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File: 849 KB, 972x637, mar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14674473 No.14674473 [Reply] [Original]

Vaporware edition

Previous: >>14670437

>> No.14674486
File: 17 KB, 575x414, B0FC6717-5E64-4673-B22F-1FA36AF8E58C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Work on the N1 began in 1965
What the fuckkkkkkkkkkkk how did the Soviets procrastinate so bad?

>> No.14674487
File: 719 KB, 1536x1212, ISS_Habitation_module.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14674489

musk is finished

>> No.14674493
File: 22 KB, 503x518, FINNISHED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14674496
File: 183 KB, 1024x639, elon-musk-vacation-yacht_63-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like.

>> No.14674500

Mirin’ his traps and shoulder width tho

>> No.14674503
File: 2.39 MB, 1918x1168, 1658171508576771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's got the Finnish tan

>> No.14674505
File: 125 KB, 634x265, 21-23-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14674506

show his ribcage
there it is

>> No.14674508
File: 277 KB, 599x800, Chris Moore sunk shuttle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14674509

Good sign. Means he spends his time inside working. Or wears always wears SPF 1000 sunscreen.

>> No.14674513

Is Tom mueller gay?

>> No.14674516

Kruschev refused to fund the project since it had little military use and he only did right before he hot ousted in 1964. The Soviet didn't care much about the Moon in the first place and gave a petty amount of resources and time to Korolev.

>> No.14674518

He's not gay. He has relationships with women, and sex with men.

>> No.14674524
File: 484 KB, 1366x962, 1991 - USSR-UK cooperation stamp - (20 коп.).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FTS Archive

>> No.14674535
File: 22 KB, 236x385, 1652992196384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big chungus, what an absolute unit

>> No.14674536

rolling for amount of tiles that are going to fall off

>> No.14674537
File: 370 KB, 464x752, walking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14674540
File: 163 KB, 1200x819, 439F75A9-2E8E-421D-9344-C17C83163E56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same energy

>> No.14674545
File: 207 KB, 680x938, a86.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better start lifting weights, Finnanon or you're the bottom in the heterosexual /sfg/ bathroom meetup.

>> No.14674546

last how many digits?

>> No.14674549
File: 110 KB, 893x592, Umm Al-Aish Satellite Dishes kuwait 90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14674551


>> No.14674556


>> No.14674562
File: 125 KB, 612x838, A Princess of Mars 1975 cover penn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't bully or threaten Finnanon even in jest

>> No.14674564

All of them, like a confetti cannon

>> No.14674566


>> No.14674572
File: 195 KB, 1280x853, 4FC30FB6-FEBD-49D8-B552-937AFC7A3792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

>> No.14674573
File: 143 KB, 1062x1080, 9187fj3nyxz31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14674575

S24 will make it

>> No.14674577

Make what?

>> No.14674585

So why does he look like that? HGH?

>> No.14674589

its because of nerve gas

>> No.14674591

Flight next week

>> No.14674603
File: 115 KB, 602x633, jeffy b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol at fatty Elon

>> No.14674612
File: 216 KB, 1242x1398, D0guoQuWkAADBli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing really well starting off in KSP realism overhaul career
>get 3000km downrange milestone in 1952 (requires ~6000m/s deltaV)
>impulsively accept both the big satellite milestone contracts for big downpayment
>don't realise they expire in three years
>i will have to get a satellite to orbit by 1955 (sputnik was 1957)
>this would be ok, except that i also need to research geiger muller counters to fulfil the science satellite contract
>this will also take about three years, and in the meantime i can't research any new rocket engines
>i'm basically stuck with the slightly improved Russian A-4 engines and the total vehicle can't weigh more than 60 tons

Real explorer 1 hours.

>> No.14674618

What if I make it romantic? A trail of stamps leading into the stall, a bottle of tesla tequila on the toilet paper holder. He will not refuse.

>> No.14674624

Aerobee second stage is your salvation. Good luck. I just restarted my career for like the eight time lol

>> No.14674626

>tesla tequila
Make it scotch or nothing

>> No.14674628

Also it’s funny how art imitates life.

>> No.14674644
File: 76 KB, 286x287, screenshot-www.youtube.com-2022.07.18-14_46_58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12K watching
what the fuck

>> No.14674653


>> No.14674656
File: 90 KB, 600x803, 1632997633352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are going.

>> No.14674659

I’m watching lol

>> No.14674664
File: 848 KB, 1766x1296, 1982 - USSR-France Interkosmos stamp 3 - (45 коп.).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 New stamps, USSR, 1978-1991
Finally found Interkosmos stamps showing the rare late cooperation with USSR and western European countries. One that I'm not even sure might exist is a stamp of Soyuz TM-11 with the first Japanese astronaut Toyohiro Akiyama.


>> No.14674673


Stay frosty

>> No.14674699

You think he wants to escape to Mars because the sun is so much less intense there?

>> No.14674706
File: 590 KB, 1967x946, 1984 - Salut-7 and Soyuz T-9 stamp - (15 коп.).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon I might have all of the Soyuz mission stamps.

>> No.14674714

these commentators make me want to kill myself
>verification not required

>> No.14674713

>He hasn't seen 5th Element

>> No.14674715
File: 663 KB, 1536x2048, tory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coming up next issue of AviationWeek: ULA modifies plan for Vulcan rocket BE-4 recovery--drops helicopter, will let engines, surrounded by inflatable aeroshell decelerator, splash down in ocean. "It turns out the decelerator makes an excellent raft,” says Tory Bruno.

>> No.14674717


>> No.14674718

I bet he could scream very loud.

>> No.14674724


>> No.14674735

Liquid Snake

>> No.14674741

I wonder if that stupid vtuber thing anon always links is any better, nothing could be worse than this.

>> No.14674763

The commentary are YIKES inducing

>> No.14674767

The ESL guy thinks he's funny and the other guy hates his guts for it.

>> No.14674775

Why would you listen to the commentary?

>> No.14674782
File: 59 KB, 361x236, 1649976002504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my CEO used the sugarcoat phrase word for word today
uuuuhhhh newspacebros???

>> No.14674790
File: 60 KB, 1000x871, 1655650076686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at how long shadows the nips cast

>> No.14674795

His skeleton would expand to its full size with the lower gravity.

>> No.14674804
File: 64 KB, 1200x720, there is no way to sugarcoat this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the memes bleed into reality, cosmic events usually follow. Divergence soon

>> No.14674807
File: 76 KB, 518x461, 22-17-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf, they have already tied their annual launch record

>> No.14674813

Please come back Falcon Heavy

>> No.14674825

Engine chill vent

>> No.14674827
File: 1.31 MB, 1360x765, Screenshot 2022-07-18 at 22-20-23 Starbase Rover 2.0 Cam SpaceX Starship Launch Complex - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boom very soon

>> No.14674828

Lotsa venting. Probably incoming test

>> No.14674831

wtf is a spin prime test? what's next? pre-burner?

>> No.14674834


>> No.14674835

They start spinning the pumps up to speed but don't run them.

