Inability to see your own contradictions is a telltale sign of psychopathy.

>> No.14690017

a study specifically looking at that didn't find any signifcant evidence for it, though, so your hypothesis is falsified non-sense
growth as in height you massive retard

>> No.14690018
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what is his diet like? does he have any food that he cannot tolerate?

He is young, so you might be able to compleatly cure him with a diet intervention.


>> No.14690020

>That's the opposite of true.

Doubt. Look at the double-talk around the addictiveness of ritalin.

What do you think is more likely, ADHD is caused by stressors in the child's environment, and those same stressors lead to drug abuse in the future, or ADHD is caused by....?.... and drugs are the solution!

>> No.14690022

The data disproves it. Don't care about your opinion.

>> No.14690028


>Methylphenidate is a central nervous system stimulant drug that has become the primary drug of choice in treating attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children. Side effects are usually mild and are generally well tolerated by patients. Along with increases in prescribing frequency, the potential for abuse has increased. Intranasal abuse produces effects rapidly that are similar to the effects of cocaine in both onset and type. The clinical picture of stimulant abuse produces a wide array of psychiatric symptoms. There is little in the literature to differentiate methylphenidate from other stimulants when they are abused.

I'm sorry that you pledged yourself to a cult and are now too far in to get yourself out.

>> No.14690029

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by inappropriate levels of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Recent developments in neuroimaging and functional brain studies have revealed volumetric reductions and decreased neural activities in the frontal lobe, basal ganglia, limbic system, and cerebellum. Based on these findings, impairment of executive function and the reward system, reffered to as the dual pathway model, and dysfunction of the default mode network have been proposed as biological changes underlying ADHD. Bio-pharmacological studies have shown dysfunctions in catecholamine- regulated neurotransmission, especially dysfunction of dopamine transporters, which the therapeutic drug of methylphenidate is thought to modulate. Agrowing body of genetic research suggests the high heritability of ADHD and several candidate genes relating to dopamine synthesis and transmission have been identified. Epigenetic modification is also garnering much attention in ADHD research and the mutual effects of environmental factors and genetic polymorphism have been reported. Despite such accumulative findings, how genes, the environment, and brain functioning interact and relate to create the symptoms of ADHD are still unknown and more research is needed to uncover the biological mechanisms of ADHD.

>> No.14690034
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>Don't care about your opinion.

A self-refuting sentence by an ego blinded cretin.

Would you care to explain why we are vaccinating babies at 24 hrs for a disease that is only transmissible via direct fluid exchange?

>> No.14690037

>False. Methylphenidate treatment for children with ADHD may reduce their risk for substance use disorders
https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/070674370200601S09 suggests no difference between the medicated and non-medicated groups, so do most other studies. Given the notoriously high incidence of SUD among those diagnosed with ADHD, or so (it's all claims), that's hardly a win. Considering that even long-term drug users and experts have trouble differentiating amphetamine salts from meth, it is difficult not to admit that some kids on ADHD 'medication' do not already exhibit signs of SUD even if no other drug is involved and from personal experience, many people diagnosed with ADHD who take medication develop a junkie-like crave for their meds and suffer severe withdrawal symptoms if they do not take their meds in time.
>Imaging data of the prefrontal cortex.
Scientism. More importantly, even corporate-funded scientific research admits that the 'cause/etiology' of ADHD is unknown.

>> No.14690038

This has nothing to do with the heroin claim.

>> No.14690039

Cool, now is there any research regarding alternative treatments to a lifelong prescription started before someone has even fully developed a personality?

>> No.14690041

>What do you think is more likely, ADHD is caused by stressors in the child's environment, and those same stressors lead to drug abuse in the future, or ADHD is caused by....?.... and drugs are the solution!
Neither is true. ADHD seems to be genetic, so it's not stressors that cause ADHD and Ritalin is neither a drug (in the sense that you get high from the prescribed dose), nor is it a solution. It's a supplement that helps deal with certain things. Ritalin doesn't solve anything on its own.

>> No.14690043

>Thirty-one hyperactive adolescents treated with methylphenidate for at least 6 months demonstrated no significant deviation from expected height and weight growth velocities.
>In contrast to findings in prepubertal children, these results suggest that early adolescent growth is insensitive to methylphenidate.

Did you even read the abstract? Growth velocity is normal during puberty, but they will be stunted before it starts.

>> No.14690048

see >>14690029

>> No.14690049

>There is little in the literature to differentiate methylphenidate from other stimulants when they are abused.

Because you are blind.

>> No.14690052

Again, there is no evidence for the heroin claim.

>> No.14690055

>Ritalin is not a drug, it's a supplement

Nice doubletalk you have going there.

>> No.14690056

>ADHD who take medication develop a junkie-like crave for their meds and suffer severe withdrawal symptoms if they do not take their meds in time.

That isn't the same as abusing drugs

>> No.14690058

ritalin treatment isn't lifelong. It's often 6 years.

>> No.14690059


Observe anons, this man is quite literally promoting getting children addicted to stimulants at an early age.

The mask is off.

>> No.14690060

Kys, this is a serious topic. Go troll elsewhere. About vaccines or global warming where it's not some Anon's brother's life you're fucking with.

>> No.14690063

This isn't happening since craving is an effect of D3 agonism. You can take a D3 inhibitor and something like ritalin, which is mainly D1, at the same time. Even for much more increased benefits. You are retarded

>> No.14690066

abusing ADHD medication does that. Therapeutic usage of ADHD medication does not lead to any such symptoms.

>> No.14690069

>About vaccines or global warming where it's not some Anon's brother's life you're fucking with.

No anon, I saw my brother be given ritalin and go on to become a heroin addict. While he has managed to get clean, he still constantly deals with problems stemming from his childhood.

You should kill yourself for being a shameless shill. Your industry is going to die.

This is a professor reviewing how desperately the industry hides evidence of what their drugs actually do to people:


Here is a video detailing how the pharmaceutical industry created the opiate epidemic:


Your entire profession is without merit.

>> No.14690074

>muh anecdotal evidence
don't care, retard. Data says otherwise. Ritalin does not affect craving, mechanistically speaking.

>> No.14690079

>don't care, retard.

Again, the fact you bothered to reply suggests you are out of touch with your own psyche.

>Ritalin does not affect craving, mechanistically speaking

This anon claims he has solved addiction.

>> No.14690080
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why use medicine against adhd?
wouldn't exercise and meditation be the better solution?

>> No.14690083

the mechanistic reason for addiction has long been known and drugs that help fighting addiction have existed for decades. Clueless fucking retard, maybe you should do some research to help your brother instead of wasting your time on /sci/ trolling like the weak faggot you are

>> No.14690085
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>many people diagnosed with ADHD who take medication develop a junkie-like crave for their meds and suffer severe withdrawal symptoms if they do not take their meds in time.
lol I forget my meds at least once a week. There's no withdrawal, there's no addiction.

>> No.14690088
File: 153 KB, 770x438, HepBVacc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wouldn't exercise and meditation be the better solution?

That does not generate years of profits nor give power to doctors.

>> No.14690091

no, because you are just cultivating CHRONIC STRESS as you are using CORTISOL and ADRENALIN to get shit done due to your impaired DOPAMINERGIC system. People with ADHD have no motivation.

>> No.14690094

>No anon, I saw my brother be given ritalin and go on to become a heroin addict.
As sad as it is, you deduce a lot from one case. Did he stop medication before he became addicted?

>> No.14690096
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>the mechanistic reason for addiction has long been known and drugs that help fighting addiction have existed for decades.

Ah the data here is quite clear. Those hypothesis and the drugs produced by them have failed to cure addiction.

Psilocybin has been proven more effective at treating addiction, and pharmaceutical industries strive to make it illegal. Because it is inexpensive to manufacture and they cannot patent it.

>Clueless fucking retard

Projection from a man realizing he is entirely without integrity or ability.

>> No.14690095

Ritalin is either pretty safe or they are really censoring the studies about it. I put about 50/50 odds on which one of those is true.

That said I don't think these ADHD drugs are inherently bad. Like lets just be honest about them, they are stimulants to help you get shit done.

Whether ADHD is real or not is irrelevant. If someone wants to take the risk of taking these drugs to help then perform better then more power to them.

I can tell you from personal experience that lots of high achieving people take these drugs purely as performance enhancers. Like lots and lots and lots. They don't have ADHD and they don't pretend to, except to their doctor if they have to. But some doctors will give a script if you just ask too.

>> No.14690098

>Observe anons, this man is quite literally promoting getting children addicted to stimulants at an early age.

Stimulants that can improve general quality of life and eventual outcome, it's worth it. You're obviously an excited retard and can't tell the difference between treating a child and creating a meth head

>> No.14690105

AHAHAH I fucking knew you are a clueless hippie. Go on and keep on taking these shrooms you sub 80 iq retard. Your brother is dying and there is NOTHING you can do

>> No.14690115
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I would like to repeat my recommendation about that book. It's better than some laymen citing single sentences from papers they haven't read to prove a point they think is right. My psychiatrist lent me this book when I got my diagnosis at 30.
And yes, I'm one of those who wish they had been diagnosed earlier. Not necessarily for the medication, but just understanding that my brain works differently for most other kids' brains would have been very helpful.

