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14670437 No.14670437 [Reply] [Original]

Starship Station Docking Edition

previous: >>14666274

>> No.14670447
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>> No.14670451
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first for the greatest rocket ever launched pre-f9

>> No.14670452

Not trying to be a doomer but I’m thinking by the time crew starship is flying, the ISS will have been deorbited by then

>> No.14670456

ISS gonna be deorbited by end of 2024 anyway, so its not a doomer assessment, but reality.

>> No.14670458
File: 57 KB, 561x465, 69E851E6-1E4D-4F1B-A309-93A98FE1897D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With Starship/Terran R/Falcon 9/Vulcan/New Glenn/Neutron and more all being active in the next few years, would brilliant pebbles be even more feasible to launch?

>> No.14670464

Yeah that’s what I meant I guess. Starship is still a bit of a ways off (even just starlink ones) but also the Station is approaching its end days. We will still get to see HLS moonship with Gateway though so that will be kino and hilarious

>> No.14670470
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Wrong pic, it should have been an Ariane 5, really sorry about that.

>> No.14670472

Pebbles are a terrible idea all around. Its not only a weapon against other sats/missiles, its a weapon against everything in orbit as the pebbles would float endlessly along with all the debris of the destroyed target.

>> No.14670473

> not selling it to anyone for pennies

>> No.14670477

they're gonna extend it past 2030 when none of the commercial stations are ready to launch because congress didn't start funding them back last year

>> No.14670483

No because even if they are all active the total number of launches per year won’t increase by much. SpaceX will be carrying a majority of the weight but between the launch market not catching up, Starship not having a turnaround time as fast as Musk is promising, and everyone else barely launching a few times a year nothing will change except for F9 and SS seeing weekly use

>> No.14670485

oh no not clouds of debris in orbit that's way worse than MAD

>> No.14670502

how exactly is the debris of a suborbital target staying in orbit?
>the pebbles would float endlessly
how are they any less of a problem than starlink?

you understand it's not literal pebbles right?

>> No.14670528

Also Musk's favourite rocket.

>> No.14670531

Lets say in order to colonize space we first need to have a population crisis with billions of starving people, families, children suffering and dying so we can come together and create enough interest in technology to colonize space. Is the suffering of billions of people worth it for the colonization of space and the hundreds of trillions of people that will be born on other planets or should we instead fight overpopulation on earth by discouraging family values, legalizing abortion, sexual deviancy, maximum freedom, keeping everybody happy and fed, etc all so we never have any population crisis that forces us to colonize other plants and space technology just keeps being robots and satellites forever? What should we choose? Keeping everybody happy forever on earth or killing a few billion people in an overpopulation crisis event so we get space colonization?

>> No.14670537

Starlink are all in controlled orbit
Pebbles are not in any controlled orbit and the debris they generate as they hit the targets wont be in any controlled orbit

The better way is to have lasers on Starships/satellites to disable the larger vehicle without creation of debris

>> No.14670545

RIP Yuzhmash

Hopefully the factory and the knowledge isn't lost once they get a chance to rebuild it again

>> No.14670550

They're going to get Paperclipped back into Siberia

>> No.14670551

What was the name of Relativity’s launch center?

It was something cheesy like something SpaceX would name

>> No.14670574

If they survive as a nation the only rockets they're looking to build in the short term are IRBMs tops.

>> No.14670576


>> No.14670580

They'll still want to build a domestic launcher for spy sats and such

>> No.14670583

Oh no bros the knowledge of Antares first stages surely can’t be lost to time oh the humanity!

>> No.14670593

They gave all of it to chinese anyway

>> No.14670599

and the norks

>> No.14670604

>here are two claims you are upset with, one was about the attitude of astronomers, the other was that they are upset with Starlink
Wrong. You're the one who brought up Starlink as a desperate attempt to change the subject and move the goalposts, I never mentioned it.
>What you're asking is impossible, you know this
It's only impossible because you made this lie up to suit your argument. It's nice you've come to terms with this. Maybe don't cite such obvious bullshit next time.

>> No.14670654

>dragging this shit over to the new thread when the previous thread is still active
Absolute faggot

>> No.14670684

Stargate I think

>> No.14670695


>> No.14670710
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>> No.14670731

Antares what is that, a god of war for ants?

>> No.14670741
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Some analysis from the chocolate tankwatcher.
tldr: SpaceX is preparing to install 3 additional LOX (maybe methane too) pumps. That could speed up LOX loading 2.5 times, but during that work all testing will have to be halted.


>> No.14670742 [DELETED] 

Lel. Me quoting you is not disputing your claim about Starlink. The point I explicitly attacked was about your limp defence that I'm not allowed to ask for sources. This is quite desperate, even for you.

>> No.14670752

>chocolate tankwatcher
wtf when did we get our own black friend?

>> No.14670758
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>Why reckless?
Broadcasting your location to an alien civilization of unknown disposition and unknown powers is reckless
>thats paranoid
no, see picrel

>> No.14670759 [DELETED] 

Also I didn't even quote the bit about Starlink in my post, because it was obviously another cheap attempt at moving the goalposts.

>> No.14670774

yeah we know retard

>> No.14670778

No, we don't.

>> No.14670782

I’m a spic so you also have a beaner friend

>> No.14670784

>all testing will have to be halted
We knew that part at least. What’s new?

>> No.14670786

Who is we?

>> No.14670802

You and me and everyone else paying even an ounce of attention to the starship program. Don’t act stupid

>> No.14670807

Wait I didn’t know something was wrong with the water tanks though

>> No.14670811

yeah we do. checked the internet lately?

>> No.14670819
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the nigger discovered this well over a year ago

>> No.14670823

why would a cow need tags on both ears

>> No.14670831
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>> No.14670833

I wish Russia had a decent President back in the 90’s and they joined NATO and became everyone’s friend then rebuilt Energia or something

>> No.14670835
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>> No.14670850
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“NATO was created to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.'' - Lord Hastings Lionel Ismay, NATO’s first Secretary General

>> No.14670863

Russia is like an abused child which turns into an abusive adult. Although the USSR didn’t help their case desu

>> No.14670864

i wish bob taft had won the foreign policy debate and we ditched nato in favor of using britain and japan as island bases to keep the soviets contained in eurasia and we used the money saved to do some empire-building in the pacific

>> No.14670876

This sounds like a really dumb idea.

>> No.14670892

refusing to try and actually win the korean war because we were worried that bombing chinese supply lines in manchuria would upset nato partners was dumb too. our foreign policy has only become stupider ever since.

>> No.14670893

I wish NASA didn’t shill the shuttle to Congress and we had 6 Saturn V’s flying per year since 1970

>> No.14670926

wait does this guy think brilliant pebbles are actually pebbles?

>> No.14670935

Yes, little stones that you toss into the orbit.