>> No.14674836

Still have three planned

>> No.14674839

Light this candle, fuck the FAA

>> No.14674841

Spin prime is just pumping fuel/propellent to engine just without ignition, so just oxygen/methane just pours down the engine

Excluding random spark

>> No.14674842

labpadre has thermal camera

>> No.14674844

so frosty its whiter than elon

>> No.14674846

sounds pretty wasteful

>> No.14674850

Another delay at NASA
>NASA Replans CLPS Delivery of VIPER to 2024 to Reduce Risk

>> No.14674858

Everything gets delayed

>> No.14674877

jesus christ

>> No.14674883

it's over

>> No.14674888

No booms

>> No.14674891

Wow so 6 engines seems fine. I wonder if SpaceX can spin prime Boosters in engine clusters of five or six at a time

>> No.14674896

preburner manana

>> No.14674900
File: 24 KB, 759x444, distance interval.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The energy needed for transfer between planetary orbits, or delta-v, is lowest at intervals fixed by the synodic period. For Earth–Mars trips, the period is every 26 months (2 years, 2 months), so missions are typically planned to coincide with one of these launch periods. Due to the eccentricity of Mars's orbit, the energy needed in the low-energy periods varies on roughly a 15-year cycle[4] with the easiest periods needing only half the energy of the peaks.[5] In the 20th century, a minimum existed in the 1969 and 1971 launch periods and another low in 1986 and 1988, then the cycle repeated.[4] The next low-energy launch period occurs in 2033.[6]"

So anons we get a deltaV minimum in 2033 - 2035. What we launching?

>> No.14674920

I passed the Karman line in KSP and I think the game glitched because I suddenly gained 30 science and 250,000 funds despite being in hard mode.
Should I restart my career because this seems like a glitch? Or just roll with it? Yeah

>> No.14674925


>> No.14674933
File: 704 KB, 3840x2160, VIPER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my boy VIPER.
I think you can manually remove science points and funds from your save file. I wouldn't bother, but then again I'm a notorious KSP save scummer.

>> No.14674939
File: 1.48 MB, 1280x720, 378E6301-D151-4C88-8940-E4122C0A7F7F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I randomly got the “passed 89.5 km” award dozens of times holy shit

>> No.14674948

Not even that fat, he has chest of a fucking hulk, chad genes. If he hit the gym even 1 day per week he'll beat 99% of gymcels

>> No.14674952

Is this the rocket that goes up and then lands back down right side up?

I saw video of that months ago, looked really cool, have they done more launches of that one? Have it pretty down pat on lock?

The other recent rocket tests were for different rockets?

>> No.14674956
File: 136 KB, 1593x1640, VIPER 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmmmm roggs

>> No.14674964


>> No.14674970

Is there any theories about what type of interesting materials may be under the surface of Mars? Why is earth so various and Mars seems so bland and boring? Could there be lots of interesting materials under the surface?

>> No.14674979

Just about ever mineral Earth has, Mars has it as well. So its pretty similar imo.

>> No.14674982

you must be talking about Blue Origin's New Shepard. If you liked that just wait for their new rocket that is coming out this year, it's called New Glenn and it's even bigger and way more powerful.

>> No.14674986

Hopefully there are plenty of nitrogen containing minerals so that you could create a nitrogen atmosphere.

>> No.14674988

No I'm serious that one looked crazy, like fake it was amazing. How many times they succesfully do it and how many times failed.

The recent error they didn't even try to launch it, just doing experiment tests right.

But the reusable shot up .and then freakishly balencing landing back down is incredible.

>> No.14674996

thats a huge vent

>> No.14674997

I love Tory :) very practocal solution unlike elon scam fraud muskfuck

>> No.14675002
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x720, SN8 approaches you.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14675011

What would the result of nitrogen atmospshere do? Let plants absorb it and grow and release oxygen?

How hard would it be to send a fleet of these reusable rockets (would they be very hard to land on Mars, or you pretty much have to do the mini parachuted lander technique) each having multiple massive robotic drills and stuff.

Can probes go over the surface and scan to detect signatures of what might be underneath? Find interesting sites and start digging?

The surface of Mars is wrapping paper and it's time for Christmas.

I want to see if there's diamond caverns, if theres oil, if there's life forms, if there's gold, if there's rare minerals, I theres never before seen patches of oddities

>> No.14675024

september seems likely for an orbital launch but why is 39A's launch tower going so slowly

>> No.14675026

Did it stick the landing can't really see. And does it get roughed up a bit but that's expected.

How many times did they successfully launch and land these? What's the batting average

How much do they weigh and is the landing fully automated? We are truly truly living in the future and that statement will only continue to become more shockingly true

>> No.14675054
File: 72 KB, 506x762, Joby Harris earth space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is earth so various
Earth is far more dynamic than nearly-dead Mars and life plays a big role in its geology

>> No.14675062

No idea desu. The segments are more complete though compared to Boca.

>> No.14675092

Earther (derogatory)

>> No.14675102
File: 18 KB, 190x623, martian lanklet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rust Sucking Stick Insect (derogatory)

>> No.14675106

Benefits of continents and oceanic and atmospheric erosion

>> No.14675108

That's a moon wizard

>> No.14675118

He was born on hellas planitia

>> No.14675122

both planets are absolute shit
t. a mercurychad

>> No.14675129

shut the fuck up, bootleg lunarian. Your planet will NEVER be colonized, it'll be mined away to build O'Neill stations

>> No.14675134
File: 20 KB, 236x413, fc5ccac6290001545f93e0576df26ab4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmaoing at terran manlet.
All that gravity and you still cant lift

>> No.14675136


>> No.14675137

Who's the hotty?

>> No.14675141

NSF commentary makes me want to die

>> No.14675143

his name is Elon Musk

>> No.14675148

where were these images taken ?

>> No.14675150

I thought he didn't have a yacht

>> No.14675151
File: 162 KB, 880x592, dyson nicholl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your planet will NEVER be colonized, it'll be mined away to build O'Neill stations
Many, many, many such cases

>> No.14675171

>he fell for the o'neill meme
Give my regards to your puppet master.

>> No.14675174

>mercurian calling O'Neill a meme

>> No.14675175
File: 79 KB, 738x994, vox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're back

>> No.14675186

It's a charter yacht or the yacht of one of his friends.

>> No.14675189
File: 2.30 MB, 1400x2118, wvb_6640866_downscaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the boys are back
(the boys are back)

>> No.14675235

wenher posting is so comfy lmao

>> No.14675241

...Wehrmacht begins with a "v" sound.

>> No.14675244
File: 39 KB, 600x300, 09337544-86DD-43CA-8BA6-43352101E993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Ship 24 is almost ready for flight, right? They just need to static fire the engines, fix the tiles, and it’s good to go?
I’m curious how fast the return of Booster 7 will go though

>> No.14675247

JWST already looked at Trappist. No idea when the results come out though

>> No.14675252
File: 140 KB, 950x891, Apollo lor Davis Meltzer m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If instead of firing horzontally you fired it at a 45° angle to the surface, it would impact about 318 miles away, and have a maximum altitude of 79 miles.
You could have shot down the Apollo CSM in LLO with a rifle

>> No.14675260
File: 828 KB, 1442x1080, 1631248973971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earthers will not survive orbital bombardment

>> No.14675263

Twenty fucking times, and I still cannot post. Any way around this? I'm not whoring out to Gookmoot.

>> No.14675264

Trappist what

>> No.14675266
File: 982 KB, 876x972, 1658178848097531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DeSantis, whose name is frequently bandied about as a presidential contender, said he’s more focused on the gubernatorial election in 2022, but seemed to appreciate the gesture.

>“With Elon Musk, what I would say, is I welcome support from African Americans, what can I say?” the conservative leader replied.

Looks like Florida is the future not Texas

>> No.14675268
File: 18 KB, 530x254, gravity well mars moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no filthy gravity well dwellers will

>> No.14675271

is it actual pics or are we getting joke data like the first exoplanet they looked at

>> No.14675275

Every red midge in the galaxy should be farmed for resourced. Useless stars

>> No.14675278
File: 764 KB, 1162x720, 1633287849492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too poor to support the website that he uses everyday

>> No.14675281
File: 98 KB, 538x874, 0C9D209F-510D-46F1-BA34-0F6259718B30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After Trump’s dig at Elon there is no way in hell I’m voting Republican if DeSantis isn’t the candidate in 2024. Trump can go to hell
>Elon didn’t endorse me reeeeeee!!!!!! Rockets to nowhere!!!!!