>> No.14690118

>Did he stop medication before he became addicted?

Yes. He could not stand the way they made him feel.

Ultimately, the real issue was emotional abuse he faced from my parents. That's why I put it to stressors that nobody is willing to confront. The parents would rather not face that their own parenting is a factor, and the doctors are happy to oblige them.

My brother was pulling his own hair out at ages 5-10, and my parents laughed and joked about it. I know now from memories and stories that he bore the brunt of torture from my parents, and his older sister whom was encouraged in such behavior by my parents.

But of course, we live in a culture that wants to solve its problems via pills. Self-reflection and trying to become better people is forbidden knowledge.

>> No.14690123

Do you want to get OP's little bro high on shrooms or what is your problem?
>Because it is inexpensive to manufacture and they cannot patent it.
If it's inexpensive and effective, how come, not a single company in the world started selling it? If you're the only one, you can charge whatever.

>> No.14690124


Observe anons, this is the empathy and compassion of someone that wants you to just swallow some drugs.

If you cannot see that this is not the behavior of someone who truly cares for others, then I cannot help you.

>> No.14690132

good, so we know ritalin isn't the problem.
>we live in a culture that wants to solve its problems via pills
because CBT has historically been extremely fucking inefficient for ADHD, that's why we use pills. Your shrooms would fuck a whole generation up, retard.
you can't help anyone anyway since you're too retarded to look up the mechanisms and pathways of addictions. Instead, you resort to memetic garbage like "hurr durr just eat le shrooms".

>> No.14690137

>Do you want to get OP's little bro high on shrooms or what is your problem?

Observe the attempts to gaslight. The topic was clearly treating addiction, and when I rightly point out that psilocybin outperforms their best synthetic drugs in every trial performed, they desperately try to frame it that I want to give psychedelics to children.

This should be more than enough proof they are incapable of being honest about their pharmaceuticals.

Purdue Pharmaceutical is not an isolated case. It is representative of what the profit motive does to medicine.

>> No.14690138

>how come, not a single company in the world started selling it?
Because (((they))) want to hide it from you. It's the fountain of youth

>> No.14690144

Every kid that goes on Ritalin becomes a zombie. Explain that.

>> No.14690145
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yes it is. i was against medication until i met a mother with an ADHD child, if the ADHD is severe you just need meds because the kids would fail school otherwise.
Also social behavior is fucking horrible with adhd childs, meds also help there.
parenting can only do very little to change behavior in adhd kids.
Intelligent adhd kids are psychopath. They are all manipulative and annoying.
Also it is pretty clear that people get born with it, it is not the parenting but bad parenting can make it worse.

Sometimes asperger gets mistaken for adhd and vice versa because there are similarities

>> No.14690146

bla bla bla post the studies on psylobycin and let me obliterate you, retard
post the study

>> No.14690147

Are you abusing ritalin or meth right now?

If you cannot see that I'm advocating for responsible use dependent on symptoms and reactions to the medication then you are retarded.

>> No.14690153


>Thus, perhaps treatment of the healthy juvenile brain with these low doses of MPH results in impaired working memory and behavioral flexibility, but enhanced sustained attention and long-term memory?

Longterm it will modify your brother's brain so he will be able to focus but loses his creativity.

As the world gets more automated, devouring knowledge with little creative processing isn't useful you want your brother to become a doctor.

>> No.14690157

So... untreated ADHD leading to addiction? I'm serious, this is extremely common. The reward system is fucked. Your brain can only appreciate gratification if it's instant. That's why people with ADHD are prone to all sorts of addiction. Drugs, obviously, but also gambling, porn, gaming, social media, you name it. Everything that's shiny and gives you a small dopamine rush with a single movement of your hand essentially.

>Ultimately, the real issue was emotional abuse he faced from my parents.
I'm sure this played a role. Rejection sensitivity is another big topic in ADHD, combine this with faulty emotion regulation, that's a dangerous mix. If your brother has ADHD on top of the psychological abuse by your parents (pulling out your own hair is a red flag so large, it would make Stalin blush), that may not have been the main issue, but rather an additional challenge.

>Self-reflection and trying to become better people is forbidden knowledge.
At least where I live, most of the treatment is in form of cognitive behavioural therapy, understanding how your brain works, developing skills to deal with it etc. No idea where you're from, but they honestly suck if they give you a pack of Ritalin and send you home.

>> No.14690159

>Ultimately, the real issue was emotional abuse he faced from my parents.

Hahaha your family is shit and you are damaged. You are venting anger on irrelevant things.

>> No.14690164

>you can't help anyone anyway since you're too retarded

Projection from a man that has never helped anyone with addiction.

My brother recovered from his heroin addiction via the shrooms.


>“One of the remarkably interesting features of working with psychedelics is they’re likely to have transdiagnostic applicability,” says Roland Griffiths, who heads the new facility and has led some of the most promising studies evaluating psilocybin for treating depression and alcoholism. The myriad applications suggested for these drugs may be a big part of what makes them sound, to many, like snake oil—but “the data [are] very compelling,” Griffiths says. And psychedelics may not only hold hope for treating mental disorders. As Griffiths puts it, they provide an opportunity to “peer into the basic neuroscience of how these drugs affect brain activity and worldview in a way that is ultimately very healthy.”

Thank you for demonstrating to everyone in this thread that those promoting pharmaceuticals will desperately gaslight to try to maintain their grasp over people's brain chemistry.

>> No.14690166

Omg that's exactly what my dealer said

>> No.14690169

Not like plasticity stops entirely after a cycle and further not like it could've been properly used by them with a retard-level PFC

>> No.14690170

>If you cannot see that I'm

I see that you call anyone that disagrees with you a retard. I see that you mock other people for their suffering. I see that you are a twisted person incapable of truly caring for others.

>> No.14690172


that is true, i know several people who never got any treatment and later took weed and alcohol for self medication. untreated adhd fucking sucks.
the meds suck too but a less than just doing praying and medition and shit.
kids with severe adhd are just broken you can't really help them without meds.

>> No.14690180

Retard, you don't know of any anti-addiction drug. Just inhibit D3 and move on.

>> No.14690183

Look, the story of your brother is really sad if it's real, but that doesn't help OP the slightest. Emotional trauma and abuse, drug addiction, that is cured with even more drugs? Man, this little guy is eight years old! Maybe give OP the advice to not bully his brother into literal insanity, but that's it. Your situation is not OP's situation. And I actually recommend you the same book as OP: >>14690115

If you guys don't find it, I can see where I have it and upload it somewhere.

>> No.14690185

>Hahaha your family is shit and you are damaged

You are a psychopath filled for hatred of those you claim to be helping.

>> No.14690190

I see that you are incapable of understanding basic English given the 6 times so far in this thread that you have misunderstood quotes from studies.

>> No.14690204

>Emotional trauma, drug addiction, that is cured with even more drugs?

Is that not exactly what the pharmaceutical industry is doing?

The only thing is you don't consider your drugs to be drugs. You play word games to attach negative stigmas to natural substances that have been used as medicine for millennia, while using doublespeak to distinguish your pills.

>Maybe give OP the advice to not bully his brother into literal insanity, but that's it.

It's why I recommended meditation. It's the most effective way to gaining a new perspective on your own behavior, and the behaviors of your family that you naturally take for granted.

>> No.14690205

>the 6 times so far in this thread that you have misunderstood quotes from studies
Didn't we all learn in the covid pandemic that quotes from studies are basically worthless because everyone will project whatever they want to believe it anyway? Laymen should read summaries intended for laymen. I have a STEM PhD and I wouldn't trust myself to make strong deductions from any of the studies posted here.

>> No.14690207

>Everyone that disagrees with me is a moron. I insult everyone that disagrees with me and try to bully people into taking drugs. I ask for evidence and then ignore it. Trust my medical advice.

You can no longer maintain a human mask.

>> No.14690208

you have yet to post evidence, sweetheart

>> No.14690209

Proving you blind yourself to the evidence. You are convincing nobody.

>> No.14690216

>Is that not exactly what the pharmaceutical industry is doing?
>The only thing is you don't consider your drugs to be drugs.
I'm distinguishing drug use and drug abuse. Not sure if anyone "uses" heroin, but alcohol can be extremely addictive, but a lot of people drink socially and it's no problem for them. Your brother sounds like he abused drugs, which is not the same as Ritalin or LDX or something in the prescribed doses.
>It's why I recommended meditation.
Do... do you have ADHD? It's likely, since it has a big genetic component. But if you did, I'm not sure you'd recommend meditation. If your mind is racing, can't keep a thought for a second, meditation is incredibly hard. Yes, it helps and it especially helps people with ADHD, but it's not always possible. With meds it is for me, though and it's great.