>> No.14670943

Nice little thread on how the arguments against mars suck

>> No.14670980
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>i am forgotten

>> No.14670991

They're still doing maintenance and observation, it's not a total loss for inflatables

>> No.14671003

Good luck finding a million people willing to move to Mars and qualified enough to do it. We will get tiny science colonies but actual Mars cities are pure fantasy.

>> No.14671011

that's only .0125% of the earth's population. there are enough adventure-seeking incels to fill that out.

>> No.14671020

we dont need mentally ill people in a pressurized beer can for six months in space

>> No.14671029

NASA tried to buy more Saturn V's beyond the original 15 as part of the budget request in 1967 but congress didn't let them. They tried again in 68 and 69 but were again denied. Only then did they start shilling the Shuttle and you can't really blame them for that

>> No.14671037


>> No.14671049
File: 2.76 MB, 1x1, NASA-JSC-EX-02-50.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nuclear rockets.

>> No.14671053
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>> No.14671058

>Oh no bros the knowledge of Antares first stages surely can’t be lost to time oh the humanity!
Vatnik tard, it's the knowledge of Zenit which still haven't been successfully replicated by the Russians despite it being 30 years since the fall of the USSR, as well as engines for multiple countries. Angara is a joke.

>> No.14671061

do you have a source on any of that? i've tried to read up as much as i can and it sure looked to me like mueller made the decision in summer of '68 to cancel the long lead-time items for SA-516 and SA-517 in response to the budget cuts rather than being forced to cancel them by a higher authority. but he did, as best i understand, have the ability to spend the allocation on more saturn Vs if he had so chosen. if anyone has access to aviation week issues from 1968 they'd be really helpful but i'm not gonna pay for access to their online archive just to settle an /sfg/ argument.
>noooooo politics of spaceflight isn't spaceflight you can only discuss the actual mechanics of flying through space, every thread should just be updating the ISS's orbital parameters

>> No.14671071

Mars One proved you can easily find these people by hundreds of thousands

>> No.14671072
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>Accidentally killed Jeb in an airplane crash trying to break Mach 1
Time to restart my career lol

>> No.14671074
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>> No.14671079

I was joking calm down mr. aspergers

>> No.14671085

>Time to restart my career lol
Do solids only, you should know true pain

>> No.14671087

It sounds cheesy but the Soviets reaching the moon honestly seems like the best reason to keep Saturn V flying

>> No.14671089

Why is there a branded polyp on the ISS?

>> No.14671102

Rude, we all now nauka is the cancer growth on the ISS.

>> No.14671103
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>> No.14671110

The Soviet RD-107 is actually derived from the V2’s main engine. Also the US Redstone was literally a stretched V2 missile lol. Neat stuff

>> No.14671117

Some SpaceX employee stated that Booster 7, 8, and 9 are all part of a “Block I” Superheavy family. Booster 12 and up are the next ones to fly. Booster 9 apparently had a “cosmetic upgrade” whatever that means

>> No.14671126

>Some SpaceX employee

>> No.14671129

>greatest rocket ever
The bastard of Buran

>> No.14671134

You have to stop feeding useless eaters and subsidize smart people as well as physically fit people to make sure you have proper quality of thinkers and workers. Instead we have a hyper hostile elite class of Jew and good goyim who want to mix everyone into a mutt race so they can be more easily exploited. That won't get humans off the planet.

>> No.14671138


>> No.14671139

According to L3, youre mother is a whore

>> No.14671142

no such thing

>> No.14671144

Wow, rude

>> No.14671150
File: 267 KB, 1125x1065, 13D17536-1A4B-4B28-8032-88B8DFB8EF60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zenit actually flew before Buran


>> No.14671151

>hurr durr virgins bad, right reddit?
I hope they throw you out of the airlock

>> No.14671152

How scandalous

>> No.14671153

If you're unfuckable on Earth, you're unfuckable on Mars.

>> No.14671156
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>Virgin Galactic announced July 14 plans to assemble a fleet of suborbital spaceplanes in a new factory in a suburb of Phoenix.
>The company said it has started work on the factory in Mesa, Arizona, where it will perform final assembly of new Delta-class spaceplanes. The facility is scheduled to be fully operational by late 2023. The first of those spaceplanes will start flying private astronauts in 2026, the company projects.
>Virgin Galactic disclosed few details about the new factory, such as its size, but said it construction of it was in progress. It is located adjacent to Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport, enabling completed spaceplanes to be transported by air to Spaceport America in New Mexico. The company said the factory will support “hundreds” of jobs and produce up to six spaceplanes a year.
Lmao get the fuck out of my town you scam artists. Of all places

>> No.14671164

Is L2 worth it or nah?

>> No.14671166

Well obviously it flew before Buran, you’d have to test the boosters before you put your shuttle on them

>> No.14671168

Seriously, how short are your bosses? They could always short more, you know.

>> No.14671169

L2 is the place for inside access to the space industry, subscribe now!

Consider becoming a youtube member for exclusive access to NSF Discord!

New merchandise is available from the NSF store :)

>> No.14671182

Who cares? Sex is overrated and replaceable through technology. There will never be enough naturally birthed biological women on Mars, other solutions are needed that don't include you putting on a dress and demanding people use your pronouns.

>> No.14671188
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Seems fairly valued to me

>> No.14671189

Only if you're a cuck

>> No.14671197

Putin asked to join NATO around 2000, they refused.

>> No.14671202

Krystal sexbots are the only way forward for the gender gap on Mars

>> No.14671205

Reminder, SpaceX has launched 31 rockets this year so far, the same number launched in the entire 2021.

We're approaching ~50 launch this year. Just 20 more to go for the next 5 and 1/2 months. Or around 1 launch per week from now on till end of this year.

>> No.14671211


Unless one fails

>> No.14671213

East European countries who joined NATO to get away from Russian influence would have none of it. To them it would be like nullifying the whole purpose.

>> No.14671214

What does this even mean?
NTA but share price tells you nothing, market cap is a better metric, without delving into profitability

>> No.14671218

Delta IV Heavy sized SpaceShipThree. Get ready

>> No.14671227

do you guys unironically not understand that was a joke?
it's like if China offered to join the Five Eyes alliance or the US offering to join the European Union. The defining feature of NATO is that Russia isn't in it.

>> No.14671233

No Russia did not ask to join NATO.

>> No.14671235

Sex is fun, dummy. Be a fun person and people will want to have fun with you. It's that easy.

>> No.14671237

One in five outstanding shares or so is still shorted. Somebody likes living dangerously when VG is doing new work and still in the story stage of development.

>> No.14671239
File: 137 KB, 2549x1175, Starship-2019-Mars-reentry-render-SpaceX-1-crop-3-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it realistic in this decade?

>> No.14671243

yeah, I would expect an unmanned starship to crash into mars sometime this decade

>> No.14671245

100% cargo starship. 50% crew

>> No.14671249
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no manned landing this decade anon, I'm sorry

>> No.14671251

VG has the better story. Space tourism, which they still have to prove they can do at scale, is more exciting to investors than rockets that even the rich can't afford to launch. The interesting thing is they are building up their fleet.