>> No.14675283

I want to like Zubrin but it seems like all he does is bitch about how much better his ideas are. I have never heard of this guy actually doing anything besides making speeches

>> No.14675284


>> No.14675285

Just data but they can tell atmosphere compositions. If an oxygen atmosphere is found it means life is likely, and eventually colonization somehow.

>> No.14675289

No one really can unilaterally direct spaceflight development. Sure, most of his ideas haven't really been tried, but is that his fault? What should he have done instead?

>> No.14675290
File: 227 KB, 1070x816, Sandcrawler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shitty 3:2 spin resonance makes only makes the polar regions easily habitable

Good location for a sci-fi story, a colony that must constantly move around ~11 km/s to avoid falling into its shadow, either in train or a sandcrawer. It would be like Snowpiercer, fuck you Andy Weir.

>> No.14675291

no pics = no care

>> No.14675292

>Dipole Drive
>Piss Paint
Wew, lad.

>> No.14675296
File: 182 KB, 1188x1080, 1647659546781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zubrin invented magnetic sailing.

>> No.14675298
File: 1.78 MB, 2078x1200, glennclovis - Spec-Sheet-Island-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cyllindrical space colonies are based and I'm tired of letting them go unmentioned. Bezos has a point when it comes to this.
Fuck this captcha btw.

>> No.14675300

Zubrin has great ideas but he sadly lacked the resources to do anything. At least his ISRU talk inspired Elon

>> No.14675304

you are paid shill

>> No.14675311

>all he does is bitch about how much better his ideas are
So... just like /sfg/?

>> No.14675314
File: 220 KB, 1159x796, space colony tatsushi morimoto jinsei choh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if a system doesn't have a habitable planet its useless
cuck attitude, we will MAKE lebensraum

>> No.14675316
File: 1.31 MB, 880x729, 1646450343170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's literally me fr fr no cap

>> No.14675321

Oxygen could also be from heavy UV rays which red dwarves like TRAPPIST 1 are notorious for pumping out. Hopefully there's plentiful ozone that way it doesn't cook off all of its water

>> No.14675332


The bountiful high frontier is waiting for us.

>> No.14675337

I do it for free.

>> No.14675339

>gets hit by 0.9c asteroid with mass of the moon
nothing personnel space traveler

>> No.14675350
File: 141 KB, 1177x815, colony l45 a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad news for whoever sent it; the swarm avenges injury

>> No.14675354
File: 478 KB, 1650x825, space colony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay the bots checking for spam are fucking retatded, does anyone know how to reformat?

>> No.14675359

The energy lost after that would be 1000x worse than EU sanctions tanking russian gas for themselfs, you'll end up eating bugs with no light in your little space cage

>> No.14675363

>~11 km/s
Kek, I meant km/h but apparently its close to 4 km/h to travel the circumference.

>> No.14675364

Pay it up piggie

>> No.14675366

I hate to admit it because it’s from first hand experience but the captcha is mobile filter

>> No.14675371
File: 60 KB, 924x624, garrett-post-uescmarathon-original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You call that a colony? THIS is a colony

>> No.14675377

It would take ~2e31 J to accelerate the moon to near light speed. The sun puts that out over the course of an hour. Perfectly doable for an annoyed Type II.

>> No.14675380
File: 316 KB, 1125x1246, C625360A-1358-488F-873E-5FF3C0FEAB24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Starship is operational as soon as it deploys Starlinks right?

>> No.14675389

Its over Planetkin, we have the high ground

>> No.14675404

Rotating stations
O'Neill Cylinder
McKendree cylinder

I'd post more, but it won't submit. After reading these things, I really can't think of a better staging ground for interplanetary transport, given our current level of technology, but even this, I think is a stretch.

Diemos doesn't look half bad; this game could seriously stand for a remake, but given what I have heard about Destiny and its masochistic playerbase, I'm not sure Bungie would be up to the task.

Running on PC, Brave browser might be the issue here.

I'd dump links from Orion's Arm but it registers as spam.

>> No.14675406

Never mind, I'm just retarded. forgot the picture for the post too.

>> No.14675408
File: 321 KB, 2293x1291, Dipole Drive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which based on the Bussard ramjet and work by Dana Andrews. Most of Zubrin's ideas are memes.

>> No.14675413

Better get to work on a gigascope or send hubble to 500 au or else that shit aint happenin

>> No.14675414
File: 884 KB, 1888x1473, generation ship2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14675425

I wish i could have a space gf and kiss her, rest along side her looking to the curved oneillian horizon, and think how based i am

>> No.14675431

Starship is an O’Neil cylinder

>> No.14675435

>For the genetic health of the colony each couple must let the woman be fertilized by frozen semen from Earth as well as by her husband
Planet Of The Cucks

>> No.14675437

4chan hates links, specially if they are long-ish strings of numbers and lettters. This is an anti-spam feature that bothers us with posting links with those awful hash names.

>> No.14675440

do you really think a bunch of mentally ill leftist zealots would care about other cultures and languages?

>> No.14675444
File: 708 KB, 1007x569, Sydney_Colony_Drop_Unicorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O'Neil cylinders are spaceplanes

>> No.14675450
File: 316 KB, 487x561, 1304316152124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14675454

Sweet dreams Muira

>> No.14675462
File: 627 KB, 1170x640, 39E17C4E-A38F-44CD-8636-DA6848BD97B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao this is chaotic

>> No.14675463

Still a long way for Miura . They are testing Miura 1 , which is suborbital , then in a couple of years , Miura 5 , orbital and very close to Electron . But by the time they fly M5 , Rocket Lab will be far ahead of development of their Newton , far better . Im quite pessimistic for this little company

>> No.14675464
File: 1.83 MB, 2078x1200, glennclovis - Spec-Sheet-Phoenix-Station.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping cool scifi stations I found on Deviantart. Made sure they were within the realm of possibility.

>> No.14675467

What the fuck are they doing lol. I thought astronauts were above blatant political shilling.

It’s alright. They’re a spanish private company, and one of the first native European startups to do anything at all

>> No.14675469
File: 1.48 MB, 2078x1200, glennclovis - Spec-Sheet-Stanford-Torus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an ocean away, yet we're not so different from the russians, it seems.

>> No.14675470

>this is what they waste their payload mass on

>> No.14675473

Implying they have a choice lol. Probably threatens with ruining their careers and put them in prison if they don't obey.

>> No.14675474
File: 1.64 MB, 2078x1200, glennclovis - Spec-Sheet-Bernal-Sphere-MK2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14675476

>right side
I thought communismbros hated religion?

>> No.14675477

There is a say. Every house in the Balkans has a Virgin Mary picture . Russia is the same

>> No.14675482

Miura T- 1:20 sec


>> No.14675483

T-1 minute

>> No.14675484

Based commies making Amerifats seethe

>> No.14675485
File: 1.59 MB, 2078x1200, glennclovis - Space-Colonies-Bernal-Sphere-MK3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any media that involves/takes place on a rotating colony world, besides Gundam, Rama, Expanse, Orion's Arm, or Babylon 5?

It's such an unexplored setting, and a tragedy that it's not used more often.

