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File: 32 KB, 800x450, novavax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14654387 No.14654387 [Reply] [Original]

Back when only mrna vaccines were available, a number of posters claimed they would wait for Novavax because it was more traditional form of vaccine. It is now available.
How many vaccine hesitant people have been vaccinated with Nuvaxovid, does it have fewer side effects, is it less "scary" to people than mrna, and is it actually any better than the other vaccines?

>> No.14654411

Oh I remember that, I was looking at it and a few others that actually had proper testing protocols and accountability.
of course then I started looking into virology and realised that the entire concept of viruses and vaccinating against viruses might just be bogus.
Funny how that works out.

>> No.14654419

>viruses aren’t real
What makes people get sick then? Miasma?

>> No.14654432

I'm still not entirely sure on that part yet, but toxins and charge instabilities certainly play a role.

>> No.14654439

Wasnt J&J also the old form of vaccine

>> No.14654441

>, is it less "scary" to people than mrna
Implying this was ever anything other than cope. If this vaccine is offered they will just change to a different objection.

>> No.14654445

It was just another shifted goalpost

>> No.14654447

Most of them are completely deluded about the whole Covid and vaccines situation, no mater which type of vaccine, they'll always find a reason to shit on it. The fact that it has the same exact side effects as the mRNA ones, including myocarditis/pericarditis means it has no chance of being seen as a real better choice except for a few schizos who still call mRNA "gene therapy" and believe you continue to produce spike proteins all your life and other inanities.

You entered a schizo rabbit-hole and came out more retarded than before, nothing to be proud of.

>> No.14654450

Why are the vaxxed sick and dying?

>> No.14654560

Has there been any data about the severity of the more common side effects? I know several people that got vaccinated and then refused to get any more shots because they didn't like the way it made them feel. If nuvaxovid had less severe or less frequently occurring side effects, it might be useful for people like this.

This is surely true for many unvaccinated people.

But you can take pictures of viruses.

>> No.14654569

You can take photos of something. read Hilman

>> No.14654577

I took the Johnson one, what am I in for?

>> No.14654583

You just now got it?

>> No.14654586

No cause I'm not retarded. About 6 months ago. Still alive unfortunately.

>> No.14654590

Then it looks like you’re in for nothing. If you took it today, you’d be dead in two weeks.

>> No.14654595

But I want those worm-clots to end my pathetic existence already ffs

>> No.14654695

there's no covid, no viruses, you are paid shill

>> No.14654706


>> No.14654707

i remember seeing a study showing novavax had even more heart attack rates associated to it

>> No.14654720

If true, mrna is looking better and better.

>> No.14655306

Shut the fuck up, Ivan.

>> No.14655394

False. From the data out of S. Korea, novavax has the lowest rate of adverse incidents.

>> No.14655423

Show the data.

>> No.14655436

Let me see if I can find it

>> No.14655471

I got Novavax
No side effects

>> No.14655479

Seriously. Why? Covid is pretty much over.

>> No.14655486

It’s only just begun. The fall will be back to the same old shit.

>> No.14655498

Is novavax more effective against omicron than the mRNA vaccines?

>> No.14655508

I don’t know, I’m not that guy. I got Pfizer and died last year.

>> No.14655542

Which network's signal can I get the best reception from in the graveyard?

>> No.14655545

I see. Did you get a second booster? My psychiatrist recommended it to me actually, but I haven't gotten it.

>> No.14655555 [DELETED] 
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because overpopulation had to be stopped and guess what is the perfect solution? scare the idiots with some bullshit so that they go to the slaughterhouse willingly.
the results are beautiful.

>> No.14655565

Why is /pol/ like this?


>> No.14655583

It's a vicious cycle. Distrust "them" (whoever they are), don't take your meds, get even more schizo, trust "them" even less, rinse and repeat

>> No.14655843

I don’t even need to look at the thread to know the answer is “they’re stupid”. All of the intelligent people left years ago.

>> No.14655991

I was going to get it but then I caught covid and it was like a weak flu so I didn't get Novavax after all. Then I realized that they weren't interested in accepting naturally derived immunity for their shitty little social credit system big pharma hoop system, so I detached myself as much as possible from whatever experiment they are running.

>> No.14656381

Novavax was the one I was going to wait for. Then I got vaccinated with Omicron. Don't need it now.

>> No.14656393
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It's not needed.

In almost two years only around 400 people died due to Covid in all of England and Wales.

>> No.14656403

Become a surrogate vaxxer, who gets paid by people who are forced to get a vax.

You make money, other people don't have to take the vax, and you get tons of mystery clot juice with a big chunk of cash to spend as you go out.

>> No.14656646

I was going to take it, but then I saw that everyone who was double/triple vaccinated and boosted were still getting the illness. Meanwhile I still haven't contracted it. Weird.

>> No.14656656
File: 134 KB, 760x875, Vaxxed Pepo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was going to take it, but then I saw that everyone who was double/triple vaccinated and boosted were still getting the illness. Meanwhile I still haven't contracted it. Weird.
The "vaccines" ARE the illness. You can catch it from vaccinated people also.

>> No.14656952
File: 234 KB, 1714x1342, 1648951822003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah man im like deluded man... But like you know like hybrid immunity man? I have like the robust long lasting part without the waning needlessly risky part, delusional I know.

>> No.14656957

>But I want those worm-clots to end my pathetic existence already ffs
moderna is your best bet then, if you can even still get it

>> No.14657050

I couldn't find it. It was something I stumbled upon. South Korea releases monthly updates on a shit load of data; they are incredibly transparent and have probably handled the outbreak better than any nation. I will keep looking for the source I am referring to.

>> No.14657064

How did this receive EUA if there are fully authorized alternatives available?

>> No.14657066

how do you "catch" mRNA?

>> No.14657075 [DELETED] 
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>how do you "catch" mRNA?
you don't, but the ones that got the shot become a literal factory of diseases for a while, like reverse herd immunity in a way.
wasn't that obvious?

>> No.14657103

So you believe that mRNA literally manufactures viruses?

>> No.14657126

>It is now available.
Great, six months too late for me, and two years out of date for the current variants. It should have been available by last summer.

>> No.14657133

Same. I was expecting Novavax last summer, then by the end of 2021. Nothing. Then I was infected by Omicron. Saves me the trouble of bothering with vaccines.

>> No.14657145 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 1500x1200, 1645461542565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in a way, I believe mRNA vaccines are just the tool needed to destroy overpopulation.
it just so happens that the side effects of said vaccine is making the people who took the vax a fucking disease factory.
the worst part is that people constantly are censoring graphs or altering them.

>> No.14657521

Good thing Novavax isn’t mRNA.

>> No.14657529

Not in Europe, we literally have our hands full redirect energies to rearming and don't have time for this shit, and America probably also has its own problems with inflation/Biden/chimpouts.

The only ones that still will care are the Chinks.

>> No.14657534 [DELETED] 

it will still sterilize people or have some kind of side effect, it takes 15 for vaccines to be effective and good.
this one barely have 3 years and something tells me that it isn't to cure covid.
you're better just taking lemon mint tea.

