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14674932 No.14674932 [Reply] [Original]

17 = girl
18 = woman

>> No.14674962

science of law

>> No.14674966

It is deliberately arbitrary because some bad apples ruin things for everyone. There are niche cases where if you looked hard enough paid special attention to everyone involved you might find a couple where a 17 year old is mature enough to have agency over their own body and the man isn't a predator.

The niche cases are rare and it will do more harm than good to take away the arbitrary, catch-all, approach to setting the law.

>> No.14674976

It's not. And its a problem with Americans. I actually debated a pedophile and made them concede to a higher AOC, BUT one thing is that my age would be ~15/16.

Many Americans trust this arbitrary number and its kind of stupid how they get all apeshit when you say, "well maybe it could be 16". Thats frankly stupid. They always have to resort to, "uh because its illegal" when you ask them "why not?". But its actually legal in more than 7 states and over 12 countries in Europe and North Africa.

There are various psychological studies and they report three stages of development: childhood, pubescence, post-pubescence.

Puberty generally starts around 13 or so, while post-puberty starts at 16/17 for males, 15/16 for females. And it ends at 25.

So, if you want to be consistent with "cognitive consent" a person should move it to 25 or 16. 16 makes more sense because at that point their sexual organs are developed. meaning theyre apt. to breed.

Really, the AOC and criteria for girl/women is a case by case basis, some girls become women around 16, some around 14, some 15, and some 17. But if we speak in terms of generalities, it will be 16. And you should always use your intuition to recognize if the person is a child or not. Many women at 19 act like little kids, and are undataeble because of how immature they are.

I advocated the AOC should be as such: 16-25 can intermingle. <15 is not allowed. 25+ can intermingle with anyone except someone who is <25-for that case you must be x years within range of them.

Spread the word.

>> No.14675000

>But its actually legal in more than 7 states

~30 states* for 16.

And only 12/50 states make it 18. The rest are 16/17

The 18 concept most likely came only due to the federal laws concerning child porn/nudity.

>> No.14675003

In the state of New York the age of consent is 17

>> No.14675392

The bandwagon effect is such a strong psychological and scary phenomenon. It blew my mind when I made the realization that people are upset if a girl is <18 while at the same time >16 is not illegal in almost every way*(see 5000's comment)... It is distress purely coming from a place of established culture and customs rather than people being in danger or not

>> No.14675415

The legal age in Spain is 13. This would completely nullify Epstein pedo island if only Epstein were a Spaniard.

>> No.14675493

Are you saying that the 12 year old you fucked was really 13?

>> No.14676084

I once watched a debate with a an unironic pedophile with some normie. Long story short: normies said they wouldn't be attracted to a 15 year old (AOC is 16 here) because it was against the law. Then the pedo said: "if you went to the US where the AOC is 18 would you find 16-year olds attractive?" and the normie brain just shattered

>> No.14676155

listen goy, our database shows you have been asking way too many questions. keep your head down if you know what is good for you.

t. not a glowie

>> No.14676191

Does that apply to prostitution? Usually that has a separate age of consent, even where prostitution is illegal.

>> No.14676469

Law is an abstraction. Judges don't have all day to preside over requests to be judged as an adult.

>> No.14676593

I didn’t get to have sex as a teenager, so now no one can.

>> No.14676600
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>> No.14676662

Scientifically speaking youre an adult when you can breed

>> No.14676675

Biologically, an adult is an organism that has reached sexual maturity.


>social scientists conceptualize adulthood as socially constructed
Oh no. Not this again.

>> No.14676680

>be 25
>have sex with a 24 year old
>she started puberty late and hasn't finished yet
>you are now a paedophile

>> No.14676700

>she was 17.999 years old you fucking pedophile