>> No.14671256
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i m o : unmanned, propably 80 %
manned : maybe 5 %, at best

>> No.14671259

>The Delta-class spaceplanes are the next generation of suborbital spacecraft that the company says will be able to fly more frequently than existing SpaceShipTwo vehicles. Virgin Galactic projects Delta class vehicles to be able to fly once a week, while the existing SpaceShipTwo, VSS Unity, will only be able to fly monthly. VSS Imagine, a spaceplane being built by Virgin Galactic at its Mojave, California, factory, is designed to perform two flights a month.

>> No.14671260
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F9 doesnt scrub anymore :(

>> No.14671262

>Sex is fun
So is eating yourself to death and doing hard drugs. I've had sex before, degeneracy doesn't belong on Mars. Imagine getting a shot at creating a new world and ruining it with your basic bitch globohomo ideals.

>> No.14671270

Yes. We've missed the 2022 mark for sure, but 2024 might still be open for unmanned Mars mission. As well as 2026 and 2028-2029. So there's still plenty of time for this decade. Maybe not for crewed, but for unmanned, absolutely.

>> No.14671273

>for all shit kind turned into oppression Olympics
LMAO, it was always bad and retarded, but that last episode was some next level niggerfaggotry

>> No.14671274

SLS (derogatory)

>> No.14671279

So have you faggots been training for the day of the Great Journey? Being skilled in welding, electrics, basic geology and botany along with being fit would go a long way to being good colonists and vanguards

>> No.14671281

>2024 might still be open for unmanned Mars mission
2022 was NEVER gonna happen. Elon himself said they probably wont figure out on-orbit refuling until 2023, and that was over a year ago. At best refueling wont be figured until at least mid-2024. the 2026 window is the earliest possible. Naturally that will slip too as Starships explode in 2023

>> No.14671283

I have money, and that's all I need

>> No.14671286


>> No.14671288

>2022 was NEVER gonna happen
Easy to say that when we're in the middle of 2022, but not so if we were talking about it in 2018.

>> No.14671289

if you do get it post screenshots

>> No.14671291

>Not intentionally deorbiting it into Esperance
Even worse

>> No.14671302

if you really didnt care you wouldnt have made this post
just do nofap for a while (several weeks to months at best) and consider women as normal people that are not only made for cooming

>> No.14671305
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>> No.14671315
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>> No.14671325

I have few issues getting sex when I try, white knight, but that's not the point, nor should anyone be impressed that I found a person out of billions to put sex organs together with. Disparaging virgins is reddit tier and you should go back

>> No.14671329

tfw you click the next thread link at the bottom of an expired thread and it takes you to another expired one

>> No.14671331
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>> No.14671334

It’s scientific fact that women are made to get fucked.

>> No.14671344

>consider women as normal people
That's earther tier thinking. Mars won't have the luxury of pretending women are equal to men. They will be purely there for being mothers

>> No.14671350
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>Like every astronaut, Norton had been sterilized when he entered the service; for a man who would spend years in space, radiation-induced mutation was not a risk—it was a certainty. The spermatazoon that had just delivered its cargo of genes on Mars, two hundred million kilometres away, had been frozen for thirty years, awaiting its moment of destiny.

>> No.14671351

incels thinking they'll ever leave earth, lmao

>> No.14671354

Why not just establish a gestation facility under the martian city that spits out a new generation every 20 years or so? Cut out the middleman

>> No.14671355

I believe that wild west will happend because of way to less policeman spread on way to big area. Some day we will be able to claim new great areas of land and there will be a wild west again, but in space. The real spacewestern

>> No.14671357

Qrd? i dont watch SэNPAI

>> No.14671359

and they'll all get paid millions for their trouble because demand is going to be so high. the greatest mass simping in all history is coming.

>> No.14671363

That’d be horrifying and dystopian I’d make a bomb using mining equipment and blow it up

>> No.14671365

You won't do shit pussy

>> No.14671370

>So have you faggots been training for the day of the Great Journey?
The best way would be to do recruiting and training similar to the military. As in not to worry about what current skills the man has and just look for IQ, health, and youth. Many of skills that are needed can be trained quickly. You also worry less about what Earther mentality they might have since they will be so young that it can be indoctrinated out.

>> No.14671372
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>space settlement will be like the American frontier
how do we kill this braindead meme /sfg/?

>> No.14671375
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humanity is doomed

>> No.14671376

Lower the age of consent so that the men there can get wives quicker and the first generation will have a slight female bias in births to help correct it quicker

>> No.14671377

just shrug it off and wait until space settlement actually starts and shatters any preconceived notions

>> No.14671378

Im /fit/, /out/ and /biz/, i need to just do more /diy/ and im ready, not joking btw.

>> No.14671379
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>how do we kill this
With extermination ofcourse

>> No.14671380

>haven’t watched since the show first came out
>find a discussion of the newest episodes online
>everyone talking about love drama between the characters
what the fuck is this shit

>> No.14671385

>what the fuck is this shit
the target audience discussing the show. despite appearances to the contrary it was never meant to be a show for space autists

>> No.14671386

It could happen once there's a decent manufacturing on Mars so that the up front cost of building a new settlement is low enough for just a few people can do it. Once they've paid off their travel debt working in the mines

>> No.14671388

You don't. You let us dream.

>> No.14671390

>working in the mines
What is there to mine on Mars? I mean, really.

>> No.14671393

Why dont we see many Starship powered Space Stations? Not specialist stuff like ISS or Axiom, but made primarily or mainly consisting of rows of parked Starships as living/work quarters in space?

>> No.14671394

come up with a more powerful vision of the future than this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WA8OYMwqkM8
protip: you can't

>> No.14671395
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>> No.14671396


>> No.14671398


>> No.14671400
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I'm honoring my ancestors, and reflecting on the courage, determination and faith it takes to be a pioneer

>> No.14671403
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>> No.14671405

It's not that easy in space station construction

>> No.14671406
File: 351 KB, 1280x1012, HollowedAsteroid_RoyScarfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thankfully I'm a brainlet, so reality doesn't phase me.
My nonsensical, imagined scenarios are all that matters.

>> No.14671408

It would be in Elon's interest to buy everyone on Mars gfs. Kind of like how the king of France paid a bunch of girls to sail to Canada and marry colonists

>> No.14671417

it does seem like a no-brainer to build a little connector that can attach a couple starships by the nose and quickly have a space station with 10x the volume of the ISS
but I guess the question is why bother?

>> No.14671418

thread shape: overflowing with delusions

>> No.14671424

Kinda smart actually. he's soon gonna do this at his companies. i expect the musk foundation will do this, and probably he'll pay for really attractive ones (and i reap the rewards)

>> No.14671430

Better just to make artificial wombs, sex robots, and then finally genetically engineered cute girls with anime personalities
>b-b-but that is unnatural
Cope, like living on another planet?