>> No.14675490
File: 724 KB, 600x900, 1657648839686.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14675491

Abort :(

Not surprising , they build everything from the ground up . They are still too new

>> No.14675492
File: 791 KB, 1744x1072, Screenshot_20211218-222114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Clear stream

>> No.14675496
File: 46 KB, 500x375, bussardv2-3l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laser Powered Interstellar Ramjet

>> No.14675501

If only Russians cared about building Yenisei as much as they do with decorating their side of the ISS

>> No.14675505
File: 3.15 MB, 2560x1440, _1-34-33 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14675507
File: 53 KB, 602x339, main-qimg-4f19620f98b6cf864f128566114a6745-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, board in , lets go to Alpha Centauri

>> No.14675513

Fusion can get you to 10% light speed. 40 years to Alpha Centauri, 400 to TRAPPIST. I wonder if removing someone’s brain and placing it into an artificial body which nanomachines to slow aging would allow “normal” people to go to the stars desu

>> No.14675514

It’s confusing. Communist russia was atheist but modern russia is extremely orthodox. In practice or in name only I cannot tell. Orthodoxy is cringe either wY

>> No.14675517
File: 3.09 MB, 3440x1440, 359320_20180718184828_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the stations in Elite Dangerous rotate. There are also a few ancient colony ships in the regions close to civilization that are hidden away easter eggs.

>> No.14675519
File: 29 KB, 584x433, gravitron_standing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14675521

Communist Russia was anti religion but you can’t kill an ideology by outlawing it.

>> No.14675523

ISS Venture Star uses antimatter engines . They accelerate up to 0.7C

>> No.14675525

>40 years
really doesnt sound that bad, but you gotta wonder about the engine durability and wet mass

>> No.14675527

Miura 5 is going have a rough time, but the suborbital market is something that most people competently overlook. A reuseable and hopefully quite cheap sounding rocket could do enough business to be worth the attempt.

It's more likely because Spain is in the middle of a heat wave and the temperatures are testing their ability to keep the LOX adequately cryogenic.

>> No.14675532

ISV VentureStar is a fictional ship from a movie. It has a realistic design but antimatter drives are legitimately beyond our current tech by a lot, even more than nuclear fusion

It’s not too bad. I wonder how a ship survives for 400-1000 years

>> No.14675550

Do you guys see the Alpha Centauri system (more exactly Proxima Centauri star) as a Mars type of goal ? Mars has such a hype because its the closest more or less "habitable" planet (Venus is closer but is a hell hole). Still the little planet has enourmous levels of radiation and only 0.36g of gravity . But the hype is still there.

I see Proxima Centauri as Mars . Maybe and just maybe Proxima has a rocky planet , with some atmosphere , with livable surface gravity BUT , blasted constinously by solar flares , radiation and other harms . Still , in the far future , this will probably be our first destination.

>> No.14675552

Post more pls

>> No.14675560

I fucking love this thing. Hope we see some more of it in the upcoming movie. They really should focus on the technology more, but spotlighting this among the ocean ecosystem would be alright.

can you believe Cameron wants to stretch this series out over the Pandora's biomes, its orbiting gas giant, and the other moons? At this point, he might as well make it a 2 hour long speculative evolution/colonization series and drop the Pocahontas/Dances with Wolves plot. God knows we need some spackino.

>> No.14675569

Yep. But by the time we go interstellar I’m sure we already will have colonized various airless wastelands in our own solar system, to the point that it won’t matter anymore if Alpha Centauri has a habitable planet or not

>> No.14675579
File: 666 KB, 1920x1080, O'Neill cylinder space station by Rick Guidice, 1975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can do, fren.
Pick up this book as well, it's where all of those nasapunk artpieces come from as well.
It's by Gerard O'Neill, the physics professor behind the structure of the same name wrote it, so it's straight from the source.

Here's a video featuring Him and Issac Asimov on the concept in further detail:

>> No.14675587

Why does /pol/ keep spamming threads about JWST being damaged? Didn't that happen like a month ago?

>> No.14675597

/pol/ is retarded. Also it’s irritating how 95% of threads on the /Sci/ catalog are either political bait or people bragging about IQ, or just schizo stuff

>> No.14675599
File: 62 KB, 584x433, 558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the real image.

>> No.14675601

Seems they're testing the ship again. Voonts going off.

>> No.14675606
File: 49 KB, 476x418, pan_am_clipper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't forget the classics. I'm gonna take a breather, don't want to tap into the previous thread's images too much.

Someone should really aproach musk about mass drivers on the moon, it would contribute to his goal of being king of Mars.

>> No.14675607

Thank you anon

>> No.14675608
File: 159 KB, 1600x1280, trappist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would get laughed at for having this take in the real world but I am genuinely certain we could get humans to the closest nearby solar systems well within my lifetime if the world continues to focus on developing spaceflight technologies and not politics and "safety"

I remain hopeful but the truth is that we will most likely not get there within a reasonable timeframe. People have to care about going to other stars in order to get there, and look how hard it is to get the average person to care about fucking MARS. And that is not even a politician

>> No.14675610

This is too much

>> No.14675620

They actually did something so now they should have to take their scheduled 2 weeks off. What do they think they're doing being productive with Starship at Starbase?

>> No.14675633

Im sorry anon , but interestellar its still a couple centuries away . Maybe 2169 (200th aniversary of Apollo 11) .

Elon timeframe for Mars boots on the ground is 2029-2034 . NASA timeframe is more pessimistic (2040s) .

Im happy with that . Maybe Titan by the late 60s , such a cool moon

>> No.14675635

Musk is spending too much time in the hot tub

>> No.14675638

Would mass drivers be viable on Mars? It’s atmosphere may or may not be a problem.

>> No.14675649

>Musk is spending too much time in the hot tub
He needs it to soothe his aching 50 pound rib cage, don't be so hard on him

>> No.14675652

1) I think it’s very likely we see a town of at least 1,000 - 10,000 people on Mars before anyone goes near the outer planets

2) It’s possible tech advances enough to the point where you and I may live hundreds of years.

>> No.14675663
File: 196 KB, 1080x1034, jeff-bezos-and-lauren-sanchez-enjoy-themselves-on-tender-to-yacht-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hop in, Musk
>Take a load off
>Mars? That can wait

>> No.14675668

in 150 years, sure. Even with the lower gravity and thin atmosphere, it would have to be very long to launch people.

>> No.14675674

What’s a good nickname for a trainer plane in my KSP career. So far it’s 1953

>> No.14675676

the fuckpoop mk69 stinky ass edition

>> No.14675677

I was talking about the moon, but I think It could work. Hell space elevators would probably work there as well.
https://www.halopedia.org/Mass_driver (this was my reference, did you know the warthog's tires are carbon nanotube?)

I haven't finished The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, but from what I have read so far, it's used to deliver cargo to low lunar orbit to save on fuel. Heinlein studied at West Point for electrical engineering, so I assume he knew what he was saying when writing this.

>> No.14675688

What sort of drugs will be the first used on Mars and in space? What will be the first drugs cultivated or synthesized? What would be a popular recreational drug amongst Martians?