>> No.14657610 [DELETED] 
File: 582 KB, 1430x2219, 1645211142371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at the end of the day covid was a fucking disappointment where's my prion zombie outbreak? they said it was going to go down and that sheeple were going to turn into mindless slaves and not into sterilized messed up pile of rotting shit

>> No.14657709 [DELETED] 
File: 2.79 MB, 320x240, 1644973421162.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they aren't becoming zombies and are just dying from side effects of some scam.

>> No.14657761

So >>14654441 was correct after all.

>> No.14657791

I didn't take any vaccine. Not because I'm scared of vaccines, but because covid just isn't that scary.
It's nothing more than a bad flu.
Even if I had the option of a traditional vax (my government only considers pfizer to be legitimate) I'd still most likely skip it, because as I said, covid is not scary and my immune system works. I don't buy the same bullshit that you bought

>> No.14657807

>It's nothing more than a bad flu.
Flu shots are a thing.

>> No.14657810

>covid is not scary and my immune system works. I don't buy the same bullshit that you bought
Do you think that people who get vaccinated have doubts that their immune system works?

>> No.14657819

Can someone give me the long and short of exactly why this one is safe where the others may not have been? I've been looking at this one a little bit as a potential option but still am not sure.

>> No.14657847

I don't take flu shots either and have never been forced to or excluded from society for not taking one. Catching a seasonal cold means a couple paid days off work for me. It's not something I feel compelled to vaccinate against and I don't get sick all that often.

>> No.14657850

No, I think they do very little thinking outside of what media tells them is acceptable to think about

>> No.14657862

The others are mRNA technology that tries to "hack" your immune system and has obviously failed.
A traditional vaccine is an attenuated or weakened form of the actual virus that your immune system can easily learn how to kill.

>> No.14657872
File: 119 KB, 725x1024, 1644881157658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the long and short.
these "vaccines" are just kill shots, population control at it's finest.

>> No.14657888

Stop poisoning the well with this kill shot bullshit.
While the vaccines certainly are NOT safe and would not have passed traditional trials, they are not a death sentence.
It's just that they have failed massively and are responsible for driving the never ending stream of variants we are now looking at.
There is also data that suggests they may prohibit you from acquiring the level of immunity you'd get from natural infection

>> No.14657895

But you are aware of what vaccines do, right? Do you understand why "I trust my immune system" is an incredibly stupid thing to say?

>> No.14657911

Yes, I'm aware of what mRNA vaccines do.
I've had colds, I've also had covid. It was a big nothing, a day in bed watching TV with a sore throat.
mRNA vaccines work best on people who have a strong immune system- the people who don't need it.
Explain to me how it's stupid?
Why are you so terrified of a flu? Are you 80 years old? Are you fat?

>> No.14657914
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>> No.14657917

>Explain to me how it's stupid?
Getting the vaccine is basically saying "I'm giving my immune system a detailed description of sars-cov-2 because I trust it to defend me from it." Trusting your immune system is an argument for, not against vaccination.

>> No.14657928
File: 114 KB, 699x545, 8CF114B1-628B-40C0-81A6-50F969EB4F18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if any of these graphs is correct.

>> No.14657929

Why are you talking about mRNA in a thread about a vaccine that isn’t mRNA based?

>> No.14657932
File: 592 KB, 220x156, group-laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop poisoning the well with this kill shot bullshit.
and you stop downplaying this issue as if it isn't that bad.
>While the vaccines certainly are NOT safe and would not have passed traditional trials, they are not a death sentence.
yeah, myocarditis and other terrible side effects from them aren't a death sentence, nor infertility neither the blood clots or the destruction of their immune system leaving them with symptoms similar to aids...they are going to be just fine.
>It's just that they have failed massively and are responsible for driving the never ending stream of variants we are now looking at.
and not only that, their failure literally crippled or killed countless people.
>There is also data that suggests they may prohibit you from acquiring the level of immunity you'd get from natural infection
dude a fucking cough syrup is enough to deal with covid, we never needed a vaccine for some wannabe flu.

>> No.14657936

You missed the part where they don't actually work for longer than a few months.

>detailed description
No, you get the old (no longer relevant) spike protein your body was hacked into building. Your body clears this out over a few months and does not build a proper immune response.
You need to wake up and admit that these vaccines are a failure.

>> No.14657938

I took two vaccines but I’m not going to take any more. Already caught covid and was sick for 2-5 days.

>> No.14657941

>myocarditis and other terrible side effects
You also get those effects from the virus.

>> No.14657943
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>> No.14657944

They're not.

>> No.14657950

>old (no longer relevant)
When I got mine, it was still kind relevant. Today I probably would just wait a bit more for the omicron update. You wouldn't buy a 2G phone in 2022 and then complain that you have no reception and conclude that mobile phones don't work. The world moves on, anon.

>> No.14657958

OK just for you.
Attenuated vaccines for covid are also likely to fail. Seasonal flu shots are not very effective either. It's hit or miss, mostly miss.
There is no vaccine for the common cold (also a corona virus).
If you want the never ending shots, take them. I really don't care other than the fact you're driving variants.
Stop forcing other people to take them if they don't want them. Most of us have had it and nobody cares anymore

>> No.14657959

>other terrible side effects
Name one that isn't pericarditis, or alternatively name one that's more common with the vaccine than with the virus itself.
>nor infertility neither the blood clots or the destruction of their immune system leaving them with symptoms similar to aids
Holy shit, man. Your haldol won't make you infertile or give you aids. You should take it.

>> No.14657972
File: 40 KB, 406x460, 8D064E6E-4AB2-4174-8472-EF78FF8D556F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally every single one is false.

>> No.14657981
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no, it is a fucking chinese tier wannabe flu.
covid 19 wishes to be something like the black death or polio but in reality it just some pirate copy of the flu, a made in china flu.
the real menace is the "vaccine".
you know it and I know it too.
stupid people will still get vaccinated with some experimental bullshit and die from the side effects as we both laugh at their stupidity.
the smart will survive and the stupid will willingly go to the slaughterhouse to die.

>> No.14657997
File: 3.23 MB, 3000x3671, 1645028921165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will consider taking but let's see first what the people have to say about the shot.

>> No.14658003

>let's see first what the people have to say
>Posts bot replies

>> No.14658021

>let's see first what the people have to say about the shot.
Ok let's look at the most direct democracy in the world then.
>Only two cantons, Schwyz and Appenzell-Innerrhoden, rejected the coronavirus measures. Several major cities—Basel, Bern, Zurich, Lucerne—approved them by over 70 percent. This reflects the growing will of the most advanced layers of the population to fight the pandemic effectively.
Appenzell-Innerrhoden is the Alabama of Switzerland, both in incest and education-wise.

>> No.14658032
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you glow as bright as the sun.

>> No.14658043
File: 713 KB, 860x1258, tired_and_done.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ok let's look at the most direct democracy in the world then.
dude stupid ass people will still take the shot but no one who think for themselves will even consider taking the shot, you succeeded and failed.
look at all those who took the shot, 6 feet under or suffering from terrible side effects, meanwhile all those who didn't take the shot are just fine, specially those who lied about taking the shot.

