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14680826 No.14680826 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14680840


>> No.14680842

correct answer supposed to be 3.

explanation for 3 i can come up with would be:

triangle must be black.
vertical and horizontal lines each appear 3 times in every colour overall.

yet that doesnt strike me as a good rule. anyone has a better one ?

>> No.14680856

usually there is some clockwise / anticlockwise rotationpattern. cant find it here.

>> No.14680898

Must be either 3 or 7

>> No.14680911

OP here.

it must be 3. the question however is why.

>> No.14680998 [DELETED] 


there are 9 fields, each field has a horizontal and vertical line and a triangle

there are 3 black, yellow and blue horizontal line, vertical line and triangles in total

since only a blue vertical line is left the shape needs to have a vertical blue line
since there are only two black triangles the shape has to have a black triangle

at that point you dont have to check the vertical line as only 3 fits the criteria

the shapes are aranged in a fixed manner (vertical on top, then horizontal, then the triangle), the position of each shape in the grid is not important

>> No.14681005
File: 256 KB, 776x1200, sci_gweilo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there are 9 fields, each field has a horizontal and vertical line and a triangle

there are 3 black, yellow and blue horizontal line, vertical line and triangles in total

since only a blue vertical line is left the shape needs to have a vertical blue line
since there are only two black triangles the shape has to have a black triangle

at that point you dont have to check the horizontal line as only 3 fits the criteria

the shapes are aranged in a fixed manner (vertical on top, then horizontal, then the triangle), the position of each shape in the grid is not important

>> No.14681029

this but the last two crossed bars are a a combination of colors from the first two triangle in order

>> No.14681043

OP here

NOW THIS is the pattern i was missing. thanks

>> No.14681047

it fills the pattern, 3x yellow over black, 3x black over blue, 3x blue over yellow, arranged one per type per color

>> No.14681049

>the last two crossed bars are a a combination of colors from the first two triangle in order
this doesnt add additional information and is therefore pointless for classification

>> No.14681057

Simplest starting questions, it's 3

>> No.14681058


yh but your explanation doesnt account for WHY the colors are distributed the way they are. i was looking for the rule not the "just" the correct answer

>> No.14681555

The correct answer is 5 everyone is stupid

>> No.14681625
File: 86 KB, 405x720, 193438530012348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the digits...my knees...

>> No.14681739

>your explanation doesnt account for WHY the colors are distributed the way they are
there is no meaning to that for solving the question
good on you for seeing a pattern
but that pattern is not required to solve the task, thus superficial

>> No.14681790


u are ridiculously stupid.

i already stated in the first (well second) reply, that the answer is 3. so that was never the question.

the whole point of this post was to find out WHY 3 is the correct answer. hence the question for someone coming up with a better rule/pattern than the one i already gave.

but congratz for posting the correct number after it was stated that is is the right answer and then giving the same (incomplete) explanation i already gave. truly brilliant u are.

>> No.14682450

- vertical lines: 3 yellow, 3 black, 2 blue (missing 1 blue)
- horizontal line: 3 black, 3 blue, 2 yellow (missing 1 yellow)
- triangle: 3 blue, 3 yellow, 2 black (missing1 black)

>> No.14682462

you always take the most simple pattern. yes, you can find another pattern if you're schizo, but simplest one is the correct answer.
t. I can test 140+ on those pattern tests, much lower on verbal tests because of ESL brain.

>> No.14682504

im not sure how true that is.. see you could also say that the third symbol in each row has to have all three colors (no double colors) so you would only have 3 and 7 as possible answers (given that the triangle needs to be black) and then you could say that it has to be 3 because if you compare the last columns you already have a figure with a vertical bar that is yellow. so it must be 3.

that is a very simple answer and a correct one, yet it follows no "true" pattern. theres no underlying logic in that. you could not solve it that way if you dont have the multiple choices.

so yh. if you find the actual pattern (triangle needs to be black and crossed bars have to be the color of the previous triangles in order you can solve it without answer solutions. that makes it better.

>> No.14682528

The correct anwer should be a black triangle with a vertical yellow strip and horizontal black line but its not in the anwers, the problem is wrong

>> No.14682547 [DELETED] 

Literally how dumb would one have to be to not get this right?

>> No.14682556

Literally how much of an insecure narcissist would one have to be to post something like this?

>> No.14682557 [DELETED] 

Found the brainlet.

>> No.14682571

Predictable answer

>> No.14682959

Triangle black.
Vertical and horizontal bars both have 2 colours the same.
So it's 7?

