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14666439 No.14666439 [Reply] [Original]

Can human turds be used to fertilize fields?
Farmers used to use the dung of their farm animals

Is it possible to create a facility that collects all the flushed turds of big cities with millions of people, to solve the fertilizer problem, like lack of potassium to mine?

Does the ocea benefit in any way from all the turds we flush there?

>> No.14666447

No. Humans aren't ruminate.

>> No.14666451

I'm pretty sure we think a lot more than cows do.

>> No.14666456

I think you've cracked it. if only farmers from the past 10,000 years had thought of that first.

>> No.14666463

Sewage is recycled in Israel. Not for drinking. What they do is hold in in giant lagoons and let it decompose, what remains is semi-sterile water rich in nitrates, good for farming. Not really the best because sewage also has a lot of industrial waste

>> No.14666475

You should patent this unique idea

>> No.14666483

Humanure is used as food crop fertilizer in some countries. In much of the West, it is used indirectly, such as being used to fertilize feed crops that go only to livestock, which are then eaten by humans. Direct humanure fertilization of crops intended for human consumption is rare in the first world.

>> No.14666500

Finally one I’m qualified to answer. The biggest reason it’s not done more often is that trace contaminants get reconcentrated when bio solids are used as fertilizer. Heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, and just about every inorganic compound in existence are all present in sewage to some concentration. Also, the amount of plastic, and especially problematically microplastic, in sewage is staggering. This come from people flushing trash, mostly bitches with tampon applicators and guys with condoms, and laundering textiles (the plastic materials of modern clothes are constantly shedding). There’s research being done on how these plastics can carry the above-mentioned trace compounds and increase their uptake in crops when used as fertilizer. Lastly, there’s the process of disinfecting the biosolids to the point that they’re no longer immediately infectious, which is a time- and energy-consuming process.

>> No.14666508

Based poopologist

>> No.14666515

Hello sirs

>> No.14666529

Japan did this until recently. Plenty of old farmers will tell you about how they did it then they were younger and how they're upset it's illegal now.

>> No.14666546

Do they miss typhoid fever?

>> No.14666562

>Is it possible to create a facility that collects all the flushed turds of big cities with millions of people, to solve the fertilizer problem, like lack of potassium to mine?

People flush more than just turds, and there's lots of toilet and pipe cleaning products that will contaminate the "fertilizer"

>> No.14666592
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Oddly enough our ancestors living in space will recycle everything and because of the fear of micro-plastics and heavy metals EVERYTHING in space is organic, cloths are 100% cotton and other natural fibers, with no need for pesticides or herbicides the foods are 100% organic.
The people living on the moon will have far less man-made contamination than those on earth .

>> No.14666874

Terrible idea due to parasitism risk.

>> No.14666906

>hey guys!!!muh comic book fantasies are real, i'm gonna live on mars just like the superhero in muh marvel comix mooooovies!!!

>> No.14667166

>Heavy metals,
We need heavy metals. Their deficiencies are why people get sicker and sicker over time. Are you really working on commiting genocide?

>> No.14667202
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YOU will not, other will.

>> No.14667219

Just heat the poop bro. That will melt the plastic

>> No.14667399

>Can human turds be used to fertilize fields?
Much of the food from Mexico and China other countries is grown with processed human feces.

>> No.14667406

>e amount of plastic, and especially problematically microplastic, in sewage is staggering. This come from people flushing trash, mostly bitches with tampon applicators and guys with condoms, and laundering textiles

Laundry accounts for much of the microplastics, but BODY WASHES are what really set off the whole microplastic thing getting bad. They contain tiny plastic particles to "help scrub" you, instead of the natural pumice that used to be used.

>> No.14667414


>> No.14667423 [DELETED] 


>> No.14668370

Just your neighborhood waste and wastewater utility guy, which BTW is a fantastic career. Anons if you wanna ask anything about being a poopsmith here’s the place and now’s the time

>> No.14668374

True. Weren’t they banned in Hawaii?

>> No.14668396
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>> No.14668420

Absolutely. Whether it's safe or not is another matter. Probably best to use it for non-food crops only (e.g. tree farms, biofuels, etc.)

>> No.14668541


>> No.14668899

Yes, after processing with loam.

Ignorant bitches in this thread need to read more farming isekai.

>> No.14668926

>our ancestors

>> No.14668937

all kinds of stuff is thrown in the sewers so in practice it wouldn't be good but I think that if we let people collect their own shit and piss with the appropriate devices and promote growing their own stuff in gardens, that will responsibilize them

>> No.14669572
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in some German university they installed toilets which have a slot in the front so most of the pee gets separated from the shit and TP, the pee then flows to a tank in their lab where they do study about producing fertilizer from it.

>> No.14669869

What are the advantages of separating? If anything urine alone seems to be much worse as it contains salts etc. and possibly other waste that is not very good for plants.

>> No.14669884

Its mostly urea

>> No.14672106

if you make a composting toilet and dont mix the pee pee and poo poo

>> No.14672157
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>>our ancestors

American Education...