>> No.14671433
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>overflowing with delusions
that's nominal for /sfg/

>> No.14671436
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The mars version will also need tri directional hot gas thrusters to land - too much debris

>> No.14671439
File: 601 KB, 2048x1536, slshilling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even if sls launches, it didnt really launch

>> No.14671440

couldn't they just hose down the engines after they've landed?

>> No.14671443
File: 205 KB, 683x1024, 5301054425_6751823dc4_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being against this, just so you can simp to some bottom barrel earther whore.

>> No.14671444
File: 56 KB, 675x1200, F4CF1F88-4016-4F46-B4A4-691B44973F07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh I don’t think SpaceX would fly their bigass ISRU or power generators on their first mars landing attempt. At the earliest, maybe, they would fly it one launch window after a demo landing (or few). So like 2 years after the first starships land on Mars, the ISRU and power plant arrive, and 2 years after that, crew.
2029 is the earliest manned landing date IMO because 2024 is the earliest landing attempt, so 2027 sees the arrival of the ISRU, and yeah, 2029 lands the first people.
Reminder that NASA planned to land people on Mars NET 2039, so even SpaceX landing in 2031 or 2033 or even 2035 is amazing.

A second point is that I think SpaceX has a good chance of sticking their first landings on Mars right off the bat. If you check NASA’s Mars plans from the 2000’s, you’d see that most have one or two “EDL Demos” on Earth, then immediately try to land ISRU and ascent vehicles on mars. SpaceX has potentially hundreds of “EDL Demos” in Starship returns before a mars mission.

>> No.14671445

AI tech isn’t there yet sadly. I wonder if lab grown organs could be “put together” into artificial people kind of like Bladerunner

>> No.14671447

oooo like westworld? i could fuck a cowgirl in space, sign me up

>> No.14671451

Man Westworld really fell off. S1 and S2 had me hyped but I just stopped.

>> No.14671463
File: 167 KB, 1087x751, AE36FA53-47D6-4B99-AF4B-54B5348788E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will NASA publish the TRAPPIST data from JWST? She’s looking at it today. Unpopular opinion but I like JWST and I’m excited to see more pictures idgaf

>> No.14671464

A centralized Starship space station hub that connects handful of Starships together would be neat so atleast one or two Starships can be perma docked

>> No.14671467
File: 56 KB, 612x426, shrink 4 space .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

were you a shrinkchad or a 1:1 scale cuck?

>> No.14671472

not related to your question but just look at how they were anticipating apollo 29 in 1971 and apollo 40 in 1973

>> No.14671479
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Anything is possible when Musk is on your side

>> No.14671480
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Or this

>> No.14671488
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>> No.14671492
File: 51 KB, 399x464, 1559495604297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would personally sabotage this technology to force some basement-dwelling martian shitlord to meet an actual woman for once

>> No.14671503

That's fine, if women didn't have rights on Mars traditional marriage could actually succeed there

>> No.14671505

Robot women are real women, bigot.

>> No.14671507

Define woman

>> No.14671510
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>> No.14671515
File: 113 KB, 1024x721, c88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Like heckin yikeserino! You can't just use some controllable means of reproduction without having sex like an incel! That's heckin misogynistic and unwholesome! 6 gorrilion downvotes for you, chud!"

>> No.14671516

human born with two XX sex chromosomes

>> No.14671518

go outside

>> No.14671519

Fuck off earther, you're just mad at the fact we don't have a UN-occupied government like you do faggot, this is a Martian board

>> No.14671520

I'll hack into your stupid toaster wife and initiate self destruct

>> No.14671522

Have sex

>> No.14671526

Catch me outside and I'll beat your ass

>> No.14671531
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>> No.14671539


Go inside Starship

>> No.14671558

EARTHER (derogatory)

>> No.14671562

Go be a faggot back on reddit

>> No.14671563
File: 164 KB, 1100x629, shuttle truckers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14671564

Thanks anon, pretty cool. Will it actually look like that? i found a lot of wasted space.

>> No.14671567

you betcha. design's already been frozen.

>> No.14671569

>will it actually look like that?
If the 3D model artist is a time traveler and time cannot change, then yes. Otherwise, absolutely not.

>> No.14671572

the fall of /sfg/

>> No.14671582
File: 394 KB, 1920x1080, firefly logo boom 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Firefly Aerospace is preparing for the second launch of its Alpha rocket in late August or early September
a whole year
>The company is waiting on a launch license from the Federal Aviation Administration, which in turn depends on approval of a new debris model for the rocket.
>To achieve that higher flight rate, the company is performing “lean manufacturing exercises” as well as working with its supply chain to ensure a steady supply of external components. “Just making sure we’re getting ahead of long-lead ordering,” he said, “and ensuring that our internal manufacturing is as lean as possible and can meet the rates that we need.”
>Schumacher said the company is working quickly to find a permanent replacement, hiring an executive search firm, Korn Ferry, to identify potential candidates. Interviews of some of those candidates have started. “We’re targeting to have the CEO ideally chosen by the end of July and then in place sometime mid-August.”
get the MBAs away from my firefly ree

>> No.14671588


>> No.14671589 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 530x254, gravity well mars moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> living in a gravity well deeper than that of Ceres
nonsensical, bestial, depraved

>> No.14671590

Which founder was that?

>> No.14671591

checked but wait. Do they actually kick out their founder? why?, every time i hear that jews are involved in some way

>> No.14671594
File: 52 KB, 672x519, gravity well delta v 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> living in a gravity well deeper than that of Ceres
nonsensical, bestial, depraved

>> No.14671597

Unless they're using them as a rapid transportation system for long distances, this is still an expensive carnival ride.

>> No.14671602

Markusic suddenly "transitioned to an advisory role" a month ago

>> No.14671609

He thinks all women treat everyone the way his mother treats him. He doesn't realize his own mother only love him unconditionally because she birthed him and bonded with him nor does he realize his own mother would shun any man she sees as a Beta Male.

>> No.14671618

Moving objects at a preferred rate of speed in space takes a ton of precision thruster work. It would be hard enough to get a bunch of space ships up there and all the worse to hook them up and give them a way to control their rotation.

>> No.14671624

Funny you say that. Markusic was indeed replaced by acting CEO Jewy Jewstein
>AEI partner, Peter Schumacher, will serve as interim CEO while the company searches for a permanent successor. The company didn’t offer a timeline for that search process.
>Markusic said he was happy that AEI had invested in Firefly. “They’re going to be a great partner for us,” he said. “They are a very different type of investor that really understands the industry, but also has very strong connections to the biggest financial institutions in the world.”
Tommy boy made a deal with Satan and it cost him dearly

>> No.14671670
File: 200 KB, 820x1024, X-15 - display.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14671686

Why did we never launch an X-15 into orbit atop an Atlas or something?

