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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 66 KB, 615x1133, 0_PAY-MUM-EARNS-£1K-PER-MONTH-SELLNG-HAIRY-PHOTOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14659881 No.14659881 [Reply] [Original]

Why do we still have body hair and pubic hair if both sexes generally find it unattractive? How was it not selected against...?

>> No.14659884

>both sexes generally find it unattractive
Almost like your modern social conditioning has nothing to do with natural human preferences.

>> No.14659892

How could society change sexuality?

>> No.14659899

No idea what you're talking about wrt. "changing sexuality", but it's very, very clear how social conditioning manipulates people to find normal things disgusting and disgusting things normal.

>> No.14659902

Ok but if humans are natural why doesn't social conditioning make us tend for harier people? But it doesn't.

>> No.14659905

It also carries pheromones
they don't want you having good taste

>> No.14659906

You are conditioned by dysgenic degenerates, not "natural people".

>> No.14659908

You do not live in a natural world, you do not live in a natural environment, it's very manmade.
You don't live a natural life and you do very unnatural things like post on the internet. Are you pretending to be retarded or something

>> No.14659911

Do love me some pheromones

>> No.14659912

Sexuality is only partly hereditary. Implying the environment, and thus also society, has a very real effect on sexuality.

>> No.14659914
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>> No.14659915

Is this also why exclusive gays exist?

>> No.14659916

>the environment, and thus also society, has a very real effect on sexuality.
That's cool, but I wasn't even talking about sexuality unless you are you turned on by shaved armpits, you dunce.

>> No.14659921

There's no proof humans have pheromones.

>> No.14659923

Human pheromones are highly theoretical with no known pheromones.
We don’t have any evidence for them.

>> No.14659927

Reject tap water

come back to nature

>> No.14659930

Women with armpit hair unironically make me incredibly horny.

>> No.14659934

I am not the same guy.
I was just explaining it since you said you had no idea what changing sexuality means.

>> No.14659940

> you had no idea what changing sexuality means
I had no idea what HE meant by it, in the specific context of what I said to him previously, you stupid fuck.

>> No.14659945

You can buy hormones like androsterone online right now and give them a whiff. They smell amazing no homo

>> No.14659949

>There's no proof humans have pheromones.
Guess how I know you also believe race is a social construct and that troons are women.

>> No.14659952

There is no we, Anon.

>> No.14659959

I prefer Estratetraenol

>> No.14659960

Given people can shave there would be no evolutionary pressure for it to disappear even if it was something that would normally be selected against.

>> No.14659978
File: 158 KB, 960x1792, 1655638780429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14659980

We started shaving. People are hairier than they were 4000 years ago because of shaving.

>> No.14659983

Ok but why sudden change in preference? Our ancestors preferred hairer people but now we prefer clean shaven?

>> No.14659987

>Ok but if humans are natural why doesn't social conditioning make us tend for harier people? But it doesn't.
You have some kind of cognitive dissonance inside your head.

You need to realize that social conditioning is influencing people. And nature is also influencing people. If you havent noticed, there are still people that like body hair, just as there are people that don't.

Social conditioning is working, and its also being constantly fought against. This is obvious in how literally everyone has different preferences, even if they have very similar tastes.

I think you must be very young, because once you get older you're going to realize most people simply don't care at all about sex. Maybe body hair doesn't make some people horny, but its not the end all be all when it comes to busting a nut in a girl. Have sex.

>> No.14659988

>both sexes generally find it unattractive?

>> No.14659990

hair = dirty = unhealthy = no good
Simple as.

>> No.14660017

how else you gonna sell razors and hygiene products

>> No.14660038

>both sexes generally find it unattractive
proof that all /sci/ posters are either male, gay, trans, or incel

>> No.14660052

Any amount of pubic hair is basically tick-welcoming housing.

>> No.14660063

okay add street shitting favela monkey to the and/or list

>> No.14660159

I'm a man and I can't compete with that broad's armpit hair

>> No.14660185

It's only been considered unattractive for about 30 years since (((the media))) began to normalize attraction to minors and pedophilia

>> No.14660203


>> No.14660206

Holy shit this is incredibly hot

>> No.14660217


M8 are you literally dragging your pubis through a fucking meadow somewhere?

>> No.14660219

The real question here is; why isn't yoga pants more common if it's selected for? I swear those pants bring her up from a 6 to an 8.