>> No.14675692


>> No.14675696


>> No.14675697
File: 587 KB, 1920x1080, a5ee598b1d0794a71b52802e2cab389d8f90f7da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon you replied to. I expect Mars first human landing by 2026. Titan human landing in 2037-ish. Reaching Centurai in 2089 if all goes well. I think the crucial miscalculation people make is they predict based on NASA's past metrics. What makes the evolution of newspace entirely different is

>speed of the spacecraft technological evolution is not dependent on sparse allocation of government funding this time
>no need to wait for safety approval, if Jared wants to fly on a Starship nobody can legally stop him from sending himself to Ceres if he wanted to
>instantaneous full reusability
>refueling at destinations
>majority of parts self-produced, no 400 worldwide company delays
>no software-not-working-please-abort-entire-mission autism

These companies will need to rely on the government for technologies that move spacecraft at a decent percentage of lightspeed which is what I am primarily worried about. Everything else is mostly guys telling you "we won't let you do that yet" and that will vanish as soon as we get off this fucking rock where we are forced to suck regulation cock before doing anything remotely interesting

>> No.14675713

Every time I see a photo of a MOC I'm reminded that fucking nobody uses consoles anymore, it's all shitty prefab tables and monitor arms


>> No.14675720

Musk, show us the mockups of the interior NOW

>> No.14675728

>Orbit in two weeks
>Still no designs for interior, ISRU or power

>> No.14675730
File: 750 KB, 1200x875, 1596042664660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14675733

Dragonfly gets to Titan in 2034 with no delays, meaning a manned mission would already have to be en-route before it lands. Rovers will have been on Mars for three decades before humans, so why would anyone go to Titan while knowing almost nothing about it

>> No.14675736

EnoughMuskSpam is having a field day with these pics

>> No.14675750

>spams elon musk

>> No.14675759

I was wondering the same about the moon. I think it has to have a shit ton of metals under the surface/crust. a mining operation could give us enough metals for a big lunar construction, as long we have the energy and technology to refine them
the retard twitter spammer has devolved into the r3ddit cumswallower spammer. fuck sake.

>> No.14675760

>unlock ion propulsion in KSP
>immediately regret it
electric propulsion is a meme in an engine where you can't burn for weeks straight

>> No.14675762


>> No.14675765

Electric engines are fucking fantastic if you have nothing but time on your hands, which is perfect for something like KSP where you can time shift. Quit being a retard

>> No.14675766

>James webb telescope is kill already
Lmao lol

>> No.14675770

These cultists think about Musk more than Christians think about God

>> No.14675771
File: 147 KB, 1170x1133, virgin vs chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceX vs Blue Origin.

>> No.14675778

How ion propulsion works in space? dont you need oxigen to work? or is the oxygen the fuel in this case.

>> No.14675780

Now compare their net worth

>> No.14675781
File: 1.49 MB, 1920x1005, StarshipInteriorVR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been my favorite so far. It is so cozy


>it will launch with no delays
>arrival 2034
NASA has to jerk themselves off until 2027 before they even start to launch THE ROCKET. Then it will dance around the inner planets several times for gravity assists because the Atlas V has ass for delta V. There is so opportunity to cut off time it is not even funny.

>rovers will have been on Mars for three decades before humans
In that same span of time we went from Hitler invading Poland to people walking on the moon. This is not a measure of how fast things will go but how slow things have been lately. You're thinking in oldspace timeframes still

>> No.14675783

>It is so cozy
It's extremely cringe

>> No.14675787
File: 177 KB, 405x408, Screenshot 2021-03-01 132938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiwi launch delayed from Thursday to TBA

>> No.14675790

I don't care if the seat placement doesn't make physical sense it looks cooler than any other rendition and looking cool is the only thing that really matters

>> No.14675792

>muh net worth
Incels are so funny

>> No.14675793

>sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex

>> No.14675797

New Tron is going to be a disappointment I can already feel it in me bones

>> No.14675802
File: 2.45 MB, 878x1456, ED24A3C8-5522-4FAA-A192-39AB37B82234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not reusable
>2024 (2025) debut
>”The Last Rocket Peter Beck Will Design”

>> No.14675807

2028 debut

>> No.14675809

unironically though

>> No.14675815

Maybe if ksp had x50 and x100 physical time warp

>> No.14675816

>Shilling hyper expensive carbon fiber
When Starship switched away from CF, everyone agreed it was a good idea. But when RocketLab talks about why CF is better than stainless, everyone sucks their cocks

>> No.14675818

I like rocket lab but beck’s reasonings for why they are going with it is so fucking stupid

>> No.14675820

Mission of 10 at once massive drills, sent to 10 scouted locations on Mars to drill 100s of feet beneath the surface, all automated and supervised by robots rovers and ai, within 10 years.

Also, bio materials experiments;

Inflatable pools, covered and uncovered, greenhouses, full of various biological materials, cells, gels, liquids, lipids, DNA, microbes, plants, insects, compost stews,

Is 10 years for these missions too soon? The aim will be 15-20 then.

Is there technology (like whatever is used to scan surface to see if their might be oil underneath, phonon spectroscopy?) That has scaned the surface of Mars and these asteroids and moons to determine if there's anything interesting under neath?

>> No.14675823


>> No.14675825

How many kids does Bezosfeld have again?

>> No.14675826

that man's ribcage is fucking gigantic
comprehend the lung capacity

>> No.14675827

For your consideration:
Starship's first Mars mission should be a bulldozer. The Mars Bulldozer Rover (MBR) would be a heavy duty, all-terrain vehicle inspired by industrial earth-moving equipment. It would prioritize ruggedness, durability, and multi-mission functionality. A 5-ton MBR could be used to grade and flatten a larger landing area for follow-on missions and clear space for solar panel deployment. It could be used to dig shallow trenches for future missions to place covered living modules. It could also accomplish scientific goals by cutting long grooves in various soil types and inspecting the visible strata revealed using its basic navigation cameras. The industrial size and scale of the MBR would make it inherently more resilient, and its broad functionality would allow it to remain a valuable piece of surface hardware that can support future missions. It can leverage modern AI technologies to minimize the amount of human input needed, and because it's solidly constructed the tolerance for self-driving can be greater.
In conclusion, send bulldozers to Mars.

>> No.14675828

it's a nice artist rendering

>no fun allowed

>> No.14675831

>Is there technology (like whatever is used to scan surface to see if their might be oil underneath, phonon spectroscopy?) That has scaned the surface of Mars and these asteroids and moons to determine if there's anything interesting under neath?
I always thought the easiest and cheapest way to build a base on mars was just to land on top of a martian lava tube and drill through its ceiling. Put down a ladder, string up some lights, weld a closeable hatch into the opening, done.

This "spend a week 3D printing martian regolith into an igloo" shit will never become a thing, mark my words. Takes too much complex planning and resources. At least in the beginning

>> No.14675837

Doesn't even need to be a lava tube actually. Isn't most of mars a dry lakebed? Surely there were some streams that at some point cut into the underground just like we have on Earth

>> No.14675846

How are you gonna power the bull dozer?

>> No.14675847
File: 389 KB, 1300x905, pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unnecessarily complex. Once we're past the Starship phase, a dedicated lander can have its segments buried by a Mars backhoe, make a groove for the exits that grade upwards out of the pit. A phase 3 settlement would be in caves but moving regolith there is relatively simple and provides significant reduction in radiation and insulation.

>> No.14675853

Bros... how is Elon planning on fitting into a space suit?

>> No.14675854

Incel is a state of being not one of fathering children. Especially if those children are IVF

>> No.14675855

His own skin serves as a space suit, yep.. thats right, elon is an ayy and the proof is his abnormal ribcage

>> No.14675856

elon will be dead before the next moon landing

>> No.14675858

not the same anon who mentions the bulldozer, but similar idea. It would be easier to have your segments able to support dirt above than to drill into caves, assuming we have a rapidly reusable heavy lift capable rocket

>> No.14675860

>just tip starship 2.0 over and cover it with dirt
But then you don't have an excuse to explore Mars's underground. You tried so hard not to become a mole rat martian that you ended up an even bigger mole rat martian.

>Elon is only cosplaying his favorite boss, the Godskin Noble

>> No.14675866

just build a glass dome and stick some anti-UV cream into it once a day
simple as

>> No.14675872


>> No.14675878
File: 185 KB, 1125x2097, 1578502159811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm visualizing all the planetary protection faggots having a stroke.

