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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 131 KB, 1197x910, anti_science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14674347 No.14674347 [Reply] [Original]

Last week, a groundbreaking study was published in the Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences. You can read about it here

Basically, they studied the relationship between anti-science beliefs, psychology, and political ideology. Obviously this is a over-simplification (read the article for the details), but what they found is essentially that conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxers, and other anti-science types are too stupid and uneducated to understand science, or intellectual culture and scholarship, in general. These people often have preexisting views and beliefs that are simplistic, misinformed, or otherwise unscientific, and even when presented with scientific evidence contradicting these beliefs, they refuse to change their mind. In other words, the anti-science types refuse to acknowledge basic science because it conflicts with their primitive and simplistic worldview. As one scientist who was quoted in the above article said they "just reject scientific information that doesn’t already fit into what they believe".

>> No.14674371

>what they found is essentially that conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxers, and other anti-science types are too stupid and uneducated to understand science, or intellectual culture and scholarship
Now that is some low-IQ propaganda. No wonder you reference it as a "groundbreaking study". This tripe is clearly intended for mass consumption.

>> No.14674386
File: 273 KB, 1125x1373, mit studies me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MIT employs a large team of researchers who's job it is to come to 4chan and hang on my every word in hope of gaining insight into their problems. What are they saying about me now?

>> No.14674387

>are too stupid and uneducated to understand science, or intellectual culture and scholarship, in general
I dont believe this is what the article states.

>> No.14674412
File: 477 KB, 1024x969, Coat_of_arms_of_the_Royal_Society.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I am not required to accept the word of any master"
- motto of the Royal Society (as taken from Horace)
or as typically written:
>Nullius in verba - "take nobody's word for it"

>> No.14674430

you've been posting this regularly and frequently for a whole year. get help.

>> No.14674438

take $FACEBOOK_GRIFTER's word for it

>> No.14674446

>they just reject scientific information that doesn’t already fit into what they believe

>> No.14674450
File: 717 KB, 1024x512, biolab_conspiracy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this study just confirms what we all knew all along: the type of people who hold anti-science beliefs are generally politically-motivated, uneducated conservatives. In other words, the people promoting all of these anti-vaxx, anti-science conspiracy theories, also tend to have extreme political views, and often hold anti-democracy and anti-American positions on political issues. This is exactly why we see so much overlap between anti-vaxxers and Qanon, or anti-vaxxers and the Pro-Russia crowd. I mean, why do you think Russian, Iranian, and Chinese trolls have been spreading so many conspiracy theories about COVID and other issues in recent years? Science and democracy go hand in hand. The enemies of science are the enemies of democracy. The enemies of democracy are the enemies of science.

>> No.14674453

it triggers you every time
>sanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting the same results

>> No.14674456
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>I think this establishment-funded study just confirms the pro-establishment opinions i've been indoctrinated with
>Yep, everything checks out
Self-awareness level: 0

>> No.14674460

you are not immune to propaganda

>> No.14674468

Mhm. Point still stands completely unchallenged.

>> No.14674480

I got the best grades possible for everything related to critical thinking and I can tell you I believe almost none of what scientists tell me to think.

>> No.14674484
File: 2.99 MB, 640x474, propaganda.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am.

>> No.14674488


>> No.14674504 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 600x315, 3524453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some real rational, no-logical-leaps debate going on ITT.

>> No.14674512
File: 55 KB, 720x452, gallup science poll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most people are immune to propaganda

>> No.14674514

why do burgers say "ironic" when they mean "hypocritical?"

>> No.14674519

Funny that these hacks used an inherently ethical dilemma as an example of an 'anti-science' view. Also typical that they intentionally conflate being anti-mandate with anti-vax. And they wonder why nobody fucking trusts them.

>> No.14674520

lowest-effort shoop ever

>> No.14674525
File: 225 KB, 568x575, france science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

france is immune to propaganda

>> No.14674527

Do they?

>> No.14674532


>> No.14674533

no, i put effort into font choice on that one, i can go a few steps lower in effort level

>> No.14674542

Probably not I guess. I don't give a fuck. Fuck scientists.

>> No.14674553

>Also typical that they intentionally conflate being anti-mandate with anti-vax.
>Do they?
>Probably not I guess. I don't give a fuck.

>Fuck scientists.
Why are you on /sci/ then, retard? And why do you hate white people?

>> No.14674565

Stunning and brave.

Poltards btfo'd.

>> No.14674571

>implying "no forced vaccine" is an inherently antiscience position to take

>> No.14674579

>Fuck scientists.
Based, fuck both math and science

>> No.14674582

I thought the "do they" was asking if they really wonder why nobody trusts them.

Anyway since you're retarded, yes, they absolutely intentionally conflate the two. As their picture of someone who may well be vaccinated and pro vaccine while holding up an anti-mandate sign is captioned "anti-vaccine movement". Thus an intentional conflation.

>> No.14674592

mindfucked by a stock image

absolutely mindbroken

>> No.14674593
File: 125 KB, 1024x1003, Reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the science board is the appropriate forum for discussing hatred of scientists, this is not a safe space, its a science discussion board, the discussion includes criticism.

>> No.14674597

They simply aren't smart enough to understand Rick and Morty.

>> No.14674600

It's not really my problem. It's just a great example of these academic cunts being totally untrustworthy.

>> No.14674604
File: 28 KB, 676x310, clickbait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, /sci/ is not the place to rage about clickbait headlines

>> No.14674607


>> No.14674616

>thinking that the image posted is intended to exemplify the headline
Yeah wow my mind must be BROKEN!

>> No.14674621

>psychology research

>> No.14674627

antivaxxers make up shit like "they're trying to make vaccinates mandatory" so yeah it exemplifies antivaxxers

>> No.14674633

I didn't actually read the article just so we're clear. I saw the image and assumed the rest was garbage of a similar quality.

I assume the bait pic was the reason you didn't link to any real studies in support of your sciencism?

>> No.14674635

>nobody tried to make vaccines mandatory

>> No.14674645


>> No.14674647

>what are mandates under threat of ruination
>what is coercion
This is why nobody trusts sciencists

>> No.14674651

attempting to dehumanize your enemies with stereotypes and namecalling is not part of rational, objective, scientific discussion.

>> No.14674658

lol. there is no such thing as "antivaxxers". only corporate mandatists and their opposition

>> No.14674660

>a groundbreaking study
You say that, and yet your summary is identical to the findings for everything related to the subject since it began being studied. For example, young earth creationists know considerably less than the average public does about evolution.

You can just google for the general findings about this. High trust in intuition is why the models these people develop are overly simplistic, because our intuitions are very simplistic. Not groundbreaking at all, just "yet another identical result among all the other results".

So if anyone ever wanted to know why pseuds refuse to read even if they're spoon fed, that's why. They know their intuitions are right, therefore anything you send is a waste of time for them to read because they're already right. Hence the conversation loops. Any time you catch one in blatant contradiction, well, their intuition is right so you must be wrong and sheer insanity follows. That's what happens to the human brain when it trusts itself above all else: Sheer nuttery.

>> No.14674670

>rational, objective, scientific
cringe basedentism words

what the fuck are you talking about? at least in this country the only "mandates" are businesses being pricks. none of this has anything to do with science.

>> No.14674672
File: 42 KB, 680x940, t23252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>High trust in intuition is why the models these people develop are overly simplistic, because our intuitions are very simplistic.
Now that is some stunning idiocy. How can someone afford this inversion of reality in this day and age is beyond me.

>> No.14674675

They are and effective have made them mandatory. You think this has to mean an official law passed that says "vaccines are mandatory" and call other people stupid? How many people only got vaccinated because they had to to travel or keep their job flat out or gently coerced into it because it was either currently or strongly hinted at that it would be a huge hassle not to be even if you technically could be to fulfill capitalisms required illusion of liberty?

I got vaccinated because i have a health issue and looked at as much information as i could and tried to weigh the risks and benefits knowing half of what i was reading was propaganda designed to mislead me for various agendas. In a way it made things easier because i could justify it to myself this way. People should not have to take vaccines unless there is very comprehensive assurances in place that should anything bad occur from this they will be fully cared for an compensated for it. And those kinds of insurances could only come from a blanketed and unquestioned rule in society that covered all such occurrences regardless of where they came from because only then are people participating in an equitable bargain worth giving up health autonomy for.