>> No.14690221

I specifically said English because his comprehension skills are utter garbage. What kind of retard reads a study on growth as in height and then thinks of growth as in development? It seems to me this guy himself has ADHD and overlooks the most basic shit

>> No.14690226

WOW you have STEM PhD.
>yow to tell me you are a shitskin without telling me you are a shitskin

>> No.14690236

I could also have said a Dr. rer. nat. in physics. But do details matter? I'm not a psychiatrist, nor a psychologist. I can follow such papers, but I don't think that my takes from a paper are reliable representations of the paper.

>> No.14690237


Explain how so. I see the pharmaceutical industry using drugs to treat symptoms caused by drug abuse and emotional traumas. The fact you do not elaborate shows you are in a state of denial, rather than comprehension.

>Do... do you have ADHD?

No. But I have experienced manias. I have experienced racing thoughts... Those experiences were actually glorious. The more I practiced meditation when I was in a stable mood, the more I was able to concentrate and focus my manias to productive ends.

I think it's clear that even people with ADHD experience 'good days and bad days'? Then by teaching them to meditate when focusing is easy for them, they will learn how to maintain focus when it isn't, as well as learn what triggers their moods.

>meditation is incredibly hard

And swallowing pills is easy. You can choose the easy option, I think the option that doesn't require you become a drug addict to generate profits for a drug dealer is superior.

>> No.14690241

>And swallowing pills is easy
which is why we do it: since CBT is so hard and inefficient. Thanks for conceeding, ADHD retard

>> No.14690249

>I see the pharmaceutical industry using drugs to treat symptoms caused by drug abuse and emotional traumas.
Most drugs (pharmaceutical) are not prescribed against symptoms caused by drugs (of any kind) or emotional trauma. And ADHD is caused by neither of these things.

>> No.14690251

>ADHD retard

To the OP of this thread. I do not think anything can better illustrate which people have genuine concern for you, and which consider you to be cattle.


Remember, nobody is ever punished for committing these crimes.

>> No.14690255

Go away, conspiracy theorist.

>> No.14690258


Everything you just said was false and contradicts things posited earlier in the thread.

Good game.

>> No.14690260

you have no genuine concern by virtue of recommending experimental hard drugs over medication that has been successfully used for decades.

>> No.14690267
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You do an incredible job of aiding my cause. I'm glad we've had this exchange.

>> No.14690271


I recommended meditation and dietary changes.

You recommend a patented pharmaceutical with an intense profit motive.

>> No.14690278

dietary changes do nothing
meditation is largely unsuccessful.

I recommend things that work, you recommend non-sense that doesn't work. Glad we cleared that up.
>You recommend a patented pharmaceutical
that's cool, I don't care.

>> No.14690279

What? The majority of all medication is prescribed for negative effects of drugs? Or adhd is caused by external factors? Both is bullshit.
I don't doubt these experiments and they are terrible. Extremely so. But it has nothing to do with the treatment of OP's brother. The brother isn't in a CIA torture prison. The brother isn't being harmed or infected on purpose to test ways to cure it. He's given Ritalin, which is being administered all around the world.

>> No.14690285

post some long-term studies of meditation and ADHD

>> No.14690289 [DELETED] 
File: 207 KB, 1080x1123, excessdeathsbeforeafter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's given Ritalin, which is being administered all around the world

Like something else recently that is being lied about intensely.

>> No.14690291

Fuck long-term studies. Meditation helps and I'm sure it has a net positive effect. But it doesn't replace psychotherapy or medication.

>> No.14690297

off-topic. Post a study regarding Ritalin, retard

>> No.14690298

Fuck off, conspiracy theorist.

>> No.14690303

>discussing Ritalin and ADHD medication
>posts COVID shit
What's wrong with you?

>> No.14690306


It's proof that just because something is administered around the world means nothing.

I'm sorry the truth upsets you so.

>> No.14690348

It's proof that you believe in ridiculous conspiracy theories.

>> No.14690352

>teaching them to meditate

You are stupid and ignorant

>> No.14690410


OP, there is new research on treating ADHD with music therapy.

Timing Deficits in ADHD: Insights From the Neuroscience of Musical Rhythm

I have also seen personal accounts from other anons on this board attesting to the effectiveness of such therapy. One anon started a thread of astonishment that he had been taking drugs for something that he could now improve simply by listening to the right rhythms.


>> No.14690433

>will this medication be good for him long term?
He's going to be anywhere from 4-6 inches or more shorter than if he otherwise didn't take stimulants.

>> No.14690445

Why do you lie?

>> No.14690500

>This meme again

>> No.14691111

no. i wouldn't take a dopaminergic drug at 8 years old.
realistically you probably shouldn't take any drugs of any sort until 25+, when it's "accepted" that your brain structure is more or less fixed.
that being said, maybe an argument could be made for someone 16-18 years old, considering they're practically at the age of majority.
but, it would be pretty fucked to give a child ritalin or amphetamine.
anyone who has taken it long term understands that it is not free of consequences. it changes how you operate, mentally. that may or may not be a good thing. anecdotally, i've taken ritalin for a few years, and dextroamphetamine for about 7. if i could go back, i would have never started taking them. but, now, i enjoy them. they are useful, sure, but they are also fun recreationally. i am definitely addicted, but, i have a diagnosis for ADHD so i can be prescribed them for life. i am not going to stop now. but i would advise others to never start.

>> No.14691292
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Thank You
Asbergers Anon
I know more than I did!
w/good genes

>> No.14691297
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>> No.14691305
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3s for me

must be multiples

>> No.14691309
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>> No.14691534

no. anphetamines arent good for your brain in the long term.
well he will always fail a drug test now.

>> No.14691907

It will make him way shorter if he continues to take it for years, that's a significant thing to consider

>> No.14691927

this is a debunked myth
it's a phenidate, not amphetamine. Those two are also significantly different pharmacologically
why the fuck haven't jannies banned you yet for shitting up this thread with off-topic conspiracy nonsense? You have no evidence of negative long-term consequences of a large population taking methylphenidate so you just compare it to some covid vax conspiracy like that proves anything. Brain-rot in person.

>> No.14691989

>it's a phenidate, not amphetamine. Those two are also significantly different pharmacologically
NTA, but I'm taking lisdexamfetamine, and in the US they also prescribe adderall. Amphetamines work, but not in doses they get you high or addicted. In fact, LDX works better for me than MPH.

>> No.14691991

yeah your right the structures are different. functional groups are similar though. the angles are very similar. should work the same.

>> No.14691996

>the angles are very similar. should work the same.
Spoken like a true expert. Let me guess, do you believe that the spike protein looks similar enough to some hormone?

>> No.14692020 [DELETED] 

They are fairly different. Pretty sure phenidates block dopamine reuptake while amphetamines agonize dopamine release.
You are right
> Administration of low dose methamphetamine 12 h after a severe traumatic brain injury prevents neurological dysfunction and cognitive impairment in rats
>The neuroprotective potential of low-dose methamphetamine in preclinical models of stroke and traumatic brain injury
Keep in mind these doses are close to less than a mg for humans (and of course methamphetamine does pass the BBB much more than plain amphetamine, making it much more potent).
> Protective Effect of Low Dose of Methamphetamine on The Amount of Extracellular Glutamine in Primary Fetal Human Astrocytes Induced by Amyloid Beta
High dose amphetamines are especially damaging but there's models showing at very very low doses.
> Protective Effect of Low Dose of Methamphetamine on The Amount of Extracellular Glutamine in Primary Fetal Human Astrocytes Induced by Amyloid Beta
Exceptionally higher doses of it are addicting and it will destroy lives, gotta practice self control. NAC+DFO may make it possible for people dependent on drugs to greatly reduce the harm they do to themselves and improve their quality of life.
> Effect of N-acetylcysteine and/or deferoxamine on oxidative stress and hyperactivity in an animal model of mania

>> No.14692094

yeah well proteins can be hormones. just need to know which ones we are talking about.
they both work the same way. its just there is a secondary action that amphetamines have to increase the dopamine release. probably something to do with the benzene ring.

>> No.14692121

>well proteins can be hormones. just need to know which ones we are talking about.
I forgot which one, but the actual structure is very different and women aren't infertile after the vaccine, so does it matter?

>> No.14692131

possibly. the COVID 19 vaccine was a mRNA treatment. I was following a pipeline a few year back for hemophilia treatment. it used mRNA treatment to produce platelets. their phase 2 went really well. the efficacy of the treatment was up to 18months. IDK how long mRNA treatments can last.

>> No.14692133

>IDK how long mRNA treatments can last.
The mRNA only lasts days, so it depends on how long the produced proteins last, and what the body does with them (build up an immune response for example)

>> No.14692161

>Administration of low dose methamphetamine 12 h after a severe traumatic brain injury prevents neurological dysfunction and cognitive impairment in rats

Are scientists giving rats traumatic brain injuries?

