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14686356 No.14686356 [Reply] [Original]

What can I do against the negative effects of schizophrenia?

>> No.14686372

B vitamin deficiencies will make schizophrenia worse. Keep topped up.

>> No.14686651

study logic and skepticism

>> No.14686664 [DELETED] 
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There is a theory that mental disorders are due to gut issues. Fix your gut and then your health will improove


>> No.14687010

>There is a theory that mental disorders are due to gut issues.
When investigating that question, I always noticed that the same sites claiming that gut issue - mental illness link were also selling keto diets and gluten-free food in their online shop. Is there a link?

>> No.14687019

Not saying those snake-oil salesmen don't exist, but this was the first Google result I got for "serotonin gut"

>> No.14687034

That 'maybe, but we don't know' part weirdly enough often turns into a 'definitely yes and if it doesn't work on you, then it's your fault' part. What I mean, is that nearly all of science has been commercialized and now serves market interests so that more products can be sold to you. More diets, more diagnoses, more jabs, more pills, more therapies.

>> No.14687060

Im diagnosed schizo. On quetiapine. 8 years now, from onset. Delusion and reality fight in my head and the debate rages on.

Really if i had certainty the hell would stop. Before this shit, i would coast life like every other miserable cunt. I wonder, if being miserable is the fukin normal life, it been 8 years, ive lost track. Miserable and a mindless consumer, i remember that. Surely that's not life. Both my delusions and reality offer me fuck all.

I like physics, wouldnt study it, but kind of tells me normal people do study the hidden and matter, my general interest too. I rather appreciate thiings that merely know they're there.

>> No.14687068

Things than*

>> No.14687272

why do you shill your channel so blatantly? This video only came out a few hours ago so you obviously made this thread just to post a link to it. I mean dont get me wrong, I have nothing against psyoping morons-like the people on this board- in order to red pill them on important shit, but you are just too blatant bro kek. I am more than happy to help you psyop them so it isnt so obvious

>> No.14688268

You lost braincells while taking the poison thinking it's something good, trusting people who don't give a fuck except selling. Feeling miserable is normal ofc, you are not fit.

>> No.14688276

Weird how old people with schizophrenia do not give a shit yet zoomers are shitting their pants. Generation of nigger worshippers

>> No.14688295

>medieval medicine man shit
Let me guess, you're selling the micronutrients and supplements that heal cancer?

>> No.14688335
File: 92 KB, 604x799, 668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didnt make this thred, the video had bary been processed beond 360p (i will make one later). I have just seen alot of anons asking for advice about their mental health issues, and here was yet another example.

Typically they get good hints such as vitamins, supplements, or snorting stuff that reduces inflamation in the brain. But theres never any comprehensive theory as to why they have elevated inflamation in the first place.

So i made an easy introduction video about what the root cause of mental illness could be and then then how to cure it, so that it does not progress to insanity.

>> No.14688361
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Not sure about supplements. If you have digestive issues that affect your brain, you typically cant digest the filler agents in the supplements, causing even more damage. Also i dont have much confidence in the quality control of the chinese labs making the supplements.

Maybe a keto-like meal prep service for mental health patients would be a lucrative business. Since if youre sick, you dont want to cook, and thus you will get sicker. But the logistical nightmare of shipping frozen food is a turn off

>> No.14688466

>losing in the same places only more extensively in females

>> No.14690644

glycine can help

>> No.14690647

Well it is a good video regardless but most the people here probably wont watch it because people dont like feeling like they are being manipulated. You have to be more subtle when you psyop them.

>> No.14691352

Have friends
Take meds
Take Omega 3 oil
Get adequate vitamin D

>> No.14692325

Look up Jerry marzinky and his work with schizophrenia patients

>> No.14692422


With proper Pyrrhonism or hardcore skepticism you can pretty much suspend judgment toward anything

>> No.14693526

lion's mane

>> No.14693535

>On quetiapine
Enjoy your diabetes and parkinsonism

>> No.14693542

Sarcosine supposedly helps because of nmda and glycine bullshit.

>> No.14695323

GAPS diet. There's a thread on it at the moment.

>> No.14695351

>I like physics
>wouldnt study it
If you like it, why wouldn't you study it?

>> No.14695436

Don't forget about brain loss from fapping as well - they measured that, too!

Just today on slashdot a report of a "scientist" having faked his research regarding Alzheimers.