>> No.14674684

yeah so what does that have to do with science? fuck all


>> No.14674687

government pushed it. also the usa isn't the world. also it's in op pic, so science or not, it is topical

>> No.14674688

>businesses being pricks.
who do you think runs things exactly?
who is 'they'? who funds the studies? who controls the media? who elects the politicians?
corporate interest does

>> No.14674690

You are truly mentally ill.

>> No.14674693

Quick reminder: scientists will continue doing research and there's nothing you can do about it. Now go back to your "how to be an alpha male" youtube videos.

>> No.14674694

Pick a better picture next time retard
Blessed post. iktf

>> No.14674695

what does>>14674627

>> No.14674698

In the US, Biden tried to mandate the vaccine for all employees of businesses with over 100 workers. It didn't happen but he tried.

>> No.14674703

>who do you think runs things exactly?
obviously it's The Science

>corporate interest does
so it's actually corporate interests you hate

>> No.14674704
File: 60 KB, 680x593, soiencebrains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no point in trying to argue with stupid, unless they are in positions of power.
I'd never engage in scientific debate with people whose only formal training is in burger flipping and other minimum wage jobs.

>> No.14674707

You can all empirically demonstrate this, because it works identically to how young earth creationists would fail high school biology. For flat earthers, they can't do geometry. For antivaxxers, they can't even do basic conditional probability. Every single example where a group of people suffer "runaway intuition", give them a test on basic knowledge for the subject. If they don't cheat by trying to search everything, they'll fail the tests every single time.

Although odds are you won't get one to actually do a test. It's a self-filtering problem. Since their intuition is true, they don't need to waste time demonstrating that they're right, so why would they take a test that must show how right they are? The test will be flawed, or a conspiracy, etc. If you want the definition of an NPC, that's it. Completely stuck on rails and unable to deviate from the certainty their gut feeling is true.

>> No.14674719

OK but round earthers fail at my iq test which consists of a single question asking whether the earth is flat (answer: yes). Now what?

>> No.14674720

Sounds like you're talking about climate change alarmists and people who are pro-vaccine mandates

>> No.14674727

Okay, so take a basic test on climatology and immunology and see how you compare to the general population. Odds are, you know far less than you think you do, and any college quiz will empirically demonstrate that to you. If you can even understand the equations you'll be asked to do.

>> No.14674730

good post

>> No.14674746

this meme is propaganda, and the fact that you spread it shows that it's effective

>> No.14674747

>high school biology
aka scientism

>> No.14674751

>my IQ is moderately low

>> No.14674752 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 485x568, 9RScAM8lQlwVi-4x2hq1UY3pv88ryyYBy-JYawJeSJY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen up you retarded glownigger, you can do as you please with those bots or weak willed faggots...but do not fuck with real people OP, because real people aren't as dumb as you think and that pride of yours will be your downfall as always.
real people actually know what's bullshit coming from an oil snake salesman and an actual scientist who actually know their shit.
wanna know the best part? we all will dodge your attacks silently and ignore that nonsense you spout about "muh science".
there are dumbfucks who believe in your bullshit and smart people who ignore it, no in-between nor a psychology degree to see who's smart and who's stupid.

>> No.14674760

Immunology has nothing to do with mandates. I don't care if it is the perfect vaccine for the worst disease. I only started caring about climate change when I realized it is something that immoral and ethically bankrupt scientists care about.

>> No.14674762

My WAIS-IV IQ is 133 with a hangover.

>> No.14674766

looks like he had you bang to rights:
>why would they take a test that must show how right they are? The test will be flawed, or a conspiracy, etc.

>> No.14674772

>my iq is moderately low and i'm LARPing

>> No.14674773

>my test is flawless
Nice science

>> No.14674777

you sound like a serb

>> No.14674781

>I only started caring about climate change when I realized it is something that immoral and ethically bankrupt scientists care about.
fuckin lol

take a test and pick it apart, then

>> No.14674785
File: 89 KB, 1080x673, Screenshot_20220528-235342-700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14674793

heh yeah trust the BASEDENCE

>> No.14674799

They still can't face painful truths like genetic differences in intelligence and fitness for survival. They have to deny such painful truths or they lose their lucrative jobs, pensions and social scenes. All places of study these days are dogmatic in the extreme. Any deviation from the Mass Immigration Slave Labor scam will get you cancelled fast.

>> No.14674800

Are you saying evolution is real?

>> No.14674801 [DELETED] 

I descend from them but that's not the point, that glownigger think he's the smartest thing alive when in reality is a weak midwit faggot trying to con people into buying his crap the exact same way a fucking used car salesman do when he tries to scam some poor fucker into buying his faulty shit.
he doesn't know half shit about his stuff and the worst part if something goes wrong he won't admit his mistakes or being wrong in something.
fuck OP.

>> No.14674802

cope and seethe, but then update your cognitive firewall. you are not immune to propaganda, and nobody who would attempt to convince you otherwise has good intentions towards you.

>> No.14674806

What is funny about that? They want to destroy my life for not taking their new vaccine after I already caught Covid. My bodily autonomy is important to me. The environment is important to them. I really never really cared until this happened.

>> No.14674809

>I descend from them but that's not the point
how the fuck are you guys so obvious? it's insane. do you pass rabidity from generation to generation?

>> No.14674818

now you're conflating politicians for scientists, and conflating climate scientists for immunologists & epidemiologists & virologists
it's like in your mind "science" is this one guy who goes around trying to spite you

>> No.14674826

Not what I said. Though evolution is a better explanation than Invisible People In the Sky, Incorporated.

>> No.14674849

Nah, there are so many of the fucks writing opinion pieces on the side and acting as advisors for the government. They make it exceedingly clear over and over again that they support mandates and would make them harsher if not for the political climate. The sad reality is that the governments that enact these policies do so with the tacit (and more often explicit) support of their scientific bodies and advisors.

I suppose you could argue at some point these career scientists who end up in management/advisory/political positions are no longer the voice of scientists and instead more political, but I actually think they are pretty representative.

At the very least I can be sure they had an opportunity to raise alarm about the ethics of the issue of forcing a drug on people, but they didn't even do that. Maybe you think that simply isn't their job, but if scientists are devoid of ethical and moral beliefs then I dislike them by default.

>> No.14674861

Relevant to this thread

>> No.14674862

Many scientists are also literally autistic and prone to authoritative thinking. If they believe something is good for you then they are inclined to believe it should be mandatory.

>> No.14674865

>anti-science beliefs
as opposed to pro-science beliefs? how about take the belief out of it.
>“The classic work on persuasion still applies to what we’re seeing today as many people reject the science of vaccines, climate change and other subjects,”
>the science
knowledge authoritarianism

Public policy needs to stop masquerading as science, humans learned as far back as ancient Islam what happens when science and public policy intermix. Science just makes a shitty belief system to run a civilization with, only a small population are true enough autists to be divorced of their own self interest to earnestly follow a scientific political ideology.

It'd be nice if these individuals were encouraging everyone to pick up a test tube, but they just all appealing to authority.

>> No.14674869 [DELETED] 

anon...I may be betraying the group but here's the truth.
they not only like fucking but they also take what they can, or they outbreed or inbreed.
so yeah, we serbs find incest as normal just as taking in exotic people, like to fuck a lot and don't give a shit about protection or anything.

>> No.14674873
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>> No.14674887

massive confirmation bias

>> No.14674894
File: 898 KB, 1366x4279, fda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but what they found is essentially that conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxers, and other anti-science types are too stupid and uneducated to understand science
something tells me they arent the ones that are stupid and uneducated

>> No.14674895

Yeah I guess but where are the scientists with voices arguing against mandates? Show me them.

>> No.14674905

Vinay Prasad is pretty openly critical of many covid policies. Google him, you'll find more like him. Of course, they're the minority

>> No.14674907
File: 151 KB, 1062x1086, 1590952151132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14674917

Yeah he's one I've found who seems fairly balanced in that he acknowledges the vaccine reduces mortality. There's a handful more that seem to be full blown schizos or whatever who think the vaccine is a bioweapon.