>> No.14692170

Scientists are doing all sorts of things to rats, including inducing schizophrenia, depression and dementia. I'm still waiting for conspiracy theorists to find out. Together with crispr/cas they could turn us all into schizos!!!!

>> No.14692172

>Are scientists giving rats traumatic brain injuries?

>>The lateral fluid percussion injury procedure was performed as we have previously published (Rau et al., 2012).

>The rat lateral fluid percussion injury model was used to generate severe TBI. Three hours after injury, animals were treated with saline or methamphetamine. Neurological severity scores and foot fault assessments were used to determine whether treatment enhanced recovery after injury. The potential for methamphetamine treatment to improve cognitive function was assessed using the Morris water maze.

>Lateral fluid percussion: model of traumatic brain injury in mice
>The percussion produces brief displacement and deformation of neural tissue (1,15). Conversely, cortical impact injury delivers mechanical energy to the intact dura via a rigid impactor under pneumatic pressure (16,17). The weight drop/impact model is characterized by the fall of a rod with a specific mass on the closed skull (18).


>> No.14692328
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This is why I ignore the posturing dogmatic argument of "ethics" by many of my peers.

You can't justifiably and morally argue against the genetic modification of cells within informed and CONSENTING human beings (on the grounds of it being unethical) whilst also turning a blind eye to the types of things we do to our animal models (regardless of how necessary it might be for progress of medical science). This includes consensual experimentation of human germ cells.

Either both should be considered acceptable or neither of them should be.

>> No.14693026

>I'm still waiting for conspiracy theorists to find out.

Reminder that this anon refers to established historical facts as, 'conspiracy theories'.

My guess is that all the pharmaceuticals he drowns himself in distort his ability to process true information.

>> No.14693033

I'm literally talking about conspiracy theorists, or do you think that "they" make us all schizophrenic just because biologists can do it with rats?

>> No.14693134

>I'm literally talking about conspiracy theorists

A term made simply to discredit dissidents.

You literally called established historical facts 'conspiracy theories'.

The most retarded belief you could hold is that conspiracies don't exist.

>> No.14693136

I didn't. I called you a conspiracy theorist. Do you believe in the moon landing?

>> No.14693145

>I called you a conspiracy theorist.

In response to the fact that 'doctors' clearly have no ethical concerns about harming large groups of people, and trying to cover it up, and the fact they are never held accountable for such actions. You use it simply to distract from facts you prefer not to address.

>Do you believe in the moon landing?

More than you do, in fact.

>> No.14693151

>In response to the fact that 'doctors' clearly have no ethical concerns about harming large groups of people, and trying to cover it up
Yes, in response to "Because this happened in the 40's, 50's, 60's, this means that ADHD is a hoax"

>> No.14693153
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>> No.14693159

>"Because this happened in the 40's, 50's, 60's, this means that ADHD is a hoax"

I wouldn't characterize my argument as such. More so, that because there is an a still on-going history of abuse by the medical industry, it is in everyone's best interest to approach all of their advice with caution.

But I will take the challenge of going with your characterization.

>Methylphenidate was first synthesized in 1944

Fascinating. It comes from exactly that era that you think is unimportant...

>Dependence Liability: High
>Addiction Liability: High

Why are you so passionate about giving highly addictive drugs to children and not exploring any other, less risky, options?

>> No.14693162

>More so, that because there is an a still on-going history of abuse by the medical industry
Which you didn't prove. You proved that the Americans infected black people with syphilis. Did other countries do that, too? Is any of these scandals global?
>It comes from exactly that era that you think is unimportant...
In Switzerland. Show me the Swiss Mengele from that time.
>Dependence Liability: High
>Addiction Liability: High
At what doses? Consumed how?
>Why are you so passionate about giving highly addictive drugs to children and not exploring any other, less risky, options?
I'm not. You're the faggot who can't distinguish swallowing 20mg from snorting 200mg.
>This stimulant medication is generally safe when used as prescribed; it produces few serious adverse events when used orally in therapeutic doses. However, the entire therapeutic profile starts to change when it is abused.

>> No.14693165

>Methylphenidate can be transformed from a therapeutic agent to an abused and addictive substance when this drug is taken in excessive amounts and used through intranasal and intravenous routes.
I am not passionate about making children snort excessive amounts.

>> No.14693171

The evidence is basic psychopharmacology. Tachyphalaxis exists for stimulants and they loose their efficacy and there is only so much dose escalation that can be done. Medicating during childhood confers no benefit. You're wasting their future potential on gradeschool and high-school crap that isn't important. All K-12 is for is to teach you to be an obdienent wageslave. There's no point of treating ADHD until adulthood where actual shit counts against you for the rest of your life like college. Just take nothing at all. If he's so scatterbrained he fails it doesn't matter. The GED exists and the benefits of deferring treatment outweigh getting a gold star in Ms. Retard Bitch's glass on garbage like 1984. Also postponing treatment until after puberty means they won't be associated with cooming but instead learning.

>> No.14693181

>Tachyphalaxis exists for stimulants and they loose their efficacy and there is only so much dose escalation that can be done.
That's why many patients skip weekends.
>You're wasting their future potential on gradeschool and high-school crap that isn't important.
How long-lasting is the tachyphylaxis?

>> No.14693186
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>Which you didn't prove.

But I have. Purdue Pharmaceutical and the opioid epidemic was posted. You just choose to ignore all information that doesn't conform to your faith.

By the way, I've worked as an engineer for multiple medical device manufacturers. I witnessed first hand how 'doctors' prioritize profits over well-being.

I've witnessed first hand how people involved with it justify it and try to convince others not to be concerned with the well-being of their consumers

>I'm not. You're the faggot who can't distinguish swallowing 20mg from snorting 200mg.

Your self-contradictions are hilarious. You insist on giving children drugs and ignore other options. Moreover, you refuse to acknowledge the fact that simply giving them the drug in the first place increases the risk of abuse. You cannot abuse what you do not possess and do not know about.

>At what doses? Consumed how?

Look at how you are simply unable to cope with the fact that the drug is known to be highly addictive. Your psychopathy prevents you from ever admitting error.

>> No.14693192

your brother is a fat autistic bitch who drinks sodie pop and eats sweeties all day hmm?

>> No.14693197

>That's why many patients skip weekends.

But the drug has a high liability for dependence....

>> No.14693215

It doesn't matter how many weekends you skip if you start at age 8. That's your entire remaining childhood and teenage years getting dopamine receptors downregulated from unwarranted treatment. There's no advantage , especially for someone with ADHD. If you have a high IQ kid it might be worth it if you get him out of school and higher private tutors to teach him calculus and super advanced subjects at age 8. Otherwise it's pointless and not worth sacrificing their future efficacy.

>> No.14693227

>Purdue Pharmaceutical and the opioid epidemic was posted.
Look beyond your failed state. In Europe you get MPH, but we don't have an opioid epidemic or Purdue.
>By the way, I've worked as an engineer for multiple medical device manufacturers. I witnessed first hand how 'doctors' prioritize profits over well-being.
Well, my girlfriend is a psychiatrist and she doesn't put anything over well-being. She doesn't earn a single centime per prescription. She has regular workshops and a journal club where they discuss latest studies.
>Your self-contradictions are hilarious. You insist on giving children drugs
Still confusing snorting and therapeutic doses. Are you really this dense?
>You insist on giving children drugs and ignore other options.
I don't do either. I'm just fighting your fictional claims of abuse and addiction. I'm not a tripfag, but I did point out CBT and things like meditation. And why should I insist on a specific treatment for OP's brother? That's up to his doctors.
>unable to cope with the fact that the drug is known to be highly addictive
Did you ever drink a beer? Do you know how fucking addictive this is? And I bet as a kid you breathed cigarette smoke. Oh the humanity. Oh wait. Those two aren't a catastrophe either, and don't even serve a beneficial purpose unlike ADHD medication.

>> No.14693230

What do you mean? That they can't skip weekends because they are so dependent? Apparently not. Also, as I mentioned earlier: I forgot my meds roughly once per week. I can't be so addicted that I forget to take my drugs 15% of the days and purposefully not take them 30% of the days.

>> No.14693260
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>In Europe you get MPH, but we don't have an opioid epidemic or Purdue.

Europe has managed to avoid *some* of the egregious problems plaguing the USA. But they are slowly but surely following suit.

Moreover, this is again you avoiding the fact that it proves on-going medical abuse is happening, and it can get completely out of hand before anyone is willing to do anything about it.

>my girlfriend is a psychiatrist

This should be a red flag to everyone that you are not thinking rationally. Moreover, you are delusional if you think you can rationally evaluate the moral and ethical character of someone you are emotionally attached to.

>Still confusing snorting and therapeutic doses

Hallucination. You are doing absurd mental gymnastics to somehow deny that you are giving a child drugs just because the dosage isn't extreme. It doesn't matter if you give them 20mg or 200mg, both are still giving a child drugs. Only a lunatic can possibly argue such a point.