>> No.14671689

because that's what dyna-soar was for

>> No.14671709

Qrd on hypersonics? It gave the shuttle designers lots of grief and eventually led to the crossrange meme.

>> No.14671722
File: 277 KB, 1920x1080, 1kefZtLuKIQ1P1jZHSDxbiz9VFv-535103637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol >>14669344 Is from fucking Space Buddies
But the fact that everyone thought it was For All Mankind really shows what level of realism the show exists on.

>> No.14671726

Goddamn they are STILL making Buddy films?

>> No.14671733
File: 39 KB, 600x300, 6BF5DFA5-C241-4820-8482-AF0AC5CAB03A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space Buddies was my kino when I was in elementary school.
Keep in mind that For All Mankind has pic related lol. A nuclear SSTO is kind of cool but it has no fuel tanks at all because the designers put missiles and shit inside it. Expanse-tier hand waving.

>> No.14671740
File: 91 KB, 1600x900, Deimos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has it ever struck you guys as odd that it is always Deimos that is almost always the punching bag in different types of media?
>Doom - pulled into hell
>Marathon - converted into the titular generation ship
>40k - relocated to titan after being pulled into hell
>The Expanse - blown up
I'm sure there's other examples, but why is it always this one? Size only makes sense regarding Marathon; you guys have any ideas?

>> No.14671745
File: 2.32 MB, 1920x1080, canadarm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can't they simply attach small hands at the tip and have it do all the EVA work with a third party controlling it from the inside

>> No.14671751

for doom and 40k they probably thought it meant demon even though they're from different greek words

>> No.14671753
File: 364 KB, 1125x549, A4F02EF1-F186-47AC-A769-C21340D5081E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Space Buddies predicted SABRE Gas Core Nuclear Thermal SSTO VTHL spaceplanes
Holy shit bro’s…
Back in grade school I was obsessed with this movie and I found out some girl watched it so I talked about it 24/7 until one day she said
>”Lol you’re so obsessed with a stupid movie you’re being pathetic”
And I felt like dying. I didn’t even like her, I just wanted someone to share my autism with. I was 8 or 9 at the time.

>> No.14671757

>Smaller than Phobos
>Too far away to do anything meaningful
>No space probes sent there
That’s it really

>> No.14671773

>Lol you’re so obsessed with a stupid movie you’re being pathetic
spaceplanefag BTFO by based roastie

>> No.14671774
File: 227 KB, 1024x780, E34F7BB8-7A4D-437F-87D7-E5743772AE56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The space shuttle made so much sense at the times it’s just a shame that it sucked. NASA didn’t have the budget (or congressional will) to fly Saturn V a lot anymore so they figured a simple, reusable, vehicle could launch way more payload for a lower cost. But then the shuttle ended up sucking ass and that dream fell apart.

>> No.14671779

I'm sorry anon, but she's right. Nuclear SSTO has been deboonked https://selenianboondocks.com/2010/06/ssto-ntr-bad/
>As for me, I’ve thought for some time that NTR was a really bad idea for almost every application for which it is considered. The SSTO application is probably the worst.

>> No.14671780
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, 0374B0B9-A949-41CD-AB88-5544669EBD2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like could you imagine if NASA was able to build the DC-3, which was fully reusable. Also DC-3 didn’t use the shuttle’s crappy tiles. Because the orbiter was mostly fuel tanks, it used metal thermal tiles which are apparently lighter and safer, although they don’t work as well on a “dense” vehicle like our shuttle

>> No.14671783

Why does For All Mankind use NTR for all their SSTOs then? Lmao their mars ship is a just an SSTO spaceplane with a nerva

>> No.14671785
File: 127 KB, 1111x869, spaceislandgroup station geode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14671789
File: 186 KB, 602x941, Have Sting railgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14671790

>it used metal thermal tiles which are apparently lighter and safer
where are you getting this? afaik the only options for TPS considered were ceramic tiles and titanium hot structures a la x-15 (which caused their own slew of problems)

>> No.14671799

Shit I read inconel and thought it was proto-VentureStar TPS. Does this mean that the shuttle was fucked no matter what design was picked?

>> No.14671804

Lean manufacturing is such a fucking meme, imagine not wanting parts on shelf.

>> No.14671806

Deimos personifies dread and terror of the dead.
Phobos personifies fear and panic of the dead.
In some sense, you could say its the naming of the moons that dictate the narrative surrounding the moons.

>> No.14671815

No you see, its nuclear so it doesn't need propellant.

It would be better to not try to be realistic than to try and fail so badly.

>> No.14671830

>imagine not wanting parts on shelf
The best part is no part.
Agreed that you do want a decent inventory though.

>> No.14671837
File: 1.37 MB, 1388x726, Screen Shot 2022-07-17 at 4.07.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This movie was surprisingly based for being a low-budget, direct-to-video, kids movie.
>Spaceship is built by a private company for tourism, NASA is nowhere to be seen
>Unrealistic in that it's an SSTO, but they at least acknowledge that they'd have to refuel to make it to the moon
>For some reason the CEO character is literally just Elon Musk, even has the same autistic mannerisms and stutter
>He's not the bad guy, he's actually portrayed as a good guy, instead it's some random employee as the antagonist or something I forgot
This movie came out in 2009, and the first Falcon 9 launch was in 2010, Elon was not in the public consciousness at the time, so I was surprised at that

>> No.14671838

on the scale they were wanting to work with by 1970 i'd say yeah. up through '69 when they thought they'd still have the saturns to do the heavy lifting they were still looking at smaller orbiters with half the payload mass to orbit and a bay 1/3 the size.
in retrospect it's a shame dyna-soar never got to fly just because it would've taught them a bunch about what not to do.

>> No.14671840

The best part is no part. The second best part is the part that you can buy in bulk quantities on an economy budget. Everything else should be made in-house.

>> No.14671844
File: 172 KB, 1600x720, HjviLAb5gqSP0FfveJiPiH6shHoe0JsRTfNxHE-xz5E_jpg_85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are the westoid media so averse to SpaceX?

>> No.14671851

>Long March 5B launch next weekend
ah shit, here we go again

>> No.14671859

Summation of it

>> No.14671860
File: 126 KB, 596x608, Derek K. Stone astro mmu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shuttle-C – NASA's Abandoned Unmanned Space Shuttle

>> No.14671862
File: 731 KB, 1039x1250, screenshot-nextspaceflight.com-2022.07.17-21_16_57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese spam incoming...

>> No.14671870

3 new rockets from China this month?

>> No.14671880

Even more new rockets from USA next month, assuming there are no further delays.

>> No.14671881

>underage children
yeah... that's what being a child is...
This is your brain on Japanese pedo media

>> No.14671882

>blows up on first launch
>because of a bug
>in code that shouldn't even have been running after launch
ok yuro

>> No.14671886

>assuming there are no further delays
Anon, I...