>> No.14675879

ISS is getting Starlink lel

>Once installed on the space station, ILLUMA-T will use laser communications to relay data to and from Earth via NASA’s Laser Communications Relay Demonstration (LCRD). Lasers offer missions higher data rates than traditional radio waves. That means more science and exploration data can be sent to Earth in a single transmission. The shift from radio frequency to laser communications is similar to switching from dial-up to high-speed internet.

>> No.14675880


>> No.14675884


>> No.14675886

Is it specified somewhere? If not, then its NASA spending couple millions to add this feature

>> No.14675887
File: 227 KB, 1024x780, D523D5AD-1E2B-48AA-9B46-6E0D53589E1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think SLS will have a launch failure

>> No.14675889

Literally not Starlink

>> No.14675897

Damn I wish I knew about this back when I was in college

>The global aerospace community focused on New Mexico as 149 teams from around the world participated in the Spaceport America Cup, the world’s largest intercollegiate rocket engineering conference and competition.

>The University of Sydney took home the top prize and as 1,500 students from 22 countries gathered in southern New Mexico to launch rockets to specific altitudes (10,000; 20,000; 30,000 feet).

>> No.14675898

Doesn’t matter, it already completed its primary objective of dishing out piggy pay to boomers and government leeches

>> No.14675908

That'll be one gorillion dollars, plus tip.

>> No.14675926

also the soviets didn't realize that we were serious about that whole moon landing thing until 1964 when serious work started on facilities. they thought it was just some face-saving bluster by kennedy because that's what their leadership would have done in the same circumstances.

>> No.14675932

200 starships

>> No.14675935

3 SLS’s

>> No.14675937

>this will also take about three years
oof. if you're trying to get to orbit that fast you need to be putting at least 60% of your points into R&D.
rd-103 + scud + xasr is unbeatable for cavemanning it

>> No.14675940

the orange man was always a retarded boomer
only reason it was vital to elect him was because everyone else was substantially worse
vote for a vain boomer, or a selection of actively hostile jew-owned oligarchs

>> No.14675941 [DELETED] 

i dunno about the science but could the funding just be from crewed altitude/speed records?

>> No.14675950


>> No.14675957

CLPS is turning into a disaster. the whole 21st century private contracting model may be overrated just because spacex has been singlehandedly bailing out programs that would've otherwise been shitshows.

>> No.14675960

Fun fact: the engine on the aerobee is the AJ10, which would eventually power the Apollo CSM, the shuttle OMS, and now the Orion Service Module

>> No.14675962

ion drives don't use combustion so they don't need an oxidizer

>> No.14675972
File: 75 KB, 718x569, Capsule To Aid Moon Exploration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14675973

solar farm and battery pack. Time is our friend

>> No.14675974
File: 156 KB, 1125x646, 500264CA-059F-4444-BEC1-899981C64A22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14675977
File: 109 KB, 512x381, MOOSE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14675978

your mom

>> No.14675982

Internal combustion engine, using boiloff from the Starship.

>> No.14675985

the entire human library of anime on blu-ray

>> No.14675989

my old hard drive is lighter and it reflects my 99th-percentile anime tastes. therefore i'm charging 5x the price of the entire human library of anime on blu-ray for it.

>> No.14675992

dont let the fbi find that
source: im fbi

>> No.14675994

Starship's first mission is gonna cost billions of dollars from NASA and wont be ready until 2050s? WUT

But I thought bulldozer was there to make the solar farm in the first place? Isn't that the first mission for?

So use whats left of fuel on Starship to power bull dozer for few days and thats it?

>> No.14676006

Options include methane ICE or (may Allah forgive me) electric batteries.
A Block 1 battery-powered bulldozer would be easier to engineer and could run off solar power generated by separate deployable solar panels. It would connect and charge during the day and then run it's battery down working during the night. Since you'll need deployable solar panels and rechargeable vehicles anyway, this gives practical experience with these technologies.
Block 2 would be methane ICE. Any industrialization pathfinder is going to want to test an ISRU methane/oxygen generator, as it will be necessary for refueling the Starship for return missions anyway. In terms of scale, the amount used by the bulldozer would be fairly minimal - any system that generates enough methane/oxygen to power a return flight will be making plenty to keep your bulldozer going too.
So first bulldozer is electric and sets up the solar panels, second one is methane and sets up the methane plant.

>> No.14676008
File: 79 KB, 809x1020, 1639861505087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but what if your rocket gets attacked by a rampaging i-beam during liftoff? carbon fiber's not such a meme now, huh?

>> No.14676012

I want neutron-chan to step on my balls :/

>> No.14676013

>set up solar farm to produce electricity for operation
>create methane
>burn it to run previously electric vehicles
The efficiency losses of using ICE are horrible here, just keep it all electric.

>> No.14676035

Ion engines use electricity to accelerate molecules through various methods rather than using combustion, so they don’t need oxidizer and are extremely efficient compared to any chemical engine, but are woefully slow and power hungry.

>> No.14676037

SpaceX/Musk has said in the past decade or so that a large ion drive is needed for future transport, he hinted it as something after Raptor engine.

>> No.14676040

Martians look like THIS?!

>> No.14676041
File: 201 KB, 1200x800, russian_cosmosnauts_ukraine_colors.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

overcompensating for this cockup

>> No.14676049
File: 66 KB, 640x579, 640px-Blue_male_budgie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pudgie Budgie

>> No.14676079

>going full fucking religious insanity on the ISS
>NASA continues to maintain their relationship with Russia
What a political failure, jesus. Axiom taking literally fucking ever with their space station modules means that the entire world has to watch Russia make a mockery of the space station and America just letting Russia walk all over them because the converse is happening on the ground via proxy Ukraine.

The Artemis accords better have provisions in place to prevent shit like this from happening.

>> No.14676080

I mentioned the drills I was more talking about of there could be anything very interesting under the surface, like a random cave made of gold, or oil from the biome that lives on Mars 500 million years ago, or a lot of very rare earth elements

>> No.14676089

Jeff works out and rails his escort girlfriend, Elon doesn't work out and rails rockstars and neuralink CTOs. I dunno man, seems like Elon's winning this race as women seem to line up left and right to take his seed.

>> No.14676091


>> No.14676092

planeus weanus

>> No.14676093

How is a constant supply of oxygen going to be provided in a mars base, I think that 3ill be a big challenge, but I geuss just as much as food. I geuss you will need like 50 rocket shipments full of oxygen tanks?

Or am I an idiot and oxygen can be recycled indefinitely by some filter system, indoor base, people bresthr out, as long as the base is full full full of plants they will certainly provide enough oxygen? You don't want to do all this and not be sure the filter or plants are working right

>> No.14676099

There's a lot of ice on Mars. Cracking it for oxygen is part of how they make methane to go home.

>> No.14676100

The entire planet is covered in perchlorate and iron oxide, you connect the dots

>> No.14676101

Finders keepers

>> No.14676106

The moon being devoid of carbon is fucking GAY

>> No.14676108

The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can be stripped of an oxygen molecule to create carbon monoxide and a free oxygen. This process is currently being tested on Perseverance with the MOXIE module.

>> No.14676113

That will be 2000 acres of solar panels for a half tank of fuel sir thank you

>> No.14676116

haha fusion plant go brrrrrrrr

>> No.14676118

Oh will it help power your antimatter meme drive as well?

>> No.14676122

No, I'm talking about planetbound fusion only. Zap Energy is less than five years from net gain. It'll be ready for Mars.