>but I did point out CBT and things like meditation

You claimed they were too difficult and to go with the easier option.

>Did you ever drink a beer? And I bet as a kid you breathed cigarette smoke

Fascinating that you compare taking Ritalin to things that are clearly unhealthy, but that people do all the time anyway. It's clear that most people do not care to live their healthiest life, and that we do all sorts of self-deception to make ourselves believe that we aren't limiting our potential with such choices.

What have you accomplished on your breaks from your stimulant? Or do you tend to just sit around and watch TV with your psychiatrist GF on those days, and not do anything productive?

>> No.14693308

>that it proves on-going medical abuse is happening
Yea, because I haven't seen it. Neither as a patient, nor as the partner of a doctor.
>This should be a red flag to everyone that you are not thinking rationally.
Excuse me? It's not rational to date a doctor?
>You are doing absurd mental gymnastics to somehow deny that you are giving a child drugs just because the dosage isn't extreme.
No, since you keep talking about the addictive character, which is not proven at low doses.
>It doesn't matter if you give them 20mg or 200mg, both are still giving a child drugs.
Do you hear that? That's the sound of Paracelsus rotating in his grave.
>You claimed they were too difficult and to go with the easier option.
Hallucinations, although I'm not a tripfag, so it's ok that you make such a mistake. But that wasn't me.
>Fascinating that you compare taking Ritalin to things that are clearly unhealthy
Fascinating how you manage to completely miss my point. It depends on the dose. A beer every week won't make you an alcoholic. Smelling smoke at the bus stop won't get you addicted to nicotine or give you lung cancer.
>What have you accomplished on your breaks from your stimulant?
Well if I forget them on a work day, it's pretty similar to how it was before I got diagnosed. But since I now know how my brain functions, I try to find more stimulating tasks. If I can be creative, I'm not impeded at all. I try to avoid boring repetitive tasks on such days. On the weekends? I hate meritocracy. I don't "achieve" things over the weekends, but my hobbies are quite ADHD compatible, so I'll go hiking, travel, cook... you know, normal activities. Yes, sometimes I waste time on 4chan, sometimes I watch TV. But I don't think you're trying to call the cattle black, are you?

>> No.14693708

you're wrong

>> No.14693894

If a doctor said he should take it, then of course it's good for him. Do you really think you know more than a doctor? Trust the science, bigot.

>> No.14694188

He needs to be on the minimum effective dose. I would even say underdosed to maximize the benefits and minimize the long term risks.

>> No.14694190

If he was diagnosed by a pediatric neuro-psychiatrist specialising in pediatric ADHD diagnosis yes, otherwise no. Visual processing disorders and giftedness are often confused wih ADHD, even by pediatricians.

Who diagnosed him OP? What training do they have and which tests, if any, did they run? Did he take any visual processing or IQ tests?

>> No.14694203
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>Look at how you are simply unable to cope with the fact that the drug is known to be highly addictive.
I took ritalin for years at the max prescription dosage and I have never in my life suffered withdrawal when I went off it, got a high from using it, or wanted to take it for anything other than a practical need to control my ADHD symptoms.

I can't speak to above Rx dosages, but you're a fucking lunatic if you think the shit is addictive at any level a doctor would give you.

Don't abuse the shit and it's fine.

>> No.14694206

Most diagnoses of ADHD do not involve brain scans.

>> No.14694210

>Most diagnoses of ADHD do not involve brain scans.
Irrelevant to whether or not it's real.

>> No.14694211

Children do NOT need to be prescribed fucking amphetamines. Children are designed to be outside, socially interacting and playing with one another all day. Not masked up zombies sitting at a desk all day.

>Oh no, why can't my little Jimmy pay attention in class
>Well you see ma'am it's because he is biologically wired to be climbing tree, swimming in lakes and engaging in games with other children

>> No.14694213

>That's why many patients skip weekends.
If it was this simple, couldn't neurotypicals use amphetamines the same way?

>> No.14694227

Any d3 inhibitors you'd recommend for OP's brother?

>> No.14694232

Isn't it on libgen.rs

I second meditation. I found iAwake's tracks to be useful, even for my crazy monkey mind. IDK if they're on public torrent sites or not. There are many kinds of meditation; mindfulness meditation is quite good for folks with ADHD since the tendency to fixate on stuff (in this case sensory input) helps

>> No.14694238

I agree it's real, the issue is the accuracy of the typucal diagnosis

>> No.14694241

Fun fact: in many states, nurses are allowed to call themselves doctors.

>> No.14694368

>Yea, because I haven't seen it. Neither as a patient, nor as the partner of a doctor.

Yes, and I'm sure that you are immune to all the cognitive biases that make facing such realities difficult. Your bias is clearly evident in the way you dismiss any and all evidence. A pharmaceutical industry murders tens of thousands while raking in billions of profits, all while doctors are blind to their own wrong-doing. You shrug this off as if it is something that can only happen elsewhere.

> It's not rational to date a doctor?

Men praising their partners are rarely rational, yes. It's the story of Adam and Eve, and I'm sure you are more than capable of seeing how other men in your life lose their sense around women. Do you think parents are unbiased in their opinions of their children?

>That's the sound of Paracelsus rotating in his grave.

No, it's the sound of Orwell screaming at you to stop abusing language.

>A beer every week won't make you an alcoholic. Smelling smoke at the bus stop won't get you addicted to nicotine or give you lung cancer.

But that doesn't make either of those things 'healthy'. This is one of the big biases afflicting western medicine in general. Just because the harm isn't blatantly apparent (and, in many cases, even when it is) it is dismissed so long as the patient does not immediately drop over dead. I know I do not want my children to ever have to be exposed to second hand smoke. But then, I want them to be as healthy as they can possibly be, rather than being content that so long as they aren't obviously sick, it's fine.


I'm glad you have a healthy and balanced lifestyle. But then, you're also contradicting the notion that Ritalin use isn't a lifelong thing (I'm sorry that I have confused you with the other poster whose so fond of calling others retards).

But I would say your own account is not so much that you have a mental disorder, rather, that you need drugs to cope with uninteresting tasks.

>> No.14694457

Yes. Just don't let him start masturbating after taking it. Generally speaking don't let him use it to get high. it worked for me very well until i discovered that little fun fact and that ruined it for me

>> No.14694468
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Surely, the profit motive has no negative impact on the practice of medicine whatsoever.

>> No.14694531

You believe everything they print don't you?

>> No.14694533

>Isn't it on libgen.rs
I forgot where I got it from, but is out there and I didn't pay for it.

>> No.14694538

>mindfulness meditation is quite good for folks with ADHD since the tendency to fixate on stuff (in this case sensory input) helps
Oh yeah. I use it to fall asleep when I have trouble. I use headspace (yearly subscription is $6 instead of $95 when you have an Indian VPN and that 40% voucher from plebbit).

>> No.14694568

>giftedness are often confused wih ADHD, even by pediatricians.
Is that a thing?
You sound like an esoteric mom who got her first child at 45 and believes in horoscopes and healing stones.
Of course I'm not immune to anything. I'm telling you that my girlfriend had zero incentive to prescribe excessive medication. Why would she?
>A pharmaceutical industry murders tens of thousands while raking in billions of profits, all while doctors are blind to their own wrong-doing.
I thought we already established that I agree, but consider the USA a failed state. How much did that epipen go up? 800%? In some international ADHD forums, it's often a topic how Americans with no or bad insurance can't afford meds that cost them 20 times what I pay for it. It's a completely broken system. I don't think that matters with MPH though, since that is described in countries where young people don't get hooked on oxycontin and OD on heroin or fentanyl.

In case you're not just flaming, I'd like you to read this article by an American in Europe:
Doctors won't prescribe you anything just because you want it. If it's considered safe to self-medicate, you buy it yourself. If it needs a prescription, you don't get it without reasons and as I said, financial reasons or other forms of corruption are not a reason. There are some things that are criticised, but they are nothing compared to what happens in the USA. Pharma companies "informing" doctors about new drugs, which can be seen as advertisement, or workshops sponsored by pharma companies, but with the workshops I'm not sure what to think. They are often on non-pharmaceutical topics and held by external speakers. Otherwise I'd be super skeptic, but if it's a super detailed talk, like "the role of parent-teacher relations in systemic therapy" with their logo on the first slide...

>> No.14695360
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>> No.14695362

How embarrassing, you screenshotted your own garbage to repost it.

>> No.14695366

So? Incapable of refuting it? Is that why you had to pull that ad hominem?

>> No.14695537


>> No.14695621

>Is that a thing?

>> No.14695627
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>> No.14695686
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>little timmy is hyper after eating sugar and doesn't like to sit still for 8 hours of bullshit LGBTQIAP school
>let's drug him
What do you think?

>> No.14695691

>hyper after eating sugar
Oh god please kys
No, adhd has nothing to do with sugar.
No, sugar doesn't make kids or anyone hyper.