>> No.14658060

>dude stupid ass people will still take the shot but no one who think for themselves will even consider taking the shot, you succeeded and failed.
You wanted to point out what "the people" do. "The people" voted for certificate mandates. Now you call them stupid because they don't agree with you. So you actually don't care what the people think, you are just looking for confirmation?
>look at all those who took the shot, 6 feet under or suffering from terrible side effects,
No side effects here. No one I know died from the vaccine
> meanwhile all those who didn't take the shot are just fine, specially those who lied about taking the shot.
The mortality is about 10 times higher without the vaccine. The vaccine prevents 90% of deaths.

>> No.14658094
File: 780 KB, 462x3546, 1635668839521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You wanted to point out what "the people" do. "The people" voted for certificate mandates. Now you call them stupid because they don't agree with you. So you actually don't care what the people think, you are just looking for confirmation?
isn't it obvious I am referring to NPC as stupid people, those who do not think for themselves and are only puppets of anything they see on tv or online.
smart people are those that actually are aware and conscious, those who think for themselves.
>No side effects here. No one I know died from the vaccine
I have watched people literally wither and die out over the weeks after they got the shot, guess you were lucky or just plainly lying.
>The mortality is about 10 times higher without the vaccine. The vaccine prevents 90% of deaths.
the flu have killed more than kung flu here and the vaccine is the real killer here and it doesn't even work.
it takes at least a decade of hardwork to make an effective vaccine against something, like smallpox.
and this novavax is bullshit.
if someone gets sick with covid, they'll be just fine with basic medicine to deal with the flu.

>> No.14658097

Some batches are kill shots.
other batches were literally just saline

>> No.14658108
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at the end of the day, the purpose of the vax was to reduce population.
it worked marvelously.

>> No.14658117
File: 485 KB, 3400x2400, F32D4846-49F6-4550-87AC-9732C1F08848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>isn't it obvious I am referring to NPC as stupid people, those who do not think for themselves and are only puppets of anything they see on tv or online.
>smart people are those that actually are aware and conscious, those who think for themselves.
Come on, this must be an elaborate joke. I mean.... you can't be serious
>the flu have killed more than kung flu
Not the question. A gunshot to the head is more lethal than ebola. So what?
>the vaccine is the real killer here and it doesn't even work.
Tell me. Does it have an effect or doesn't it? How can it not have an effect and be the killer at the same time?
Also, how do you explain the mortality of the unvaccinated if the vaccine has no effect?

>> No.14658133

>You entered a schizo rabbit-hole and came out more retarded than before, nothing to be proud of.
lol, so fucking true, the level of retardation is unreal.

>> No.14658152
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>Does it have an effect or doesn't it?
it doesn't truly cure covid anon, it is population control.
>How can it not have an effect and be the killer at the same time?
because it isn't a vaccine against covid, it is literally a kill shot, it is made with the intention of killing people.
>Also, how do you explain the mortality of the unvaccinated if the vaccine has no effect?
you really think that those died from covid and not other stuff? covid is a watered down cold and nothing more.
also have you seen the state of the world lately? do you really think conflicts haven't resulted in unfortunate deaths, that suicides haven't increased?, that other factors like cancer or other diseases haven't killed people thank to this hoax? no it has to be covid isn't it?.
it can't be anything else or that would imply you are wrong.

>> No.14658155

Why would the (((elites))) want to kill the most obedient people off?

>> No.14658156
File: 53 KB, 850x400, 4F06E7D7-A880-402C-B548-802F65C9AC7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pandemic is over. If people aren't vaccinated at this point they never will be, so give it a god damn rest. The primary objection to the vaccines was always rooted in the fact that personal liberty trumps centralized collectivist bullshit, end of story (at least in relatively free countries). The goalposts were moved all over the place because people didn't realize that they don't actually have to explain themselves to the insane Twitter mob.

>> No.14658166

>personal liberty trumps centralized collectivist bullshit
It doesn’t, not even in the US.

>> No.14658170

they didn't want to anon, they genuinely though they had us ALL over their absolute control, their most obedient slaves blinded them to the reality.
they thought that they could kill 2 birds with 1 stone but now they are realizing they just lost their slaves and there are no refunds, they fucked up and know it.
they will take their loses, grab their shit and start all over again in the distant future implying they'll survive their genetic death further.

>> No.14658175

Usually you're correct because people don't care, but when when there's significant backlash like there was with the vaccines it does. Hence the lack of actual vaccine enforcement.

>> No.14658177

>you really think that those died from covid and not other stuff? covid is a watered down cold and nothing more.
If it's other stuff, then why do the unvaccinated die and the vaccinated don't?

>> No.14658183
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but it wiped out the NPC anon.
all those on the collective willingly walked into the slaughterhouse and now ars dying out.
meanwhile all those who didn't take the shot are doing just fine.
it's over and for the first time, personal liberty won out in the end, not for long but a small victory nonetheless.

>> No.14658198 [DELETED] 
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>If it's other stuff, then why do the unvaccinated die and the vaccinated don't?
you have it backwards, the vaccinated are dying or suffering and the unvaccinated are just doing fine.
I can and had shown you examples and yet you remain stubborn anon.
the vaccine failed and wasn't necessary except for population control, it is soon to be over.
all those who take the novavax will suffer from side effects and die from them, thus ending the cycle.
it doesn't matter if you are right or wrong, people took the shot and most of them suffered permanent damage or died.

>> No.14658205
File: 65 KB, 275x349, 77098253-B04F-4B18-87C5-2B52CDF174E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a more important jab for you

>> No.14658208

>I can and had shown you examples and yet you remain stubborn anon.
Facebook posts versus statistics. Explain the data shown in >>14658117

>> No.14658215

How do you know that the vaccine killed that baby?

>> No.14658221
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>> No.14658223

I'm not a scientist, or doctor, or even a nurse. I'm a simple CNA and what I do know is that people died in droves during the first wave, meanwhile we are seeing as many cases right now but no one is even sick enough to go to the hospital.
Is this that the vaccine working, or is the strain less deadly, or what?

>> No.14658247 [DELETED] 

you first.
you truly believe that wasn't bought or made by the same people who put out the vax? if you don't believe me that's just fine, take the shot but then don't go back crying, no refunds.
she took the fucking moderna first and then she magically and conveniently had a miscarriage afterwards, what are the odds?
now that's...sad damn do they really have that high?

>> No.14658263
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>that wasn't bought or made by the same people who put out the vax?
How big is this conspiracy? Which governments are part of it? Not a single one exposes the lies? Not even Russia? China? North Korea? Who would use every opportunity to make the West look bad?

>> No.14658267
File: 373 KB, 1125x1714, 292781A4-4211-463F-978E-868D835F631F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now that's...sad damn do they really have that high?
Stop dodging the point that it did not increase in 2021.

>> No.14658442

>Is this that the vaccine working, or is the strain less deadly, or what?
It’s both.