>> No.14671895

trannies pls

>> No.14671899
File: 620 KB, 3840x2160, mpc-hc64_2022-02-04_20-08-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and while /sfg/ keeps crying about muh SENPAI orbital children has extensive nods to spacex, realism, and even 4chan

>> No.14671909

Did ULA run out of boats?

>> No.14671912

Wait until everyone in Japan knows about dearmoon and Maezawa when they make their lunar trip. The amount of space anime/manga or references in them about spaceflight will increase by several orders of magnitude.

>> No.14671918

>extensive nods to realism

>> No.14671931
File: 287 KB, 1000x750, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think
> muh radiation aproved mechanism that cost 6 gorillion and need 20 states involved
is the answer sadly. but i think it would be nice to have something like pic rel but for space.

>> No.14671939

did not know about that site. Thanks.

>> No.14671952
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>> No.14671997

This machine frightens me

>> No.14672008

>JEL(ly) babies

>> No.14672011

>seventeen year olds are children

>> No.14672012

God I hope they did some good vibration compensation in that thing.

>> No.14672043

bros...the lightning is scary tonight

>> No.14672051

Lightning is awesome, thunder doubly so. Make sure you've got some flashlights and candles on hand and enjoy the show.

>> No.14672052
File: 406 KB, 1424x2021, shit anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ackchyually they aren't children, they're 5000 year old dragons in the body of a child.

>> No.14672062

>You VILL get ze teleoperated augmentations aboard ze 0g starship

>> No.14672065

havent seen one like this in awhile, just constant bright lightshow and rumbling

>> No.14672071

i've heard Planetes is a great show, have you watched?

>> No.14672085

Not him but I liked that one a lot, there's some unmistakable nipponese quirk to it like all anime but if that doesn't bug you then you'll probably enjoy it too.
That's rad, a rare show. I love when a good thunderstorm rolls in and I can watch the lightshow, they're natural fireworks displays.

>> No.14672101

Why is RocketLab stock still falling despite successful missions? It’s at like $4 now

>> No.14672109
File: 160 KB, 1280x720, wtfzubrin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you asking me?

>> No.14672110
File: 3.09 MB, 1920x1080, 1630180481568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow he's just like me

>> No.14672112

Yes. So are 18-22 year olds for that matter.

>> No.14672116

and yet i still be fuckin em ;)

>> No.14672118

Why do you keep posting this? No refunds.

>> No.14672126

You’re a retard if you genuinely believe this.

>> No.14672131

holy based

>> No.14672149
File: 65 KB, 1024x576, planetes-ep-17-act-1-screenshot-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it with weird pink mascots?

It's unironically hard sci-fi and pretty accurate. For that reason alone it should be mandatory viewing. However remember it is an anime and you get shit like pic related.

>> No.14672154

Huh, so that's where retards get their opinion from.

>> No.14672205

Im sorry but in most civilized countries this is the case, no matter how much anime has fueled your desires

>> No.14672222

>been busy past few days
>come back
>stage zero is fucked
wtf how long until they repair it? i'm seeing at least a month.

>> No.14672228

2 weeks

>> No.14672231
File: 144 KB, 1823x1042, 1628275328614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chinese station module launch soon
oh shit oh fuck

>> No.14672235

Most civilized countries do not infantize teenagers.

>> No.14672254


>> No.14672257

He watched shounen anime and extended it to reality

>> No.14672259
File: 46 KB, 442x442, 1628823407279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14672260

Age of concent is 16 in most civilized places
16 year olds can legally drive tractors to help with the harvest
16 is the age where a minor can be emancipated

>> No.14672262

AoC is 16 in a lot of us states too

>> No.14672263

15 here, we have some of the highest standards of living in the world

>> No.14672268

At this point, bitching about anime is an /sfg/ tradition

>> No.14672272
File: 2.90 MB, 1286x720, NASASpaceflight-1546605684070006784-20220711 162144-vid1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stage zero is fine, just some small stuff got blasted
booster got brapped though, but they've got 2 newer ones basically almost ready anyway

>> No.14672280

whats all the fuss about a water tower collapsing or some shit

>> No.14672283

Youtube clickbait.

>> No.14672294

the original water tower was built wrong and spacex had to scramble to drain it
they later converted the other 2 towers that were originally for methane(iirc) to replace it
the methane towers apparently didn't pass inspection or something

interesting that the water tower was faulty as the original starship build was contracted from water tank builders and the error was apparently a lack of basic structural support that is standard in large water tanks

>> No.14672297

>the error was apparently a lack of basic structural support that is standard in large water tanks
Were they trying to cut out weight that they thought they didn't need or what they had just not enough?

>> No.14672298

Same, not my problem that fatburger landwhales can't get laid, so they makes it illegal for everybody else

>> No.14672310

most common theory is that the personnel who built the tanks were only experienced with building starship tanks and not the original water tank contractors

>> No.14672316

they thought they didn't need to because >>14672310

>> No.14672323
File: 709 KB, 592x814, hanks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chris Sembroski from Inspiration 4 has joined Blue Origin

>> No.14672327

Wasn't he lm or boing?

>> No.14672340


>> No.14672345
File: 81 KB, 760x380, LC-36-Aug-24-2021-4887-760x380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unpainted dull second stage

>> No.14672350



>> No.14672351

Fat nerd that was only brought onto Inspiration4 because his friend was even fatter thus didn't make the weight limit. If BO is poaching data engineers from Lockheed-Martin they must be desperate.

>> No.14672354

BO has been trying to recruit many of the publicly SpaceX supporting individuals. Probably privately as well.

>> No.14672368
File: 106 KB, 750x969, BO poaching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't they try recruiting Shotwell at one point as well lmao

>> No.14672377

The problem was that NASA had to make a vehicle that could do everything with no budget.
That DC-3 vehicle, is fully re-usable, but it would have cost more to develop than the shuttle and it could only lift light payloads, so they would have had to develop a heavy lift vehicle as well to go with it.

>> No.14672395

Do everything*

*Half as well as a Saturn V with a cargo fairing

>> No.14672401

Well thats to be expected. But the main point is that, they're recruiting anyone that shows vocal support for SpaceX (and some has relevant skillset). Like that one retired AF general, who had vocally supported SpaceX before.

>> No.14672427

giving BO the benefit of the doubt, they may genuinely want to get their shit together and are recruiting people who see what spacex is doing right to get their insights into the team

>> No.14672476

Jeff 'welcome to the club' Bezos

>> No.14672526

They're always about denying SpaceX tho. Whether it was the "first reusable landing" achievement or trying to patent barge landing. They have a history of doing petty things to deny SpaceX. It wouldn't surprise me if the goal revolves around this and hiring as secondary

>> No.14672551

depends on who's at the helm
the petty faggot shit was definitely Suborbital man himself decreeing it
did BO do any high level replacements that would allow for a reorientation of priorities

>> No.14672608

Congress didn't want to pay for Saturn, and I don't think that Saturn could have matched even the real, disappointing, space shuttle launch cadence without significant investment into production and launch infrastructure.
NASA also wildly overestimated shuttle reliability and underestimated costs, probably partially on purpose, just so that Congress would pay for it.
So in a way it was probably a scam to keep NASA engineers employed, but there is at least some reason for it being built.