>> No.14695696

Take your own advice, pharmacuck

>> No.14695698

Fuck off, esofag

>> No.14695699

kill yourself, dumbass

>> No.14695704
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>> No.14695741

Conspiracy theorist.

>> No.14695748
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>Fuck off, esofag

>> No.14695758

>I'm telling you that my girlfriend had zero incentive to prescribe excessive medication. Why would she?

>"If the only tool you have is a hammer, it is tempting to treat everything as if it were a nail"

Psychiatrists are not trained in therapy or counseling. They are only capable of prescribing medications. Therefore they are inherently biased to prescribing them.

Part of what factors into this is the need to justify your own job role. This is by no means limited to doctors. Nobody wants to make their own job obsolete and lose their paycheck. Note that over the course of the last century the proportion of the population taking psychiatric medications has drastically increased, while simultaneously mental illness is becoming ever more prevalent. I'm sure you will make the absurd statement that these things are somehow unrelated, or that this isn't reflective of a failure in how we are trying to treat people's emotional problems.

>financial reasons or other forms of corruption are not a reason

Ah, now you're claiming Europe is free of corruption. Another fantastic bias. You're also failing to realize and appreciate the cultural influence of the failed state USA. It's undeniable the USA has held an incredible power over the practice of science and medicine for the last century. The fact you can clearly recognize the evil in another nation, but unwilling to admit it's possible this has influenced the thinking of other institutions around the world is simply a weakness of character.

>> No.14695761

>No, sugar doesn't make kids or anyone hyper.

Easily observably false and simply you drowning yourself in propaganda.

>> No.14695763


Denial. You are unable to meaningfully contribute to the conversation because you are a fraud. How's your imposter syndrome treating you?

>> No.14695785

>comparing white countries with a nigger country
Every time

>> No.14695868

>Easily observably false and simply you drowning yourself in propaganda.
>The results suggest that there is no association between sucrose consumption between 6 and 11 years of age and incidence of ADHD.

>> No.14695877

>Big sugar funded that study.
I'll bet, you also believe that corn syrup isn't responsible for the obesity epidemic as well.

>> No.14695901

>This article is supported by the Brazilian Public Health Association (ABRASCO); Wellcome Trust; São Paulo Research Foundation—FAPESP (grant number 2014/13864-6). The World Health Organization, National Support Program for Centers of Excellence (PRONEX), Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq), Brazilian Ministry of Health, Children's Pastorate supported previous phases of the study. I.S.S. and A.M. are supported by the CNPq.

>> No.14695931
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>> No.14696020


>Don't trust your own eyes

Replication crisis says fuck you.

>> No.14696030


Go consume lead. Science said it's good for you.


>> No.14696037

The guy wasn't a scientist but an industrialist. The same type of people who tells you to buy cars and burn oil.

>> No.14696043

More psychiatric malpractice by jews, the same ones behind overprescription of antipsychotics and antidepressants to treat fake diseases, the opioid epidemic, the tranny epidemic, and so on.

>> No.14696184

>The guy wasn't a scientist but an industrialist

The same type of people that tell you to take more pharmaceuticals.

>> No.14696188

>The guy wasn't a scientist but an industrialist.

I'm sorry, do you have any chemistry patents superior to his?

>> No.14696228

Depends on how severe it is. If it's legit full-blown "can't sit still for two seconds unless he's got the meds mellowing him out" ADHD then yes, it'll be good for him.

If he's just a little fidgety and gets bored during class? No. That's over-diagnosing, he doesn't need it and it'll end up becoming a crutch.

>> No.14696351

"Early man walked away
as modern man to control.
There minds weren't all the same
and to conquer was their goal.
So he built his great empires
and slaughtered his own kind.
He died a confused man,
killed himself with his own mind.

We're only gonna die for our own arrogance,
that's why we might as well take our time. "


>> No.14696554

you must have untreated ADHD because none of the shit you write or the images you attach have anything to do with the post you're responding to. you probably stopped reading before getting to this part of my reply.

>> No.14696948

nuff said

>> No.14697101

itt: retards who still think "stimulants" are hardcore drugs. Muh 2 days of fatigue withdrawal is soooo bad guys its as bad as opiates benzos or alcohol. But caffeine is fine just because I SAY SO. Retards thank god they believe in what they say and we dont haver to worry about them taking stims in college and having to compete with us. Yes goys stimulants are basically meth ! Abstain from them at all costs like a good goy !

>> No.14697581

Adderall withdrawal is worse than benzo withdrawal for me

>> No.14697647

How much do you take?

>> No.14697726

no way you're for real

>> No.14697940

>The state of /̶s̶c̶i̶/̶ /pol/ in 2022

>> No.14698447

what breaddit sells such vouchers?

>> No.14698709

>Blacks only 10% of the population
Find another excuse, faggot

>> No.14698881

ADHD is not a synonym for depression or whatever your sheltered ass has come up with.
I could prove you so wrong. But it's tiring with your specific phenotype. So I'll just say kill yourself. I don't use this normally as a general insult btw.

>> No.14698891

>ADHD is not a synonym for depression or whatever your sheltered ass has come up with.
ADHD, especially if untreated, is a high risk factor for depression though.

>> No.14698932

Sure, but suggesting ADHD can be addressed via meditation like it's depression or anxiety is simply stunningly ignorant. It's like saying you can cure epilepsy via meditation.
Also sugar helps ADHD individuals. Empirically. Any ADHDer can confirm you are the most alert during an ice cream or other sweet session, or while drinking soda.
Obviously, it's not a solution for different reasons.

>> No.14698949

>suggesting ADHD can be addressed via meditation like it's depression or anxiety is simply stunningly ignorant
None of these things should be treated with nothing but medication.

>> No.14698960

>None of these things should be treated with nothing but medication.
Good parody of the pharma industry. But no. Obviously living circumstances affect mood, which can calcify into depression. If you are trapped in a n oubliette, you will more likely to have depression than if you are in circumstance you'd describe as "fulfilling and secure".

And anxiety absolutely is treated via cognitive modification. You seem to have never had it, but only like one singular panic attack that was instantly solved via benzos, that makes you believe that. Anxiety is chronic.

>> No.14698966

They don't become zombies. The voices and random thoughts in their head finally shut the fuck up and they can focus on what they're doing.

>> No.14699211

You have no idea what withdrawal is

>> No.14699470

>Suggesting ADHD can be treated by learning to focus your mind is ignorant

You just do not WANT to believe.

Tell me what all these ADHD people did before 20th century....

>> No.14699669

>Tell me what all these ADHD people did before 20th century....
I am not saying ADHD isn't a disease of the modern world. Before, it existed as well, but it was more of a regular mental predisposition.
The thing is, the modern world requires more boring studious or clerical work, rather than manual that gives one instant feedback via dopamine.
ADHD people simply can't deal with that as well.
Congrats. So we cracked unfair, unjust The Matrix. And now? It's still a problem, even if it's mostly just one due to us being born into the current world.

Besides, in the past, if you compare apples with apples (e.g. someone doing a desk job in 1800, and now) those blessed few that couldn't hyperfocus a very high tier professional task would just have been way more unsuccessful due to the executive dysfunction, at an even greater rate than nowadays.

>> No.14699678

ritalin got me fucked up and greatly increased my ODD symptoms.
I'm currently on 40mg Vyvanse.

>> No.14699689

you're full of yourself, and everyone in this thread who has ADHD, myself included can see how mislead you are on the subject.
You came into this topic with your min already made up about what ADHD is, and how YOU have the TRUE method of fixing it, and diagnosing it.
you don't have it, you aren't a doctor, you will never be published in a journal, you haven't written a doctoral thesis on ADHD, and at this point I don't care what you have to say about it either.
you're a moron.

>> No.14699708

How did they scan your brother's brain?

>> No.14699818

>the modern world requires more boring studious or clerical work

You're mistaken here. It isn't that the modern world requires it. Such work is intentionally made tedious to cause people suffering. We have a greater ability than at any point in history to automate such tasks.

Most of the modern workforce is cripplingly inefficient because 'work' is not about getting things done, it is about keeping people occupied.

Everyone knows this at a deep level, but must deceive themselves to cope with the fact they are wasting 8 hours a day to accomplish 2 hours of work.

>> No.14700204
File: 125 KB, 600x600, 1616810269027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah man I'm sure your brother being on drugs indefinitely 17 years before his brain has finished developing will be great for him long term.

the dude who prescribed this shit to your family is probably racking up kickbacks while you ask 4chan if your brother should be on drugs while doing nothing to stop it

>> No.14700512

This is the real world. A discipline known for its fondness of mind manipulation, e.g. MK ultra and numerous other psychiatric studies done on political prisoners or asylum inmates. A field that has repeatedly worked with PR agencies because mental illness has a stigma attached to it, preventing potential customers from seeking services. Do not mind that it is psychiatry that is responsible for the stigma of mental illness in the first place.