>> No.14660392

Does this bitch have name?

>> No.14660458

>How could society change sexuality?
Many Asian women don't shave their pits or pubes. That's more of a Western thing.

>> No.14660463

>Given people can shave there would be no evolutionary pressure for it to disappear even if it was something that would normally be selected against.
That's a good answer.

>> No.14660471

What is the evolutionary reason for sexual deviance like attraction to womens armpits or feet?

>> No.14660493

It's nudity at its most basic.

>> No.14660564

Beauty standards are absolutely influenced by culture. Try Google translating "beautiful woman" and "handsome man" into a bunch of languages and image searching them, you'll see different beauty standards in action. Compare the results in Korean to those in Swahili, for instance (and I don't just mean the race of the people you'll see.)

>> No.14660572

Then why did it evolve in the first place?

>> No.14660598

Body hair isnt selected against. People with body hair are still having kids. If women shave their arm pits, and they are thereby not unattractive in this way, and they reproduce, then body hair was not selected against.

>> No.14660663

>Ok but why sudden change in preference? Our ancestors preferred hairer people but now we prefer clean shaven?
In nature, hair is protective clothing against the elements

>> No.14660672

Imagine turning down a vagina because there's hair near it.

>> No.14660680

Our ancestors preferred less gair, that's why we lost most of it. The advent of shaving is the only reason women get body hair at all

>> No.14660705

EEhhhh... You'll be surprised on how Western influences have come so far.

>> No.14660711

Humans have been losing body hair over thousands of years. Body hair is unhygienic and harbors pathogens and parasites. It also obscures skin but can be good in the case of deception with beards acting like makeup for men hiding their poor jaws and chins.

>> No.14660730


>> No.14660750

>if both sexes generally find it unattractive
I find it extremely attractive and the first thing I do when dating a new girl is tell her to stop shaving. I've never had a bad reaction to this; most of them love that I'm more attracted to their natural body than a facade that requires constant upkeep.

If you don't prefer body hair then you're either low test or a pedophile. Which one is it?

>> No.14660792

>talking about wrt. "changing sexuality", but it's very, very clear how social

natural selection? are you fucking stupid? how could the human body adapt of something that is a novelty (you could argue that in the last 40 years, probably less) is considerated unnattractive.. despite that you're generalizing

>> No.14660807

you are retarded, if you shave it doesnt grow more lmao

>> No.14661054

>The advent of shaving is the only reason women get body hair at all
How could women have caused body hair to grow by shaving hair that wasn't there?

>> No.14661090

People don't die fast enough to change the looks of human.

>> No.14661131

Because people invented shaving.
Those traits still exist because people with those traits are still fucking.

>> No.14661171
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Women find me attractive so ur theory is false

>> No.14661413

Wouldn't surprise me if it's changing in the younger generations.

>> No.14661482

based Tooker

>> No.14661495

Why do some women grow body hair to be natural and not conform to sexist male-defined beauty standards while still applying make-up and wearing padded bras?

Respect to those who do neither. At least they are committed to their beliefs

>> No.14661500

Present. Though I don't have all that much hair in the first place. None in my armpits.

>> No.14661508

plenty of women see chest hair as masculine and therefore attractive

>> No.14661541

There's a good reason for this, it's natural

>> No.14661630

all 4chan posters are either male, gay, trans, or incel

>> No.14662063

>the first thing I do when dating a new girl is tell her to stop shaving
What's the best moment for saying that without coming off as weird?

>> No.14662065

I'm surprised how nobody mentioned yet how she also has a stache

>> No.14662070

Only recently did humans start caring. It'd be another few thousands of years before it could possibly be selected against

>> No.14662072

Because everyone who fucks shaves it off.

>> No.14662101

>either male, gay, trans, or incel
You can be all of those things at the same time.

>> No.14662109

Who is she?

>> No.14662124

pretty sure anybody can tell female underwear from male underwear in the dirty laundry by smell alone

>> No.14662126

different anon here
I just wanted to tell you that you are not as smart as you think you are

>> No.14662129

So, given that people can benefit from plastic surgery there would also be no evolutionary pressure for ugliness to disappear even if it was something that would normally be selected against?
I hate this world

>> No.14662137

Women don't have an issue with chest hair on men

>> No.14662148

I bet she has a huge bush down there. Very hot

>> No.14662202

>if both sexes generally find it unattractive?
Pubic hair is only ugly if its black. Blonde and red pubes are extremely hot. Porn propaganda just put this idea into peoples heads that its unwanted. But to be honest, maybe I only came to this conclusion because my gf has blonde pubes and I like her.

