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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 107 KB, 311x400, projected+US+population+growth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1467353 No.1467353 [Reply] [Original]

any suggestions on how to fix the nigger/hispanic problem? According to this graph, there are going to be more minorities than people, in the near future!

>> No.1467360

In b4 "they won't be minorities any more"

>> No.1467359


Cut them off at their source of origin: Liberals.

>> No.1467362
File: 35 KB, 630x265, USARacePopulation_2090_630.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1467363

Fix/get rid of welfare.

>> No.1467374
File: 91 KB, 720x490, detroit1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


shed a tear for thee

>> No.1467381

Canada's 'native' population has been declining for years. It's only our immigration that keeps our heads above water.

>> No.1467382

That graph... it's terrible.

>> No.1467396

I'd give youa 2/10 for getting some people, but this is /sci/. Trolling is not hard.

>> No.1467400


I once spoke with a person who used to work there as a teacher.

When he asked them what they wanted to do when they were older, they replied, "We all gonna got us 6 kids an' got money frum dah govmen, whitey." Then they preceded to have sex in the hallways. I shit you not, a friend sent me an image taken from a Detroit school of two black men having sex with a black women in the middle of the hallway.

>> No.1467418

Was in NY there last week, the ratio of whites:nonwhites was greater than 50:50 on the nonwhites part.....

This is what happens when you don't let evolution happen, when you care for niggers instead of letting them die

>> No.1467419



>> No.1467439

> any suggestions on how to fix the nigger/hispanic problem?
There's no problem.

>> No.1467445

When I trained to teach someone got beaten into a coma because they were black.

>> No.1467450


>> No.1467458

1.Enslave innocent people
2.keep people controlled until 1960
3.Continue imposing social limitations upon said people
5. Wonder why they are racist and live in separate communities

>> No.1467461
File: 38 KB, 630x316, USAPopulationGrowth__1790_2090_percentage_630.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is this better?

>> No.1467486


This man has not experienced niggers who retire at the age of 16 and have several kids in order to receive free funding and use their EBT card to purchase lobster and crab every week for free.

>> No.1467489

Still terrible. No source and the trend is an utter fabrication even if the data were real.

>> No.1467491

until you explain exactly why black/yellow people are somehow inferior and less worthy than white people, I am not going to give a shit.

>> No.1467497


fukkin love when people are butthurt about immigrants taking over this country. Anybody remember how we acquired this country in the first place?

Its like dating a chick who has another boyfriend and then being surprised when she cheats on you.

>> No.1467499

>fail to see how exploitation of the system stems back from being exploited to a much greater degree by the system for more than a century

how did you find /sci/? did you mis-click when you were trying to get on /stormfront/?

>> No.1467503


Just look at Detroit or Sharon Jasper.

>> No.1467504

I lold how diagram from OP is manipulative 250 milion is dwarfed by 150 milion immigrants.

>> No.1467526



>> No.1467532

Don't worry. We'll sing songs and dance dances in respect for the extinct Caucasian when the time comes.

>> No.1467525
File: 128 KB, 499x1493, Obi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What whitey doesn't realize is that niggers created them in a laboratory in africa.


>> No.1467538

Blacks and hispanics are on average less educated than white people. This trend could make america more stupid, and in todays knowledge-based economy it is bad development.

>> No.1467549

Just look at chechnya, or czechslovakia, or the USA

as another anon has pointed out, you stole every hectare of land that makes up america, when you immigrated there in the past. I'm pretty sure the natives you invaded had fairly negative opinions of you

>> No.1467550

>more stupid

Too late, bro. Whities in the government did that job a while back.

>> No.1467563
File: 149 KB, 768x1024, kill-whitey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1467571

cool climate change style chart bro.

requesting same chart with y-axis starting at 0 instead of 200 million.

>> No.1467572


So? Caucasians are the alpha race.

>> No.1467584

Totally because of individual lacking of intelligence and not at all because of social norms stemming from the virtually non existent education blacks got pre 1930, or the still crap schooling in primarily BME areas.

If japan invaded would you still be pissed off, or would you let them stay?

>> No.1467592


what kind of self loathing faggot would use historical 'karma' as a slim justification of the gradual destruction of his own civilization?

>> No.1467594

If they're not white-skinned, kill em' all.

>> No.1467601

>cool climate change chart, bro

This is a science board. If you're going to go for irrational, incorrect conspiracy theories you should at least know what the facts are.