>> No.14674921

>take a test and pick it apart, then
I admit, this has me dying laughing given you JUST quoted what I wrote before that, "The test will be flawed, or a conspiracy, etc." You even told him I had him bang on, and he still did exactly what I said he'd do. Like I said, this is what an actual NPC is. Zero awareness. You can explain to them what and why they'll do it before they do it and they'll still do it anyway. With zero deviation. You can explain to a creationist exactly how and why they'll lie about evolution, they'll do it five minutes later anyway.

This is nothing new, though, young earth creationists did this a lot on IRC and similar. Earlier than that you had aliens, kennedy assassination and other conspiracies, chemtrails, later 9/11 truthers, in every single case the people advocating for a given conspiracy lack basic understanding of every relevant field. Ballistics, metallurgy, aeronautics or chemistry, for aliens typically total ignorance of physics or the psychology of hallucinations, etc. Underpinning all of them? Literally all of them? High trust in intuition.

I've brought this up over a decade ago, I know it comes up off and on, but for some reason the knowledge doesn't reach far enough. Everyone could have a very easy time dealing with these kinds of people simply because they are so railroaded by their own certainty in themselves. You can run circles around a clinical narcissist the same way.

Always be afraid of how capable your brain is of deluding you. These people are the best examples.

>> No.14674922

Also unfortunately he's kind of a grifter. Any scientist criticizing lockdowns and mandates immediately becomes popular with people who agree with them and almost inevitably becomes a grifter to some degree

>> No.14674926

What do they recommend on how to deal with such people? Trolling and insulting them won't help, right? But I love doing that.

>> No.14674930

Are there any 'conspiracy theories' that you believe in?

>> No.14674934 [DELETED] 

not him but I believe in population control and this shit about vaccine against covid is just that.

>> No.14674935
File: 721 KB, 350x496, Party_Time.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't care
never taking your jew juice

>> No.14674938

>I predict you disagree with me because you don't trust my arbitrary tests

>> No.14674940

antivaxxers see people die with 3 pfizer doses while your owner faucci said many times 2 doses were 100% effective against hospitalization

>> No.14674944

that you don't know the difference between who's and whose

>> No.14674975

>>I predict you disagree with me because you don't trust my arbitrary tests
Please explain how a test of knowledge on a topic is arbitrary.
>Are there any 'conspiracy theories' that you believe in?
Classic ones like I listed above? No. The difference is a real conspiracy tends to have evidence, such as the accuser of Assange recanting and admitting to lying on indictment. That may be clear evidence of conspiracy by the US government to invent evidence for extradition, but I don't know all the facts.

>> No.14674977

> I agree with the autistic.
I know an autistic chick who spots BS propaganda I don't even notice.
> Autistics may be the future.

>> No.14674983

what does PHP have to do with this? reddit is more like visual basic

>> No.14674985 [DELETED] 

the autists he meant are the savant idiots

>> No.14675030

>You can run circles around a clinical narcissist the same way.
>Always be afraid of how capable your brain is of deluding you. These people are the best examples.
never seen more hilarious case of projection

>> No.14675036

>never seen more hilarious case of projection
One of us relies on tests of knowledge, predictions, and so on. It isn't you. What am I projecting then?

>> No.14675044

>how about take the belief out of it
how do you propose to eliminate beliefs without also eliminating knowledge?

>> No.14675045
File: 1.12 MB, 316x200, joker2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here is this extravagant strawman I will create from thin air with my perfectly sound and rational mind that makes me superior to you and doesnt have any narcissistic tendencies whatsoever
>I am so science!

>> No.14675047

You don't like economic growth?
You don't like being safe?
Ahh.. then you must be a heretic

>> No.14675048

what tests of knowledge did you use to predict you are le epic science man and this perfect stranger you are talking to is not?
You are an apex tier clown is what you are

>> No.14675056

even with me exposing exactly how retarded you are I bet you are still too retarded to understand how hilariously ironic what you just did was

>> No.14675063
File: 133 KB, 1150x1266, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you admit you've got nothing like always. Now you're just racing to accuse me of ironic stupidity to cover for what you're doing now. Next you'll say "I was only pretending to be retarded".

>> No.14675069

Autists are definitely highly resistant if not immune to propaganda that targets normies. That doesn't make them immune to any and all possible forms of propaganda. The "autists are immune to propaganda" meme is itself a form of propaganda specifically targeted at autists and intended to dissuade them from maintaining vigilance against propaganda targeted at autists.

>> No.14675076

sorry I dont understand schizophrenic gibberish. You are going to have to speak English in a clear and concise manner if you want me to spend time addressing a pleb such as yourself. Unlike you my time is valuable

>> No.14675083

I automatically filter anyone that unironically uses the term "Anti-Science".

>> No.14675089 [DELETED] 

not him but what is your line of work.
mine is botanics and I like taking care of plants.

>> No.14675157

I am a currency trader

>> No.14675177

so then why did the vote turn out the way it did?
why didn't they burn melenchon at the stake?
and why did they appoint a woke degenerate as a minister of education just as they found their math curriculum is atrocious and ukro kids were dabbing on their kids pretty hard?

>> No.14675208

So science to you means no arguing ever? You're not a scientist then lol. And posting this reveals how unscientific you actually are. Dumbfuck.

>> No.14675216

The stupidest and most evil thing I've read all day. Be ashamed of yourself. Your the type of fake scientist who could never devise their own experiments but have to get everything from memorizing a textbook. Fucking clown.

>> No.14675221

Ok. I can point out shit science that has an ulterior motive though.

>> No.14675225

I work with scientists. And they're wrong quite a bit which is a part of the process.

>> No.14675227

Not by the looks of the graph desu. They started that embarrassing "March for science" as soon as Trump won in 2016 and hadn't done a damn thing yet. I guess they thought Hillary was a bench chemist or something and Trump was a priest. People really are cattle holy shit.

>> No.14675230

Anon you're supposed to inject any compound that any chemist makes ever without asking a single question. Or else you're anti science. Ok?

>> No.14675239

Autists are immune to the peer pressure aspect of propaganda. And don't just laugh at that because it's probably the strongest type. I know a few people who saw through the lies coming from their TVs but held the line when faced with the pressure of fitting in. If there's anything an autistic person might not care about it's that. I'm sure some propaganda could be devised that would reach them but since so much depends on herd mentality that's where the expression gets it's meaning imo.

>> No.14675250

that's a unix environment variable

funny coming from an honest to god schizophrenic

if autists are immune to peer pressure, then why are they all becoming trannies to fit in with their internet friends?

>> No.14675257 [DELETED] 
File: 230 KB, 900x900, Blade_Devil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so an autist greatest and most ironic trait is individualism? it explains why they want to have traits to make themselves feel like snowflakes like heterochromia.

>> No.14675282
File: 2.00 MB, 3464x3464, psyop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care
Not taking the vaxx
Never will
Cope, seethe you know the rest

>> No.14675286

php uses the same syntax so it is also a PHP variable

>> No.14675295

>but since so much depends on herd mentality that's where the expression gets it's meaning imo
Oh I agree. But I'm not just autistic, I'm also hypervigilant due to PTSD. Your average autist isn't constantly looking for threats the way I am.

I don't know for certain that this meme has been amplified by a propaganda campaign intended to create a propaganda backdoor into autists' minds. I don't even think it's especially likely. I just know that if I wanted to do that, I can't think of a better way to accomplish it.

>> No.14675310
File: 19 KB, 306x306, 1654606514854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fear of punishment and virtue signalling

>> No.14675315

>funny coming from an honest to god schizophrenic
funny coming from an honest to god schizophrenic

>> No.14675323

are the schizos in the room with you now?

>> No.14675329

are the schizos not in the room with you now?

