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14679513 No.14679513 [Reply] [Original]

How do I cure irritable bowel syndrome constipation?

>> No.14679613

adjust your diet, the one thing everyone with IBS has in common is that there's some type of food they're eating to cause issues. in my case it's red meat and anything in the brassica family like cabbage.

>> No.14679627

Adding to the poster above me, create an entirely special diet just for your condition, maybe one from your doctor, in this way you'll be limiting all the garbage you're eating as well as eating things that only benefit IBS like oats.
t. had bad bowels a few times in my life and it was not fun

>> No.14679681

What is your relationship like with your parents?

>> No.14679688

eat meat less fiber.

>> No.14679757

It was horrible.

Sincerely, OP

>> No.14679839

Remove specific food items from your diet until you isolate what causes the problem. Likely it's grains.

>> No.14679860

Diet is the biggest factor. Or you could try oral bpc 157, the regeneration peptide. It cured my ibs for 6 months after doing two bottles but then it came back.


>> No.14679889

Clear your solar plexus chakra and take some colon cleanser.

>> No.14679894

For me it turned out to be anxiety.

>> No.14679901

improve microbiome
bone broth

>> No.14679907

diet modifications, reduce stress, avoid smoking+alcohol, IBS support groups/talk w/ other people w/ IBS

>> No.14679914

Unironically try chain smoking ciggies.
it will come right out

>> No.14680554

IBS Diarrhea type here, for me the only thing that helped was excluding stuff that really fucked my shit up (literally), mainly gluten and lactose. Oat """milk""" instead of cow milk (lactose-free milk still had too much lactose), vegan margarine, glutenfree bread, lactose-free chocolate...

>> No.14680564
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Sounds amazing, I both have IBS and joint problems, according to my orthopaedist there's something wrong with my collagen, and according to an electromyogram I also have damaged muscles and nerves.

>> No.14680588

Replace your cut bacteria. It can be as easy as eating a healthy person's feces (called 'yellow soup' in ancient China) or specifically designed pills of healthy gut bacteria.
You probably had a diet lacking in nutrients and media for the healthy gutbbacteria, or you've undergone one to many antibiotic treatments which screwed up the balance of it.

* over 70% of the neurotransmitters in our brains are products from gut bacteria
* we have more cells of bacteria than cells carrying our own DNA inside our bodies

>> No.14680694

>expands growth hormone receptors
I've been a hungry skeleton my whole life (57 - 63 kg for 185 cm), maybe my body just always lacked BPC-157?

>> No.14680997

Butt plugs. I know it sounds like b8 but it's the only way. Your ass doesn't know it lives in a civilized society and it wants to evacuate on the nearest patch of grass. You just have to plug it up and not give it a chance

>> No.14681059

Come to terms with the fact your parents fucked you up with processed crap, onions, no breastfeeding, etc. Your irritable bowl is chiefly caused by lack of healthy gut bacteria however it may be too late to fix it permanently because epigenetic expressions play an important role too. The younger you are the better chance you have of permanent fix. How old are you op?

>> No.14681178


>> No.14682843


>> No.14682874

Sounds like diabetes

>> No.14682880

>epigenetic expressions
You can change it at any point in your life, however it might take some time and you'll probably feel like shit in the process

>> No.14684464

Fuck that, I'd rather keep on shitting.

>> No.14684512

It's not bad, you get used to it, and you don't miss the runs. The glutenfree bread is pretty good, once you get used to the oat milk you like it, you can't eat normal pizza anymore but you can still eat fried chicken, the annoying thing is the rarity of lactose-free chocolate. And in the end it kind of forces you to eat more healthy.

>> No.14684778
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>> No.14686709
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Try the GAPS diet. Basically remove all irritating food. Only eat close to carnivore and then ad fermented vegetable juice.

Link related:

>> No.14686894

>be me
>super healthy 18 year old
>stressful event happens
>digestive system fucks up
>like IBS-D but with normal frequency of bowel movements and without any pain
>terrible gas after eating most things, especially greasy food
>acne everywhere
>get diagnosed with psoriasis
>couple years later
>diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis
>one year later
>diagnosed with vitiligo
>just got put on blood pressure medication at 28 years old
And that is the story of how one event fucked up my life forever. Some people never even get a chance.

>> No.14686933

Just take a laxative
Try cutting gluten and see if that helps

>> No.14687054

When my wife's irritable she usually just needs a nap. Have you tried putting your bowels down for a nap?