>> No.14662426

Body hair in women is gross, it's known for thousands of years. Romans and egyptians used to shave it/pluck it. Also, you can see in medieval paintings women without body hair. Therefore, saying that propaganda in the 1920's is responsible for women shaving is a blatant lie.

>> No.14662431

>Romans and egyptians used to shave it/pluck it.
Romans and Egyptians also used to inbreed and fuck male children. Civilization has always been dysgenic and self-culling.

>> No.14662432

>Why do we still have body hair and pubic hair if both sexes generally find it unattractive? How was it not selected against...?
Because fitness does not only depend on attractiveness. A woman without teeth would probably give the best blowjobs and get the most semen, but she would also have a hard time eating.

>> No.14662434

do you also bathe once a year, christcuck?

>> No.14662436

I thought modern spambots were at least capable of writing congruent replies.

>> No.14662451

print("just because you're retarded doesn't make my reply incongruent, christcuck")

>> No.14662454

Then what does christianity and bathing have to do with it? Let's see the power of your cheap AI in explaining your schizoshart.

>> No.14662468

so you're an atheist?

>> No.14662487

Conceptualize the aroma

>> No.14662514

Yes, but notice how your cheap AI couldn't actually handle the task of explaining your schizoshart, just as I predicted. LOL. This board is 95% nonhumans.

>> No.14662589

>the preferences of some people now are definitely the same as the preferences as all people for all time
impressive how stupid you are

>> No.14662601

I wish I knew, brother

>> No.14662605

why do people still die? shouldn't evolution have selected against death by now?

why can't humans fly? isn't flying just strictly an advantage, evolution should have given everything wings by now

why can't I shoot laser beams out of my eyes? that sounds like a very good thing to have for a predator

>> No.14662649
File: 88 KB, 540x720, SEI_98891627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are coomers too stupid for the interwebs?

>> No.14662743


>> No.14662755

Bodily hair evolved to protect us.
Armpit hair evolved for the same reason the ass hair evolved and for the same reason face to face contact evolved - to be able to smell the health of your partner.

>> No.14662792

>pubic hair is unattractive
speak for yourself I love minges

>> No.14663174

People do a lot of "unnatural" shit and I don't see anyone complaining.

Body hair in women is and will always be disgusting. Even the Islam knows that and since time immemorial orders its followers to shave for body hair is antihygienic (also disgusting).

>> No.14663181

Maybe just the first time you see she's shaved since you last saw her? Comment "Oh, I see you've shaved... with me you really don't need to, though, unless you want to purely for your own sake." I don't think I'd be put off if a guy phrased it like that. I may not be reflective of the average woman since I'm autistic though.

>> No.14663187

>People do a lot of "unnatural" shit and I don't see anyone complaining.
Of course, but that's because you're a dysgenic degenerate.

>my degenerate and crumbling civilization will last forever so let me tell you what people in the future will find disgusting
I don't think so.

>> No.14663191

>if both sexes generally find it unattractive

>> No.14663192

'Ugliness' is relative. If the ugliest n% were eliminated from the gene pool, the bottom n% of the new distribution would be considered 'ugly'.

>> No.14663209

>Humans have been losing body hair over thousands of years.
you have zero evidence of this. for all you know it settled on a local minimum during the last period of rapid evolutionary change in human history.

>> No.14663210
File: 3.47 MB, 480x464, 4C45DA82-7B27-489F-98D2-9BC5F9060ADA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're a dysgenic degenerate.
trad larpers are pathetic

>> No.14663212

I don't know what corporate-invented boogeymen you're sperging off against, but I'm just here to remind you that your likes and dislikes are programmed by social engineers, which makes you less human than me. :^)

>> No.14663217

go look at pics of mussolini's wife

>> No.14663226

stop projecting your FETISH onto others

>> No.14663450

Because that's not true and it has biological advantages, for example it helps armpits evaporate sweat more efficiently, but also helps conserve heat in colder weather (especially those small tiny hairs which trap air on the skin and basically act like fur even if they're nearly invisible). Hairs are also tied into nerve cells for various types of sensory feedback, etc. and so on.