>> No.14675335

is this one of those things like
>yields falsehood when preceded by its quotation
yields falsehood when preceded by its quotation

>> No.14675340

reminds me of a quine

>> No.14675344

well yeah Quine is the philosopher who came up with it

>> No.14675345
File: 28 KB, 337x522, proper dimorphism for humans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who denies that genetic engineering will be used to make women big and men small is anti-science

>> No.14675351

COVID-19, public restrictions and changing vaccine story basically destroyed trust in science, you have collapsed half of our civlization with your LARP, science is just another religion for even 50% of people, shouldn't have sold yourself for money and gov sointists

>> No.14675352

it's actually called Quine's Paradox, it was the first identified example of a paradox that isn't explicitly self-referential

>> No.14675356
File: 121 KB, 1280x720, Merica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Politics masquerading as science, isn't science. If you actually checked the studies, you'd see that there are literally thousands of studies showing the exact opposite of the retarded shit coming out of the mainstream these days. They have completely totally discredited themselves. Nothing but a bunch of liars looking to elevate their already obscene profit margins. The us federal gov at the head has become the biggest most corrupt institution that has ever existed, the entire thing is made up of psychopaths & yes-men cowards, and that creeping stench of rot has thoroughly permeated every other institution in our country. You can't kick the can down the road the anymore. No more road. Just what do the leftists think they're going to do with the world once they've murdered the last person willing to tell the truth?

>> No.14675360

voting is a charade

>> No.14675393

big pussy

>> No.14675396

>The us federal gov at the head has become the biggest most corrupt institution that has ever existed

>> No.14675405

America has always been anti-intellectual. This is not new.

>> No.14675416

autists are also often uncomfortable in their skin( i was), its not peer pressure, they believe it will fix it

>> No.14675451
File: 175 KB, 1014x533, Dumbfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>COVID-19, public restrictions and changing vaccine story basically destroyed trust in science
The relevant factor, medicine, remains static. Confidence in medicine remains virtually the same as the beginning of reliable record from Gallup in 1993. The trend line is insignificantly positive but in practical terms "no change".

Want to try that again? Or are you going to pull some magical thinking out your ass and claim that somehow "science" took huge hits but medicine remained the same?

>> No.14675499

I'm not Albert Pike, all I'm saying is to subtract belief from both sides of the equation pro + science + beliefs = pro-science beliefs . Trust in the ignorance of experts instead of minor-deities bannering under the monikor of experts.

the realm of the testable and falsifiable hypothesis is the space allocated to belief in the realm of science. If your in a position of having to accept an arguement on belief alone, your in the realm of spirituality, if your in a position to be socially, economically or potically greivanced/advantaged for not accepting/accepting a belief, your in the realm of organised religion.

>> No.14675624

If you're going to talk about epistemology, you should familiarize yourself with the basic concepts involved. The idea you're struggling with isn't 'belief,' it's 'justification.'

>> No.14675632


people think it's so insightful to point out that deferring to more qualified individuals involves a degree of trust and belief in another's expertise and authenticity. or that academia isn't perfect and there are examples of gross bias, corruption or fraud. well done, you've just pointed out that humans aren't perfect, human interaction involves a degree of risk, trust and belief, and there's no omniscient oracle we can query for facts or accurate predictions about the world.

anyway, it gets used like a "win the argument" button. you trust your baker not to put razor blades in your bread; that means you (((trust the bakers))) and believe in the church of bakerism.

>> No.14675636

Those Ph.D.s aren't real. People who were either trying to throw off the survey or were too stupid to know what a Ph.D. is are the majority of those respondents. Real Ph.D.s don't fall of anti-vaxx nonsense.

>> No.14675640

You will never be a real Red Scare. You have no social cohesion. You have no credibility. You have no legitimacy.

>> No.14675644


>> No.14675647

Every belief has presuppositions. This is how we decide which evidence we accept. We can’t escape fundamental beliefs about being, detached from a scientific worldview.

>> No.14675654
File: 2.42 MB, 1366x7056, FollowTheScience.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trust the most corrupt and known liars to ever exist
>this is what the smart people do
you are literally retarded. The easiest way to see how stupid someone is is to show them how they got scammed >>14674894

You and the morons like you arent saying "trust the science," well actually you are but you are too stupid to realize is that you are really saying "trust these institutions." Institutions people who are smarter than you know cannot be trusted. You are so fiercely indoctrinated however you cannot tell the difference and it makes you dangerous because there is nothing more dangerous than a zealot who thinks he is right when he is wrong and a fool who thinks he is the smart one.

>> No.14675659

you can't even use the correct "your" man this is why nobody takes you seriously

>> No.14675662

The conspiracy space was dominated by the left for a long time. They were right about some things, like the existence of the NSA. Take off your ideological blinders.

>> No.14675666
File: 52 KB, 850x400, twain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you trusted liars when you were told not too and got taken for a ride and now you have too much invested to admit how foolish and spineless you were

>> No.14675669

what kerrrrrrazy shit have you been working on recently bodhi? have you found a formula that proves you're god? have you been looking on infowars.com for proof viruses are fake?

>> No.14675670

>people think it's so insightful to point out that deferring to more qualified individuals involves a degree of trust...
that may be, but in this case I was referring to the fact that knowledge is usually defined in terms of justified true beliefs. if you dispense with beliefs, how do you define knowledge?
>inb4 verifying hypotheses
yeah that's justifying beliefs

>> No.14675672

i can't believe this is a real reply lmfao

>> No.14675673

it all comes to me in a dream

>> No.14675678

>anything above my IQ to process is cwaaazy!
I work steering clear of morons like you and making more money every week than you will ever see in your life. How bout yourself? Injecting more experimental gene therapies that not even these corrupt buffoons -who got 10's of millions of people hooked on poison that either ended up dead or had their lives destroyed- would approve? >>14674894

This is the "smart side" rofl. Sorry the only joke here is you kiddo. No one is laughing at me I assure you

>> No.14675685
File: 176 KB, 1366x768, dunkedOn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what I dd today. Woke up around 8. Made some coffee then made 30 grand or so and now I am dunking on your stupid ass. Not a bad day desu. How bout yourself? Fighting the good fight I see

>> No.14675699
File: 691 KB, 1762x799, hfcs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n. you trust your baker not to put razor blades in your bread;
In my industrial economics course, one is taught a firm concerns itself with how fast, effective and costly it that breach of trust is.

Not much incentive to put razor blades in bread, but one of the most poisionous, addictive and obesenating substances on the planet? all in a days business.

Tolstoy said it best it is possible to cause more trouble with a rouble than with a club; it is only political economy that does not want to know it. — Leo Tolstoy, What Shall We Do Then? (1886)

>> No.14675715

you're scared of fruit sugar? but yeah americans should stop putting so much sugar in bread

very intellectual

>> No.14675723

>Anonymous poster #46534664 forgot to take his meds again

>> No.14675734

That's not a definition.

>> No.14675738

what's that? I didnt hear you. What did you do today aside from not make any money and shit post showing how stupid you are an anime forum?

>> No.14675753

today i subverted another government and furthered the globohomo covid vaccine agenda

>> No.14675755

>you're scared of fruit sugar?
yeah I've been hyperglycemic all my life, entire family history of diabetes, sugar makes me gain weight get pimples and get automatically tired. If i dont keep myself to strict mongolian keto I become a diabetic land whale.

should, could, would. Regardless, the cui bono analysis begets its impetus by the reality of " human interaction involves a degree of risk, trust and belief," which is why its important in areas of high potentiality for moral hazard to ask the question 'to whom benefits'?

This in my opinion, this is exactly why science makes terrible public policy (emph. Religion) Science makes no accessions to the shoulds, woulds and coulds of the affairs of man. At least with socialism they can chant bonum communae communitatis, or the Lordes prayer for a Christian. There is a compass that comes with the map.


>> No.14675830

just don't eat it
science isn't putting fructose in bread

p.s. the funny pic of a mongolian flexing is not a good basis for your life

>> No.14675923

Fatally naive. Unforgivably stupid. The vax was literally designed to deal with your kind. But you're smart and know better that's why you're going to continue to get boostered, and one day maybe you'll even go to a fertility clinic with your significant other to help you two finally conceive.

>> No.14675930

Pretty disgusting wishful thinking on your part.

>> No.14675946

I encounter people exactly like that on /pol/ constantly, and it made me realize something important: it doesn't matter. A normal person's opinions about science do not matter at all. If someone denies evolution and they are not in the field of evolutionary science, then nothing of importance has happened. Same with any other field. To argue with them is a waste of time. To even have an opinion on a scientific topic if you are not an expert in the field is technically a waste of time. It's a really lame hobby that a lot of guys have.