Short-circuit the brains of normies by masquerading abusive treatments and drugs, whose long-term effects > 5 years have never been properly studied for some weird reason despite being in circulation for 40 years, as a necessary help for the psychiatrically unwell. Give your developing 7-year-old child amphetamines and methylphenidates because he fidgets with his hands or is bored in school. Introduce other forms of therapies like CBT, the long-term efficacy of which has also never been proven by any clinical study. The result? A 80-billion dollar industrial complex and this is just ADHD alone. Think of all the money they make with depression, anxiety and autism, the prevalence of which is now approaching second digit numbers, and you're already looking at 300 billion dollar industry with huge profit returns, in the range of 20 %, and a steady growth.

>> No.14701622

What should I take for ADHD if I have ADHD, bipolar 1 and an anxiety disorder? I’ve tried a few ADHD meds and it just made my anxiety worse.

>> No.14701628

>A field that has repeatedly worked with PR agencies
>Short-circuit the brains of normies by masquerading abusive treatments and drugs

What if we take electroshock torture and rename it electroconvulsive therapy? That should placate the public.

>> No.14701671


Because it seems to me reached some level of understanding, I would like to offer you a few more thoughts. I feel obligated to help after causing people turmoil. If this is misplaced, forgive me.

First, I would point out that even if Ritalin had no long-term negative consequences on your brain, then by your own account you have spent far more of your life on unfulfilling tasks than you otherwise would have. Rather than learning to avoid busywork, you instead opted to drug yourself to silence your conscience. If you had not been convinced to take Ritalin, it is clearly quite possible that you would have spent more of your preciously short life on tasks you yourself consider far more worthwhile. This is just one example of why I consider the motives of psychiatry to be degrading to the human experience.

As for your GF. She should recognize that her entire education was structured by people who understood cognitive biases very well. They have learned how to take young, naive, well intentioned people and turn them into tools of oppression. Cognitive biases are now trapping her. Sunk Cost fallacy and Anchoring biases keep her from renouncing her entire education and career. How many people are truly strong enough to repent years of work?

By far the greatest human weakness is the inability to confront the fact that evil people truly exist. Psychopaths make up about 10% of the population, and are driven to reach the top of the social hierarchy by any means. Most people are simply incapable of fathoming that such a mindset is even possible. It hurts their sense of reality to realize that doctors, judges, politicians and ceos consider things like honesty and compassion to be weakness.

It may be difficult at first, but confronting these things will make you a stronger person. When you are, inevitably, at your deathbed, will you look back at your life and see cowardice and turning away from the truth, or will you see courage and honor?

>> No.14701674


When was the last time you left your smartphone in the car and sat out next to a lake entirely alone?

>> No.14701747

A few years. I really just need adhd meds that work so I can finish my degree.
>entirely alone
I’ve been isolated starting in high school because I don’t have enough time for friends between trying to do work and procrastination.

>> No.14702034

The alternative is pure hell

>> No.14702038

>Adderall withdrawal is worse than benzo
this is how i know you larp taking adderall

>> No.14702049

He will come out as gay at the age of 13. It will be 100% his choice as, scientifically speaking, children can already know their sexual orientation even at the age of 8, and you will have to respect it.

>> No.14702073
File: 87 KB, 1024x971, 1655453169664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are those "ADHD people" in the room with us right now?
It's just a nicer way of saying your little Bobby has an extra Y chromosome.
Take your meds for your assburgers, you FAGGOT retard

>> No.14702128

That's between you and the psych but you should remember that methylphenidate is a Schedule 2

>> No.14702493

>just need it for study
But you will stay for the porn/ecchi stamina it gives you or the ability to make cleaning fun.
Not speaking against it, obviously. Just stating the objective.
Or he never took benzo. I bet his only experience is taking it once and going like "woah dude. Anyway..."

>> No.14702513

Did you never have a crush on someone as a prepubescent?

>> No.14702553

>Observe anons, this man is quite literally promoting getting children addicted to stimulants at an early age.
>The mask is off.
No dipshit the difference between this and a drug addict is you didn't function correctly before the drug. Go away christcuck, why is it always the christcucks?

>> No.14702599

>15% of cases
So there’s about an 85% chance that you’re wrong, according to your own source.

>> No.14702999

Hey, slit your wrists

>> No.14703284
File: 558 KB, 2208x2760, bucko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> What do you mean by "good"?
There are tradeoffs with everything. But just so you know, your brother is taking something very similar to meth.
8 is young, probably better to let his brain develop on its own before trying to tune things.

>> No.14703293

good post

>> No.14703295

No, it's not. You're gonna be a bit groggy, hungry, maybe a headache if you haven't taken any break for months, but you won't get fucking seizures, vomit, desire to jump off a building, crying, fits of uncontrolled anger etc. and I could go on. You either have no idea what you are talking about or did 1 bar of xanax one time in college and felt a bit more anxious the following day and are calling that withdrawal.

>> No.14703342

>A discipline known for its fondness of mind manipulation
>MK ultra
>PR agencies
>Do not mind that it is psychiatry that is responsible for the stigma of mental illness in the first place.
>Short-circuit the brains of normies by masquerading abusive treatments and drugs
>Give your developing 7-year-old child amphetamines and methylphenidates because he fidgets with his hands or is bored in school
>80-billion dollar industrial complex
>Think of all the money they make with depression, anxiety and autism
>300 billion dollar industry with huge profit returns, in the range of 20 %, and a steady growth.
>What if we take electroshock torture and rename it electroconvulsive therapy? That should placate the public.
>She should recognize that her entire education was structured by people who understood cognitive biases very well. They have learned how to take young, naive, well intentioned people and turn them into tools of oppression. Cognitive biases are now trapping her.
>Sunk Cost fallacy
>Anchoring biases
>doctors, judges, politicians and ceos consider things like honesty and compassion to be weakness.
>will you look back at your life and see cowardice and turning away from the truth, or will you see courage and honor?

you people are robots reciting a script, at this point. do you have any thoughts of your own? are you going to shill communism next? or, no, probably not, because that's also a grand conspiracy, isn't it

>> No.14703343

>Adderall withdrawal is worse than benzo withdrawal for me
lol wtf. stimulant withdrawal is probably the easiest to deal with and benzo withdrawal is by far the hardest and worst

I guess maybe if you were on an extremely low dose of benzos or not taking it daily, and a high dose of adderall, your experience could be possible, but there's no real risk to adderall withdrawal (mostly just tiredness and lack of motivation and energy), while benzo withdrawal can be an absolute nightmare, and potentially fatal

>> No.14703347

>He will come out as gay at the age of 13. It will be 100% his choice as, scientifically speaking, children can already know their sexual orientation even at the age of 8, and you will have to respect it.
if you don't know your sexual orientation by around age 7 - 10 you're an anomaly. it can occasionally shift later in life, but if you're attracted to people of the same sex at age 8, then you're attracted to people of the same sex at age 8. it's not like it's some abstract, theoretical thing. I definitely knew I was heterosexual at or before age 8, because I was attracted to girls and not attracted to boys. are you telling me if an 8-year-old boy says they like some girl on the playground, they've been brainwashed?

also, there is no evidence or plausible reason to believe methylphenidate or other drugs given at a young age would make someone more likely to be gay

>> No.14703410

Good troll.

>> No.14703434

to be defeatist and say he needs meds will only spoil his impulses further. I know this because this industry from an expert, tries its hardest to push pills to make money to the point 2/3ds of americans are "mentally ill"

>> No.14703469

My brother has ADHD, and when he was young the doctors wanted him to go on Ritalin. My mother absolutely refused. Anyway, he's in his late 20's now. He has a wagie job and a girlfriend, lives in his own apartment. That's great for him though, he has a learning disability as part of his ADHD, and found it impossible to focus for long periods of time as a kid. He's mellowed out a lot, and he did it all without meds. Some other kids in his school ended up on Ritalin, and almost all of them ended up retarded. Like legit needed care and help for the rest of their lives. Of course my story is just hearsay, and should be disregarded as such, but personally I always respected my mother for making that decision decades before anyone knew the full and true impact of Ritalin.

>> No.14703715

>the full and true impact of Ritalin
Which is?

>> No.14703747

>Which is?
The following:
>Some other kids in his school ended up on Ritalin, and almost all of them ended up retarded. Like legit needed care and help for the rest of their lives.

>> No.14703758

Again, I am asking for proof. You just state some anectode as if that means anything, so let me tell you mine: My now retired math professor was addicted to Ritalin, and when I was at his house to borrow some books he didn't need anymore, there were empty bottles spread everywhere.
Another anectode: Paul Erdos, an insanely proficient mathematician, used Ritalin AND amphetamines for his whole life and said they enhanced his cognition significantly.

Ritalin also has been shown countless times improving cognition in studies. It has very potent nootropic factors.