>> No.14682994 [DELETED] 

Correct. Everyone else in this thread is massively retarded.

>> No.14683004

But thats blue not black, it what im said >>14682528 the proboem doesnt give the right answer to complete the pattern

>> No.14683024

i chose 3 beaxcsue there is no blue line in the last column, but could be 7, whatd my iq

>> No.14683035

3 because there is only two yellow horizontal bars too

>> No.14683058

You gotta be a dull boring cunt to score high on IQ.

>> No.14683146
File: 16 KB, 299x342, patterntest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look this is what I mean

>> No.14683721

Row 1 Triangle Pattern (P): Black Yellow Blue
Row 3 Triangle P: blue black yellow
Triangle must be black

Row 1 Horizontal P: black yellow black
Row 3 Horizontal P: yellow blue blue
Horizontal must be either black or blue

Row 1 Vertical P: Yellow Blue Yellow
Row 3 Vertical P: blue black black
Vertical must be yellow or black

>> No.14683812

how about you stop posting these manipulated tests which have no unambiguous solution? go to /b/ and post them there.

>> No.14685412

Which is it then OP

>> No.14686344
File: 59 KB, 870x381, iqtest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14686376

The third row doesn't even follow the same pattern as the first two, and none of the options fits the expected result, so fuck off.

>> No.14686380


>> No.14686389

Annoying multiple patterns.
Sideways: subtraction, so 1 or 5, not the answer
Downwards: open by 45 degrees, so 3
Diagonal: open by 135 degrees, 1 or 5 again
Guess it's 3

>> No.14687075


>> No.14688650

Honestly, 2 answers should be counted as correct.

>triangles change color on every row
>the horizontal and vertical bars have 2/3 of the same color in both horizontal and vertical direction
Meaning 7 fits the pattern.

>just count what parts are missing to complete the count (yellow horizontal, blue vertical, black triangle)
Meaning 3

Variant 3 seems kind of midwit, t-b-h.

It's an empty bar
You have
>45 degree rotation horizontally
>90 degree first step and a 180 degree second step horizontally

>> No.14688661

>>45 degree rotation horizontally

>> No.14688717

triangle order: ...>black>yellow>blue>black>...
Every horizonal/vertical line combination forms a pair:
-Black horizontal/yellow vertical

It's kind of schizo solving like this though. Do IQ tests lose meaning when you apply process of elimination?

>> No.14690490


>> No.14690524

this board is retarded

>> No.14690531

Its actually >>14683146

>> No.14690657
File: 57 KB, 1163x635, j8zagc3905d91[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14690691

They're still fun to do

>> No.14690720

you have massive insecurity and doubt about your own intelligence, who would know better than you if your intelligence is worth doubting?

>> No.14690783

No I dont I enjoy solving the problems that get posted here

>> No.14690828

split the board into 135 degree diagonals. each of the diagonal strips share the same triangle color but each have a different vertical line color.
the result of this pattern is that the last shape must have a black triangle and a blue vertical band.

>> No.14690846

Should be a yellow vertical and black horizontal

>> No.14690854
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>> No.14690862

Correct thats what I've been saying dammit

>> No.14690959

The triplets of truth cant be wrong

>> No.14690985


>> No.14690988

Makes for a better pattern than any of the answers presented

>> No.14691371

I would do this but I don't support Ukranian colors sorry

>> No.14691395


>> No.14691416

fucking hate these types of IQ tests. it burns a hole in my eyes trying to look at shapes. Jake's height is 2m. Alex is six times shorter than Jake. what is Alex's height?

>> No.14691550

It's 3, retards

Jordan Peterson himself said it

>> No.14691582

My answer is more elegant

>> No.14691603

The answer is 3 and the reason is quite simple.
There are 3 possible colors, blue, yellow, black.
Every row has a triangle of each color.
So far we know that the answer must be a black triangle. 3, 5, or 7.
Now, there are three components to each instance, a triangle, a horizontal line, and a vertical line.
The first two instances in each row have only 2 of the 3 possible colors, 1 color will be repeated in the components. The third instance in each row has no repeating colors, each component gets its own color.

Taking these two facts together, the only answer that meets both requirements is 3.

When you have a 130 IQ or higher, you are able to look at the picture and understand all this within a few seconds, a fraction of the time it takes to actually explain it. Now you understand why intelligent people are constantly annoyed and depressed.

