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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14684064 No.14684064 [Reply] [Original]

>NOTHINGNESS somehow EXPLODED into space, time, energy and the laws of physics
>after this random atoms flew around for NO REASON until they randomly happened to create the extremely delicate and precise conditions life could exist in on earth, thanks to the nothing that exploded exploding into just the right subatomic conditions that could support consciousness
>then the random atoms started to become alive because... well because they just randomly did, okay. they started to replicate by accident and made germs
>and the germs changed into fish that randomly by pure chance particle spasms developed into extremely complex organs to capture light and represent images to a conscious brain that had a precisely balanced chemical makeup that the random spastic atoms from the big morning that created everything happened to make
>and then these water breathing fish started to breathe oxygen because... well because of the autistic whizzing aimless atoms, and then in a gorillion years the fish were monkeys because... because they just fucking were!!!!
>and that’s why you are here
>and everything you see and can conceive of just happens to be there because of the unconscious totally senseless collision of atoms that the nothing created that somehow just happened to pinball until they made an accurate representation of reality inside the most complex organ in existence and this was all meaningless and random and just happened to occur
>oh yes, and despite all this my specific political, moral and scientific beliefs about this ludicrously insane complicated world my random atom brain that exists on extremely delicate perfect conditions just happened to evolve to understand, and that the determined and causal chemicals in said brain made me believe, are undeniably true and you’re a chud if you don’t think the same

>> No.14684077

obviously it's the magic-jew-in-the-sky then.
it's all in the goats & violence book

>> No.14684085
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>> No.14684095

you're a dumb nigger lol, kill yourself nigger

>> No.14684133

>t. kike-on-a-stick worshipper

>> No.14684288
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>something can't come from nothing
>therefore, god created the world...out of nothing

>> No.14684330
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> I don't understand the slightest thing related to what I've just written and misrepresent absolutely everything in my retarded and incoherent post but I'll make fun of everyone else because I'm superior for believing what I was indoctrinated to believe since birth without the slightest evidence of it being true.

>> No.14684356

sounds fine

>> No.14684364

Tbh only the big bang is amazing to me, everything else is plausible while the big bang is just impossible without God

>> No.14684456

God is real.
Christianity is the truth.
Trannies are not women.
Black people commit more crimes.
The holocaust never happened.
Accept the facts or be left behind, fedora tipping degenerates. Your call.

>> No.14684459

>>NOTHINGNESS somehow EXPLODED into space, time, energy and the laws of physics
Because zero factorial somehow explodes into the base unit.

>> No.14684463

It created the world out of itself, god just happens to be the same thing as nothing, so it all works out. Also nothing is something, its the smallest amount of anything and everything and also the sum total of it all.

>> No.14684467

God is imaginary because imaginary things are more potent than real things, ideas don't always die, everything that is real will die.
Christianity isn't even self consistent.

Don't throw in a bunch of unrelated true things to distract from your obvious fabrications.

>> No.14684494

>Christianity is the truth.
ive been all over the world and religious people always say this about their religion. meaning, that youre no different, and probably your religion as well. id a religion isnt unique, its probably not 'one'.

>> No.14684581
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>> No.14684628

do you think an intelligence capable of creating the Univese wants pathetic grovelling from the tiny lifeforms that inhabit it?

God may be real but Relgion is completely pointless and achieves nothing. stop insulting God with your useless worship.

>> No.14684680
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Oy vey

>> No.14684683
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>> No.14684690


>> No.14684695

>nothing happened to nothing and then nothing magically exploded.
Its not magic, its basic math, 0^0=1, nothing upon nothing is equivalent to a whole unit of anything.

>> No.14684699
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Nothing = God and 0^0 = 1 supposedly proving nothing is something is such garbage logic and not founded on reality.

>> No.14684707

Neither of those things is what proves nothing is something. The fact that nothing has properties, descriptors, and a word to describe it proves it is something.

0^0=1, just proves that anything else can come from nothing and that nothing is the smallest amount of anything and everything.

Nothing=God comes from the fact that they are both the alpha and omega, the universe and everything in it began with nothing and will eventually decay to nothing, dust to dust and all that.

Coming up with mean names to project your failure to prove your point is not a logical rebuttal, it is butthurt manifest as text that an angry kindergartner could have come up with.

>> No.14684713 [DELETED] 



kill yourselves

>> No.14684715



kill yourselves

>> No.14684716
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Your idea of nothing is not nothing, soi boy.
See how harmful soientists are, believing ideologies to be truth. That's how they created communism, an idea that killed millions of people accross the world.

>> No.14684720
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Post nose rabbi.

>> No.14684723

>God is real.
>Christianity is the truth.
>Trannies are not women.
>Black people commit more crimes.
>The holocaust never happened.
>Accept the facts or be left behind, fedora tipping degenerates. Your call.
None of these are even slightly true, except for black people committing more crimes on average, and that also leaves out a lot of detail.

>> No.14684724

My idea of nothing is based in reality and mathematics, your ideas are all based in superstitions and butthurt. Cry harder or present evidence.

>> No.14684725
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you really got me with your schizographic, anon

>> No.14684727

you're both pseud morons. you're right, but for the wrong reasons, and they're just living in alternate reality

>> No.14684729
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Ideas are not reality, intellectual soi boys.

>> No.14684732
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>> No.14684744

Considering how divorced your ideas are from reality, it makes perfects sense for you to take that position, but I never even said ideas were reality.

>> No.14684751
File: 512 KB, 921x1024, 1654797056814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You leftist scum exist only to destroy and subvert your very own nations.

>> No.14684765

>Coming up with mean names to project your failure to prove your point is not a logical rebuttal, it is butthurt manifest as text that an angry kindergartner could have come up with.

>> No.14684768

>Class Warfare
No (((they))) don't want you to look at them and their wealth, they want race warfare so that the population is constantly at war with their own identity.

>> No.14684779

If you are actually stupid enough to think leftist means nonchristian, you are going to be very disappointing by the abundance of leftist christians subverting their own nations with endless welfare and the importing immigrants.