>> No.14658467

As can be seen in
The big discrepancy is when the vaccine worked. Both lines went down and approached each other when the new variant came that bamboozled the vaccine, but also is much less lethal.

>> No.14658606

because the first one worked so well huh?
some people can't be helped, jab away

>> No.14658630

It did. See >>14658117

>> No.14658705

>all those who take the novavax will suffer from side effects and die from them, thus ending the cycle.
How can this be the case if the “kill switch” you guys were talking about was supposedly the mRNA?

>> No.14658920

If everyone had received the covid vaccine at the same time, world wide (impossible, I know), would there have been new covid variants or would the disease have died out?
inb4 everyone would have died of the kill shot

>> No.14658927

Most likely it would have died out. But our world is complex. It takes ages until you vaccinated people in the deepest jungle or remote huts in rural Afghanistan.

>> No.14658949

So once the virus spread far enough it became impossible to avoid variants being created, and even of the first world were completely vaccinated, they could get fucked by some version someone brought back from his vacation to Bolivia or wherever?

>> No.14658957

Yeah, that's why the first world spent money on stuff like covax to limit the probability/rate of such variants coming back.

>> No.14659081

that was back when people thought covid was dangerous.now we know it's no more than a common cold and vaccines don't even work as it mutates so fast

>> No.14659098

No, it still made your body generate spike proteins, it just used a different mechanism to inject the commands to your cells. A tradition style vaccine would have been one with inactivated virus particles that your immune system could pattern a response against instead of someone's crude model of the spike being made by your own body to elicit an immune response to the frankenspikes.

>> No.14659106

Over 10% of adults in the US have yet to get a single injection of the covid "vaccine". General anti-vaxxers are a fraction of a percent of the adult population. Your statement is at least an order of magnitude incorrect but does make you feel smugly superior for being a mindless idiot.

>> No.14659160

>A tradition style vaccine would have been one with inactivated virus particles
The super traditional style was to infect people with cowpox on purpose to get immunity against smallpox. So they made the patients' bodies generate pox proteins.

>> No.14659198

Fauci said prior infections confer no protection against the new variant. Do your part and get your up-to-date shots.

>> No.14659205

There would have been new variants regardless. Fast-mutating coronavirus that is selectively pressured to be less lethal and more contagious coupled with animal reservoirs.

>> No.14659220

>vaccine has no effect?
No one says it has "no effect". What we are trying to explain to you, like to a child, is that it's not worth it. It demonstrably has no benefit for people below 40, and most here are that age, while it's very risky for males below 40, which most here are.

But sure, let me inject an experimental drug paradigm (not drug, drug paradigm) because I fear losing my sense of smell for 3 days and not even getting a fever (this was my horrific covid experience).

>> No.14659222

>selectively pressured to be less lethal
covid isn't even nearly lethal enough for it to be an evolutionary disadvantage. MERS had this problem, but that killed like a third of the infected.

>> No.14659234

>How can this be the case if the “kill switch” you guys were talking about was supposedly the mRNA?
you really think mRNA vaccines were the only kill shots?

>> No.14659384

I don’t think there were any kill shots.

>> No.14659679
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yeah right

>> No.14659687
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>> No.14659931


>> No.14660075 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14660101

Implying those are not fake and made up by anti vaxxers

>> No.14660139 [DELETED] 
File: 1.91 MB, 352x640, 1644973121414.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many times it'll take for you to accept the fact that the vax is a hoax and so is this covid bullshit.
look at this >>14659687 the very news are telling people that the vax doesn't work.
you could have people dying off in front of you and you will still take the shot.

>> No.14660208
File: 6 KB, 250x206, 1653159661858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny fact: viruses don't exist, and you all are stupid faggots

>> No.14660225

Well can't argue with those digits. Guess we'll die then vaxxbros

>> No.14660267 [DELETED] 
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viruses do exist, except this one is just a hoax and the worst part is the fact they can't accept it.

>> No.14660282

I'm pretty sure the majority of people who shat on the mrna did so out of /pol/ tier edginess and got it anyway.

>> No.14660291 [DELETED] 

>I'm pretty sure the majority of people who shat on the mrna did so out of /pol/ tier edginess and got it anyway.
won't surprise me at all
they reek of fear and bad hygiene

>> No.14660410

>Fauci said prior infections confer no protection against the new variant.
If that's true, then neither do the vaccines. Besides, I'm not going to listen to a quadruple vaccinated person who required two courses of Paxlovid and was still sick for a month.

>> No.14660430 [DELETED] 
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isn't fauci that faggot who said he could treat aids but only made it worse?

>> No.14660431

>But you are aware of what vaccines do, right? Do you understand why "I trust my immune system" is an incredibly stupid thing to say?
1. Natural immunity to a virus involves developing various immune responses to the entire virus, not just a single protein of the virus.

2. Natural immunity to respiratory viruses begins in the respiratory tract, not the shoulder. You're not even priming the first line of defense with the vaccines.

3. Repeatedly vaccinating against a single protein of the virus sequenced two years ago is creating an imprinted immune response when the wild virus is continuing to evolve. Not vaccinating means each viral exposure is against the wild virus, allowing the immune response to evolve as the virus evolves, decreasing the likelihood of immune escape.

>> No.14660443

>Today I probably would just wait a bit more for the omicron update.
The Omicron update will be outdated. The current variants of Omicron are as distant from the original Omicron as Omicron was from the original Wuhan virus. Besides that, are you aware of the animal studies showing that boosting with an Omicron-specific injection resulted in a weaker immune response than simply boosting with the old vaccines? It's possible that an Omicron vaccine would only be beneficial to those who haven't already been vaccinated and have more flexible immunity, but those people have likely already been exposed and don't need it.

>> No.14660485 [DELETED] 

how effective would a mint-lemon honey tea would be against omicron? my grandma got it and she was fine by day 3

>> No.14660496

>how effective would a mint-lemon honey tea would be against omicron?
Probably not all that effective.

>my grandma got it and she was fine by day 3
Based grandma. She clearly has a functional immune system.

>> No.14660622
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>> No.14660673

Falling down stairs is very very rare occurrence for young children. If it happens just once you know the kid is a mega retard, if it happens twice then that means they are the stupidest person ever. Anyone who ever trips over has sub 100 IQ. Tripping over is literally only a thing retards ever do. No smart person ever trips over in their life.

>> No.14660676 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 383x640, 268265385_1906672552839108_3002194222023298295_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you see a rigged game, you do not play.

>> No.14660679

>Novavax granted EUA, meaning there are no fully-approved alternatives.
There are no fully approved subunit vaccines, that is correct.

>> No.14660697 [DELETED] 
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indeed and yet he was smart enough to not take the shot and not allow that shit near his children, unlike his sisters who know have crippled their children thanks to putting experimental vaccines on their bodies.
what does that say about them? that they are even stupider than the fuck who fell downstairs TWICE, how the fuck does that happens?

>> No.14660714

I guess the sarcasm was lost on you. Falling down stairs is normal for a toddler, Einstein. I don't understand why it would imply stupidity anyone, some of the smartest people are physically disabled. Like a trade off.