>> No.14676124


Water electrolysis
Sabatier process

Lots of different options

>> No.14676125
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Marstards are always jumping to conclusions via gymnastics and hypotheticals. This is why you all fell for mars one

>> No.14676132

there's probably dry ice at the poles

>> No.14676133

It may well be that there's no advantage to methane ICE. I don't think we've made engines of this type that could be used on Mars, since they'd have to carry their own oxygen and have some means of dealing with the heat they generate. Like I said, battery-electric is probably the easiest to engineer, and we may decide that's the best to stick with long term.
The issue with batteries is specific energy (J/kg) and energy density (J/m^3). It's energy inefficient to convert electricity into methane and then methane into mechanical (+heat), but its hardware inefficient to bring a bulldozer that can only operate an hour or so each day before needing to recharge. Both the methane generator and the solar farm will be running anyway, and (initially at least) producing more energy than the bulldozer can use in either type of engine. So full-process energy efficiency might not be the metric to use. ICE would also have the advantage in applications that keep it away from the base station for more than a day (unless the engine itself proves to be extraordinarily inefficient).

Basically, I'm not guaranteeing that methane ICE will be practical, but I think a niche for it may exist. But electric, absolutely.

>> No.14676136

LH2 chads keep winning

>> No.14676137

Those system techniques are perfected? The mars base will be near enough ice? You are certain thers no other chemical in the ice that will make it hard to filter and poisonous if improperly filtered?

How you turn that into enough oxygen to gureentee last around the clock for year/s?

If you fill the base every square foot full of plants and trees could that ensure oxygen production? Also with bought tanks?

>> No.14676143

Do filters exist that strip the oxygen out of human breathe?

Like one side of the base is pumping in oxygen, the other side of base is sucking up, so by the time it gets to the other side it's hopefully mostly CO2, and a filter can turn it into oxygen and send it back around to pump in?

>> No.14676145

Water electrolysis is perfected, yes, you fucking retard.
Use reverse osmosis filters.

>> No.14676149

Fuze-Q generated its first neutrons. If Helion or Zap are successful, we could see DFDs in our lifetime.


>> No.14676152

Solar farm, with Robots that bring empty batteries to the solar farm to fill them up, to switch out if the bulldozer drains them. 1000s of batteries, there's no operating for just an hour,

>> No.14676161

Sounds like purgatory

>> No.14676164

Maybe. I mean, now we're arguing whether an engine that doesn't exist will be more or less efficient than a robotic battery resupply train that doesn't exist. Ultimately we won't know the answer until the engineers get involved. I'll be happy either way, though.

>> No.14676185

There's more carbon than hydrogen

>> No.14676188

based retard

>> No.14676229

steve jurvetson king

>> No.14676237

Literally still the most realistic Deep space exploration Space Ship concept ever made

>> No.14676242

I mean solar farm is crucial either way, if your gonna make it 100 yards may as well make it 200 yards, that's the first step, though will we need the bulldozer to make the solar field? Anyway if not, it will be charging batteries, robots can deffinitly lift batteries into slits near the solar farm, let them charge, remove them and stack them, over the course of a few months until the bulldozer gets there

>> No.14676245

What's that out Infront, if its shooting lazers into that wouldn't they reflect back into the ship and melt it

>> No.14676249

It isn't. That's a tired old meme. The moon will have all elements necessary in abundance for a self-sustaining civilization.

>> No.14676251

Those are its radiators, something most scifi really shouldn't neglect to portray, lest you want to cook from the inside out.

>> No.14676252

>Mars cucks hated him because he told them the truth

>> No.14676268

We could use a silica heat battery to power the thing's stirling generator. Charging one is as simple as leaving it in a solar concentrator for awhile and they're much simpler than lithium ion
How to engineer a replacable one for a vehicle, I don't know

>> No.14676280

Starship cant handle an itty bitty explosion on its butt. How the fuck is this going to Mars?

>> No.14676283

Explosions are not possible on Mars.

>> No.14676285
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>> No.14676290

they could redesign the engine section to handle explosion stresses but why bother when you can just not have explosions

>> No.14676292

First masten now this
Its fucking over CLPSbros...

>> No.14676301

Russia went full schizo after Maidan. I remember Donbas separatists using flags that were half Soviet, half Romanov.

>> No.14676304

they arent making any changes to the booster, just processes. it will happen again

>> No.14676309

It's not over, this is literally NASA acting on the OIG's recommendation that they vet this shit before launch. If Jeff and Tony delay the Peregrine launch it looks real bad for Griffin.

>For example, NASA recognizes the risks of failure are higher for commercial vendors performing their first lunar missions; therefore, for the initial CLPS task orders the Agency chose low-cost, non-critical payloads that could potentially provide value even if the missions failed or were not delivered when initially planned. In fact, of the first three CLPS task orders issued, one was canceled and two have been delayed beyond their planned 2021 delivery dates without significantly impacting NASA’s larger lunar exploration goals.

. . .

>Although Astrobotic personnel explained that Griffin’s development schedule is largely independent of its Peregrine mission, the Peregrine Lander—planned to launch in 2022—has multiple systems and subsystems that will also be used on Griffin. Therefore, any technical problems with these systems may adversely affect development of the Griffin Lander because Astrobotic would only have about a year, depending on the Peregrine launch date and start of lunar operations, to resolve the issues prior to NASA delivering VIPER for integration and launch. Furthermore, any failures during the Peregrine mission may lead to Griffin delays as NASA and Astrobotic investigate the failures and develop corrective actions.

>> No.14676312
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>a process-derived mishap will not be prevented by a revision of process

>> No.14676323

Ever heard of airplanes? the correct process is to not fly them into the ground, yet that doesnt stop it from happening

>> No.14676367

You could never power something like that with RTGs, they're only ~100 watts each but ~4 W/kg. ISRU fuel has a large energy input. Battery electric is easiest.

>> No.14676388

There's a mod called Persistent Thrust that has the same effect.

>> No.14676404

Reading the article, it sounds like it has trouble scaling down for transport applications, but still very interesting.

The way I figured it, the bulldozer would grade and flatten the area for the solar farm. Depending on the design of the panels (and the latitude of the landing site), you could cut a slope of the correct angle for maximum irradiance rather than carrying a self-assembling metal frame. Then it would drag/carry the panels into position and unfold them.
This would only be the initial job, though. A bulldozer can be used simply as a forklift, carrying scientific pieces (weather stations, seismic detectors, etc) to the desired location. It could collect samples and bring them back to a geology module for deeper analysis. It could begin industrial applications like stockpiling different minerals for later refining, clearing a landing area, digging pits and berms for wind/radiation protection.
A bulldozer can do anything, and that's what makes it wonderful. Rather than a rover that does a bunch of different things badly and can never do anything else, build a vehicle that does one thing reliably well and people will think of a thousand more uses for it.

>> No.14676460

proxima b anon, i think i found out the first way we'll directly image the planet. the GMagAO-X instrument being built for the Giant Magellan Telescope should be capable of detecting reflected light. it wont be much, basically a speck, but a useful spec. this instrument wont require a transit to detect or observe spectra

>> No.14676461
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starlinks were loaded into the pez dispenser today

>> No.14676472

i forgot to mention, you will probably have to wait until the 2030s. https://youtu.be/bDMZvSUJeck

>> No.14676479

>direct imaging of exoplanets
wtf I love NASA now

>> No.14676522

Damn, so is moon more desirable to live and experiment on than mars?

Apollo did the mission at night right, what's the moon like in the sun, also how come mars seems more appealing? Is it bexsuse all the footage in the light, and the homely rocks

>> No.14676543

It already had successful launches and touch down.

The explosion was from novel experimental testing?