>> No.14703941

>Ritalin also has been shown countless times improving cognition in studies.
It doesn't improve cognition. It's a drug that you are clearly dependent on which you use to enhance focus, largely by suppressing your body's ability to properly communicate hunger or other distracting sensations.
>Paul Erdos, an insanely proficient mathematician used Ritalin AND amphetamines for his whole life
You're grasping on straws. Besides a fraudulent jew whose famous mathematical discoveries were the products of collabs where he contributed little or nothing to precisely because of his addiction, Hitler, for example, was also into consuming amphetamines, so are a lot of other people, for example your local hobo and high school dropout.

>> No.14703944

>for his whole life

>> No.14703949

>It doesn't improve cognition
It does. D1 agonism = cognition boost in the PFC. D5 agonism further increases expression of BDNF in the PFC.
>a drug that you are clearly dependent on
No, not at theurapeutic dosages.
>or other distracting sensations
Proof? The former effect does not follow from the later
>You're grasping on straws
>a fraudulent jew
Racism is not allowed on /sci/.
>famous mathematical discoveries were the products of collab
>so are a lot of other people
good job realizing the epistemological error in using anecdotes
for far longer than usual therapies. It's the pharmacological definition of life-time usage.

>> No.14703974

I don't believe that medicine doesn't make a distinction between a "lifetime usage" that started in middle-aged adulthood and one that started in childhood. It would be ludicrous to do so.

>> No.14703981

>I don't believe
I don't care.

>> No.14704005

Yes you do, because from your post I can recognize that you have been in this thread since the very beginning and are still trying to make people think you know what you are talking about. My expression of disbelief was just a way of saying that your definition is untenable.

>> No.14704014

>Yes you do
No I don't.

>> No.14704015

I'm not one of these retards who put their feelings before medical treatment, but you do realize that starting to drink alcohol as a child is worse than starting as an adult?

>> No.14704017

You did it, this post finally convinced everybody.

>> No.14704020

This is not the point.
That's cool.

>> No.14704022

Yes I realize that, that's why I made that post.

>> No.14704035

If that were true you'd know there is a distinction between lifelong treatment and childhood treatment, brainlet.

>> No.14704038

>>14704015 (Me)
Also, note that Ritalin is not alcohol and just because one thing is bad for kids doesn't mean everything is.

>> No.14704039

That is obvious, but lifelong treatment implies childhood treatment.

>> No.14704041


>> No.14704045

Childhood is not part of your lifetime?

>> No.14704048

As I said in >>14704035, in medicine, you differentiate between the two.

>> No.14704049

>D1 agonism = cognition boost in the PFC. D5 agonism further increases expression of BDNF in the PFC.
Scientism, based on mistaking correlation for causality between chemical substances and psychometric tests. It seems like you pick out data in support of whatever you want to be true, but also ignore the data in conflict with your hypothesis, effectively making you guilty of making the data fit your model. Presumedly, the models you are fond of are also unfalsifiable. Most psychiatric/psychological concepts are unfalsifiable. That's why people rightly call them pseudosciences.
It would be good if you could actually provide the paper for that claim. I'm sure, it's also been successfully replicated...
>No, not at theurapeutic dosages.
>Racism is not allowed on /sci/.
A simple fact isn't reycism. That word has lost any meaning anyway.
Please provide clear proof first that ritalin/amphetamines improve cognition. Otherwise, the discussion degenerates into moving the goalposts and whataboutism since we're talking about drugs 'boosting' cognition, not about a jewish number theorist nor about anything else
>good job realizing the epistemological error in using anecdotes
Not only that. It's also a pathetic argument.

>> No.14704051

Everything after that word is pointless because you simply showed that you're a moron.

>> No.14704055

Then you should be more careful about your colloquial expression, such as
>Paul Erdos, an insanely proficient mathematician, used Ritalin AND amphetamines for his whole life

>> No.14704056

younger brothers gonna be one messed up mf when he's older, I would never give that to my child

>> No.14704066

>based on mistaking correlation for causality
>Most psychiatric/psychological concepts are unfalsifiable
non-sequitur. It's biology.
>It would be good if you could actually provide the paper for that claim
Look up D5 agonism on google scholar.
>A simple fact isn't reycism
Prove it.
>Please provide clear proof first that ritalin/amphetamines improve cognition
through d1 and d5 agonism.
irrelevant. Racism is not allowed on /sci/
>It's also a pathetic argument.
I agree with >>14703469 being a pathetic argument.

>> No.14704067

It's not. It's a medical term as pointed out in >>14704048 and >>14703949

>> No.14704070

I would sue your for child abuse. Read this http://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=F3B933A3C2C1E14F92B81AFD17236BD3

>> No.14704072

your brother needs his behavior or learning issues addressed via cognitive behavioral therapy or something similar along with the adhd meds

>> No.14704073

"His whole life" is definitely a colloquial expression. You just corrected to "lifelong treatment" afterwards

>> No.14704077

they are equivalent medical terms.
CBT is ineffective compared to medicine. But go on and waste money.

>> No.14704080


>> No.14704082

No they are not, one has a colloquial meaning that is distinct from the supposed medical definition.

>> No.14704086


>> No.14704090

You are not an authority on colloquial english more than any other person ITT, and most likely not a medical one either. Your backpedaling is transparent and sad

>> No.14704095

No, you're just wrong, as in the right context variations of the term may be used.

>> No.14704099

A /sci/ thread full of laymen and posts full of anecdotes is not the right context. If you believe so you are just a bad science communicator.

>> No.14704102

>CBT is ineffective compared to medicine
It's not a competition, faggot. The other anon said "along with the meds".
>But go on and waste money
It's covered by health insurance.

>> No.14704105

>A /sci/ thread full of laymen and posts full of anecdotes
That's the problem. Way too many fucking retards on this board. And if you point to the state of the art, then the midwits complain about "scientism"

>> No.14704108

the context is the post.
>It's covered by health insurance.
then do it?

>> No.14704112

Well, your habit of returning one-word rejections to anything that questions what you say, which I've seen spread throughout the thread, isn't helping. Maybe after this thread 404's you'll remember that you went into medicine to help people.

>> No.14704118

I'll go back to working now while you waste the rest of your day crying about "scientism" and being a waste of space. Read http://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=F3B933A3C2C1E14F92B81AFD17236BD3

>> No.14704122

Nah, you'll be in here until the very end, you need to convince yourself that medicine is a hard science and you didn't just choose it because you were too dumb for physics. Also I never used that word

>> No.14704126

read http://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=F3B933A3C2C1E14F92B81AFD17236BD3
I'm also not in medicine. Just not a talentless hack like you.

>> No.14704128

Your "work" is waiting ;)

>> No.14704141

I actually do?

>> No.14704145

I'm doing it simultaneously, hence the short responses.

>> No.14704154

This is how you know you're doing meaningless grunt work.

>> No.14704158

Also known as every STEM PhD where you sometimes have to put stuff in and out of the incubator, sit in front of the mass spectrometer, look at your code compile etc.

>> No.14704159

It's just evaluating a research paper. You'll know once you get into academia. It pays rather nice and I can shitpost with a NEET like you in the meantime, which is rather nice.

>> No.14704166

Imagine getting into science for the payment. Your posts are already fumbled, you are exceeding the capacity of your attention and whatever work you might be doing is sure to turn out garbage.

>> No.14704169


>> No.14704170

ad hominem and bad at that too.
>non-sequitur. It's biology.
Where's the biological markers then? D5 agonism?
>Look up D5 agonism on google scholar.
Why don't you just show me the part where it says that D1 and D5 agonism is clearly and irrefutably linked to 'enhanced' cognition? Very bold of you to assume that I'm willing to spend 3 hours looking up stuff as opposed to writing that comment calling you out for definite proof in 2 minutes.
>Prove it.
>irrelevant. Racism is not allowed on /sci/
Again, whataboutism.

>> No.14704182

>D5 agonism?
yes, look it up
>? Very bold of you to assume that I'm willing to spend 3 hours
must suck so retarded a simple query like this would take 3 hours.
>>Prove it.
>>irrelevant. Racism is not allowed on /sci/
>Again, whataboutism.

>> No.14704185

also, read http://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=F3B933A3C2C1E14F92B81AFD17236BD3

>> No.14704187

I told you in the other thread. Do you think that illiterate people can read hundreds of pages intended for experts?

>> No.14704189

>yes, look it up
Post the link to the article that irrefutably proves the connection between D5 agonism and enhanced cognition.
>must suck so retarded a simple query like this would take 3 hours.
Ad hominem.
Irrelevant. We're discussing D5 agonism, not some ADHD handbook.

Looks like you're losing the argument.

>> No.14704191

>link to the article
wikipedia's page on the d5 receptor
>Ad hominem.
that comment was irrelevant in the first place

>> No.14704194

also read http://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=F3B933A3C2C1E14F92B81AFD17236BD3

>> No.14704199

You only have one thing to do at a time? No backlog of papers to read or scribbles to transcribe into latex? Is this the power of labmonkeys?

>> No.14704203

I'm not reading a paper or documenting shit when I have to shift my focus for 30 seconds every 2 minutes.

>> No.14704909

>literally the exact same mechanism of action as cocaine

this will be great for an 8 year old