>> No.14672624

It's already been observed a week ago and yesterday, the data is public. But realistically it will be at least weeks before someone reduces and publishes it, minimum. It may not also happen now because it's only the first of lots of observations of these planets.

>> No.14672629
File: 2.13 MB, 1280x720, 1648449750448.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CGI of on-orbit maintenance of Xuntian space telescope appeared on CCTV news

>> No.14672639

Looks better than SENPAI desu

>> No.14672679
File: 57 KB, 384x558, 59B15987-EA59-4931-9065-B458B3AA62CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Booster 7 keep getting hurt? And why does SpaceX keep fixing it instead of moving on?
>Captcha: SN2

>> No.14672682

Whoops wrong image, sorry I'm a retard

>> No.14672683
File: 367 KB, 1200x1600, E33B2A26-7FE9-4F2D-AED3-5AECFF7663FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No that’s the right image. I don’t have a safe for work Superheavy-Chan pic lol

>> No.14672687

I'm curious when it will actually launch, quite sure it will not be next year. Saw a talk last year which didn't even mention a launch date. If I was a betting man I'd probably put money on it being a flop. There was also a lot of hype for China's largest ground-based optical telescope but then there were major design flaws and they had to abandon most planned science.

>> No.14672688

A reusable detachable Cygnus would be great for the ISS. I think it’s a neat idea even without the telescope desu

>> No.14672693

they'll probably get it out sometime this decade

>> No.14672699

ESA had that idea for Columbus decades ago. They wanted it to be able to detach as a free flying spacecraft and go off and do it's own microgravity research. But NASA said no.

>> No.14672701

Childhood is idolizing NASA, adulthood is realizing they peaked in 1969

>> No.14672715

is starship still on schedule for a preburner or static fire today?

>> No.14672718

Booster 7 is getting her engines removed at the moment

>> No.14672733

it's from heinlein you mouthbreathing dumb fuck

>> No.14672815

another 2 weeks

>> No.14672847

From who?

>> No.14672987
File: 932 KB, 1170x1205, 1BFF8DBE-BCA4-4EC8-BBA2-02ACFEC321BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lightning is so kino. There’s nothing better than catching a giant ass anvil cloud at sunset and watching huge streaks of lightning race up and down and through the cloud as it catches the pinks and oranges of the sun. We get a lot of them during the summer and because anvil clouds are usually rapidly-forming they are often accompanied by lots of electrical activity
Does mars have lightning? I assume Titan does. Right?

>> No.14673020

Nah they were still going strong with Skylab. They peaked once shuttle got deeper into its development, and by the time they realized it wouldn’t be ready to reboost the station it was all ogre

>> No.14673052
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Imagine the alternate timeline where the finished the Shuttle fast enough to reboost Skylab and they continued to use it.

>> No.14673061
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>and by the time they realized it wouldn’t be ready to reboost the station it was all ogre
I do wonder how having Skylab around would affect the early Shuttle program. I know there were some strong factions at NASA that wanted to intentionally de-orbit it because they thought having it around would threaten the prospects of building a shuttle-launched "true space station". NASA never did come to a full decision before Skylab came down on it's own

>> No.14673216

Hadn't he just joined LM when I4 happened? Was he at LM for even a year? Lmao

>> No.14673320
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I'm sick of this merry go round shit, when do we build a Shkadov thruster and go where we want?

>> No.14673333
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>> No.14673387

Only shit worth on the Zenit/Angara was the engines which are Russian anyway.

>> No.14673394

What knowledge? Only shit worth a damn on it was the RD-171 and RD-120 and both were produced by Energomash.

>> No.14673400


>> No.14673494

16 year olds are retarded and should not breed for a further 4-6 more years. Trust me, you do not want a mom that young, they are not ready.

>> No.14673501

>Does mars have lightning
Friction lightning in dust storms, at the very least.

>> No.14673525

>no doctors or nurses with pediatric or neonatal experience in the last 20 years
>suddenly have tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of infants
>no working infrastructure for producing infant formula or diapers or any other goods for infants
>all school teachers or professors with teaching experience have retired or at best have a few years of experience from twenty or forty years ago
>only people in their sixties and forties know anything about raising kids
>labor pool shrinks continuously for 20 years and then spikes
>organizations must rapidly onboard completely untrained new hires to compensate for 20 years of attrition
It would be hard to think of a worse idea.

>> No.14673527

based optimistic retard

>> No.14673538

>>labor pool shrinks continuously for 20 years and then spikes
This always happens to me when I play Banished, and the settlements end up relying on random nomads showing up to shore up the population.

>> No.14673596

teslabot midwives

>> No.14673717
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>> No.14673800

Still the best safety record, before Falcon 9

>> No.14673808

Timeline wise what would it take to have this by 2001

>> No.14673818

No. Atlas V is 90/91. Falcon 9 is technically worse at like 163/166 if you include Amos-6 and CRS-1 which was a partial failure. Block V Falcon 9 is like 110/100 though

>> No.14673834

Before Falcon 9 Atlas V had considerably fewer launches though. I think Soyuz-U had the best track record by 2010 for rockets that had launched more than an handful of times.

>> No.14673840
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Alien ruins on Callisto

>> No.14673893
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>> No.14673901


S24 testing time opens and is possibly doing some cryo/engine testing today

>> No.14673939
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>about to do the same test the booster did

>> No.14673955

>same test
Nope. 32 engine spin prime dumping shit ton of methane in a small enclosed space that wasn't dispersed fast enough is unique to SH testing side of things.

>> No.14674029

SN24 blowing up this week?

>> No.14674033

No it will be fine trust the plan

>> No.14674039
File: 49 KB, 780x825, 1556915306542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking good

>> No.14674050

>Falcon 9 has completed 31 missions so far this year, delivering ~351 metric tons to orbit – carrying astronauts & research to the @space_station, deploying Starlink to provide global high-speed internet, as well as many other critical payloads for our commercial & gov customers
>~351 metric tons to orbit

>> No.14674052

Looks like Merlin

>> No.14674065

2.34 Starships worth of payload.

If Starship flies 24 times a year, that's 3600 metric tons.

>> No.14674071

We can say when SpaceX transitions from F9 to Starship, their base payload will grow 10X and the maximum payloads will increase by 1000x

>> No.14674124

Weekly flight cadence by Starship is 100% doable by 2029, and triple daily by 2039

>> No.14674127

its a more modern ISS2 excluding all the russian crap which will still be from the same make as it is now, russians still consider soyuz bleeding edge. solely transported by starship into space, used to refuel and get astronauts to the moon transfer starship which has only vacuum engines since it only goes from leo to the lunar gateway, taking fuel and supplies with it, where astronauts board the moon lander descent/ascent starship, which refuels in moon orbit with the fuel they brought from the iss2. that starship wont need as much fuel because its way easier to take off and land on the moon with minimal fuel consumption, which makes room for a massive cargo bay to receive cargo from 2-3 transfer starships. thats my head cinema when i see that

>> No.14674137

>need a fearless DirectorS

That's reason enough to not work for Blue Origin, if their recruiters can't into basic english.