>> No.14660778

>when you see a rigged game, you do not play.
You turn the tables over also.
Jesus was based gangsta anarchist who hated leftists

>> No.14660784
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>> No.14660790
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they even made a movie about it.

>> No.14660802

>If it's other stuff, then why do the unvaccinated die and the vaccinated don't?
Where the fuck did you hear that lie from?? LMAO!
From the big-pharma financed television "news" media?? The advertising arm of big pharma corporations that own most politicians in the government? KEK!!!!!

>> No.14660804
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>>personal liberty trumps centralized collectivist bullshit
>It doesn’t, not even in the US.

>> No.14660811

>So you believe that mRNA literally manufactures viruses?
It tells the body to manufacture spike proteins, which cause many various diseases. Viruses have nothing to do with it retard.

>> No.14660823

It will take as many times until you provide extraordinary evidence for your extraordinary claims. I'm afraid schizo graphics, things pulled out of your ass, and nonsense from professional anti vaxxers is not extraordinary evidence.

>> No.14660824
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I haven't been vaccinated, wore a mask, or been tested. I'm perfectly healthy because I've never been caught in the hype of artificial panic created by the media.

>> No.14660829

Come on, falseflag anon, no antivaxxer is this retarded

>> No.14660923

none of the fully approved versions of the Pfizer and Moderna jabs are available to take; only the EUA versions

>> No.14660926

>professional anti vaxxers

KEK! you really think this ....> "People get paid for telling others to make smart and informed decisions!"

Who the fuck pays people to be anti-vaxxer? The big-no-product-making corporations that make invisible shit for no money? KEK!

>> No.14661285
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>I'm perfectly healthy because I've never been caught in the hype of artificial panic created by the media.
As are most people who ignore the lamestream fake-science fake-news media.

>> No.14661407

The Amish were one of the first to reach herd immunity. I live near an Amish community, word was they did get wrecked early on, they just kept it relatively quiet.

>> No.14661452 [DELETED] 
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fine then, go ahead and take the shot then, but when you suffer from the side effects have the integrity to remain quiet.

>> No.14661468

I would have taken Novavax a year ago, but faggots like you have convinced me to now avoid everything they offer.
That, plus the fact that I got covid anyway and barely noticed it aside from the positive test.

>> No.14661472 [DELETED] 

anon just don't take the shot and you'll be fine

>> No.14661561

Why didn’t they just put the “kill shots” into a normal vaccine that people routinely get, like the tetanus vaccine, rather than put them into a new type of vaccine that people are suspicious of?

>> No.14661568

the vaxxoids will never acknowledge this. It's a basic human psychology defense mechanism. When someone says something on the record that is later proven different, they double down on it to avoid appearing like a liar. This was shown in a study I don't remember.

>> No.14661581

Government forced me to get one or basically starve, decided novavax looked the safest

>> No.14661582
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why do you trust a man that lied to do since the very first day? remember the washing hands is enough? or his flip flopping on masks?

>> No.14661600

mrna had never been deployed not even in veterinary settings, just that is enough to not trust it
at least the viral vector ones were deployed in veterinary use, and sub-unit vaccines like novavax or abdala had been deployed in humans since the hpv vax

>> No.14661606

no it was twice as bad. instead of turning you into a spike protein factory that gives you miocarditis, it turns you into a factory that makes spike protein factories that give you miocarditis.
thankfully if you don't die in the first 14 months you are probably fine. i suggest avoiding sports and minorities.

>> No.14661826

Can't stop lying, antivaxxer scum

>> No.14661842

>or his flip flopping on masks?
Oh yeah I wouldn't trust a guy who goes from "there aren't enough, leave them for the frontline workers" to "now there are enough and we saw a lot of asymptomatic spreaders, everyone should wear one" to "we conducted a study and a second mask improves the fit significantly". That's too much for my mental capacity. I'd just get angry at not understanding this.

>> No.14661913

He initially claimed masks didn't work and weren't necessary, he didn't claim they were needed for health care workers
You're revisionist cunt just like an holocaust denier

>> No.14661919
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viruses don't exist

>> No.14661922

the fuck are you on about?
a lot of governments forced people to get them or go broke

>> No.14661923

No mongoloid, he said medical masks don't protect the wearer. And that hasn't changed.

>> No.14661925

Name one.

>> No.14661933

He claims they do, the CDC too, they have claimed it protects the wearer since at least late 2020

>> No.14661940

Show me where. And don't confuse surgical with n95

>> No.14661973

>While all masks and respirators provide some level of protection, properly fitting respirators provide the highest level of protection. Wearing a highly protective mask or respirator may be most important for certain higher risk situations, or by some people at increased risk for severe disease.
They claim any kind of mask offers protection, albeit at "different levels" including cloth masks

>> No.14662007

Australia and New Zealand, you could easily be fired for not having the vaccines. Exemptions were not given unless one dose hospitalised you, and even then the exemptions were often temporary.

>> No.14662112

>They claim any kind of mask offers protection
Well all sorts of stuff that you put on your willy offer "some level of protection", but would you quote me and say that I change my mind on whether or not snickers wrappers work the way condoms work?

>> No.14662154

that's one hell of a false equivalence, all to defend st. fauci and the cdc/nih cathedrals

>> No.14662169

>all to defend st. fauci and the cdc/nih cathedrals
I don't give a shit about fauci or any American agencies. I don't even live on your continent. I don't have any side there, but what you're saying is just dumb.

>> No.14662392
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>> No.14662879

Why did covid turn everyone into virology experts?

>> No.14663244 [DELETED] 
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because they may have accidentally gotten the useful people killed and themselves killed in case things got out of hand.
it is effective but also chaotic, what they needed to control population and get them to delete themselves is to strike fear onto them and then convince them that taking the shot will save them, presto, you made NPC take a kill shot.
is quite simple and you can do it to anyone who doesn't think.

>> No.14663296 [DELETED] 
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>Why did covid turn everyone into virology experts?
because the bullshit psyop went beyond their patience.

>> No.14663523
File: 70 KB, 731x731, 21771419-3BD1-4F73-B7C9-FDEE78ECD613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because they may have accidentally gotten the useful people killed
>a bunch of neets on sri lankan goat milking forum
>useful people

>> No.14663769 [DELETED] 

if you knew how stupid the ones who put this plan into motion really are, it wouldn't surprise you at all.

>> No.14664272

>charge instabilities certainly play a role
So you use crystal therapy to fix that, right?

>Covid is pretty much over.
Check Worldometers, it is clearly on the rise. Statistics for infections are changed in many countries but fatalities are probably logged the same.

>> No.14664409

The president of the United States still is trying to force all federal employees and the employees of any business that does contract work for the government to get the injections. The Supreme Court ruled against the mandate for all large employers but in that case, the business didn't have to have a relationship with the government (or be the government). Additional briefs were filed in federal court this past week on the matter.
Other countries like Canada are autistically still trying to get to the 100% "vaccinated" mark, regardless of how little sense it makes. You might think covid is over but for governments, the partying is still on.