That graph looks like it was made by someone who knows nothing about statistical analysis, which is pretty unsurprising

>> No.1467609

"It's different in this case, because it's good for us if it's different"

>> No.1467605


>Implying both races have the same DNA

Blacks are literally the closest "modern human" to chimps. We are more evolved than them. We have larger brains and are more intelligent.

>> No.1467615
File: 87 KB, 440x640, 3bcef5eecca5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


maybe if Russians; these "you" you refer to, exterminated the native peoples and put them in reservations, maybe we could have a united Russian federation, but instead we integrated them in to our society. So its the Slav, Fino-Ugric, Yakut, Mongol, Korean that is fighting in Chechnya, and not a single ethnicity.

Cultural occupation of my country is much more destructive than a military one, fuck your pseudo liberal values, kidnapping children and selling them to pedophiles.

>> No.1467616


>> No.1467618

[citation needed]
and by citation I mean not that pencil sketch from 1890

>> No.1467626


>> No.1467631

What the fuck?

>> No.1467643

>more evolved
Gawd you are an idiot.


>> No.1467645


If the native americans had won and kicked the white people out the history would have been written to make us look like nazis. We killed more of them than the nazis killed jews, both in percentage and in total numbers of people.

If minorities take over at least they probably won't kill us all, just displace us over time.

>> No.1467646
File: 62 KB, 725x459, 725px-Neighbor-joining_Tree.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolz they didn't evolve very far!

>> No.1467653

cultural occupation is a problem if you make it a problem. Perhaps, if russia hadn't been such a massive dick after 1917, they wouldn't be hated by the ethnic groups you mentioned. I know Estonians who had their Grandfathers killed for being officers in the Russian military, and for some unknown reason they have a dislike of joseph and his former union of village chums

>> No.1467656

White people are inventors

Asian people are innovators

Black people are destroyers

>> No.1467661

Meanwhile, Latinos came here from a far-off galaxy.

>> No.1467658


>> No.1467664

I don't even...

>> No.1467670

No, only rigel 6

>> No.1467667
File: 124 KB, 700x420, occult treasures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

according to Sanscrit folklore, whites came from space, which is why white casts are the upper casts in India. In India, Niggers; or untouchables, know their place.

>"India is the birthplace of several sciences. Several Mathematical concepts including zero, decimal system, square root, and algebra, Stared here in India. Yashodhara is the first inventor of copper alloy and extraction of metal. First Ayurvedic materia medica written in India, first surgery was done (Ophthalmic and Plastic surgery) by Susruta. It is interesting to note that Indian scriptures and history present a number of instances of biotechnological interferences, especially in the process of birth. We have, for example, the case of life produced from dead matter; Ganesha was born out of the bodily dust of Mother Parvati. Another example is the birth of Draupadi and Drishtadyumna through yajna - a case of birth without parents. Sri Rama and his three brothers were born when the milk obtained from yajna was fed to the mothers. Here, although mothers are there, there was no sexual union. Then there is the interesting case of transference of embryo from the womb of one mother to that of the other. According to Jain mythology, the soul of the Lord Mahavira first got embodied as an embryo in the womb of a Brahmin mother. However, the Gods transferred it into the womb of a Kshatriya mother - a queen.

>> No.1467669

>black people are destroyers
>white people initiated two world wars and genocided native population of every continent they stood on

>> No.1467672


this is in spite of the vast amount of minority on majority violence in america? and the growing minority population that is still disadvantaged economically (which is linked to crime) is somehow going to reduce this trend?

why should the majority people be displaced anyway, exactly? is there any benefit whatsoever toward a peaceful ethnic cleansing?

>> No.1467674

So why did us whiteys have boats and modern technologies while blacks were sitting in huts made of poo in Africa? They're lucky we introduced them to modern society and they still act like our pets.