>> No.14675954
File: 333 KB, 545x273, tent-horde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what I do. But, sugar is normalized cocaine addictiveness level, as is reflected in increased obesity rates. Science has spent alot of time insuring maximum amygdala hijack from products, like bypassing throwup reflexes to tolerate higher sugar loads. And at the same time says nothing towards the question of if an individual should be putting such high volumes so perfidiously across the food chain.

>> No.14675993

It's the opposite. Autists are vulnerable to delusion and predatory suggestion. See all the trannies.

>> No.14675996

Nothing to do with the imagine. The media explicitly conflated questioning anything to do with pandemic as anti-vax conspiracy nut stuff.

>> No.14675998

Rather rich for someone who merely goes along to get along to proclaim they're "with the science" or whatever... when the science has been clear for hundreds of years, and been consistently ignored by those in power.
I've taken the exact opposite stance, especially after this whole covid debacle and the mass hysteria around it... (The federal government recently shot a lone feral peacock because... wait for it.... bird flue!! a fucking peacock!! I mean come on...) I've come to the sad inescapable conclusion that in order to become part of the mainstream orthodoxy decision making cabal, one must think along the same lines as the establishment - thoroughly rotten, corrupt, and in actuality quite stupid. They call it "economic growth" and "progress", and "lifting people from poverty" rather than what it actually is, exponential growth in consumption of non-renewable resources with exponential growth in negative consequences for the increasingly sick ecosystems. These people are going to bring the biosphere to the brink of ruin and civilization with it, and I for one want nothing to do with it.

>> No.14676003

i, too, wish to limit climate change

yeah the media, not "science"

>> No.14676020

nobody even takes part in any of your statistics, and if they do they obviously love science in first place, just give up already, you can't graph population on such topics

>> No.14676033

This is obvious

>> No.14677385

I’m sorry, but I can’t just take your word for it. Do you have a study supporting your claim (like the PhD vaxx deniers do)?

>> No.14677392

Ironically that is a fake quote

>> No.14677411

When people like you turned science acceptance into a partisan issue and dismiss all your political opponents as anti-science then this is what is the actual cause of growing anti-science sentiment.

Stop politicizing it, but I know you won't.

>> No.14677442

Yeah that's not exclusive to scientific fields of study.

>> No.14677477

More news at 10

>> No.14677577

Another stunning victory for science. Science already has shown that:
- Race doesn’t exist.
- There’s nothing more important than the rights of black Americans
- There’s no such thing as a woman
- Women earn less than men
- There’s nothing more important than women’s right to abortion
- Biological sex isn’t real
- Sex-selective abortion is literally genocide
- Global warming is real and the evidence is irrefutable
- There is irrefutable evidence of climate change, distinguished from global warming in that temperatures don’t consistently rise.
- Some portion of the western population buying from green companies, putting their recycling in the right bins and subsidizing carbon offset programs will make a meaningful change in climate change, which is real and irreversible
- any person of any gender can have any physical body or biology
- people who were born with a gender that doesn’t match their physical body must correct their biology to match their gender

>> No.14677844

he is the nu-left. nothing that ever happened in the past exists anymore or matters to the mind of the NPC. It is only about the narrative of the here and now they are being programmed with. Only sentient beings can use the past as a reference, not the NPC

>> No.14677883

Why do I need to follow the science? can't I just follow the evidence?

"the science" is just code for entrenched dogma

>> No.14677890

Sure, but evidence is hard to interpret from time to time. I can't possibly look at petabytes of data, so I need to trust the scientists who found tetra- and pentaquarks in the data.

>> No.14677902

Duh. Tell me something new.

>> No.14677976

tfw no baguette gf

>> No.14678108

>I can't possibly look at petabytes of data
soientific equivalent of a gishgallop

>> No.14678636
File: 114 KB, 500x497, Orwell1984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smart people listen and believe
>dumb people do their own research and make their own mind up

>> No.14679540

You're either retarded and lacking in self awareness or a genuine high iq person with an insane sense of irony

>> No.14679555

>they "just reject scientific information that doesn’t already fit into what they believe".
Case in point: >>14674371

>> No.14679562
File: 123 KB, 1160x770, 1619243297813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how the post you're responding to never said anything abut right or left.

>> No.14679580

it was once a conspiracy theory that the earth was round and orbited the sun.

it still is a conspiracy. we all know the earth is flat and jesus turns off the sun at night.

i love science!

>> No.14679690

ok Crystal

>> No.14679863

First poster sounds like an angry, scientifically illiterate poltard, and so did pretty much every other poster in this thread. Typical anti-science morons lmao

>> No.14679871

It doesn't say anything about "right" or "left", but the post does condescendingly mention conservatives.

>> No.14679885

>It doesn't say anything about "right" or "left", but the post does condescendingly mention conservatives.
Yeah just to be fair keep in mind a lot of "left-wing" types, hippies, and so on, were originally all on the chemtrails and related. Conspiracy mindedness occurs independent of political persuasion, and any political bent would be coincidental. Granted it could shift over time, depending on the generation, but it's meaningless to assign it to a political party.

Although here's a fun little bit: high trust in intuition also corresponds to political extremism right or left.

>> No.14679960

Eh? But all burgers are dumb and uneducated, how anti-vaxxers are special? They just trust different
tv channels, but equally mindlessly.

>> No.14680010

powerful. i trust the scientism.

>> No.14680359

>Don't agree with what establishment says is settled science?
>Must be a low IQ retard!
Never understood why you idiots come from Reddit and then expect everyone here to fall in line with your narrative. Truly a sign of insanity mixed with delusion.

>> No.14681657

It wasn't even that long ago. Actually, for most of the Bush and Obama era, I would say that there were far more left wing "conspiracy theorists" (and I don't say that as a criticism). This all started to change around like 2013-2014 or so. That's when the deep state started astroturfing social media super hard and pushing woke identity politics, and fear mongering about muh white nationalism and muh conspiracy theorists.

>> No.14681687

All kinds of fun stuff on this research apparently. ADHD also corresponds to high degrees of political radicalism. That bizarre "muh meaning crisis" is nothing more than "a lack of adequate medication/skepticism crisis" once you account for the incredibly high degree of those with ADHD and high intuition trust, apparently. I didn't know that until I went digging thanks to this thread.

All in all this is hilarious for me. So much for the petersonites, the woke, and "muh pillars of civilization muh christianity doe".

>> No.14681718

Please tell me how my decision to avoid an untested no-liability experimental "vaccine" which does not function as a vaccine according to the definition of the word which vaccinates against a strain of cold virus which has, by all statistical measures, an astronomically small chance of doing me any real harm, demonstrates a poor understanding of probability? Yes, that was a large awkward sentence. You're so smart, I'm sure you can manage it.

>> No.14681731

>3 cunts and a poo
i hope graham was fucking one of them

>> No.14681744

>it's another episode of the establishment using the pseudoscience of psychology to label it's opponent as insane
What was called that mental illness the commie used to use for that? Something like per-schizophrenia. Oh yeah "sluggish schizophrenia".

>> No.14681837

This checks out. I have ADHD, aspergers and am a political extremist. Considering the similarly pitiful quality of the extremist on the opposite side i am happy to believe that there's a significant correlation.
My own extreme beliefs (primarily racism) stem from an obsession with purity. I am fully aware that i've woven my world view from sources selected by /pol/ without having the mental discipline to search for alternative material, but i still firmly believe that blacks are genetically predisposed to having low intelligence and being highly impulsive.
You're also right about extremists and intuition, but your self-assured manner makes you seem hypocritical.

>> No.14681847

Yes, all research by literally everyone is one colossal conspiracy to discount your special snowflake beliefs. That's totally the rational conclusion.
>Please tell me how my decision to avoid an untested no-liability experimental "vaccine" which does not function as a vaccine according to the definition of the word which vaccinates against a strain of cold virus which has, by all statistical measures, an astronomically small chance of doing me any real harm, demonstrates a poor understanding of probability?
You're safer vaccinated in every age demographic than you are getting covid. You have to deny the CDC and all similar organizational data worldwide to claim otherwise.
>You're so smart, I'm sure you can manage it.
Effortlessly. You're left, like flat earthers, just denying all large sample ecological statistics because it doesn't fit your agenda.