>> No.14664410
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>> No.14664729
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>Why did covid turn everyone into virology experts?

>> No.14664781

Don't be confined to the box they created around the discussion. Taking a meta look at the situation would quickly show you that those in charge have been deceptive throughout the entire pandemic. You don't have to be a virologist to distrust a dishonest public health official.

>> No.14665429
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I wonder how real zombies would look and act

>> No.14666165

Feels good to be a pureblood
160 IQ
8" benis
Success breeds jealousy

>> No.14666177

>lurking on 4chan
>feeling the need to impress NEETs
Why are you so insecure?

>> No.14666214
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society division shilling. "pureblood" is not scientific, ban yourself faggot

>> No.14666462
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and what are you doing here fellow pureblood?
what's your angle? because I highly doubt you came here to brag and lord it over us.

>> No.14666598
File: 141 KB, 600x800, ominous2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tripping over is literally only a thing retards ever do. No smart person ever trips over in their life.
my ex used to trip over and this made me kek

>> No.14666602

He can't be so stupid if he left you.

>> No.14666870

ACK-shully it was a she. She was a bit of a dumbass desu

>> No.14666872

wait wtf I said desu not desu baka desu senpai desu fampai is this a new filter?

>> No.14666880

Your ex was a smart person, sad that retards like you exist

>> No.14666924
File: 3 KB, 153x206, wholesom hq.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She used to trip over because she was "tired from standing at work all day" like bitch just watch where your walking LMAO

>> No.14666925
File: 1.25 MB, 1673x1751, 2 MONTHS MASS DieOff covid vax 4chp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mah heckin mass dieoff

>> No.14666926

scared of them all now. would rather have the disease, what ever it is

>> No.14666936

At this point, there is absolutely no reason for an unvaccinated person to get it. Few people with get it out of sheer apathy

>> No.14666945

Dear Christ, I hate these vaccine zealots. Covid isn't scary. The vaccines underperform. You wasted your time.

>> No.14666951

Both statements are true in 2022. Both statements were false in 2021. Everyone still making a fuss out of it in 2022 needs to get their priorities right.

>> No.14666954
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they tried to tell us covid causes heart problems

>> No.14666960

No increase in comparison to vaccinated infected. Both groups have an increased risk compared to people who don't get it.

>> No.14666976

>Both statements were false in 2021
No they weren't. Covid was never dangerous and the vaccines were crap.

>> No.14666980
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No, no increase at all.
There is no correlation between Covid and myocarditis in unvaxxed individuals

>> No.14667217

>No increase in comparison to vaccinated infected.
That study included a population pre-vaccination, so it was simply a comparison of the infected and uninfected, all unvaccinated.

>> No.14667221

Based on the people I know who caught covid in 2020, it was pretty nasty at that time. I'm glad I wasn't infected until 2022. I used to hate the comparisons to the common cold, but that really is all it seems to be now.

>> No.14667227

6 millions

>> No.14667417

>Covid was never dangerous and the vaccines were crap.
Vaccines have killed and hurt more people than the virus has, and it's just the beginning.

The vaccines were one of the worst human rights violations in world history, and people are starting to wake up to that fact. Shit will get interesting.

>> No.14667458

>Vaccines have killed and hurt more people than the virus has
I'm interested what statistics you base this on.

>> No.14667474

Feelings, not statistics.

>> No.14667830 [DELETED] 
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>mfw this whole thread

>> No.14668057
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if we're talking pure statistics than 4-5 billion were vaxxed
7 million have died of Covid in the world (approximately)
therefore we're looking at a .12% death rate in the vax to be more fatal than covid

Insurance companies are reporting between a 20-40% increase in non-covid related deaths(https://www.wsj.com/articles/rise-in-non-covid-19-deaths-hits-life-insurers-11645576252)) since 2020, therefore the chances of those deaths being related to the vaccine and equating to a number higher than 7 million is very high

42% of women experienced menstrual changes post vax picrel, if even 1% of those women experience a faulty birth/miscarriage than the number of casualties would exceed that of covid

anybody saying that vaccinating BILLIONS of people with a vaccine produced in a program called "Operation Warpspeed" doesn't understand how rigorous the testing for vaccines need to be and how long it needs to take and is a fucking MORON
also go fuck yourself faggots

>> No.14668066

Paywall. 20-40% would be insane so I find it very hard to believe

>> No.14668068



this says 40% too

>> No.14668075

>among working-age people
Where the death rate isn't that high anyway, most people make it to retirement
>including Covid
Oh come on.

>> No.14668079

i can tell you are an insufferable fag already, both of the other articles say NON COVID and say 20%
is 20% not as significant as 40% to you?

you are cherrypicking because you know you're wrong

>> No.14668083
File: 323 KB, 1125x1175, 0F48E4F2-15BA-4402-A8CE-51596029A4A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not cherry picking, that's simply not 20-40%

>> No.14668087

if you vaccinate 5 billion people with an untested vaccine do you think .12% would experience side effects comparable to that of Covid?

if so does that count as being as damaging as Covid?

>> No.14668092
File: 351 KB, 1125x1139, 846D1C77-1CC2-4F1B-90EF-CF1B14FE5558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now with Covid deaths. Suddenly 20-40% is realistic at the height of the waves.

>> No.14668095

It's not about what I think would happen, but what actually happened.

>> No.14668100

did you get your boosters?
honest question

will you get the 4th..5th...6th if it comes to that? at what point does it become more dangerous than covid?

>> No.14668109 [DELETED] 
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just...1 shot is enough.
if people get the "boosters" then it's kinda overkill.

>> No.14668110

Why are you trying to shift the topic? Can you at least acknowledge that the non-Covid deaths did not increase by 20-40%?

>> No.14668111

>It is now available
No, it is not.
My europoor country only allows it for the people who has had an allergic reaction to Pfizer.
Otherwise its Pfizer for all. We cant freely choose.

>> No.14668126

they did increase by 20%
it's obvious we won't agree on that topic and you'll just pull shit out of your ass to move goalposts so I'm not interested in playing your faggy game
and if those shots wane in effectiveness by 75% in 3 months what do you do then? was it just for solidarity? kek

>> No.14668130 [DELETED] 
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>and if those shots wane in effectiveness by 75% in 3 months what do you do then? was it just for solidarity? kek
oh they will be effective alright but not in fighting covid.

>> No.14668134

>they did increase by 20%
Circle if. Where/when did they increase? Show it in the data, not in "a guy working for an insurance company said so".
>it's obvious we won't agree on that topic and you'll just pull shit out of your ass to move goalposts
I'm not moving anything. I'm right with your claim here. You tried to move it by bringing up my personal vaccine record, which is completely irrelevant. Also, I'm very much alive, so I'm neither a covid death, nor a vaccine-related or other death.
>I'm not interested in playing your faggy game
Questioning your "trust me bro" and refuting your claims with data is a faggy game? Sir, this is /sci/. This is literally what scientists do. They take a hypothesis, compare it to data and either prove it wrong, or they don't if the data agrees with the hypothesis.