>> No.14672187


>> No.14672588

Compostable toilets. Basically a wheelie bin under your toilet. Uses no water ( although some water is added after the bin has filled up). If properly ventilated there is no smell. Poos and wees drop straight down into the bin, sawdust and straw thrown in over the top. Also add any organic waste from the kitchen. After it fills, the lid goes down. Wheeled out and replaced by another. Sits in the backyard for a few months to a year, depending on the climate. Basically becomes soil. Then can be safely mixed with other compost or just mulched into garden, lawns. Typical household might have up to 6 wheelie bins constantly rotating.
Drawbacks: Toilet needs to be in an elevated position so the bin can fit underneath. Needs to be monitored. Requires people with at least some common sense to maintain and regulate. Women dont like it. Apparently they dont like the lack of a splash of water

Or even simpler, just go bear in the woods. But only works if you have adequate land and a private setting. Take a spade. Just cut a large enough square into turf, lift turf, remove small amount of soil, take a dump, pat down the turf, spread the removed soil over the top. Work your way systemically in a grid pattern across the land. Turd is now sitting just under the grass roots where decomposition by the microorganisms will be most efficient and its nutrients of maximum benefit. Again some common sense required, so not suitable for a huge percentage of the general population. Also requires a relatively temperate climate. Did this when camping on a piece of land while building my own house for two years. The area I crapped on ( and urinated upon ) became incredibly lush and green, the grass growth far out performing anything else, as you would expect. Also planted a lot of trees and shrubs and always mixed some of my shit and piss into the soil some weeks before planting. Feels good man.
Never got sick or had any problems because apparently God endowed me with some common sense.

>> No.14672615

Hey poop bro what if u compost the turds and use a magnet to the metals out

>> No.14672630


>> No.14672926

>Portable jenkum factory

>> No.14673053

>called common sense
>actually uncommon
I hate this meme

>> No.14674856

I hate the wasted time of sitting on a toilet waiting to crap, staring at nothing, so I always bring in something to read. It takes my mind off the process of crapping too, which for some reason seems to make it easier to slide out.
Any poo Brothers the same?

>> No.14674882

They steal pee?

The engineer who invented this did it so he could drink his daughter's pee without being a weirdo and asking for it.

>> No.14674889

Just get a colostomy bag

>> No.14674994

Why not defecate in a large community setting easier to manage by a responsible authority? Like a large designated paved surface near your home

>> No.14675059

like the romans did

>> No.14675446

seems like the needful thing to do to me

>> No.14676814

You obviously have never appreciated the great joy that comes from being a bear in the woods. Squeezing out a fresh steaming pile of crap and then immediately burying it at grass root level, coming back later to see how the vegetation is now growing profusely, as if blessed by Mother Nature herself.
Try it one day.

>> No.14678719

Can confirm. Going natural is great but most people cant do it because they live in cities. Some really good things about taking a shit in the open. Squatting just make the shit come out easier. It also is cleaner, with the shit dropping out with barely any need for wiping your ass. There is also something about the intensity of the experience you dont notice in a conventional toilet. At the moment of excretion you get a small intensity hit. Your perception is heighten. 10/10 would recommend.

>> No.14678774

The problem with this is most people are too stupid and lazy. They would fuck it up. Either by failing to monitor the bins or by dumping the bins too early. Then you would get disease outbreaks and people dying.

>> No.14679485

>There is also something about the intensity of the experience
>Your perception is heighten.
Fellow outdoor pooper here. I know exactly what you are talking about.
I think it triggers something very deep inside our brains. Squatting down in the open and giving birth to a poo puts you in a very vulnerable position. It must trigger the primitive part of our brains going into super alert mode, scanning our surroundings for any potential threats, like wild animals. Its a pleasant feeling, bit like a mild rush, which is why I like crapping outside whenever I can.

>> No.14679547

has anyone here ever dissected a turd

>> No.14679618

Yes many times. In general they look pretty much the same on the inside as they do on the outside. On one notable occasion I found a small figurine of a mermaid. I have no idea where that came from.

>> No.14679632
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What are the qualifications for poopsmithery?

>> No.14679662

I am ruminating right now

>> No.14679666

Is it true that healthy doodies float? Mine never float. My 8th grade teacher Ms. Dickerson in Daegu South Korea said the healthy doodies float

>> No.14680245

>giving birth to a poo
MY GOD! This is so true. We all miss out on the "birthing" process when we just dump into a toilet. Just flushing it away like its nothing, an inconvenience.
But going poos out in the open is entirely different. You are creating something. You can feel the shit growing within you, swelling, getting larger. Then comes the moment you "birth" the poo. Its your creation. You are intimately connected with it. And by landing it on the Earth it then can start its new life as a source of energy and nutrients for growing living things. It becomes part of the worms, fungi, bacteria, grass, trees, anything and everything that lives and takes from the soil. The really cool thing is that all those things in turn become part of you. You truly become interconnected with nature and the Universe. Its so sad that more people can not seek spiritual enlightenment through this connection.