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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 907 KB, 2000x2000, NMNs-240-layflat-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14679065 No.14679065 [Reply] [Original]

which trans human pills do you take /sci/ ?

>> No.14679068

NaN Null Pills 0ug

>> No.14679114


>> No.14679395
File: 332 KB, 3372x3373, 414350075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite. make everything taste like Coriander.

>> No.14680463

The two most promising compounds are deferoxamine and the d21 peptide. I'll elaborate on the latter since Pax has already spammed this site with DFO.
Essentially, Dopamine receptor subtypes bind together more and more in adolescence into adulthood, rendering them dysfunctional. In particular, this process for the D1 and D2 receptor subtype, creating the D1D2-heteromer, is responsible for flipping the relationship between the two receptors, causing D1 to be active in low and D2 in high concentrations, contray to norm.
The more intelligent a species is, the more of this heteromer is formed in adulthood, implicating a rather strong relationship between it and intelligence/dumbing down intelligent beings later in life.
Taking the D21 peptide intranasally causes this heteromer to be removed and essentially restores childlike states of the dopamin receptor. Researchers said it effectively re-opened the critical phase as the rats suddenly were able to learn just as effectively as when they were babies.
There are several such peptides, look for D1-D2 Heteromer "peptide" on google scholar for more.

>> No.14682114

I'm doing the opposite, I want to be more human

>> No.14682160

Did Pax die? Where is he

>> No.14682163

i take
500mg modafinil
18mg zinc
2 biotin tablets
2g calcium pills
and a sildefinil everyday

>> No.14682189
File: 90 KB, 604x840, Aubrey_de_Grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you drink booze?

>> No.14682206

Alcohol makes you smarter (only short term, do not drink it if you can) since it lowers your inhibitors and thus anxiety and stress levels meaning your brain works more effectively and clear. It helps you with recalling memory and emotional intelligence a lot

>> No.14682354

>not talking about the elites stealing all of the money
You fell for the distraction psyop

>> No.14682437

>500mg modafinil
that's a massive dose and you shouldn't be taking that much
have you got your heart checked lately? are you still sleeping? it's not because you can trick your body into not sleeping that it's a good idea long term.
t. past addy and moda addict

>> No.14682513

ok kommie

>> No.14682518


>> No.14682569
File: 57 KB, 700x525, designer ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14682837

300mg luvox, 100mg atomoxetine, Shiraz red wine and nicotine vape

>> No.14683054

hows NMN

>> No.14685969

literally good

>> No.14687515

IBM study.

>> No.14687875
File: 13 KB, 687x160, low IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can cherry pick bullshit too

>emotional intelligence

>anxiety and stress levels
also lol

>> No.14688024

You have a pill that can make you smarter but not one that can make your dick bigger?

Your priorities are fucked, science.

>> No.14688792

No Mg to balance the Ca? Enjoy dying from Afib.

>> No.14688803

>3A25bu2 is a 12000 calorie one inch block of pure caloric intake. Primarily a carbohydrate, you can make them with tallow or fat crusts with removed variants of triglycerides. That way, you can have a huge amount of calories stored with very little space occupied.

>> No.14688861

I really want to try nootropics but they're all banned in my country, rip
how did the dust settle on Piracetam, anyway? I remember that being super popular on here and /fit/ like 10 years ago

these days I'm just thinking of trying nicotine gum to get a little big of a cognitive boost while working...