>> No.14691614

5 now I get to see if I am right, definitely a black triangle as each row and column contain one on the cross bars I'm going with 5 just letting my pattern detection hindbrain answer that for me

>> No.14691643

It's actually 7 for all the reasons this anon posted >>14691603 but he forgot the last step.
You can only have 2 colors for the vertical lines in each row, and 2 colors for the horizontal lines in each row. 3 breaks this rule, while 7 preserves it.

>> No.14691805

No I dont understand, its a gift

>> No.14691850

no one cares.

>> No.14691864

It’s 3.
The black -> yellow -> blue ->black -> yellow ->blue…. Pattern applies to the three layers as well.

Unless this is accidental and the makers of the test tried to intentionally not create any pattern, this is the correct answer.

>> No.14691882

Answer is 1. The 3rd box in each row is the differences between the first two boxes, rotated CCW by 90deg.

>> No.14692138

each element left side is 3 sub elements
when take 3 from right
then each subelement on the left exists 3 times

>> No.14692649

i can see the pattern/system within a few seconds, but it takes time to go through the combination of colors to arrive at the specific answer, especially if I have brain fog, what does that imply in terms of IQ?

>> No.14693287

3, rule is that you deduct 1/8 of pie,
1 6/8 2/8
7/8 5/8 1/8
6/8 4/8 0/8 < aka line

>> No.14693330

>The 3rd box in each row is the differences between the first two boxes, rotated CCW by 90deg.
If that were the case, row 2 should be a quarter circle, not a 1/8 circle.

>> No.14693376

3, because you need 3 black triangles, 3 horizontal yello, 3 vertical blue

>> No.14693425

the table has:
3 yellow triangles
3 blue triangles
2 black triangles

3 vertical yellow lines
3 vertical black lines
2 vertical blue lines

3 horizontal black lines
3 horizontal blue lines
2 horizontal yellow lines

so what is missing is: black triangle, vertical blue line, horizontal yellow line, what is no. 3
also, these iq tests are stupid, you do not know if you're supposed to look at 3 distinct lines/columns, a sequence, or the whole table

>> No.14693456

1 i could not tell you why

3 i could not tell you why

>> No.14693479

That artist draws very well, too bad his sense of humour is lacking.
It is three if you look at the vertical line, but if you look at the horizontal line, it is more like 7.

>> No.14693506

No solution

OP is a faggot

>> No.14693508


>> No.14693512

An angry midwit made this

>> No.14693517

>these iq tests are stupid, you do not know if you're supposed to look at 3 distinct lines/columns, a sequence, or the whole table

It's almost like they're trying to find out how stupid you are

>> No.14693541

How come?
>Triangles hit all colors across each row
So triangle must be black, which gives us 3, 5, 7
>First triangle gives us the color of the last horizontal bar
Removes 7 from the equation, it's 3 or 5
>Second triangle is the color of the last vertical bar
Must be 3
Extra rule
>Last picture has all 3 colors
This confirms it's 3

If you say there's no solution, then you have to prove there are at least 2 possible solutions. So which is the alternative? It has to hold for rows 1 and 3.

>> No.14693587

Only retards need Ukrainian colors. Smart people use ones from the Russian imperial flag.

>> No.14693928

still hasnt scored our iq, fuck you man

>> No.14694139


>> No.14694250

why are dumb people so loud, angry, and so confident in themselves? you didn't even entertain the thought that there could be an answer you couldn't see, no, the problem had to be wrong

each column increments first by 90º and then by 180º clockwise

>> No.14694261

there are three black, blue, and yellow of every shape, take the ones that only have 2 and you get 3. easy peasy.

>> No.14694836

its 1, how to get from 1st picture to second picture horizontally using the 3rd picture as a parameter for how much to subtract

>> No.14694873

Maybe you're right. It still feels like the rule is incomplete and it could be contradicted, but I can't think of that contradiction so whatever.

>> No.14694952

I never realized that he was that retarded.
It clearly 7

>> No.14695222

That's what I did but I feel it's a wishy washy approach.

>> No.14695321

Where can we get definitively answers to that question? Isn't there some kind of IQ answer sheet ?

>> No.14695489

Peterson probably took the answers from there so its 3

>> No.14695600 [DELETED] 


>> No.14695882

Most simple answer is 3.

>> No.14697627
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It's 5.
It must have a black triangle and each row has 3 of the same color, either vertical or horizontal. First row it is yellow. third row is blue. So, the second row must have a black horizontal or vertical bar.

>> No.14697655

3. Minute hand moves one step then across

>> No.14697842

Learn to read threads before posting.