If they wanted they could repeat the recipe of the succesful launch and land every time? Or easier said than done, slight human touches make big changes?

It is aweinspiring seeing the up close images of the assembly and engines and stuff
All the complex wiring and perfectly formed and attacked metal and nuts and bolts, to be responsible of making sure every square mm is perfect, epic stuff.

>> No.14676551

They are lust experimenting and tinkering with efficiencies? They found a way that works, but are exploring others that might? Breaking eggs for ommelettes?

>> No.14676588

Cool cool, I was jist thinking of how to solve the initial bulldozers energy needs, but I geuss 1,000 precharged batteries can be sent along with it, and it's robot rover buddy that changes it's battey packs.

I geuss I was also wondering if there's no way to save all that time and energy by finding a quite flat area to just start the solar farm on. That will be one of the major major decisions anyway, location location location where to exactly commit to putting the base/solar farm

>> No.14676604

They're testing the booster for the first time. The previous flights were just the upper stage, and while it could fly up and land successfully, it isn't able to make it to orbit alone. So it's more than just tinkering. If they stop now, they've failed: only the Starship+Super Heavy together is a true Mars rocket.

>> No.14676616

Ahh I see. But they are trying a novel technique, I remember someone said a unique mixture of gasses or technique or something?

Also someone said dig a hole under the base in another thread, did they do that and would that help? Or could that be worse if gases pooled down there and then eventually flowed back up?

Is the public privvy to the adjustments, and what's the consensus on what went wrong?

How many star skip bodies do they make it something did go wrong during a test flight and how expensive are they to make?

>> No.14676718

>only operate an hour or so each day before needing to recharge
You could just recharge multiple times a day. The Tesla Semi has fairly fast charging and a 500 kWh battery pack. That pack could easily power a dozer like the 161 kW Cat D6 XE. With battery electric only improving from the conditions on Mars namely the lower gravity and ICE picking up a number of key disadvantages, they may be more nonexistent than niche. It could only get so much power before it becomes a giant moving radiator, not the type of thing you'd want on a jobsite.
>bulldozer would grade and flatten the area for the solar farm
I think that's a weaker use case for it, out of the ones you listed. Solar panels on Mars will require very little structural support over uneven surfaces, perhaps the lightest option would be thin-film panels sent by the roll and deployed in a ^ tented fashion using strung wires and metal stakes as supports. A North-South orientation would provide more constant power and decrease battery storage requirements. The wires can be vibrated for the easy removal of most dust.

>> No.14676721
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Making the mother of all launch vehicles, Jack.

>> No.14676722

The fuck? If he was sleeping I would seriously think that was the body of a bloating corpse

>> No.14676742
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>> No.14676761

ok that's enough

>> No.14676769


>> No.14676773

jesus christ what the hell is that profile picture and where do you find those freaks?

>> No.14676778

cosmic penguin retweeted it

>> No.14676779
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>> No.14676789

We are always talking about moon ice water . But what about uranium ? Palladium , gold , platinum , copper , rare elements ?

>> No.14676824

china picked two sites for it's future moon base. one is at the south pole for water. the other is on the near side and is located near resources.

>> No.14676844

how do they even know if there are resources and of what kind? some sort of radar?

>> No.14676865
File: 250 KB, 2048x646, 0172C43B-A85F-42FD-AA30-91B515EDA3E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this

>> No.14676885

>You could just recharge multiple times a day
Couldn't the dozer be made to have easily replaceable batteries to not have downtime waiting for recharge?

It should have multiple battery slots on it, but only requires a fraction or one at time, and have a robot rover that takes out the used battery and puts in a frsh one. The multiple slots are for if one dies and it doesn't want to wait to change, and also if the robot rover has a slip up while making a change

>> No.14676937

Did you guys see the strang object on the screen after fairing deploy?

>> No.14677007

the russian segment looks comfy

>> No.14677010

So is estronaut Raptor interview any good?

>> No.14677046


>> No.14677084

simply put, Virgin is a more valuable company. The market knows

>> No.14677089

Estronaut gets totally and forgets to ask technical questions

>> No.14677093

the booster wasnt damaged but the engines

>> No.14677095
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>> No.14677098

Barrel mode

>> No.14677121

good morning sirs, is there testing today

>> No.14677129

There's a closure scheduled to start at 10 AM, so there's a good chance of it.

>> No.14677200

>uses meme arrows
>about the same time as this was posted
>unironic russian supporter
holy shit are orcs among us?

>> No.14677210
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>> No.14677262
File: 458 KB, 2560x1440, Starbase Rover 2.0 Cam SpaceX Starship Launch Complex_20220719_071146.304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's people staring at the tiles

>> No.14677265

did we ever even test spin gravity in orbit?

>> No.14677287

It's not that hard. The only thing that hasn't been tested is huge bearings and the construction methods needed.
The whole spin thing around, get effective gravity, make thing big enough to not feel dizzy is trivial.

>> No.14677315

Damn those tiles catch the sun very well

>> No.14677318
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Yeah Gemini 12. I can barely find any information on it though.

>> No.14677323

Gemini XI did briefly. And I guess technically Gemini VIII accidentally did when Neil’s capsule went apeshit and started spinning like crazy lol

>> No.14677402

They've wanted to test it on the ISS for ages

Right now there's sample centrifuge on the station but that's about it

>> No.14677409

lmfao https://arstechnica.com/science/2022/07/relativity-and-impulse-space-say-theyre-flying-to-mars-in-late-2024/

>Relativity Space has not launched a single rocket, and Impulse Space has never tested one of its thrusters in space. Nevertheless, on Tuesday, the two California-based companies declared their intention to launch an ambitious mission that will land on the surface of Mars in fewer than three years.

>This would be the first-ever commercial mission to Mars, and normally such a claim could be safely dismissed as absurd. But this announcement—audacious though it may be—is probably worth taking seriously because of the companies and players involved.

>> No.14677427


>> No.14677437

SpaceX has competition. They wont be the first commercial company on Mars if they lose track of sight.

>> No.14677451

I am rooting for relativity, however they need to leave california if they want to maintain any ounce of respect

>> No.14677455

They may not be the first to get there, but they will be the first to land a 20 story building there.

>> No.14677456

>Isaac Arthur joins the thwead

>> No.14677469

a stray particle the size of a grain of sand slaps your girlfriend’s ass
what do you do?

>> No.14677479

probably reached 12000 rpm
this is a well known effect that was the first conclusive evidence that angular momentum is not conserved

>> No.14677480
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>Bulldozers use ~2-700 kW
Ain't gonna happen. Now, I'm all for scaling up a kilopower like design and shoving it in earth moving equipment, but I kind of doubt people will really go for that.

I humbly suggest some kind of power generation gas turbine. They're small, powerful, run on a variety of fuels, and efficient. Using them in a thin atmosphere that contains no readily available oxidizer is a huge challenge, for combustion and for cooling, but if you want big power, reliably, it's the way to go. Your rockets need oxidizer and some kind of fuel, just pump those into your turbine, bing bang boom.

>> No.14677486

>all the faggots saying methane ICE
you're wrong and should kill yourselves. the methane produced with solar power thus it's simply better to use battery electric.

>> No.14677490

The bad news is they’re thinking about ruining humanity’s future in space and jerking off

>> No.14677503
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>Apollo did the mission at night right, what's the moon like in the sun

>> No.14677504

onboard fission reactor

>> No.14677518


>> No.14677521

>What is power density
Enjoy dragging around three tons of batteries

>> No.14677538

>three tons
2 tons
>dragging around
weight is your friend

>> No.14677593

yet another goofy ploy for investor money from that slimy smiling fucker