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File: 91 KB, 960x496, Sorrells-et.-al_Sensitivity_Study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14676614 No.14676614 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically circumcision removes the most sensitive part of the penis.

(this is a medical diagram, not NSFW. like a TEXTBOOK)

>> No.14676617

Do mutts really?

>> No.14676634

its stardard in america unfortunatly

removing the pleasure center

>> No.14676749

That's kind of the idea isn't it?
>In an 1893 article, On circumcision as a preventive of masturbation [Hutchinson] wrote: "I am inclined to believe that [circumcision] may often accomplish much, both in breaking the habit [of masturbation] as an immediate result, and in diminishing the temptation to it subsequently."

>> No.14676753

They clamp.

>> No.14676757

Good. If people stopped jerking off then society would be better

>> No.14676768

Well its not just jerking.
It removes all sexual pleasure, or most of it anyways.

>> No.14676771

smells like dick cheese in this thread

>> No.14676772

brush your teeth then

>> No.14676787

Good. Sex isn't supposed to be fun. It's a service to god, to create more followers.

>> No.14676872

Implying he's real

Every cutfag is fucked for life

>> No.14676881

I just got back from Europe and I fucked a lot of eurosluts. They all said my penis is so beautiful and clean and doesn't smell like shit. Sorry uncut bros, but women really are disgusted by your hooded cheese factory.

>> No.14676898

I just got back from America, made all the bitches lick the cheese from my black dick lol

>> No.14676999

Why do the cheese factories always make these threads

>> No.14677002

Why do the mutilated always seethe and try to convince the integer men that mutilation is actually good for you?

>> No.14677006

Quick reminder: Uncut people have the chance to get circumcised any time but choose not to. Cut people can't choose.

>> No.14677040

your mom's cunt is a cheese factory

>> No.14677106

I'm partially-cut and you're a god damn idiot.

>> No.14679103

a lot of angry dudes with cheese dicks in this thread.

lol at women not wanting to suck your disgusting smelly sea cucumber

>> No.14679144

As an Amerimutt goycattle who is branded I mean circumcized, I must attest that his theory about the practice preventing masturbation is 100% incorrect.

>> No.14679186

It is the religious government's way of changing an individual who would have become like a
bonobo into one who is mostly like a chimpanzee.

>> No.14679194

man plastic surgeons have too much time.

>> No.14679507

the fuck is this? why is sensitivity measured in grams?

>> No.14679520
File: 49 KB, 592x586, 1632223444401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry for what's been taken from you but you can still help future generations

>> No.14679549

because they take a needle and poke you dick

>> No.14679561
File: 307 KB, 715x436, 1628772874136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Circumcision in Jewish culture was originally a small offering of the tip of the foreskin to god, but during Roman times Jews would want to hide their identity in the common baths by stretching their foreskin back to full length. So as an act of revenge the Rabbis would then bite the entire foreskin off of babies to forever mark them as Jews. There's also many quotes since then throughout history on the anti-masturbation effects especially by conservative Americans in the late 1800s.
Today the American medical literature and official government advice (AAP) is widely criticised by the rest of the developed world as being blatantly wrong, but they are largely literally run by Jews that spread their false narrative.
The ANZ college of OBGYNs called the AAP's stance / reports on circumcision "incompetent and an embarrassment to the AAP", German association called their stance "scientifically untenable" etc. etc.

If you want to learn more there's a great Harvard talk on YouTube titled "Sex & Circumcision: An American Love Story"

I can mutilate my penis any time but you will never experience the full pleasure of sex

>> No.14679722

Daily reminder cutfags can never experience a true orgasm

>> No.14680061

Are you trying to imply that only plastic surgeons are against circumcision? What the hell are you smoking?

>> No.14680068

Why don't you cut off the other half?

>> No.14680081

im a eurofag... alas... phimosis... so i had a regular cut

I never came during sex no matter how hard i and the girls tried.
I remember how little i felt a blowjob, when i got my first one i was like
Oohhh so its a girl thing, they somehow get pleasure out of it! Because i sure dont feel shit and would rather jerk him off myself as is tradition

To make matters worse, because of a smaller sensation, when masturbating, you will eventually start doing it dry and then start squeezing him harder and harder like polishing a sword, and that hurts the skin more and that further lowers sensitity and makes the wet gooey gentle vajj seem like a downgrade from your sweaty palms because theres not enough friction

Normal human men are also not aroused by friction because that is pain.. They are aroused by a wet gooey flappy old faithfull vagiana

And this relafionship with pain also damages your partner because you will force your rod deeper and faster and i did fucking give a blister inside the love tunel of one of my exes and she went in full panic mode thinking it was cancer but no it was just my fucking sharp and dry cock

dry because also for some reason you produce less pre cum and you do have less fucking skin to work with so that just causes a forest fire down under and hurts the girl
This just slowly eroded my psyche to the point that im now just... i kinda gave up on it all and just float around, becoming more and more asexual but lost in my forever evolving, forever gettimg more complex fetishes that were just a little side fun i had when i was young

Not all cuts i guess, bit for some people, especially adhd men, it can potentially ruin life. This practice should not be mandatory yet you rarely see it discussed here with the high energy zeal of the vax threads

>> No.14680084

feels like an eyeball being rubbed eh?

same here

cutfag reporting in

>> No.14680302

Do you... Do you not have showers in US? Wow, and here I thought US was some technological powerhouse and leader in the world.

>> No.14680326

They have fixed showerheads. I suppose it's hard to wash your dick if the shower head is 2m above it.

>> No.14680442
File: 316 KB, 1029x1729, Jews medical schools circumcision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex & Circumcision: An American Love Story by Eric Clopper

Child Circumcision: An Elephant in the Hospital by Professor R. McAllister

The Cut Pill: A compilation of redpills on circumcision

Circumcision decreases penile sensitivity

Circumcision associated with sexual difficulties

The exaggeration of the benefits of circumcision in regards to HIV/AIDS transmission

There is no case for the widespread implementation of circumcision as a preventative measure to stop transmission of AIDS/HIV

Circumcision decreases sexual pleasure

Circumcision decreases efficiency of nerve response in the glans of the penis

Circumcision linked to pain, trauma, and psychosexual sequelae

Circumcision results in significant loss of erogenous tissue

Circumcision has negligible benefit

Neonatal circumcision linked to pain and trauma

Circumcision may lead to need for increased care and medical attention in the first 3 years of life

Circumcision linked to psychological trauma

Circumcision may lead to abnormal brain development and subsequent deviations in behavior