>> No.14668170

>circle the data
you cherrypicked a single statistic out of >>14668057 and ignored everything else I said as if it were nothing.
If 42% of women directly experienced changes in their menstrual cycle when the vaccines are very clearly not supposed to do something like that than why does it surprise you that vaccinating 5 billion people would injure more than covid has

I'd say the death rate for Covid is around .12% for the average unhealthy person, you would need a very very minuscule amount of vaxxed people to be injured for it to exceed that number and then you're talking about revaxxing them every 4-5 months to nullify waning immunity
you are stacking the risk everytime you revax, more spike proteins to the liver and kidneys every single time

>> No.14668178

>If 42% of women directly experienced changes in their menstrual cycle
Not sure, 42% of women even have a menstrual cycle
> when the vaccines are very clearly not supposed to do something like
Source? It's a side effect, so what?
> that than why does it surprise you that vaccinating 5 billion people would injure more than covid has
Non sequitur

>> No.14668189
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I'm done here, have fun with the boosters and tell your buddies at Debate Club to suck my uncut and unvaccinated cock

you were psyopped, you can never turn back

>> No.14668290 [DELETED] 
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you can show them from any sources or show them countless time the effect this shit has on the human body but they will still take it.
it is the hill they'll die on, literally.
they rather believe some bozos who have the worst intentions in mind rather than see the proof in front of them.

>> No.14668350

>Where the death rate isn't that high anyway, most people make it to retirement
You don't find it concerning that covid was of almost no risk to this group, and suddenly they're experiencing a 40% rise in deaths?

>> No.14668425

It’s available in Finland. I could go get it if I wanted to. I don’t know if it’s worth it, though because it probably doesn’t protect against the new variants very much. I’ve heard it has fewer side effects than Pfizer, which is good, if true.

>> No.14668503
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it was always 2 years after first inections. It's already begun

>> No.14668572

> infection
no such thing

>> No.14668582
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does disease exist?

>> No.14668586

Brilliant catch anon, I'm sure the elites will let you get a vaccine that doesn't chemically sterilize you just because you waited and were skeptical

>> No.14668802

>almost no risk to this group
No, because that's just the shit deniers keep telling themselves. A friend of mine works in an ICU and had his share of <60-year-olds die under her hands only to free the bed for the next guy. I think, the youngest guy who died in his unit was 32. And no, those are not magic vaccine deaths, they came in with severe acute respiratory syndrome.
And he said that talking to the relatives was the hardest. "We didn't know it would be this bad" - "wasn't it supposed to be just a flu?" ... yeah, for most people, especially younger. But sometimes it hits hard and your primary school-aged kids are now don't have a daddy anymore.
The worst time was the summer when the vaccine rolled out and a lot of people from Kosovo and Albania didn't get vaccinated. They are kind of like black people in the US, so they don't exactly trust the government and typically are very uneducated. They rather flew to their families instead of making an appointment for the vaccine. Over there, infection rates were so high that the sickest ones had to be brought back with repatriation flights.

So, in short: Yes, i find it concerning. No, I don't think it has to do with the vaccine, more with the lack thereof (back then, the unvaccinated had a 10-times higher mortality rate).

>> No.14669521

Why do they have to give it such a onions name? It's like they got a wojaktuber who makes eat ze bugs videos name the vaccine as a joke.

>> No.14669889
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>"viruses" never proven to exist
>virology is pseudoscience
>people still talk about "vaccines"
clown world is clown world

>> No.14669898

what disease?

>> No.14669926

>she took the fucking moderna first and then she magically and conveniently had a miscarriage afterwards, what are the odds?
pretty fucking high that at least one person would have a misscarriage after taking a vaccine millions have taken, google chinese bank robber fallasy pls i beg you

>> No.14670267

it's even hilarious when you cut off yourself from any media for like a week and then return here and see that without constant everyday spamming these narratives would dissipate like never existed

>> No.14670339

>No, because that's just the shit deniers keep telling themselves. A friend of mine works in an ICU and had his share of <60-year-olds die under her hands only to free the bed for the next guy. I think, the youngest guy who died in his unit was 32. And no, those are not magic vaccine deaths, they came in with severe acute respiratory syndrome.
We have actual numbers, not just anecdotal evidence. The under 64 group had the highest rate of all-cause mortality at the end of 2021 and beginning of 2022, when vaccination rates were quite high. We also know Omicron had a decreased risk of hospitalization and death. They weren't dying from COVID, but they were certainly dying. Whether you want to say it was something other than the vaccine, then fine, but the point is deaths became elevated in a group that had already dealt with COVID for two years and was mostly fine.

>> No.14670383
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> The under 64 group had the highest rate of all-cause mortality at the end of 2021 and beginning of 2022, when vaccination rates were quite high.
And you're claiming, the risk of dying when you're vaccinated was higher at the end of 2021/beginning of 2022?

>> No.14670390
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>Insurance companies are reporting between a 20-40% increase in non-covid related deaths(https://www.wsj.com/articles/rise-in-non-covid-19-deaths-hits-life-insurers-11645576252)) since 2020, therefore the chances of those deaths being related to the vaccine and equating to a number higher than 7 million is very high
Is all part of the plan.

Thinning the herd so to speak.

>> No.14670399

I don't trust any of the statistics listing vaccination status, especially from the CDC, it's far to easy to fudge the numbers. All-cause mortality is the only useful metric until we can be certain we're being given accurate data (of course total mortality could be fudged as well, but I think it's less likely). Go to euromomo, look at all cause mortality for those age groups across Europe. Mortality was highest AFTER the vaccine campaign was well under way.

>> No.14670509
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>Trusts some insurance guy giving an interview
>Doesn't trust official statistics
Let me guess, the Swiss are per of the CDC, too?

>> No.14670532
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>I don't trust any of the statistics listing vaccination status, especially from the CDC
No intelligent and informed person does.

>> No.14670591

Notice what happened here? You went right back to deaths by vaccination status, which I just said I don't trust. The all-cause mortality numbers from the insurance companies align to the all-cause mortality numbers across Europe for those age groups.

So we can evaluate it:
1. Was the majority of the under-64 crowd fully vaccinated by the end of 2021?
2. Did Omicron cause a decline in CFR?
3. What were the mortality rates for those age groups in 2020 when vaccines weren't available?

So for unvaccinated deaths in the under-64 crowd to spike that much at the end of 2021, we'd need for Omicron to suddenly be much more severe than the Wuhan strain that was going around in 2020. Does that make a lot of sense to you, especially in light of the fact that most people already had some degree of immunity by the end of 2021, whether by vaccination or previous infection? That makes no sense.

>> No.14670630

>which I just said I don't trust
You said you don't trust the CDC, schizo. If you only trust the things that confirm your delusion, then I can't help you. Only antipsychotics can.

>> No.14670657

>You said you don't trust the CDC
Your reading comprehension is very poor.

>I don't trust any of the statistics listing vaccination status, especially from the CDC
>I don't trust any of the statistics listing vaccination status
Especially from the CDC, but not only from the CDC.

