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14682718 No.14682718 [Reply] [Original]

Should we say global warming or climate change?

>> No.14682746

Global warming is a part of climate change. Climate change includes alterations to weather patterns as a result of global warming.

>> No.14682755

>Global warming is a part of climate change. Climate change includes alterations to weather patterns as a result of global warming.
Why would """""global""""" warming make winters get colder and summers get hotter?

>> No.14682775

Climate change: A way of referring to global heating but give the impression it has no systematic direction of change. This term was imposed by Dubya's officials to support denialism:

>> No.14682779

I say climate change. I also tell people there's nothing they can do about it so there's no reason to worry.
a) nothing ever happens
b) if it were very serious, nobody would give you a choice
You'll notice that either way, your worrying does nothing.

>> No.14682791
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>Why would """""global""""" warming make winters get colder
Winters are getting warmer, dumb /pol/tard.

>> No.14682797
File: 1.47 MB, 1x1, LuntzResearch.Memo.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good little drone
>The scientific debate is closing [against us] but not yet closed. There is still a window of opportunity to challenge the science
>“Climate change’’ is less frightening than “global waming” As one focus group participant noted, climate change “sounds like you’re going from Pittsburgh to Fort Lauderdale.” While global warming has catastrophic connotations attached to it, climate change suggests a more controllable and less emotional challenge.

>> No.14682800

I see more "progressive" types using terms like "climate calamity" or "climate tragedy", seems more in line with the current zeitgeist.

>> No.14682801
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>> No.14682807

>seems more in line with the current zeitgeist.
It's good if that zeitgeist reverts Bush's newspeak

>> No.14682846

Climate warming is a global change

>> No.14682876

"Climate change" obfuscates the warming, as per >>14682797

>> No.14683048

>temperature anomalies in the vertical axis
>anomalies compared to a number inside my anus

>> No.14683140

You know, in 2003 I would have taken that article at face value. How far the credibility of news reporting has fallen that our media institutions are now no more or less credible than the literal war criminal Bush II.

>> No.14683153


>> No.14683279

Please translate your post from Retard into English. Explain why you think temperature anomaly is a problem and how the graph doesn't show winters are warming in both hemispheres. This should be entertaining.

>> No.14683902

You know he can't

>> No.14683962

>global warming
global (duh) average, https://climateclock.net/
>climate change

>> No.14683969
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>> No.14683976

"global warming" says nothing about the oceans turning to acid and bleaching the shit out of everything, nor does it say anything about the fact that if we keep this shit up for a few hundred years, atmospheric CO2 will eventually reach 2000PPM and humans will start getting stupid. climate change, on the other hand, covers these effects since the composition of the atmosphere is part of the climate.