>> No.14681851

>but i still firmly believe that blacks are genetically predisposed to having low intelligence and being highly impulsive.
Genetic associations only show you... current associations. You seem to be making an essentialist claim that data cannot support. Case in point, you'd have to conclude the dutch are "genetically doomed to inferior height" given at one point they were far shorter.
>You're also right about extremists and intuition, but your self-assured manner makes you seem hypocritical.
Knowing the research just means I looked into and know the research. That's not trusting intuition, that's knowing the data.

>> No.14681890

they have stopped discussing you and are now on the topic of my ludicrously sized genitalia transposed against the stretched out but still supple nether bits of your mother

>> No.14682012


>> No.14682081

>anti-science types are too stupid and uneducated to understand science, or intellectual culture and scholarship, in general

>> No.14682082

I had a few classmates who were leftist conspiracy theory types during the Bush administration. They were big on the FEMA Camps conspiracy theory that would later be associated with the right during the Obama administration.

>> No.14682096

>Austria, who prohibited the unvaccinated from leaving the country while imposing constant fines, did not mandate vaccines at all

>> No.14682102

Here's the thing with COVID. It's true in a sense and it's also false in a sense. Covid is a rather simple phenomenon and also quite complicated. This might sound like empty platitudes but there is a point to this.

Did people die from COVID? Yes and no. Does it matter if people died from covid? Yes and no.

Why this duality? Because as much as some people want and make a living out of ignoring it perhaps not everyone is equal and not every life is as valuable to everyone.

This has been a common position taught in schools for quite some time and the lense that educated folks are supposed to view the world through.

At some point you gotta wonder though. Are these old and unhealthy people dying from COVID really a problem? Because really if you do look at the data this is what is happening.

Concurrently with COVID was the death of George Floyd, this was also a big deal in educated circles, my university tore down a bunch of statues of old White men. However, was his death truly unjust? Was it truly outrageous?

Was the death of a hardened career criminal, a drug addict with 5 baby mamas such a big deal?

Some people argue this and they'll be sure to bring up some data points that support their view.

I don't even think it's about facts, it's about an interpretation. An interpretation that can be helpful to your career, even Nobel prize winners can get thrown out into the cold for questioning this.

Some people have started questioning not necessarily because they are idiots who fail to get that's how you get ahead. Rather, it's because they feel like the way the ship is turning they'll just be captain of a shipwreck at this rate.

There's always a season for ideas and the current ones will eventually fall out of fashion.

>> No.14682106

>High trust in intuition is why the models these people develop are overly simplistic
You don't even know what intuition is

>> No.14682111

>You don't even know what intuition is
I am referring to the literature which has definitions outlined in said literature. If you have an alternate definition it does not pertain to what the research is talking about, and is therefore not relevant.

>> No.14682112

>how young earth creationists would fail high school biology
It's funny because highschool biology has nothing to do with chronological dating, but it has to do with mathematics and physics, something biologists don't know

>> No.14682124

>Yes, all research by literally everyone is one colossal conspiracy

I know about some real life conspiracies though which even an idiot like you would understand if you studied it

>> No.14682126

good post

>> No.14682133

Some research not replicating is not evidence this research will not replicate. You have not met your burden of proof. Particularly since this kind of research has replicated for decades. So much for your bullshit.

>> No.14682151
File: 59 KB, 306x308, uh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some research not replicating is not evidence this research will not replicate

>> No.14682165

>Particularly since this kind of research has replicated for decades.
Do you have brain damage, or are you just this dumb naturally?

>> No.14682169

>Particularly since this kind of research has replicated for decades
replicated inside your anus does not count

>> No.14682181


Your inability to google is nobody's fault but your own.

>> No.14682183

Not an argument

>> No.14682185


>> No.14682192


>> No.14682195

>autistic people are immunte to propa-
>*becomes a tranny*

>> No.14682288

>These people often have preexisting views and beliefs that are simplistic, misinformed, or otherwise unscientific, and even when presented with scientific evidence contradicting these beliefs
Oh you mean like

>> No.14682295

Covid vaccine denial isnt anti science because the argument against is is pro science as it talks about how this untested MRNA technology can really fuck you up humans permanently.

>> No.14682335

You make a good point, one would actually have to be pretty anti the scientific method to force through experimental gene altering tech as a vaccine especially if it at best only offers single strain immunity

>> No.14682419

>Genetic associations only show you... current associations. You seem to be making an essentialist claim that data cannot support. Case in point, you'd have to conclude the dutch are "genetically doomed to inferior height" given at one point they were far shorter.
Fair. However i believe that the results of transracial adoption and twin studies show that intelligence is highly heritable. The dutch were shorter due to differences in nutritional intake and lifestyle. For that to factor in with transracial adoption studies there would have to be either prenatal or epigenetic factors ubiquitus enough to significantly skew the data. I don't think there're any grounds to believe that to be the case, considering the striking similarities between adoptees and their biological parents.
>Knowing the research just means I looked into and know the research. That's not trusting intuition, that's knowing the data
Fair again, but consider that no one else has any way to know whether this is actually the case. It's an anonymous image board.

>> No.14682460

>However i believe that the results of transracial adoption and twin studies show that intelligence is highly heritable.
That has the same issue as explained in what you quoted. Disregarding any issues with adoption studies due to dropout rates and so on. Heritability is not inheritance, but they are often confused as synonyms.
>Fair again, but consider that no one else has any way to know whether this is actually the case. It's an anonymous image board.
It's an unsolvable problem. People fundamentally represent baselines of knowledge based on what they think they know. What follows depends on personality traits, such as intellectual humility and so on. Generally speaking those who trust their intuitions most are, unsurprisingly, least amenable to correction. In the most extreme case for clarity, clinically, you have narcissists who can only change belief if you orchestrate it such that they believe they came up with it. It's exhausting to deal with.

>> No.14682466

how many boosters do you want?

>> No.14682494 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 474x355, republican_ideology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be anything other than a paranoid and delusional white trash hillbilly moron who is too stupid to understand basic science. In your mind, everything is simple and straightforward. Anything bad, anything troubling, anything inconvenient is entirely attributable to the liberals. To the globalsits. To the "deep state". To the SJWs. To the leftists.
Instead of being mature and taking responsibility for these issues, you would rather blame all of you problems on the globalist deep state pedophile cabal that is trying to take away our freedumbs and inject us with he Bill Gates New World Order microchip. Instead of being a normal and rational person, and trying to understand basic principles of medical science and public health, you ignore reality and label anything you don't like as just another deep state new world order plot by the satanic, jesus-denying scientists and their globalist overlords.

Schizophrenia masquerading as "free thinking" isn't "free thinking". When all of your ideas and opinion come straight from Alex Jones or Qanon Twitter, you're not being a "free thinker". You a mindless sheeple being manipulated by cult leaders like Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson.

>> No.14682520

Why can't both of you just go and die somewhere?

>> No.14682530 [DELETED] 

This thread really brought the /pol/mites out of the woodwork.

>> No.14682698

I already know how they use propoganda on normies, but how do they use propoganda on autists? The only example I know so far was when they deluded /pol/ into believing COVID was real at first

>> No.14683443

/sci/ - Science & Math Bad

show me pics from your satellites showing a flat earth, your microscopes and scanning electron microscopes where you couldn't find bacteria and viruses.

>> No.14683474

>anyone who presents even mild criticisms of scientific methodology or research culture is a flat-earther who denies that germs cause disease

Cringe and strawman-pilled. There are legitimate reasons to criticize mainstream scientific norms. For example, the replication crisis. Nobody, even in mainstream academia denies that the problem is occurring. To use pop soience vocabulary the phenomenon is "settled science". Even if you disagree with their position, criticizing the concept of "settled science" is in no way equivalent or comparable to denying germ theory or the existence of space. "Settled science" isn't even a concept in scholarly scientific literature. It's entirely a mainstream media/big tech/neolib buzz word.