>> No.1467682
File: 95 KB, 468x659, machetedm0301_468x659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A similar transference of the embryo of Balaram from the womb of Devaki to that of Rohini is described in the Vedic literature. Cases of growth and nurturing of a fertilized ovum outside the mother's womb - equivalent to test-tube babies - is also found in Indian mythology. The embryo of the Kauravas emerged from the womb of Gandhari in the form of a single egg. But when it did not grow into a baby for a long time, in desperation it was broken into hundred pieces each one of which became one Kaurava prince. The embryo of sage Agastya too hatched outside the womb, in a pitcher. Then, there are stories of duplication of bodies - similar bodies having being produced from one body, akin to cloning. Sage Kardama produced with the help of yogic power nine bodies identical to his own. Finally, there are a number of examples of resorting to yajna, tapas (austerities) or yoga for obtaining progeny of one's own choice. Thus, in Indian religious tradition, the possibility of unnatural occurrences and interference in the natural biological processes is a unique thesis yet to be revelled. "

>> No.1467688

Africa isn't a very nice place.When you're trying to survive, day-by-day, there isn't much room for science.

>> No.1467689

>implying that that cladogram has even one valid point

>> No.1467693


And yet they still decide to enslave themselves and kill each other when they could always move somewhere else.

>> No.1467694
File: 78 KB, 744x963, fsterl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1467704


>> No.1467700
File: 224 KB, 660x442, cladogramDino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that's what they're called...

Pic related. Hispanic evolutionary chart.

>> No.1467719


Why didn't they move out of Africa like everyone else? They put it on themselves.

>> No.1467724

>still decide to enslave themselves and kill each other
The Greeks also did that but geographical and climatic conditions were more favourable to further advance culture and technology.
>when they could always move somewhere else
herpity derp?

>> No.1467728

Do you not know what I meant when I said "survive, day-by-day."? Now you want them to cross a fucking continent without knowing what's on the other side? It was done once before, and they got lucky.

>> No.1467744

>Implying black people are humans and not apes

>> No.1467752



are you referring to the lazy nigger mentality of hunter gatherers? dont make it seem like staying alive was so fucking tough. Hunter gatherers spent less time collecting food than we do today.

>> No.1467758

>Now you want them to cross a fucking continent without knowing what's on the other side?

very true, IMO

it's a generic rule in animals (and I don't see why primitive people should be an exception) that portion of the population start to migrate only when there is a significant increase to the original population and the resources do not suffice.

I don't think it's likely that entire tribes would take the risk to migrate elsewhere if there was no dire need in doing so.

>> No.1467762
File: 70 KB, 429x410, account485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm referring to the 100+ degree heat, famine, disease, tribal warfare, shitty environment where little grows, etc. etc.

>> No.1467765

>implying not all humans are apes

>> No.1467767


>> No.1467770

>dont make it seem like staying alive was so fucking tough

>> No.1467771


>Implying white people aren't actually a superior aliens race designed to look like humans.

>> No.1467775

philadelphia,where i live....i'm a minority now :(...we're barely above hispanic

>> No.1467781


>> No.1467784

>percentage of people whose families immigrated to America

>> No.1467787
File: 386 KB, 1807x1835, africa-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>No, I'm referring to the 100+ degree heat, famine, disease, tribal warfare, shitty environment where little grows, etc. etc.

rolls eyes,

shut up whitey. disease is a selective pressure, and nigger has been evolved to deal with both head and malaise. Famine is a modern occurrence there, because stupid liberal chicken necks are sending Food Aid to Africa, and them niggers aint using no condoms.

Looks to me like there's plenty a growing.

>> No.1467790

ok i got a solution! even if this is a troll,it's a legit issue. white people need to give their women less power! it dont need to be law,just a society thing. i read that equality of the sexes=less kids(not that simple but got ot teh point)...so everyone lets start it!!!

>> No.1467791
File: 43 KB, 385x273, egypt5sphinx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


speaking of shitty environments.

>> No.1467795

and a follow up to mine...fuck it everyone lets become christian or mormon...

>> No.1467814

Sweet just 40 more years and this country will actually have improved. God Im so sick of these back woods redneck faggots.

>> No.1467826

Jesus was black
God is Jesus
Blacks are God

>> No.1467843
File: 43 KB, 585x441, Hitler with Alien UFO VRIL Haunebu WW2 Nazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


one up on you, faggot

>> No.1467869

Even money op is not even white

>> No.1467878


>> No.1467879

genetically there is more difference in height differences between people than color.

>> No.1467880

>Graph is from 1996

>> No.1467884


>> No.1467888


dont worry, short people are next.

>> No.1467895

>implying that region wasn't a lush environment when the Egyptians were booming

>> No.1467900


>> No.1467916


>implying niggers didn't invent whites in a laboratory

>> No.1467925



>> No.1468067

l2 Nile's floodplains