>If you only trust the things that confirm your delusion
I trust the all-cause mortality numbers more than anything because they're the least likely to be manipulated. If they showed a reduction in all-cause mortality after the vaccination campaign began, then I would have trust in the vaccines. That's know what they show. I'm aligning my thoughts to the numbers, not the other way around. Can you explain to me how Omicron, which everyone agrees is less severe, supposedly became much more lethal in an age group that had very little risk from the earlier variants? Can you explain why they died at a higher rate at a time when immunity should have been very high? Those are important questions to answer if you believe the unvaccinated are dying at such a high rate.

>> No.14670942
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>Only antipsychotics can.
In true fashion, the big pharma shill pushing the vaccines also pushes more big pharma pills in ever post.

>> No.14671090 [DELETED] 

I'm not taking that fucking jab you fraudulent fuck

>> No.14671115

I wasn't asking you

>> No.14671192

Don’t have to, I’m a mutant. I’ve never been sick, ever. I have no antibodies for anything despite having all my childhood shots and boosters twice as a kid and another round as an adult when I couldn’t find my vax record and needed it for my employment at a hospital. Did titers, showed no antibodies, got revaxed and they did titers 2 months later, no antibodies. I’ll probably die of liver failure before I’m 60 though.

>> No.14671207

Blood type?

>> No.14671208 [DELETED] 

nor will I take the jab.

>> No.14671217 [DELETED] 
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interesting...other than blood type, does anyone else in your family has even half the qualities you have or you are the only one?

>> No.14671771

>Mortality was highest AFTER the vaccine campaign was well under way.
Notice how most all studies show this, but no media is talking about it.
And people still wonder how the vaccines are considered anything but safe and effective.

>> No.14671946

Shoot, even the trials showed no reduction in all-cause mortality (in fact they showed greater risk in the vaccinated group), but we were told the number of deaths was too small to draw any conclusions and the only thing that mattered was protection against covid. Of course protection from "covid like illness" was only 20%, but when you avoid testing 90% of the people in that group, you can come up with a ridiculous risk reduction of 95%.

>> No.14672001
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>they showed greater risk in the vaccinated group
All too often in western medicine, the "cure" is worse than the illness it is supposed to treat.

It is done this way on purpose. Not much money in curing people and making them healthy.

>> No.14672181

>Trusting your immune system is an argument for, not against vaccination.
KEK! That's some fantastic gymnastics work there big pharma.

>> No.14672301

>giving a hitman a picture of his target is a sign of distrust

>> No.14672307

Do it.

>> No.14672315

Too often, illiterate antivaxxers just hear what they want to hear.

>> No.14672597

I'd like to apologize for making this thread. I should have expected this.

>> No.14672605
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>I should've expected this
you should have yes


>> No.14672616

>Dr. Timothy Cardozo, an associate professor at NYU Langone Health, was the author of one of the studies Mercola cited. The Pfizer and Moderna data that came out after he published his study greatly reduced his concern about antibody dependent enhancement, he told the AP in a statement. He also noted that his paper made no statement on whether COVID-19 vaccines should be taken or avoided.

>> No.14672632
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>> No.14672636
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>> No.14672637

I bet this time Bossche is right
And if he's wrong again, maybe after that. And if he's wrong yet again, sooner or later he must be right, no?

>> No.14672646

he's not wrong transmission is gone virulence is next

>> No.14672670

okay but in the end, was the vaccine useless or not?

>> No.14672674
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>> No.14672727

Is there any point in getting vaccinated now? I got vaccinated in December, so whatever protection I had is gone now. I was thinking of getting novavax.

>> No.14672732

Not sure. Apparently a fourth shot can make an infection less severe, but here they're fighting over the official recommendation. They want to either recommend it to >60 or >70 year olds.
Then again, the flu vaccine is also only recommended for the elderly. It's not that it's advised against for younger people, but it's more like "whatever". I have gotten the flu shot a few times, like the last year of my uni studies when I wanted to reduce the odds to be sick for a week or two.

>> No.14673291
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>Too often, illiterate antivaxxers just hear what they want to hear.
you are technically right and wrong in just the covid instance.
if even some stupid ass illiterate fuck can see that this vaccine is not only bad but kills people from side effects and decides to not take said vaccine then that put that fuck above the braindead regular people.
how many dead people will it take for you to admit you are wrong glowie?

>> No.14673389

>how many dead people will it take for you to admit you are wrong glowie?
Correlation is not causation

>> No.14673447

I would have gotten it to save my job last year, but fuck getting Wuhan spike at this point, it's literally no benefit in July 22

>> No.14673492

>it's literally no benefit in July 22
Why not?

>> No.14673583 [DELETED] 

because the kung flu is just a cough syrup away from being treated.

>> No.14674005


>> No.14674378

Meaning that the virus is weaker now or are you just shitposting?

>> No.14674424

Both probably.

>> No.14675025

I check every three months. None of my local pharmacies carry it, and they don't plan to. It's won't be covered by my insurance if I get it at the +200 mile city that will carry it. The flip side is because I moved to such a sparsely populated location, I will just forego the nu-jab unless I move back.

>> No.14675042 [DELETED] 
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I confirm.
but seriously the covid virus is just a watered down flu that can be treated with just cough syrup.
just rest, take a lot of water and take a cough syrup.

>> No.14675645

>No, it still made your body generate spike proteins, it just used a different mechanism to inject the commands to your cells.
Specifically a method that had been in commercial vaccines since the fucking 80s.

It was a recombinant vector vaccine. Those are the old type of vaccine. They just weren't the OLD old type of vaccine.

Apparently over 3 decades wasn't fucking enough reliability.

>> No.14675850

>Is there any point in getting vaccinated now?
How old are you? Do you have health issues? Do you have adequate levels of Vitamin D?

>> No.14675888

people are still fucking talking about this huh

>> No.14676371

Still with the vitamin D. Slurp your ivermectin

>> No.14676427

37, no, probably.

>> No.14676459
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Sorry, I was told this was the Science & Math board and yet there are countless schizoposters and germ theory deniers here.

What gives?

>> No.14676554

Haven't been here recently, have you?

>> No.14676608

It has the side effect of not working as well as mRNA vaccines statically.

>> No.14676708

>Still with the vitamin D.
Because it works? Sorry if you don't have a financial interest in it, but you're welcome to get severe covid, that's your choice.

You have nothing to worry about.

>> No.14678328
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there's no covid, no viruses, faggot

>> No.14678449

Sir this is /x/ Lite

>> No.14678770

By the numbers, it's slightly less useless than the other "vaccines", but there is still a chance of cardiomyopathy. If your country forces you, it's the least dangerous of the various clotshots.

>> No.14679149
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No thanks.

>> No.14679858

Somehow unsurprising.

>> No.14679973

2022, believes in numbers from government. you total retard

>> No.14680033

A true anon believes in nothing and has teared open all his walls to know that there are no CIA agents in them.
>trusting the government that there are no agents in your walls

>> No.14680785

> true
truth is right before your eyes, phaggott