>> No.14674148

Weekly flight will be had by end of 2024. By weekly by 2026, daily by 2030.

>> No.14674157
File: 127 KB, 1280x1143, 1623351970934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jap media when they don't put underaged western looking children on something for 2 nanoseconds

>> No.14674188
File: 58 KB, 628x599, Confederate moon button.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spacex wont be deep in its Tiles Troubles arc in 2026
lol @ muskrats

>> No.14674232

True and based take


testing begins in a few minutes

>> No.14674248

Static fire?

>> No.14674277

So then why did it take Russia 30 years to build Angara if the only thing good on Zenit was the engines? You forgot to place a Z as your name.

>> No.14674286


>> No.14674288
File: 118 KB, 935x1400, 2369F7D7-906F-4124-9C3F-E5F567410BA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Soviet Anthem goes really hard holy shit. Could you imagine if they got the N1 working? Damn.

>> No.14674294

Are they wrong, though? Just because Russia is a corrupt shithole doesn't mean that Ukraine has some amazing technology.

>> No.14674296

it would have proved communism is based

>> No.14674309

For all the shit it gets, the idea of SENPAI having the USSR become the equivalent of modern China is a neat concept.

>> No.14674315

Vulkan is so fucking based.

>> No.14674324
File: 118 KB, 371x353, crumbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're gonna have to explain to me why you're calling it SENPAI

>> No.14674328

SN24 will launch soon

>> No.14674344

Why avoid my question? If Zenit was only good because of its engines, why was it so hard to replicate? Why did, of the top of my head, at least six different countries buy or license Ukrainian technology? US, China, Canada, Italy, North Korea, and India.

>> No.14674350

If they can hurry up with inspecting B7, sure

>> No.14674353

For All Mankind’s acronym of F A M gets translated into SENPAI lol

>> No.14674354

For all mankind = f a m
f a m is filtered from some years ago when it was spammed and is now senpai

>> No.14674360

B7 will need almost entirely new engines. 50/50 chance it flies. B7 herself is fine but a lot of Raptors need work. Raptors aren’t even hurt, just need maintenance and checks.

>> No.14674361


>> No.14674373

The mexican guy is irritating. Also the pussy white dude talking right now is irritating too

>> No.14674385

for whatever reason NSF is full of the most annoying little shits in the industry

>> No.14674399

Not normie enough to have high production value, not autistic enough to have people who give a shit about their viewers

>> No.14674420
File: 21 KB, 841x529, Interkosmos participants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image still makes me incredibly mad, Finland could've gotten a cosmonaut.

>> No.14674427

If a 33 Raptor Spin Prime test causes an explosion, how would a 33 engine static fire (or launch) NOT be an issue

>> No.14674431

Methane accumulation causes the explosion.

>> No.14674435

Does a static fire or launch do that? They still need methane to spin the preburners iirc

>> No.14674436

The ignition would be confined to the combustion chambers.

>> No.14674437

Piggybacking off another space program is a shameful act.

>> No.14674441

It would be, but SpaceX stans/Redditors are completely silent on that. They're in for a rude awakening

>> No.14674444


>> No.14674448
File: 347 KB, 1918x1168, 1658171193790768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dios mio, el grande cohete hombre

>> No.14674449

You just need to get rid of the excess methane. Either vent it away or use sparklers

>> No.14674451


>> No.14674455

He doesn’t look as bad as I thought desu. Huge fucking rib cage though

>> No.14674458

He should start working out.

>> No.14674464

I hope this is Italy. Otherwise if he's spending time on a boat not working it's truly OVER

>> No.14674471

S24 has a frost ring

>> No.14674472

dios mio..

>> No.14674474

He was in Greece and left it yesterday.

>> No.14674478

staged etc

>> No.14674479
File: 517 KB, 2738x2026, dol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost no body hair
It's over, either he has some weird genetics or he has decided to become a tranny. He is still built for BDC/BCC.

>> No.14674481

Has his rib cage always been that big? He looks bloated.

>> No.14674482

it's over

>> No.14674490

He's like a living Rob Liefeld drawing

>> No.14674497
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>> No.14674510

Who cares, space is space

>> No.14674523

That's why everyone respects Cuba for their accomplishments, oh wait

>> No.14674539
File: 251 KB, 1272x713, 2E71B75D-69FA-4879-9A2C-B26529E19F83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The VIRGIN typical human structure vs the CHAD 99%-bone-by-bodyweight cuboid ribcage enjoyer

>> No.14674682
File: 206 KB, 220x220, confused-bird.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a water tower? We just don't know

>> No.14674753
File: 825 KB, 1600x900, SP - Symptoms by JoeyJazz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope in the next 500 years these things will be built. Can you imagine?
>Massive nature preserves
>Scalable industry, no need for environmental concern
>Gaurenteed train autism for transportation of goods and people
>Arable land to put American Midwest agricultural output to shame
>Material in, goods out
>Better gravity, Mars is cringe in comparison
>Gundam aesthetic

I can't see O'Neill cylinders NOT being used in interplanetary residence/industry/preservation. don't get me wrong, Musk's proposal is good and all, but installing a mass driver on the moon to send up material is even better in the relatice short-term.

>> No.14674765
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>> No.14674774
File: 590 KB, 1920x1052, tomi-vaisanen-level2-colony-enterance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I love massive spacecraft.

>> No.14674810
File: 517 KB, 1733x2048, 1653770972405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't.

>> No.14674811

Colonizing Mars or planet is a meme that derive from decade of lazy authors having Earth-like or easily terraformed planets lying around.

>> No.14674821

You're fucking stupid, that only matters if the woman has any sort of legal power over you. On Mars woman won't have rights so it won't matter. Women have been fully capable mothers at 16 forever. The only difference in recent history is their ability to weld legal power over the man as a crazy teen. Without that option she will take comfort in the security of her place

>> No.14674879


Starlink Gen2s are 1.25T each, up from 250-300k of Gen1s. SpaceX expects to fly ~80 per flight to the tune of 100T per launch. If they fly Starship at a rate of 25-50 per year (first year at least), and assuming 80% of that is Starlink Gen2 launches only, we'd be looking at ballpark 3kT of payload a year they'd be launching solo. The entire market would be condensed into 3 Starship flights instead. Insanity.

>> No.14674918

musk good or bad?

>> No.14675067
File: 177 KB, 1224x1632, FOWdJRZXwAcmDGD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sumo elon

>> No.14675072

musk always bad even when good

>> No.14675115

And I thought my phenotype was bad