>> No.14683481

>academics find non-academics are too stupid to understand academics
and you're the kind of idiot to believe it.

>> No.14684073

Trannies are normies, not autists.

>> No.14685053
File: 151 KB, 342x404, screenshoteasy (10).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're on the wrong side of history.

>> No.14685067
File: 158 KB, 1139x900, 52334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this bot.

>> No.14685104

>Please explain how a test of knowledge on a topic is arbitrary.
How do you do it objectively, without actually tessting if the person believes what you believe?

>> No.14685136 [DELETED] 

Yes, this and also autists won't believe something just because an authority said it, as authority is sort of inverted in autists. Autists judge ideas, and will consider authority someone who can come up with better ideas than them; unlike normies who judge people and will believe the ideas of someone who they judge as an authority.

>> No.14685198

Yes, this and also autists won't believe something just because an authority said it, as authority is sort of inverted in autists. Autists judge ideas, and will consider an authority someone who can come up with better ideas than them; unlike normies who judge people and will believe the ideas of someone who they judge as an authority.

>> No.14685244

>anti-science beliefs
Listening to TV Man and doing as he tells you is not science.

>> No.14685266

It would be "all three" since he addressed two different posters.

>> No.14685779

Here is the thing, let me explain something to the shills and mouth breathers here. If I go to a used car lot and start looking at some cars and the salesman comes up to me and is giving me his sales pitch telling me not to look open the hood or look at the blue book and just trust him that the car is in perfect condition and the price is the best price I will find anywhere and I say back to him "well I just want to check for myself and confirm it for myself" and he starts jumping up and down and saying he has studies that show I am an uneducated and stupid conspiracy theorist do you think he is really going to persuade me to put my hat in hand and say "ok dur I guess you are right" or do you think it is going to confirm for me why I didnt trust him to begin with?

You people are disingenuous, liars, conmen scumbags and I dont trust any of you and don't give the tiniest bit of fuck what you think about it what so ever. You can all eat my shit right out of my asshole until you die. I'm not taking it, never gonna take it and watching you seethe and cry over it is just the icing on the cake.

>> No.14685794
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>show me pics from your satellites showing a flat earth

>> No.14685827

>no forced vaccine sign
>anti-vaccine movement
>anti-science belief.
I guest if you are against forced injections you really are an antivaxxer and a science denier huh

>> No.14685840

>well I just want to check for myself and confirm it for myself
You can do that with the vaccine, just read the studies

>> No.14685848

Yeah why not just read the fucking Talmud and the necronomicon while you're at it

>> No.14685853

Ok then how are you going to check for yourself

>> No.14685854

No surprises.

I have a few friends who have degenerated over the last few years, so this syndrome (ignorance, wishful thinking, etc) can descend on people who don't have a solid grasp of fundamentals

>> No.14685881
File: 207 KB, 1080x1123, excessdeathsbeforeafter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People who disagree with us being able to dictate their personal medical decisions and dumb and therefore wrong
>Much science, very wow

Meanwhile in reality, 'pro-science' people cannot read this graph.

>> No.14685909
File: 121 KB, 1480x1622, SouthKoreaComparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can do that with the vaccine, just read the studies

We have. The data published by Moderna and Pfizer was very convincing that the vaccines cause more harm than benefit.

>> No.14685984

I does look very bad, I will check that out thanks

>> No.14685999

>"three researchers who study attitudes and persuasion"
>Fail to persuade some people to get vaccinated despite constant pressure, mandates, and media coverage
>Blame it on them being stupid
How convenient.

>> No.14686009

This is going to be a biased study. Of course they'll ignore the army of ignorant retards who blindly put their faith in Science (TM) as well. Science is predicated on criticism and debate, not belief. I'm not saying there isn't an army of perma-skeptical idiots who think everything is some grand conspiracy to put them in chains, because there is, but academia ALWAYS ignores the other side of the coin and has forgotten where they even came from. Classical scientists were at each other's throats in debate, what we have today is just a massive compliance chamber. See how "scientific" the Pop Sci crowd is if you mention something taboo. Might as well be a bunch of pearl clutching puritans.

>> No.14686019

>antivaxxers make up shit like "they're trying to make vaccinates mandatory" so yeah it exemplifies antivaxxers
Kek. That's like saying having a driver's license isn't mandatory because you can drive a car without a license, you'll just be punished if you get caught. When people are losing jobs and being denied entrance due to not being vaccinated, then it's now become mandatory.

>> No.14686105

Are you?
What is more likely to be propaganda, opinions supporting subjects holding power and wealth or opposing them?

>> No.14686352

What if both opinions are pushed by powerful people? Do we take a golden mean? Invent a new answer because surely neither can be right? When it comes to liars, I've found the best are the ones who use the truth the most.

And if by subjects you mean the common people, consider that the people in power would behave the same regardless of if the threat was real or not. We cannot reasonably say that disasters do not exist because evil men take advantage of them.

>> No.14686364

>What if both opinions are pushed by powerful people?
NTA but what do you think follows from that? Protip: your next post will show that nothing does.

>We cannot reasonably say that disasters do not exist because evil men take advantage of them.
Which means every time your handlers invent a new disaster, we should restructure the world just in case. :^)

>> No.14686371

Oh look its the same retard from the other thread

>> No.14686378

Meds now?

>> No.14686460
File: 59 KB, 1280x718, Jokes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which means every time your handlers invent a new disaster, we should restructure the world just in case. :^)
It's like watching a kid try to poke the electrical socket. "Hey kid I warned you, next time I'll just get the camera".

>> No.14686475

GPT post.

>> No.14686486

My mocking conspiratards is not a GPT post, you dipshit. Also the bot targeting was on /pol/ not /sci/. Christ you're stupid.

>> No.14686490

>not a GPT post
Then why is it so incongruent and botlike?

>> No.14686494

>Then why is it so incongruent and botlike?
Your failure to understand why I'm mocking someone or how doesn't make me a bot. It makes you an idiot.

>> No.14686502

You can't even mock someone without sharting out a generic and incongruent post, bot.

>> No.14686507

Sure thing kid. Everything you don't understand is a bot. You totally don't have schizophrenia or anything. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.14686508

Explain the content of your post. Protip: you can't because you're a bot.

>> No.14686526

>bot stops replying

>> No.14686567

>scientists say that you don't belive in scientists, then you are dumb
Lol, OP's is such a half-witted conniving retard it's not even funny.

>> No.14686594

>NTA but what do you think follows from that?
That we must accept that no movement is incorruptible. Think of all the products shilled to the right - guns, cars, gold, vpns, crypto, water filters and outrageous headlines to get that sweet ad money to name the most obvious. The same is true of politicians, although both parties have supported all the fear-based power grabs I can think of. Illegal wars, mass surveillance, secret courts, etc.
>Which means every time your handlers invent a new disaster, we should restructure the world just in case.
No, these are still powergrabs by people who refuse to show even an ounce of humility. We could just as well have built up nuclear, but that would not have robbed the people of power, so nuclear was demonised endlessly. What more can I say? When terrorists struck, the US waged profitable wars and extended federal powers instead of admitting its foreign meddling was wrong and extending the olive branch.

>> No.14686598
File: 70 KB, 492x492, conniseur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any thoughtful explanations or lofty idealism or counter studies. I am just a contrarian and the fact that you all want to me take it so bad it makes you red in the face is the reason why I will never take it

>> No.14686607

>That we must accept that no movement is incorruptible
Okay, and what do you think follows from that?

>both parties
You just can't make this stuff up... Notice how you're the only one thinking in these corporate media drone terms?

Okaty, so what's your point? The AGW agenda is being rightfuly dismissed.

>> No.14686922

>Okay, and what do you think follows from that?
That ultimately, you should not allow these opportunists to define the movement. Instead, one should look to the values of its proponents (not mere followers). When I look at the skeptic position, I see a desire to escape a painful reality. Even the feverish conspiracies of NWOs and demons you find on /pol/ are hopelessly optimistic. They speak of a world where people can cooperate to achieve great acts, of a simple morality and a life after death. When I debate a skeptic, I see cobbled together arguments that reek of a desperation to be right, to live in a world that has an obligation to make sense. "Don't do your own research" is a bit of a meme, but like every good deception, it has a kernel of truth. Sometimes complex phenomena behave in ways wildly contrary to their fundamentals. Penicillin, for instance, looses its efficacy above a certain concentration. Increasing the precision of a numerical integration can produce a worse result. This is to say nothing of how a paper is not a declaration of fact, but a record of experimentation. I am fortunate to have a scientific background that allows me to not only understand the arguments being made, but recognise the subtleties that data can hide. "How to lie with statistics". It is unfortunate that I've caught more lies in skeptic arguments than advocate's. I'd much rather it be the other way around.
>Notice how you're the only one thinking in these corporate media drone terms?
I remember the good old days when this was considered a redpill.
>what's your point? The AGW agenda is being rightfuly dismissed.
The problem still remains. If no leaders offer honest solutions, you should seek to depose them, not ignore the problem and hope it'll go away. And if you cannot depose them, then do as I do and prepare so at least your children won't have to suffer for your failings.

>> No.14687056

>Think of all the products shilled to the right - guns, cars, gold, vpns, crypto, water filters

Uhhh, all of that stuff is actually valuable.

Now compare that to what is shilled to the left... Gay homo sex, vaccines that don't prevent diseases, childrens stories....

>> No.14687065
File: 57 KB, 828x579, Afghanistan_poppy_Update.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When terrorists struck

Anon, you still believe that false flag after all this time?

>Of the twenty-five people who signed PNAC's founding statement of principles, ten went on to serve in the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush, including Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz.
>Published a week before 9/11
>"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor."

>> No.14687236

Your mistake was an honest reply to a schizo. You have my sympathies.

>> No.14687257

Guns: even in USA you're unlikely to ever need one, let alone an armoury. Watering the tree is a larp.
Cars: older, used cars that need more and expensive maintenance. Admittedly, new cars are also shit.
Gold: another larp. Just use a LETS and store your wealth in productive assets. Doesn't have to be stock, either.
VPNS: does not actually provide privacy. Use Tor.
Crypto: far too young. On average, you're paying the early adopter tax, to say nothing of the abundant scams.
Water Filters: legit useful, but most are feel-good snakeoil.

As for the left, solar panels aren't useful for innawoods? There's also a shitload of amazing tech if you stretch to include tech sois as being "the left", but that shit is about as useful as what's marketed to the right.

I can believe it, but what does that change?

>> No.14687260

I do it to practice my rhetoric and think through my positions. Used right, 4Chan is the Socrates you never knew.

>> No.14687268

Eh, I do the same

>> No.14687521

Yet education level corresponds with vaccine hesitancy. Kill your self and die in a fire.

>> No.14687543
File: 28 KB, 593x584, 1623556685310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, really don't know why anyone is bothering with this thread.

>> No.14687631

i thought you said no one was dying of covid? and that covid isn't real?

>> No.14687679

>No Forced Vaccines
>Being against government coercion is anti-Science

>> No.14687746

read the thread, retard

>> No.14687751

Good Post.

>> No.14687864 [DELETED] 
File: 552 KB, 984x768, scorpz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the Chewbacca defense?

>> No.14687908


If you question anything or notice patterns and coincidences you are dumb.


You are chaff, OP.

>> No.14687910

> People disagree with us because they are ignorant.
>Why can't everyone believe the right thing like us.

That's as transparently self serving as changing the definition of racism so it can't be applied to individuals that are part of minority groups. This is a sponsored study. Don't listen to it.

>> No.14688111 [DELETED] 

It looks more and more like lead deficiency is to blame.
Sorry for my English, this is somewhat difficult to explain to me:
It seems it basically robs you of the capacity if abstract thought. You can no longer look at an issue, pick what is important, summarize and simplify towards the essential. This is what allows normal people understand the world, using their own mind, and think about things independently.
In the lead deficient, this mechanism gets broken, so everything seems overwhelmingly complex. The worst thing about it that the deficient are oblivious to this defect. Their broken abstract thinking means that they can't comprehend how things could be simplified the way others do simplify them, so they see them as uninteligent people who see can only understand things too simoly, and themselves as the smart guys, who understand how overwhelmingly complex things really are. Naturally, this will causes a lot of trouble in my attempts to fix the issue, as the deficient can't be explained that they are retarded, and the remaining normal people are gatekeeped from any position where their decisions could matter, as the deficient see them as retarded.

>> No.14688130

It looks more and more like lead deficiency is to blame.
Sorry for my English, this is somewhat difficult to explain to me:
It seems it basically robs you of the capacity for abstract thought. You can no longer look at an issue, pick what is important, summarize and simplify it towards the essential. This is what allows normal people understand the world, using their own mind, and think about things independently.
In the lead deficient, this mechanism gets broken, so everything seems overwhelmingly complex. The worst thing about it that the deficient are oblivious to this defect. Their broken abstract thinking means that they can't comprehend how things could be simplified the way others simplify them, so they see them as uninteligent people who can only understand things too simply, and themselves as the smart guys, who understand how complex things really are. Naturally, this causes a lot of trouble in my attempts to fix the issue, as the deficient can't be explained that they are retarded, and the remaining normal people are gatekeeped from any position where their decisions could matter, because the deficient see them as retarded.

>> No.14688136

yes, sponsored by us smart people low IQ trumpster chud

>> No.14688435

This. Don't forget to take your lead supplements! The fact that they label it as poisonous despite it being a natural and common mineral says all you need to know.

>> No.14688448

Yeah I'm just not gonna take it. Keep voting in politicians who allow mass production of plastics and their export to the third world though fellow Redditors.

>> No.14688460

>Website links to the journal homepage rather than the actual article it's discussing.
Another editor that needs culling.
>groundbreaking study
It's a perspective article, ie. an opinion piece

>> No.14688519
File: 20 KB, 225x225, 1654424540356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

animals don't take supplements and are ok, all of them. you must be degenerate shill faggot

>> No.14688527 [DELETED] 

He's mocking my post retard.

>> No.14688533

It isn't funny when the world is falling apart because of it.

>> No.14688535


>> No.14688621

Animals don't eat processed goyslop.

>he thinks he can stop a natural cycle

>> No.14688882

kill yourself

>> No.14688899

>unemployed “day trader” living with his mom and namefagging to spread the disordered thinking that made him untrainable, unemployable, unsuccessful and useless
Shut the fuck up or I’ll fuck your mom and start beating you both.

>> No.14688905

>preceded by its quotation
>preceded by a quotation of itself
Not self referential?

>> No.14688939

>so I need to trust the scientists
There’s an important distinction between trusting them and having no other information available, especially since that trust is the topic of this thread.

If you actually trusted their assessment you wouldn’t want independent verification or alternative interpretations

>> No.14688945

Thinking is for mindless sheep

>> No.14688954

I don't know what you're trying to say there except that you are profoundly brainwashed.

>> No.14688957

Not explicitly.

>> No.14688966

Good. Then we can agree discussions are no longer needed and we can just all straight jump into violent escalations

>> No.14688982

Based. We must cleanse the gene pool of low IQ """people""" left behind by the march of science.

>> No.14688985

In and of itself it’s fine that you’re still posting. The real problem is that it implies you haven’t killed yourself yet.

>> No.14689044
File: 4 KB, 205x246, Download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no forced medical treatments = anti-science attitude
I am so sick and tired of this notion. Based on current data, if you are neither an Elderly person nor a functional cripple, refusing the Coof vaccine is demonstrably the most rational choice for maximizing self-preservation.

>> No.14689539

>Anonymous is one person

I thought you said the vaccine was safe and effective?

>> No.14690440
File: 1.83 MB, 504x242, seething.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incoherent schizo babble
TOP fugging lelz. You cant beat your own meat little schizo freak. I will make you swallow your own teeth and ask for more son

>> No.14690537

>>he thinks he can stop a natural cycle
It isn't a natural cycle when the society collapses because of a nutrient deficiency that made the population mentally retarded.

>> No.14690546 [DELETED] 

>If you actually trusted their assessment you wouldn’t want independent verification or alternative interpretations
No sane person trusts their own mother to such a ridiculous degree.